Andrey gennadievich fighters varraks - satanism is a true reality. Andrey gennadievich bortsov varrax - satanism - the true reality Andrey bortsov

Satanism is a true reality

From: [email protected](Warrax)

Will you pull? :-)

You would immediately demand the entire site, why trifle :-)

I’ll break it down for two days…

Satanism - a true reality When the word "Satanist" many immediately imagine a gloomy person who sets fire to churches and excavates graves in his spare time from sacrifices. Rare free minutes are devoted to sexual orgies. Yes, I almost forgot: only virgins and babies, stolen from inconsolable parents, are sacrificed.

A terrible picture ... But how true is it?

To begin with, let's pay attention to who usually describes Satanists in this way (except for journalists from tabloid newspapers, who do not care what to write about, just to tickle their nerves). And everything is very simple - such an opinion has developed under the influence of the Christian church, the most totalitarian sect in all of history.

Christian priests have always sought monopoly power over their parishioners and have not tolerated competition. But among the impersonal human herd there have always been individuals with a higher intellect and critical thinking. They were persecuted, forced to renounce their beliefs, burned at the stake as heretics. They didn't always call themselves Satanists - but they were, centuries before the founding of the Church of Satan.

However, already in the distant Middle Ages, there were psychopaths, local variants of Jack the Ripper. Many acted on a grand scale - such as the well-known Countess Bathory, who took baths from the blood of young girls in order to gain immortality. I don't know if they called themselves Satanists or if there was no such word yet. But in connection with Satan they were undoubtedly accused. But they were NOT Satanists. They were just devil worshipers with an unstable psyche. Many of them really worshiped the Prince of Darkness, but in an anthropomorphic form (according to Christian ideas), most were simply sadists, however, one does not interfere with the other.

What is the difference between Satanists and devil worshipers - it's one and the same, you ask, which will show the effectiveness of Christian propaganda, seeking to attribute all crimes in bulk to the intrigues of the Devil, modestly silent about those atrocities that were committed in the name of the "merciful" Christ.

The difference is very simple: devil worshipers are, in fact, Christians. They believe in an anthropomorphic Satan who actually exists, from their point of view. They are really dangerous lunatics who can commit any crime in the name of their illusions. However, this is the property of all fanatics, Christians, Jews, Muslims or non-religious terrorists in general. All of them are obsessed with some idea, they completely lack critical thinking and they are ready for anything, both in relation to others and to themselves.

Paradoxical as it may seem, true Satanists DO NOT BELIEVE in Satan. More precisely, they do not believe in the devil, the devil, or any other character in biblical tales. There is no character with horns, hooves, a tail, smelling of sulfur and carrying a thick briefcase full of contracts for the purchase of souls signed in blood. Leave such delusional notions to Christians.

Satan is an archetype, a symbol of a real, full life - the personification of everything human in a person - authoritativeness, pride, wisdom, sensuality, selfishness, love and hatred, enjoyment of life - in contrast to the ascetic emasculated image of Christ, but in no case is NOT a PERSON .

Satan is not real in himself - but what he personifies is very real, incarnated in every Satanist. So what is Satanism, if we discard the slander of the churchmen? It is, in my opinion, more of a philosophy than a religion, first officially founded in 1966 by Anton Szandor LaVey, who wrote his classic work, The Satanic Bible, and organized the Church of Satan itself (Church of Satan).

Here is a quote from an article by Magister Peter H. Gilmore:

"Let us insist on seeing modern Satanism for what it really is: a hardline religion of elitism and social Darwinism that seeks to restore the dominance of the capable over idiots, swift justice for fairness, and a universal departure from the principle of mercy as a myth that has caused harming the development of the human species over the past two thousand years. Is this something to be afraid of? If you are one of the most human mediocrities just existing as media-consuming drones, you bet you need to be afraid!"

In Satanism, there are no such clear, well-established concepts that drive a person into a rigid framework, as in "generally accepted" religions, therefore it is impossible to briefly describe the essence of this philosophy in a short article. Very briefly and exaggeratedly: Satanists do not believe in " higher power"In no way, the only God, that is, the one who determines his actions, for the Satanist is himself, no one "from above" influences his actions and he does not blame anyone for them. The Satanist despises the crowd of gray ordinary people, mediocre people who can only stupidly absorb the chewing gum regularly supplied to them by the media. The Satanist does not have a herd feeling, the desire to fit into the crowd and not stand out from it. The Satanist always strives for intellectual self-improvement, values ​​individuality above all else. The Satanist believes that the only meritocracy is an acceptable social system.The Satanist rejects Christian moral principles, the anti-Christian orientation is very clearly expressed in Satanism.The Satanist is alien to unreasonable "merit" - he believes that human actions should be rewarded or punished in strict accordance with them.

Most general principle: "Live according to your desires, do what you want - as long as it does not interfere with others"

You say that this is just reasonable selfishness? And you will be right. But it is precisely reasonable - Satanist does not strive for momentary profit, not caring what it may lead to in the future. This is what should ensure normal relations in the Satanic society, in contrast to the modern society, saturated with Christian lies and slobbering mercy, in which the killer can be given a minimum term, since he had a "difficult childhood." Since the Satanist does not believe in Heaven or Hell, life is the main value for him.

There are 9 Commandments of Satanism:

Satan grants tolerance instead of abstinence. Satan provides a full existence instead of spiritual dreams.

Andrey Gennadievich Bortsov(July 5, 1969, Uryupinsk, Volgograd region), on the Internet is better known under the pseudonym Warrax, pronounced "warrex", transliterated "Warrax") - Russian publicist, theorist and popularizer of Satanism. Unfinished higher education (Chemistry Faculty of Moscow State University, 4 courses). The name Warrax is taken from the computer game Master of Magic, where one of the heroes that can play on the side of the player or the computer bears this name.

Gained fame in 1997-98 for his website [ ] , where he was one of the first to post an electronic copy of Anton Szandor LaVey's The Satanic Bible in Russian, and subsequently, thanks to his articles, in a sharp and sarcastic manner, criticizing generally accepted values, principles, morality, as well as communities and individuals to which Bortsov experienced antipathy (Christians in general and Orthodox in particular, pseudo-Satanists and devil worshipers (Together with other authors, Varraks thoroughly examined various phenomena of inadequate perception of Satanism in the publication of KCTS ("only Sotonists are cooler than Sotons") and KCTS-2), supporters of the Holocaust theory, national and sexual minorities, activists who advocate radical liberalism and tolerance, etc.). As a rule, both supporters and opponents of Bortsov recognize his merit in the formalization and determination of Satanism. The criterion of an individual belonging to Satanism proposed by Varrax is very popular: a Satanist must correspond to the archetype of Satan (This archetype was studied in detail by Bortsov in his work Princeps Omnimum) and have an involtation to his egregor.

Popularization of Satanism and its criticism

Andrei Bortsov is considered one of the most famous popularizers of the ideas of Satanism in the Russian-speaking segment of the Internet. , however, his theoretical views, especially formulated in the work "Princeps Omnium" (co-authored with "Olegern"), are not generally accepted among Satanists and cause many objections, they are often considered as a separate philosophical system"Varraxism".

at Satan. However, according to critics of Bortsov's views, the explanation of the basic concepts of this definition (archetype, involtation, egregor) is very ambiguous; besides, conformity to the archetype is a rather strong limitation, which, according to some, is unacceptable in Satanism. Also, opponents of Bortsov's views argue that he includes in the archetype of Satan only those features that are sympathetic to himself, ignoring the many negative aspects that are also integral parts of the archetype.

Claims were also formulated against Bortsov on the basis of his statements, according to which Satan is more ancient than all religions. At the same time, critics pay attention to the fact that both the archetype and the egregor of Satan arose thanks to the human conscious and unconscious. Bortsov does not consider believers to be people, dismissively calling them "human-sheep" (alluding to the similarity of the word "man" with the word "sheep"). Andrey Gennadievich also denies that individuals who consider Satanism solely as worship of the Devil as a person (devil worshipers) belong to Satanists, while at the same time allowing personal perception of Satan. In Bortsov's journalism, the role of purely atheistic statements is significant.

V Lately in the works of Andrei Bortsov, an active interest in issues of nationalism is shown. This caused numerous accusations of his inconsistent views. The author himself answers that the evolutionary development of his own worldview is a completely normal and natural process. Also, the subject of criticism is often his publicly proclaimed willingness to cooperate with Christians, which he explains mainly for political reasons.

The criticism of Varraks (usually with co-authors) of various articles and theories of other Satanists causes an ambiguous attitude among Satanists, the most illustrative example of which is his work KSTS ("Only Sotonists are cooler than Sotons"). Often he is accused of excessive bias, although many recognize the epistemological need to expose logocentrism in the theory of Satanism.


Andrei Bortsov - supports and promotes a number of National Socialist ideas, sympathizes with the NSO, but denies his belonging to the National Socialists, citing the phrase "I am for the development of science, but I am not a scientist" as an explanation. He was the author of the four theses "S. E. N. I. "Synergetics", "Evolution", "Negentropy", "Empire" "[] indicating the most correct direction of the movement of society from the point of view of Bortsov. Andrei actively supports imperial ideas, believing that we need a United and Indivisible Ros (Russia) source? . Satanists have different attitudes towards his political statements: some approve, others reject his ideas.

Projects and publications by Andrey Bortsov

* [ Black Fire Pandemonium] - Bortsov's website, dedicated primarily to Satanism and nationalism
* [ The Warrax section on the Scientific Atheism website ]
* [ "Inscriptions on the fence"] - Andrey Bortsov's personal blog
* [ Warrax's article on his attitude towards nationalism ]
* [ Princeps Omnium] - the work of Warrax and Olegern, which is a description of the formation of the image of Satan in various cultures and an attempt to study the "archetype of Satan" in the framework of an alternative perception of the Jungian concept of archetypes.
* [ HOMOGENESIS] - the work of Warrax and Olegern, which addresses the questions: what is a person, how did he develop in this capacity, what did it lead to and what does the approximation of this development look like. Also, as an addition, issues of state and social structure are considered.
* [ Rats] - Warrax's page dedicated to breeding rats.
* [ Performance on NTV] - Warrax's speech on the NTV channel, dedicated to Satanism and Satanists.

Criticism of Andrey Bortsov

* [ Open letter dated 02 dec XXXIX A.S.] - Schakal on Warrax and Internet Satanists
* [ About nonhumans and satanists] - an article by Yu. Nesterenko about Satanists in general and varraksists in particular
* [ Satanism? Thanks, no!] - criticism of Warrax in an echo conference.
* [ Criticism of Varrax on the Progressor ]
* [ "Warrax fall"] - known correspondence with Warrax
* [ KveldreiseR: "National-Satanism, or Only Natseya is Better than Natseanalists!" ]
* [ Mikhail Ramendik: "Why I'm not a nationalist-like Varrax" ]
* [ Dazarath: "Warraxism - Blavatsky in Satanism" ]
* [ Natasha Kholmogorova: “Satanism. Wild love story." ]


* - satire on Warrax
* [ "Evil Empire"] - a satirical LiveJournal community that makes fun of Warrax's "Imperial" ideas
* [ Warrax cartoons ]
* [ Collection of quotes from Varrax ]
* [ Parody of Warrax "and in LiveJournal ]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Warrax" is in other dictionaries:

    Satanism is a new religious movement and worldview in which the image of Satan is interpreted as a positive symbol of power and freedom. At the moment, there are several varieties of Satanism, the most common in the 21st century is ... ... Wikipedia

    Satanism is a new religious movement and worldview in which the image of Satan is interpreted as a positive symbol of power and freedom. At the moment, there are several varieties of Satanism, the most common in the 21st century is ... ... Wikipedia

    Satanism is a new religious movement and worldview in which the image of Satan is interpreted as a positive symbol of power and freedom. At the moment, there are several varieties of Satanism, the most common in the 21st century is ... ... Wikipedia

    ATHEISM- [from Greek. ἄθεος rejecting the gods, devoid of Divinity, atheist], denial of God, godlessness; from Orthodox theological t. sp. unbelief in God Jesus Christ and denial of His existence; the absolutization of the created forces of the world associated with this negation ... ... Orthodox Encyclopedia

    This term has other meanings, see Satan (meanings) and Devil (meanings) Satan from Paradise Lost Satan (Hebrew שָׂטָן‎ adversary, accuser) Islam ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Satan (meanings) and Devil (meanings) Satan from Paradise Lost Satan (Hebrew שָׂטָן‎ adversary, accuser) Islam ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Satan (meanings) and Devil (meanings) Satan from Paradise Lost Satan (Hebrew שָׂטָן‎ adversary, accuser) Islam ... ... Wikipedia

    This term has other meanings, see Satan (meanings) and Devil (meanings) Satan from Paradise Lost Satan (Hebrew שָׂטָן‎ adversary, accuser) Islam ... ... Wikipedia

There are some other characteristic differences from other religions.

The Church of Satan is the only one who fundamentally refuses the preferential taxation due to registered religious organizations in America. At the same time, there is only a one-time entry fee of one hundred dollars, and there are no further mandatory fees, similar to the usual tithe in many sects.

Satanists do not agitate and do not drag anyone to their place - everyone must come there on their own. This is understandable, according to its principles, Satanism is an elitist religion that simply cannot be universal. In conclusion, it must be warned that there are many scammers who create pseudo-Satanic sects for the purpose of gain and possession of personal power. Yes, every Satanist has the right to choose any aspect of the many-sided face of Satan, but if:

You are promised magical power or they claim that it is in this particular sect that there is a "direct connection" with Satan; The sect practices any form of sacrifice or obligatory rites; Donations are constantly requested from you; Members of the sect must agitate people to join the organization; There is a system of "levels of initiation" and internal jargon, unconditioned and meaningless; Sexual orgies or drug use are practiced; You are required to renounce your former way of life, then be sure - they just want to use you for their own purposes.


Satanism is the reality of the untrue (with my comments)

With his article "The 9th wave of Satanism" (which would be more correct to call the 9th wave of devil-worshippers), our modest almanac unexpectedly offended… Satanists. It turns out that Satanists are not at all what we took them for. They are, in general, cool guys, according to Mr. Warrax "y, who have fulfilled the old dream of mankind - to live as you want and at the same time not interfere with others ...

OK - just start with irony. This immediately creates the impression that “we, Christians, ourselves know that only we are the most correct, and there is nothing to take the rest seriously ...” By the way, no one was offended, no need to decide for others what they should feel. I was personally quite surprised that the new online almanac in the very first issue publishes false material, confusing devil worshipers and Satanists out of ignorance. To the credit of the publisher, he apologized in a personal mail, saying that it was necessary to add after the article that this is the exclusive opinion of the author.

And who else? In Christianity, for example, there is also such a question - who should be considered a neighbor.

Yes? That is, there are those whom a Christian can not love and still follow the precepts of your god? Even if they offer to love enemies ...

So which "others" are not interfered with by Satanists? Exclusively such as they themselves - Satanists. If you are "mediocre drones", tremble! "Social Darwinism" in the face of Satanism will show you "quick justice for justice", which in Russian translation means "kuzkina's mother".

Well, this is your Russian oral.

The worst sin of a Satanist is stupidity. Okay. Mr. Warrax has not heard of any other religion that considers stupidity a sin...

Buddhism, for example, believes that all the troubles in the world are due to ignorance. In this I partly agree with him (Buddhism). Ignorance has many faces: there is stubborn ignorance, cowardly ignorance, malicious ignorance. There is ignorance which says that ignorance does not exist at all. Such ignorance, instead of diving deep and getting pearls, prefers to joyfully rummage along the surface, collecting all kinds of garbage, and joyfully asserting that there is nothing but shit in this river. It's a pity.

Ignorance is ignorance, which is gradually overcome by self-education. And stupidity is the inability to critical thinking, learning and so on, it is contentment with ignorance. For example, I am absolutely ignorant, say, in microbiology. Or in ballet. But that doesn't mean I'm stupid, does it? A stupid person is ignorant in all areas and does not want to get out of this swamp of ignorance, in such terms.

And "ignorance, which says that ignorance does not exist at all" - this is just about Christianity. It is just that it considers itself the only correct worldview, and as evidence it cites absolutely illogical arguments.

The author's ideas about Christianity and Christ are the most banal. All byaki and cowardly stranglers of freedom. (Yes, we don’t want to talk seriously. Maybe we’ll talk some more? “Byaki” is already a sandbox lexicon) But if a Satanist is really free, why can’t he pardon the offender instead of calling him in the eye? What if a Satanist wants to do just that? (So ​​- if you want, you can. Why is it "impossible" ?! You confuse the Christian commandments, which they are obliged to follow, and the Satanic rules of conduct, which are recommendations. Satan provides revenge instead of turning the other cheek, that is, gives the right to do so By the way, what, for the author of this article - "to call in the eye" - is the only option to take revenge? Stupid and ignorant :-)))) And he thereby violates the Satanic commandment? What is this, freedom? In my opinion, this is the same lack of freedom in which all religions are accused by Satanists, only topsy-turvy. Not in vain, apparently, they say that the devil is a monkey of God. (Christians won't say that...)

And if you, Mr. Warrax, are so free, why did you put on so many thorns of the Satanic commandments, why do you promote Satanism? (I propagandize?! To write an article to explain the grossest mistake with the consent of the publisher - this is to propagandize?!) Just promote freedom! Where is your real name? (Is this about the nickname Warrax? I heard such a collision last time only in FIDO. I had this nickname before I knew anything about Satanism, and it is common practice on the Internet to use a nickname. It is strange that the person who writes articles in the online almanac does not know about this. Another violation of netiquette is the lack of email address the author of the article, which you just did not put down. I have a number of friends with whom we address by nickname even when we meet live, since we meet much more often on the Internet.) Why do you need an organization? (And what do you know about the Church Of Lucifer organization? This is not a bunch of extortionists and hunters of non-existent souls, like Christian churches. I don’t want to write here what you don’t want to read - follow the link from my site and read it yourself.) No, sorry, a free person is free always and everywhere, he does not need any screens, including Satanic ones. (Very interesting! Where did you see the Satanic screen?!) He is free to do good, and you are not. (?!) He is free to say: I don't know, explain, but you don't. (?!) He is, after all, free to be a fool if he needs to be, and not pay attention to the wise men bursting with complacency.

I didn't understand the last three sentences at all. Why can't a Satanist do good in every sense of the word? He is not obliged to do it, but no one has the right to forbid it if he wants to! How can the striving for one's own development fit in with the prohibition of asking for explanations? And nobody forbids him to fool around either, but fooling around and being a fool are completely different things ...

But since the author in his article endlessly contradicts himself and common sense(for example, saying at the beginning that Satanism is not a religion, but a philosophy, and at the end - that it is a religion, and even an elitist one; and Satan does not have a personality, but he provides a lot of things; finally, "Rege Satan" - why not "Hare Krishna"...), this, in fact, gives out age and leaves the hope that everything will pass with age, and instead of indiscriminately vilifying pot-bellied priests and obsessed fanatics, he may take the Gospel or the Dhammapada or the Tao-te-ching himself read and ask...

Well, this is too much! It would be nice to refer to the original source, which is still unknown where to look, but to distort the document from the same site in this way ... I wrote "in my opinion, Satanism is more of a philosophy than a religion" - but this is 1.IMHO, 2.If this phrase can be understand somehow differently than the fact that Satanism is both a philosophy and a religion, but, from my point of view, the first is more, then some have obvious disagreements with adequate perception. No one has heard the concept of metaphor either, so, according to some, "provide" - this means that an official should sit in the flesh and allow him to issue certificates. Why is the slogan "REGE SATAN" at the end of the article worse than the word "amen"? This has never been equated with "Hare Krishna"? And it gives out age - this is already interesting. The habit of any tabloid journalist is to write without trying to verify the information. You could look up the ICQ number on my website, look up info and read that I am, in fact, 28 years old, which is not a secret and is absolutely easy to find. So by what age do I "should" pass?! For your information - I studied at the Faculty of Chemistry of Moscow State University, otherwise someone will try to speak out about the lack of education.
