Libra born in the year of the fiery horse. The combination of signs Horse - Libra

The unique combination of the Libra zodiac sign with the Year of the Horse creates a unique character of a woman who carries a lot of conflicting feelings. This internal struggle shows others around almost all the negative qualities of a woman. What is the real character behind the domineering mask?

Libra Woman of the Year of the Horse

The Libra zodiac sign falls between September 24th and October 23rd. And the past years of the Horse took place in 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014. Women born at this time have many secrets. The Chinese claim that the time in which this or that person was born leaves its unique mark on it. If you take the full description of the Libra zodiac sign, then you can notice small changes that apply to each year separately, and the year of the Horse is no exception.

The Prancing Horse, which is considered a full-fledged mistress of one year out of twelve, gives its children inner strength, energy, excessive impulsiveness and good fortune. As a rule, it is with the onset of the next year of the Horse that Libra women carry out creative projects and move up the career ladder. Libra lovers reach their ultimate dream on the personal front, too, in the Year of the Horse. This year you can equip your life and family hearth.

True, you should not involve yourself in too risky situations and rush into the pool headlong in any business.


Each woman has her own characteristics, but the Libra woman, born in the year of the Horse, is completely different from the representatives of all other signs of the zodiac, who were also born under the symbol of this year. Unlike others, they have the following series of character traits.

  1. The first thing that can be noticed in this woman is her total self-control. She will not allow herself to be "dropped" in the eyes of the people around her: neither by her appearance, nor by her behavior, nor by her dignity.
  2. They are overly assiduous and willing to work hard for their purpose, and this is most often rewarded with complete success.
  3. The Libra girl is stubborn and persistent - nothing will force her to turn from the given path. Of course, such a position does not always give a positive result, and sometimes you can pay for it.
  4. Discernment is one of the outstanding qualities of Libra-Horse women. Although they are fixated on the little things, for the most part they are not missing their goal and are on the right course.
  5. They are extremely purposeful individuals, with tremendous willpower, ready to move mountains in their path.
  6. Libra-Horse women do not know how to lie at all, and they also never seek to harm the people around them.

Based on all these factors, we can say that the characteristics of such women, in some ways, are quite positive. They easily make new acquaintances and easily converge with people. Libra women naturally strive to realize their goals, but they do it in quite decent ways, without intrigues around.

In addition, this type of people born in the year of the Horse is endowed with extraordinary thinking, capable of finding a way out of any situation.

Compatibility with other signs

Although Libra women under the auspices of the Horse are quite sociable and sociable personalities, they cannot boast of good compatibility with other signs of the zodiac, also born in the year of the Horse. This is quite understandable - they are self-sufficient and independent people, not used to expecting something from others.

Therefore, among women, they rarely find faithful friends, and from men they demand reliability and loyalty for life.

The Libra Horse goes well with Aries Horses, both with women and men. Although these two signs are completely different in character, like two sides of the same coin, they perfectly complement each other both in friendship and in love. Such a tandem is distinguished by understanding and harmony, no one encroaches on someone else's, together they perfectly form one whole. Libra and Virgo pair well as well. Two equally calm zodiac signs will always come to a mutual agreement.

An extremely temperamental union that can be imagined will be with Scorpios, but this relationship is short-lived and everyone will remain with their own. This tandem is tied up instantly, but the inability to give in and find a compromise leads to separation on different sides.

You will learn more about the Libra woman in the following video.

The peculiarity in the characteristics and compatibility of the Libra-Horse man can be seen almost at first sight.

People of this type are always calm and balanced, consistent in their actions and friendly to others.


Two completely opposite signs to each other, Libra and Horse, endow men with a rare combination of pragmatism, an endless stream of vital energy and the desire for new experiences with sensitivity, stability and constancy. Such a complex characteristic of the Libra-Horse man greatly interferes with his search for a profession.It is often difficult for him to cope with overwhelming feelings and a fickle emotional background. For this reason, representatives of this zodiacal combination mainly prefer creative professions, where they can fully reveal their emotional nature and satisfy the thirst for knowledge.

Vivid impressions and feelings are what makes them live and motivates them to success. A good sense of humor and a playful disposition make Libra-Horse look at the world positively, and they cannot be called boring or boring conversationalists. Men born under the signs of Libra and Horse always have many friends and acquaintances, they easily manage to find a common language even with complete strangers. They love to communicate in a company and, if they happen to be often alone, this greatly upsets them. Libra-Horse devotes most of their free time to travel, sports, as well as communicating with family and friends.

The inner world of this person, despite some inconsistencies in character, is quite balanced. However, they often hide their feelings, so it is extremely rare to see a Libra-Horse man angry or angry. At the same time, one cannot fail to note his endless stream of optimism, which he spreads around him. Perhaps that is why such a person is always surrounded by many people. Characteristic for this type of personality traits can be considered:

  • High efficiency;
  • Energy;
  • Courage, will and perseverance;
  • Good mental ability;
  • Ability to cope with tasks of varying complexity;
  • Hardness of character;
  • Reliability;
  • Striving for leadership.

Meanwhile, there are weaknesses in the nature of Libra-Horse, and one of them is an unstable emotional background. These people's mood swings are especially noticeable when they are very upset about something. At this time, they become completely unpredictable in both words and actions. Fortunately, moments of such uncertainty pass quickly.

Love compatibility

Representatives of the Libra-Horse combination show goodwill towards all people and a woman is loved is no exception. In personal relationships, such men value, above all, the stability and loyalty of their partner. Fleeting novels do not attract them, they are looking for a companion to create a serious relationship, and in the future, a family. Making acquaintance with such a man will not be difficult. It is much more difficult to win him over and gain his trust. In love, Libra-Horse is very romantic and always expects gestures of sympathy from a woman. He easily manages to guess the desires of the chosen one: he expects the same responsiveness from her.

Compatibility of a Libra-Horse man in love is possible with a woman who is looking for a down-to-earth and energetic partner for herself. However, on the way to a strong and harmonious relationship, a couple in which there is a representative of this zodiacal symbiosis will have to face many difficulties. The first of these will be the frequent mood swings and stubbornness of the Libra-Horse man. It is almost impossible to convince this person of anything, so a woman will have to come to terms with the complex nature of her man or find a less stubborn partner. The search for love for a representative of the Libra-Horse combination often becomes the goal of a lifetime. They take carelessness and rudeness on the part of the second half very close to their hearts and are very upset because of such inappropriate behavior of their partner. In marriage, such a man always seeks to take responsibility for himself, which cannot but please his spouse.

Character of women of Horses - Libra: These women are markedly different from the usual Gemini image. They constantly control themselves, are extremely assiduous, to achieve the goal they will move in one direction. They do not tend to change course as a whole. Thanks to this, they can achieve good positions, but sometimes such perseverance can turn against them - they will realize a small goal, forgetting about a large one. In some cases, they are discerning enough to see the wrong course.

By nature, they are strong-willed, purposeful individuals. They have their own views on life, they are perfectly oriented in life's realities. They do not tend to lie, sly or harm another person. This is their essence, which allows you to make a lot of friends. Achieving goals is not exclusively right for them, so they do everything decently, without stepping over their heads. This unusual type has original thinking, often shocking.

Horse Women - Libra in love and relationships: The romantic relationships of these women are built harmoniously. Little depends on them, as a rule. It is enough just to show your main character traits. Then they will be able to realize themselves as an ideal partner. They show tenderness and care for their life partner. As a result, they have all the prerequisites for harmonious and long-term relationships. The decision that it is necessary to enter into a lasting alliance will be theirs.

Horse Women - Libra in Finance and Career: Career is their element. They will make all the important advances in it. Moreover, nothing is impossible for them. However, this position often deprives them of their strength, because not all things can be done without the help of others. They are encouraged to listen to their intuition in order not to get into a difficult situation, promising the impossible. The financial side of life for these women is especially important. They see ordinary goods in money.

Horse Women - Libra in family and marriage: Family relationships will be built only on their initiative. They take a leadership position, excluding the possibility of other communication. At the same time, they are sufficiently developed to understand that another person needs personal space. All this provides good opportunities for harmonious communication and union. These women are excellent psychologists, have developed intuition, so they can understand their partner perfectly.

Advice for women, Horses - Libra: It is worth moderating your demands on yourself. You do not need to constantly reach for the impossible, trust your intuition. You need to take care of yourself, especially your health, as mental disorders will appear due to excessive work. Thoughts should be shared only with loved ones, since not everyone will be able to appreciate their ideas and support. In addition, they always have a lot of envious people. Being more restrained is an important criterion for them.

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These individuals are characterized by a lack of compassion and pity for friends, they easily part with some and quickly converge with other people. Libras born in the Year of the Horse are energetic and communicative people, so it's fun and interesting to be with them. But until a certain moment, while this or that acquaintance is able to bring any benefit to Libra-Horse. This type deftly and skillfully squeezes out all the juices from his close environment, takes everything he can take, and the further fate of his friends is not at all interesting to him.


The horse-man is imposing, sociable, easy-going. He will be able to express himself well in art, architecture, and is often endowed with creative potential. In work, he is a passionate and diligent worker who devotes a lot of time and energy to his beloved work. In personal relationships, the Horse-Libra-man appreciates a serious relationship, but at the same time he himself does not really like to take care of his partner or of pressing household chores - he is inclined to evade homework. He needs the same lightweight and cheerfully walking companion with whom it will be interesting to spend time, and not to clean the apartment.


Horse-Libra-woman is cheerful, cheerful, has a refined taste. Such a lady almost certainly has a daily problem of how to look better and what to wear. She is obsessed with her appearance, prone to shopaholism. The best profession where this woman can fully reveal herself and self-actualize is the profession of a designer, fashion designer or art critic. In personal relationships, Libra-woman does not accept monotony and boredom, routine can kill even the most sincere feelings for a man in her. Such a woman needs a frequent change of scenery, regular communication with girlfriends and friends. She loves noisy parties, gatherings in cafes or restaurants.

The Libra Horse is a somewhat selfish person, but in no way a malicious or negative character. They are positive and energetic people who love communication and entertainment, intolerant of routine, and also have little concern for loved ones and their interests.

Libra - Horse Libra - Horse

Perky, cheerful Libra-Horses are famous for their friendly character. They do not tolerate loneliness, strive to be closer to people. Feel free and comfortable in any environment, make friends easily. Balance, sociability and a positive attitude make them pleasant people to talk to. According to the combined horoscope, Libra-Horse is a refined creative nature, has excellent control over himself, rarely gives in to the influence of emotions. She is witty, intellectually developed, has a broad outlook. He is well versed in art, loves unusual things: he strives to stand out among others. So charming and sweet that people easily forgive her some weaknesses: narcissism, egocentrism, capriciousness.

Libra Horse traits

It is difficult for energetic, easy-going Libra-Horses to sit in one place: they move in the general mainstream of life. They are keenly interested in everything that happens around them, always up to date with the latest news. Horse-Libra is a harmonious union, here the signs complement each other perfectly. An active Horse seeks to live a bright, eventful life. In turn, the wise Libra remain true to themselves: they do not come into conflict with the Horse, they maintain complete calmness and equanimity. In addition, with their usual prudence, they try to soften her abrupt, unpredictable temper. Libra-Horses are multifaceted, harmoniously developed personalities. They are distinguished by their subtle artistic taste, while being practical and pragmatic: they spend their lives in constant motion, searching for new ideas.

Positive, direct Libra-Horses have a huge number of friends and acquaintances. They have an excellent sense of humor, are easy to communicate, people like them. They inspire boundless confidence and always make a good impression. However, do not think that these sweet, benevolent people are ready to sacrifice everything for the happiness of others. Libra horses are emotionally restrained, not prone to rash acts, therefore they rarely succumb to feelings. They draw a clear line between personal and public affairs. They put their own interests above all, while being polite with others, therefore, they do not cause negative emotions. But for close people, Libra-Horses are the best helpers and advisers: they are devoted to the ideals of friendship, they know how to support in difficult times.

The main feature of the Libra-Horse sign is sociability. People of this combination love to attract attention, often act as an organizer of various events. They are eloquent and very convincing in their arguments, know how to maintain the necessary connections, make decisions quickly. At the same time, they behave freely and uninhibited - cute and charming creatures. They love compliments and attention, but loneliness scares them: they feel vulnerable and defenseless. Although they sometimes surprise others with their sudden mood swings, they can suddenly flare up and be rude. Fortunately, such outbursts of anger are extremely rare. Libra-Horses strive for inner and outer harmony: they look just perfect and behave accordingly.

Libra Horse Compatibility

Graceful, attractive, always tastefully dressed Libra-Horses make a stunning impression on the opposite sex. In personal relationships, they cannot stand monotony and boredom, they like to flirt and flirt. The love horoscope characterizes the Libra Horse as a passionate nature with an ardent temperament. Impulsive, emotional, capable of any madness for the sake of love. True, it is also easy to refuse a disgusted partner. Shows seriousness only if he has a strong feeling.

Libra-Horses approach the issue of creating a family thoroughly: no rush and fuss. In marriage, they show themselves as responsible, caring partners. They avoid quarrels and scandals in every possible way, try to find a compromise. They are especially attentive to children, show themselves as wise, kind and understanding parents. Although they do not like to do household chores too much, they still take on some of the responsibilities. Have a creative imagination, love to tinker with animals. The House of Libra-Horse is an example of beauty and comfort, a benevolent atmosphere reigns in it.

Libra Horse (career & goals)

These creatively gifted people will be able to prove themselves well in professions related to art. Libra-Horses draw beautifully, have a subtle feel for music and are not afraid to experiment. They are talented fashion designers, artists, architects and musicians. Although the Libra Horses can do several things at once without prejudice to the result. They perfectly understand what goals they set for themselves, do not scatter over trifles. They are distinguished by hard work, perseverance, therefore they do not meet serious obstacles on their way to the heights of success.

Libra-Horses are self-confident, sometimes overly demanding, but deeply dedicated people. They are determined to cooperate, try to take into account the opinion of colleagues, but still focus more on their own preferences. Ambitious and vain, do not want to vegetate in the shadow of more successful employees. They consider themselves entitled to take a leadership position, they know how to manage people. They strive to gain a reputation as a loyal and fair boss, although they are quite capable of appropriating the results of collective labor to themselves.

The hardworking Libra-Horse man is aimed at success, he must carry out all his plans and ideas. But it is important for him at what cost is achieved well-being, will not participate in dubious matters, values ​​his reputation as an honest person. He is distinguished by poise, calmness and firm self-confidence. However, the quick-tempered nature of the Horse makes itself felt in the most unexpected situation. Libra-Horse is an energetic and emotional man, with the same enthusiasm he takes up work and a showdown. Women should be prepared for the fact that this is a rather demanding partner. A good-natured, peaceful man, the soul of the company sometimes manifests itself as a callous, selfish person. But he can be trusted, with all his heart he is devoted to his family.

Business, assertive woman Libra-Horse is able to overcome any obstacles. Her activity can only be envied, she energetically tackles the most difficult problems. Libra-Horse is a purposeful woman, but still insecure. He carefully hides his weaknesses, tries to look like a cheerful person. In men, she values ​​loyalty, the willingness to sacrifice herself for the sake of her interests. From a woman of this combination of signs, a great housewife can turn out, but she has little love and adoration of loved ones, she needs universal recognition. Aimed at a brilliant career, the poet constantly disappears at her favorite work. However, her husband and children will not be left without her attention and care.

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