Laser photo shooting Photo shooting from a laser pointer From China, a laser shooting gallery with your own hands

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  • When the cartridges practically run out ...

    With the advent of laser pointers, it turned out to be quite simple to make a photo shooting, while special problems with a range of several tens of meters does not exist. The use of such toys can be very diverse, both as part of the complex, and separately. At first I thought of installing a similar system on radio-controlled tank models. A laser can be installed in the barrel of the tank, and several sensors around the perimeter of the tank. If you use two radio-controlled models, then you can arrange a real tank battle to kill in vulnerabilities... But I have not yet reached such a perversion, but I managed to realize the target with a pistol.


    Widely used photodiodes respond well to the light signal from a laser pointer, even in the presence of ambient light, which makes it easy to organize photo shooting. At the same time, no special and expensive parts are needed to create, just a little time, skillful hands and basic knowledge of electronics, as well as the ability to work with a soldering iron are enough. At one time, I had several hundred integrated circuits 1006VI1 lying around, the use of which turned out to be so universal and widespread that it would seem that all electronics consists of it. I have already used the timer 1006 VI1 (555) for Christmas tree crafts (), and I will continue to use it until the stock of microcircuits runs out.


    The whole scheme consists of four self-contained units: A1 - laser pulse source (pistol); A2 - photosensor with light and sound indication (target -); A3 - charger for batteries and a pistol, and a target (); A4 - sound indicator, an additional unit for convenience and effectiveness ().

    Pistol diagram (A1)

    The main functions of the gun are to provide the formation of a laser pulse of short duration with a minimum repetition interval of about 0.5 sec, as well as the formation sound signal at the moment of pulse generation. The trigger for the "shot" is a change in the position of the SB1 switch from the right position according to the scheme to the left (). At this moment, the capacitor C1, charged to a voltage of about 3.75 V, is connected to the laser pointer. A short current pulse passes through the laser LED, as a result of which a short light laser pulse is formed, the pulse duration can be reduced by increasing the resistance of the current-limiting resistor R1 built into the laser pointer.

    Simultaneously with the laser pointer, a multivibrator assembled on transistors VT1, VT2 is connected to the storage capacitor C1. The multivibrator operates at a frequency of about 3 kHz and is loaded onto a dynamic head BA1 with a resistance of several tens of ohms through an emitter follower on VT 3. As a result of a voltage drop during the discharge of C1, a sound pulse with a varying frequency is heard in the speaker (something like “F-i-i -ty ").

    After releasing the trigger of the pistol, SB1 switches to the right position according to the scheme and the process of charging the capacitor C1 through the resistor R2 begins, the latter determines the minimum recharge period C1, and therefore the minimum time between "shots". Since the entire circuit is disconnected from the power source when the trigger is released, the pistol practically does not consume anything in standby mode.

    Pistol design (A1)

    The body of the pistol of the 8-bit attachment type "Dandy", etc. serves as a body for accommodating all the elements of the circuit. From the original pistol, only the shell and the contact group with the trigger, as well as the photodiode, which is used in the target as a hit sensor, remain.

    Target layout (A2)

    7. The charger can be used to charge both the gun and the target battery. One charge is enough for several tens of hours of continuous operation.

    The sounds of gunfire scare people. Especially the neighbors. If not for this circumstance, the methods of arranging a shooting gallery in an apartment would be the subject of another article. In this one we will look at how to organize a shooting range using special laser attachments.

    There are two types of laser attachments:

    Made in the form of a cartridge:

    Weapons inserted into the barrel:

    The first ones are inserted into the chamber and are triggered by the impact of the striker on the button-capsule.

    The second ones are inserted into the barrel and are triggered by the “dry” impact of the striker. The advantages of the former are the price, but at the same time you need your own cartridge for each type of weapon.

    The advantage of the latter is higher accuracy and versatility. As a rule, the caliber of laser attachments is regulated within certain limits. You can buy a laser attachment on e-commerce sites - amazon, ebay.

    Tip: Try searching for “Laser trainer”.

    In addition to weapons, a target will also be needed for the shooting range to function. Targets can also be divided into two types: with a built-in detector and virtual. Let's take a closer look at each of them.

    Target with built-in detector is a product, as a rule, of a small size, at which, in fact, shots are fired. The shot is detected by a photodetector and illuminated by an LED. Here is a sample of such a target:

    Review: LaserLyte Laser Target

    The disadvantages of this type of target include:

    Small size, low accuracy in determining shots, a rigidly defined type and size of the target, the impossibility of automating the process of zeroing in and scoring. The advantages include ease of deployment.

    Virtual target.

    Such a target will cost you significantly less, provided that you already have a smartphone or tablet (a fairly common case). All you need to do is print the target, hang it on the wall and mount your smartphone or tablet, pointing the camera at the target. Well, before that, install a special application, for example, Laser Range.

    Laser range party

    The advantages are obvious - you can print any target (for example, with a portrait of any politician you “dearly love”). The program will keep track of your workouts for you, including scoring, hit points for each shot and POI in general. There is also a mode of shots on a signal, with an adjustable range for the buzzer. And, of course, you can brag about your achievements on social networks.

    DIY mini-shooting range. Nowadays, the so-called laser (light) pointer has become a popular childish entertainment. Produced as a miniature working tool for teachers, lecturers and guides, it attracts audacious fans of science fiction with the opportunity to play "engineer Garin's hyperboloid", highlighting one or another detail of an object of interest at a considerable distance with a sharply directed light beam. Fortunately, such games do without negative consequences, because in these pointers it is allowed to use only semiconductor lasers or LEDs (the option that manufacturers most often go to) with built-in optics, the radiation power of which should not exceed 1 mW. An increase in the concentration of light energy in an extremely small solid angle can create, according to experts, a certain danger to vision - when the beam hits the eye directly or after reflection from a mirror surface.

    Owners of laser pointers can adapt them for interesting and completely safe fun - home photo shooting. The light pulse will serve as an analogue of a bullet, and the target's photosensor will become the receiver. In case of hitting the target, an electrical signal will appear, which will cause a light (completely harmless) response - confirmation of a well-aimed "shot".

    The weapon of the phototir is a laser (light) pointer, supplemented with a simple electrical switching device and mounted in a ready-made or homemade model of a pistol, carbine, etc. When such a weapon is removed from the fuse (contacts SA1 are closed) and the trigger guard is not pressed (the SB1 button is open), then the electricity supplied from the GB1 battery through the current-limiting resistor R1 will charge the high-capacity capacitor C1 as much as possible. When a photo shot (pressing SB1) will switch and quickly discharge C1 to the A1 laser pointer. The latter will emit a short pulse of directional light, which, when it hits the photosensor, will cause a response from the target (flash of a LED - target hit indicator).

    The glow of a laser pointer in a homemade phototair - in decreasing intensity, in the range of discharge voltages on C1 from 4.5 to 3 V. After releasing the SB1 button, the "self-charging" of the large-capacitor will begin, and after about three seconds the light weapon is again ready to hit the target, where phototransistor VT1 is used as a light-receiving element. From the usual bipolar semiconductor triode, the latter is distinguished by a fundamentally different control of the collector current, when the result is achieved not by changing the electrical bias to the base, but by lighting it from an external source, for which a translucent window is provided in the case protecting the crystal (for a phototransistor, see, for example, Model-constructor "No. 7, 1993).

    In the initial state, when the power supply voltage has already been applied to the photo target by the BA1 toggle switch, and the phototransistor is not yet illuminated and locked, the so-called high logic level (log. 1) comes from the collector \ / T1 to the input 1 of the microcircuit cell 001.1 type 2I-NЄ, which forms together with 001.2, capacitor C1 and resistor P! 3 signal converter. Inputs 5 and 6 001.2 are "grounded" through the LAN, and log.1 is transmitted from output 4 of this cell to input 20001.1, which is why a low-level signal (log.O) is "on duty" at output 3 001.1, as well as at inputs 8, 9 and 12, 13 of the threshold link 001.3, 001.4. Obeying the logic of the operation of this device, at the paired outputs 10, 11 of the 001 microcircuit there will be a high level signal, which is fed to the base of the \ 1T2 transistor (power amplifier operating in the key mode) and locks it.

    When the "shot" is marked, the light pulse enters the window of the sensitive \ / T1. The phototransistor is unlocked. As a result, the voltage on its collector (hence, at the input 1 of the 001 microcircuit) will drop to log O. Cell 001.1 will switch to another steady state and its output will show high level... This signal will instantly be transmitted through the uncharged capacitor C1 to inputs 5, 6 of cell 001.2, which will immediately switch and from output 4 will give a log O to input 2 of D01.1. Output 3 will remain log.1, despite the cessation of the light pulse and the restoration of a low level at input 1. The state of cells DD1.1 and DD1.2 will be maintained until the capacitor charge ends. All this time, cells DD1.3, DD1.4 also remain in a switched state, and the log.O at their outputs allows you to keep the transistor VT2 open, creating conditions for a response signal about hitting the target - the glow of the semiconductor indicator HL1.

    When the capacitor C1 is charged, the current passing through it and the resistor R3 will stop. The voltage at inputs 5, 6 of DD1.2 will drop, and the entire device will return to its original state. That is, the duration of the response signal about hitting the target (luminescence of the semiconductor indicator HL1) is determined by the ratings C1, R3 and, subject to the values ​​indicated on the circuit diagram of the photo target, is approximately 2 s.

    The main purpose of the HL2 LED is to signal that the target is connected to a power supply. With the placement of this indicator (and, of course, the phototransistor itself) in the center of the "apple", it will be possible to train and hold competitions for marksmanship in the photo gallery, but according to stricter and more complex rules. For example, in a dimly lit room or even in complete darkness, using the green "spark" of the HL1 LED as target designation. The red "light" of the more powerful HL1 (hit indicator) can be positioned at the edge of the target.

    The “electronics” of the target, with the exception of the phototransistor, LEDs and the power switch, is mounted on a pseudoprinting cut-out board made of one-sided foil-clad plastic.

    In the construction of a self-made photo-wash using a laser pointer as the basis of a "weapon", the usual and well-proven constant resistors MLT-0.25 and "variable" SP-0.4 or their analogs, micro-button KM 1-1, capacitors K50- are quite acceptable 6 and K50-38, micro toggle switches MT1-1. The photo target is powered from a compact 9-volt "Krona" (if the training intensity is relatively low; otherwise, you cannot do without a more powerful source, which can, for example, be composed of two series-connected 3R12 batteries). Three AAA (LR03) galvanic cells connected in series can guarantee the proper energy supply for the "laser weapon".

    The process of debugging a homemade photo-wash takes a minimum of time and is reduced only to setting the required sensitivity level of the light-receiving stage with a variable resistor R1 and to matching the sighting device with the beam in relation to the distance of the photo target. Power to the pointer during this negotiation is supplied directly from the GB1 battery with the SA1 switch.


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