How is the sea fixed seine. How the sea fixed seine works Ship seine

The set seine, as they say in books, refers to “passive fishing gear”, i.e., after it is installed, it “catches fish itself”. The principle of operation is based on using the property of salmon to return to their native river after sea feeding. At the beginning of summer, the salmon dispersed in the places of the sea zhora begins to stray into schools, and foolishly rush to their rivers. It is still not really known what kind of GPS fish use, but the rivers where, who was born, salmon are found thousands of kilometers away.

When approaching their native shores and in search of their river, salmon herds cling to coastline- here they are met with set nets. Along the coast of Kamchatka, if memory serves, "cut" about 400 sites for installation sea ​​seines. But, as in any fishing - plots to plots, a lot of strife ... Naturally, the most "delicious" places are near the mouths of the rivers - there the fish will never pass by. However, it is forbidden to set a net closer than 2 km to the mouth, and the distance between the nets must be at least 2 km.

The seine itself is structurally a “wing” (a wall made of a net extending perpendicularly from the coast into the sea for about 1 km) and “traps” at the marine end of the wing (systems of the “nipple” type - a labyrinth with narrow entrances and walls and a bottom from a continuous network with a mesh of about 30 mm).

The principle of operation is nauseatingly simple - a salmon walking along the coast stumbles upon an obstacle (wing), starts to bypass it ... runs into traps and that's it ... All that remains is to “sort out” the seine, drive the fish to one end and “pour” it into the “slot” ( a barge without a bottom, covered with a net so that the fish live there longer) or a "cage" (a blank fence from the same net adjacent to the trap). In the slots in tow, the fish is handed over for processing - to their factory on the shore, or “at sea” to fish processing vessels. The steamboat, again, can be its own (master's), or left, where the fish is handed over under the contract. Depending on the “yield”, the price of the issue ranges from 60/40 (60% of the proceeds from fish to “getters” and 40% to “receivers”), to the opposite - 40/60 (this is when fish are like dirt, and there is nowhere to put it ). It is considered fair if 50/50%.

Below, some nasty photos from such fishing in the previous year:
View of the seine from the slot from the side of the cage. The iron boat on the right, this is a "sabunka" - is used to monitor the situation (whether the fish has entered) and minor repairs of nets. In the background is a "bulkhead" on which a team of fishermen sorts out a seine (drives the fish to the dead end).

Bulkhead seine at the stage of completion.

Bulkhead completed and preparation for "filling" the slot.

Slot filling.

The hole is filled.

The boss leads the process.

Transportation of the slot to the receiving and processing vessel (floating base Sodruzhestvo)

View of the boat and the slot from the deck of the mother ship.

View of the deck from the forward superstructure.

The simplicity of the “theory” of such fishing does not at all guarantee the same in “practice” ... Only the installation of a fixed net requires 2-3 weeks (subject to good weather and calm seas). In addition to the delivery and “bringing into working condition” of the shmurdyuk itself (nets, cables, ends, buoys, etc.), it is required to dig up and prepare in the fishing area about 2000 (two thousand !!!) sandbags for loading braces, with which the whole structure of the seine is fixed ... Take out from the shore into the sea and "drown" these same bags, "bundles" of no more than 50 pieces. at a time, because if there is more, then the ship may capsize. And such cases, unfortunately, were ...

The seine itself needs not only to be installed, but also set up, almost like a piano - to adjust the dimensions, height and dimensions of the “passages” and all that. Like any “delicate matter”, setting up a seine requires no hefty skill, if not talent ... Therefore, good foremen responsible for setting up a seine and fishing are highly valued and well paid.

However, to catch a lot of fish, although this is a necessary condition, it is not yet sufficient for successful fishing- all fish must be well attached (processed at your own factory or handed over to the receiver on favorable terms).

Only in order to “recapture” the cost of setting up a seine and at least pay the fishermen something, you need to catch at least 200 tons of salmon. But in general, the "performance" of such a seine, with good conditions(approaches of fish, calm weather, etc.), allows you to take 1000 or even more tons for Putin.

And, lo and behold... A team approached Kolpakov, with whom I was supposed to work under a scientific quota. At first glance, the fishermen, like fishermen, are all hardened in words (cooler, only eggs). The brigadier, however, confused a little - he was young ... and somehow weak with charisma ... But the men arrived on a very dexterous MRS-80 (small fishing seiner). They also lived on it (7 people in the cockpit and 6 in the hold adapted for life), they also served the net.
Amenities from the stern, dining room on the cover of the hold.

Based in the estuary of the river. Mikhail Nikolaevich often looked at the "light" and whites from the seal's liver (pictured below)

Our site under the seine is the most “chocolate” - the first from the mouth of the river. Kolpakov to the north. The men put the central and frame under the seine ahead of time - it remains only to hang the "rags" (nets), which they did without any problems in a few days. The weather whispered - the sea, like a mirror.

As soon as the seine net was set, the fish immediately went. There was no blockage yet, but in a couple of days they drove 30 tons into the cage. But with the delivery of the catch, there was a strain ... The vessel, with which an agreement on joint work was concluded in advance, has not yet approached the fishing area ...

Live fish in a net can normally “live” for 2-3 days, and if it is not “cleaned up”, then it dies and falls to the bottom, tightly piling the net with its corpses. If this happens, it's easier to cut the traps and re-sew than to manually try to throw it out.

There was nowhere else to “pull” with the delivery of fish, and the representative of the company decided to drag the slot to Sobolevo, or rather, to the mouth of the river. Vorovskaya (the company has its own fish processing plant in Sobolevo). And the way by sea is only from the mouth of the river. Kolpakova to Vorovskaya is about 60 km ... As a rule, such slots are not dragged further than 3-5 km ... There is a wave in the sea ... the fish will snort, wash ... Again, speed - with a slot on a leash, the course is no more than 3-4 knots.

Since there was nowhere to go, we went to Sobolevo. We set off in the morning and by 7 pm we approached the mouth of Vorovskaya ... but you can’t go in - the tide is out. For another three hours they hung out in front of the mouth, and when the water “approached”, they set off to enter. By this time, twilight had already thickened, but in principle, there was more or less visibility.

Overcoming the elastic countercurrent of the fairway, our MRS with a slot on the leash was slowly drawn into the river. And when it already seemed that everything - the mouths had passed, trembling from the strain of all Horse power ship, shook a strong side impact (already almost fell off their feet) ... !!!?

While they were trying in bewilderment to find out the cause of the underwater "hook on the right", men began to jump out of the hold and throw their mattresses and belongings from there onto the deck. It turned out that a hole (the size of a boot) was formed from the impact, with which outboard water whipped with terrible force !!!
The hold before our eyes was filling with water, in which firewood, socks, clothes were floating mixed up ... In less than a few minutes, the men in the hold were already fussing in waist-deep water ... and she was arriving ... !!!

Attempts to push the hole with mattresses and rags did not give any results, because because of the bunks and the inner lining, it was impossible to get there ...

Fortunately, a 10 cm hole “did not get” the adjacent engine room and the ship remained on the move. They managed to call for help on the radio in time. An MPC-150 jumped up from a nearby pier and unfastened our slot with fish. Light and at maximum speed, they rushed to the shore. And when it was already possible to touch the water from the deck with your hand - Thank God, we ran aground.
Has passed…

PS. I apologize for the quality of the photo - I "drowned" the camera on the way ...

© I. Shatilo

net screening gear for catching bottom and pelagic fish, mainly from small fishing vessels. It is a net fabric planted on the upper, lower and side rebounds. To increase the strength along and across the seine, veins are reinforced, and the net fabric is tied around the edges with a strip of a thicker thread - an edge. Floats are fixed on the upper selection, weights on the lower one. The seine has a drain part for accumulating the catch (see Purse seine), which is made of a more durable net fabric, has the shape of a bag (kutka, bobbin) and is located in the center or on the side. The sections of the seine on the sides of the drain part are called wings: a running one, from which the seine is noticed, and a spot, fixed on the shore or on the deck of the vessel. The seine is equipped with cuts - traction ropes attached to the wings. The upper and lower pick-ups of the seine can be interconnected with poles up to 2.5-3 m long (nags). Seine fishing includes the following operations: grabbing fish with a net, hauling ropes and nets, driving the catch into the drain and pouring the catch. Depending on the method of setting, seines are divided into cast and cast seines. Cast seines used in lake-river and coastal fishing are thrown (swept) from the shore or from the vessel across the direction of movement of the fish and are selected by the wings with the help of cuts. They cover the entire water column with a net, preventing the fish from leaving the swept area. Zakidnye nets are equal and uneven-winged. Homoptera, up to 1000 m long, up to 20 m high, are the main fishing gear in lakes and reservoirs. Inhomogeneous are used mainly in river fishing and have a length of up to 3000 m and a height of up to 30 m. Loop nets used in coastal, sea and ocean fishing are swept around the object of fishing. When sampling their edges and nets, the catch is concentrated in the drain part. Round seines are divided into bottom and pelagic. The bottom ones include snurrevod and mutnik, with the help of which bottom fish species (flounder, pollock, greenling, cod) are caught. Snyurrevod is a symmetrical net up to 50-60 m long and up to 10 m high, consisting of wings and a bobbin. For traction and towing of the snurrevod, cuts up to 2000-3000 m long are used. A small snurrevod with short wings and cuts up to 800 m long is called a mutnik. The fish are driven into the bag of snurrevod and mutnik by vortex trails from the cuts during their sampling. These fishing gear can be used both in the seine mode, i.e., choosing the edges and the net part, without touching the seine from the ground, and in the trawl mode - towing the seine along the ground during hauling. Pelagic seines include purse seine, alaman, lampara and ring seine. Alaman is a seine net 150-200 m long along the upper line and up to 40 m high, having a drain in the central part. The lower selection of the alaman is 40-50 m shorter than the upper one. When hauling the wings and the lower line of the seine, the ends of the lower line close together (formation of a tray), which prevents the fish from leaving under the net. Lampara is a seine net up to 500 m long along the upper line and up to 100 m high, the lower line of which is also shorter than the upper line. The pallet is also formed due to the figured cut of the net fabric in the lower part, and the lower selection consists of 2 parts with a gap in the center, which facilitates the seine and speeds up the process of its selection. Alaman and lampara are more mobile than purse seine, which allows them to catch small schools of fish. They are used in coastal and sea fishing for anchovy and sardine fishing from 2 vessels, while the seine is selected immediately behind both wings. The ring seine, used on small vessels, is a seine with an enlarged central small-mesh part and a shortened lower line, to which tie rings are attached to the lines. There are short, open-cell wings that decrease in height towards the ends where the top and bottom lines join together. Choose a ring seine from the stern of the vessel.

ship seine

Alternative descriptions

Big net on a fishing boat

Vessel (trawler) towed cone fishing net

Sea mine catcher

Equipment for destroying sea or land mines (e.g. towed cable, roller in front of the tank)

Sea fishing tool

Device for catching or neutralizing underwater mines

Device for detecting and neutralizing mines in water

anti-mine agent

Net bag for fishing

A device for exploring the bottom and capturing animals and plants from there

Device for detecting underwater obstacles when setting milestones


Marine sapper

Naval mine trap

Attribute of all Putins

Net for a whole school

The net that gave the fishing boat its name

Bag tied with warp

Device for catching fish and mines

Mining device

mine-catching net

Fish net on the ship

Mine detector on a ship

mine trap

Network on a schooner

Fishing net on a ship

fishing bag

network on the ship

Mining net

Fishing net on a ship

mine detector

Network in the form of a bag

Net on a fishing boat

. "catcher" of underwater mines

mine ship

mine catcher

Main fishing gear

Fishing bag on a boat

mine trap

The network that gave the ship its name

Mine or fishing

Network for mines

Network for the whole joint

Marine mine catcher

. "net" for shrimp

Seine for big fishing

Large cone seiner net

Strainer fishing gear

Fishing maxi-string bag

. "net" for a whole school of fish

Fish "net" of the seiner and trawler

. "net" seiner

Seine for a school

big seine

Maxi seine for fish school

Seine for sea mines

Low bed...

Seine in tow

Net for catching fish

fishing net

Fishing bag

Vessel fishermen's network

Seine of a fishing boat

Big fish trap

Net thrown from ships

Mining net

Net on board the trawler

. "marine string bag"

Net on a fishing boat

fishing tackle

Net on a fishing boat

ship network

Both the network and the sea vessel

fishing boat

Fishing net cone

Net for catching fish

ship seine

seiner seine

Ship net of fishermen

Device for catching mines in water

Network on the ship

mine device

Boat fishing net

Sea fishing net

Large net for catching fish from boats

Device for catching or neutralizing mines
