Making a winter tent for fishing with your own hands. Homemade winter tent "fan"

A comfortable and spacious tent is one of the most important attributes for winter fishing... You simply cannot do without it. Often, while waiting for a bite, fishermen have to spend hours in severe frost and wind. It is good if there is a tent nearby, in which you can periodically warm up. But what about those who cannot acquire it? After all, this pleasure is not cheap. Today we will tell you how to do this. This process does not require special skills and knowledge.

Types of winter fishing tents

First, you must decide on a suitable design. Let's list the main types of tents:

  • Umbrella. For the manufacture of the frame, duralumin rods or tubes are used. The finished structure is stiff and highly durable. Any synthetic fabric is suitable as an awning. They are often used in combination with tarps.
  • Automatic tent. This option is not as common as the previous one. Distinctive feature the structure consists in the fact that the tent is sewn to an elastic frame, and then folded into a circle.
  • Wireframe on arcs. This model consists of 2-3 arcs made of fiberglass or duralumin. The structure quickly unfolds in place. An awning is pulled over it.

What shape can a winter fishing tent have? Cube, triangle, trapezoid and so on. The choice is yours.

What are the requirements for a homemade winter fishing tent?

Everything in order. Main function tents - to protect a person from adverse weather conditions (wet snow, strong wind). It also increases the comfort of fishing. While under the awning, you can prepare food and tea, as well as warm yourself using special heating devices. Of course, there are all kinds of winter fishing tents on sale. The photos attached to this article prove to us that homemade designs are no worse than store designs.

So, to the point. What to look for Special attention when sewing such an important attribute? for fishing, done by hand, must meet the following requirements:

1. Have a lightweight, compact and mobile design. This is understandable. Some fishermen would rather be freezing for a few hours than carrying an extra load.

2. Unfolding quickly and easy to install.

3. It is desirable that winter tent for do-it-yourself fishing was made of thick tarpaulin or waterproof fabric.

4. A truly durable frame is made of aluminum and composite materials... But it is not recommended to use plastic.

5. The inside of the tent must be kept warm. It would be nice to achieve this without heating appliances (portable, gas, and others). But this is utopia ...

What materials and tools do you need?

A DIY winter tent for fishing is a great solution that will save you a lot of money. We propose to assemble a fairly simple structure. It is about a tent based on a standard box, which can be purchased at a fishing store. We also need:

  • one pair of children's (very small) and school skis (up to 160 cm long);
  • several duralumin tubes (you can remove them from ski poles);
  • old clamshell;
  • (will be used as an awning).

DIY winter tent for fishing: instructions

Everything necessary materials and the tools are prepared. Now you can move on to the practical part:

1. We take duralumin. Of these, we will make vertical tubes of the frame. As for the horizontal tubes, they should be slightly thinner. The upper joints of the ribs of the future tent are made in the form of tees, which end in cylinders (length 5 cm). It is very important that the diameter of the cylinders is the same as that of the pipes to be connected.

2. We proceed to fixing the lower ends of the vertical tubes to the skis. A shaped lock plays the main role here. At the lower end of the tube, we find a T-shaped tongue, and then carefully insert it into a metal plate attached to the ski. It remains to turn the tube 90 degrees.

3. To connect the frame of the tent with the box, we use 2 duralumin tubes bent at the ends from the old folding bed. The end of the docking piece must be secured to the end of the folded tube. At its other end, we install a latch, which, during docking, with its tongue, will fall exactly into the hole on the second bent tube.

4. The box will be connected to the tubes mentioned above using the round eyes on the ski racks. They can be made from copper or steel strip and then attached to the uprights.

5. Now you need to pull the awning. Place metal plates with slots on the lower edge of the material. It is through these slots that the U-shaped staples driven into the side ends of the skis will pass. We fix the connections with the shoe laces. To keep the tent well on the ice, you need to equip it with anchors (2 pieces). Each such anchor is with two blades at the ends.

Assembling the tent on site

Making a winter tent is only half the battle. It is necessary to assemble and install it correctly. The algorithm of actions is as follows:

1. We connect the halves of the bent tubes with skis. The tabs should fit into the slots of the plates. The tubes are positioned along the ski axis and then rotated 90 degrees.

2. We pass the ends of each pair of tubes through the lugs on the ski racks.

3. We connect all 4 skis. The bent pipe lock tab should snap into place.

4. We proceed with the installation of the box.

5. We carry out installation of 4 vertical racks at the ends of the skis.

6. Now you need to install tees on the ends of the pipes, and then connect them to the roof pipes.

7. Align the holes of the tubes and tees. Installation wires will pass through them.

8. Pull the awning onto the frame. We pass carbines and plates through the staples and tongues on the skis. We fix the connections with laces.

9. At the end of the process, attach the anchors and install them in the previously prepared holes.


Now you know, with your own hands, what materials and tools are required for this. By following the guidelines and instructions described above, you will be able to create a stable and reliable structure.

Winter fishing is a lot of positive emotions that can be diluted with some of the negative emotions associated with weather conditions. It is not difficult to imagine what kind of discomfort the angler feels in the presence of frost, and even wind, which intensifies the feeling of cold. The wind may not be big, but it can bring a lot of problems. If you have a winter tent for fishing, then some of the problems can be reduced to zero.

The presence of a tent allows you to increase the total time spent by the angler on the reservoir in winter. Moreover, you can easily raise the temperature in the tent to the plus mark, which will allow the fisherman to feel very comfortable.

Types of tents for winter fishing

Depending on the design features, winter tents are subdivided into specific models.

These are the simplest designs that are easy to assemble and install. To make the frame of such a tent, you should use strong but lightweight materials. As an awning for covering, synthetic fabrics or their combinations with a tarpaulin are more suitable.

The design is designed in such a way that the frame acts as a spring, which assumes the desired shape when it is released from the package. They are quite popular due to their simplicity of design and lightness. Despite this, these tents have a number of disadvantages. Firstly, they are unstable against strong winds, and secondly, it is not so easy to fold it. Therefore, going fishing, you will have to practice before that. It unfolds itself, but without skills, it will be very difficult to fold it and if you overdo it, you can break it.

This tent consists of several folding arches and an awning that covers this frame. We can safely say that this is the same simple option, but it takes a long time to assemble and disassemble. In addition, it is not particularly durable. Therefore, anglers rarely acquire such a design.

A winter fishing tent should protect the angler from wind, frost and precipitation. Not only that, there should be enough resting space in the tent so that you can cook lunch or just drink tea to get extra warmth.

In specialized retail outlets, you can buy any tent, especially since the assortment is very large. Whatever it was, but some of the anglers make them on their own, taking into account all the requirements. In addition, who, if not fishermen, know what kind of tent is required. Moreover, not all factory-made models meet the requirements of winter fishing enthusiasts.

A homemade tent should be:

  • quite lightweight and compact;
  • mobile so that you can easily move;
  • Covered in dense but breathable fabric;
  • easy to install and dismantle;
  • durable and strong, and also keep warm for a long time.

To work, you will have to stock up on such tools.

Most tents made by anglers themselves will fit in fishing box... By the way, you can also make the box yourself, which is what many fishermen do, although you can buy it. In addition to the box, you will need the following accessories:

  • two pairs of skis, one for children, one for school;
  • tube. In this case, it can be ski poles;
  • unnecessary clamshell;
  • thick fabric, such as tarpaulin.

At first glance, how can a tent be built from such a set of elements? But, nevertheless, such a construction proved that it has the right to life. The end product fits in a fishing box, which is very easy to transport over ice. The structure is quick and easy to assemble and just as easy to move on ice in working order.

The only negative is that there is little space in it. But if you approach the problem constructively, then there is an opportunity to solve it and increase the volume of the tent. Paradoxically, it protects from the cold, and this is the main thing.

Judging from the drawings, the tent is mounted on skis, which makes it easier to set up on ice. Regular tents require special anchorages. In addition, skis allow you to move the entire structure around the reservoir countless times. As a rule, winter fishing is not limited to one pierced hole - there can be ten, or even more, and each hole has to be fished.

The only thing is that it is problematic to use it in the presence of a strong wind, since it is installed on skis, the wind will be able to move it around the reservoir on its own. In this case, you can trick and use the force of the wind to move it. The main thing is to properly drill the holes.

Despite the fact that this design was born a long time ago, many anglers have tried it in the harsh winter conditions.

How to make a tent with your own hands

  • The ski poles act as a frame and are installed vertically. Horizontal tubes should be thinner. At the corners, the frame is connected using tees, the diameter of which must match the diameter of both vertical and horizontal pipes.
  • The next step is to attach the vertical tubes to the skis. A metal plate is attached to the ski, into which a tongue in the letter T is inserted, attached to the lower end of the tube. To secure the stick, it is enough to turn it at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Two sticks are prepared from the old clamshell, which will connect the frame to the box. A bent tube is taken, at the end of which there is a docking station. At the other end of the tube there is a latch, which serves as a fastening element for the docking station.
  • A copper strip is used to make a spring that connects the box to the tubes.
  • In conclusion, it remains to pull the awning. At the bottom of the awning, metal strips with holes are attached. Clamps attached to the ends of the skis are pulled into these holes. The awning is connected with staples using ropes. For stable behavior of the tent on ice, it is equipped with two anchors.

How to make fasteners

If the tent is not fixed on the ice, then it will move in any direction with the slightest movement, especially in the presence of wind. Therefore, you need to make special pegs, at the end of which there is a thread. For this purpose, long and strong self-tapping screws are suitable, the top of which is bent in the form of a hook. By the way, hooks with threads of any size are on sale in hardware stores.

How to sew a tent with your own hands

Alternatively, you can make a tent in the form of a house. To make it you need to take:

  • 14 sq. meters.
  • Washers made of metal, with a diameter of 1.5 mm in the amount of 20 pcs.
  • Braided rope, up to 15 m long.
  • Narrow tape, about 9 m long.
  • Litter fabric, rubberized within 6 m.

Such a tent can accommodate one or two people. First of all, you need to prepare two pieces of fabric, measuring 1.8x0.9 m. Marks are made on the side of 1.8 m every 65 centimeters. The same is done with the other (0.9 m) side. The fabric should be cut at the connection points to form the entrance and the back wall of the tent.

The diagram shows the implementation of further work in stages. Most importantly, all parts must be stitched securely. Use tape to reinforce the seams. There are times when the tent is sewn from ordinary fabric. In case of bad weather, a plastic wrap is used, which is able to protect against wind and precipitation. Metal rings are sewn into the fabric for fastening. As a rule, they are placed at the bottom of the awning, as well as in the places where the fabric is attached to the frame.

Setting up a tent on a pond

Assembly homemade tent skiing takes a minimum of useful time:

  1. The skis, on which the tongues are attached, are connected to the halves of the tubes parallel to the skis. They should point towards the inside of the tent.
  2. Each pair of curved tubes is threaded through special holes located on the ski racks.
  3. The skis are connected to each other so that a rectangle is obtained.
  4. A fishing box is installed on the structure prepared in this way.
  5. Vertical racks are installed at the ends of each ski. There should be four of them.
  6. Tees are taken and the roof is formed with the help of them. They are installed on each upright.
  7. With the help of horizontal tubes, the frame is finally formed.
  8. A fabric is thrown onto the frame, which is attached to the frame with short ropes.

A similar tent is disassembled in reverse order... If each structural element is numbered, then the assembly and disassembly process will take a little less precious time.

Naturally, a tent can be purchased in a store, but not every winter fishing lover is ready to buy it, due to the lack of extra funds. It is much cheaper and easier to make it yourself.

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Winter fishing tents

Some twenty years ago, a factory tent for winter fishing was a rarity in our country. On the ice, one could often find homemade tents of a wide variety of designs. The simplest options consisted of a large plastic bag, one edge of which was attached to the handle of a drill screwed into the ice, and the other was supported by the angler himself with his shoulders and head. The lower edge of the tent bag was pressed against the ice by a box on which the fisherman was sitting. Catching fish in such a tent was a real torment, so many anglers, especially bream workers, sewed reliable and spacious tents of original designs. In addition, drawings and diagrams of winter tents were periodically published in the "Homemade" section of the "Rybolov" magazine.

Today, probably, few people sew tents on their own. At least on water bodies, they are almost never found. After all, it is much easier (and, perhaps, cheaper) to buy a ready-made tent. Stores offer a wide variety of options - for every taste and budget.

Chinese spring tents, or, as they are called, "automatic machines"

The simplest and most budgetary option is the Chinese spring tents, or, as they are called, "automatic machines". They are sold under the brands "Condor", "Siwedia", etc. Price -600-1500 rubles. - depends on the size, the presence of the bottom and the thickness of the material. The awning of such a tent is attached to a frame made of springy wire, which is folded into a "figure eight". The advantage of such tents is their compactness - when assembled, a one-person tent in a cover is a flat pancake with a diameter of 50 cm, a thickness of 5 cm and a weight of 2 kg. The tent unfolds on the ice by itself - just take it out of the cover.

However, these tents also have their drawbacks - they are unstable in the wind, and additional fasteners are not included in the tent set. Tents of this type are usually covered with snow around the perimeter, but this is done rather for insulation. The snow will not help to keep the tent in the strong wind. For reliable fastening, you need to separately purchase special "screwdrivers" that are screwed into the ice. The simplest gimbals, made of self-tapping screws and resembling a bottle corkscrew, are sold at a price of 100 rubles for 4 pieces. A set of real, "alpine" gates will cost you more than the tent itself. Spring tents are available with or without a bottom. A tent with a bottom, which is zipped, is preferable, since it does not need to be covered with snow around the perimeter, and the fisherman, pressing the bottom own weight, makes the tent more stable in the wind.

Chinese cheap tents very often require revision - strengthening the hinges, sometimes replacing the zippers. Such tents are made, as a rule, of thin polyester, which protects well from wind and wet snow, but does not "breathe" at all. Ventilation of the tent is carried out through a window and a slightly open "door". There are also two - and even three-layer spring tents. They cost, respectively, more. It seems that no one succeeds in assembling this type of tent the first time. Therefore, after the purchase, it makes sense to practice at home. The sequence of actions for assembling the tent is usually shown on the diagram, which is included in the pocket of the bag-cover. After several fishing trips, you will learn how to fold the tent-machine "eight" and put it in a cover in a few seconds.

Another common type of tents for winter fishing is the umbrella tent.

They are produced not only abroad, but also in Russia, under the brands "Nadezhda", "Malek", "Nelma", etc. Tents of this type have a rigid frame, usually made of durable duralumin, opening like an umbrella. These tents are more reliable and stable. There are 2, 4 and 6-beam designs. The latter are, of course, the most stable. In the production of these tents, materials are mainly used of higher quality and strength than those of the spring type tents.

If the name of the tent contains the index "D" (for example, "Stack-Al D"), this indicates that the upper part of the tent is made of "breathable" fabric. In such tents, condensation practically does not form in frosty weather. In addition, you can use the heaters without fear of getting burned. However, given that ordinary tarpaulin is most often used as a "breathable" fabric, in wet weather the roof of such a tent begins to let in moisture, which drips directly onto the angler. Tents of this type are also disassembled and assembled rather quickly. When folded, they are not as compact as automatic machines and represent a cylindrical cover 1.2 m long. The weight of a single tent is about 3 kg. The cost of umbrella tents is from 3 to 6 thousand rubles.

Tents from Western manufacturers - "Maverick", "Rapala", "AVIREX"

The widest assortment of “branded” tents of Western manufacturers - “Maverick”, “Rapala”, “AVIREX” and others are presented on the market today. These tents are different high quality awning materials, strong arcs made of composite materials, reliable fasteners and fastening, a well-thought-out ventilation system through special membranes and maximum ease of assembly, disassembly and operation. Of course, their price is 2-3 times higher. Also, do not forget that serious tents have a very decent weight. For example, the chic three-seater Rapala Pop-up Tent 3-Man (costing from 15 thousand rubles), the developers of which have taken into account, it seems, absolutely all the nuances of winter fishing, has a weight of 10.4 kg. As for the capacity of the tent, here you need to be guided by the "-1" rule. Those. if the tent is "double", then in practice one angler will be able to comfortably accommodate and fish in it. If "three-seater" - then two.

Some fishermen use universal winter-summer tents in winter or, in general, summer tents, however, the presence of an additional awning and canopy in winter creates only additional inconveniences and increases the disassembly-assembly time. A number of anglers prefer professional alpine tents. Considering the high (from $ 1,000) cost of the latter, this is hardly advisable. However, the choice is always up to the buyer.

The frame of a homemade winter tent is made by hand from old duralumin ski poles with a diameter of 16 millimeters, which are cut into 10 pieces 500 millimeters long. In addition, four tubes with an outer diameter of 13 millimeters and two plastic rods or beech sticks (you can stick from children's skis) with an outer diameter of 10 millimeters were needed. For connection, corner and three-sided hinges, rivets and hooks from an old clamshell are used.

Fig. 1 Frame of a homemade winter tent:

1 - beech rack; 2 - ball stoppers; 3 - beech rod; 4 - grooves for the locking ball;

5 - cover strips (red arrows indicate the directions of hinges and telescopic connections).

The rivets are shortened, the hinges are reduced in size, new holes are drilled into them taking into account the diameter of the tubes.

Places are marked for drilling holes with a diameter of 5.5 millimeters in such a way as to obtain the desired angle of divergence of the racks when setting up the tent (at close range). This is the main condition for all swivel joints.

The side racks must be locked with flip strips in the working position so that the deflection angle is slightly more than 90 °.

A fairly simple method of locking telescopic joints is used: in the place where the expandable tubes are locked, we drill a hole with a diameter of 5–5.5 millimeters with a chamfer for a socket into which we insert a ball with a diameter of 6 millimeters. We put the ball in the socket and push a piece of rubber hose with an inner diameter of 13-14 millimeters. The ball is pre-coated with grease.

In the beech rod, circular indentations are made on both sides - grooves for the locking ball.


Fig. 3 Mounting parts for a homemade tent:

1 - fitting the hinges; 2 - ball stopper; 3 - mount the vertical rear rack

Making the frame of a homemade tent begins with a vertical rear post. The lower side tubes are attached to the three-sided hinge (opening angle 90 °), then the side posts and the bottom support tubes are assembled last.

Ball stops (10 pieces) are assembled during the fabrication of the frame. The length of all legs is determined at the end of the assembly, however, the lower tubes should not go beyond 500 millimeters. The front post is assembled in the same way, only a hole for the hook axis is made before attaching the side tubes. The opening angle of the side beams of the A-pillar is determined after the manufacture of the A-pillar.

Fig. 4 Frame of a homemade winter tent, made by hand, with an awning:

1 - tension cords; 2 - zipper locks; 3 - part of the sewn-in bottom of the tent; 4 - loops and straps for attaching the awning to the frame; 5 - an apron; 6 - pocket.

When the frame of the home-made tent is ready, we start making the tent awning, for which we use old raincoats made of Bologna fabric, which does not harden or rot in the cold.

We sew a part of the bottom (250-300 millimeters) to the tent, as well as loops and straps for attaching the frame. On the sides, cuts are made and zipper locks are sewn in with a length of at least 500 millimeters. An apron 200-300 millimeters wide is sewn along the bottom of the tent to the bottom, and pockets are placed on the side inner wall.

You can make a small cut with a "zipper" (200-250 millimeters) for the vents. Caps made of thick fabric are sewn into the corners of the tent fabric, into which the frame stands are inserted. From the side racks to the front, the cords are pulled, we pass them through the loops and put them on the front rack over the cap, upper part which we do not sew in this place.

The tent weighs 1.8 kilograms, the assembled dimensions are 200 x 500 millimeters.

Setting up the tent takes less than one minute. Standing up against the wind, facing the rear pillar, we unfold the tent and put it on ourselves, the hinges are straightened, the telescopic joints are pulled out, the side pillars are fixed with the cover strips. We close the "zippers", put on the tension cords. To get out of the tent, open the locks on the sides, lower the front post (the tension cords themselves will fall and hang in the loops), tilt it towards ourselves and throw the front edge of the tent over our heads.

Fig. 5 Parts and tent assembly:

1 - assembled front pillar; 2 - assembled rear pillar; 3 - assembled tent

If you sew two "zippers" 1000-1200 millimeters long - one parallel to the bottom, the other - perpendicular to it, you can leave the tent without lowering the front post - just open these two locks. A winter fishing tent for two should be equipped with two rear frames, the lower connections will be longer.

Small weight and dimensions allow you to put the tent in a backpack.

Winter fishing is a lot of positive emotions that can be diluted with some of the negative emotions associated with weather conditions. It is not difficult to imagine what kind of discomfort the angler feels in the presence of frost, and even wind, which intensifies the feeling of cold. The wind may not be big, but it can bring a lot of problems. If you have a winter tent for fishing, then some of the problems can be reduced to zero.

The presence of a tent allows you to increase the total time spent by the angler on the reservoir in winter. Moreover, you can easily raise the temperature in the tent to the plus mark, which will allow the fisherman to feel very comfortable.

Depending on the design features, winter tents are subdivided into specific models.

These are the simplest designs that are easy to assemble and install. To make the frame of such a tent, you should use strong but lightweight materials. As an awning for covering, synthetic fabrics or their combinations with a tarpaulin are more suitable.

The design is designed in such a way that the frame acts as a spring, which assumes the desired shape when it is released from the package. They are quite popular due to their simplicity of design and lightness. Despite this, these tents have a number of disadvantages. Firstly, they are unstable against strong winds, and secondly, it is not so easy to fold it. Therefore, going fishing, you will have to practice before that. It unfolds itself, but without skills, it will be very difficult to fold it and if you overdo it, you can break it.

This tent consists of several folding arches and an awning that covers this frame. We can safely say that this is the same simple option, but it takes a long time to assemble and disassemble. In addition, it is not particularly durable. Therefore, anglers rarely acquire such a design.

A winter fishing tent should protect the angler from wind, frost and precipitation. Not only that, there should be enough resting space in the tent so that you can cook lunch or just drink tea to get extra warmth.

In specialized retail outlets, you can buy any tent, especially since the assortment is very large. Whatever it was, but some of the anglers make them on their own, taking into account all the requirements. In addition, who, if not fishermen, know what kind of tent is required. Moreover, not all factory-made models meet the requirements of winter fishing enthusiasts.

A homemade tent should be:

  • quite lightweight and compact;
  • mobile so that you can easily move;
  • Covered in dense but breathable fabric;
  • easy to install and dismantle;
  • durable and strong, and also keep warm for a long time.

To work, you will have to stock up on such tools.

Most tents made by anglers themselves will fit in a fishing box. By the way, you can also make the box yourself, which is what many fishermen do, although you can buy it. In addition to the box, you will need the following accessories:

  • two pairs of skis, one for children, one for school;
  • tube. In this case, it can be ski poles;
  • unnecessary clamshell;
  • thick fabric, such as tarpaulin.

At first glance, how can a tent be built from such a set of elements? But, nevertheless, such a construction proved that it has the right to life. The end product fits in a fishing box, which is very easy to transport over ice. The structure is quick and easy to assemble and just as easy to move on ice in working order.

The only negative is that there is little space in it. But if you approach the problem constructively, then there is an opportunity to solve it and increase the volume of the tent. Paradoxically, it protects from the cold, and this is the main thing.

Judging from the drawings, the tent is mounted on skis, which makes it easier to set up on ice. Regular tents require special anchorages. In addition, skis allow you to move the entire structure around the reservoir countless times. As a rule, winter fishing is not limited to one pierced hole - there can be ten, or even more, and each hole has to be fished.

The only thing is that it is problematic to use it in the presence of a strong wind, since it is installed on skis, the wind will be able to move it around the reservoir on its own. In this case, you can trick and use the force of the wind to move it. The main thing is to properly drill the holes.

Despite the fact that this design was born a long time ago, many anglers have tried it in the harsh winter conditions.

How to make a tent with your own hands

  • The ski poles act as a frame and are installed vertically. Horizontal tubes should be thinner. At the corners, the frame is connected using tees, the diameter of which must match the diameter of both vertical and horizontal pipes.
  • The next step is to attach the vertical tubes to the skis. A metal plate is attached to the ski, into which a tongue in the letter T is inserted, attached to the lower end of the tube. To secure the stick, it is enough to turn it at an angle of 90 degrees.
  • Two sticks are prepared from the old clamshell, which will connect the frame to the box. A bent tube is taken, at the end of which there is a docking station. At the other end of the tube there is a latch, which serves as a fastening element for the docking station.
  • A copper strip is used to make a spring that connects the box to the tubes.
  • In conclusion, it remains to pull the awning. At the bottom of the awning, metal strips with holes are attached. Clamps attached to the ends of the skis are pulled into these holes. The awning is connected with staples using ropes. For stable behavior of the tent on ice, it is equipped with two anchors.

How to make fasteners

If the tent is not fixed on the ice, then it will move in any direction with the slightest movement, especially in the presence of wind. Therefore, you need to make special pegs, at the end of which there is a thread. For this purpose, long and strong self-tapping screws are suitable, the top of which is bent in the form of a hook. By the way, hooks with threads of any size are on sale in hardware stores.

How to sew a tent with your own hands

Alternatively, you can make a tent in the form of a house. To make it you need to take:

  • 14 sq. meters.
  • Washers made of metal, with a diameter of 1.5 mm in the amount of 20 pcs.
  • Braided rope, up to 15 m long.
  • Narrow tape, about 9 m long.
  • Litter fabric, rubberized within 6 m.

Such a tent can accommodate one or two people. First of all, you need to prepare two pieces of fabric, measuring 1.8x0.9 m. Marks are made on the side of 1.8 m every 65 centimeters. The same is done with the other (0.9 m) side. The fabric should be cut at the connection points to form the entrance and the back wall of the tent.

The diagram shows the implementation of further work in stages. Most importantly, all parts must be stitched securely. Use tape to reinforce the seams. There are times when the tent is sewn from ordinary fabric. In case of bad weather, a plastic wrap is used, which is able to protect against wind and precipitation. Metal rings are sewn into the fabric for fastening. As a rule, they are placed at the bottom of the awning, as well as in the places where the fabric is attached to the frame.

Setting up a tent on a pond

Assembling a homemade ski tent takes a minimum of useful time:

  1. The skis, on which the tongues are attached, are connected to the halves of the tubes parallel to the skis. They should point towards the inside of the tent.
  2. Each pair of curved tubes is threaded through special holes located on the ski racks.
  3. The skis are connected to each other so that a rectangle is obtained.
  4. A fishing box is installed on the structure prepared in this way.
  5. Vertical racks are installed at the ends of each ski. There should be four of them.
  6. Tees are taken and the roof is formed with the help of them. They are installed on each upright.
  7. With the help of horizontal tubes, the frame is finally formed.
  8. A fabric is thrown onto the frame, which is attached to the frame with short ropes.

A similar tent is disassembled in the reverse order. If each structural element is numbered, then the assembly and disassembly process will take a little less precious time.

You can buy a tent for winter fishing. They are different: large, small, medium; quite cheap and quite expensive. In any case, you can choose according to your budget and needs, buy and not bother - that's my opinion. But, there are people with obvious “creative incontinence” and too even hands growing from that very place. 😀 Here, for them this article - how to make a tent for winter fishing yourself.

So why do you need it? For protection from wind and snowfall. Consider several options to make your own tent for fishing in winter. As usual, there is a simple way and a more complicated, thorough one, as well as a very thorough one and very laborious. I will briefly describe all three.

... Well, this is the most conventional and easy-to-make shelter from snow and, to some extent, from the wind.

It's not even a tent, but a cape like that. Our task is to make a dome out of a dense plastic film. The support of the tent will be an ice screw. To do this, extend the drill to the maximum and screw it into the ice at an angle, as can be seen from the figure. Polyethylene can be cut in the form of an isosceles right-angled triangle, so that when it is folded in half, it naturally turns out to be a right-angled isosceles triangle. If you have forgotten the geometry or have not understood anything, here is a diagram.

Accordingly, we sew on a zipper that can be closed. We make holes in the eyelets along the perimeter of the socket. Through these holes we will attach the cape to the ice using steel pins or nails.

A polyethylene canopy is not the best solution in terms of strength. It is quite difficult to sew a zipper well so as not to tear the film. But, on the other hand, the film is transparent and everything is visible around. So, you can make a canopy of fabric (light, translucent or thicker). You can make a dome using a more advanced pattern. This is already a transition to a more complex design of a winter tent. Here, already, as a support, an ice screw will not suit. At a minimum, you need a central support, higher. It can be made foldable by holding the sections together with tubes, like in old bamboo fishing rods. One end is sharp to dig into ice. We pull the canopy onto such a central support and tighten the edges by driving pins into the ice through the holes (or using stretch ropes sewn to the tent curtain).

Even more complex structures, as in the figure, require more than one support. In addition to the central one, 4 or more auxiliary supports are required on the sides. In this way, you can make a rather large tent. Of course, the larger the tent, the more folding supports, the heavier and bulkier the tent will be when folded ...

And, the most outdated, time consuming and complex option make a tent for winter fishing- to make a collapsible rigid frame from aluminum tubes. And already on the assembled frame, a dome of thin fabric is pulled. There are many design options! I think if you have come to a life such that you want to make this kind of tent yourself, then you will design, construct it yourself, to make it even more interesting 😉

I will repeat myself. Personally, I think that with the current abundance of winter tents on sale, and their moderate cost, making one yourself is a dubious idea. But, perhaps, there are fans of various homemade products and they will decide make a tent for winter fishing with your own hands... I hope that these brave people will find some useful ideas in the proposed material. 😉

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