Electronic activator for biting fish hangry: truth or scam? Bait for fish biting Do-it-yourself electronic biting activator.

Nowadays, quite often, fishermen resort to the use of a bite activator. Similar drugs can always be found in fishing stores. This is a special bait that has proven itself well in fishing conditions. Many are interested, but you can cook the bite activator yourself. The answer is simple: yes you can. The main thing here is to know what attracts the fish the most.

In the store there are biting activators in various forms:

  • in the form of tablets;
  • in a liquid substance;
  • in the form of pellets or peas of various sizes.

At the same time, there are both domestic options and foreign ones. The bite activator is quite a popular thing for our country. It should be noted that this tool is not at all cheap. Naturally, it is not at all necessary to buy them, since they can be easily made at home.

Very important:

  1. Decide on composition.
  2. Decide on a form.

If we talk about cooking, then it may look like this:

  • all components of plant origin are prepared;
  • after that they are poured with water and allowed to stand for several days (from 1 to 3);
  • after infusion, the mixture is put on fire and boiled for at least 1 hour;
  • as soon as the mixture cools, all kinds of additives are added to it.

Additives and flavorings are added only those that lure a certain type of fish. There are a lot of recipes that use natural flavors. After all the manipulations with the composition are made, balls of certain sizes are rolled from it. It is possible that someone will like sausages, which are then cut into small fragments.

Each type of fish prefers to feed on something special. In this regard, each bite activator is prepared for a specific type of fish. AT recent times civil services plan to ban the sale of bite activators. Therefore, the practice of self-cooking can be very useful in the future.

Carp is considered the most common fish in our reservoirs. Moreover, it is considered a rather capricious fish, which can peck, depending on some factors. For example:

  1. Seasons.
  2. Atmospheric pressure values.
  3. The temperature of the water in the pond.
  4. other natural factors.

Carp can be caught both from the bottom of the reservoir, and closer to the surface. The diet of crucian carp includes various insect larvae and zooplankton, as well as some vegetation. Carp are caught on baits of both vegetable and animal origin. It can be cereals or ordinary bread, cereals, such as wheat, semolina or barley. As practice shows, it is better not to boil them, but to steam them. As baits of animal origin, mainly worm, maggot and bloodworm are used.

In the process of preparing the bite activator for crucian carp, it is advisable to add natural ingredients to it that can attract crucian carp. It can be:

  • cocoa;
  • garlic;
  • anise;
  • dill seeds (crushed);
  • vanillin.

As an additional element that will never scare away crucian, reed, calamus, cattail, etc. can be used. Naturally, they must be crushed to a powder state.

The bite activator is applied not in large fragments or in bulk. Carp prefers small elements.

Roach is caught at any time of the year. Especially effective fishing can be in the spring, before spawning. This is a very cautious fish that can reach a weight of up to 2 kg. As a rule, individuals weighing no more than 0.5 kg come across on the hook. The diet of roach consists of insect larvae, caddis flies, bloodworms, etc. In the summer, she can eat greens.

The activator for roach is prepared in all sorts of ways. For example, in winter colds, it is enough to sprinkle breadcrumbs on the surface of the water. In spring and summer, it is desirable to introduce into the composition of the biting activator:

  1. Stern bloodworm, not sparing.
  2. Breadcrumbs or biscuits, grains and bran.
  3. Soil taken directly from the reservoir.

The bait should be prepared in such a way that it does not scare away the fish with pronounced odors or substandard appearance. Not bad if the bait in the water creates a cloud of turbidity. The bait slowly sinks to the bottom, continuing to attract larger individuals.

The following scents may attract roaches:

  • chopped garlic;
  • coriander;
  • nettle;
  • caraway;
  • thyme;
  • chocolate;
  • almond.

In any case, there is a huge field for experiments. This is the only way to find out the preferences of the fish.

Carp prefer sweet flavors and will not be interested in very small food, unlike roach. The main filler is better to steam, but not to boil. To make the bait sweet, you can add both sugar and honey.

Carp can grow up to large sizes. In spring, it is not as active as in summer and autumn. Carp is considered a rather gluttonous fish, which does not particularly sort out food. As a rule, the bite activator for carp is prepared either from corn or from peas (especially green ones). If undercooked potatoes are introduced into the bait, this can enhance the effect of activating the bite.

This combination works very well: the bite activator mainly consists of small particles, and the bait is selected large.

There are two ways to feed carp:

  1. With the use of a "rocket" feeder.
  2. Having created a stern cloud in the water column.

You can flavor the bait with the following components:

  • garlic;
  • thyme.

Biting activator for pike (predator)

Pike is a predatory fish that can also reach serious sizes. As a rule, pike are caught on spinning with the use of artificial lures. She is especially active after spawning.

Her diet includes different kinds fish, frogs, crayfish, barnacles, worms, as well as plants, but very rarely. Pike bite activator should not be used in large quantities. In most cases, fish are attracted to some point as potential pike food. It could be:

  1. Carp.
  2. Roach.
  3. Perch.

An additional element of predator activation is finely chopped fish scattered over the surface of the reservoir.

Flavors based on natural scents

Flavorings are certainly present in the bite activators. Almost all anglers understand that artificial flavors should always be used with caution. Artificial flavors are sold in both liquid and solid form. Still, most prefer liquid consistency. Despite this, when preparing bite activators at home, it is better to give preference to natural ingredients. For example:

  • Use turmeric to catch roach.
  • Apply cinnamon to catch roach and bream.
  • Add garlic, for many types of fish.
  • Add thyme if you want to catch carp.
  • Include star anise in the composition, for catching peaceful fish.
  • Add coriander to catch bream.

As a rule, ready-made flavors of store origin cost a lot of money. Including natural components, it turns out quite serious savings.

How to prepare a good activator

If you manage to prepare a bite activator at home, then you need to use it very reasonably. It is necessary to take into account some factors, especially natural ones.

Therefore, you can use biting activators if you follow the following rules:

  • A lot of bite activator is bad, as it can lead to the opposite effect.
  • In spring, autumn and winter, fish prefer food of animal origin. In this regard, you need to use the smells of worms, bloodworms and fish oil more.
  • In summer, when the water is warm, odors spread faster in the water column. Therefore, in such conditions, you need to adhere to the rule - the less, the better.
  • It is not recommended to introduce more than two smells into the main composition, as this is unlikely to work.
  • Almost all types of fish, with the onset of heat, prefer sweet aromas.

Most experienced fishermen are familiar with the habits of the types of fish they catch. Naturally, such an understanding comes after long experiments, which can lead to both success and disappointment. But don't stop halfway. Good luck always walks next to only the stubborn and purposeful.

Modern alternative - electronic bait

The bite is guaranteed - Hurry up to pull it out!

"Klev" is a unique device for luring any kind of freshwater fish (river and lake) to the place of fishing. Operates with the help of sound and vibration, used in summer and winter fishing!

As you know, the fish shows considerable interest in various sounds and vibrations. Fish perceive sounds in the range of 25 - 12000 Hz. Acoustic and other vibrations of water are recorded not only by the inner ear (labyrinth), but also by the lateral line organ and skin receptors. Sound propagates in water almost 5 times faster than in air - about 1500 m/s versus 300 m/s. And in most cases, it is not difficult for fish to determine its source ...

Experienced anglers have long known that certain sounds attract fish. So, the well-known method of catching catfish "on a kwok", when the fish is attracted by slamming flat on the water with a spoon-shaped wooden device. Claps are similar to the croaking of frogs or the quacking of ducklings, before which large catfish are great hunters.

Functional features of the KLEV device:

Creates sound vibrations that attract fish and beckon them to the place of fishing.

Convenient and easy to use.

Suitable for all types of river and lake fish.

Can be used for summer and winter fishing.

Passed numerous tests on freshwater reservoirs and showed its effectiveness in summer and especially in winter.

Instrument working principle and application:

The device generates sound vibrations with a variable frequency in the range of 25-12,000 Hz. The emitter is placed in water to a depth of at least 20 - 30 cm.

The organ of hearing different fish developed differently...

So, ide picks up sound vibrations in the range of 25-5520 Hz, and crucian carp and bream - in the range of 25-3840 Hz. A large fish swims to the sounds of a low frequency of 200-400 Hz, which are emitted by crustaceans. And predators react to sounds made by fry in the range of 5000-12000 Hz.

Here lies the main "weakness" of the fish and the peculiarity electronic bait"Klev", which creates the whole range of these sounds!

The device is turned on by pressing the power button. With the help of variable resistors, the desired frequency and character of the sound are selected. The duration of the sound is selected (constant or intermittent at a frequency of 0.3 Hz). You can turn off the buzzer located in the generator case if it interferes with the angler.

The device is powered by a battery type "crown" (9 V), which lasts up to 300 hours of continuous operation. This lure can be used both in summer and winter, on a river, in a pond or lake - it easily adapts to any kind of fish*.

* It should be remembered that the device does not activate the bite, but only lures the fish to the place of fishing with the correct experimental selection of the nature and frequency of the sound! A successful catch depends on your gear and bait.

A little about the "hearing abilities of fish" ...

Fish perfectly capture sound vibrations - with the help of the inner ear and a special sensitive zone - the lateral line. The sound channel of perception becomes the main one for fish and often prevails over the visual one - after all, in muddy water vision cannot always be relied upon. At the same time, water is a more elastic medium than air, which means that any object causes tangible fluctuations in water. It is on them that the fish are guided ...

According to modern data, the well-known expression "dumb as a fish" is not true. For many years, submarine specialists have used especially sensitive devices - hydrophones (underwater microphones) in their work. With their help, all sounds under water are listened to, amplified and recorded on film, and then carefully examined.

So it was found that the life of underwater inhabitants is not at all silent, but filled with a variety of sounds. The fish make them by squeezing swim bladder, clicking gill covers, moving separate rays of fins, grinding pharyngeal and jaw teeth. An erroneous idea about the hearing abilities of fish is due to the fact that they lack an external and middle ear.

The sound channel of perception becomes the main one for fish and often prevails over the visual one - after all, in muddy water one cannot always rely on vision. At the same time, water is a more elastic medium than air, which means that any object causes tangible fluctuations in water. It is on them that the fish are guided.

It has been proven that even completely blind fish do not run into an obstacle, but freely bypass it. For example, a blinded pike is able to hunt using lateral line receptors. The susceptibility of the sideline to water vibrations is simply fantastic - it picks up even the smallest vibrations that are inaccessible to the human ear - in the range from 25 to 12,000 Hz.

On the NTV channel in the program "Miracle of Technology" a TV report was released with the participation of our product. Bait for fish "Klev". Program host Sergei Malozemov and fisherman Vladimir Smirnov. Tested gadgets for fishing. The results are fantastic! You can see with your own eyes the results of the fish lure device thanks to the underwater camera.


Power source - battery type "krone" 9 volts.

The frequency of the emitted sound (adjustable) - 25-12,000 Hz.

Sound interruption frequency - 0.3 Hz.

Radiator wire length: 3 m.

Dimensions - 90 x 100 x 45 mm.

Weight - no more than 250 g.

Terms of storage and use:

Protect the device from getting moisture on the generator housing. Do not allow the sound emitter to freeze during winter fishing.

Production: Russia, UFA. LLC Small innovative enterprise "Melesta"

Warranty period: 1 year(subject to the rules of storage and use)

Fishing is favourite hobby any man. For some, this is a favorite activity or sport, and for many, it is a way of life.

An experienced angler often does not move from place to place in search of fish. It is everywhere, but how to catch it, that's the question.

Modern science does not stand still, for such cases, scientists have developed a fish hungry bite activator. This is a unique bait for catching fish, causing increased appetite in fish and attracting them to the place of catching.

The main feature of the bait is the natural composition of fish hangry, which does not pollute with chemicals environment.

If the use of bait is classified as poaching, then fish hangry is not a prohibited technique for catching fish.

The activator contains:

The bait can be used on any body of water, in lakes, rivers, sea waters.

Lure - is it a scam or not? Let's consider the principle of action of bait fish hangri:

  • Pheromones, penetrating into the body of the fish, cause an increased desire to feed on this particular food;
  • Fish that are near the location of this bait begin to stray into large flocks for the purpose of feeding;
  • Activates the fish, regardless of the surrounding conditions of fishing: bad weather conditions, spawners, etc.

Tests of fish bait have shown that it has a greater effect on large fish.

How much does it cost, where to buy?

Fish hangry is big catch at minimal cost. This drug is sold in fishing stores, or to protect yourself from fakes, you can order bait on the official website of the manufacturer.

The bite activator is sold in the form of a paste, spray, thick syrup. Syrup and paste are easy to use, because of the sticky state they are not washed off for a long time from bait, nozzles when fishing. They also sell electronic fish hangry.

The price of the bite activator is acceptable for all fishermen. But remember that by buying bait in a store, you can get a fake.

Advice: to buy bait, you should choose a store with a high reputation, which must have a certificate of quality compliance.

You should refuse to buy fish hangry if there are unfamiliar hieroglyphs on the package, as this is a Chinese fake.

By purchasing on the official website, you protect yourself from low-quality products.

How to use the activator: instructions

The bite activator is sold in a polyethylene package of 5 sachets of metallized material, weighing 5 ml.

How to use the bait? Very easy. Usually, instructions for use are placed on the packaging with the bait.

To obtain a bait enriched with an activator, dissolve a bag of fish hangri in a small amount of water, then add the resulting solution to the bait.

Many people pour the contents of a packet of fish hungry directly into the bait mix, but this is wrong, as it will not evenly dissolve throughout the mix.

Biting activator can process nozzles, baits for fishing rods, spinning. To do this, a portion of the activator is dissolved in half a liter of water, then, as the nozzle or bait is used, it is dipped into this solution.

In the case when you have not used up all the liquid, you can save it until the next fishing trip, just pour it into a bottle with a tight-fitting lid. Such a solution can stand under optimal storage conditions for no more than two weeks.

For winter fishing, the use of fish hangri is problematic, since at sub-zero temperatures it is not possible to fully use the diluted bait. Each time after freezing it has to be diluted with a new solution, this is very impractical, since not all the amount of solution is used.

In winter, it is better to use fish hangry spray, it is not able to freeze in low winter temperatures.

At other times of the year, there were no problems with the fish hangry solution and its use.

Is it possible to make a bite activator with your own hands?

Experienced amateur fishermen, in order to get the maximum catch, prepare appetite activators in fish themselves, at home. For them, this is not a difficult task, since they are familiar with the habits of various fish, how they feed, what kind of food this or that fish feeds on.

How to do it yourself?

  • Use essential oils of plants that fish prefer. These include: garlic, star anise, thyme, turmeric, dill and other types of aromatic plants.
  • Add honey, vinegar, vanillin to enhance the taste of the feed mixture.
  • Add oils with aromatic odors (anise, dill).

Recipe #1: mix 3-4 tablespoons of flavors with half a liter of water. Then you need to boil the mixture. Keep on fire for 10-15 minutes. Our bite activator is ready, it is mixed with the prepared fish feed mixture.

Recipe #2: Pass two, three cloves of garlic through a garlic press, mix with vegetable oil, let it brew for one hour. Ready.

Fishing enthusiasts use proven bite activators, and they know what to mix with what and in what proportions.

A homemade activator is very convenient, in the event that there was no fish hangry at hand, it can be made from improvised materials. Flavored tea bags and sunflower oil are used. Easily and simply, the fish will begin to bite better.

Real Positive and Negative Feedback

When studying reviews about the bite activator, positive rather than negative prevail.

This is primarily due to the fact that inexperienced fishermen simply do not know how to use the bait, or they do not breed the activator according to the instructions.

Real reviews of anglers say that the use of fish hangri increases the catch and, moreover, in a significant way. Fishermen who have heard about the bait will try. Having purchased and tried once, they will use constantly.

Since the “Hungry Fish” lure, sometimes called by fishermen, is 100% effective.

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At its core, winter fishing is not much different from summer fishing. Everything is the same: you throw gear and wait for the bite. But gear, and to a greater extent bait, for each season are selected in their own way. What baits will work well in winter time? Find out from this article.

Before we move on to the topic of bait selection, it is necessary to understand how fish behavior changes during the cold season.

Characteristic features of fish behavior in winter

Take for example perch and pike. Studies have shown that in the cold season, the perch's stomach shrinks and becomes the size of a walnut. The perch literally ceases to feed on fry already at a temperature of less than 5 degrees Celsius. Its metabolism is inhibited: during this period, the fish eats in small portions and not as energetically as in the summer. The lower the temperature, the stronger the perch is prone to eating small food - insects, bloodworms, larvae. During the winter, the perch gets thinner.

Pike, on the contrary, can gain weight, although its belly is usually stuffed with caviar in a given period of time. For this reason, she also feeds not so briskly and on smaller prey than in spring and summer. Lures need to be selected appropriate, but more on that later.

Where to look for fish?

Winter is unpredictable: sometimes cold, sometimes thaw. In order for fishing to be successful, you need to understand where to look for fish in each case.

The best biting of perches and pikes is in the first days after the formation of ice. In this period of time, the fish has not yet swam away from the shore and is moving briskly through the reservoir. In the middle of winter, if the cold is strong, the fish goes to the most remote areas, concentrating in flocks in pits or snags. If someone finds a similar hole or snag, then fishing will be productive.

Unfortunately, we do not always know the landscape of the bottom, for this reason it is better to drill many holes at once - at least 10, and try to catch in each one. Spend no more than 3 minutes per hole - if there is no bite, switch to the next one.

At the end of winter, the perch forgets about lethargy and begins to hunt and prepare for spawning. Pike also becomes more lively. During this period, fishing can become very, very impressive. The warmer - the more dynamic the bite, for this reason, always strive to use the thaw time to good use.

What to catch?

Experienced fishermen catch fish only on mormyshka. But if you are a novice angler, limiting yourself to only a mormyshka will not work. In winter, it is necessary to use the smallest mormyshki (droplet, ball) and bait (bloodworm, maggot, a piece of a worm, moth larvae, butterflies). If it is difficult to get them, try barley, meat or a piece of fresh fish.

In a given period of time, not only the size of the bait is significant, but also the pace of its movement - an inactive fish simply will not be tempted by a rapidly moving bait. Gently move the mormyshka, play with it.

The main secret of effective winter fishing

Significantly increase the catch in winter allows the use of attractants. The best one for today is the Fishhungry bite activator. It was created and patented by Italian scientists in 2012. The Fish Hungry bite activator has become very popular in Europe among sports fishermen. I also could not resist and tried this innovation. For my own fishing practice, I haven’t seen anything, but for the fish to peck SO ...
Anytime, Anywhere space catch guaranteed!

What's the secret? The composition of the bite activator includes pheromones, stimulating appetite fish. Even a perch with a small stomach or a hungry pike will certainly be tempted! electronic activator biting fisherman's dream

Moreover, the Fish Hungry bite activator lures fish from long distances. With it, you do not need to explore the entire reservoir and drill a dozen holes - the fish will come to you by itself! Just dip the mormyshka or other bait into the attractant solution and that's it - a crazy bite is guaranteed. Approximate catch with attractant - 20-30 kg fish. By the way, pheromones affect only adults, therefore they will not lure any small fry.

So if you want to turn winter fishing in extraordinary pleasure - I advise you to try FishHungry. The price is modest, and the result is hoo.

Order FishHungry

Happy fishing everyone! Your Vladimir Burakov

Going to the pond, every fisherman seeks to achieve a good bite. In this case, the time spent with a fishing rod in hand will be exciting. To arouse the interest of fish in the bait, many different baits and additives are used. Their principle of operation can differ significantly. One of the new ways to increase the bite is the Fishhungry bite activator. Reviews of fishermen about the presented product are ambiguous.

Some users note the high efficiency of the bite activator. Others, on the contrary, argue that this remedy is no different from ordinary bait. To understand the features of the action of the presented product, you will need to understand the essence of the presented bite activator, consider its features and characteristics.

general description

A special tool that entered the market relatively recently was called Fishhungry ("Hungry Fish"). Reviews about the presented product were sharply divided. To draw a conclusion about the principle of the bite activator, you need to understand its essence.

The action of the product, according to the manufacturer, is based on pheromones. These are substances that living organisms release into the environment. Pheromones belong to the category of biologically active components. They affect the physiological and emotional state of the animal, its behavior and even metabolism. These components are isolated by an individual in order to produce a certain effect on another individual of the same species.

It is this principle, according to the manufacturer, that was the basis of the bite activator. In 2011, a group of scientists from the Center for the Study of Nature, Aquaculture and Fisheries in Italy synthesized a substance that was identical in composition to the fish pheromone. It is produced by aquatic inhabitants in their natural habitat and leads to a sharp increase in the appetite of fish, as well as its crowding. The team leader was Dr. Andy Moore. Speaking on the BBC channel, the scientist explained that the ingredient he discovered makes the fish not only feel hungry, but also eat almost anything.

Initially, the presented substance was developed with the aim of reconstructing fish farming. It was planned to use it to increase the industrial cultivation of valuable varieties of fish. At the same time, even predatory species eat plant foods. This greatly reduces the cost of fish production.

Reviews about Fishhungry ("Hungry Fish"), which are given by scientists and manufacturers, speak of unprecedented results when using the supplement. Today, attractants are used in sports, amateur fishing process.


Considering fishhungry reviews of fishhungry - scam or not - principle of action, the composition will need to be determined in more detail. The list of ingredients includes environmentally friendly ingredients. They do not pollute the natural habitat of the fish. The tool consists of three main components.

As mentioned above, the first of the ingredients is a synthesized pheromone. This is an artificial substance that is manufactured industrially. Pheromone is the main component of the bite activator. It affects the feeling of hunger in fish. Representatives different types gather in a flock in the place where the bait will be introduced. In this case, the caution of the fish almost completely disappears. She wants to eat everything that comes into her field of vision.

The second component that is part of the product is essential oil. Moreover, a special proportion of this component is used in the production. Too much or too little oil can affect bites. At the same time, several varieties are included in the composition of the oil. Anise and garlic esters are most commonly used. The oil remains in one place in the water for a long time, attracting various types of fish.

The third component is a universal type feed. It can be consumed by both sea and river representatives of the water kingdom. Only the complex application of the presented components gives a good result.

After the appearance of a new product on the domestic market, many fishermen are interested in the question of whether fishhungry biting activator - scam or true. Reviews buyers will be discussed further. It should also be noted that the bite activator, which is on sale today, differs significantly in its properties from the original product developed for fish farms.

The work of the bite activator

Considering Fishhungry biting activator reviews - divorce or not - it is necessary to pay attention to the intensity of the action of the agent. Many fishermen, going to the reservoir, faced with a complete lack of interest in aquatic life for bait or bait. This can be caused by many factors. For example, it started to rain and the fish went deep. AT cold water regular bait does not attract fish with its smell. Maybe it's the wrong time to go fishing. There are many reasons.

Also, some types of fish are initially very cautious. The bites in this case will be weak, and the pleasure of fishing is not great enough. Getting the fish to respond to the bait takes some work. At the same time, they change tackle, apply bait with different smells. Manufacturers of the new bite activator claim that when using it, you don’t have to think about how to attract fish. The attractant will take care of this.

The pheromone, which is included in the composition, activates several reflexes in the fish. Getting into the water, the bite activator forms an area of ​​a certain configuration. Fish gradually begin to gather in it, forming a flock. She instinctively feels that here it will be possible to profit from something.

Once in a cloud of bait, aquatic inhabitants begin to feel irresistible hunger. This feeling will last for a long time. The fish "forgets" about caution, trying to find some kind of food. This is the main action that fishhungry activator. Reviews buyers make it clear that the presented tool is used for both peaceful and predatory fish. It can be added to regular bait, dipped into a solution of bait or bait. At the same time, it absolutely does not matter what spinners, wobblers, etc. a person uses.


There are certain rules for the use fishhungry biting activator. Reviews with the correct use of the presented means, they are more positive. The instruction is provided by the manufacturer. It can be found by looking at the package. Preparation of funds will not be difficult.

The package contains 5 sachets of the bite activator at once. The packaging is made of a special material that prevents moisture, dirt and other unwanted components from getting into the bait. The bite activator retains its original qualities for a long time if stored properly.

Some fishermen add an attractant to the prepared base. To do this, you can take the usual bait, which is used by the fisherman on a particular reservoir. This, for example, can be compound feed, cake, bread or porridge. Almost any kind of bait will do. Knead into the base Fishhungry biting activator. Reviews users talk about the need to apply a special proportion. One sachet of the product is enough for bait weighing 2.5 kg. The bite activator is mixed in water. This will make it easier to add the tool to the base.

Some fishermen treat with an attractant not only bait, but also all baits and lures. To do this, another bag is poured into 0.5 liters of water. Before each cast, a hook is dipped into the solution.

Some fishermen form boilies from a bait with a biting activator. These are round "bombs". They are thrown purposefully into the fishing zone. They gradually disintegrate in water, releasing all components into the environment. This attracts fish.


Reviews by fishermen about Fishhungry are ambiguous. However, according to experts, genuine, certified products correspond to the characteristics declared by the manufacturer. It is truly an effective tool.

The licensed composition was tested by experienced fishermen in a reservoir. It has been noted that it increases the likelihood of large fish landing ashore. Such individuals are very cautious. The bite activator causes such fish to pounce on the bait in the water.

One of the advantages of the presented tool is its versatility. The attractant demonstrates high efficiency in both fresh and salt water bodies with current or standing water. It is used in both cold and warm periods. The bite activator works equally well on predatory, peaceful fish.

Every fishing trip brings a bigger catch. Considering real reviews about Fishhungry, it should be noted the ease of use of the tool. It can be mixed in a pond or at home. The action of the components persists for a long time. After hitting the fish in a cloud with an attractant, she feels hungry. This feeling persists for a long time.

One set of delivery is enough for 10 fishing trips. The effectiveness of the process will be significantly higher than without the use of the tool. In almost any conditions, the interest of fish in the bait increases significantly. It is recommended to purchase this tool in the first place for those who went to an unfamiliar body of water. Also, under adverse weather conditions, such a tool will become an indispensable assistant.

If a person does not have sufficient experience in fishing, he can use the bite activator. This will help to avoid the consequences of mistakes when casting, fishing fish out of the water. Even cautious aquatic inhabitants will not resist bait or bait on the hook.

Application features

Negative feedback about Fishhungry bite activator are also quite common in various sources. To ensure the maximum effect of the product on the fish, it will be necessary to take into account several features in the application of the attractant. You should not expect that this miracle cure will force the fish to throw themselves ashore. The fisherman is required to possess minimum fishing skills.

The versatility of the tool allows you to increase the amount of production in almost any conditions. However, there are a few nuances that you need to take into account when using a bite activator.

AT winter period for obvious reasons, the solution can freeze. In this case, the bite activator can no longer be used. If the frost is big, it is recommended to cook it at home. The bait is kneaded together with the attractant also in heat. Next, the workpiece is placed in a warm bag to avoid freezing the mixture. Only in this case will it be effective bait for fish Fishhungry. Reviews experienced fishermen are also made clear that the bait should be processed at home. In frost, it will be extremely inconvenient to perform such manipulations in a reservoir. A frozen tool becomes unusable in the fishing process.

In the spring during the spawning period, there is no need to use such a tool. Aquatic inhabitants and without this will show increased interest in the bait. However, after this process, the bite is significantly reduced. If fishing is allowed in the reservoir during the spawning period and after it, it is recommended to use the presented additive if there is no interest in the bait.

The ideal time to apply the bite activator is summer. During this period, you can prepare the product, process the gear right in the conditions of the reservoir. If the fisherman goes to the pond in the fall, you can not be afraid of the lack of bites due to weather changes. The attractant will take care of the high catchability of any gear.

Original and fake

Considering real reviews about the Fishhungry biting activator, It should be noted the high efficiency of the presented means. However, this characteristic will be valid only for the original product. Today there are many fakes. cook it in artisanal conditions won't be difficult. Anise and garlic flavors are added to the universal bait. At first glance, it will be difficult to distinguish a fake from the original. This will require laboratory analysis.

That is why many fishermen leave negative reviews about the presented tool. The composition of the fake does not include the main ingredient. It does not contain synthetic pheromone. In this case, the fake in its effect practically does not differ from the usual bait of medium or even low quality.

Original bite activators are sold by licensed dealers. They have all the necessary documentation.
