Fighting cat strategy read online. Pavel Mamontov: Fighting cat

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Title: Fighting cat

About the book "Fighting Cat" Pavel Mamontov

Do you love strategies? Then it will be interesting for you to read the book "Fighting Cat", which is the 4th part of the famous fantasy series "Strategies". Pavel Mamontov in his work tells us about several worlds and a big game at once. The rules are very simple - you have to survive. The prize is freedom, fame, money and love. Will our contemporary Andrey Kazakov be able to pass all the tests, survive and get the main prize?

The talented writer of modern combat fiction Pavel Mamontov won the hearts of many connoisseurs of great literature and video games with his original style. His works intrigue the reader with unusual strategies and adventures. Of course, the topic of getting into other worlds is not new, but the author was able to create a rather unusual and original story that will not leave you indifferent.

The protagonist of the book, a twenty-seven-year-old athletic modern guy Andrei Kazakov, got into one unpleasant story and became a YouTube star. Very serious people drew attention to him and offered to become a member for money. Big Games. It seems nothing special, he will have to accompany two clients on a hike and spend eight days among other role players, as a result of which he will receive 1000 euros. At first glance, the task seemed quite simple, if they did not get into other worlds, where their own laws, ideals and tragedies operate.

The main character is very well chosen, so from the very first lines it evokes sympathy. You begin to empathize with him, to believe in his feelings, you are upset by failures and rejoice at successes. You also pay attention to the style of presentation, and how the work is in harmony with reality. Some abstract scenes may seem superfluous, but witty remarks would not be appropriate and satirical without them. It touches upon an unexpected and unpredictable final theme and the problems it causes, which makes the reader think about the future.

Pavel Mamontov has created images that open up entire, incredibly complex universes. The stories told are so real that it is impossible not to believe them. In the course of the story, you understand that only in the smallest details can you find the answer to the mysterious riddle, but only the finale of this story will reveal all the cards to us. Thanks to the skill of the author to develop the plot with the help of events described from different sides and to express different points of view, we will be able to take a direct part in choosing successful strategic options.

In the book "Fighting Cat" conflict episodes are in perfect harmony with the external reality of the universe, which once again tells us about the erudition and talent of the author. Reading the novel is very easy and enjoyable due to the interesting and unusual plot.

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Pavel Alexandrovich Mamontov

Fighting Cat

© Pavel Mamontov, text, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

* * *

The shot leg ached like a bad tooth in bad weather. But now there is not a cloud in the sky - the usual August weather.

Andrew took a sip of coffee and frowned. He was sitting in a cafe for extreme sports and whiled away the time after another unsuccessful interview.

The most offensive thing is that the penny, who shot him in the leg, generally came out dry from the water. Well, yes, Andrey bought one cretin - “black” - either an Azer, or a Dag - with a brush on the top of his head, and his friend in the balls. And in return, he received a bullet in the shin from a trauma. Moreover, he himself was to blame: he did not use a regular weapon, which was supposed to be a security guard of a supermarket, but an unregistered cold one.

And Kazakov always liked to work with flexible high-speed weapons: a flail, nunchucks, a flail - it doesn’t matter. This is not your ordinary police baton! It was breathtaking how clumsy, clumsy-looking weapons suddenly gained strength and speed in his hands, easily bypassed any defense and swiftly fell on the head of the enemy. With a barely noticeable turn of the brush, it was possible to direct it to the jaw, to the crown or to the back of the enemy's head. And the result will always be a crushing blow!

In general, they gave Andrei two years probation for such an “initiative”. They also posted a recording of the fight on YouTube. Although, maybe, if it weren’t for this record and the hype around it, Andrei would have been slapped with a real term. And so - one hell, with a criminal record, no one takes a normal job anyway.

And now Andrei was sitting in his favorite cafe and waiting for who knows what.

It's amazing how many in his in a general provincial town there were lovers to ride a bike across rough terrain, tickle nerves on rafting or, drenched in sweat, climb mountains. Compared to the total population, it’s quite a miser, of course, but enough to give a constant income to the Otriv bar.

Senya Semechkin, a seasoned airsoft player, explained this by the fact that the town used to stand on the border and constantly beat off the raids of all kinds of adversaries, and desperate grunts lived in it, ready to risk their heads for a handful of silver and their own will. And we, therefore, are their descendants, who lack adrenaline. Like it or not, Andrei did not know, but he had enough of his own problems, without adrenaline. For example, where to get money?

The phone beeped: Arkasha, friend. It was he who helped Andrei get a job as a security guard, although he did not serve in the army, and sometimes threw him money hacks.

- Hello, Andryukha! A cheerful voice came from the phone.

- Hello. Tell me right now what do you have?

- There is a theme. You can earn a thousand euros in a week. All equipment and other small things do not count.

– And what should be done?

- Accompany a couple somewhere good people.

- Not understood. Where to accompany? To Karelia, to the Urals? For a piece of euro?

- No, everything is right here. A trip for a week and a thing in your pocket. Well, three days before that for preparation.

– Where do you need to go?

"Damn, what am I explaining to you?" Come to our park, we'll talk there. Or do you need money?

- Needed, of course. I'll be there in an hour. Borya, Kazakov called out to the bartender, how much is it from me?

- At the expense of the institution, Andrey. Give it back when you can.

– Bor, well, damn it, really thanks. As soon as I get the money, I'll honestly give it back. And they will.

- I have heard. Good luck to you.

- Yeah thanks.

Not that Andrei Kazakov was a sucker in life. By the age of twenty-five, he managed to graduate from the Institute of Physical Education, practice karate and acquire many useful skills in construction. He was fond of mountaineering and speleology. A little engaged in fencing and historical reconstruction. I was not averse to being in a good company of role players or survivalists to get out of the city. He earned his bread and butter as hacks at construction sites, as a sempai in the karate section, and sometimes worked as an instructor on extreme camping trips.

Pavel Alexandrovich Mamontov

Fighting Cat

© Pavel Mamontov, text, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

* * *

The shot leg ached like a bad tooth in bad weather. But now there is not a cloud in the sky - the usual August weather.

Andrew took a sip of coffee and frowned. He was sitting in a cafe for extreme sports and whiled away the time after another unsuccessful interview.

The most offensive thing is that the penny, who shot him in the leg, generally came out dry from the water. Well, yes, Andrey bought one cretin - “black” - either an Azer, or a Dag - with a brush on the top of his head, and his friend in the balls. And in return, he received a bullet in the shin from a trauma. Moreover, he himself was to blame: he did not use a regular weapon, which was supposed to be a security guard of a supermarket, but an unregistered cold one.

And Kazakov always liked to work with flexible high-speed weapons: a flail, nunchucks, a flail - it doesn’t matter. This is not your ordinary police baton! It was breathtaking how clumsy, clumsy-looking weapons suddenly gained strength and speed in his hands, easily bypassed any defense and swiftly fell on the head of the enemy. With a barely noticeable turn of the brush, it was possible to direct it to the jaw, to the crown or to the back of the enemy's head. And the result will always be a crushing blow!

In general, they gave Andrei two years probation for such an “initiative”. They also posted a recording of the fight on YouTube. Although, maybe, if it weren’t for this record and the hype around it, Andrei would have been slapped with a real term. And so - one hell, with a criminal record, no one takes a normal job anyway.

And now Andrei was sitting in his favorite cafe and waiting for who knows what.

It's amazing how many in his in a general provincial town there were lovers to ride a bike across rough terrain, tickle nerves on rafting or, drenched in sweat, climb mountains. Compared to the total population, it’s quite a miser, of course, but enough to give a constant income to the Otriv bar.

Senya Semechkin, a seasoned airsoft player, explained this by the fact that the town used to stand on the border and constantly beat off the raids of all kinds of adversaries, and desperate grunts lived in it, ready to risk their heads for a handful of silver and their own will. And we, therefore, are their descendants, who lack adrenaline. Like it or not, Andrei did not know, but he had enough of his own problems, without adrenaline. For example, where to get money?

The phone beeped: Arkasha, friend. It was he who helped Andrei get a job as a security guard, although he did not serve in the army, and sometimes threw him money hacks.

- Hello, Andryukha! A cheerful voice came from the phone.

- Hello. Tell me right now what do you have?

- There is a theme. You can earn a thousand euros in a week. All equipment and other small things do not count.

– And what should be done?

- Accompany a couple of good people somewhere.

- Not understood. Where to accompany? To Karelia, to the Urals? For a piece of euro?

- No, everything is right here. A trip for a week and a thing in your pocket. Well, three days before that for preparation.

– Where do you need to go?

"Damn, what am I explaining to you?" Come to our park, we'll talk there. Or do you need money?

- Needed, of course. I'll be there in an hour. Borya, Kazakov called out to the bartender, how much is it from me?

- At the expense of the institution, Andrey. Give it back when you can.

– Bor, well, damn it, really thanks. As soon as I get the money, I'll honestly give it back. And they will.

- I have heard. Good luck to you.

- Yeah thanks.

Not that Andrei Kazakov was a sucker in life. By the age of twenty-five, he managed to graduate from the Institute of Physical Education, practice karate and acquire many useful skills in construction. He was fond of mountaineering and speleology. A little engaged in fencing and historical reconstruction. I was not averse to being in a good company of role players or survivalists to get out of the city. He earned his bread and butter as hacks at construction sites, as a sempai in the karate section, and sometimes worked as an instructor on extreme camping trips.

He did not sit on his mother's neck, but it was impossible to say that he earned a lot. After graduating from university, he got a job in a small security company, from where he flew out after a fight in a supermarket. For several months now, Kazakov has been free as ... ahem ... free wind.

Arkasha was waiting for Andrey, lounging on a bench. Once upon a time, it was in this park that they both rushed about with overlays on their ears and plastic swords, depicting elves. Where did those years go, where did those guys disappear?

Arkasha Sizentsev's vidok was the most sly, like a slop cat's. And the content matched the appearance: he would never miss the benefits. However, to throw your own - this did not happen. It was Arkasha who periodically gave Kazakov opportunities to earn money. Not without benefit for themselves, presumably.

- Oh, hello, the star of YouTube, he came after all. How long have you not seen each other?

“And you don’t get sick. By your grace, I almost did not become a chanson star.

- Well, it's you, bro, turned down. It's his own fault... Okay, forget it, - Arkasha noticed that Andrey was not inclined to discuss the motives of his act. - As they say: whatever happens, everything is for the best. Very interesting and important people saw the recording of your fight. And they wanted to take it with them on an exciting journey. Evaluate the breadth of the act.

- I have already estimated - a piece of euro. You tell me the details, otherwise everything looks like a scammer.

- Offended, Andriukh. OK. Where to go, they themselves do not know.

- That is?

- Well, look, the topic is this: there is an extreme tour, something in between sports tourism and role play. The tour, by the way, is called the Great Game. Only three people can enter it. Your trio is delivered to the territory of this very Game. And there are already others, well, too ... role players. And among them, the three of you must hold out for eight days. Everything.

– Survive eight days among the role-players?

- There are some adventures, tasks. I know one thing for sure - it won't be boring. Well, do you agree?

- It's all strange ... Okay, I agree, of course. A piece of euro just won't hurt me. At the same time and pull back.

“And then,” Arkasha grinned.

Let's call your clients.

“They should be here in twenty minutes.” I knew that you would agree, - the friend's dirty smile became even wider.

- You beetle, Arkashka. So hunting in the teeth to go.

- Nothing! I gave him such a job, but he is dissatisfied. If you don't want it, I'll give it to someone else.

- But now you will definitely rake, Arkady.

“Come on, break your fingers on my jaw.”

“That’s the only reason you’re still alive,” Kazakov remarked, “I don’t want to beat my legs against your kidneys.” When do you say the employers will arrive?

- In about fifteen minutes. They will call back.

Arkashin's cell phone rang ten minutes later. Friends were told to approach the exit from the park.

Customers - a guy and a girl - stood in the parking lot next to a shiny Land Cruiser. When Arkasha waved his hand, future employers slowly moved towards him.

The guy looked like a typical major: short-haired, pumped-up brunette in big black glasses, a pink shirt and dark gray trousers with slits. Surely the cost of his outfit significantly exceeded Andrei's estimated fee. Or maybe some glasses were more expensive.

A smiling girl walked by his arm. Just Ygritte from the "Game of Thrones" - red-haired, slender, but with noticeable forms. She, too, was dressed immaculately, but she carried herself so directly and lightly that she looked a little out of place next to her faithful companion.

“Vlad,” the major introduced himself and held out his hand.

At this time, a smart chirped in his trousers, he deftly pulled it out with his left hand, quickly ran his fingers across the screen.

"Lefty," Andrey thought. - Well, I'm lucky again. They say that left-handers are extraordinary people. I wonder where his originality will take me?

“Lisa,” the redhead introduced herself with a smile and made a playful curtsy.

- Very nice.

- Well, since everyone is assembled, let's start negotiations. Or maybe we'll go to a cafe? Arkasha suggested.

“It's like this,” Vlad began, ignoring Arkasha; he took off his glasses, his eyes were dark brown, unpleasant. - Extreme tour for eight days, in unfamiliar terrain, with possible risk. I pay a thousand euros, another three hundred for equipment. Out in three days.

– Where to go at least? - Andrey asked once again.

Unknown, but close. They promised to deliver within a day.

"I agree," Andrew nodded.

“Gut, here are the promised three hundred euros,” Vlad opened his leather wallet and counted out the required amount. - And this is my business card, here is the phone. There's also skype and soap.

Andrey took a laminated rectangle:

Vlad Tarmakhin. Information Technology".

- What kind of profession do you have such a profitable one? Kazakov asked with a slight grin.

“Information technologist,” Tarmakhin said, and unexpectedly finished in a friendly way: “I hope we'll have a good time.

Fighting cat

Strategy - 4

* * *

The shot leg ached like a bad tooth in bad weather. But now there is not a cloud in the sky - the usual August weather.

Andrew took a sip of coffee and frowned. He was sitting in a cafe for extreme sports and whiled away the time after another unsuccessful interview.

The most offensive thing is that the penny, who shot him in the leg, generally came out dry from the water. Well, yes, Andrey bought one “black” cretin - either an Azer or a Dag - with a flail on the top of his head, and his friend in the balls. And in return, he received a bullet in the shin from a trauma. Moreover, he himself was to blame: he did not use a regular weapon, which was supposed to be a security guard of a supermarket, but an unregistered cold one.

And Kazakov always liked to work with flexible high-speed weapons: a flail, nunchucks, a flail - it doesn’t matter. This is not your ordinary police baton! It was breathtaking how clumsy, clumsy-looking weapons suddenly gained strength and speed in his hands, easily bypassed any defense and swiftly fell on the head of the enemy. With a barely noticeable turn of the brush, it was possible to direct it to the jaw, to the crown or to the back of the enemy's head. And the result will always be a crushing blow!

In general, they gave Andrei two years probation for such an “initiative”. They also posted a recording of the fight on YouTube. Although, maybe, if it weren’t for this record and the hype around it, Andrei would have been slapped with a real term. And so - one hell, with a criminal record, no one takes a normal job anyway.

And now Andrei was sitting in his favorite cafe and waiting for who knows what.

It was amazing how many people in his small-town town were fond of cross-country bicycling, tickling rafting or sweating up mountains. Compared to the total population, it’s quite a miser, of course, but enough to give a constant income to the Otriv bar.

Senya Semechkin, a seasoned airsoft player, explained this by the fact that the town used to stand on the border and constantly beat off the raids of all kinds of adversaries, and desperate grunts lived in it, ready to risk their heads for a handful of silver and their own will. And we, therefore, are their descendants, who lack adrenaline. Like it or not, Andrei did not know, but he had enough of his own problems, without adrenaline. For example, where to get money?

The phone beeped: Arkasha, friend. It was he who helped Andrei get a job as a security guard, although he did not serve in the army, and sometimes threw him money hacks.

- Hello, Andryukha! A cheerful voice came from the phone.

- Hello. Tell me right now what do you have?

- There is a theme. You can earn a thousand euros in a week. All equipment and other small things do not count.

– And what should be done?

“Escort a couple of good people somewhere.

- Not understood. Where to accompany? To Karelia, to the Urals? For a piece of euro?

- No, everything is right here. A trip for a week and a thing in your pocket. Well, three days before that for preparation.

– Where do you need to go?

"Damn, what am I explaining to you?" Come to our park, we'll talk there. Or do you need money?

- Needed, of course. I'll be there in an hour. Borya, Kazakov called out to the bartender, how much is it from me?

- At the expense of the institution, Andrey. Give it back when you can.

– Bor, well, damn it, really thanks. As soon as I get the money, I'll honestly give it back. And they will.

- I have heard. Good luck to you.

© Pavel Mamontov, text, 2016

© AST Publishing House LLC, 2017

The shot leg ached like a bad tooth in bad weather. But now there is not a cloud in the sky - the usual August weather.

Andrew took a sip of coffee and frowned. He was sitting in a cafe for extreme sports and whiled away the time after another unsuccessful interview.

The most offensive thing is that the penny, who shot him in the leg, generally came out dry from the water. Well, yes, Andrey bought one cretin - “black” - either an Azer, or a Dag - with a brush on the top of his head, and his friend in the balls. And in return, he received a bullet in the shin from a trauma. Moreover, he himself was to blame: he did not use a regular weapon, which was supposed to be a security guard of a supermarket, but an unregistered cold one.

And Kazakov always liked to work with flexible high-speed weapons: a flail, nunchucks, a flail - it doesn’t matter. This is not your ordinary police baton! It was breathtaking how clumsy, clumsy-looking weapons suddenly gained strength and speed in his hands, easily bypassed any defense and swiftly fell on the head of the enemy. With a barely noticeable turn of the brush, it was possible to direct it to the jaw, to the crown or to the back of the enemy's head. And the result will always be a crushing blow!

In general, they gave Andrei two years probation for such an “initiative”. They also posted a recording of the fight on YouTube. Although, maybe, if it weren’t for this record and the hype around it, Andrei would have been slapped with a real term. And so - one hell, with a criminal record, no one takes a normal job anyway.

And now Andrei was sitting in his favorite cafe and waiting for who knows what.

It's amazing how many in his in a general provincial town there were lovers to ride a bike across rough terrain, tickle nerves on rafting or, drenched in sweat, climb mountains. Compared to the total population, it’s quite a miser, of course, but enough to give a constant income to the Otriv bar.

Senya Semechkin, a seasoned airsoft player, explained this by the fact that the town used to stand on the border and constantly beat off the raids of all kinds of adversaries, and desperate grunts lived in it, ready to risk their heads for a handful of silver and their own will. And we, therefore, are their descendants, who lack adrenaline. Like it or not, Andrei did not know, but he had enough of his own problems, without adrenaline. For example, where to get money?

The phone beeped: Arkasha, friend. It was he who helped Andrei get a job as a security guard, although he did not serve in the army, and sometimes threw him money hacks.

- Hello, Andryukha! A cheerful voice came from the phone.

- Hello. Tell me right now what do you have?

- There is a theme. You can earn a thousand euros in a week. All equipment and other small things do not count.

– And what should be done?

- Accompany a couple of good people somewhere.

- Not understood. Where to accompany? To Karelia, to the Urals? For a piece of euro?

- No, everything is right here. A trip for a week and a thing in your pocket. Well, three days before that for preparation.

– Where do you need to go?

"Damn, what am I explaining to you?" Come to our park, we'll talk there. Or do you need money?

- Needed, of course. I'll be there in an hour. Borya, Kazakov called out to the bartender, how much is it from me?

- At the expense of the institution, Andrey. Give it back when you can.

– Bor, well, damn it, really thanks. As soon as I get the money, I'll honestly give it back. And they will.

- I have heard. Good luck to you.

- Yeah thanks.

Not that Andrei Kazakov was a sucker in life. By the age of twenty-five, he managed to graduate from the Institute of Physical Education, practice karate and acquire many useful skills in construction. He was fond of mountaineering and speleology. A little engaged in fencing and historical reconstruction. I was not averse to being in a good company of role players or survivalists to get out of the city. He earned his bread and butter as hacks at construction sites, as a sempai in the karate section, and sometimes worked as an instructor on extreme camping trips.

He did not sit on his mother's neck, but it was impossible to say that he earned a lot. After graduating from university, he got a job in a small security company, from where he flew out after a fight in a supermarket. For several months now, Kazakov has been free as ... ahem ... free wind.

Arkasha was waiting for Andrey, lounging on a bench. Once upon a time, it was in this park that they both rushed about with overlays on their ears and plastic swords, depicting elves. Where did those years go, where did those guys disappear?

Arkasha Sizentsev's vidok was the most sly, like a slop cat's. And the content matched the appearance: he would never miss the benefits. However, to throw your own - this did not happen. It was Arkasha who periodically gave Kazakov opportunities to earn money. Not without benefit for themselves, presumably.

- Oh, hello, the star of YouTube, he came after all. How long have you not seen each other?

“And you don’t get sick. By your grace, I almost did not become a chanson star.

- Well, it's you, bro, turned down. It's his own fault... Okay, forget it, - Arkasha noticed that Andrey was not inclined to discuss the motives of his act. - As they say: whatever happens, everything is for the best. Very interesting and important people saw the recording of your fight. And they wanted to take it with them on an exciting journey. Evaluate the breadth of the act.

- I have already estimated - a piece of euro. You tell me the details, otherwise everything looks like a scammer.

- Offended, Andriukh. OK. Where to go, they themselves do not know.

- That is?

- Well, look, the topic is this: there is an extreme tour, something in between sports tourism and a role-playing game. The tour, by the way, is called the Great Game. Only three people can enter it. Your trio is delivered to the territory of this very Game. And there are already others, well, too ... role players. And among them, the three of you must hold out for eight days. Everything.

– Survive eight days among the role-players?

- There are some adventures, tasks. I know one thing for sure - it won't be boring. Well, do you agree?

- It's all strange ... Okay, I agree, of course. A piece of euro just won't hurt me. At the same time and pull back.

“And then,” Arkasha grinned.

Let's call your clients.

“They should be here in twenty minutes.” I knew that you would agree, - the friend's dirty smile became even wider.

- You beetle, Arkashka. So hunting in the teeth to go.

- Nothing! I gave him such a job, but he is dissatisfied. If you don't want it, I'll give it to someone else.

- But now you will definitely rake, Arkady.

“Come on, break your fingers on my jaw.”

“That’s the only reason you’re still alive,” Kazakov remarked, “I don’t want to beat my legs against your kidneys.” When do you say the employers will arrive?

- In about fifteen minutes. They will call back.

Arkashin's cell phone rang ten minutes later. Friends were told to approach the exit from the park.

Customers - a guy and a girl - stood in the parking lot next to a shiny Land Cruiser. When Arkasha waved his hand, future employers slowly moved towards him.

The guy looked like a typical major: short-haired, pumped-up brunette in big black glasses, a pink shirt and dark gray trousers with slits. Surely the cost of his outfit significantly exceeded Andrei's estimated fee. Or maybe some glasses were more expensive.

A smiling girl walked by his arm. Just Ygritte from the "Game of Thrones" - red-haired, slender, but with noticeable forms. She, too, was dressed immaculately, but she carried herself so directly and lightly that she looked a little out of place next to her faithful companion.

“Vlad,” the major introduced himself and held out his hand.

At this time, a smart chirped in his trousers, he deftly pulled it out with his left hand, quickly ran his fingers across the screen.

"Lefty," Andrey thought. - Well, I'm lucky again. They say that left-handers are extraordinary people. I wonder where his originality will take me?

“Lisa,” the redhead introduced herself with a smile and made a playful curtsy.

- Very nice.

- Well, since everyone is assembled, let's start negotiations. Or maybe we'll go to a cafe? Arkasha suggested.
