Roy jones workout. Roy jones workout video

Roy Jones. I present to you an exclusive material about the training and nutrition of the legendary boxer. Roy's favorite exercises, cooking preferences and daily routine.

The name Roy Jones is familiar even to people far from the world of martial arts. The Pensacola Boxing Phenomenon. Roy became the second in history ( after Bob Fitzsimmons) middleweight boxer to whom he submitted heavy weight... He was recognized as the best boxer of the last decade of the 20th century. His regalia need no introduction. Every boy dreamed of being like the magnificent Roy.

However, hidden from many viewers is the other side of the great champion's life: the training and nutrition that made Jones a phenomenal fighter. Consider Roy Jones's daily routine, diet, and exercise during his light heavyweight performances.

Diet: Roy's height is 180 centimeters. The span of the arms is 188 centimeters. Light heavyweight limit weight category- up to 79.4 kilograms. Jones trained under Elton Merkerson for most of his career. Elton is a nutritionist. He served not only as Roy's trainer, but also as his nutritionist and chef.

In preparation for the next battle, Roy's morning began at 7 am. He never ran on an empty stomach. First, he drank a cup of coffee with French cream or vanilla cream. This mandatory morning procedure.

Roy jogging to the gym ( about 15 minutes). In the gym, cardio work continues, which ends with squats and lunges with a barbell in the Smith machine, as well as a set of exercises for the core muscles. Sometimes Roy just runs 5-8 miles ( 8-13 kilometers) at an average pace, without morning strength exercises.

Upon returning home, at 10 o'clock in the morning, he will have a special breakfast prepared by Elton Merkerson: 3 eggs, 4 slices of bacon, 4 chicken sausages. The whole thing was blended in a blender and served in one plate with two pieces of dry toast and a large cup of black coffee. Roy could have had a glass of apple juice instead of coffee.

The main workout starts at 17 o'clock. An hour before her, Jones drinks protein cocktail, and at 13 o'clock she eats a large piece of boiled chicken breast with durum wheat pasta. Dinner at 7 pm: fried chicken with baked potatoes, broccoli and cauliflower.

After morning workout Roy loves to play video games ( favorite game - Bejeweled 2) or watch basketball matches. Roy plays basketball three afternoons a week. If there is no meeting with the media, he can just sleep in the afternoon. Workout - once a day, in the evening, not counting morning runs and exercises in the gym. Sometimes his breakfast is modified: brown rice with milk and 4 chicken sausages. Jones is not a supporter of drinking a lot of water. He only drinks when he is thirsty. Roy loves sweet coffee with cream, but only allows himself this drink in the morning. During training camp, Jones is shielded from alcohol ( he doesn't drink it at all) and from communication with women.

Simple principles Roy's diet is minimal fat intake; a lot of protein foods; and the amount of carbohydrates needed, which varies depending on goals and objectives.

Workout: There are many legends and rumors about Roy's training regime. However, everything is much simpler. Jones trains 5 times a week. Saturday day - intensive work in the gym ( usually in the afternoon around 2 p.m.). Sunday is full rest.

Roy trains once a day - at 17 o'clock ( in this regard, his training regime is similar to regimes, and). In the morning he jogs and visits gym, where he performs complexes of exercises for the legs: squats and lunges, and various rows in block simulators.

The main training is modified depending on the presence or absence of sparring. Any Jones workout is divided into rounds. Usually this is 25-30 rounds, except for the warm-up.

  • shadow boxing - 3-5 rounds
  • work on paws or sparring - 10-15 rounds
  • heavy bag work - 4-5 rounds
  • speed bag - 3-5 rounds
The whole process is divided into rounds and this simplifies its construction. Followed by power training two types: a gym or work with own weight in the ring.

Roy always trains according to how he feels. His favorite bodyweight exercises: various crunches on the press; push-ups in an explosive manner ( sometimes Roy does slow push-ups with fixation at the top and bottom); jumping on the curbstone; pumping the muscles of the lower back - exercise " parachutist". At the end of such a workout, Jones can complete two sets on the horizontal bar to failure. He uses wide grip making the most of latissimus.

He did this workout when he was on the US national team and did not change the principles when moving to the professional. In the gym, special emphasis is placed on working with the muscles of the legs. But Roy also performs various rows and presses: pulls to the chin, deadlift, army press; thrusters are an exercise that combines squats and overhead presses.

It is a misconception that Roy does not use weights for his upper body. He does these exercises, but does a lot of reps and the obligatory spread of his arms in the air after class.

Simple principles training process helped Roy develop his phenomenal abilities and become the best boxer of the last decade in the 20th century. No secret training and unknown food items. Everything is much simpler - daily routine and routine in the gym. It works anytime, anywhere.

World boxing star, golden boy - Roy Jones Jr. is not just a boxer. This is the Man, thanks to whom boxing has regained its entertainment. The man who has invested his whole life in boxing is a symbol, along with Muhammad Ali and Mike Tyson. Jones' training made him what he is - fast, strong, abrupt and elusive. He was the World Champion in several weight categories and that is why you can set this boxer's training as an example to everyone.

Training features

Roy Jones, despite his enormous natural talent, was very, very hardworking and able to work. Few have sustained a workout pace like him for an extended period of time. It is worth noting that the athlete was also a prize-winner. Olympic Games, and this is a little bit - the highest level of amateur boxing.

The boxer's training schedule looked like this:

  • six days a week, Roy would get up around 5:30 in the morning, stretch his muscles and run about 5-8 km,
  • then went to bed.

The day workout began at about 12 noon and lasted 2.5 - 3 hours. During this time, Roy managed to:

  • warm up,
  • work in shadow boxing,
  • work on the bag,
  • work on a pneumatic bag,
  • stretching, shaking the press (which was a favorite exercise in Roy Jones's workouts),
  • sometimes sparred.

Roy Jones biography

It is impossible to find a boxing fan who has not heard the name of this illustrious athlete. For nearly three decades american boxer delighted his fans with bright, memorable battles. But few people know that his career began with a blatant injustice. In the semifinal fight at the Seoul Olympics, American boxer Roy Jones, according to the unanimous opinion of experts, simply defeated the Korean boxer. But the judges had a different opinion, the victory was given to Roy's rival, which caused a huge international scandal. This incident eventually led to a review of the amateur boxing scoring system.

in professional boxing

In its further career Roy Jones Jr. decided not to rely on judges' decisions, ending most of the fights with a knockout. The pinnacle of the black boxer's career was the title of the absolute world champion in the light heavyweight category. Defying the common stereotype about boxer's intelligence, Roy Jones Jr. created his own rap group. The fighter takes part in the filming of films with pleasure. And, despite the decline of his career due to a solid age for a boxer, the athlete is rightfully considered a living legend of modern boxing.


Roy Jones training (he devotes this 5-6 days a week) start at about six o'clock in the morning... It fully stretches, stretches the muscles of the back, legs and side muscles, and then runs 3 to 5 miles.


At noon, as seen in the Roy Jones workout video, he starts working out in the gym. The boxer warms up by performing bends (to the feet, touching the toes, to the sides), jumping on toes, stretching, twisting and push-ups. Conducts 4 four-minute rounds of shadow boxing, then works with the trainer on his paws, practicing various blows... Roy Jones' workouts then include 4 four-minute heavy bag striking rounds, and then for 16 minutes he works out the blows on a high-speed bag suspended from the ceiling.

Next stage Roy Jones workout video- the number of hits on a pear, suspended on stretchers between the floor and the ceiling, also within 16 minutes. As compulsory exercise Boxer Jones's workout includes jumping rope for a quarter of an hour and exercises on the press(the boxer claims that he likes to do them the most). Roy swings his abs in 4 sets, lifting his torso 100 times from a prone position, raising his legs and performing folds (resting for half a minute after each series). Roy Jones's workout ends with relaxing jumping movements in place.

(an athlete devotes to his training 5-6 days a week) usually starts at six o'clock in the morning. Roy Jones does a full warm-up, stretching back, legs, and side muscles. The next thing Roy does is go for a run. During Roy Jones workout runs 3 - 5 miles (5-8 km).

As can be seen on Roy Jones workout video, at about noon, a boxer starts training in the gym. Roy Jones's workout in the gym includes, again, a warm-up - bends to the legs, grabbing toes, to the sides, jumping in place, stretching, dynamic twists and push-ups. Then the athlete spends 4 four-minute rounds of "shadow boxing", the next stage of training is to practice punches with a trainer on the paws. Same Roy Jones workout consists of four 4-minute rounds of hitting a heavy bag, followed by a sixteen-minute practice of hitting a high-speed bag that is suspended from the ceiling.

As seen in Roy Jones workout video It also includes sharpening blows on a pear that is suspended from stretchers between the floor and the ceiling. The training time is also 16 minutes. Roy Jones' 15-minute jumping rope and abdominal exercises are an integral part of boxer Roy Jones's workout (Roy says these are his favorite exercises). Roy pumps the press in four approaches 100 times by lifting the torso from a prone position, raising his legs and performing folds (breaks between each series are half a minute). Roy Jones's training ends with relaxing jumps in place.

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