Pumping the press in 8 minutes. Perfect abs in just eight minutes a day

Why is everyone so attracted to this method of training the press? Yes, because 8 minutes is such a small period of time, which is not a pity to spend, and the result is grandiose. Yes, this scheme works great, I myself once used it, but there is one but. Without a diet, you will not see your desired cubes. With exercise, you build muscle, not burn fat. Fat burns when creating a calorie deficit in the diet. In 8 minutes of daily workouts, you can create a tough, beautiful abs, but if you do not follow the necessary nutrition, then your hard abs will hide behind bacon.

Who is this scheme suitable for?

1 who doesn't have a lot of time to train

2. For those who do not go to the gym. Otherwise, if you work out in the gym, and even at home, your muscles will not recover.

3. For those who have the desire, but do not have the financial ability to purchase at least some kind of inventory.

The main point of the training is to do different exercises one after another without rest during the set time, thus our training becomes very intense. There are 11 exercises in the complex, and each is performed for 45 seconds. In fact, if you did 3-4 exercises in 3 sets and rest as usual for 2 minutes between sets, then this workout would take you 30 minutes, but due to the fact that everything is done without rest, the workout time is reduced to 8 minutes. So don't expect much miracle, this is just one of the working methods for training the abs at home.

It is unlikely that you will be able to immediately master the entire complex without rest, but your task is to do as much work as possible without rest every time, and when you can do the whole complex by that time you will have already trained a good press. I think you can easily overcome this scheme in a couple of months.

The set of exercises is selected in such a way as to maximize all areas of the press.

The exercise must be performed in the following order

1.Normal crunches

2. Twisting with the left elbow to the right knee

3) Twisting with the right elbow to the left knee

4. Lying on your back, raise your legs up and try to touch your socks with your hands.

5 reverse crunches

6.Side crunches to one side

7 side crunches to the other side

8 pushing between the legs

The effectiveness of the "Perfect abs in 8 minutes" workout is quite high: in 2-3 months you can pump up your abdominal muscles and get a smooth stomach. The main thing is to correctly follow the methodology for performing the complex. It involves regular classes several times a week and the transition to a more complex level after mastering the previous one.

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The complex is suitable for people with any level of sports training. By devoting about 8-10 minutes a day to abdominal exercises, you can soon get the coveted "cubes".

How to pump up the press in 8 minutes?

The program "Perfect abs in 8 minutes" was published by the authors of Passion4Profession and has recently been considered one of the most effective for pumping the press. Most people are attracted by this training method because 8 minutes seems like a rather short period of time for which you can acquire an attractive body shape. This time does not frighten even beginners to play sports. And having seen the first results and getting used to practicing regularly, a person no longer mind spending more time and energy on the beauty of his figure.

Results can be achieved only if you approach the classes with high quality and efficiency.

Who is this complex for?

The set of exercises is optimal for people who:

  1. 1. Do not have the opportunity to allocate a lot of time for training.
  2. 2. They cannot go to the gym for various reasons. It is not necessary to combine workouts in the gym and at home - in this case, the muscles will not have time to "rest". Muscles need 48 to 72 hours to fully recover.
  3. 3. They do not like to use sports equipment during sports activities.

The main idea: in 8 minutes to have time to do all the proposed exercises one after the other with a short rest every two types. In this case, the training becomes quite intense. The complex includes 11 exercises. Each has 45 seconds of time. All of them are performed at a fast pace, actively, but without jerks. Smoothness and speed are the main criteria for the implementation of the complex.

Do not despair if at the first workouts you will not be able to complete all the exercises in the allotted time. The main thing is to set yourself the task of reducing the time each time, having time to complete the whole complex, slowly approaching eight minutes. Usually, after 1.5-2 months, even ordinary people who previously rarely played sports succeed. Exercises are selected in such a way that all abdominal muscles are pumped.

The ideal abs in 8 minutes (8 Min Abs Workout) is a short-term workout, during which all layers of muscle fibers on the abdomen are worked out as much as possible. To pump up the upper and lower abs, you need to train all the abdominal muscles:

  • straight line;
  • transverse;
  • internal oblique;
  • outer oblique.

The abs with this workout becomes firm. In a short time, the long-awaited effect of "cubes" appears on the stomach even in girls.

Complex "Press in 8 minutes" is divided into 3 options of difficulty. You should go to a higher level when, when performing exercises of the 1st level in 8 minutes, there is no feeling of severe fatigue and exhaustion. In this case, from the next week, provided that you feel well, they begin to perform exercises in a new level technique.

The transition from one stage to another is carried out smoothly. During the week, the complexes should be alternated. When the recommendations for the dosage of training are followed, after 3 months a person calmly begins to perform exercises of the third level of complexity.

The table shows a training plan that should be followed:

Achieving a super-flat and firm belly with just an 8-minute workout can be tricky. It is necessary to combine loads with proper nutrition, a healthy lifestyle and exercise complexes for the overall development of the muscles of the body.

  1. 1. Exercise regularly. There will be no result if you do exercises every day or skip workouts for several weeks. You need to make a schedule for yourself and stick to it strictly.
  2. 2. Pay attention to the technique of each exercise. It is necessary to monitor the muscles of the neck - they should not strain, otherwise you can harm the body and subsequently get headaches.
  3. 3. Do not be intimidated and do not quit training if it is rather difficult to perform some exercises in the first lessons. It is allowed to do fewer approaches or simplify the exercise to an accessible form.
  4. 4. Do not start classes immediately after eating. The interval between eating and exercising should be at least 1 hour.
  5. 5. Do not rush to move to a new level of difficulty if the first one does not work out with ease. Even if the plan is to move to a new stage, you need to postpone it, listening to your body.
  6. 6. Remember that everyone can find a flat stomach. But it is genetically arranged so that it is easier and faster for men to pump up abs than women.
  7. 7. Do not forget that this program allows you to strengthen and pump up the abdominal muscles of the press, but you will have to get rid of the fat layer using other methods.

The best abs exercises - how to build cubes fast?

Exercise Description

A set of exercises for the press in 8 minutes is suitable for all somatically healthy people. It includes the following exercises:

Basic crunches. To start the exercise, you need to take a supine position. Bend your arms at the elbows and put them under your head. Bend your legs slightly at the knees to an angle of 90 degrees and fix in this position. From this position, you need to raise and lower the upper body, while making sure that the lower body remains motionless.

Lateral crunches with the elbow to the left knee. The body is in a prone position, the arms are bent and lie behind the head. You need to reach with one elbow to the opposite knee. The legs in this exercise should be bent at the knees, while one leg is on the floor, and the other, to which the elbow is pulled, remains suspended and in no case touches the floor. The range of motion should be maximized: this will allow you to feel the work of the muscles and make the result more effective.

Lateral crunches with the elbow to the right knee. It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, only the arm and leg are reversed. When joining the elbow and knee, you need to lean on the lower back. If the exercise is done technically correctly, tension will be felt in the abdomen.

Touching the feet. From a prone position, simultaneously raise both legs up and leave them in this position. Then raise your upper body, stretch your arms up and try to touch your ankles with your fingertips. If it is difficult to do the exercise with straight legs, you can slightly bend them at the knees and keep them in this position throughout the exercise.

Reverse crunches. Cross your legs and try to pull your knees as close to your chin as possible. The head and shoulders can be slightly raised. The lower back is fixed - so the tension of the abdominal muscles will be maximum.

Side crunches. Lying on your back, you need to bend your knees and lower them to the right. Bend the left hand and fix the palm on the back of the head, put the other hand on the stomach. Next, you need to try to pull your left elbow as much as possible to your knees lying on the floor. This exercise is performed smoothly, without jerking.

Twisting the other way. Movements are performed in the other direction, respectively, the position of the legs and arms changes to the opposite. It is important to engage the abdominal muscles in the work, because the goal is to train them. The neck muscles should be kept relaxed.

Thrusts between the legs. In a prone position, bend your legs and place them on the floor shoulder-width apart. Cross your palms and begin to lift your upper body in jerks, guiding your hands between your legs. It is necessary to control so that the chin does not press against the chest, and the head does not tilt back.

Kicking. Stretch your arms along the body, palms down, or place them under the buttocks. Slightly bent legs need to be lifted and pushed up. You can cross your legs, the main thing is to raise them as high as possible, so the effect will be more pronounced. In this exercise, the upper body should be fixed.

Alternatingtwisting. Lie on your back and fold your hands behind your head so that your palms are on the back of your head. Bend your legs at the knees so that the feet are at a distance of 30-40 cm from the buttocks. It is necessary to smoothly raise the upper body and touch the left knee with the right elbow. At this moment, pull the leg towards the elbow. Return to starting position, then connect left elbow and right knee.

Crunches with hands on the stomach or chest. The exercise is performed from a prone position. Hands should be placed with a cross on the chest or stomach. Bend your legs at the knees. It is necessary to raise the body to the legs. The lower limbs must remain motionless. It is necessary to control that the muscles of the neck and back are not tense, only the press should work.

All exercises used in the complex are thought out in such a way that even the minimum amount of time spent per day gives a tangible and visible result in two to three weeks.

Levels differ in the number of repetitions and break times:

The whole set of exercises at any level should be done in 8 minutes. Thus, in the second and third stages, you need to significantly increase the speed.

And a little about secrets ...

The story of one of our readers Alina R .:

My weight was especially depressing for me. I gained a lot, after pregnancy I weighed like 3 sumo wrestlers together, namely 92 kg with an increase of 165. I thought my stomach would come off after giving birth, but no, on the contrary, I began to gain weight. How to cope with hormonal changes and obesity? But nothing disfigures or makes a person younger than his figure. In my 20s, I first learned that overweight girls are called "WOMAN", and that "they don't sew that size." Then at 29 years old, divorce from her husband and depression ...

But what can you do to lose weight? Laser liposuction surgery? Recognized - at least 5 thousand dollars. Hardware procedures - LPG massage, cavitation, RF lifting, myostimulation? Slightly more affordable - the course costs from 80 thousand rubles with a consultant nutritionist. You can of course try to run on a treadmill, to the point of insanity.

And when to find all this time? And it's still very expensive. Especially now. Therefore, for myself, I chose a different way ...

Natalia Govorova

Reading time: 8 minutes


Every woman at any age dreams of a flat, beautiful and sexy tummy. So that nothing sticks out anywhere, does not hang and "shuffle". So that the tummy looks exceptionally tight and neat, and you can wear absolutely any thing, including short tops. It remains only to stop frowning and sigh at the word "press" - and finally get down to business!

But, given the constant employment of modern women, there is very little time left for classes, and even less time for hiking in gyms. What to do?

We swing the press right at home!

Is it possible to pump up the perfect abs in just 8 minutes a day at home - the truth and myths about popular workouts

A good abs is more than just a diet. This is a complex of training and a complex of conditions under which this very press appears.

Can you get abs in 8 minutes a day?

Video: Abs in 8 minutes - the best exercises

But first, let's figure it out - where are the myths, and where is the truth about the ideal press:

  • Myth 1. Ab workouts will help to lose fat at the waist. Alas. You cannot lose fat from a certain place by training alone; you will have to approach the issue in a comprehensive manner.
  • Myth 2. The perfect abs requires a lot of lifting from the prone position. In fact, it's enough to simply choose a set of exercises that complicates the last repetitions. Then the repetition of the exercise will recede into the background.
  • Myth 3. For perfect abs, daily workouts are necessary. Not necessary at all. 3-4 workouts per week is enough.
  • Myth 4. Abs workout is enough for perfect abs. If there is no fatty layer at the waist, then certainly. But in the presence of such, some exercises for the press are too few, an integrated approach is needed. It is impossible to build perfect abs if you are overweight. First, we throw off the extra cm, then we create a beautiful relief of the abdomen.
  • Myth 5. Training the abs is a safe activity. Alas. Contrary to myths, not only the barbell and deadlift can become hazardous to health. Exercises that are hazardous to health also include such loads on the press as a seated barbell press, as well as lifting the body on an inclined (seemingly safe!) Bench (dangerous by the appearance of intervertebral hernias); "folding knife" exercise (dangerous by overworking the ligaments of the spine); lifting straight legs, provided the body is immobile on the bench (it is dangerous with spinal injuries, the appearance of hernias).
  • Myth 6. Fitness stars (and other sports stars) achieve thin waist and abdominal relief with extremely hard training. Alas! All of them, almost without exception, use "magic means" in the form of fat burners and other drugs. But do you need body relief at this price?
  • Myth 7. You need to swing both the lower and upper abs. And again deception. The press has no top and bottom! The press (approx. - the rectus abdominis muscle) is a single whole. And the cubes are provided by enlarging the tendons, which turn ordinary boring muscles into beautiful cubes.
  • Myth 8. Perfect abs requires a large program of a wide range of exercises. Past again! The formation of cubes requires only a minimum of exercises, in which the quality of their execution is important, and not the width of the spectrum of lifts, twists, etc. The main thing is dedication, even if there are one or two exercises.
  • Myth 9. The advertised abdominal belt helps you lose weight on the couch and form cubes without looking up from the TV and chips. Alas and ah! Do not believe a fairy tale, in the promotion of which millions of dollars have been invested. The belt DOES NOT WORK! Of course, this idea has a basis - the EMS principle does exist, but electrical stimulation has nothing to do with muscle growth.
  • Myth 10. While you are pumping the abs, the waist decreases. Girls, be careful! You can even increase your waistline with daily press work! To prevent this from happening, training should be carried out without weights - only with your own weight! So dumbbells to the side, and form cubes with your hands free.
  • Myth 11. Women's and men's abs workouts are different. Past again! The only difference is that the girl does not need the burden. And in the dispute "who will pump up the abs faster with the same exercises" both the man and the woman will come to the desired result at the same time.
  • Myth 12. Load on the abs - at the very beginning of the workout. And then we were deceived! We swing the press at the end of the workout so as not to lose the effectiveness of the workout as a whole, overstraining the large nerve nodes in the middle of the body.

Video: The Secret of the Perfect Abs

Workout rules for perfect abs in 8 minutes a day

Despite women's weaknesses, in many ways we women are still stronger than men. We are more and more creating a beautiful body, more active and easy-going.

This is especially important when you understand that training alone for a beautiful tummy is not enough! The press requires an integrated approach!

Therefore, in addition to exercises, we take into account the main rules for creating a press:

  1. Regularity of classes. In 8 minutes a day, you can really achieve the press, but only if you follow all the rules and with a training regime - 2 times a day. Ideal if your abs workout comes after your regular workout.
  2. An hour before training and an hour after - do not eat.
  3. We swing the press ONLY after we have lost the fat on the waist. Otherwise, you simply will not see your gorgeous cubes under the fat.
  4. That is, 5-6 times a day, a portion - "from the palm" (from your own!), In the morning - the most abundant food, in the evening - the lightest.
  5. We drink a lot- about 2 liters of water per day.
  6. Eat healthy foods: Olive oil, lean meat, nuts, dairy products, oatmeal and whole grain breads, fish and vegetables, cinnamon (reduces hunger), mustard with paprika and ginger (speeds up metabolism). Boil food, steam it or eat it raw (if possible).
  7. We do not pump the press during menstruation.
  8. We monitor the regime of sleep and rest.
  9. Don't forget about cardio that contribute to the elimination of fat from the waist.

Video: Press in 8 minutes! 1 level of difficulty!

A set of daily workouts for perfect abs in 8 minutes a day for a girl - exercise video

Before starting to grind the press, we choose a place and time for classes so that no one interferes with the formation of cubes on our stomach.

Buy yourself a comfortable exercise mat, ventilate the room before exercising, and don't forget about mood music!

And now the most important thing: a set of the most effective exercises for the perfect abs for a girl. We have selected the most effective and SAFE exercises for women's health.

So, remember - and let's get started!

  • Hanging leg raises (approx. - without support in the lower back). We do not avoid this exercise - it is from the list of the most effective! We hang on the horizontal bar or fix ourselves in the elbow straps, then bring our legs together and take them back a little. Now inhale and raise your legs to an angle of 90 degrees. We freeze as much as we can, tighten the abdominal muscles and now slowly lower our legs. Do not swing the body! Reps: 2-3 sets of 10 reps.
  • Twisting on a fitball. Almost the same as lifting from a prone position, only without harming the spine. We lie down on the fitball with our back (with the whole body), grab our hands on the back of the head, firmly rest our feet on the floor, and now inhale and slowly fold the body with a deflection of the back. We linger for a couple of seconds at the end point, straining the press, and now - to the starting position. Reps: 2-3 sets of 10-12 reps.
  • Plank. Lose fat and build muscle! We accept an emphasis lying down, rest our socks and palms on the floor, stretch the body with a string and, holding our breath, maintain this position for a maximum of time. Ideally 30-60 seconds three times a day.
  • Vacuum. One of the most effective ab exercises to help you shed fat (one of Iron Arnie's favorite exercises) - internal and external! So, hands behind the head, and pull in the stomach so hard that it "sticks to the spine." Now we "fix" this state and hold on as long as we have enough strength. Plus exercise - it is the most effective of all possible, and you can do it while lying in bed, while washing dishes, in the shower, on the bus, etc. Repetitions: 3-4 times - as long as you have enough strength.
  • And - the last exercise. We lie on our backs, bend our knees, hands behind our heads - and cling to the lock on the back of the head. And now we reach with the left elbow to the right knee, then to the starting position and immediately with the right elbow to the left knee. Reps: 2-3 sets of 20-30 reps.

". In this article, I would like to talk about the muscles that each of us would like to show off in front of girls - but often, for one reason or another, a fat layer hangs over them, which perfectly masks them. Yes, you guessed it, it is - abdominal muscles(or abdominal muscles in common people).

By the way, about girls whose beautiful tummy directly depends on the state of the abdominal muscles - this article is focused on both guys and girls; besides, exercise will give phenomenal results. So ( drumroll) this training complex is called "". What's so special about having to do just 8 minutes a day to create the perfect abs?

Of course, in the picture above it would be possible to depict a beautiful, embossed, muscular, in a word - an ideal press, but I will not do that. After all, the program according to which we will be studying is so cool that not to put a frame from its splash screen would be just a crime!

So, back in 1994, an excellent training course was developed, which instantly gained immense popularity and for more than 15 years has been the leader in the industry of short and simple programs published under the motto: “press in 8 minutes". In fact, the number of minutes stated in the names of such programs may differ (for example, "10 minutes per press", "press in 5 minutes", etc.). However, this does not change the meaning.

What's so special about the ab exercises featured in this short, eight-minute video? Let's figure it out together.

Perfect body in 8 minutes a day: Exercises for abs, arms, legs, buttocks and stretching

The course is based on the principle of training intensity, the absence of repetitions as such, and an innovative approach at that time: working out the abdominal muscles for 8 minutes at different angles. Now in a little more detail, and first of all, let's figure out which muscles we will fight with. You will be surprised, but work on creating the perfect press will consist in the load of 3 types of muscles:

  • rectus abdominis muscle(rectus abdominis) - it is she who represents both the upper and lower sections of the press. These muscles pull your ribcage towards your pelvis as you lift your torso (and vice versa, your pelvis to your chest while lifting your bent legs while lying down).
  • external and internal oblique abdominal muscles- it is they who turn your body when turning the waist to the side and straighten it when performing bends to the side.
  • internal long back muscles- yes, yes, do not be surprised, it is these muscles located in the lower back that straighten your body after bending forward, insure the athlete at the waist when turning and support the spinal column.

So, the exercises from the course " Perfect abs in 8 minutes a day"Will be aimed at working out all these muscles. The main point: the press is not visible, not because it is not pumped up (not because it is not there), but because it is covered by a layer of fat. This video will destroy the fatty layer between your abdominal muscles and the skin of your abdomen. This is a kind of drying of the abdomen, which is achieved (as already mentioned above) with a high intensity of repetitions. In short, for 8 minutes you will mock yourself in full! But the results are worth it.

The most interesting thing is that within the series “ Perfect body in 8 minutes a day»5 training videos were released. Yes, I am answering your question: you can also download it for free right after you finish reading this article. So what went into this series:

  • perfect abs in 8 minutes a day - this article is devoted to him;
  • perfect hands in 8 minutes a day - how to build beautiful, embossed and strong hands, giving them only 8 minutes a day;
  • perfect legs in 8 minutes a day - here they will tell us how to create beautiful and attractive legs (girls can get rid of the orange peel around the thighs);
  • stretching in 8 minutes a day - correct stretching is a guarantee of high-quality and safe training, as well as the ability to easily take any, even the most inconceivable position ... well, you understand what I mean;
  • elastic buttocks in 8 minutes a day (well, I didn't want to write "elastic butt") - how to tighten the muscles of the buttocks and give them the correct (beautiful) shape.

I will try to answer the most common question of those who downloads video"Perfect abs" (and others from the "perfect body" series). How often should you train? I am an advocate of grouping the above programs into 2 or 3 groups. For example: do the perfect abs, stretch and buttocks in monday, wednesday and friday, and exercises on arms and legs should be done according to Tuesdays, Thursdays and Saturdays... Well, or vice versa, the main thing is to take a break of 24 hours for muscle recovery ( loads are not aimed at maximum strength, but at the intensity of repetitions, therefore, 24 hours should be enough for recovery).

There is one more question about the language in which the program is running. Yes, I myself have come across the fact that lack of Russian language voice acting in the video often puzzled me. However, I dare to assure you that for the video "Ideal abs in 8 minutes a day" you absolutely do not need Russian voice acting. Everything that the coach says there is aimed solely at motivation or serves as a signal for a new exercise. But, if you really need a Russian translation, you can watch the translated videos on this site.

Video: perfect abs in 8 minutes a day


So, now to the most important point: where can free video download "Perfect abs in 8 minutes a day"? In order for this video to appear on your computer, follow the link below and choose a free download method. Let me remind you that the archive contains 5 videos, the content of which I described above.

Successful training and see you soon on the pages of this site!

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