Sagittarius bull and twin horse in love. Horse Man and Ox Woman

In this union, the man slowly comes to the conclusion that he will not be able to fully possess this woman, as much as he would not like. The horse is very freedom-loving and needs independence. She is not happy to be at home all day and wants to get the experience of travel and adventure. It is very difficult for this woman to open up to other people, however, with the Ox man, she can be herself.

This pair makes excellent business partners as they both have a great work ethic. However, their views on life differ. The Ox man prefers the quiet at home and a calm, relaxing atmosphere, while the Horse wants adventure. This fact can be very frustrating for both. If you really want to build a strong relationship, she needs to learn to love the calm environment and he needs to be open to casual adventures. If you can get a better look at each other, you will realize that you have qualities that you admire.

The Ox man is the most hardworking sign. He avoids the attention of the people around him and enjoys working hard on a goal. This man is often misunderstood even by close people. He rarely changes his mind and never listens to the advice of others, which may be perceived as stupidity by some. He's actually very wise. Understands that important things require a lot of thought. Do not start work until he is absolutely sure of success. He simply does not understand why anyone should listen, if he has already calculated all the options!

He needs a partner who does not suffer from emotional ups and downs, because such frivolous people cause him a lack of understanding.

The Horse is in many ways the opposite of the Bull. She cannot sit idly by; she needs surprises, gossip and parties. This woman is inclined to run through life at a gallop, and wants the people around her to keep up. She is very sociable and hates any regulations and schedules. Appears wherever she wants. Has a tendency to ignore and forget about household chores. She often changes the objects of her crush, it is simply difficult for her to focus on one person, especially in adolescence. Often swept away by her emotions, which can overwhelm the Ox man.

From the point of view of Chinese astrology, there is little chance that a cautious Ox will fall in love with an impulsive Horse. Imagine this union, how a bull and a horse in wildlife are harnessed to one cart, and try to walk at the same pace, a slow bull will be constantly irritated by her attempts to jerk into a wild race. And this is a very accurate metaphor describing the relationship between these two signs.

Larisa Tsareva June 28, 2018, 11:51

The eastern horoscope predicts difficulties in the relationship between the Horse and the Ox. Zodiac signs are very different in character, temperament and life values. Do not forget that each person is unique and astrology gives only superficial characteristics for each sign. Low compatibility by horoscope does not mean that a happy union between people is completely impossible.

Compatibility horoscope for Ox and Horse in love according to the eastern horoscope

The bull is an overweight plowman, slowly but surely moving across the field of his destiny. The horse is a fast, agile, wayward horse, galloping through life. Consider the brief characteristics of the Zodiacs in order to better understand how compatible these two symbols of the eastern horoscope are, and how their love relationship can develop.

The bull slowly but surely moves across the field of his destiny

Ox character

The bull is very restrained by nature, is conservative and knows how to control his emotions. The Ox guy will strive for leadership in the workplace and he really often gets leadership positions. He knows how to earn and save money, using it with great intelligence. Self-realization for him is a priority in life, he does not diminish the importance of the family. The sign knows how to evenly distribute energy in all areas of life.

The Ox girl also has a sense of purpose, but she attaches great value to the family, so she is ready to leave her career for the sake of home comfort.

Regardless of gender, this sign of the eastern horoscope loves to control everything. Any unexpected twists of fate can significantly unsettle him. The bull prefers to calculate events, and unpredictable people frighten him very much. He does not tolerate frivolity, an idle lifestyle and squandering. He expects the same rational outlook on life from a partner.

Falling into a state of anger and anger, the Ox becomes aggressive, it is better not to provoke him

Horse Character

The horse is noble, smart from nature and is always ready to conquer new horizons. Unlike the Bull, she loves to have fun, carefree spending time in her pleasant company. It is unlikely that it will be possible to force this sign to sit still - the Horse needs constant movement both in the mental sense and in the physical.

Girl Horse usually does not suffer from a lack of attention from the opposite sex. She can get involved in frivolous novels, without much thinking about the future. But this does not mean that she does not value the family hearth. It's just that the Horse seeks to do everything, to see everything in this life and enjoy it in full.

The horse is always ready to conquer new horizons.

The Horse guy is always open to adventure and cannot imagine his life without a noisy company of his friends, travel and other entertainments. Such people usually marry late, when they have already enjoyed all the delights of freedom. Horse man becomes a good family man, if his chosen one accepts him as he is and will not try to remake.

Horses have good intuition, they know how to feel people and do not mess with those who do not like them.

Forecast for the Bull-Horse love story

A love affair between these two zodiacs is quite possible. And there is a lot of possibility that it will be very bright and stormy romance... The bull unconsciously falls in love with an elegant horse, from which vital energy literally gushes. The Horse finds in the Bull calmness, serenity, support, which it sometimes lacks so much in the cycle of endless events.

However, astrologers argue that such an alliance is unlikely to last long. Over time, the bull will begin to be annoyed by the restlessness of the partner, and the desire to "take his Horse by the bit" and try to control it will lead to the fact that it rears up and throws its chosen one from the saddle.

The measured and detached lifestyle of the Bull will soon make the Horse bored. Without feeling the "wind in your mane" The horse will turn into a touchy bore and can withdraw into himself, protecting his inner world from a partner. It will not be easy for a bull to be close to such a person, because he is used to openness and sincerity.

The union of the Ox and the Horse is unlikely to last long

A long union is more likely to last if both people are already mature, well-aware of themselves and realizing that in a couple it is necessary to constantly work on relationships.

Marriage compatibility of couples born in the Ox and Horse years

As in the novel, the compatibility of the Horse and the Ox in marriage is low. Astrology does not exclude cases when, nevertheless, between the zodiacs a happy and lasting marriage develops. There are more chances to build a prosperous union for a couple, where the husband is Bull and his wife is Horse.

The prudent, inclined to provide and analyze everything, the Ox will take care of all the worries. His wife won't need anything. He will do everything to make her feel next to him, like a stone wall. All important family dates and holidays he will be with his family. Home is more important to him than friendly gatherings.

A horse is able to bring romance, lightness to such a marriage, giving a man many joyful moments. If she really loves her spouse, then the Ox will never doubt her feelings - the wife will demonstrate them tirelessly.

Horses love to be cared for and appreciate the people who protect them.

In a marriage, where the wife is the Bull and the husband is the Horse, everything is more complicated. The horse will now and then be carried somewhere, he can easily miss a family holiday, preferring a cheerful company. The Ox wife will suffer from such a frivolous behavior of her husband, because she devotes herself entirely to caring for their family nest. All attempts to keep the spouse at home will lead to scandals. There are always many fans around the man of the Horse., jealousy on the part of the chosen one is inevitable.

The Horse and the Bull have a low level of compatibility in Life. The horse believes that housework is meaningless and takes up a lot of free time, which can be devoted to more interesting activities. The bull loves to take care of his home and does not accept a mess.

In rare cases, a happy and lasting marriage still develops between the Ox and the Horse.

Sex compatibility

A horse in bed is a real fire. Just like in life, she loves to learn new sensations in carnal pleasures. The sign can be revealed in sex from the very first contacts. The bull needs time to get used to the partner and fully trust him. Between the zodiacs great sex rarely happens the first time. If they manage to give each other time, then intimacy compatibility will be at the highest level.

The bull is a gentle, quivering and passionate lover who will plunge his partner into the world of sensuality and pleasure. The horse will bring novelty, thrill and variety to intimacy. Couple sex will not be boring and boring.

Over time, the compatibility in intimacy of the Zodiacs will be at the highest level.

Friendship between a Ox and a Horse in the Chinese calendar

The Ox does not have many friends, but he can rely on each of them as on himself. He knows how to be friends and is very selective in the choice of people whom he is ready to make a part of his life. Faced with betrayal, the sign can never trust a person again.

The horse seems to attract people to itself, so it has a lot of friends. She easily trusts and calls everyone a friend to whom she feels sympathy and disposition.

Between the Horse and the Bull true friendship is rare... It is difficult for the Ox to come to terms with the fact that the Horse has a large number of friends, and she easily shares the details of her life with them. The bull is used to trusting only trusted comrades and is not ready to confess with the Horse, knowing that he may not keep a secret.

But the Horse is not a gossip, she is just sociable. The secrecy and restraint of the Bull cause tension in her, push her away. The zodiacs will be able to make friends, but most likely, it will be good friendly relations, rather than a "brotherly" union.

Both signs are responsive and will come to the aid of each other in difficult situations.

Ox man and Horse woman compatibility

A love or marriage couple, where he is the Bull, she is the Horse is harmonious, but only if the woman is ready to devote time to the chosen one, family, home. She is able to become an inspiration for her beloved and contribute to his career and spiritual growth. The bull is able to create a real "fortress" for his half, in which she will feel absolutely safe and confident.

Such a man does not require much: loyalty, honesty, comfort, order in the house. If a woman disappears at work until late and has fun with her friends on weekends, he will not be able to put up with such a situation for a long time.

To balance the relationship, the Ox man will still have to share some of the hobbies of his half, otherwise she will get bored and discouraged.

Treason or betrayal such a tandem does not worry, regardless of who was the initiator of the events.

In a marriage with a Bull, Horses should devote more time to the house.

Ox woman and Horse man compatibility

The union, in which she is the Bull, he is the Horse, awaits many trials. The Horse man hardly takes responsibility, fearing to let his partner down. This allows the Ox woman to seize the initiative, which she does with pleasure. Very often, in such couples, the spouse becomes the main one in the family. She is more reasonable, calculating, balanced. For the time being, the Horse is satisfied with this situation. But when he begins to realize that he is losing his freedom and personal space, in a couple, problems begin... The lady's attempts to reason with her lover end in quarrels and protest.

Relationships can only be saved by the wisdom of the Ox woman. If she stops "nagging" her partner, does not try to control him and restrict him in freedom, then he will not "jump away" far from her. After all, they do not seek from goodness.

The compatibility in the work of the Ox and the Horse is also not to be envied. There will be constant conflicts between the signs, because the Bull is a conservative, and the Horse is inclined to generate creative ideas. They categorically it is not recommended to conduct a joint business, although in the tandem "Bull-leader, Horse-subordinate", productive activity is possible.

Often in pairs, where he is a Horse, and she is a Bull, it is the spouse who becomes the main one in the family

But whatever astrologers advise, you should rely, first of all, on your heart. There are many examples in the world when strong and happy relationships between people developed despite all negative forecasts.

The relationship between the Ox and the Horse is always bright and unforgettable. Despite the conservative nature of the Bull, it is he who wants a bright romance. Often, the relationship between these signs ends in a break, since too different characters will interfere with their mutual understanding. Although it is difficult to deny that in such a union, the couple has the opportunity to learn something new. The possibility of a relationship depends on the mutual desire to be together.

Male Ox and female Horse compatibility = 63%!

In love = 80%: In the union between a male Ox and a female Horse, the roles are distributed historically correctly. He creates material goods, and she helps him in this, giving ideas and advice. As a result, the relationship between them can be fruitful. However, there are still contradictions, and they relate to her love of freedom, which the Ox man will endure with great difficulty. They will be able to reach an understanding on this issue, but it will take a long time.

Married = 50%: The marriage union for this couple is quite optimistic, subject to certain rules. First of all, this is his ability to find a compromise about her hobbies. On her part, this is a desire to please her husband, taking on some of the responsibilities. He will have to close his eyes to many things, since she is not an ideal hostess, but she also has other attractive qualities. The Ox man will have to look for her qualities that he can appreciate.

In bed = 60%: They will be good together, since everyone can bring something unusual to the relationship for a partner. So, the Horse woman will make her partner enjoy in a slightly different way than he is used to. And the Ox man will be able to prove to her that balance, stability and lack of fuss is also an opportunity to feel every moment. As a result, the intimate sphere can become a discovery for both, and very pleasant.

Male Horse and female Ox compatibility = 66.5%!

In love = 70%: If the Ox woman is at a stage when she needs a vivid relationship, then the romance with the Horse man will be quite long, despite all the contradictions. They will get carried away with one thing, make joint plans, although she understands that he is not a very good party for her. Their love will be bright, strong and looks like a shock for both, but the end of the relationship will depend on their desire.

Married = 60%: If a couple nevertheless decided to start a family, they have every opportunity to study character flaws. The Ox woman will have to take on many responsibilities, give ideas to her spouse. And it is important that she will soon cease to keep up with his flight, since the Horse man, first of all, is aimed at self-development, moving forward. This will be the main contradiction, since she will take care of everyday life, and he will develop.

In bed = 70%: In the intimate sphere, the relationship between the Ox woman and the Horse man is more optimistic. The fact is that an interesting and extravagant Horse man will be able to give his partner a lot of positive emotions. He is ready for bold experiments and can even captivate a heavyweight partner with him, into a world of fantasy. As a result, they are guaranteed maximum pleasure, unless the Ox woman is stubborn.

Relationship forecast!

The pair Ox and Horse are quite different, but this does not prevent them from adopting some experience from each other. At the same time, their union can be full of a variety of emotions, not always positive. In some cases it can pull them together, and in others it can disconnect. Everything in their relationship will depend on the mutual desire to maintain the union. Of course, this will have to make an effort, but their efforts will be offset by strong feelings.


The compatibility of the Ox man and the Horse woman cannot be called ideal, but if they both want, they can be happy together for a long time. Their relationship is a serious test for both: you will have to understand yourself and look for ways to effectively interact with your partner.

The period of the romantic relationship of a male Ox and a female Horse

The romance of this couple will be unusually bright. Everyone will find in a partner what they subconsciously dream about. The Bull Man will receive from the Horse violent love passions, mobility, activity, creative impulse, originality, liveliness, fun. The Horse woman will see unshakable calmness, depth of thought, worldly wisdom, reliability, strength, responsibility of the Ox and will soon begin to idolize him. Outwardly, it resembles flint, but do not forget that fire is carved from it.

Family relations of a male Ox and a female Horse

Having decided to start a family, both partners must understand that this is a great responsibility to each other, as well as to future children. During the first time after the transition from the stage of romantic relationships to family relationships, it will be difficult for them to get along. The process of deeper recognition of a partner and finding the right approach to him will take a lot of internal resources from them. It is important not to back down and clearly understand why it is imperative to go through all these difficulties of starting a family life.

The obvious difference in the characters of the Horse and the Ox will cause mutual irritation. She wants to have fun and grows gloomy at the thought of everyday household chores. He is a calm homebody and is furious when he once again learns that his beloved has come up with another adventure. The clashes will end as soon as they agree to give each other a little bit. For example, both spend weekdays at home, and on weekends they go on a visit or a short trip. Only in this situation, no one will become nervous and aggressive.

Having lived together for several years, the Bull and the Horse will begin to respect each other, they will cease to consider the views of one as alien and unacceptable for themselves, because it is impossible to divide life into “black” and “white” when there are so many shades and halftones around.

The compatibility of the Horse and the Ox is quite controversial. The fact is that partners have different temperaments and they adhere to different life goals. A man born in the year of the Horse is distinguished by self-sufficiency, love of freedom and the desire for independence. Of course, this is not to the liking of the Ox woman, who is an imperious and irreconcilable nature.

Relationships develop in different ways. They are often filled with a full palette of emotions. The success of the union directly depends on the desire of the lovers to be with each other. Basically, important decisions are made by a woman, since she is faced with the need to deal with her own needs and aspirations. She should try to understand her chosen one and accept him as he is. This will certainly take effort. However, such work will be deservedly rewarded.

The strengths of a man and a woman combine well and complement each other. In this regard, in order to create a successful tandem, they should overcome the rejection of their partner, learn to understand him and come to terms with his lifestyle. Lovers need to look for compromises, since the future of their family depends on them. Everyone should work hard in this direction and not forget about self-improvement.

Horse man and Ox woman: general compatibility

Horse Man is a simple, open and friendly person

A man born in the year of the Horse is an open and sweet person. He is capable of pure and selfless love. He always knows what he needs. It is not possible to manage it. He becomes an adult quite early and begins to lead an independent life. For full development, he always needs to be in motion.

The Horse man has difficulty choosing a lover, since he is perfect for representatives of many signs. His companion should, like him, adore travel, adventures, outdoor activities, or be sympathetic to such aspirations of her partner.

The man quickly draws attention to the woman born in the year of the Ox. He prefers calm, patient, strong and honest people. The relationship between them begins swiftly and brightly. Despite the conflicting compatibility, the Horse man and the Ox woman instantly fall in love with each other, since both see a peculiar and attractive personality in their partner.

The Ox woman is distinguished by conservatism, seriousness, attachment to generally accepted traditions. At the same time, she strives for new and vivid emotions, exciting relationships that help her express herself fully. The Horse man can provide such an opportunity for her, since he is an active, unlike others, creatively gifted person. In these relationships, he will give his beloved a unique experience that will not leave her indifferent and fill her life with colors. The initial stage of a relationship is like an endless celebration. However, over time, partners are faced with domestic issues. Then different views on life make themselves felt, because of which conflicts begin.

Lovers have opposite rhythms of life. It is not easy for them to coexist. The woman is slow. It is difficult for her to keep up with the fast and impetuous companion. The Horse man loves travel and cannot imagine his life without them. He loves adventures. And his chosen one is a homebody. She doesn't want to leave her home. In order to neutralize conflicts on this issue, she should make sure that they always have fun at home. Then the man will not want to spend time in other places. Weekends should be devoted to trips to various kinds of events: exhibitions, museums, theater, cinema.

The Bull Woman is distinguished by imperiousness. She adheres to certain rules, which she herself sets. She considers herself the undisputed leader. Undoubtedly, the Horse man does not like this position. She seeks to limit the freedom of her companion and completely subjugate him. However, when she begins to make such attempts, then she faces opposition from her partner. He will not become a follower. To build a harmonious union, the Ox woman should respect the will and temperament of her companion. The main thing is to take into account the interests and aspirations of everyone in this tandem.

The Ox Woman does not accept unexpected events, as they knock her out of her emotional balance and state of rest. Then she starts to get harsh, nervous and aggressive. In order to avoid this, she must surprise her partner herself. He is obliged to prove that in any circumstances he can be counted on and that he assumes full responsibility for the relationship.

It is important that the lovers try their best to avoid quarrels and conflicts. Otherwise, a difficult confrontation may begin. The peculiarity of this couple is that each is a proud nature and does not want to give in.

Horse man and Ox woman: compatibility in marriage

The Ox woman has a very developed maternal instinct.

In matters related to children, there is no agreement between the spouses. The partner seeks to have a child immediately. The Bull Woman will be a first-class mother. And she seeks to fulfill her desire. Such a woman sometimes even thinks about adoption. The Horse man also wants children, but not right away. To begin with, he seeks to know the world, to become popular, to build a successful career. He plans children much later.

The Ox Woman happily devotes herself to household chores. She is ready to do much to create comfortable conditions for herself and her lover. The main priority for her is family. She thinks buddies, partying and fun play a secondary role. The Ox woman requires a similar relationship from her husband. However, he has a different opinion. He will not spend all his free time with his family. The spouse should come to terms with this: she is responsible for everyday life, and her companion devotes time to self-development.

Bull Woman is a workaholic. She knows how and loves to work. But she respects traditions and is sure that the material support of the family is the concern of the spouse. But a man cannot devote himself entirely to work. He cannot work in the same place, building a career. It is worth noting that he loves meeting friends and parties, where he is able to spend large sums. Of course, this behavior is not at all like a calm and strict woman born in the year of the Ox.

Horse man and Ox woman: compatibility in love

In the intimate life of partners, everything is going well. The main thing is that the Ox woman does not begin to show stubbornness. An eccentric and creative spouse is able to give his beloved vivid emotions and unforgettable impressions. He willingly agrees to experiments and happily realizes fantasies with his chosen one, which will give her true pleasure.

Women do not deprive their attention of a man born in the year of the Horse. He loves to impress, flirt, be in the spotlight. However, he will never allow himself to cheat on his wife if everything is fine in the family. He highly values ​​his own marriage, therefore, in such couples, infidelity is extremely rare, which contributes to the compatibility of the Horse and the Ox in love and marriage.

Only by accepting responsibility for their own lives, the Horse and the Ox will live happily

It is not so easy for spouses to come to a compromise. Both need to remember that their strengths combine beautifully. To create a happy family, both should work on themselves, take responsibility and obligations. When partners cope with the initial difficulties and get used to the peculiarities of each other, then their relationship will approach the ideal.

Both should moderate their own ambitions, forget about pride and discuss all issues related to family life. In addition, spouses should share responsibilities. The Horse man should be engaged in financial support of the family. And the Ox woman should stop trying to control her lover. The spouse must protect his companion. She should be engaged in everyday life, family, children, but also not to forget about her appearance. If the spouses make concessions, then, despite not the best compatibility of the Horse man and the Ox woman, they will be able to create a happy, strong and harmonious marriage.

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