Fitness for the brain is twins. Fitness for the brain

Advice is given by Elena Anisimova, Candidate of Medical Sciences, coordinator of the Association for Interdisciplinary Medicine, expert of the "Brain Ecology" project.

The head must work

Our brain is like muscles: if it is not given daily work, it grows decrepit, becomes lazy, the command "think!" does not recognize. But if there is a load, gray cells grow in the literal sense of the word. Scientists describe this process as follows: new synapses are formed between neurons, the cerebral cortex becomes thicker and more tortuous, new capillaries grow into the brain substance, axons conduct nerve signals faster, and functional connections between individual brain structures become more complex.

But meanwhile the brain is not as primitive as the muscles. An ordinary "rocking chair" (like writing 10 thousand characters on a computer every day) is not enough for him: he will get bored and sooner or later will sweep aside the routine as unnecessary. We'll have to surprise him and even deceive him with unusual gymnastics.

Infographics AIF


This training technique for our convolutions was invented by the Americans - neuroscientist Laurence Katz and writer Manning Rubin... And now for 15 years the world has been studying the book "Fitness for the mind", choosing the most suitable exercises from among 83 to improve memory and develop intellectual abilities.

To do fun exercises you will have to "feel" a little, do your daily activities in a somewhat extravagant way, using all 5 senses in an unusual combination. Performing the same routine work, it is difficult for us to concentrate on the new: memory weakens, concentration falls. But if you do your usual things in an unexpected way, the brain has to build fresh connections between nerve cells and restore them if they were lost.

Try to create a craving for the unusual in every free minute, doing household chores, on the way to work and to the store, sitting in front of the TV or at the computer. Exercise is fun, ironic, with good mood- the brain likes emotions very much.

6 useful exercises

1. Put into operation left hand (or right if you are left-handed). Try brushing your teeth, buttoning your blouse, eating soup, typing on a computer keyboard, and writing letters.

Why do this? The activation of the motor cortex is transferred from the left hemisphere of the brain to the right, which has a beneficial effect on creativity and thinking outside the box.

2. Experience new sensations, develop new abilities... Move around your own apartment, which you know well, take a shower with your eyes closed. Try to feel the value of the coin in your pocket. Try Braille, a reading and writing system for the blind. Arrange to communicate with your family all day in sign language only.

Why do this? New sensory areas of the brain are "heated" to the limit, which are usually little involved or do not work at all, which is also a good gymnastics for neurons throughout the brain.

3. Do not be afraid to change your usual image... Wear fancy new clothes, try new makeup, experiment with hair color and hairstyle.

Why do this? A person feels differently when he tries on a new image (remember at least the “jacket effect” for a man or “stilettos” for a woman!), And his way of thinking changes.

4. Take new routes to and from work(even if the unusual road will take longer!), travel more often, try to spend each vacation in a new place, go to museums and exhibitions.

Why do this? Spatial memory develops and even the size of the hippocampus increases, according to recent studies by physiologists.

5. Change the interior of your home and work often, weekly rearrange things in the apartment, swap kitchen utensils, try to cook according to overseas recipes, buy a new perfume. Walk around the apartment for a few minutes, wearing right leg a shoe with a heel, and a slipper on the left.

Why do this? Habits tire the brain, and novelty stimulates the sensory inputs of the brain, makes life brighter and more memorable.

6. Learn to answer the boring questions in a non-trivial way like "how are you?", "what's new?"

Why do this? If you approach everything uttered creatively, from different angles, then thereby stimulating the memory and the center of speech in the brain - the left temporal region of the Wernicke and Broca zones.

150 minutes of movement - every week

Remember that traditional physical activity also affects brain activity.

Researchers at the University of Illinois USA, led by Arthur Kramer, found that moderate exercise, only 150 minutes per week (or 75 minutes of high physical activity), plus daily walking of at least 500 meters increases the volume of the human cerebral cortex in the frontal and parietal regions. They are responsible for working memory, attention and switching from one task to another. As confirmation, the scientists provided a picture obtained by a computer tomograph.

Greetings to all who have looked at my review!

How do you spend your free time? I really like different board games and puzzles. Although, by nature, I am not particularly assiduous, but for such an occupation I am ready to sit for hours. Therefore, I am happy to tell you about a puzzle that broke not only my head!

This is the IQ Puzzle "Star"!

What does the manufacturer say?

IQ Puzzle is a series of modern puzzles aimed at stimulating the brain, as well as an interesting pastime.

Where can I buy - IQ Puzzle website, direct link to this puzzle.

The site provides many options for such a puzzle. There is a puzzle in the form of a heart, a house, a tree, and even an Egyptian pyramid. In each of them different amount details and apparently different levels complexities.

Price - 300 rubles

Number of details - 9 parts


Originally the puzzle was in a separate white box, which gives the puzzle a presentable look. Agree, a very interesting and fairly budgetary gift.

The design of the box is quite bright and attractive. It has an image of the finished figurine and an image of all the details. Suddenly one will be lost, you can at least understand which one.

On the back there is information about the main task and mark 16+

Opening the box, you can see a smiling emoticon that says: "Now let's see what kind of loser you are!"

Inside there is a bag with all the details.

All parts are made of orange plastic and have different shapes. You can't even tell right away that they are part of a star.

The process itself

At first it seems that what's so difficult? For five-year-olds, this is exactly the puzzle. It was not there! No matter how I twisted and twisted, the parts of the star did not converge in any way!

My first funny attempt. Is this a good star?

Oh no! Believe it or not, this already desperate star appeared later 2 hours of my brain boiling ! After that, my husband joined me with interest. And the matter got off the ground.

And after another hour and a half, here it is, our "Star"!

What can I say in the end? This is a cool puzzle! And if you think that she is at one time, then nothing like that! I again spent 40 minutes to collect a star for review.

I really liked that this puzzle can be assembled alone or with a company. It really tightens up and develops our brain. It will be great to buy 2 identical puzzles and arrange a speed competition between two groups. Excitement will be simply provided!

Based on this, I can confidently say that I recommend IQ Puzzle Fitness for the brain. He will help you to spend your free time with interest!

Thank you all for your attention!

Factrum gladly shares these simple exercises... Doing them in the morning, after a while, you will feel the positive effect.

1. Brush your teeth with your non-working hand

Research has shown that using the opposite hemisphere of your brain (as in this exercise) results in a rapid and significant expansion of areas of the cerebral cortex.

How to do: brush your teeth with your non-working hand, and remember to open and use the tube of toothpaste with the same hand.

2. Take a shower with your eyes closed

Tactile sensations activate other areas of the brain. Your hands notice what you can't see and send signals to your brain about it.

How to do: try using only touch from your senses (do everything very carefully to avoid injury). Turn on the taps and adjust the water, trusting your senses. Then wash with your eyes closed.

3. Change Your Morning Routine

Brain research shows that new tasks enlarge areas of the cerebral cortex, recording an increase in the level of brain activity.

How to do: dress up after breakfast, take your dog for a walk in a new area, change your favorite channel to a TV or radio station.

4. Turn familiar objects upside down. Literally

When you look at things turned right, your left, "verbal" side of the brain quickly recognizes them and immediately sends your attention elsewhere. When you turn them upside down, your Right side the brain gets involved in the work and tries to recognize the shape, color and attitude of an incomprehensible picture.

How to do: flip your family photos, wall clock and calendar upside down.

5. Swap places at the table

In most families, everyone has their own place at the table, but your brain is constantly in need of new experiences.

How to do: swap places to change your position and look differently at the room, and the people, and even at how you get to the pepper and salt.

6. Breathe new scents

You probably don't even remember how you “learned” that the smell of coffee is associated with the start of a new day. New neural pathways can be activated by linking unfamiliar aromas, such as vanilla, cinnamon, mint, with an activity.

How to do: keep the extract of your favorite scent near your bed all week. Open and inhale it as soon as you wake up, then when you wash and dress.

7. Open the car window

The hippocampus is the part of the brain responsible for memories. They will be brighter if smells, sounds and images are involved.

How to do: try to recognize new sounds and smells on your way. An open window will help you with this.

8. Explore the groceries in the supermarket

Stores are designed with the most profitable items at eye level, so when you shop, you don't see much.

How to do: stop near any row in the store and look down at the shelves. If you saw something that you didn't notice before, take this, read the composition and think about it. You don't have to buy it, you have already broken your routine and gained new experience.

9. Increase the number of communications throughout the day

Scientific research has proven time and again that lack of communication has a serious negative impact on overall cognitive ability.

How to do: do you want to drink? It is better to buy a drink from a store clerk than from a soda machine. Out of gasoline? It is better to pay a check at the cashier than with a card at the terminal on the street.

10. Read differently

We use different parts of the brain when we read ourselves or listen, when we read aloud or silently.

How to do: read aloud to your interlocutor, alternating between the roles of listener and reader. You may be reading the book for much longer, but you will spend more time together.

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Bouncers for export

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The word "fitness" is associated with physical exercise, now it is fashionable, and every year more and more people start to go in for sports, physical education, go to gyms.

However, there is still fitness and for the brain... "What is it?" - you ask. Fitness for the brain- these are regular mental (intellectual) loads, interesting tasks and developmental games that help maintain flexibility and health of mind until a ripe old age.

Brain fitness program

How to Maintain a Healthy Mind and Body? The answer is simple, the least you should do is exercise your body and brain in the morning. Exercise for the brain wakes up your brain and activates it for the whole day. The principle of operation is comparable to a simple charge consisting of physical exercise, which give a boost of vivacity for the whole day. Combining exercise for the brain with exercise for the body can not only prolong life, but also significantly improve the quality of your life right now.

As a warm-up in the morning, you can use special brain games developed together with Russian scientists.

But that's half the battle. If you want to be successful in something, then it is better to undergo training according to a special program. Here are some of them (and immediately after them):

Development of memory and attention in a child 5-10 years old

Purpose of the course: to develop memory and attention in a child so that it would be easier for him to study at school, so that he could better memorize.

After completing the course, the child will be able to:

  1. 2-5 times better to memorize texts, faces, numbers, words
  2. Learn to memorize for a longer period
  3. The speed of remembering the necessary information will increase

Brain fitness secrets, train memory, attention, thinking, counting

If you want to speed up your brain, improve its performance, pump up memory, attention, concentration, develop more creativity, perform exciting exercises, train in a playful way and solve interesting problems, then sign up! 30 days of powerful brain fitness are guaranteed to you :)

Super memory in 30 days

As soon as you sign up for this course, you will begin a powerful 30-day training for the development of super-memory and pumping the brain.

Within 30 days after subscribing, you will receive interesting exercises and educational games to your mail, which you can apply in your life.

We will learn to memorize everything that may be required in work or personal life: learn to memorize texts, sequences of words, numbers, images, events that happened during the day, week, month, and even road maps.

Speed ​​reading in 30 days

Would you like to read books, articles, newsletters, etc. that are of interest to you very quickly? If your answer is "yes", then our course will help you develop speed reading and synchronize both hemispheres of the brain.

With the synchronized, joint work of both hemispheres, the brain begins to work many times faster, which opens up much more possibilities. Attention, concentration, speed of perception amplified many times! Using the speed reading techniques from our course, you can kill two birds with one stone:

  1. Learn to read very quickly
  2. Improve attention and concentration, as they are extremely important when reading quickly
  3. Read a book a day and finish work faster

Speeding up verbal counting, NOT mental arithmetic

Secret and popular techniques and life hacks, suitable even for a child. From the course, you will not only learn dozens of techniques for simplified and quick multiplication, addition, multiplication, division, percent calculation, but also work them out in special tasks and educational games! Verbal counting also requires a lot of attention and concentration, which are actively trained when solving interesting problems.

Money and the mindset of a millionaire

Why are there problems with money? In this course, we will answer this question in detail, look deep into the problem, consider our relationship with money from a psychological, economic and emotional point of view. From the course you will learn what you need to do to solve all your financial problems, start accumulating money and invest it in the future.

Online games for brain fitness

We offer several powerful brain fitness games. You can play some of them right on this page!


Memory Matrix game

  1. Develops memory capacity
  2. Improves visual memory
  3. Improves spatial memory

Immediately after the start, a field with several filled cells will appear on the screen. In 3 seconds, you need to remember which cells are painted over, and click on them when the field is cleared. With almost every successful round, the field expands. The more cells you need to memorize, the more efficiently memory develops and the more points are earned. The first results will be after 10 minutes of the game.

Game "Stroop's Challenge - Reboot"

For example, to begin with, I would like to advise the game "Stroop's Problem - Reboot". The goal of the game is that you will need to choose 1 out of 2 proposed cards after determining whether the name of the color on the first one converges with the color on the second one. You will be able to pass without a single mistake by showing good time? Let's try!

Entertainment site

site - an entertainment site dedicated to fitness for the brain with a cloud of games, simulators and developmental exercises. Our site gives you the opportunity to keep your brain active and flexible through your games. Yes, that's right, games. They also develop various skills, such as: Memory , Verbal counting, thinking, orientation, reaction, logic, attention and more.

We also offer the site of our partner where you can find many interesting games satisfying your taste:

Just as great fitness for the brain is reading philosophical books, where you need to think and analyze a lot, and in combination with speed reading this practice just blows the brain :-)

Piggy bank game

I can not resist not to advise you the game "Piggy bank" from the same site on which you need to register, specifying only your E-mail and password. This game will be able to suit you fitness for the brain and rest for the body. The essence of the game is to indicate 1 of 4 boxes, in which the amount of coins is the highest. Will you be able to show an excellent result? We are waiting for you!

Workout over a cup of coffee

WITH brain fitness site... You can develop even with a cup of coffee. Workout over a cup of coffee what could be better? Is not it? The playful form of fitness will help you distract from other activities, fitness for the brain will become your entertainment, which will help the development of your brain, individual qualities such as: Logic, observation, attentiveness, coordination, memory and much more. Workout with a cup of coffee can be in a cafe, at work, and at home. With your smartphone, laptop or tablet, you can exercise whenever you want.

Game "Mathematical Comparisons"

I present a wonderful game "Mathematical Comparisons", with which you can relax your body and tense your brain. The screenshot shows an example of this game, in which there will be a question associated with a picture, and you will need to answer. Time is limited. How many can you answer?

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