Swimming nose clip. Swim Nose Clips

Nose clip (clothespin, clip) Is a swimming accessory that prevents water from entering the swimmer's nasal cavity.

The clothespin is used by synchronized swimmers, since in synchronized swimming breathing through the nose is completely excluded. Also, this accessory is useful when teaching scuba diving.

For sports swimming in the pool a nose clip is rarely used. However, there are times when a nose clip can be helpful.

In sports swimming, crawl on your back from the moment you turn somersault until you reach the surface, you need to be able to stay under water for quite a long time. Many people, swimming with a dolphin underwater on their backs, are forced to exhale air, preventing water from entering the nose. The nose clip in this situation not only protects the nose from water ingress, but also allows you not to lose precious air, and, therefore, to swim a greater distance under water.

The clamp is also sometimes used when training with a breathing tube.

Nose clips from different manufacturers

Clamps are made using plastic, silicone, rubber and metal. Modern clips have an ergonomic design, are comfortable to use, fit snugly without chafing the skin of the nose. There are clips on the lace, such a clip will definitely not get lost when diving.

Source: theraceclub.com
Posted by Gary Hall Sr., 10x world record holder, 3x Olympic champion, standard bearer Olympic Games in the USA 1976 and co-founder of The Race Club.
Translator: Svetlana Leshchenko

Winning is cool

It was once unacceptable to wear a nose clip while backstroke in training, and even more so during competition. But now everything has changed. Thanks to star spinners like Missy Franklin and Tyler Clary, as well as other swimmers who have appeared on TV wearing nose clips, trainers and swimmers have begun to realize that there is still a point in the clip.
The first advantage that catches your eye immediately is the ability to avoid unpleasant water entering the sinuses. Wow! Nothing dampens speed during a strenuous swim like this. OK then…. Maybe even when you can't reach the wall at the turn.

Maintaining constant pressure

The second benefit of the nose clip is that it eliminates the need to blow air through the nose to keep water from flowing into the sinuses. If you are not one of those long-nosed, eccentric swimmers who cover their nose with their upper lip, then you need to gradually blow air through your nose to maintain constant pressure and squeeze out water. But this maneuver does not solve the problem, because when you are underwater for a period of time and perform dolphin-like kicks, then the moment you are ready to surface, you run out of air in your lungs.
If in the pool you squeeze out all the air from your lungs to the last drop, then the first thing you come across is that you will go to the bottom like a stone. The fact is that then you will weigh about 3.5 kilograms in water. It seems that this is not so much, but if we compare it with the usual body weight with the lungs filled with air, then this difference is very significant. Imagine putting on a 3.5kg belt and trying to float to the surface. Nothing is impossible, but it will take a lot of effort.

Wear a nose clip

By the time you finish doing the underwater dolphin on your way to the surface and squeeze all the air out of your lungs, your task will become more difficult, because you will have about 3.5 kg excess weight... Why burden yourself with extra work? Wear a nose clip, trap air in your lungs, and jump out of the water quickly, instead of floating smoothly to the surface like a submarine. Your exit from the water will not only be easier, but another problem will disappear - water getting into your nose. Spending quite a bit to buy a nose clip from the same Finis will provide yourself with two great services.
At the Race Club we work a lot on the underwater dolphin technique, especially since now the dolphin-like underwater kick is considered the fifth style of swimming. The dolphin backstroke in the crawl plays a very important role in creating good swimming technique. High speed under water and the ability not to go to the surface during the permitted distance are integral components of victory. We highly recommend using a nose clip while backstroke as an important part of the process.

Forever yours on the voyage,
Gary Hall Sr.

For sports swimming activities, the swim nose clip is rarely used. The exception is practicing somersault turns in a freestyle - the accessory eliminates air ingress and helps to swim longer underwater. Usually a nose clip is used to synchronized swimming as well as learning scuba diving, including freediving. In the stores of the site in Moscow and St. Petersburg you can buy a nose clip, earplugs, goggles and other protective accessories for training swimmers, kayakers, slalomists. The price and assortment on the site are similar.

Types and types of clamps

Clamps use steel, silicone, thermoplastic rubber. The accessory has different heights of the bow and the shape of the clips. Slip-on or as a clothespin. We have clamps:

  • with a silicone frame - adaptable to any shape of the nose, do not rub;
  • starting with a steel frame - adjustable in terms of compression force, provide a tight closure of the nasal cavity;
  • with flexible plastic shackle - comfortable for beginners and children;
  • on an elastic band - to protect against loss.

Before using on the water, practice at home how to put on the clip to keep it from flying off. We recommend that you wear it so that the bow is perpendicular to the bridge of the nose, and the ends go over the wings.

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