Secret files tkhk, or why Tver was left without big hockey. Coaches fought at the match THK - Izhstal

the site tried to understand the reasons for the collapse of Tverskoy hockey club, which today exists only on paper, being a defendant in bankruptcy proceedings.

718 million game

In May 2012, at the initiative of the Governor Andrey Shevelev club from Tver joined the ranks of members of the Higher hockey league... This required an increase in the costs of maintaining the team several times, since the VHL regulations prescribed a minimum guaranteed budget for a professional club of about 100 million rubles. Such sums could be pulled only by the regional treasury.

At the same time, it was originally planned that a special fund would be created to support the THC, which would accumulate funds from sponsors and partners. The club's management was tasked with gradually fully translating professional hockey for funding from extrabudgetary sources. “For this we need two or three years,” the general director of the THK Evgeny Rychkov said at the time.

But in the end, all these ideas remained just ideas. Basically, the governor was personally involved in the search for additional sources of financing for the professional club, using, among other things, the possibilities of the administrative resource.

Note that all these years the management of the hockey club carefully guarded any information about the financial component of the THC, referring to a commercial secret.

As the analysis of the club's financial activities shows, over the years of its performance in the VHL, the bulk of extra-budgetary funds was provided not by commercial activities and active work with advertisers and sponsors (which should be expressed in a large number of payers), but by one-time large receipts. It is clear that such agreements were concluded without the participation of the management of the THK.

According to the documents at the site's disposal, in the 2013/14 season, Uralsib Bank transferred 30 million rubles to the account of the Tver club. In the 2014/15 season, the Public Initiatives Support Fund transferred 20 million rubles. In the 2015/16 season, the main sponsors of the "winged" were LLC Rosneft (20 million), LLC Concord (15 million) and Electrosnab (10 million). Thus, the THC managed to form a club budget that was quite solid by the standards of the VHL.

In 2012, the club's funding amounted to 114 million rubles, in 2013 - already 176 million, in 2014 - 132 million, in 2015 - more than 163 million, in 2016 - more than 133 million.It turns out, in five years performance in the "tower" cost more than 718 million rubles. At the same time, direct allocations from the budget of the Tver region amounted to 376 million, and the support of the budget of the city of Tver - 104 million rubles. We add that these are exclusively official figures confirmed by the regional finance ministry.

These funds were used to finance the participation of the THK in the championship of the VHL and the Tverichi farm club in the championship of the Youth Hockey League. In particular, salaries and bonuses were accrued to players, coaches and club employees. In total, the labor collective of the THC consisted of about 70 people, excluding contracts with citizens for the provision of one-time services.

Most of the budget of the THC was consumed by salaries - 57%. For example, in 2016 it was planned to spend 85.2 million rubles for these purposes. Average player salary main team amounted to 170 thousand rubles, and the hockey players "youth" - 7.2 thousand rubles. Additional financial bonuses were spelled out in labor contracts for athletic performance... The total amount of bonuses exceeded 21 million. The general director of the club received more than 344 thousand rubles a month (145 thousand rubles a salary + 199 thousand rubles a bonus).

For comparison: On the development of children's sports, THC spent only 1% of its budget, that is, about 1.3 million rubles.

Payback for VHL

At the same time, over the past five seasons, due to the savings of the regional budget, financing of the basketball club "KAMiT-University" was stopped and volleyball club"Tver", the costs of which cost the region within 15 million rubles.

From 2012 to 2016, spending on state specialized children's and youth sports schools Olympic reserve... For example, the budget of the sports school for rowing named after Antonina Seredina, in which about 1200 children and adolescents are engaged, has decreased by 10 million rubles in four years. More than 50 leading athletes of the Tver region, members of national teams have lost their gubernatorial scholarships.

For comparison: Honored Master of Sports of Russia in rowing and canoeing, Olympic medalist, world and European champion Ilya Pervukhin, as an athlete-instructor of the Tver Sports Training Center of ShVSM, received about 40 thousand rubles from the regional budget every month.

Reverse pyramid

What has the THK achieved over the past five seasons in the Major Hockey League? He won two sets of bronze medals, the 2015/16 Regular Championship Winner's Cup and, of course, gave unforgettable emotions to several thousand hockey fans. At least the home matches of the winged in Yubileiny regularly attracted about 1,800 spectators, and almost the same number of them watched the games on TV and Internet broadcasts.

But that was not the point. Back in the spring of 2012, Governor Andrei Shevelev, in an interview with the Territory of Sport TV program, said that the entry of the THC into the VHL is a good opportunity to give a new impetus to the development of mass and children's hockey in the region. The Governor confidently declared the need to build a new Ice Palace sports for at least 5.5 thousand spectators.

But it was not possible to create an operating pyramid for the development of hockey, which was declared when deciding to play in the VHL, as well as to build a new Palace. For four seasons, not a single pupil of Tver hockey, playing in the youth team "Tverichi", has been entrenched in the basis of the THC.

This became possible only in 2017, when most of the leading players left the club due to non-payment of salaries. Then THK and young Tver talents came in handy. All local hockey coaches and specialists who were not in words but in deeds were patriots of Tver were “pushed aside” from the management of the club.

It is clear that coaching staff"Winged" had other tasks. They demanded victories and high results from the mentors. It is much easier to win prizes by inviting experienced nonresident "Varangians" than with local pupils.

This was the basis of the breeding policy of the club. Experienced hockey players were invited under a good budget, who worked out the season and traveled to other cities, where they were offered the best financial conditions. Over the years, dozens of hockey players have gone through the THC, but not a single student of at least the VHL level has been trained.

For comparison: During a performance in Tver, the HC MVD Gennady Tsygurov constantly entrusted a place at the base to two local young hockey players - Denis Kokarev and Alexander Kutuzov. Today both are world champions, Gagarin Cup winners.

Maybe the five-year plan in the VHL contributed to an increase in the enrollment in the hockey sports school? No. Quantity young hockey players in Tver remained at the level of five years ago - about 500 students. Of course, the high cost of playing hockey as a sport played a role in this. Since 2012, the load on the wallet of parents who have chosen hockey for their child has increased significantly. Now you have to pay for the lessons of children aged 5 to 9, buy ammunition at your own expense and pay for travel to competitions. With the entry of the THK into the VHL, difficult times have come for children's hockey.

Thus, an absurd system of sports development was built, when the top of the pyramid in terms of financial burden outweighed its walls and base several times. In fact, the club has become a one-man project. Personal ambitions and focus on momentary results by any means won in this case common sense and a vision of at least a medium-term perspective. Hundreds of millions went into the pockets of visiting hockey players and specialists who, with light heart dispersed to other cities and countries.

It seems that it would be much more effective to invest part of these funds in the development of sports infrastructure, hockey school, preparation of a reserve, building cooperation with patrons and sponsors. Probably, in this case, THC, as announced in the spring of 2012, could become a self-sufficient and self-developing project. And the structure, wholly and completely built on the moral and material support of the first person of the region, in any case, sooner or later was doomed to collapse. THK collapsed in the spring of 2017 and, apparently, for many years buried the desire and opportunities to develop professional club hockey in Tver under its rubble and millions of debts.

And the last thing. In 2012, THK joined the Higher Hockey League with new emblem club in the form of a wing. Now it is perceived symbolically: the higher you take off, the more painful it is to fall.

Hitherto unseen for Russian hockey the scandal broke out in the third match of the semifinal series of the playoffs of the VHL THC - "Izhstal" - in it the head coaches of the teams Alexei Zhdakhin and Andrei Razin fought.

It all started in the second period when the score was 2: 0 in favor of THK (the score in the series was 2-0 in favor of Izhstal). Izhevsk residents acted in the majority, but the main events suddenly moved to the bench. There the player of THK Artem Ternavsky and someone from Izhevsk fought there. Instantly, there were many players near the conflict and the disputants were taken away.

At that moment the whistle sounded and the referees drove up to the benches to find out what had happened. THC mentor Alexei Zhdakhin and Andrey Razin from Izhstal each tried to express their own truth, but apparently it differed greatly, so the head coaches fought in a fight. As a result, Razin's eye was broken and his shirt was torn. Naturally, players from both sides took part in the episode.

After the fight, Andrei Razin appeared on the court with a naked torso and blood over his eye and tried to take the team to the locker room. The judges convinced him not to do this, but both mentors were sent off before the end of the match. Razin went to the locker room in a jacket with a naked body and a tie.

VHL comments immediately after the incident:

In the 27th minute of the third semifinal playoff match of the VHL Championship, in which the Tver THC and Izhevsk Izhstal meet, an incident occurred with the participation of the head coaches of the rival teams, as a result of which the referees of the meeting were forced to suspend the game for 15 minutes.

At the moment, the league is studying all the circumstances of the incident, as well as the reasons for its occurrence. The official decision on disciplinary sanctions against the persons involved in the incident and their clubs will be made tomorrow.

At the moment, security measures have been strengthened in the Tver sports center "Yubileiny", the match continues.

The head coach of Izhevsk Izhstal Andrei Razin commented on the third match of the Izhstal - THC semifinal series.

Unfortunately, I cannot comment on the match, because, starting from the second period, I was not allowed to play. I went to the coaches' office and, unfortunately, did not see the game. I congratulate my guys on another victory, one more step has been made to the final. But this is not the final victory, tomorrow is still a game. Yes, a lot of emotions were thrown out, a lot of energy left, but our team is young, we have already gone through this, so we will prepare for tomorrow's game as usual. Today we failed the start of the game, although, just like in Izhevsk, we dominated in the first period, but conceded two counterattacks and unnecessary goals. However, the game lasts 60 minutes, which the guys have proven today. Thanks to them for this, - they quoted his words in the press service of the THC.

Izhstal won this match THK in overtime 2: 3 (off) and took the lead in the series 3: 0


News today, April 03. MASS MEDIA. Alexey Zhdakhin, Main coach THK, said that it is not yet ready for reconciliation with the mentor of the Izhstal team, Andrei Razin, informs TASS.

“First of all, Comrade Razin started the scuffle. Alas, I was unable to cope with the surging emotions. It would have been better if this fight hadn't happened, ”Zhdakhin told reporters. When asked if he was ready to shake hands with his opponent as a sign of reconciliation, Aleksey Gennadievich replied: "Not ready yet."

Izhstal coach Andrei Razin, in turn, claims that he tried to prevent a fight with Zhdakhin.

“There were no provocations from our side. The conflict was provoked by the defender Ternavskiy, who climbed over the side and hit our striker with a skate on the bench. There was a scuffle. The arbiter saw everything. Then Zhdakhin jumped up. I was not going to get into a fight, I tried to prevent a conflict. But there was nowhere to go. I didn’t attack anyone, I didn’t wave my fists. You can see everything on the video, ”says Razin.

"Nevertheless, I am for peace and I am ready to shake Zhdakhin's hand", he adds.


Today a meeting of the sports and disciplinary committee took place, at which the episodes that occurred on the 27th minute of the third semifinal playoff match of the VHL Championship between the Tver THC and Izhevsk "Izhstal" were considered.

With regard to the participants in the incident, KFOR made the following decisions:

For hockey players Artem Ternavsky(THK) and Marat Karlieva(Izhstal), according to rule 528 b of the Rules of the Hockey Game, a large fine (5 minutes) was imposed.

Sanctions against head coaches Alexey Zhdakhin(THK) and Andrey Razin(“Izhstal”) according to rule 528 b, p. 4 (Fighting or rudeness. Fight) of the Rules of the Hockey Game - Disciplinary penalty until the end of the game (20 minutes) - p. 3.1. Article 69 of the VHL Regulations decided to remain in force and punish each of them additional disqualification - for 3 matches. Also impose a penalty on them according to rule 565 a (Team representative leaving the bench for players) of the Rules of the Hockey Game - a disciplinary penalty until the end of the game (20 minutes) - p. 3.4. Article 69 of the VHL Regulations.

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