A moped with a trimmer motor. Bicycle with a gasoline engine (from petrol cutters)

In the great variety of shapes and designs of structures in the world of bicycle bikes, models equipped with motors are no longer considered a curiosity. These bikes are quite expensive, many manufacturers are trying to lower their cost by using cheap equipment, haiten frames, which does not make such a bike practical to use. There are a wide range of bicycle motors on the market, which are also supplied with all the parts necessary for installation. Equipping your bike with such a motor will not be difficult, but if you want to significantly save money, as an option, you can simply remove a suitable motor from an old moped, chainsaw or brushcutter and create it from a trimmer with your own hands.

Upgrading an ordinary bike in this way does not require colossal efforts, but you have to be patient and tinker a little. First, you need to decide on the type of engine that will be installed on the bike.

Engine types

  • Gasoline (internal combustion engine) compares favorably with electric in its independence from the mains or battery. It can be 2- or 4-stroke. Both are suitable for mounting on a bicycle, but a 4-stroke will make less noise and use less gas. The power of such engines is 1-3 horsepower, for tuning a motorcycle it is better to choose from 1.5 liters. with., because supplying it with a motor of lower power does not make any sense.
  • Electric motor. Trimmers are usually not equipped with powerful electric motors. As a rule, their power ranges from 0.35 to 1.2 kW. This is enough for the engine removed from the brushcutter to fit onto the bike. The electric motor can be powered from the battery or from the mains. can work without charging for 30-120 minutes, depending on the power and capacity of the engine, so if you cannot recharge, you will have to drive your bike in the classic way while pedaling.

We put the engine from the brushcutter on the bike

There are no differences in the design of the motor from the trimmer and the motor removed from the brushcutter, so it is installed in almost the same way. But paired with such a motor, it is better than a belt, because if it gets in the rain, the belt will very quickly wear off and become unusable.

Grass trimmer

So, to design a bike with a trimmer motor, we need:

  • a working bike (it doesn't matter if it is new or used, if only it is working);
  • trimmer engine;
  • chain (you can, of course, use a belt for the same purpose, but this is very impractical and not for long);
  • tensioner;
  • an asterisk (suitable for the selected engine, possibly homemade);
  • a clamp that attaches the motor to the bike (you can make it yourself from some metal plate or buy it without bothering);
  • small engine with throttle;
  • fuse;
  • controller;
  • exhaust pipe (if we install a gasoline engine, we weld on the pipe);
  • bushing, washers, screws.

  1. We put an asterisk. We attach two rubber pads to the rear wheel, one between the spokes, the other behind them. We put the star on the bushing located on the outer side of the wheel, and fasten the crescent with inside.
  2. We fasten the engine with a clamp. Depending on the bike model, choose a place for mounting the motor. Most often it is convenient to place it either behind the seat.
  3. We pull the chain over the sprocket and the engine and immediately install the tensioner to adjust the chain tension.
  4. We attach the throttle stick and from it we draw a small cable to the motor.
  5. We carry out the fastening of the gas tank.
  6. Install the carburetor.

When a bike with a trimmer motor has already been made, you need to carefully check all the mechanisms for any imperfections, since not only the functionality of your bike, but also your own safety will depend on this.

Today there are craftsmen who managed to construct a motorbike from a gas cutter. And how strange it is vehicle hand-made, there is a demand. After all, such a bike is ideal for walking at any age.

How to design a bike with a trimmer motor?

Despite the fact that technical progress does not stand still, and every year we are pleased with new vehicles, today there are still amateurs to do something unusual and original on their own. Who could have imagined at the end of the twentieth century that in the twenty-first century an ordinary bicycle would be supplemented by an engine from a brushcutter.

Before you disassemble the trimmer and start designing a bike with a motor from a brushcutter, you should Special attention draw on engine power. After all, it will depend on the power how long you can ride on the upgraded bike. Ideally, the engine power should be at least 2 Horse power... If you install a lower power motor, homemade bike may not even budge.

How to make a drive?

On a bicycle with an engine from a petrol cutter, the transmission of torque is carried out using a belt. For this, it is additionally necessary to make:

  • a drive pulley, which is subsequently attached to the engine;
  • driven pulley, the diameter of which must be less than the diameter of the wheel rim;
  • metal suspension for fixing the engine on bicycle frame.

It will also be necessary to select the appropriate gearbox. The size of the belt that will drive the wheel is calculated after the pulleys are attached to the future bike.

How do I install a trimmer motor on my bike?

Answering the question of how to make a motorbike out of a trimmer, we will first answer the question: "How to fix the engine on the frame?" For reliable fixation, it is necessary to make an additional metal suspension, which will resemble a frame with sides.

The configuration and dimensions of such a frame must correspond to the shape of the engine used. The next step is to think about the options for attaching the suspension to the bike frame, there may be two of them.

  • Fastening with a bolt connection.
  • Fastening by means of electric welding.

Each option is good in its own way, but it is the second one that is considered more durable, because with a bolted connection, the possibility of loosening the bolts from vibration cannot be ruled out. At the last stage, options for fixing the engine itself to the fixed suspension are thought out. Do not lose sight of the fact that you have to remove the engine from time to time for maintenance. Therefore, the fixation must be reliable and convenient at the same time for quick removal of the engine.

In conclusion, I would like to note that you can make not only a bicycle, but also a scooter with a trimmer motor. For this, it is necessary to make small structural changes, but the principle of assembly remains the same.

Safety is the foundation of your health!

Considering that the vehicle is equipped with an engine, it is necessary to carefully consider safety issues, namely:

  • reliability of the braking system;
  • stability and integrity of the structure;
  • the wheels must be shod with anti-slip tires.

Thoroughly considering these questions, you can not worry about your safety, and enjoy a ride on an improved bike.

In the world of cyclists, it is difficult to surprise someone with this or that technical sophistication. The trimmer-powered bike is no longer news in the bike market either. These bikes are good as the main means of transportation around the city. They will perfectly fit into village or country life: neither the possible noise, nor their relatively high speed will confuse anyone. The bike innovation with a trimmer motor is actively gaining the sympathy of riders. There are reasons for this.

Cycling advantages

These bike hybrids have many advantages over conventional two-wheeled bikes:

  • they are able to quickly gain high speed;
  • electric motors run on current, which can be created using a trimmer (this is economical, environmentally friendly and convenient);
  • maneuverable and compact (irreplaceable qualities in conditions of endless city traffic jams);
  • hardy;
  • cheap to complete and repair (all parts for assembly are sold in specialized stores or through advertisements);
  • caring for them is simple: the main thing is that the engine always remains dry;
  • ergonomic (a bike with an easily removable trimmer motor can be stored not only in a car garage, but also at home).

Among the disadvantages can be distinguished a slight noise produced by the trimmer, but with the correct connection, this sound can be canceled out.

Issue price

Of course, not everyone can buy such a bike. Bikes with such a complete set are quite expensive (their price can be more than 100 thousand rubles). There are cheaper models that go on sale due to the fact that manufacturers are trying to save on the material of the bicycle frame. It is clear that such bikes will not last long. If desired, the trimmer motor can be purchased separately and fitted to the bike yourself.

For example, you can install a motor-wheel, which is sold complete with throttle and brake levers, controller, and Pas system.

In design, it is not too different from a regular mortar, it is installed on one wheel or two at once. Attaching it is easy: the installation is complete after the battery and throttle lever are attached. However, such a wheel will also cost a lot.

The most budgetary option is to put a trimmer engine with your own hands. A motor from an old moped is also suitable. Super efforts will not be needed, but accuracy and patience will be very useful.

Step one: engine selection

Before proceeding with the operation to re-equip the bike, you must select the type of engine. He might be:

  • gasoline;
  • electric.

The advantage of the first is that it does not need a battery, there is no connection to the mains. It is better to pay attention to the engines of medium power (about 15, -2 horsepower). Suitable for a bicycle bike and two-stroke and four-stroke motors. 4 strokes is better, because the fuel consumption is much lower, and the noise is heard differently than with two strokes.

The electric motors of the petrol trimmer are not very powerful, that's why it makes sense to choose a model with an indicator of no more than 1.2 kW.

Without a network, the battery electric motor can work for a maximum of 2 hours, so you are running out of time, like Cinderella. Otherwise, you will have to return, corny pedaling the "pumpkin".

Consider for what purpose you need your super-improved bike, then, in accordance with this, put what is more to your liking.

Step two: prepare everything you need

Having figured out what we are going to install, we proceed to the preparation of parts for assembly. And with an engine from a trimmer, and with a motor from a mower, the bike will be assembled according to the same scheme.

It is important to have in stock:

  • work bike (of any age and type, most importantly - on the go);
  • directly the engine itself from the trimmer;
  • belt or chain (the second is definitely stronger, therefore, preferable);
  • an asterisk sharpened for this engine (you can make it yourself);
  • a clamp for attaching the engine to the bike (you can also make or buy);
  • a cable connecting the engine and the throttle;
  • controller;
  • fuse;
  • tensioner;
  • a well-fixed exhaust pipe (for reliability when installing a gasoline engine, it is better to weld it);
  • washers, bushing, screws, nuts, wires.

Step 3: assembling the trimmer bike

If the equipment is ready, you can start assembling. We propose to break the whole action into several stages:

1.Installation of the asterisk. On rear wheel a pair of rubber pads are attached. We put the first one behind the knitting needles, the second between them. We find the bushing on the outside of the wheel, put an asterisk on the bushing. Attach a crescent on the inside.

It is necessary to ensure that the movement from the motor to the sprocket is carried out gradually, avoiding deformation of the parts of the mechanism. It is best to place a stainless steel plate with thermal grease on the frame. The controller will be attached there.

2. Engine mounting. Choosing a place for the engine. It is more convenient to place the motor behind the bike seat or on the trunk itself. We install the engine there, fix it with a clamp. Sometimes the motor is placed in the center of the bike to maintain weight balance. It is fastened in the same way: with clamps, clamps. An optional wattmeter can be connected to measure energy consumption. On the trunk, you should immediately look for an area for attaching batteries.

3.. It should be done as soon as we pull the chain or belt over the sprocket. We install a tensioner on the bike to help regulate the tension.

4. Fastening the throttle handle. Once we do this, we need to connect it to the motor with a cable.

5. Fastening the gas tank.

6.Installation of the carburetor.

Immediately after installation, we check the reliability of the structure, eliminate minor problems. Our bike hybrid is ready!

Believe me, the updated vehicle is worth the magic! Now you can safely go for mushrooms or fishing. Or you can simply and comfortably move around the noisy metropolis. Very soon you will appreciate all the benefits of a motorized bike.

Like many others, I started my journey with the legendary "deshnik" who put on the teenage bike "Tisa". The device turned out to be funny, but it came with a petrol stench in the apartment, dirty hands and a shaman tambourine for driving evil spirits out of the carburetor and ignition. The apparatus did not perform utilitarian functions in any way.

But once I was lucky enough to ride a mountain bike with a trimmer motor (brushcutters) and a belt drive. Although it was winter and I skated for a short time, I experienced a culture shock! In cold weather, the engine started up perfectly both cold and warm, pulled perfectly, was perfectly clean and did not stink at all. And the "maximum speed" of 55 km / h with such a thrust, the "deshnik" never dreamed of!

In general, a belt set with a 1.5 hp two-stroke trimmer engine was soon purchased. a plus Mountain bike stronger. Fortunately, there was no limit, but only until the first rain ... It turned out that the drive belt loses its strength and breaks from getting wet, changing it on the road is not very convenient, besides, the cost of a new one bites. And rain in Moscow is not a rare phenomenon. But I was already used to driving such a comfortable motorbike and did not want to give up the idea, I decided - the chain and only the chain will save the "father of Russian democracy"!

The required gear ratio forced the use of a driven sprocket almost the size of a bicycle wheel, but, fortunately, there was a gearbox from a Chinese minibike that perfectly fit the trim motor and allowed the use of stars of the usual sizes. The drive components are generally available bicycle ones: a single-speed wide chain, a 51-tooth chainring from the HVZ bicycle and a free-wheel (overrunning clutch with an asterisk) from BMX, as well as a bicycle brake lever as a gas trigger.

In addition to purchased parts, there are many original components in the design. These are steel struts that are attached to the bicycle frame, a motor frame (holds the gearbox with the motor), a chain tensioner with caprolon rollers, a drive sprocket fastening to a wheel, an adapter from the gearbox shaft to a "freewheel". The parts were designed by himself, and they were manufactured at a nearby defense plant.

Of course, it was not possible to assemble the ideal structure from the first time, I treated the children's sores for another year. I selected the optimal materials and design solutions, tried different layouts, and rode, rode, rode ...

What happened in the end? Ultralight (curb weight - 25 kg) motor transport with maximum speed 55 km / h, dynamics at the level of unpretentious Chinese scooters, fuel consumption of 2 liters per 100 km (power reserve on one tank is 50 km), which does not stain with oil at all and does not smell like gasoline. The absence of smell and dirt helps me to save money on the garage or parking, the motorbike is in the apartment and does not bring any discomfort to the family at all. It is especially pleasing that all the "pedal" functions are completely preserved. All that remains is gear shifting and easy pedal travel (thanks to the "freewheel"), if there is a lack of traction, the motor can always be helped by pedals and go up any hill. The chassis of a modern mountain bike is very strong and reliable, disc brakes provide very confident braking, and large wheels make it easier to overcome our "directions".

After completing the design improvements, I drove more than 4,000 km and during this time I changed the drive chain only once, the spark plug twice, and once I cleaned the fuel system - a good indicator of reliability and unpretentiousness.

For lightness and daring agility, I named my motorcycle "Hare". Now I drive the "Hare" every day to work, and in traffic jams he has no equal. It's so narrow and manoeuvrable that during rush hour I get home faster than I used to on a motorcycle, and the fares are ridiculous. There were also small trips, trips out of town, even from Moscow to Yaroslavl. But a motorbike, of course, is not for the track - it is not comfortable to "bludgeon" on it, but in the city and country trips I can not imagine the best transport for myself!

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