German Tkachenko football. Football agent German Tkachenko: biography and photos

In one of the insider telegram channels, almost before the match, information surfaced about Ignatiev, who was allegedly exiled to the double for "bad" behavior. According to the note, the striker was offered a contract of 5 years, to which he refused. This information was immediately picked up by several publics, and after the match, Musaev was directly asked about the reasons, to which they received a firm answer in the absence of a conflict. According to my information, earlier they were exiled to the double only for drunkenness, and now there are too many important matches, and the problem of the limit is acute for Krasnodar to ...

2004 for Russian football was a time of rapid development. Lokomotiv Yuri Semin, having managed to tragically fly out of the 1/8 finals of the Champions League from Monaco in the spring, wins the championship in a bitter struggle with CSKA. Valery Gazzaev is building CSKA, which will win the UEFA Cup a year later. And it truly builds for centuries, four of that squad still play in CSKA. The brilliant “Zenith” of Vlastimil Petrzhela continues to delight the fans, where Arshavin is already full of enchantment and Kerzhakov is shooting from the heart.

At a time when "Wings of the Soviets" fought for the highest places in the championship of Russia and played in Europe, it was impossible to imagine the middle line of the Samara team without Denis Kovba. He was one of the leaders of the "Wings of the Soviets" in the historical "bronze" year of 2004 for the club, when, under the leadership of Gadzhi Gadzhiev, the team also reached the final of the country's Cup. Denis is the champion of the Samara club in terms of the number of matches played after Anton Beaver. Kovba can rightfully be considered a legend of the Wings of the Soviets!

Domestic sports are faced with a scandal around people who are especially close to the country's leadership. TV channel "Match TV" attacked the competing site and with the help of resources Roskomnadzor blocked access to it on the territory of Russia. The decision was made through the Moscow City Court (Chairman - Olga Egorova) under the pretext of copyright infringement.

The channel is managed by the deputy general director of the editorial office of the sports holding " Gazprom-media" Tina Kandelaki. her boyfriend Givi Targamadze has been hiding from Russian investigators for several years - they want to arrest a Georgian politician in the case of the riots on Bolotnaya Square. On the web you can find video filming, where Targamadze promises a member of the Russian Coordinating Council of the opposition, Sergei Udaltsov, and his Left Front organization $50 million, which banker Andrei Borodin, who had fled to London, planned to spend on the overthrow of Vladimir Putin. An intermediary between Borodin and Targamadze, as follows from the archive of the agency " Ruspres”, Tina Kandelaki performed.

Selfie with gymnast Kabaeva

What does the associate of Givi Targamadze have in common with sports life the country that Kandelaki and Targamadze sincerely dislike?

The effect of the "Voice", which the producers of "Match TV" clearly counted on, did not work at all. According to Mediascope (previously the company was called TNS), the average for Russia (cities with a population of 100,000 or more, age 4+) is the premiere of Who Wants to Become a Legionnaire? collected a share of 1.1 percent, the broadcast rating was 0.26%. The second episode of the reality show had a rating of 0.24% and a share of 1.0%.

For those who do not live by television figures, let us explain:

- share - the number of people who watched a particular broadcast, from the total volume of TV viewers at a particular moment.

Roughly speaking, reality shows were watched by 1.1 and 1.0 percent of people who had their TV on at that moment.

It is clear that sport in Russia is far from the most popular product, but the numbers are still low. It is enough to look at the average daily share of the channel itself: in the first week of reality, the share of "Match TV" was 1.4 (for reality itself - 1.1), in the second - 1.8 (1.0).

The most interesting thing in all these figures is the statements of Tina Kandelaki.

German Tkachenko has so many diverse talents that it is not so easy to answer the question exactly who he is. During his career, he applied his talents in a completely various types human activity. But he gained the greatest popularity in the football field. Being the agent of many talented football players in Russia and Ukraine, he gained great prestige, especially during the transfer campaigns carried out by the teams. German Tkachenko, whose biography can tell quite a lot about what kind of person and specialist he is, the hero of this article.

Study and start of work

Tkachenko German Vladimirovich was born in 1970 in the Donbass. At that distant Soviet time, Donbass was part of the Ukrainian SSR, and was one of the most prosperous regions of Ukraine. The biography of young Herman was not much different from the biographies of hundreds of thousands of young guys who graduated from high school at that time. After graduation, German Tkachenko successfully enters the Gorlovsky State Pedagogical Institute foreign languages and ends it. He does this so successfully that he is left to teach at the same institute. Excellent knowledge of a foreign language in the future will have a great influence on all subsequent work of Tkachenko.

In the future, having finished teaching, then quite a young specialist, Herman Tkachenko, tries himself in the economic field, holding several responsible positions in the Ukrainian economy. And until 1999, he solves economic issues at various enterprises in Ukraine, or represents the interests of Russian enterprises in this territory. But until that time, he did not show much interest in football. And in football circles was not noticed. At this time, his talent as a politician and business executive is more manifested.

First steps in football together with Samara "Wings of the Soviets"

Since 1999, German Tkachenko has been taking his first steps in Russian football. From now on, he becomes president football club Premier League "Wings of the Soviets" from Samara. And in the next six years, he consistently delves into the economy of the club and Russia as a whole. It was at this time that he gains vast experience in managing this economy, which will allow him to grow into a top manager of Russian football in the future. But at this time he does not stop his production and political activities. It was during this period that he moved to Russia and took Russian citizenship. And two years later he was elected a senator to the Federation Council from Samara region and engaged in political activities for the next five years.

Football agency "ProSports Management"

In 2005, after finishing with political activity, German Tkachenko decides to focus his efforts and apply the acquired experience in the country's football industry. A Russian representative office of an English management company is being created in the organization sports events Pro Sports Management. Here German Tkachenko holds the post of representative office. It was at this time that he began to represent, as an agent, several talented football players in the Russian and Ukrainian championships. One of the galaxy of such athletes was Alexander Aliyev.

In the future, German Tkachenko is a football agent (whose photo is posted above), who represented players such as Sergei Ignashevich and Andrey Ermolenko. There are also many other athletes using the services, both German Tkachenko personally and the ProSports company.

German Tkachenko and Anji Makhachkala

The next, one can definitely say, grandiose project, in which by that time already a well-known football agent takes part, is the revival of Anji Makhachkala in 2011. It was at this time that the owner of the team changed, and the club began to spend a lot of money, inviting world-famous football players, making record transfers of that time in Russia and around the world. And German Tkachenko stood at the origins of this project and led the invitation and coaches at Anji.

Such wonderful names include the famous Dutch coach Guus Hidding, and from the galaxy of great football players it is worth noting such names as Roberto Carlos and Samuel Eto "o, and many other famous personalities. Although over time this football project was gradually curtailed in that form, in which it began, and most famous players nevertheless left the team due to lack of funding, nevertheless, invaluable experience of cooperation with players who have world name. And now German Tkachenko, whose photo can be found in many sports magazines, takes pride of place in the top three football agents in Russia.

German Tkachenko - football analyst

Currently, another of Herman Tkachenko's talents is being revealed. Every year in football world There are two transfer campaigns. And each team tries to show its own activity during these transfer windows, in which players can make transitions from team to team. It is at this time that football fans need a lot of analytical reviews of the transfer activity of a particular team. And many media use the services of German Tkachenko, who is not only an experienced active agent, but also a specialist who knows well not only the Russian football industry, but also the world as a whole.

Personal and social life of German Tkachenko

If you look for information about the personal life of such a football agent as German Tkachenko, a biography with a photo of him is published quite often, but other than reports that he is married, it is quite difficult to find other information. So social life quite simple and you can learn a lot more. So the network has a lot of photos with famous public figures, such as Tina Kandelaki or Roman Abramovich. Herman is active and you can find quite a lot of photos testifying to this.

The life of German Tkachenko outside of football

Currently, Herman's life is mainly connected with football, and the 46-year-old agent and analyst does not see himself outside this sport. But we have seen how many talents this person has, and it may be that in the future he will show himself in some new capacity. There is no need to think ahead, time will tell who German Tkachenko really is: a football top manager, a production worker or a politician. Time will put everything in its place.

(1970-07-22 ) (49 years old) Place of Birth: Citizenship:

the USSR the USSR
Ukraine Ukraine→ Russia Russia

Spouse: K:Wikipedia:Articles without images (type: not specified)

German Vladimirovich Tkachenko(genus. July 22 , Donetsk , Ukrainian SSR , the USSR) is a sports top manager and political figure.


In 1992 he graduated from the Gorlovka State Pedagogical Institute of Foreign Languages, where he worked as an English teacher.

1995-1997 Leading specialist in foreign economic activity of the Ukruglegeologia company.

1997 - 2000 Vice President, Director of the Department of External Relations of the Investment and Industrial Group " Siberian aluminum"(Sibal).

2000 - 2005 Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC "Nikolaev Alumina Plant" (Ukraine).

1999 - 2005 President of the Samara football club FC " Wings of Soviets »

Since June 2000, Chairman of the Supervisory Board of JSC "Nikolaev Alumina Plant" ( Ukraine).

2001 − 2005 Senator Federation Council from the Samara Region, member of the Committee on Industrial Policy, member of the Commission on Natural Monopolies, member of the Commission on Youth Affairs and Sports.

2007-2008 - general manager of FC Krylya Sovetov.

C - President of the Russian representative office of the management company in the organization of sports events "ProSports Management".

[who? ]
Member of the Federation Council of the Russian Federation from
Samara region

2001 - 2005
Ischuk Andrey Georgievich


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An excerpt characterizing Tkachenko, German Vladimirovich

“At what time was General Schmit killed?”
“Seven o’clock, I think.
- At 7:00. Very sad! Very sad!
The emperor said that he was grateful and bowed. Prince Andrei went out and was immediately surrounded on all sides by courtiers. Affectionate eyes looked at him from all sides and affectionate words were heard. Yesterday's adjutant wing reproached him for not stopping at the palace, and offered him his house. The Minister of War approached him, congratulating him on the Order of Maria Theresa of the 3rd degree, which the Emperor had bestowed upon him. The chamberlain of the empress invited him to her majesty. The Archduchess also wanted to see him. He did not know whom to answer, and for a few seconds he collected his thoughts. The Russian envoy took him by the shoulder, led him to the window and began to talk to him.
Contrary to the words of Bilibin, the news brought by him was received joyfully. A thanksgiving service was scheduled. Kutuzov was awarded the Grand Cross by Maria Theresa and the entire army received decorations. Bolkonsky received invitations from all sides and had to make visits to the main dignitaries of Austria all morning. Having finished his visits at five o'clock in the evening, mentally composing a letter to his father about the battle and about his trip to Brunn, Prince Andrei returned home to Bilibin. At the porch of the house occupied by Bilibin, there was a britzka half-stowed with things, and Franz, Bilibin's servant, dragging the suitcase with difficulty, went out of the door.
Before going to Bilibin, Prince Andrei went to a bookstore to stock up on books for the campaign and sat up in the shop.
- What's happened? Bolkonsky asked.
- Ah, Erlaucht? said Franz, heaving the suitcase into the britzka with difficulty. – Wir ziehen noch weiter. Der Bosewicht ist schon wieder hinter uns her! [Ah, Your Excellency! We're going even further. The villain is on our heels again.]
- What's happened? What? asked Prince Andrew.
Bilibin went out to meet Bolkonsky. There was excitement on Bilibin's always calm face.
- Non, non, avouez que c "est charmant," he said, "cette histoire du pont de Thabor (bridge in Vienna). Ils l" ont passe sans coup ferir. [No, no, admit that this is a charm, this story with the Taborsky bridge. They crossed it without resistance.]
Prince Andrew did not understand anything.
“But where are you from that you don’t know what all the coachmen in the city already know?”
“I'm from the Archduchess. I didn't hear anything there.
“And didn’t you see that they were stacked everywhere?”
- I didn’t see ... But what’s the matter? Prince Andrew asked impatiently.
- What's the matter? The fact is that the French have crossed the bridge that is defended by Auesperg, and the bridge has not been blown up, so that Murat is now running along the road to Brunn, and today they will be here tomorrow.