Chinese New Year when. What to give to loved ones

New Year is a holiday known all over the world. They meet him, as a rule, on the night of January 1. But the Chinese New Year is celebrated a little later. However, at completely different times.

When is the Chinese New Year

So what about the date? Chinese New Year 2015 is celebrated on February 19th. But still not everything is so simple. It's Lunar Chinese New Year. That is calendar. Astrological New Year in China begins with the beginning of spring. The awakening of nature speaks volumes. Spring in 2015 in China comes on February 4th. On this day (a little earlier than the ordinary Chinese calendar) the New Year will come. The wooden goat, of course, confuses people who are interested in the "Chinese letter" in the dates of its arrival a little. However, this is the East. Here, the dates are determined by both the lunar and solar calendars. Astrology (that is, the Sun) is used, for example, by those who practice feng shui.

Some facts

In order to understand the celebration of this solemn event, it is necessary, first of all, to learn something about its history. A few hundred years ago, China was mostly a cluster of rural communities. Accordingly, the Dynasty was forced to update a special calendar for farmers every year. It consisted not only of the solar and lunar calendar, but also of the weather calendar. This information was essential in order to know how to plant a variety of plants, seeds, when to harvest, and when to celebrate holidays. As a result, Chinese New Year has always been associated with farming. On this day, men celebrated their achievements over the past twelve months.

The most popular holiday in China

The arrival of the New Year is a bright and cheerful event. It is awaited with joy and impatience in all countries. Chinese New Year is no exception! January 1 here, as well as in many Christian countries, of course, is celebrated. However, with the advent of the new moon, the Chinese celebrate this event again. Chinese New Year has another name - Chunjie. In translation, it means "Spring Festival".

Symbol and element are determined every year

Every year, the celebration in China is celebrated in completely different ways. Much depends on the symbol, element and color. For example, Chinese New Year 2014 was celebrated under the sign of the Horse. His element was Wood. The main colors were blue and blue. Accordingly, a wooden horse, painted in one of these colors, must have stood on the festive table.

Chinese New Year 2015 - Year of the Wood Goat. This animal will have to be honored. The goat symbolizes household, warmth, motherhood. It is preferable to celebrate the New Year at home. How to celebrate? It would seem that an ordinary holiday ... But here, too, there are nuances. Chinese New Year is celebrated for 15 days. Each of them has its own meaning, depending on local traditions. Therefore, people come out to public festivities. The holiday ends on the 15th day with the Lantern Festival.


A lot of various rituals and superstitions are associated with the meeting of this holiday. For example, five long strips of paper must be hung above the door. They symbolize good luck, longevity, honor, joy and wealth.

According to ancient traditions, the Chinese New Year should be celebrated with noise and uproar. People explode firecrackers, light fireworks. All this is done in order to prevent evil spirits from settling in the house, expelled from different places on the eve of the New Year.

There is another belief. Evil forces are allegedly afraid of everything red. Therefore, before the New Year, it is necessary to stick scarlet paper strips on a wide variety of objects.

In big cities, many ancient rituals, of course, managed to become a thing of the past. However, they are still found in rural areas. On Chinese New Year 2014, for example, many provincials covered windows and doors with paper. This is considered another way to protect against dark forces.

By the New Year, all household chores must be completed. Cleaning starts from the threshold, and ends in the very center of the house. By the evening holiday it is necessary to remove all rags, buckets, brushes, brooms, etc., in places invisible to the eye.

In China, they decorate for the New Year not a Christmas tree, but the Tree of Light. Flowers, garlands, various lanterns are hung on it. New Year's Eve dinner is also important. This evening the whole family gathers at the table. If one of its members is absent, free places are still provided for them. A festive meal is not complete without tofu, fish and chicken. In Chinese, the names of these products are consonant with the words "prosperity" and "happiness". In the north of China, dumplings are obligatory on New Year's Eve, and in the south, rice slices are a must. The festive dinner ends with the distribution of money. They are enclosed in red envelopes.

It is necessary to celebrate the New Year without any debts. On the eve of the Chinese New Year, small vases with tangerines should be placed throughout the house. This symbol is the personification of prosperity and wealth. They also decorate the house with apricot or peach flowers. It symbolizes new beginnings. On Chinese New Year, people always wear new clothes. This is done in order not to transfer their problems from the outgoing year into the coming year. In addition, you need to show courtesy and respect to all people around you. All spoken words should symbolize only happiness and joy.

A rich table is the key to prosperity

A few words have already been said about the festive table. The New Chinese Year 2014, the photo of the celebration of which speaks volumes, has allowed many people in China to live the coming months in happiness and prosperity. Successful life went to those who properly took care of the New Year's table. For example, rice is a symbol of wealth, noodles are a symbol of longevity, and fish is a symbol of a happy family. In addition, a variety of salads, fruits, seafood and sweets must be present on the table.

What to give to loved ones

What present to present to your friends and family? Even in ancient times, a tradition appeared in China - to give the owners of the house two tangerines. Why is that? It is believed that this ceremony appeared due to the fact that "a pair of tangerines" in Chinese is consonant with the word "gold".

Accordingly, everything is extremely simple. A photo of the Chinese New Year suggests that in this country it is generally customary to present paired gifts. Such things symbolize family harmony. It can be two mugs, two dishes, etc. The most important thing is not to give watches to the elderly, and children's things to those who have not had babies. It is customary to give gifts to the owners of the house just before leaving. Some people even leave them secretly.

traditional dances

And now, notice! Traditional dance is the best gift for a Chinese citizen! Festivals are organized in every city on this holiday, where you can watch this magnificent action.

At festive performances, traditional dances of dragons and lions are necessarily performed. What it is? Lions symbolize protection from troubles and misfortunes in the New Year. Their dance has been known in China since the 14th century. The dragon dance has been known even longer - since the 12th century. For its execution, paper, wire and wicker are needed. These materials are used to make a dragon, the length of which can reach 10 meters. The body of the monster consists of an odd number of parts, each of which is controlled by a dancer with a pole.

In a word, this holiday has a lot of traditions and customs. All of them are shrouded in some kind of mystery and mystery. Chinese New Year allows you to plunge into a fairy tale, feel like a mystical hero, feel a lot of positive emotions! There is no doubt that people celebrating this wonderful celebration will definitely enjoy it to the fullest, will be completely delighted! The mythical dragon, fabulous lions and all other fairy tales of China - all this is closely intertwined in the bright celebration of the New Year!

Usually in China, according to their calendar, the New Year comes later than in the West, including in Russia, where this holiday is celebrated from the thirty-first of December to the first of January. Do you know when the Chinese New Year will be celebrated this time? The date in 2014 of this event is the thirty-first of January! It is from this day that the long-awaited holiday begins in China. On a magical, fabulous night, the Chinese will enter the new 2014 Year of the green wooden Horse. By the way, in this country there is no clear date for the onset of the new year - every year it is calculated in a special way, using as assistants moon calendar. Here, the new year is called in a more original way - the holiday of spring. It is celebrated on an unprecedented scale.

Celebration myths

1. Long ago, at the beginning of each year, the Chinese fought with a mythical animal - his name was Nian. At the beginning of the new year, he came and devoured the cattle, as well as food supplies. He could even feast on peasant children. The Chinese decided to protect themselves from the monster - they put food at the entrance to the house on the eve of the new year. It seemed to them that the more food they put in, the more favorable the monster would be to them.

This went on from year to year - Nian took food, but still kept people at bay. Once the Chinese saw that the monster was frightened of a child who was dressed in red clothes. And then, instead of food, on the eve of the new year, the Chinese began to decorate their houses and the surrounding area with red lanterns, fabrics of this color. People dressed in red and set off a lot of festive fireworks. Since then, the beast has ceased to appear to them. Until now, the tradition of decorating everything in red for this holiday has remained - just as before, people put on red clothes and set off fireworks.

2. The ancient Chinese believed that on New Year's Eve, spirits expelled from various places seek refuge. And so that spirits do not settle in the house, people celebrate this holiday noisily and cheerfully, trying to drive away evil from their doorstep.


1. In different regions of China, the traditions of celebrating are different, but there are also common, similar motives. So, on the eve of the celebration, every family in China cleans its house, throws out everything superfluous and unnecessary - in this way the Chinese drive misfortunes and sadness out of life, only happiness and well-being remain in the house.

2. It is believed that the period of celebration of this bright event- This best time in order to make peace and forget insults, to wish each other happiness and kindness.

3. Dinner this evening is accompanied by the fact that everyone gives each other the money of happiness. Adults prepare money in advance in a red envelope for children. Such a gift brings good luck and prosperity throughout the new year. Previously, it was necessary to put exactly one hundred copper coins in such an envelope - they were considered a symbol of financial wealth and symbolized the hope of living up to a hundred years.

4. Cleaning, according to signs, must be done from the threshold to the center of the apartment. Before the festive evening, you need to have time to hide all cleaning equipment in a place inaccessible to prying eyes.

5. In China, it is believed that on this magical night, the supreme forces give each family good luck and luck. And if after cleaning you leave the broom in a conspicuous place, then you can sweep away luck.

6. Back in the thousandth year BC, a tradition was born in China to give tangerines to the owners of the house - guests come to the holiday with this yummy. "Pair of tangerines" in Chinese sounds like "gold". It is believed that such a gift will bring happiness to the owners of the house and those who present such a surprise.

7. It is believed that the first word that the person you met first in the new year will utter will be a prediction. Good sign- to see the first bird, because it symbolizes prosperity for the whole next year.

8. For Chinese families, this is a family holiday - in the evening, all family members gather at the same table, and the celebration does not begin until at least one person is present at the table. If for some reason a Chinese person cannot be near his family on New Year's Eve, he is still given a place and a chair, as well as eating utensils.

9. For tourists, the New Year holiday in China will be to their liking - here the celebration is noisily celebrated on the streets: fireworks explode, colorful and vibrant parades are held, as well as other entertainment events.


Video "Chinese New Year, when does it begin and end"

Traditionally, the New Year in Russia, as in many other countries, is celebrated on the night of December 31 to January 1. We celebrated the coming New Year 2014 as the year of the Blue Horse Chinese calendar. But the date of the Chinese New Year 2014 is different from the date of the New Year in Russia, in China the year of the Blue Horse comes a little later. And this means that the New Year holiday continues, and there is a very significant reason to tell fortunes for the New Year. not over yet, let's see. The most suitable fortune-telling for this occasion is ancient Chinese.

A storehouse of Chinese people's wisdom in a virtual version - Mr.

And one more Chinese free for you on our website.

So what date is the Chinese New Year? We all know that there are 24 hours in a day and a calendar year of 365 days. This is due to the length of the solar year, which has a duration of 365.25 days. The lunar calendar is used to calculate months and years. For the inhabitants of the Celestial Empire, New Year 2014 is the Spring Festival (Chunjie), which, according to the Chinese calendar, occurs on the first full moon following the completion of a full lunar cycle. The arrival of the Chinese New Year is the onset of the second lunar month, or, in other words, the second new moon. The date of the new moon is associated with the winter solstice. With the onset of the second new moon after the winter solstice, the Chinese New Year begins. Thus, the date of the Chinese New Year varies from year to year between January 21st and February 20th.

It was the Chinese zodiac that introduced us to the 12-year cycle, in which one of the animals is assigned to each zodiac sign and year. Those who are lucky enough to be born in January-February of the year of one of the animals may actually belong to the zodiac sign of the previous one.

Simultaneously with the animal zodiac cycle, each new year corresponds to one of the 5 elements, which, in turn, are combined into a 10-year cycle. Combining, the cycle of animals and the cycle of elements, in turn, form a 60-year cycle. Each of the elements has its own direction and color, and also correspond once to Yin, and once to Yang. Each of the elements, moreover, has in next year your repetition.

IN 2014 Chinese New Year begins on January 31, 2014. The moment of its onset is the night from January 30 to January 31, 2014.

Chinese New Year dates in the following years:

2016 : February 8, 2016

The horse is the symbol of the years: 1942, 1954, 1966, 1978, 1990, 2002, 2014, 2026.

The Year of the Horse will come into its own from 01/31/2014 and will last until 02/18/2015.

On January 31, 2014, the year of the Blue Wooden Horse comes into its own, sometimes astrologers call it the year of the Green Horse. The Chinese name for the Horse is Ma. This is the seventh sign Chinese zodiac. 2014 Horses correspond to blue (blue) and green colors, the Cosmic element of the year is a tree, giving it practicality, as well as immoderation and irascibility. The corresponding sign of the Western Zodiac is Leo and the element is Fire. Chinese New Year 2014, under the sign of fiery passion, combines prudence, dynamism and assertiveness.

The Chinese cherish the traditions of meeting Chunjie. On the eve of the holiday, each house is decorated with paper pictures and a festive table is prepared. Women try to choose elements in their outfits that match the freedom-loving nature of the strong and graceful Ma animal in order to please the symbol of the Chinese New Year. They prefer festive dresses of blue, green or gray colors. Original sophisticated jewelry and soft shoes are well suited to the outfits. It is believed that a pearl necklace will not only decorate its mistress, but also bring good luck to her in 2014. The New Year holiday in China is anxiously awaited; for the Chinese, this holiday is associated with the remembrance of all their ancestors for many centuries.

Chinese New Year 2014 will be held, as always, with performances by artists and theatrical carnival processions, decorated with symbols of the coming year. The youth will have fun until the morning, dance and walk on stilts. In the morning, all members of a large family in China will gather at the festive table to traditionally taste the main treat of jiaozi dumplings. Traditionally, parents will give their children coins wrapped in notes with beautiful wishes of health and well-being for the whole family.

Chinese divination according to the Book of Changes

On the occasion of the onset of the Chinese New Year, we want to offer you an ancient Chinese divination according to the Book of Changes. Chinese fortune-telling uses coins in its fortune-telling that need to be thrown up, depending on the combinations of heads and tails that have fallen out, different lines are drawn. The combination of lines forms hexagrams, which will predict your fate. This divination is so ancient that the first mention of trigrams forming hexagrams occurs in the period three thousand years before the new era, under the Chinese ruler Fu Xi.

In modern Chinese divination, 64 combinations of six lines - hexagrams - are used, symbolizing the extraordinary depth and scale of understanding the processes in the Universe. Combinations of hexagrams make it possible to use them to determine the fate of a particular person, which made the Book of Changes extremely popular in divination not only in China, but throughout the world. We offer you Chinese fortune-telling according to the Book of Changes online for free and tell you how to find out your fate on your own using this wise book. For fortune-telling, you will need three coins and our tips.

New Year 2014 will come on January 1, Wednesday. New Year holidays 2014 throughout the country will last 8 days - from January 1 to January 8. According to the Chinese calendar, next year will be known as the Year of the Blue Wooden Horse.

New Year 2014 - how do we relax?

New Year holidays throughout the country will last 8 days - from January 1 to January 8, 2014. Thus, we will end the old 2013 year with a part-time work week and go on vacation from Wednesday. The New Year will begin with two working days - Thursday (January 9) and Friday (January 10).

How to welcome the Year of the Horse 2014

Talisman of the next 2014 - Blue wooden horse. By Eastern calendar it starts February 10th. The horse does not tolerate excessive fuss and noise, therefore, it is recommended to celebrate the Year of the Horse 2014 in a close family circle with friends and relatives, and to postpone meetings with a noisy company to another day of the New Year holidays.

The coming year of the Horse 2014 will bring instability and changes in people's lives. Therefore, it is important to plan your actions, act deliberately and carefully. Many signs of the zodiac may get unexpectedly lucky next year. Your plans will come true and big changes will happen - marriage, housing, moving to another city, having children. The Year of the Horse can bring a lot of the brightest emotions and impressions.

New Year - how to dress?

The meeting of the new 2014, the year of the Blue Horse according to the Chinese calendar, should be held in a dark outfit. Choose deep soothing shades of blue, black or green. You can combine several colors, but try to choose a pattern that imitates a flowing horse's mane.

You can complement the outfit with jewelry with stones.

A tie will help men to comply with the dress code of the meeting of the new 2014. This detail of the wardrobe should attract attention and carry horse motifs.

New Year holidays 2013

How we will relax on New Year's holidays - 2013

The Russians will start resting on December 30, 2012. New Year holidays 2013 will be protracted - 10 days. January 8 will be the last date of the New Year holidays. This schedule was approved by the Prime Minister of the Russian Federation.

The Decree on New Year's holidays 2013 was signed on October 17, 2012. The document explains that the holidays of January 5 and 6, which fall on Saturday and Sunday, will be moved to May 2 and 3.

Soon after the Russians celebrate the New Year holidays 2013, it's time to celebrate February 23rd. The holiday falls on Saturday. Previously, it was planned to make Monday, February 25, a day off, but then it was decided to give this day to the May holidays.

After all the rearrangements, it was approved that the celebration of the Day of Spring and Labor on May 1 will take place on five days off - from the 1st to the 5th. The celebration on the occasion of the Victory Day will last four days - from May 9 to 12.

How to celebrate the New Year - 2013

The Black Water Snake, a symbol of the upcoming 2013, does not like to be in public view, so it is recommended to stay at home on New Year's Eve. A few minutes before the end of the old year, you need to indulge in peace and tranquility: it is worth remembering all the best that happened in the outgoing year and be sure to thank the Dragon for bringing a lot of new things into your life. In the first seconds of the New Year, you need to tune in to a positive attitude towards everything around you, ask the Snake to send you goodness and joy.

How to celebrate the New Year - 2013

Inveterate fashionistas recommend meeting the year of the earth in elegant dresses made of smooth fabrics: silk, satin, chiffon are perfect for a festive costume. All shades of water: light blue, azure, aqua, green, blue and up to black are the perfect choice for the meeting of 2013.

What to cook for the festive New Year's table - 2013

The snake will not miss everything tasty and delicious, so you need to take care of the variety in the menu of the New Year's table in 2013, meat and fish are mandatory dishes.

The tablecloth on the New Year's table should be shiny, preferably plain blue. Beautiful serving, origami from napkins, shiny cutlery - all this will please not only the symbol of the year, but also those sitting at the table. The snake will appreciate the efforts and send wisdom, financial well-being and unpredictable interesting changes in the coming 2013.

How to decorate a house for the New Year - 2013

In order for the Snake to be favorable to you all year long, you must be able to prepare your home for its worthy meeting: decorate the house with objects that are associated with water and space - all kinds of stars and shells. Shiny Christmas balls, rain and garlands - the perfect decoration for the meeting of 2013.
