Aranta rus tennis. Russian tennis tour

Dutch tennis player Arancia Rus was born in the city of Delph on December 13, 1990. In 2008, she won the Australian Open for juniors by beating Australian Jessica Moore. This victory brought Aranche the title of the first racket among juniors.

Rus began her tennis career at the age of 13 with performances in youth tournaments.

The girl is left-handed, which brings discomfort to her opponents. But it helps Aranche win matches.

In 2007, Roos reached the semifinals of the Orange Bowl tournament in Florida (USA). And in next year became a semi-finalist of the first junior tournament Grand Slam US Open in doubles.

In 2008, Arancia reached the semifinals in another Grand Slam Roland Garros, but already in singles... In doubles, the tennis player reached the final. This year was full of victories for Rus: she won the 1st Junior Grand Slam of the Australian Open and became number 1 in the world junior ranking.

In September 2008, Arancia Rus reached the quarterfinals of the WTA tournament in Guangzhou, China, beating Belgian tennis player Yanina Vikmeier.

PTT emblem

Russian Tennis Tour (RTT) is a system of tennis competitions in Russia, which is implemented under the leadership of the eponymous non-profit partnership ( NP Russian Tennis Tour) established Russian Tennis Federation December 7 of the year.

RTT was created to unify various aspects of the process of organizing and holding tennis competitions in Russia.

The PTT Regulations determine the rules for creating a competition calendar, the system of scoring and rating tournaments, the forms and procedure for submitting applications for participation in the tournament, age groups, the rights and obligations of participants and other parties to the conduct of tournaments. Also, the actions of the organizers of the tournament, the judges, and funding are regulated.

The structure of the non-commercial partnership "Russian Tennis Tour" includes a tournament management department, information and referee departments.

Tournament categories

There are six categories for PTT tournaments, reflecting the level of the tournament. The І, ІІ and ІІІ categories include competitions of the federal district and all-Russian tournaments... Championships and championships of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation belong to the IV category. Category V includes tournaments of the city and regional level and championships of physical culture and sports organizations. The VI category of tournaments distinguishes competitions in which only players aged 9-10 years old can take part (children's group).

PTT tournaments are held in six age groups: 9-10 years old, up to 12 years old, up to 14 years old, up to 16 years old, up to 18 years old and the “Adults” group for players over 18 years old. Players under 9 years of age are not allowed to compete.

PTT tournaments are usually held in two stages, with the qualifying stage always taking place according to the Olympic system within one to two days preceding the main tournament. The duration of the competition does not exceed one tournament week.

The player's tournament status is determined by the classification points system. The number of classification points scored at the time of filing an application for participation in the competition affects the inclusion of a player in a particular stage.

Important RTT tournaments: the Russian Cup, the Russian championship (individual and team), regional tournaments and tournaments in large cities.

RTT rating

Men (adults) December 1
# Tennis player Glasses
1 Mikhail Youzhny 32925
2 Nikolay Davydenko 26120
3 Dmitry Tursunov 20599
4 Igor Kunitsyn 18273
5 Denis Istomin 14913
6 Igor Andreev 14229
7 Mikhail Kukushkin 12971
8 Teimuraz Gabashvili 10277
9 Alexander Kudryavtsev 7593
10 Denis Matsukevich 7508
Women (adults) December 1
# Tennis player Glasses
1 Maria Sharapova 96946
2 Vera Zvonareva 87715
3 Nadezhda Petrova 46096
4 Svetlana Kuznetsova 45769

It was founded in 1908. and its head office is located in Moscow. Since 1977 the organization has become a member of the European Tennis Association Tennis Europe. The honorary president and, accordingly, the head is Yaroslav Ivanovich Kalagursky. With the assistance of the Federation, a system of competitions was created - the Russian Tennis Tour (RTT). It is designed for all age groups to participate.

general information

The official date of the creation of the tour is December 7, 1999. Its purpose is to create uniform form, which includes all aspects of the procedure for organizing tennis competitions in Russia. The RTT Charter regulates the rules and norms for the formation of the competition calendar, rating system, registration form for participants' applications, as well as the nuances of the rights and obligations of all parties to the event. In an additional order, the order of actions of the direct organizers, jury members and financial issues is determined.

Tournament categories

The tournament provides for six categories, each of which reflects professional level this event. The first three such categories include competitions of the federal district and tournaments of an all-Russian scale. The fourth one is various championships and championships of Russia, and the fifth one is tennis wrestling at the city level. districts and competition sports complexes... The sixth category is assigned to the competitions of children aged 9 to 12 years. In addition, tournaments have a separate classification in accordance with age characteristics... Children under the age of nine are strictly prohibited from taking part in such tennis competitions, which relate to RTT.
As a rule, tournaments have two stages. At the same time, only the Olympic system operates in the qualifier, and its duration is one or two days. The total duration of the event is determined for a period of one week.
There is also a point classification system that determines the tournament status of a tennis player. The player is included in a certain stage, depending on the number of points scored exactly at the time when the direct application was submitted to participate in the competition.

PTT calendar

On our website you will always find the current schedule of all the RTT tournaments that interest you. For each of them a separate page is provided, where all information about the composition of the players and the calendar of scheduled meetings are placed. Convenient navigation allows you to quickly find the information you need. Today you can familiarize yourself with all the tournaments that are planned for 2017 within the RTT. If additional competitions appear, they will also be placed in the PTT calendar and all information will be displayed on the page of our website. Follow the world of tennis with us!
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