Yuri Belkin thrust. Yuri Belkin (powerlifting): records

Do you know who Yuri Belkin is? When did he start powerlifting? We will answer these and other questions in the article. This man is a member of the Russian national team, a two-time undisputed champion of the planet among juniors, a favorite of Russia and the world in traditional powerlifting among men, a record holder of the Russian Federation, Europe and the world.


Why did Yuri Belkin start doing powerlifting? He was born in Khabarovsk in 1990, on December 5th. Yuri grew up with his twin sister. From an early age, he was an extremely active child with athletic inclinations. No matter what sport Yura was involved in, he always showed excellent results. Already at the age of 11, he was not left thinking about the gym. For the first time he came to the rocking chair at the age of 13. As expected, the boy immediately mastered the barbell, and after a couple of months he was offered to compete in the first competitions.

For the first time he participated in the tournament in 2006, on February 23, in the weight category up to 60 kg. His father was a CCM, engaged skiing. Even at school, his sister Yulia was fond of athletics and volleyball, where she showed high results for her age. Subsequently, the children went to college, and sports life continued only the future champion.

Yuri Belkin began to professionally engage in powerlifting while studying at PNU. A year later he became a master of sports. A little time passed, and at the championships of Russia and the world, he won second place, losing a few kilograms to the victors. More Yuri did not have to lose. Having broken a huge number of world and Russian records in juniors, he set his sights on absolute achievements. So, he took the palm from (417.5 kg in deadlift). First, Belkin took 418 kg, and then - 420 kg in the deadlift. Incredibly gifted and young, Yuri gives hope that he will win more than one battle.


Few people know what parameters Yuri Belkin (powerlifting) has. Height, weight and his skills are of interest to everyone. So, this athlete is distinguished by the following indicators:

  • weight - 101-103 kg;
  • height - 181 cm;
  • deadlift in equipment - 450 kg;
  • deadlift - 420 kg (in the classroom - 440 kg);
  • squats in bandages - 440 kg;
  • in overalls - 290 kg.


So who is Yuri Belkin? Powerlifting is his creed. Having a body weight of about 100 kg, the 23-year-old athlete lifted 1042.5 kg in vestments and 867.5 kg without it. Recently, Yuriy competed in the open age category for the first time. At his adult debut championship of the Russian Federation, he took second place, setting a Russian record in squatting - 417.5 kg (increasing the previous one by 12.5 kg). With the help of this, he entered the team of the Russian national team and turned out to be a participant in the European Championship, which was held in Bulgaria.

Yuri was able to win gold medal, beating the silver medalist by 50 kg. Returning from Bulgaria, he flew by plane to South Africa for the main start in unequipped (classic) powerlifting - the world championship. Together with Dmitry Likhanov - another Russian athlete - they left behind the strongest residents of other countries, taking the top of the podium. Belkin gained 867.5 kg to become the planet's champion among men for the first time.

In Moscow in 2016, at the WPRF PRO CUP 2016 competition in the deadlift in the spirit of sumo, Belkin took a weight of 418 kg, thereby breaking Mikhail Koklyaev's record of 417.5 kg. At that time, Yuri weighed 101 kg.


Many records were broken by Yuri Belkin (powerlifting). His growth allows him to achieve excellent results. It is known that this athlete, having a mass of 103 kg, squats with a load of more than 400 kg. What is Yuri's secret? Genetics, or hard work, or both?

Not so long ago, he beat the silver medalist by 50 kg. But that's not the point. It is necessary to pay attention to the results that Yuri demonstrates in the deadlift. Recall that an athlete in the competition organized by Kirill Sarychev was able to pull 418 kg. Then he exceeded the record of strongman Mikhail Koklyaev. All records "crumble" after the appearance of Yuri on the platform.

So, you already know why Yuri Belkin preferred powerlifting. The results surprise many. In 2016, in November, Yuri took the weight of 420 kg in the first attempt. Then, for the second approach, he decided to order 435 kg, and he pulled them out, could not fix them, lowering them because of the unstable platform.

It should be noted that in training Yuriy deadlifted 440 kg without a suit very easily.


Many people know Yuri Belkin (powerlifting). His biography is full of various interesting moments. The athlete dreams in equipment to take the palm from the master of the deadlift Eddie Hall with his 500 kg. Yuri claims that he does not take harmful steroids. In a word - you need to watch what this person does on the platform.

Deprivation of rights

What has distinguished Yuri Belkin (powerlifting) quite recently? "Disqualification" - this word is feared by all athletes. Nevertheless, the Powerlifting Federation of the Russian Federation, on the basis of the conclusions of the Anti-Doping Disciplinary Committee, decided to disqualify the athlete Belkin Yury for non-compliance with anti-doping canons for 4 years, starting from June 8, 2015.


It is known that in 2015, from June 5 to June 14, in the Finnish metropolis of Salo, world-class competitions in classic powerlifting. In total, 783 athletes from various countries participated in the tournament, which was carried out in all weight and age categories. The list of famous members of the 3rd world powerlifting tournament includes such athletes as Fedosinko Sergey, Brett Gibbs, Mohammed Boafia, Verzhbitsky Krzysztof, Alexander Grinkevich-Sudnik, Jeza Uepa, Yuri Belkin and many others.

However, not paying attention to the fact that participation in the competition was confirmed, Yuri was forced to tell his admirers that the trip to Finland was disrupted due to unforeseen circumstances. Belkin said that his performance at the championship was canceled due to a misunderstanding.

It is known that the doping control carried out before the departure showed the presence of illegal drugs in Yuri's blood. In this case, it was the anticancer drug Tamoxifen. According to the official statement Russian athlete, three months ago, doctors prescribed this remedy for medicinal purposes. Yuri had no idea that the pills he bought for only 80 rubles were on the list of prohibited drugs.

Life goes on

How is Yuri living a year after the above unpleasant events? Belkin said that 2015 turned out to be extremely unfavorable for him in sports, as if the athlete was being tested for strength. Therefore, Yuri believes in 2017 - he knows that this year he will succeed.

The athlete says that after moving from Khabarovsk, he had a difficult situation with the squat: his back hurt, the technique began to break, the results began to fall. The absence of his coach, Bolislav Maksimovich Shchetina, who remained in Khabarovsk, also had an effect. Today Yuriy is working on the technique and returning his best achievements in a squat. In addition, he does not think about returning to the FPR, but does not rule out such a situation.

By the way, Yuri met his girlfriend Alice at the European IPF tournament among juniors in St. Petersburg. They were both spectators at the time. And they were introduced by a mutual friend Alexander Vasev. Today Yuri and Alice train together. In general, they are doing well, and they are proud of each other.


Yuri plans to write a separate article about nutrition, as this issue is overgrown with legends. Belkin says that you can not eat a lot of protein, as you need to protect the kidneys. He claims that he takes food as he has to, although he knows all the nuances. Nevertheless, when recalculating the BJU, it turned out that Yura intuitively ate perfectly. He says that creatine, BCAAs, minerals and vitamins, glutamine, "Omega-3" is what is really needed. Gainer and protein should be consumed only when the athlete does not get enough energy.

Good day. Today we will talk about such a phenomenal powerlifter as Yuri Belkin and his phenomenal deadlift. Although all the media are now focused on the deadlift, it is worth adding that an athlete with a weight of 103 kilograms squats more than 400 kilograms. What is Yuri's secret? genetics or hard work, or both. He is the absolute world champion among juniors, champion of Russia and world championships in powerlifting.

Yuri Belkin powerlifting height weight

Not so long ago, Yuri performed at his first competition in the adult category. Then unrealistic ones submitted to him - 417.5 kilograms. The athlete beat the silver medalist by 50 kg. But this is not the point, we will also turn to the results that Yuri shows in the deadlift. Recall that the hero at the competition, where the organizer was Kirill Sarychev, was able to pull 418 kilograms. He exceeded the record of strongman Mikhail Koklyaev with a weight of 101 kilograms. All records are pouring in after Yuri enters the platform.

Yuri Belkin deadlift

In November 2016, Yuri takes 420 kilograms in the first attempt. Then he decides to order 335 kilograms for the second approach, and he pulls them out, but at the end without fixing, lowers them because of the unstable platform.

It should also be added that for training Yuri pulled 440 kilograms in deadlift without equipment and quite easily. According to the athlete in December at the competition in equipment, he will try to break the record of deadlift king Eddie Hall with his 500 kilograms. The athlete himself said in an interview that he does not take harmful steroids.

Will an athlete weighing up to 110 kilograms be able to pull 501? We'll find out very soon.

In a word - it is necessary to look at what this person is doing on the platform.

Deadlift 450 kilograms below in the video!!! This guy is doing something unrealistic, although he did not pull 501. Do you think Yuri will be able to bypass Hall's record in the near future ???

The deadlift is one of the basic movements in both powerlifting and bodybuilding, and the most effective exercise for dialing muscle mass, as it involves about 75% of the muscles of the body. But in order for this exercise to be beneficial, and not lead to injury, it is very important to own correct technique deadlift. How to choose the technique that is right for you, tells and shows the world champion in powerlifting, Alex Fitness coach Yuri Belkin.

Classic deadlift

The classic version of the deadlift is considered narrow setting legs, in which the neck almost touches the lower leg, while the hands are located shoulder-width apart. This type of traction is suitable for people with short limbs. Straighten your chest and shoulders, looking forward. Tighten your back muscles and arch your lower back, then lift the barbell.

The most important thing is to keep your back straight throughout the movement, the hump pull can easily lead to injury. If you can't keep your back straight and keep your lower back arched, then you've taken on too much weight.

When lowering the bar, move your pelvis back, only slightly bending your knees. In this case, the bar should not go forward, it goes exactly along the legs, as close as possible to them.

Sumo pull

For people with elongated limbs, the “sumo” traction is more suitable - this is the name of the option with a wide setting of the legs. The grip of the bar in this case will be narrow. With such a setting of the legs, the socks should be turned to the sides, and the wider we put our legs, the more we turn the socks. This positioning of the legs allows you to reduce the range of motion, reduce the tilt of the body forward and lift more weight.

Straight Leg Pull

Deadlift on straight legs, also called deadlift or Romanian draft, is aimed at maximum study of the back of the thigh and buttocks, therefore it is ideal for girls. With this option, the athlete practically does not bend his knees and does not put the barbell on the floor, but leaves it on weight at the bottom point.

Diversity: benefit or harm?

Many athletes, including the pros, perform deadlifts with different grips - this way the barbell is much easier to hold. But the disadvantage of such a grip is that the left and right half of the body will develop unevenly. Therefore, to solve the grip problem, it is preferable to use straps.

Working on weak points

To avoid flaws in technique that arise due to problems in a certain part of the amplitude, you need to work separately on weak points. To work out the upper part of the amplitude, many use traction from plinths (slight elevation). However, Yuri Belkin states that problems with top amplitudes are most likely caused by gaps in technique, so it is better to simply reduce the weight and monitor the correctness of the movement more closely.
