Practical pistol shooting course. How to Aim with a Pistol - Tips for Beginners

Since its inception, the pistol has become the most affordable individual fire weapon that can be used for both self-defense and offensive purposes. The ability to wield a weapon determines the subsequent effectiveness of the use of a pistol for various purposes. In parallel with the improvement of the design of weapons, the skills of owning pistols were improved. Over time, in order to improve the skill and skills of using weapons, various learning methods appeared, which formed the basis for the study of techniques and tactics. One of the main elements of a shooter's training is hands-on training, during which training in pistol shooting is carried out.

Shooting training can be conducted in different conditions, both for applied purposes and for the purpose of improving combat skills. Interest in hand-held firearms has become the main argument, in view of which the ability to shoot correctly and accurately becomes not only a professional necessity.

Many people like to shoot. For some, it may just be a hobby, while for others, practical pistol shooting becomes a road to big sports. Competitions in bullet shooting can be safely called the most spectacular and exciting. Athletes compete in the ability to quickly and accurately hit targets at different distances. Exercises during the competition must be verified and honed. Success can be achieved only if the athlete accurately and correctly performed all the approaches, was able to accurately hit all the set goals, while avoiding gross tactical and technical mistakes.

Despite the fact that sports shooting is based on the same rules and requirements for handling personal firearms, live pistol shooting has cardinal differences. Here, it is already important not only the ability of the shooter to hit the target, but also the tactics of combat, the actions of the shooter, depending on the prevailing situation. The ability to correctly position yourself for shooting, the ability to fire to kill from any position, while maintaining a high rate of fire, are key safety factors for the shooter.

Pistol shooting technique. Key Features

In order to learn how to shoot a pistol cool, one desire is not enough. Several aspects are important here at once, each of which determines in the complex the accuracy of firing and the effectiveness of personal weapons. The psychological factor is almost the main one on which the marksman's accuracy depends. Correctly coping with the excitement that, in any case, the uninitiated person experiences, holding a pistol in his hands, is the key to successful and accurate shooting. Techniques that you need to know when handling weapons help to achieve excellence in action. Compliance with the rules and requirements during training sessions on shooting will ensure not only the safety of the shooter and others, but also the subsequent confident possession of the weapon.

Despite the fact that any pistol shooting seems easy and straightforward at first glance, mastering the art of shooting will take a certain amount of time, tutorials and professional guidance.

If sport shooting requires high skill, moral and psychological stability from an athlete, then practical shooting classes can be great fun. Having mastered the art of shooting from handguns, you will not only get a lot of pleasure and adrenaline, but you will also be able to fully experience your own physical capabilities and condition. However, picking up a gun is just the beginning. In order to successfully master the technique of using weapons, even for shooting from a Makarov pistol, you must have theoretical training. The first thing to learn is the commands that are given during the shooting. This is a must for any indoor or outdoor training session under the guidance of an instructor or on your own.

The commands given determine your order of actions on the shooting range, on the implementation of which not only the result of shooting depends, but also the technical training of the shooter, his safety. Teams during training or shooting sports must meet the following requirements:

  • observance of the sequence in the commands given;
  • commands must be clear and understandable, without ambiguity;
  • it is always necessary to observe the order in the submission of commands;
  • clear execution of the command is obligatory, without arbitrary actions;
  • any team is submitted taking into account the main requirement - observance of safety precautions during shooting lessons.

These requirements equally apply to all shooting classes, both with an applied purpose and as training in the combat use of weapons. Combat pistol shooting differs not only in training methods, but also in weapon handling techniques. Tactical techniques are a key element of training sessions, during which shooting from personal weapons is practiced in a variety of situations, aiming and firing skills are improved from any position.

Tactical shooting as the main element of combat training

Along with sports shooting, where a clear sequence of actions of the athlete is an important aspect, the combat use of the pistol is distinguished by the manner of the shooter's behavior. When shooting in combat, it is imperative to take into account the level of training of the shooter, his skills in handling weapons and knowledge of his combat capabilities.

Combat shooting is both accuracy, speed and close combat tactics. Rarely does a shooter have enough time in combat to prepare for accurate shooting. The current situation requires the immediate adoption of the right decision. This applies to a greater extent to those persons whose profession is constantly associated with the risk of using personal weapons for combat purposes.

Only in movies and in detective novels can you see how rangers, gangsters and policemen masterfully shoot pistols. In reality, it is far from easy to master weapons perfectly. To use a pistol with maximum efficiency as a weapon of fire, you need to learn the simplest techniques to automatism. Only knowing the basics, techniques and rules of pistol shooting, you can work on improving the art of owning personal weapons in the future.

Sports training only from afar resembles fighting techniques during shooting from a combat pistol. During tactical shooting, the main thing is not only to hit the target, but also to protect yourself from enemy fire. The usual sports stance will not help here. The position from which you have to fire to defeat is often associated with the natural and instinctive desire of a person to hide from return fire. During a real collision, literally everything that can affect the effectiveness of the combat use of firearms is taken into account. In addition to the psychological effect, when shooting with a pistol, you need to take into account the distance to the visible target, the presence of interference for a direct shot, atmospheric phenomena and time. Shooting at different times of the day, day or night, in the morning or in the evening leaves an imprint on the behavior of the shooter. In modern conditions, a combat clash with the use of firearms is fleeting.

For example: The standards, during which the techniques of conducting firefighting with the use of PM pistols are practiced, give a time of no more than 2.8 s for a duel. To achieve the result, no more than three shots are allocated to defeat the enemy. The distance for effective fire from a pistol during combat clashes rarely exceeds 10-15 m.Up to 75% of fights with the use of firearms, according to the police department of the Russian Federation, occur at distances of no more than 10 m.In such a situation, it is not so much the shooter's stance that is important, how much is his reaction. You have to shoot from any position, from your knee, lying down. Shooting from two hands is a rather rare phenomenon today and is mainly practiced during trap shooting.

The tactical shooting technique is based on the fact that the shooter can fire from any weapon, with a change in position, at a moving or at a stationary target. During training sessions, a stand for shooting a pistol is practiced, other options for the position of the body from which you have to fire. The following factors are taken into account:

  • the shooter must effectively fire from both the right and left hands;
  • use both eyes for aiming;
  • be able to simultaneously fire from two pistols;
  • control the required rate of fire, depending on the situation.

If aiming is the most important aspect of achieving results in sports shooting, then during training in the combat use of firearms, the main attention is paid to training muscle memory. The ability to double shot with the same accuracy sometimes becomes a decisive factor in survival during a fight with an enemy.

High-speed pistol shooting technique

Contrary to popular belief that only shooting from a real weapon gives a tangible effect for the subsequent skillful handling of a pistol, experts and instructors agree on a different opinion. Only many hours, many days of training with discharged weapons and firing blank cartridges will provide the necessary skills in handling a pistol. High-speed pistol shooting consists not only in the presence of muscle memory, which ensures timely pulling of the trigger, but also in the sharpened movements of reaching the weapon and its fast reloading.

During training, the execution of commands is practiced to automatism, practiced options for shifting weapons from one hand to another. Unlike trap shooting, where the shooter reloads the weapon in a calm atmosphere, in combat conditions these manipulations are carried out in combination with other actions of the shooter. When taking out a weapon or at the moment of stopping firing for subsequent reloading, the shooter must leave the firing sector, making it difficult for the enemy to aim.

A competent instructor, before starting a fire training lesson, must show how to hold a pistol in your hands, what position your fingers should occupy. The grip, like the shooter's stance, are fundamental elements of training in shooting. Every novice shooter must determine for himself which hand will be strong and which will be weak. Accordingly, the correct body position and stance are developed.

It is important for high speed shooting to maintain a high rate of fire. In modern conditions, the rate of fire for beginners is defined as one shot per second. For a double shot at a distance of up to 7 m, 1.5 s are already given. There is very little time for getting the pistol out of the holster and for the implementation of a double shot, no more than 2 seconds. During training sessions, an important aspect should be learned - you need to shoot a pistol at a constant speed. One second - one shot.

At the same time, how to hold the weapon, instructors pay attention to the stand during training, in which the shooter should be during preparation for shooting. For the first sessions, when it is necessary to achieve a certain accuracy of firing, a double grip is usually used. In this way, a novice shooter can fully feel the weapon, feel its real weight and the force of recoil when firing. In practical shooting, this exercise is the main one for beginners, after which classes are already held to hone shooting skills from other positions.

During high-speed shooting, the shooter's stance is also different, the body of which should be tilted slightly forward. In this position, the weapon is better controlled, which in any case will give a recoil when firing. A competent instructor will indicate how best to hold the weapon, where to put your fingers. The incorrect position of the pistol in the hand can negatively affect the accuracy of shooting from difficult positions when firing while moving. Pistol firing delays caused by improper stance or poor grip can cost the shooter his life. The exercises are aimed at practicing all the actions of the shooter in strict accordance with each other. During training, the whole range of actions that the shooter is forced to perform during shooting are practiced. Simulation of various situations allows you to find the most convenient positions for shooting, reduce the aiming time.


Shooting with firearms is not only a way of having fun. Weapons are always an object of potential danger to human life and health. Only compliance with the rules for handling weapons will allow you to master the use of pistols and shoot them perfectly. Disregard for rules and requirements does not bode well, especially when it comes to the use of a pistol in combat, which can become not only an attack weapon, but also the last means of self-defense.

If you have any questions - leave them in the comments below the article. We or our visitors will be happy to answer them.

There are many shooting clubs in Moscow where you can shoot from military weapons. Some large clubs are located in the near Moscow region, but, as a rule, it will not be difficult to get there, provided, of course, that you drive your car.

In this article we will try to tell you about the first visit to a shooting club: what you need to know, what to take with you, what to look for. And also let's compare the prices of different shooting clubs in Moscow, see where a one-time visit is more profitable, and where - regular classes. Because all clubs have their own pricing policy, for a correct comparison of the cost, let's take the Glock 17 pistol (it is presented in the arsenals of all clubs) and 100 cartridges for it.

So, shooting clubs where you can shoot from military weapons:


First workout at the club- introductory, you will be given to shoot from 4 types of weapons: Viking pistols, CZ-75 Shadow, Glock (Glock 35 is listed on the site, but in fact, when we visited, we shot from Glock 17) and the Roni tactical unit. A total of 100 shots. Price: on Monday 4900 rubles, on other weekdays 5500 rubles, on weekends and holidays - 6500 rubles.

On next visits you will pay separately for ammunition, instructor services and equipment: 27 rubles. per shot, 500 rubles. - equipment (belt with pouches, headphones and glasses), instructor services for an individual training (up to 2 people) - 2300 rubles. weekdays, 3500 r. on weekends and holidays (the cost is divided among all), for a group training - 600 rubles. on weekdays, 1100 on weekends and holidays (cost per hand).

For those who have completed a special course of the club - Proshooter, the cost of a shot is 20 rubles, but only from 10 to 15 hours on weekdays.

The club is located at: Moscow region, Dzerzhinsky, Energetikov street, 50, it is literally right behind the Moscow Ring Road. You can get there from the Domodedovskaya metro station by bus # 95.

2. Shooting club "Shot"

The Shooting Club "Shot" has two galleries: 25 and 50 meters. Beginners shoot in a 25 meter gallery. Despite the fact that on the club's website you can see a fairly extensive arsenal of pistols, in fact, the shooters are offered 4 models: Glock 17, Glock 35, CZ-75 Shadow and Viking. With carbines, the situation is better, there is really a large selection of them.

Cost of 100 shots- 4000 rubles, from 12 to 16 o'clock there is a 20% discount. This price includes all the necessary equipment and instructor's services.

After the first visit, you automatically become a member of the club, and the cost of a shot for you will be 25 rubles, and on weekdays from 12 to 16 hours - 20 rubles. Those. 100 shots will cost you 2000-2500 rubles, plus the instructor's services are paid additionally - 600 rubles. on weekdays and 1000 rubles. on the weekend.

Cost for FPSR members: 500 rubles / hour, 25 rubles. shot, from 12 to 16 o'clock at 18 rubles. shot.

The club is located near the metro station Botanichesky Sad, about 10 minutes. walk.

Address: st. Agricultural, 20, building 3.


The shooting club "Gepard" has 4 galleries: 15 m, 50 m, and two IPSC galleries of 20 m. A very large number of pistols and carbines are available for shooting, from the famous Makarov pistol to the Winchester 38 caliber carbine.

Price: RUB 1,500 - instructor's services + cost of cartridges. If you take 100 shots from the Glock 17, you get: 1500 + 4000 (40 rubles per shot) = 5500 rubles.

FPSR members pay only 23 rubles. per shot.

The club has a practical shooting section. 8 lessons per month will cost about 30,000 rubles.

Club address: Moscow, Olympiyskiy prospect, 16, building 1. The nearest metro station is Prospekt Mira.


In the Labyrinth, they teach not only shooting with military weapons, but also with pneumatic weapons, archery and crossbow shooting, as well as throwing knives and axes.

Arsenal of military weapons: 6 types of pistols and the same number of carbines.

In the Labyrinth shooting club, you can shoot bursts from a Kalashnikov assault rifle, however, only with blank cartridges.

Cost of 100 shots from a pistol - 4000 rubles, this amount already includes all the necessary equipment and instructor's services.

There are no benefits for FPSR members.

Address: Moscow, Kutuzovsky prospect 12s1, the nearest metro stations: Vystavochnaya, Kievskaya, Kutuzovsky prospect.

First lesson for 100 shots will cost 5,000 rubles, subsequent: for group training - 1,500 rubles. for renting a gallery + 25 rubles. per shot, with individual - 5000 r. for renting a gallery + 25 rubles. per shot.

There are so-called "happy hours". The point is that you can call the club, and if you are ready to come to training within an hour and a half, despite the fact that if there is a free gallery at this time, you pay only the cost of the shots. Those. 100 shots will cost 2500 rubles.

For members of the FPSR, the conditions are the same, only the first introductory training is missing.

The club is located at the address: Lubyansky proezd, 27/1, building 1, metro station - Kitay-gorod.

6. Unibos

Unibos is a club that teaches self-defense, hand-to-hand combat and firearms. There are only pistols in the arsenal. Shooting training takes place only within the framework of special courses, for which you need to register in advance. Classes are held on Sundays. Price- 4000 rubles / month (4 workouts) + from 20 rubles. per shot. I shot up to 100 rounds during the training.

After 2-3 months of training, you can go to the senior group, where the cost is 6000 rubles. + also from 20 rubles. per shot, shot up to 150 rounds per lesson.

7.Moscow City Shooting Sports Club DOSAAF RF

The Moscow City Shooting Sports Club offers 4 galleries for shooting classes: one for 25 meters, two for 50 meters and one for 100 meters. In the arsenal there is a very large number of short-barreled and long-barreled weapons, up to the SVD, VSS and the famous Maxim machine gun.

The club's price list contains quite a few special offers, which represent a fixed number of shots from a similar type of weapon, for example, 10 shots from several sniper rifles, 40 shots from various machine guns, etc. The cost of a shot in such "package" offers is lower than in the standard price list of the club.

Cost of 100 shots Glock 17 pistol - 6000 rubles, everything you need is included in the price. There is a package offer that includes 30 shots each from the Glock 17, Glock 34 and Viking pistols. Its cost is 4350 rubles.

The club is located at st. Poklonnaya, 11, building 1A, metro station - Park Pobedy.


In the shooting club "Hunter" visitors are offered 2 galleries for shooting from firearms: 25 meters, 50 meters. In addition, there is a separate gallery for those wishing to shoot from a bow or crossbow.

In the arsenal of the club there are a lot of short-barreled and long-barreled weapons, as well as several types of bows and crossbows.

Cost of 100 shots from a Glock 17 pistol- 6000 rubles, everything you need is included in the price. There is a special offer for shooting from PM and Viking pistols, 100 shots will cost you 5000 and 4500 rubles. respectively.

For members of the FPSR, the cost of a shot is 20 rubles.

The club provides regular customers with a 5% discount for every 50,000 rubles spent on the club's services. The maximum possible discount is 30%.

Address: Volokolamskoe highway, 86, the nearest metro station is Tushinskaya.

9. Shooting club "Caliber"

In the shooting club "Caliber" there are 4 galleries: two 25-meter, one 100-meter and one more designed specifically for practical shooting.

The arsenal of both pistols and carbines is large enough. The total cost of the lesson consists of payment for the services of an instructor - 1000 rubles, renting a gallery - 1000 rubles, renting a weapon - 300 rubles. for Glock 17 and the cost of cartridges - 30 rubles. per shot. In total, when ordering 100 cartridges, it will turn out - 5300 rubles.

You can also purchase a Bonnie and Clyde gift certificate for 100 rounds, in this case the cost will be slightly lower - 5100 rubles.

The shooting club is located in Mytishchi at the address - st. Novoslobodskaya estate 1., Article 1.


For those who just want to come and shoot, the most cost-effective option is to get into the "happy hours" of the Academy of Practical Shooting. The cost of 100 shots will be only 2500 rubles.

If luck is not on your side, then your choice can be stopped at the Vystrel SC, where from 12 to 16 hours the cost of 100 shots is 3200 rubles, and the rest of the time - 4000 rubles. But, you need to remember that only 4 types of pistols are available for shooting here. Although for the first visit it probably doesn't make much difference what to shoot from, the sensations will be equally good.

If you want to shoot from several types of weapons, you should go to the "Object", the cost here on Mondays is 4900 rubles, you will be given to shoot from 4 pistols, one of which will be in the "Roni" attachment (with a stock and a handle for more accurate shooting).

If you decide to make practical shooting your main hobby and practice regularly, then again, first of all, you should pay attention to shooting club "Shot"... For club members, 100 patrons on weekdays from 12 to 16 hours will cost 2,000 rubles. + 600 rub. payment for the instructor's services. The rest of the time the cost of a shot is 25 rubles. + the same 600 rubles. instructor services, i.e. 100 shots will turn out - 3100 rubles. 4 lessons per month - 10,400 rubles if you come on weekdays from 12 to 4 pm, or 12,400 rubles if you practice at any other time.

Here, the most budgetary option for training is obtained, but the club does not have a special program according to which all instructors would work. Therefore, everything you do depends entirely on the instructor.

In addition, a sports belt with a holster and pouches is not issued here, and this itself already limits the learning process, because some actions will not be available to you.

On the other hand, if you really want to practice shooting, you can purchase all the necessary equipment yourself. Below will be the calculation for training in other clubs, it will be seen that training in "Shot" is much cheaper, and the savings can be used to buy equipment.

You can also sign up for Unibos... 4 lessons per month of 100 rounds will cost you 12,000 rubles if you shoot from domestic weapons. Cartridges for the rest of the pistols will be slightly more expensive, and the total cost will increase accordingly. Classes are held on Sundays. But here you need to register in advance and wait until the group is typed.

If the budget allows, you can enroll in practical shooting courses in SC "Gepard"... 8 lessons per month, about 3750 rubles. each one. But this month you are guaranteed to be taught how to shoot well. This club trains many professional shooters who take part in both federal competitions and world championships.

In the SC "Object" after passing the Proshooter course, the cost of a shot from 10 am to 3 pm will be equal to 20 rubles. for 100 rounds you will give only 2000 rubles. and do it yourself. But to take this course, you have to sweat and spend financially. Let's count:

  • Option 1 - you come with two comrades. In this case, you pay 2700 rubles. for 100 rounds, 500 rubles. for equipment and 600 rubles. instructor services. Total 3800 rubles. Those. 4 lessons per month will be worth it RUB 15200 The only problem is where to find these two friends who could train with you regularly.
  • Option 2 - you come with a friend alone. In this case, you pay 2700 rubles. for 100 rounds, 500 rubles. for equipment and 1150 rubles. for the services of an instructor. Total 4350 rubles. Those. 4 lessons per month will be worth it RUB 17400
  • Option 3 - with friends who would share your hobby, a big problem, and you are doing it alone (the most realistic option, in fact). You will have to pay 2,700 rubles. for 100 rounds, 500 rubles. for equipment and 2300 rubles. for the services of an instructor. Total 5500 rubles. Those. 4 lessons per month will be worth it RUB 22,000

On my own behalf, I can add that the plus of training at the Facility, despite the high price, is that here they teach you how to shoot, and you can always choose an instructor with whom you will be comfortable training. The program itselfProshooter consists of 10 credits, and in my subjective opinion, it is not quite balanced. In particular, it was not entirely correct to put the very difficult "Change of store" classification in second place. Only more or less trained shooters who, for example, are fond of airsoft, can pass it the first time. For the rest, it will not be realistic. As a result, you can spend several workouts on this test alone.

On the other hand, in the future you can take several tests in one workout, the club rules do not prohibit this. The rest of the tests are not so difficult, so it will be quite possible to pass 2 or even 3 per workout (checked on myself).

We compared prices in shooting clubs based on the cost of 100 shots. But you need to understand that this is the minimum volume that makes sense to take with regular training. Better, of course, to take more - 200-300 rounds. After 100 shots, the shooter is just beginning to understand his mistakes, the next 50-100 shots are already shooting more consciously, trying to fix them, and another 50-100 shots to fix.

If your goal is to compete in any shooting competition, then you will have to train not once a week, but two or even three times. Accordingly, the costs will rise significantly.

What you need to take with you when you first visit a shooting club

To visit the shooting club, it is better to register in advance by phone. You must have a passport with you. In some clubs, it is required only for the first visit, in others, you will have to take it with you at all times. It is better to clarify this question directly with the club staff during the appointment.

On the first visit, you most likely will not have to actively move while shooting, you will not need to run, overcome any obstacles, etc., this is still not airsoft or paintball, although in practical shooting competitions the arrows do not move less active. But on the first visit, all your shots will be fired from a static position, so the question "What to wear?" not so critical already. Normal casual clothes are fine, girls, of course, are better off avoiding skirts and long heels anyway, so as not to lose stability when shooting.

All the necessary equipment will be given to you at the club. In the first lesson, usually only headphones and glasses are given. On the subsequent ones - an additional belt with pouches and a holster.

How many shots are enough to shoot enough

Usually, 100-150 shots per person are enough for an hour's training. You can take several types of weapons, for example, shoot from the legendary Glock and Beretta, Makarov and TT, determine for yourself which pistol you like best, which one is more comfortable for you to shoot and better hits. You can try shooting with a pistol and a carbine, or with several pistols and carbines. The only thing is that different clubs have their own conditions, somewhere in the first lesson you will be offered some kind of standard set of weapons, somewhere you will need to pay extra for each additional pistol or carbine.

Here it is necessary to clarify that firing live ammunition in bursts from automatic weapons is prohibited in Russia. Therefore, if you have a great desire to fire a couple of bursts from the Kalashnikov, then this can only be done with blank cartridges. Some shooting clubs offer this service.

During the recording, it is better to clarify whether the entire arsenal presented on the shooting club's website is available for order. It so happens that the site contains many models, but in reality, some of the weapons are not available for order. Of course, for those who do not really care what to shoot from, this is not a problem, but if you wanted to shoot from a particular model of a pistol, and for some reason it is not available (for repair or something else), and it will be found out only directly in the club, it will be a little offensive. Therefore, it is better to immediately clarify everything by phone.

Practical shooting competition video:

God created people, and Colonel Colt made them equal.

But if a person does not know how to use the products of a talented weapons designer properly, the gun in his hands is no worse than a child's scarecrow. It is not enough to have a weapon, you also need it. It only seems from the side that it is easy to shoot - as soon as you pick up a pistol and stand on the firing line, it suddenly turns out that the recoil is strong, and your hands are trembling, and the pistol weighs a lot, and the protective earmuffs are uncomfortable, in a word, anything bothers you make perfect shots. Therefore, training, training and training again. And to make the process of mastering a skill a little easier, novice shooters we advise you to remember the following simple rules.

1. Accuracy is more important than speed

The best way to earn Stormtrooper Syndrome is to focus on. " I will fire more bullets, perhaps at least one target will hit"- thinks novice shooter... This makes sense if in your hands, say, making up to 600 rounds per minute, and each of them is armor-piercing. But in the hands, alas, an ordinary pistol with extremely limited ammunition. So when training, it is better to focus on accuracy first, and speed will come by itself, along with automatism.

2. Learn the theory

When shooting, you shouldn't be distracted by anything, so you should know how to shoot right from the start - and so on. And yes, even if this knowledge is purely theoretical, it is much easier to turn it into practice than the complete absence of any experience.

3. Move naturally

The human body has its usual rhythms - breathing, heartbeat, involuntary tremors of the muscles. Trying to control them does not turn out to be good, on the contrary, it only distracts novice shooter from the immediate task. Therefore, it is better to initially learn to shoot according to your rhythms. And that means waiting for the right moment. In any case, the weapon will shake slightly in the hands, and the barrel will wiggle. So instead of forcibly combining the rear sight and front sight, it is better to wait until they are level and only then do not hesitate to shoot. Yes, it can take seconds, but you are not chasing speed just yet.

4. Zeroing is required

You need to get used to any weapon. The recoil force, the effort required to pull the trigger, the permissible deviations between the front sight and the whole - all this is learned exclusively experimentally. So novice shooter must be prepared for the fact that more than a dozen shots will go into milk before the features of each specific weapon become clear. With experience, this number will decrease to two or three.

5. Concentrate on every shot

Your main task at the moment is to make the shooting process natural and automatic. You will think about tactics, strategy, combat missions and everyday problems when the bullets begin to hit the target as if by themselves. For this purpose novice shooters and training is needed.

6. If all else fails, just shoot

It so happens that it is stupid to concentrate. And to catch the moment of shooting - too. Hands begin to tremble more strongly, all sorts of thoughts creep into my head, it becomes more and more difficult to concentrate. This is a very typical picture, typical even for professional shooters... You yourself have seen it more than once, for example, at biathlon competitions - the longer a participant aims, the higher his chance to miss. So many people prefer to quickly shoot the clip, and if something does not hit - to catch up with a run. This is a very correct tactic, since even if the shot is not set perfectly, the arm muscles will still get used to the recoil, to pulling the trigger, to other movements that will come in handy in the future.

To be honest, I myself shoot a pistol frankly sucks. Lack of practice and experience affects. Archery is another matter entirely. And what is characteristic, all these tips really helped me in their time. To get used to the characteristics of the weapon, to develop muscle memory, to tune in to the natural movement of the body - all this really helps to hit the target. And, of course, training, training and training again.

What is Practical Shooting?
Practical shooting is a sport that emerged in the early 70s of the twentieth century in the United States on the basis of specialized professional training of police officers. Its main feature is the training of shooting skills in conditions as close as possible to combat conditions (shooting in motion, from behind cover, at a moving target, from an awkward position, etc.).

What is IPSC?
International Practical Shooting Confederation. The Russian Federation of Practical Shooting has been created and is actively developing in Russia.

How can you shoot?
Persons who are members of the Object Shooting Club are allowed to take part in shooting classes and trainings.

How can you join the SC "Object"?
To join the Club, you need to arrive at the SC "Object", present a civil passport, fill out an application and go through the first training - "Course - Modern Weapons" lasting 1 hour, which includes introductory shooting - 100 shots from pistols of various calibers. The cost of a lesson is from 5900 -R.

At what age can you become a member of the SC "Object"?
From the age of 18.

Can I join the Club and start training without going through the Introductory Course on Safe Handling of Weapons?
Yes, for members of the Russian Practical Shooting Federation and IPSC members, the Introductory Course on Safe Handling of Weapons is optional, but recommended.

What can I learn?
While training in the SC "Object", you will master the rules of safe handling of firearms, acquire the skill of effective handling of a pistol, which can be useful in life when using traumatic weapons in self-defense.

What do you need to take with you to training, how to dress?
Any outfit that is comfortable for you will do. It is advisable to use sports shoes. For girls - the use of high-heeled shoes is not allowed.

What is the shooting from?
You can familiarize yourself with the weapons presented in our Club on the Arsenal page.

What specific equipment is needed?
Safety glasses and ear muffs are required for shooting. During the first lesson, the Club provides them free of charge. In the specialized store of the Club, you can purchase an individual set of uniforms, belts, holsters, glasses and headphones. In addition, the Club offers sports equipment rental.

Can I come to training with my own weapon?
Yes, you can come to training with your sporting weapon, if you have a weapon permit and the technical characteristics of your weapon meet the parameters of the shooting galleries of the SC "Object". Beforehand, it is better to call by phone and clarify the possibility of firing a specific weapon.

Can I bring children?
Yes, you can.

Do you need an appointment?
Desirable but not required. If you are not registered, the Club does not guarantee that you will get to the training, but will do everything possible for this.

Can girls shoot?
Oh sure.

Is shooting slightly drunk allowed?
Absolutely not!

How long is the workout?
From 1 hour.

How many people can come with me and train together?
No more than 4 people can train with one instructor at a time.

How safe is the workout?
In the 35-year history of IPSC sport, there have been no accidents related to firearms in the world. In terms of safety, this sport is comparable to chess.

How much training does it take to learn how to shoot well?
Depends on individual abilities. As our experience shows, most shooters develop a stable skill of effective pistol handling after training for a total of 50 hours and firing at least 1000 shots.

Can I participate in shooting competitions? What is needed for this?
To participate in the competitions held by the Club, you must be a member of the SC "Object", know

Pistol training is popular with both adults and children. There is a specially developed technique for acquiring weapon skills and increasing the level of proficiency. Pistol shooting courses not only teach shooting techniques, but also introduce you to the rules for the safe use of weapons.

For shooting training, you will need an experienced instructor.

Where does the training take place

You can learn how to shoot a pistol in practice in sports clubs or in special courses in pneumatic shooting galleries.

The best shooting schools in Moscow:

  • Shooting club "Shot";
  • Educational and sports club "Ostankino" DOSAAF of Russia;
  • Shooting complex "Hunter";
  • Training center "Vityaz";
  • Shooting Club Object";
  • Shooting club "Unibos";
  • Shooting club "Patriot";
  • Shooting club "Labyrinth";
  • Shooting complex "Caliber";
  • Shooting complex LEU "Center".

How the lesson is structured

Unlike sport shooting, which requires high skill and psychological stability, practical shooting can become a kind of entertainment or hobby that will help relieve stress after a hard day at work.

Lessons can be individual with an instructor or in groups. The latter presuppose classes with a trainer in groups of 4 people on average. This is reflected in the cost of the course. Individual lessons are more expensive.

Any training course in shooting for beginners begins with classes on the safety of using weapons. Then the trainer helps the student to master the technique of gripping (holding) the weapon and teaches the correct posture and breathing during shooting.

This will help prevent the pistol from wobbling in your hand and keep your body balanced at the moment of recoil.

It is necessary to take a stable posture. Legs should be shoulder-width apart, knees slightly bent.

The arms should be extended forward with the elbows slightly bent. You cannot hold a weapon in front of your face. This will help prevent injury during kickback.

Stance when firing a pistol.

The second stage of training is to familiarize the student with the basic commands that can be given by the coach during the shooting process. Not only the definition of the algorithm of actions and the result of shooting depend on this, but also the safety of the shooter himself.

Only after the student has mastered the basic skills, the instructor starts practical exercises and training accuracy.

First of all, you need to determine the dominant eye. This is necessary for mastering aiming skills.

In most people, the dominant eye is the same as the dominant hand, but this is not always the case. To correctly identify it, you need to connect your thumb and forefinger. The resulting ring must be slowly brought closer to the eyes.

Both eyes must be open. You cannot look at the ring. The gaze should be directed through it to a distant object. The hand itself will intuitively approach the dominant eye.

  1. When aiming, the front sight should be in the center of the rear sight (slot).
  2. The upper part of the front sight is flush with the whole.
  3. The target looks a little blurry, but it shouldn't be overlooked. Attention should be focused on the front sight and rear sight.
  4. The top line of the front sight should coincide with the horizontal line of the target.

It is important to remain calm while doing this. In the absence of concentration, there is a high probability of a miss.

Aiming and focusing rules.

Shot technology:

  1. Pressing down on the front of the trigger, pull it down evenly.
  2. Press until resistance appears.
  3. Make a shot.

One brand of pistol is used during classes. This is necessary for the student to get used to the weapon.

All of the above rules apply not only to sports shooting lessons, but also to combat shooting training. Tactical shooting differs in that the student is taught the skills of firing in different situations from any position. This is both accuracy, speed, and close combat tactics.

To master and consolidate the shooting technique, it will take from 4 to 8 lessons. Having learned the basics of pistol shooting, you can further improve your personal weapon skills.

We pull the trigger evenly and smoothly.

Age restrictions for students

Sports schools accept pupils from 10-12 years old into children's pistol shooting groups in the absence of medical contraindications. It is believed that children under this age are not ready to work with weapons either physically or psychologically.

As practice shows, many private schools accept children from 8-9 years old at the discretion of the coach, provided that the child is well physically developed and has a strong physique for his age. But at the official level, this should not be allowed. Parents need to be aware that there is a risk to their child.

Weapons are not toys for children.

What you need to record

To enroll in shooting courses for beginners, you must provide:

  • application for testing knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons;
  • training contract.

To conclude an agreement, you need to have a package of documents with you, which includes:

  • passport;
  • medical certificates from a psychiatric clinic and a narcological dispensary;
  • one photo 30x40 mm.

Estimated cost and preparation

The average cost of pistol shooting lessons is 1500-2500 rubles per hour. The cost of cartridges varies from 15 to 50 rubles / piece.

Many sports schools provide free tuition to children under 16.

To get admission to practical training, you must be instructed and pass a test on knowledge of the rules of safe handling of weapons.

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