Asian table tennis championship. Major Asian table tennis tournament to be held in Ulan Bator

The first guests and participants of the international tournament on table tennis Seamaster 2017 ITTF World Tour Grand Finals. It is the largest table tennis event in the world after the Olympic Games and World Championships. Participation in the Grand Final will be TOP-16 strongest athlete in the world ranking among men and women. Prize fund is 1,000,000 US dollars. And, by the way, the organization of such a tournament in Astana will be the first experience of the International Table Tennis Federation in the territory of the CIS countries.

The site site invites you to get acquainted with the participants of the tournament in singles among men.

Let's start with the athlete for whom home stands will be important. Kazakhstan in the "Seamaster 2017 ITTF World Tour r Grand Finals" will be represented by a participant in the 2016 Olympic Games and the leader of the country's national table tennis team Kirill Gerasimenko who takes part in the Grand Final as a representative of the host country. Kirill is included in the TOP-100 of the world rating. The first table tennis athlete in the history of Kazakhstan to win gold medal in the youth category under 21 years old ITTF World Tour (Seamaster 2017 ITTF World Tour Hungarian Open). Of course, it is difficult to compare his achievements with other participants, but Kirill has already proved that he can compete with the leaders of the competition.

Kirill Gerasimenko
It is worth noting especially the members of the Chinese national team, where this sport is hardly national, - Olympic champion 2016 in Rio de Janeiro in the team category, 8-time world champion in various categories Xu Xin, three-time world champion, champion of Asia-2017 Fan Zhendong, winner of the 2017 Asian Table Tennis Cup, 2017 Asian champion in doubles, five-time world champion in table tennis among juniors in various categories Lin Gaoyuan, 2016 world champion as part of the Chinese team Fan Bo.

Among the Japanese athletes, the arrival of the modern "prodigy" of table tennis can be noted. 14 year old Japanese athlete Harimoto Tomokazu started playing tennis at the age of 2, and at the age of 13 he became the world champion among juniors. At the same time, he became the youngest athlete in history to win a medal in the World Tour. Harimoto at 13 became the youngest quarter-finalist of the World Table Tennis Championship in history. In August 2017, at the Czech Open 2017, he became the youngest athlete ever to win a World Tour in singles.

Harimoto Tomokaz at

In addition, his teammates are the winner of the 2006 Junior World Championships. Kenta Matsudaira, winner of the 2010 Youth Olympic Games, winner of the 2010 Junior World Championships in doubles and 2011 in individual events KokiNiva, silver medalist of the 2015 Universiade in the team category Yoshida Masaki, oh holder of two singles and six doubles titles in the ITTF World Series since 2014, winner of the ITTF World Tour Grand Finals in doubles in 2015 Yuya Oshima.

Two representatives of Germany will take part in singles competitions among men - winner of the 2017 World Table Tennis Cup, 4-time Olympic medalist, multiple medalist of the World Championships and World CupsDmitry Ovcharov and multiple champion Europe, two-time winner of the World Cup, 7-time medalist of the World Championships, vice-champion of the 2008 Olympic Games in the team, twice bronze medalist of the Olympic Games in the team category (in 2012 and 2016), 5-time winner of the Europe Top-12 tournament ", Ex-first racket of the world in singles Timo Boll. By the way, exactly Bollcarried flag of Germany at the opening ceremony of the Summer Olympics in Rio de Janeiro.

Timo Boll

The geography of the participants in the Grand Finals was also expanded - winner of the 2013 ITTF World Tour Grand Finals in singles among men under 21, French table tennis player Simon Gauzi, three-time World Cup winner, 6-time European champion in various categories and 4-time winner of Euro-Top12 Vladimir Samsonov from Whiterusii, medalist of the 2015 world championship from Hong Kong Won Chun Ting... Also, as the official website of the International Table Tennis Federation notes, without this participant, this tournament "would be different" - it is Taiwanese player Chuan Chi-Yuan... He won the ITTF Pro Tour Grand Finals 2002, was the 2013 world doubles champion, the 2014 world championship medalist team competition... Six-time prize-winner of the Asian championships, three-time prize-winner Asian Games(2000, 2003, 2007, 2013). The grand final in Astana will be his 18th tournament in a row, more than anyone else among men and women. Since 2000, during his Australian debut, he has never missed a Grand Final.

Chuan Chi-Yuan

The tournament starts on December 14 and ends on December 17. December 14-15, the start of the competition at 10:00, December 16-17 - at 13:00. Full Schedule you can see.
Read the information on the composition of the participants in the singles among women.

Asian Table Tennis Union (ATTU) and Mongolian Table Tennis Association officially announce the date tournament The 24th East Asian Junior & Cadet Table tennis Championship.

ATTU is the governing body for all Asian Table Tennis Associations. The role of ATTU is to oversee the rules and regulations of table tennis and its technological development. ATTU is also responsible for organizing a number of international competitions, the largest of which is the Asian Table Tennis Championship and the Asian Table Tennis Cup.

A total of 44 ATTU member associations are divided into five regional groups.

Mongolian Table Tennis Association is included in the East Asia group, including China Table Tennis Association, Hong Kong Table Tennis Association, Japan Table Tennis Association, Korea Table Tennis Association, Macau Table Tennis Association, Democratic People's Republic of Korea Table Tennis Association and Taipei.

These countries are leaders not only in the region but also in the world in table tennis.

Table tennis (the name ping-pong is also sometimes mistakenly used) is an Olympic sport, sport game with a ball, in which rackets and a game table are used, delimited by a net. The game can be played between two opponents or two pairs of opponents. The players' task is to send the ball to the opponent's side with the help of rackets so that he cannot return it back in accordance with the rules. The main international tournaments- World Championship and Olympic Games.

The history of the game begins at the end of the 19th century, in 1926 it was formed International Federation table tennis, since 1988 table tennis has become Olympic view sports. For 2017, table tennis is among the most popular types sports on the planet and has over 850 million fans.

The draw held on Thursday in Buenos Aires determined the rivals of the Russians in the individual table tennis tournaments at the III Summer Youth Olympic Games... Competitions in this sport are among the first to start.

On group stage Maria Tailakova will meet with athletes from Thailand, Hong Kong and Finland. For Vladimir Sidorenko, the tournament fate also chose the representative of Thailand, but added to him serious opponents from Chinese Taipei and South Korea... To continue the fight in the 1/8 finals, you need to take one of the first two places in the group.

- Taylakova should leave the group, let her rivals from Asia show their teeth, but Sidorenko has a really difficult company, - David Sargsyan commented on the results of the draw for Team Russia, Main coach Russian women's table tennis team, supervising our juniors in Buenos Aires.

The preliminaries kick off in Buenos Aires on October 7th, and the singles medals will be played on October 10th.

“There was no full preparation for the Games, because both of our athletes took part in the adult European Championship, which was held in Spanish Alicante from September 18 to 23,” Sargsyan said. - They performed there in their own power, they did not show anything special. But do not forget that Masha is only 17 years old, and Vladimir is 16.

- Nevertheless, in March, Taylakova won youth championship Europe ( U21) in Minsk, and last year became the bronze medalist of the European Team Championship among adults. True, as far as I know, she was a spare in Luxembourg.

- So after all, the very inclusion in the national team at the age of 16 must be earned! And last spring on team championship peace in Halmstad, Maria already fought with might and main and won the most important match a Swede with a total score of 1: 1. Russia defeated the hostesses of the tournament - 3: 2 and for the first time in the last 14 years was among the top 12, although the group was initially difficult. In addition to China and Singapore, which we lost, there were Sweden, India and Belarus. As a result, they shared 9-12th places, losing in the match for reaching the quarterfinals of the DPRK national team.

- And the representatives of China won both women and men. At the same time, one gets the impression that in table tennis the Chinese are everywhere, including in the European national teams.

- It is estimated that at the 2016 Olympic Games in Rio de Janeiro, athletes of Chinese origin made up 42 percent of table tennis competitors. Some countries, even African ones, in which our sport is not developed at all, easily issue passports to the Chinese.

- So what is the reason for the Chinese domination? Is this colossal hard work or some kind of genetic predisposition?

“I don’t believe in genetics in this case. It's just that table tennis is considered a national treasure in China, and the preparation of players is on stream. There are many high-class coaches there, and literally millions of children play table tennis professionally. You can always choose from a million, say, twenty athletes. Although, of course, hard work has not been canceled. But it's like in American basketball: black youths are well aware that getting into the NBA means getting a very good piece of bread. So in China, with a huge population, the guys strive to break out into the people with the help of table tennis and provide themselves with money, fame and honor.

- Are the Chinese favorites in Buenos Aires?

- They are always favorites. Although besides them there are very strong athletes. After personal competitions will be held team tournament, in which each match will consist of three meetings - two singles and mixed. In it, China is likely to face tough competition from Japan, which has a truly fantastic national team.

Miu Hirano, now 18, won the Senior World Cup two years ago ( however, the representatives of the PRC did not participate in it- Approx. Team Russia). And last year she won the Asian Championship and became the bronze medalist of the World Championship in singles. She is paired with a boy named Tomokazu Harimoto. At the end of June he was only 15 years old, and as of August he held the 6th position in the world ranking! This year, he beat the entire adult Chinese national team ( it is curious that this player is of Chinese origin, his mother played for the national team, and his father for the junior national team of the PRC; in 1998, they left for Japan to work as coaches, received citizenship there and the surname Harimoto- Approx. Team Russia).

Hong Kong and Singapore are now weaker, but both Koreas are strong in the team event. In addition, at the Youth Olympic Games there is such an option - international teams. From one country only a young man won a license, from another only a girl made it, and together they form a mixed team. So they connect Austria with Poland, Chile with Puerto Rico. Meanwhile, the Swede plus the Serb, who individually claim medals, is a serious force.

- Before leaving, you must have been assigned some task, right?

- How without it? You need to win a medal. We, of course, will strive for this, but objectively I think that if we get into the eights, it will already be very good.

All news, interviews and competitions in live look at ours dedicated to the Youth Olympic Games!

We cheer for the Russian national team together!

The results of the 30th Asian Table Tennis Cup in India (Ahmedabad, September 15-17, 2017) are now awaiting players from five continents out of six. And not because their Cups have already been held here, and now everyone is interested.

Everything is more prosaic.

Similar competitions on the continents give tickets to the autumn personal Table Tennis World Cups. Belgium hosts men (Liege, October 20-22) and Canada hosts women (Markham, October 27-29).

However, preliminary lists cannot be published.

Since it is necessary to wait for September and even then the athletes will begin to think about which of the favorites of Asia they will face at the 2017 Table Tennis World Cup.

There is, of course, another reason to follow the developments in India.

In the men's nomination there are two names # 2 Fan Zhendong, # 3 Xu Xin from China - these athletes, together with fellow countryman # 1 Ma Long, refused to go to the site of the local ITTF world tour (Platinum Series).

As if as a sign of support and solidarity with Liu Guoliang (Jan 10, 1976), who was first promoted from the position of the head coach of the Chinese men's national team to the position of a certain general manager, and then completely made one of the numerous vice-chairmen of CTTA.

Convenient spot for downsizing.

Say, we didn’t fire anyone. Only slightly optimized costs. "" has not yet received its denouement. And the local audience now pays attention to any tournament where "refuseniks" could be seen.

In particular, at the 13th National Games of China (Tianjin, August 27 - September 8, 2017), the performances of No. 1 Ma Long No. 2 Fan Zhendong and No. 3 Xu Xin are expected - local reporters refer to the official statement of the Chinese Table Tennis Association dated August 2, 2017. And I really managed to find and double-check the document.

MEN (16)

1. XU Xin, China-1 (# 3), champion

2. FAN Zhendong, China-2 (# 2), champion

3. MIZUTANI Jun, Japan-1 (No. 6), according to the world rating

4. WONG Chun Ting, Hong Kong-1 (No. 8), according to the world ranking

5. NIWA Koki, Japan-2 (No. 9), according to the world ranking

6. LEE Sangsu, South Korea-1 (# 12), according to the world ranking

7. CHUANG Chih Yuan, Taipei 1 (# 13), by world ranking

9. ACHANTA Sharath Kamal, India-1 (# 46), according to the world rating

10. CHEN Chien-An, Taipei 2 (# 51), World Ranking

11. GAO Ning, Singapore-1 (# 46), according to the world ranking

12. HO Kwan Kit, Hong Kong-2 (# 58), according to the world rating

13. DESAI Harmeet, India-2 (no. 78), choice of South Asia

14. TANVIRIYAVECHAKUL Padasak, Thailand-1 (# 194), southeast Asia's choice

15. AL-ABBAD Abdulaziz, Saudi Arabia-1 (# 198), choice of western Asia

16. ALAMIYAN Noshad, Iran-1, (No. 70), choice of Central Asia

Reserve players

1. PAK Sin Hyok, North Korea-1, (No. 83), according to the world ranking

2. RO Kwang Jin, North Korea-2, (# 106), according to the world ranking

No more than 2 players per association

WOMEN (16)

1. Liu Shiwen, China-1 (No. 4), champion

4. FENG Tianwei, Singapore-1 (No. 6), according to the world ranking

5. ISHKAWA Kasumi, Japan-2 (No. 7), according to the world rating

6. CHENG I-Ching, Taipei-1 (# 8), World Ranking

7. KIM Song I, North Korea-1 (No. 25), according to the world ranking

8. YANG Haeun, South Korea-1 (# 20), according to the world ranking

9. SUH Hyowon (formerly SEO Hyowon), South Korea-2 (# 29), according to world rankings

10. DOO Hoi Kem, Hong Kong-1 (# 31), by world ranking

11. YU Mengyu, Singapore-2 (# 33), according to world rankings

12. CHEN Szu-Yu, Taipei 2 (# 40), by world ranking

13. BATRA Manika, India-1 (# 104), selection of South Asia

14. SAWETTABUT Suthasini, Thailand-1 (# 59), Southeast Asia choice

15. MOHAMED Aia, Qatar-1 (no. 623), selection of western Asia

16. SHAHSAVARI Neda, Iran-1, (# 284), choice of Central Asia

Reserve players

1.LEE Ho Ching, Hong Kong-2 (36), World Ranking

2. CHOE Hyon Hwa (1992), North Korea-2, (no. 70), according to world rankings

For the first time in many years, the World Cup was won by a European!

We are accustomed to the unconditional victories of the best Chinese tennis players, and in this regard, the result seems unexpected. Table tennis world cup held in 2017 in Belgium. Here in the period 20-22 October gathered the best tennis players continents, 20 tennis players in total, selected an international organization ITTF.

Europeans have won World Cups before. The victories of Vladimir Samsonov (1999, 2001 and 2009), Tim Bol (2002, 2005) and others are memorable. In just 37 years, Europeans have won the Cup 14 times, athletes from Asia 23 times. That is, these figures indicate that the World Cup is a rather unpredictable competition, and if someone wants to place bets on this event at bookmakers, they can be very wrong. This is probably what happened in 2017 ... 🙂

  • All results of the World Cup on the website of KNTU "Fortuna"

The selection of participants in the World Cup is carried out according to a vague scheme, and not only best players the world by rating, but tennis players from the second and even from the third hundred. It is allowed to participate in competitions for prize-winners of continents (for example, Africa, Australia, Pan-American Cup), but they, we know, do not yet reach the level of Europe and Asia. Also, the ticket, or, in other words, the "wild card", is received by the players at the choice of the ITTF. In addition, one representative of the host country is eligible (this year - Belgian Cedric Nuytinck, 72nd in the ranking).

Whatever the tricks of the organizers, we see that there were very few Chinese at this Cup (only two!). The famous Chinese tennis players did not participate: FAN Zhendong (2nd world racket), XU Xin (3rd world racket), ZHANG Jike (6th world racket). Under these conditions, the Chinese struggled, no doubt, harder. A single defeat threw the challenger out of the fight for the gold medal. So, in principle, it turned out, although, of course, one should not belittle the merits of Dmitry Ovcharov and Tim Boll, who defeated the formidable Asian athletes in personal meetings.

2017 World Cup winners

World Cup history

Year of the Town Host country Player surname Winner country
2017 Liège Belgium Ovtcharov Dimitrij Germany
2016 Saarbrücken Germany Fan Zhendong China
2015 Halmstad Sweden Ma long China
Dusseldorf Germany Zhang jike China
2013 Verviers Belgium Xu Xin China
2012 Liverpool England Ma long China
2011 Paris France Zhang jike China
2010 Magdeburg Germany Wang hao China
2009 Moscow Russia Vladimir Samsonov Belarus
2008 Liège France Wang hao China
2007 Barcelona Spain Wang hao China
2006 Paris France Ma Lin China
2005 Liège France Timo Boll Germany
2004 Hangzhou China Ma Lin China
2003 Jiangyin China Ma Lin China
2002 Jinan China Timo Boll Germany
2001 Courmayeur Italy Vladimir Samsonov Belarus
2000 Yangzhou China Ma Lin China
1999 Xiaolan China Vladimir Samsonov Belarus
1998 Shantou China Jorg Rosskopf Germany
1997 Him France Zoran primorac Croatia
1996 Him France Liu Guoliang China
1995 Him France Kong linghui China
1994 Taipei Taipei Jean-philippe gatien France
1993 Guangzhou China Zoran primorac Croatia
1992 Ho Chi Minh City Vietnam Ma wenge China
1991 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Jorgen Persson Sweden
1990 Chiba Japan Jan-Ove Waldner Sweden
1989 Nairobi Kenya Ma wenge China
1988 Guangzhou China Andrzej Grubba Poland
1987 Macau Teng Yi China
1986 Port of Spain Trinidad and Tobago Chen longcan China
1985 Foshan China Chen Xinhua China
1984 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Jiang Jialiang China
1983 Barbados Barbados Mikael Appelgren Sweden
1982 Hong Kong Hong Kong Guo Yuehua China
1981 Kuala Lumpur Malaysia Tibor klampar Hungary
1980 Hong Kong Hong Kong Guo Yuehua China
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