Young and talented: an interview with TV presenter Yulia Lysenko. Yuliya Lysenko had a fight with her husband because of the renovation Yuliya Lysenko your house

The presenter of the RU.TV channel, Yulia Lysenko, decided that it was time to do a photo shoot for a men's magazine.

The country learned about Yulia Lysenko when she was only 16 years old and she took part in the show "Star Factory 6". True, the girl did not reach the final, but she was remembered for all her passionate romance with Arseny Borodin. Well, and besides, it turned out that even in those young years, the girl was not at all averse to doing a spicy photo shoot.

A popular singer from Lysenko did not work out, but she found her place on TV and now honestly admits that music is just a hobby. After the end of the project, Yulia managed to get married and give birth to a child, and one of her achievements is that she was able to lose 36 kg after giving birth. Apparently this circumstance prompted her to shoot for MAXIM.

The photo shoot turned out to be quite modest, but thoughts about how she looked when she weighed 36 kg more are constantly present.

It can be seen that she is an athletic girl, and she can boast of her ass and breasts.

But such was the failed singer Yulia Lysenko at the age of 16.


Yulia Lysenko, a popular domestic TV presenter and journalist, was born in 1989 in Moscow. From childhood, the girl showed interest in creativity: she studied music and dance.

Musical education of Yulia Lysenko and participation in the "Star Factory"

My blog conveys the realities of a modern girl who works hard, combines motherhood, personal life, a successful career, and at the same time does not forget to enjoy life.

Lysenko Julia

At the age of five, Julia began to attend music school. After studying for 9 years at gymnasium No. 1507, the girl decided to link her further education with music. First, Yulia graduated from the Moscow College of Pop and Jazz Art, and then from the Gnessin Academy.

In 2006, the Girl became one of the participants in the musical show "Star Factory - 6". After the end of the project, Yulia became interested in journalism.

TV presenter career

After the famous TV show, Yulia was invited as a TV presenter to the RU.TV channel. There, over the years of her work, the girl conducted many live broadcasts at the most striking and memorable events of the channel.

Now Yulia Lysenko maintains a popular blog on the Internet under the motto "Family must come first!". She is also the host of the new ZHARA TV channel.

Despite her busyness and popularity, Yulia manages to take care of her family. She has two wonderful daughters: Arina and Polina.

Funny, beautiful and ambitious. And it always has been. Our television will not get rid of it, even if it wants to. Especially for you, I asked TV presenter Yulia Lysenko about family, work, the Internet and the Olympics.

- Julia, I still don’t understand, so how did it happen that you became a TV presenter?

This happened about a year after we skated the tour with Fabrika. In fact, from the age of 14 I was engaged in journalism, published articles in various youth magazines, went to courses - in general, I was closely preparing for admission to the Faculty of TV Journalism at Moscow State University. Although at the last moment I still decided to enter the College of the Academy. Gnesins. So, after the end of the "factory" tour, the director of our Friday shows, Andrei Sychev, recommended me to the RU TV channel. I came to the casting, and the channel administrator says: "We have Turkish TV here anyway - only brunettes." Despite the fact that I was a brunette, they took me (laughs).

The other day, 8 years have passed since the date of our settlement in the "Factory" house. Quite a long time! What can you say about this period of life?

So much has changed in these 8 years! Of course, the Factory gave us all incredible experience, to each participant - and, no matter what convocation: the first, second or seventh. I was only 16 years old, I was the youngest, and among the rest of the guys who trained at various castings, erudite and already understanding how to behave in front of the camera, I was completely self-taught. Everything was new to me. I literally studied on the project, although there was little time for this. I opened the door to the world of television. Although these were flowers, but the berries began later, when we were all allowed to swim freely, into the open sea, and with hefty sharks! (laugh). There were many disappointments, many tears. What can I say - all this is very difficult ... I still sometimes review the video onYouTube how we weep when I left.

Let's talk about the most important change in your life. You are a young mother. What has changed in your head, yes everywhere, after this event?

Now, everything seems to have changed, but I still look at myself sometimes and think: "Do I really have a child?" (laughs). My work on television was divided into two parts: first, the alma mater RU TV for three years. Then I temporarily left the channel, it was a difficult period of my life, a crisis. I experimented, hosted programs on both Moscow 24 and Europa Plus Tv, but I'm glad that I returned to RU TV and I don't regret anything.

Most importantly, I met my husband, Sasha. For me, family has always been the most important thing. Parents served as an example - they recently celebrated a silver wedding. So, this is my meaning of life! Like a stone from my shoulders that I have a child - now everything is not in vain. This is my main project.

- On your Instagram, you even held a contest for young mothers. So how did you get in shape on your own?

I launched a contest with the hashtag #postpartum, which caused a great resonance even among star moms. For example, Irena Ponaroshku found my number and offered her help. For me, this is a completely open topic, I sincerely want to help. Many girls become pregnant somehow get lost, forget about their appearance, are very worried about the weight gained. Although it's completely natural! In general, my hormones lived separately from the mind. (laughs). I recovered by 30 kg, and then lost 36 kg. The only thing I regret is that the weight loss was quite sharp - in 4.5 months. Better, of course, in a year, I just had my work commitments. And I know myself - if I do not quickly see the result, then I will not be able to find the strength in myself to achieve the intended goal. Separate food helped me. But I just can’t sit on diets from the Internet! "Eat boiled cabbage, then an egg" ... yes, I'm already too lazy to cook from one reading of such recipes!

You are only 24 years old, but you have already worked for several years at RuTV, left and returned, worked at Europa Plus TV, Moscow-24, was at the "Factory", your daughter for a year and a half, became the official host of concerts at Medals Plaza at Olympic Games ah, now you are a director, editor and host of the "Personnel Department" program on RU TV. What's next?

I love television. Nothing can replace live broadcasting, it's a pleasure. I enjoy editing for hours. TV Lego is my passion. A year and a half later, I graduate from the Gnessin Academy, and then I dream of studying at cool directing courses somewhere in Hollywood. There are a lot of ideas, I want to understand how to implement them. And I want to make a film. I have a couple of years left, and then my husband and I want another child. And not one.

Reveal the secret! There has been so much conflicting information about the Olympic Games. What was there? How did it really go?

I can say one thing: it was very cool and professional! 20-30 thousand people came every day, a huge number of stars came. Such energy! I personally spoke with Thomas Bach and he was delighted with the organization. He said that no one had done such concerts before us at the Olympics. People were resting. The whole building is crazy! I was there a year ago, led the event and was left at a loss when everything will be completed. They say the truth about us - until the roasted rooster pecks ...

- And all these insinuations with resettlement, food, toilet bowls and other things?

I lived in the "Grand Hotel Polyana", in a chic room, with chic service. And in general, for all the time I did not hear a single bad comment from anyone. Everyone just admired. There was such an Olympic spirit! And the rest is all some custom stories. I did not see anything dirty and nothing terrible. Nothing to complain about. I still don't understand how they did it.

You have a fairly promoted Instagram, more than 20 thousand subscribers. What do you think about in social networks? How much time do you spend there?

The feature of my instagram is its veracity. Roughly speaking, I will lay out the food if it is tasty, and if it is beautiful, but tasteless, then I will write so. I just share my emotions, impressions, my day. The husband was very annoyed by this habit until he saw a response. I arranged the same competition for mothers from sincere motives, rallied people. This is live communication, you can't deceive anyone here. And no dishonest advertising will work here, there will definitely be those who will say an objective opinion. Even now, they show us one thing in the news, you go to the Internet - and there someone has already posted a video where you can clearly see what is happening.

-But what about trolling? Do you react to it?

Concerned men immediately block. Although I do not have any candid photos, this is not at all about me. And opinions - please, let them hang. -

-Many girls ask you for advice on style, beauty, appearance in general.

Beauty is a healthy sleep in the first place, not foundation. You need to drink a lot of water. And, of course, pleasant emotions. A person should sincerely smile 20 times a day. Believe. And keep your health.

Yulia Lysenko - singer, TV presenter, journalist, mother of two children told GR about work, family, Star Factory and love for karaoke.

- Julia, many people call you a model for girls of the 21st century. Do you agree with this and was it the goal?

- Of course, I am very pleased that they call me that. But this is because I can combine career and family. I inherited this from my mom. In general, it doesn’t matter what century, it seems to me that at all times there were such girls and women that you can look up to, take an example. And I also look up to these people. I think that any girl should be successful not only in household chores, but also have a job, be independent.

- Do you like housekeeping?

I am a fan of comfort in the house! I love decor. I have to be beautiful. I love to cook and welcome guests. Even if I'm tired, it will be a pleasure for me to stand at the stove and cook something. After all, this is feminine!

How long did it take you to return to work after giving birth?

- I gave birth to my eldest daughter at 22, and a month later I returned to work. After the second came out a little later. Because my first and second pregnancies were different for me. Once, during a conversation with his boss Sergei Vitalyevich Kozhevnikov, he shared his experience that with each child everything turns out in a new way. And he has four of them, so you can trust him (smiles). After the second pregnancy, it was more difficult for me to recover. I was all glued, disheveled, I could not gather myself together.

– How did you manage to do it?

- To be honest, this is the most difficult thing: to criticize yourself in such a way as to get back in shape. So I had to work on it.

How do you balance family and work?

- Before our interview, I was at the Luna Theater, where my daughter is engaged in a children's troupe. In two hours of her classes, I managed to go to meetings and get a manicure. Usually, trips to beauty salons are rare for me, so they do everything they can with six hands (laughs). And in the morning I also had a meeting, to which I also came with my daughter. I think it's not bad when a child sees and understands what work is, how hard it is. Then the child develops a different perception of life.

- Why did you decide to send your daughter to the theater?

- On one program, I met Tatyana Gornostaeva, and there I talked with the artistic director of the Luna Theater, Sergei Prokhanov. I said that my daughter's acting talents are waking up. I was offered to bring her to the casting in the children's theater center-studio "Little Moon". She successfully passed it and began to study. Now we go there three times a week. It seemed to me that it is possible to develop a daughter from this side, because she has good inclinations.

You post quite a lot of photos with your family on social media. Not afraid?

- I believe in God, I believe that he protects us. In addition, if you believe in the bad, it is attracted faster. I know people whose children are five years old, but they continue to hide them. Here everyone decides for himself how to act.

How do you feel about negative comments addressed to you on the Web?

- After the "Star Factory" there were a lot of them. And now 11 years have passed, and people still continue to ask me about Arseny Borodin. I can't anymore! (smiles). Of course, there are people who don't like me, that's fine. I'm not 100 dollars to please everyone. Sometimes I reply to a negative, and sometimes I can delete it because I don't want it on my page.

- Since they started talking about the "Factory": do you regret that you were on this project?

- The only thing I regret is that I got on this project at the age of 16. I was small and inexperienced. And she didn't sing the way I sing now. It seems to me that at a more conscious age, you can better express yourself on such projects.

- No desire to return to music again?

– I often sing karaoke (smiles). But I have been on television for so many years that journalism has become the main thing for me. After all, I not only work in the frame, but also write scripts, I was the chief editor. That is, I like the whole television process. I even had a desire to enter the directing or production department. But then I thought it was time to take a break, or even from one educational institution to another (laughs).

- What is your view on everyday life?

- Stay human! No matter how high you reach, no matter what happens in your life, you need to respect people, be kind. This is important in every area of ​​life.

Photographer: Veronika Arakchieva

Yulia Lysenko (28) became famous as a teenager, when at the age of 16 she got to the Star Factory. How her life turned out, Julia told PEOPLETALK.

I have always dreamed of a family! Despite the fact that at the age of 16 I plunged headlong into show business, the family was still in the first place. At 22, I became a mother for the first time (I don’t regret it a bit), at 26, for the second time. I have two girls, Arina (5) and Polina (2). Now I am concentrating on work, I want to realize my old creative dreams.

About personal life

About "Star Factory"

I wanted to enter Moscow State University in journalism and went to preparatory courses. I then made myself a pass to Ostankino, went there, and there was a casting for the Factory. And I passed it. The only thing I really regret is that at that moment I was still small and inexperienced - I was only 16! Since then, I have risen very professionally, I graduated from the Variety and Jazz College and the Gnessin Academy.

If they gave me a microphone now, I would sing anything. Many asked me if I would like to go to the "Voice". Honestly, I'd probably like to try myself. Come, sing and ask: “Well, how cool?” Now, by the way, I watched the broadcast and saw that (28), with whom we met at the Factory, passed the selection. I'm so happy for him!

About career

After the “Factory”, I was not a soloist of the Ultraviolet group for long, and then I was invited to the channel, which was just opening then, to try myself as a presenter. Two weeks later I was in live. I worked there for many years, and then overwork happened, I freaked out and left. A year later, I went to Europe Plus, led a concert in Olympic park in Sochi during the Olympics, was the host on the Moscow24 TV channel, but eventually returned to Ru.Tv. And then Sergei Kozhevnikov opened the music channel "Heat" and the TV channel "Your House", and I went there.

I know everything about proper nutrition, seriously. I lost weight twice by 30 kg after childbirth (more precisely, once by 34 kg, the second - by 32). Both times after giving birth, I lost weight with the help of a nutritionist from 1 Fitchat. He holds a Diploma in Nutrition from the American ISSA Institute. Many of my friends have lost weight with him. My nutritionist completely changed my diet, I still adhere to the system that I learned. My life hack is to go to bed before 12 at night, really. If you go to bed before 12, then your metabolism works completely differently. In general, our body breaks down fats from 12 to 4 in the morning.

About beauty

I really love Bliss micro-peeling: a very cool thing that polishes the skin. You do it once a week and go to the beautician for cleaning much less often.

I am so ready for all fashionable experiments that I can’t even say if I have some kind of fashionable taboo. Probably not - I'm all for variety.

I'm a bag fanatic! I calmly wear clothes from Zara and H&M, but I love high-quality and expensive bags, shoes and accessories.

Photo: Sofia Karayvanskaya. Stylist: Konstantin Koshkin. Stylist assistant: Anastasia Zabelina. Makeup: Elena Slastikhina. Hairstyle: Lidia Alieva. Producer: Anzhelika Purtova. Producer assistant: Irina Orlova, Sophia Ahmed.
