The Moscow authorities demolished the steles with mosaics on the territory of the former stadium “Young Pioneers. Skating rink stadium of young pioneers The outer wall of the stadium of young pioneers

What's happened

Last weekend, the dismantling of 1964 mosaic panels by Elvira Zhernosek began on the territory of the Young Pioneers Stadium, which was destroyed in 2016. The fact that the mosaics - a girl with a rope, cyclists and football players - are being removed and taken away in an unknown direction, was reported by a Moscow expert and the author of Afisha on his Facebook page.

The Young Pioneers Stadium is one of the oldest sports facilities in the city, where ski, jogging and football fans began to gather even before the revolution. The first sections appeared here after the XV All-Russian Art and Industrial Exhibition in 1882. In 2009, it became known that large-scale construction was planned on its territory: then the developer Coalco was going to build eleven objects, three of them about a hundred meters high. But the stadium finally stopped its work only after six years. Now in its place is the construction of a residential complex of four buildings overlooking the Leningradskoye Highway and the interchange at "Treshka", this is all called "Tsarskaya Square". The second developer of the project was the MR Group company, and the concept of the new residential complex was developed by the Speech and Wowhaus architectural bureaus.

Victor Kurasov

Activist, former head of the municipal formation of the Begovoy district

“In 1946, a fence with rounded stone niches for mosaics was erected near the Young Pioneers' Stadium, according to the project of the architect Y. Shchuko - the author of the Main Pavilion of VDNKh, the gates of the Central Park of Culture and Leisure and the unfinished Palace of Soviets. In 1964, the monumental and decorative art artists Elvira Zhernosek and Martuni Potikyan decorated it with two panels on the theme of children's sports.

Now the fence of the SUP has become the only surviving example of a metal fence of the Soviet era with corner niches and mosaics. We believe that it deserved to be awarded the status of a cultural heritage site. In February 2016, such an application was even submitted to the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city - a refusal came. Therefore, the fate of the building is at the mercy of the developer. Most likely, he will leave only the entrance group and three sections of the fence, and destroy everything else, including the corner niches.

As for the fate of the dismantled panels, it is still unknown. The mosaics are said to be kept in the developer's warehouse. According to the brochures and presentations, they plan to recreate them. But as far as I know, this has not yet been agreed. Therefore, the return of mosaics is a big question. Considering that 90% of the developer's shares belong to VTB Real Estate LLC, which is part of VTB Bank PJSC, more than 60% of which is owned by the state, there is still hope that former pioneers Dmitry Medvedev and Andrei Kostin will leave at least a fence from the children's stadium as a memory for hundreds of thousands of Soviet children who played sports here ”.

A post shared by Spring Girl (@depolina) on Aug 26, 2016 at 12:20 am PDT

Natalia Klestova

Marketer, resident of the Begovy district

“I’m not that old man, I have been living at Dynamo since 1999. At that time, part of the stadium from the side of Leningradsky Prospekt was already occupied by a car dealership. But the stands, locker rooms and the Tsar's pavilion in the tiles had not yet been destroyed. There were tennis courts. The yard teams played football. In winter, a skating rink was flooded there - one of the most fashionable in the city at the beginning of the 2000s. During the day on weekdays, schoolchildren were allowed there free of charge. But then, on the site of a giant tribune on the Botkinsky side, the Monarch residential complex grew, crushing our touching, small pear alley, which was planted by MIG workers. The rumbling club "Arena" drove into the building of the children's ice complex. Petrovsky Park was partially cut down for office and residential high-rise buildings. And instead of the green stadium of young pioneers, the residents of the district received five concrete masses ... As a result, we found ourselves in an ecological trap. The green, low-rise, quiet area has turned into a concrete ghetto in just ten years.

The question of the need to preserve the mosaic panel on the territory of the SUP seems strange to me. Why, for example, is it important to keep family photos or a grandmother's ring? This is our past, our emotional connections, memories. Finally, it is a monument to its time. Thin, sketchy children in a funny form on the panel are the spirit of the sixties: morning exercises to the radio, pioneer sports days, sports parades and other socialist joys like a circle of model aircraft designers at DOSAAF or a swimming section at a factory trade union committee. Mosaics are the same cast of the era as films of the 50s and 60s ”.

Girl with a skipping rope. Now instead of her a pile of bricks

Marat Nabi

Mosaic painter

“As an artist, it surprises me that in our country almost all panels are considered not cultural heritage, but ordinary decorative items that can be covered with plaster or simply knocked down. It is good that there are people like Alexander Mozhaev and other architects who sometimes make a fuss. People who pass by every day may have become boring with these panels. But as soon as the mosaic is replaced by gray porcelain tiles, we will begin to appreciate what we have lost.

When I'm in last time I saw the panels at the Young Pioneers Stadium, they were in good condition. Not a single broken piece was found. Perhaps they need minimal restoration - the specialists know better. But it saddens that these mosaics can disappear somewhere, as it happens with us. First, they promise that the panels will be returned, and then it turns out that they do not fit into the decor of the house. There, after all, "Tsarskaya Square", and on the mosaic - athletes and a girl with a string.

I dream that one of the officials or wealthy people would make a park of Soviet mosaics like the sculpture park in Muzeon. People would walk there, sit on benches, look at our past as the avant-garde artists saw it ”.

The Moscow authorities finally cleared out the territory on which the stadium was located during the Soviet years " Young pioneers", Which has a half-century history. The steles with mosaics were the last to be demolished - this is all that remains of the first out-of-school sports institution in the history of the USSR. Now the construction of an elite residential complex is underway on this site.

On May 13, workers removed a mosaic by sculptor Elvira Zhernosek from the fence of the former Young Pioneers stadium on Leningradsky Prospekt. The panel was dismantled as part of construction work. Back in the 90s, on the Khodynskoye field were built business center and car dealership. Now an elite residential complex is being built in the neighborhood.

Local residents tried to protest against the construction site, held rallies and wrote appeals to the authorities. Developers and local officials promised that they would build a fitness center on this territory, and that the mosaic would be preserved and returned to its original place after the end of construction. Muscovites do not believe in this promise and note that it is impossible to restore the author's work.

The stadium "Young Pioneers" was the first specialized sports out-of-school institution in the USSR. It was erected on the site of the Tomsky stadium, where football was played in post-revolutionary Moscow. Old-timers say that it was there that “Moscow Spartak” began. “We, boys, played football and hockey there,” said the oldest fan of the red and white Otto Fischer, who is now 102 years old.

In the 60s, the stadium was renovated. Under Soviet rule, they built there track and field arena and installed two mosaic panels. At the 1980 Olympics, the stadium hosted field hockey competitions. Now a high-rise building is being built on this historic site, and a parking lot is located on the site of one mosaic panel with cyclists, runners and a girl with a rope. The second panel with footballers by Martuni Potikyan should be demolished in the near future.

Marina Terekhovich, a member of the Moscow Union of Artists, an expert in the field of monumental and decorative art, told Rossiyskaya Gazeta that the organization had sent a letter to the departments of culture and cultural heritage of Moscow, as well as to the deputies about the mosaics, but there was no response from the officials.

The problem is that there is no law on the preservation of such monuments, and when new owners buy land, they are not informed that this is a work of art. As a result, the owner treats the works of art at his own discretion.

The press service of the Department of Cultural Heritage of the city of Moscow, regarding the demolition of the mosaic, said that it is not an object of cultural heritage and "there is nothing to comment on."

The destruction of the mosaic of the stadium "Young Pioneers" has caused indignation among the chilled coach of Russia Tatyana Tarasova. She named those responsible for the demolition "cattle and pests."

Tatiana Tarasova called the Young Pioneers stadium in Moscow a "prayerful place" and a home for teachers and young athletes. “Was it this place in Moscow that needed to be destroyed? Creatures with no memory, no respect for history hometown, respect for the glorious beginning of our Soviet and Russian Olympic movement! Why can't we protect? Why do we know how to destroy? ", - said the honored coach in an interview with the portal" ".

“We lived there, this was our home. These urban aliens are thinking of throwing out our lives and work. They kicked out the fans, broke up and destroyed the children's stadium. Brainless brutes! Temporary workers! Deadly and pests of Moscow! ”, - added Tatiana Tarasova.

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Tatyana Tarasova, the famous figure skating coach, will be remembered as the hottest response to the demolition of the Young Pioneers stadium:

“Was this the place in Moscow that needed to be destroyed? Creatures that have no memory, no respect for the history of their native city, respect for the glorious beginning of our Soviet and Russian Olympic movement! Why can't we protect? Why do we know how to destroy?

This place was prayed for. There was and is a church at the stadium, we did choreography there and prayed for our teachers, who gave us a profession, and we gave others a profession and prayed for our happiness. We lived there, this was our home. These urban aliens are thinking of throwing out our lives and work. The fans were kicked out, the children's stadium was destroyed and destroyed. Brainless brutes! Temporary workers! Deadly and pests of Moscow!

Tatiana Anatolyevna Tarasova is a coach who has merits to the fatherland. Forgive me for not being able to protect this piece of the Motherland! " - wrote Tarasova in her Facebook.

Stadium history

The first to settle in this place were skiers. The Moscow authorities rented a pavilion trampled by horses to them for little money. It is in this pavilion, at the future stadium of the MKL, the Moscow Skiers Club, that Moscow sports as such will begin to emerge.

Having received the land and the pavilion at their disposal, the skiers began to equip the territory. In the same 1909, a playground, a jumping sector, and a throwing sector appeared here. A year later - the first and only in the whole country a cinder track with a length of 300 meters (then they did not know about the standard of 400 meters). At the same time, athletes, as a rule, ran along the tracks of hippodromes. Of course, the uneven paths, dug by the hooves of horses, did not bring joy and convenience, so the cinder path was a real revolution. A year has passed, and in 1911 the first field in Moscow, specially designed for playing football, appeared. The field and the very stands around.

In March 1923, the MKL stadium complex became the property of the Russian Communist Youth Union (RKSM) of the Krasnopresnensky district of Moscow. But the Komsomol members did not get their hands on the stadium, it was slowly crumbling.

In the second half of the 20s, the Bolshevik government decided to seriously build a system sports clubs: some of them had to be built according to the production principle (the so-called "district circles" disappeared), and some - according to the departmental principle. So the local "Krasnaya Presnya" became "Pishcheviki". Full name - Team of the Tomsky Central Club. Actually, the stadium itself was then called the Tomsky Stadium. From the novel by Ilf and Petrov "12 chairs": "Cyclists flew noiselessly from the Tomsk stadium, from the first big long-distance match."

Athletic parade at the Young Pioneers Stadium in 1936

Tomsky Stadium was a real sports center. It consisted of:

    3 football fields(one main and two training),

    2 track and field tracks,

    special areas for certain types of athletics,

    4 basketball courts,

    4 volleyball courts,

    pushball court,

    croquet area,

    4 tennis courts,

    3 concrete playgrounds for playing small towns,

    specially equipped places under a canopy for summer wrestling, boxing, kettlebell classes,

    bowling alley,

    two hundred meter shooting range,

    five hundred meter velodrome.

Nikolai Starostin in his book "Football Through the Years" spoke about the first matches of the USSR teams with the British, which took place here. Tatyana Tarasova often recalled the past of the famous stadium: there were two skating rinks, and one of them was indoor, with artificial ice... There was enough space for everyone: both figure skaters and skaters.

Surlyas (Track "Young Pioneers Stadium". 1961)

Otto Fischer, the oldest 102-year-old red-and-white fan, says: We lived in the Petrovsky Park area. The Dynamo stadium has not yet been there (it will appear in 1928). But there was a stadium named after Tomsky nearby. It is at this stadium that Spartak, one might say, began. We, boys, played football and hockey there.

Cyclists at the stadium "Young Pioneers"

The Young Pioneers Stadium hosted the 1980 Olympics. Muscovites follow the field hockey tournament

Before the pylons with mosaics, Khrushchev was here

Panel from the side of the 1st Botkinsky passage

The panel from the side of Begovaya Street is still preserved - now it is closely adjacent to the covered pedestrian walkway. As they say, the mosaic will be removed in the near future, the stele will be destroyed

: While little people are holding a meeting, the investor is doing a great job: they report that there are no more fences with mosaics on Leningradsky Prospekt. Who knows - is there any hope that the mosaics were dismantled when they were last seen? The pylons' application for state preservation was rejected by the Department of Cultural Heritage last July.

UPD - A corner panel with a football player in place, the second pylon was destroyed, a girl with skipping ropes and cyclists. According to unverified rumors, the mosaic has been removed, there are no official comments yet.

In short, if you have money ... no, MONEY (!) And entrances to power - then you can demolish anything, destroy whatever you want and build there shopping malls, elite housing and other most important things in life. Nameless corruption and the Bolsheviks will still be to blame. And Muscovites can calmly keep silent further. Why the heck of their memory, history, science, culture? After all, education and health care were no longer needed - they took away and normally


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This is important because the stadiums are designed for sports and recreation. Offices, apartments and residential complexes (including elite ones) have no place on them.

Now the process of destruction of the stadium "Young Pioneers" on Leningradsky Prospekt is underway! This is an old stadium in Moscow, its remaining elements of architecture are an architectural monument of Moscow in 1936 (the fence of the territory and mosaic panels at both ends of the fence "Sport" (artist Zhernosek Elvira Pavlovna, born in 1931)). On the territory there is the Tsar's pavilion of the 15th All-Russian trade, industrial and art exhibition. 1879-1882 years. Arch. Kaminsky A.S., Weber A.E. Is an object placed under state protection as objects of cultural heritage.
All of this is under direct threat of destruction by construction equipment that operates on the site. Attempts to demolish the fence led to the need to restore it by a construction company. All this thanks to the locals!

The construction of a multi-storey multifunctional complex (MFC) has begun on the territory by the customer CJSC SRC “ASGARD” (technical customer JSC “MR-GROUP”, contractor LLC “MC AVTORACE”).
This is important because the stadiums are designed for sports and recreation. Offices, apartments and residential complexes (including elite ones) have no place in them!
The Young Pioneers Stadium is Moscow's sporting heritage. The field hockey competitions of the 1980 Olympic Games were held here. During the Soviet era, the stadium employed many sports sections where we trained best athletes country.

History: The Young Pioneers Stadium is a stadium in Moscow, in the Begovaya area. In winter, an ice rink is open in the arena, in summer a football field is open and Treadmills for athletics... In Soviet times, many sections worked at the stadium - mainly football and figure skating, as well as shooting, athletics, speed skating... There were volleyball, basketball and tennis courts. In winter, they were poured for hockey. The field hockey competitions of the 1980 Olympic Games were held here.

About construction:

In the northern administrative district of the capital, on Leningradsky Prospekt, a modern residential neighborhood "Royal Plaza" is located. The transport links of the microdistrict are quite well developed, thanks to which the residents of the microdistrict can easily get to any point of the city and beyond. The nearest metro station is Dynamo. It can be reached on foot.

The address of the new building: SAO, Leningradsky prospect, building 31.

RC "Royal Plaza" is a multifunctional monolithic-brick residential area with a height of 14 floors, built according to an individual project. According to the development plan, apartments of various layouts and areas are located in the microdistrict. To date, the construction of the complex has not yet begun.

The new building with an original architectural style will be located on a fenced and guarded area of ​​over 50 thousand square meters.
The residential part of the new building "Royal Plaza" consists of apartments and apartments, in addition, part of the area is intended for offices and facilities of its own infrastructure. The developer will place apartments and apartments in the inner part of a landscaped area away from the noisy avenue. In the central part of the complex there is the Tsar's pavilion, around which a recreation area is arranged.

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