Latin american football champion. South American football history

South American Football Championship, the world's oldest international tournament for national teams. The Copa America tournament (by this name it has been known since 1975) was founded by ten members of CONMEBOL - the South American Football Confederation. He is 50 years older than his European counterpart.

The first championship, in 1910, was unofficial (so called extraordinary). The Argentines decided to arrange a tournament with the participation of themselves, as well as the teams of Uruguay, Brazil and Chile. The Brazilians refused to participate at the last moment, but on May 29, 1910, the first match of the South American Championship took place in Buenos Aires: the Uruguay national team defeated the Chileans with a score of 3: 0, and the first goal in tournament history was scored by Jose Piendibene of Penarol. Seven days later Argentina beat the Chileans even more - 5: 1.

Almost 40,000 people gathered at the stadium of the Gimnasia club to watch the game of the eternal rivals. But their expectations were disappointed - even before the start of the game, the fans set one of the stands on fire, and the match was postponed. A day later, the game took place at the Racing Club stadium, where only 8,000 spectators could see Argentina win 4-1. The second tournament, in 1916, was also unofficial - it was held in honor of the 100th anniversary of Argentina's independence. In the decisive match, Argentina and Uruguay met again, and the Uruguayans took revenge for the defeat six years ago.

From 1916 to 1959, championships were played on average every two years. Uruguay won six of the first eleven tournaments. Then the Argentines began to take over: between the 1920s and 1950s, they were first in 11 championships out of 18. The Brazilians won the championship four times, and they achieved all the victories at home. They were unlucky: in the 1960s, when the Brazilians were at their peak of success, only two tournaments were held. The rest of the countries achieved victories only occasionally. The Peruvians won championships in 1939 and 1975, Paraguay won in 1953 and 1979, and Bolivia achieved their only victory on home soil in 1963.

Many countries were dismissive of the tournament. They sent second national teams or youth teams in general. Only in 1975 all ten countries - members of CONMEBOL took part in the championship.

Countries have been the hosts of the tournament for a different number of times: Argentina hosted the championship 9 times, Chile - 7, Uruguay - 6, Peru - 5, and Brazilians indifferent to the championship were hosts only four times. The 1987 tournament was held in Argentina, and the Uruguayans became champions, repeating their success in 1983. In 1989, Brazil hosted the championship and won first place for the first time in 40 years. Argentina won in 1991.

The 1993 championship in Ecuador was different from the previous ones. For the first time, teams from Mexico and the United States were invited to participate. The system of the rally has also changed: the teams played in three groups, and eight of them advanced to the quarterfinals. One of the debutants - Mexico unexpectedly reached the final, where, however, lost to Argentina - 1: 2. Mexico and the USA were invited to the 1995 tournament in Uruguay. And here the Americans have already shown disrespect to the owners. They advanced to the semi-finals where they lost 0-1 to Brazil. But in the final, the Brazilians lost to the hosts, the Uruguayan footballers. The game ended 1: 1. and on penalties Uruguay won 5: 3.

In 1997, the Brazilians caught up. In the final in high-altitude La Paz, they beat Bolivia. And in 1999 in Paraguay, they again won the championship, beating the Uruguayans dry.

1910 Buenos Aires. 1. Argentina, 2. Uruguay
1916 Buenos Aires. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1917 Montevideo. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1919 Rio de Janeiro (Playoffs). Brazil - Uruguay 1: 0 (Friedenreich). Attendance: 28,000
1920 Viña del Mar. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1921 Buenos Aires. 1. Argentina, 2. Brazil
1922 Rio de Janeiro (Playoffs). Brazil - Paraguay 3: 1 (Formiga 2, Neko; G. Rivas). Attendance: 20,000
1923 Montevideo. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina.
1924 Montevideo. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1925 Buenos Aires. 1. Argentina, 2. Brazil
1926 Santiago. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1927 Lima. 1. Argentina, 2. Uruguay
1929 Buenos Aires 1. Argentina 2. Paraguay
1935 Lima. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1937 Buenos Aires (Playoffs). Argentina - Brazil 2: 0 (De la Mata 2). Attendance: 80,000
1939 Lima. 1. Peru, 2. Uruguay
1941 Santiago. I. Argentina, 2. Uruguay
1942 Montevideo. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1945 Santiago. 1. Argentina, 2. Brazil
1946 Buenos Aires. 1. Argentina, 2. Brazil
1947 Guayaquil. 1. Argentina, 2. Paraguay
1949 Rio de Janeiro (Playoffs). Brazil 7-0 Paraguay (Ademir Menezes 3, Tezurinha 2, Jair Rosa, Pinto 2). Attendance: 55,000
1953 Lima (Playoffs). Paraguay - Brazil 3: 2 (A. Lopez, Gavilan, R. Fernandez; Baltazar 2). Attendance: 35,000
1955 Santiago. 1. Argentina, 2. Chile
1956 Montevideo. 1. Uruguay, 2. Chile
1957 Lima. 1. Argentina, 2. Brazil
1959 Buenos Aires. 1. Argentina, 2. Brazil *
1959 Guayaquil. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1963 Bolivia. 1. Bolivia, 2. Paraguay
1967 Montevideo. 1. Uruguay, 2. Argentina
1975 Bogotá (1st match): Colombia 1-0 Peru (P. Castro). Attendance: 50,000
Lima (2nd match): Peru 2-0 Colombia (Oblitas, O. Ramirez). Attendance: 50,000
Caracas (Playoffs): Peru 1-0 Colombia (Sotil). Attendance: 30,000
1979 Asuncion (1st leg): Paraguay 3-0 Chile (C. Romero II, M. Morel)
Santiago (2nd leg): Chile 1-0 Paraguay (Rivas). Attendance: 55,000
Buenos Aires (playoffs): Paraguay 0-0 Chile. Attendance: 6,000 (Paraguay won on goal difference)
1983 Montevideo (1st leg): Uruguay 2-0 Brazil (20, 27, Ronaldo 46). Attendance: 30,000

First America's Cup draw(Copa América) was held in 1910 and was unofficial. Actually, the corporate name - Copa America - did not exist then. The tournament was formerly called the South American Championship for national teams (Campeonato Sudamericano de Selecciones), and it became known under its current name only since 1975.

The Argentines decided to arrange a football competition with the participation of four national teams - Brazil, Chile, Uruguay and, of course, their own. However, the Brazilians refused to participate at the last moment, but on May 29, 1910, the first match of the South American Championship took place in Buenos Aires: the Uruguayan national team defeated the Chileans with a score of 3: 0, and the first goal in tournament history was scored by Jose Piendibene of Penarol ... Seven days later, Argentina beat the Chileans by an even bigger score - 5: 1.

Almost 40,000 people gathered at the stadium of the Gimnasia and Esgrima club to watch the game of eternal rivals, in which the fate of the first place was decided. But their expectations were disappointed - even before the start of the game, the fans set one of the stands on fire, and the match was postponed. A day later, the meeting took place at the Racing Club stadium, where only 8 thousand spectators could see the victory of the Argentine national team with a score of 4: 1.

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The second tournament, in 1916, was also unofficial (although this is a controversial issue) - it was held in honor of the 100th anniversary of Argentina's independence. In the decisive match, the national teams of Argentina and Uruguay met again. Despite the fact that the game ended in a goalless draw, Uruguay became the winner, thus taking revenge for the defeat six years ago.

Tournament attracted great attention and to a certain extent served as a catalyst for the creation of the continental football confederation - CONMEBOL (CONMEBOL). Date of formation of the Confederation - 09 July 1916.

A year later, under its auspices, the first official championship of the continent was played. “Celeste” (the nickname of the national team of Uruguay) again became the first. Uruguay, by the way, until 2011 together with Argentina held the record for the number of titles won - 14. And it had to happen that in 2011 it was in Argentina that the Uruguayans took the lead, becoming the fifteenth America's Cup winners. It is surprising that the Brazilians, who performed better at the world championships than these teams, are significantly inferior to them in inland competitions. Only eight times the Seleçao have become the best on their continent. On four occasions, the Brazilians won at home.

The field factor sometimes plays a decisive role in South America. Powerful doping in the form of frantic support of its fans doubles, triples, or even tenfolds the strength of impulsive, impressionable, temperamental southerners. What else can explain the victory of the Bolivian national team, which occupies a very modest place on the hierarchical ladder of South American football? With five victories, including in two final meetings over Argentina (3: 2) and Brazil (5: 4), the Bolivian footballers became champions. It happened in 1963, when the championship was held in Bolivia. And in 1997, Bolivia took second place, losing only to the Brazilian national team in the final. Where do you think that America's Cup took place?

Seven times the tournaments were held in Uruguay, and the hosts triumphed all seven times. Argentines have been the organizers of the championships nine times. They won on six occasions. And one more statistical confirmation of what was said. Twenty times out of thirty-eight (52.6 percent), the hosts won the tournament. Only the national teams of Chile and Ecuador failed to take advantage of their home walls.

Five times the winner had to be determined in an additional match, and each time one of the participants in these meetings was the Brazilian national team (meaning the South American Championship before 1967). She lost twice: in 1937 to the Argentines (0: 2) and in 1953 to the Paraguayan national team (2: 3). Three additional matches ended in victory for the Brazilians. In 1919, they defeated the Uruguayan national team (1: 0), in 1922 - the Paraguayan team (3: 1). And in 1949, they again won a victory over the same opponent (7: 0).

The formula, timing and frequency of the continental championship have changed several times. In the 70s-80s of the last century, three times Copa america, as this tournament is sometimes called, did not have a host: long tournaments with traveling were held, and the national teams of Peru, Paraguay and Uruguay became the winners under such a scheme.

In 1987, the South Americans returned to their previous practice, and it was decided to observe the principle of rotation - that is, to entrust the role of the organizer consistently to all ten CONMEBOL member countries. Since 1993, the current drawing scheme with twelve participants has been in effect. Two national teams act as specially invited guests, one of which is invariably the Mexican national team. The other is, as a rule, another of the leading teams of the neighboring confederation - CONCACAF. Once the Japanese national team also came to the tournament. (In 2011, the Japanese refused to participate in the America's Cup due to an earthquake the day before, which killed many people and affected the country's economy - author's note).

On the one hand, such a systematization was beneficial to the tournament. On the other hand, its holding for odd years created problems for football players playing in Europe: they actually lost their summer vacation, and the clubs were usually not happy with long absences, which created problems in preparation for the next season.

In 2001, almost all the leading players of the Brazilian national team did not come to the tournament in Colombia, and the Argentines completely refused to participate in the tournament (the reasons, however, were of a different - related to politics - character). After that, another almost revolutionary decision followed: to play the America's Cup twice less often - in the same years as the European Championship.

The tournament in Peru in 2004 was the first to fit into the new structure. Five-time world champions - the Brazilian national team players became its winners for the seventh time. However, the timing of the next tournament was again violated.

The America's Cup took place in Venezuela in 2007, that is, not four, but three years after the last and not in the year the European Championship was held. Although, it doesn't matter anymore. Celesao won for the eighth time.

2011, held in Argentina, was a disaster for the Brazilian national team. And not only by the result, but also by the game. What are only four (!) Penalties out of four shots in the quarterfinal match against the Paraguayan national team are worth. Not to mention the fact that of the three games in the group stage, the Seleçao were able to win only one, drawing twice more.

Copa America 2019 is a soccer tournament held by the Confederation of South American Football (CONMEBOL). The tournament is held every few years (from two to four, although only a year has passed between the 44th and 45th America's Cups, since the organizers wanted to celebrate the centenary of the tournament in 2016).

The first draw (called the Cup of the Centenary of the May Revolution) took place in 1910, but then CONMEBOL did not yet exist, so the official countdown of the history of the America's Cup dates back to 1916. In any case, it is the oldest existing international football tournaments... For comparison, the first European Football Cup (now the European Championship) was held only in 1960.

Initially, the America's Cup was called the South American Championship among national teams, and the tournament got its current name in 1975.

America's Cup soccer: participants

CONMEBOL consists of 10 countries that always take part in the America's Cup: Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Venezuela, Colombia, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay, Chile and Ecuador.

Four teams took part in the first America's Cup in 1916: Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay and Chile. It was then that they established CONMEBOL. True, until 1975, countries did not always take the tournament seriously, sometimes sending second teams to it. And only since 1975, all ten CONMEBOL teams began to participate in the America's Cup.

IN recent times the list of tournament participants is regularly expanding. Since 1993, two additional teams have been invited to the tournament, and as a result, the Mexican national team has become a permanent participant in the America's Cup. In 2016, six non-CONMEBOL teams were additionally invited to the tournament: Mexico, USA, Haiti, Panama, Costa Rica and Jamaica.

America's Cup: strongest teams

By the number of victories in the tournament, the Uruguayan national team is in the lead - 15 wins. Argentina is on the trail of the Uruguayans with 14 wins. Brazil won 8 times. Other teams have not won the America's Cup more than twice: Chile, Peru and Paraguay have won twice, while Bolivia and Colombia have won once.

The top scorers in America's Cup history are Argentine Norberto Mendes and Brazilian Zizinho, both scoring 17 goals. Uruguayan Severino Varela and Peruvians Teodoro Fernandez have two goals less.

Argentina has hosted the tournament most times, hosting it 8 times. 7 times the America's Cup was held by Uruguay, 6 times - by Chile and Peru. In Brazil, the tournament was held four times.

America's Cup soccer 2019

The next tournament is scheduled for 2019. It will take place in Brazil. In rank reigning champion the Chilean national team, which won the tournament both in 2015 and in 2016, will play.

The tournament is due to take place in June-July 2019, the exact dates have not yet been determined. 12 teams should take part in the America's Cup 2019: 10 CONMEBOL members and two invited teams (Mexico and some other team).

America's Cup 2019 will be the 46th edition of the tournament since its inception. The competition was held from June 14 to July 7 in Brazil... The 2019 Copa America winner won the right to play in the final of the 2021 Confederations Cup.

Copa America is one of the most prestigious and popular soccer tournaments in the world. In terms of importance in football, the South American Cup is second only to the World Cup and the European Championship. KA 2019 is a mega grandiose event that will be broadcast in many countries of the earth's hemisphere.

Did you know? The most titled national team of the American Football Championship among national teams is Uruguay with 15 victories. Argentina is in second place with 14 titles, while Brazil is in third place with 9 victories.

Copa America 2019 groups and fixtures

The final

Brazil 3: 1 Peru 07/07/2019

3rd place match

Argentina 2: 1 Chile 07/06/2019

Playoffs 1/2 finals

Play Offs (1/4)

Brazil 0:0

after s.p.4: 3

Paraguay 28.06.19 02:00 QF1
Venezuela 0:2 Argentina 28.06.19 22:00 QF2
Colombia 0:0

after s.p.4: 5

Chile 29.06.19 02:00 QF3
Uruguay 0:0

after s.p.4: 5

Peru 29.06.19 22:00 QF4

Group A

1. Brazil 3 2 1 0 8 0 7
2. Venezuela 3 1 2 0 3 1 5
3. Peru 3 1 1 1 3 6 4
4. Bolivia 3 0 0 3 2 9 0

Group B

1. Colombia 3 3 0 0 4 0 9
2. Argentina 3 1 1 1 3 3 4
3. Paraguay 3 0 2 1 3 4 2
4. Qatar 3 0 1 2 2 5 1

Group C

1. Uruguay 3 2 1 0 7 2 7
2. Chile 3 2 0 1 6 2 6
3. Japan 3 0 2 1 3 7 2
4. Ecuador 3 0 1 2 2 7 1

Calendar and match results

Tour 1

18.06. 02:00 Japan Chile 0:4
17.06. 01:00 Uruguay Ecuador 4: 0
16.06. 22:00 Paraguay Qatar 2: 2
16.06. 01:00 Argentina Colombia 0: 2
15.06. 22:00 Venezuela Peru 0: 0
15.06. 03:30 Brazil Bolivia 3: 0

Tour 2

22.06. 02:00 Ecuador Chile 1:2
21.06. 02:00 Uruguay Japan 2: 2
20.06. 03:30 Argentina Paraguay 1: 1
20.06. 00:30 Colombia Qatar 1: 0
19.06. 03:30 Brazil Venezuela 0: 0
19.06. 00:30 Bolivia Peru 1: 3

Tour 3

25.06. 02:00 Chile Uruguay 0:1
25.06. 02:00 Ecuador Japan 1: 1
23.06. 22:00 Qatar Argentina 0: 2
23.06. 22:00 Colombia Paraguay 1: 0
22.06. 22:00 Bolivia Venezuela 1: 3
22.06. 22:00 Peru Brazil 0: 5

Choosing a venue for the competition

It was originally planned to host Copa America 2015 in Brazil, but as the country was already preparing to host such big competitions as the 2013 Confederations Cup, 2014 World Cup and Olympic Games 2016, the tournament was held in Chile. The Brazilian and Chilean Football Federations have decided to exchange Copa America 2015 and 2019 dates. This decision of the federations was approved by CONMEBOL back in 2012. As such, the 2019 Copa America will take place at 6 stadiums in Brazil.

America's Cup 2019 teams

It was originally planned to hold a competition with 16 teams, but on May 4, 2018, CONMEBOL finally announced that there would be only 12 participants. In addition to all 10 representatives of South America (Brazil, Colombia, Chile, Argentina, Ecuador, Bolivia, Peru, Uruguay, Venezuela, Paraguay), In Copa America 2019, two teams from the Asian Football Confederation (AFC) - Japan and Qatar - will play.

Qatar, which hosts the 2022 World Cup, will play for the first time at Copa America, thus becoming the first national team in the history of the Arab people to play at Copa America. this tournament... At that time for Japan it will be the second participation in the KA drawing.

It is worth noting that Mexico, the CONCACAF national team that took part in the last 10 draws of the competition, will not be at the America's Cup 2019.

Copa America 2019 Winner Prediction

Bookmakers have already assessed the teams' chances of winning, and they believe more in the triumph of the Brazilian national team. Indeed, now among all the teams participating in the tournament, the "pentacampeons" look the strongest. The Brazilians have a star squad, an experienced coach, under whose leadership the "yellow-greens" show beautiful productive football, besides, they will play with the support of a multi-million army of fans in their home country.

It should be noted that the Chile national team won the last two America's Cup competitions, beating the Argentines in the final in both cases.

So, bookmakers gave their forecast for the winner of the tournament with the following odds:

  • Brazil - 2.85
  • Argentina - 3.50
  • Chile - 7.00
  • Colombia - 9.00
  • Uruguay - 13.00
  • Ecuador - 17.00
  • Paraguay - 21.00
  • Peru - 26.00
  • Venezuela - 34.00
  • Bolivia - 51.00

The invited teams (Qatar and Japan) are not represented in this list, since their probability of winning is estimated with even lower quotes.

America's Cup is the oldest competition among the teams, which has survived to this day. The tournament dates back to 1916, but it got its current name only in 1975. The America's Cup is the main competition for football teams in South America (after the World Cup, of course), organized under the auspices of CONMEBOL (Confederation of South American Football).

Until 1975, the tournament was not very popular and many CONMEBOL members ignored the competition, often sending youth squads, but with the emergence of the name Copa America, all ten South American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Bolivia, Chile, Colombia, Ecuador, Paraguay, Peru, Uruguay and Venezuela) regularly began to measure their strength. Moreover, each time two teams from other football federations were invited to the America's Cup, and since 1993, the Mexican national team has become a regular guest of the tournament. Other invitees included teams from Costa Rica (1997, 2001, 2004), Honduras (2001), Japan (1999) and the United States (1993, 1995, 2007). At the same time, the United States several times refused to participate in the America's Cup, and in 2001, Canada's invitation was withdrawn for security reasons.

So, in the early years, the competition was called the South American Championship of National Teams, and many of the rallies were held unofficially. We bring to your attention the winners of those tournaments, in order the winner, the silver medalist, the bronze medalist.

1916 * - Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil

1917 - Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil

1919 - Brazil, Uruguay, Argentina

1920 - Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil

1921 - Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay

1922 - Brazil, Paraguay, Uruguay

1923 - Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay

1924 - Uruguay, Argentina, Paraguay

1925 - Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay

1926 - Uruguay, Argentina, Chile

1927 - Argentina, Uruguay, Peru

1929 - Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay

1935 * - Uruguay, Argentina, Peru

1937 - Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay

1939 - Peru, Uruguay, Paraguay

1941 * - Argentina, Uruguay, Chile

1942 - Uruguay, Argentina, Brazil

1945 * - Argentina, Brazil, Chile

1946 - Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay

1947 - Argentina, Paraguay, Uruguay

1949 - Brazil, Paraguay, Peru

1953 - Paraguay, Brazil, Uruguay

1955 - Argentina, Chile, Peru

1956 * - Uruguay, Chile, Argentina

1957 - Argentina, Brazil, Uruguay

1959 - Argentina, Brazil, Paraguay

1963 - Bolivia, Paraguay, Argentina

1967 - Uruguay, Argentina, Chile

* - unofficial championships

And since 1975, the name Copa America was born. The first draws of the tournament did not have a host country, and even the finals were held in a home / away system. And only in 1987, Argentina became the first hostess, which then became the fourth. We bring to your attention the results of the final matches of the America's Cups, as well as the host countries (in brackets).

1975 - Peru - Colombia - 0: 1, 2: 0

1979 - Paraguay - Chile - 3: 0, 0: 1

1983 - Uruguay - Brazil - 2: 0, 1: 1

1987 - Uruguay 1-0 Chile (Argentina)

1989 - Brazil 1-0 Uruguay (Brazil)

1991 - Argentina 3-2 Brazil (Chile)

1993 - Argentina - Mexico - 2: 1 (Ecuador)

1995 - Uruguay - Brazil - 1: 1 (5: 3 - on pens) (Uruguay)

1997 - Brazil - Bolivia - 3: 1 (Bolivia)

1999 - Brazil - Uruguay - 3: 0 (Paraguay)

2001 - Colombia - Mexico - 1-0 (Colombia)

2004 - Brazil - Argentina - 2: 2 (4: 2 - on pens) (Peru)

2007 - Brazil - Argentina - 3: 0 (Venezuela)

2011 - Uruguay 3-0 Paraguay (Argentina)

Trophies won:

15 - Uruguay

14 - Argentina

8 - Brazil

2 - Paraguay, Peru

1 - Colombia, Bolivia

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