Shumi Babaev: FHR pulls the KHL back, hooks and pulls. Former agent Shumi Babaev continues to criticize Vladimir Krechin Hockey agent Shumi Babaev


Admit it, after the events of last summer you still have friends or just good acquaintances from the world of Chelyabinsk hockey?
- Of course! One of my best friends is Zhenya Davydov. We have been friends with him since the 88th year. I don’t know if his jersey is hanging in the Traktor Arena or not?

- Hangs, of course. He is also a world champion and an Olympic champion.
- In general, I communicate with many Chelyabinsk guys. But at the same time, I cannot afford to humiliate my friends or clients.

- How do you now perceive the story of Anton Burdasov's transfer from Traktor to SKA?
- The NHL said that I have time until June 21. Either they would choose him to play there, or he stayed in Russia. SKA managed to resolve the issue before the 21st. They did everything to leave Anton here in Russia.

The situation was very tough. And in it Anton behaved courageously. He said: if we do not agree with anyone, he will leave. Literally one day I received a call from SKA and said that everything had been agreed upon. They said: if you are ready to stay, we will resolve the issue. I called Anton because it would be better for me if he stayed in Russia. I just want him to get fucked up here. So that he went to the Sochi Olympics.

In this situation, I would like to thank the Governor of the region Mikhail Yurevich. He could have vetoed this transition for sure. But he, like a professional, figured out the situation. I realized that it was a dead end for the player to stay here. I am only grateful to him for that.

- But now in Chelyabinsk you are "enemy of the state number 1".
- I am perfectly aware of this. But I also realize that people do not want to understand - the problem was not with me. I was doing my job. I have been in hockey for a very long time and did my job as I see fit for me and my player. For his future. If I did not see him here, then I spoke about it openly.

And yes, I am trying to dominate. This is my style of behavior. Everyone knows that I never chase money. You can ask a million club managers whom I called and told, guys, it's too early for this or that player to raise their salaries. Let's wait a little longer. Because the guy might not carry the money.

- This is the lot of all agents - such an attitude from the public?
- My persona is probably the most unloved. Many hundreds of times more unloved than others. Everyone knows that, it just so happened. But I have this style of defending my position. I never say anything behind the eyes. Always - only in the face of the leaders of the club, the players. I have questions - I immediately call back and say: guys, here are your words, you told my players that they chose the wrong agent. Other agents have different policies. Someone doesn't want to stick out. Maybe right. I'm not ashamed to do this. My hockey players are people close to me. My friends. We spend a lot of time together. I help them a lot on personal matters, they help me.

Everybody counts money in that story. What kind of money ?! I don’t take money from young players at all. I was the first to not take money from young players. Until the player starts making good money, I just work with him. Is free.

How do you choose your style of behavior? How do you manage this or that situation? With Burdasov and his transfer from Traktor to SKA, for example, it turned out tough.
- It's just that the situation is like this. They acted unfairly. Immediately I had another question, about another player from Chelyabinsk. I told him and his parents: no need to swear, this is not your situation. "Traktor" makes you a normal offer. I told my father. You just had to talk. If they don't see him in the team, let him go. I said that there is no need to quarrel in any way. Maybe we'll have to come back, don't become an outcast here. He came and talked. And, as we can see, after a few months the hockey player returned to the team.

- Are you talking about Dugin?
- Of course. But if there is a direct insult - another matter. How it was done in relation to Burdasov. They felt that they did not need to communicate with us. We decided that we will do as they say. They are not gods to me. And they are not the last resort for me. As I defended the interest of the player, so I will. And there is not a single person who points a finger at me and says that I participated in some kickbacks or bribes. Otherwise, everything is clear, I would never perform. Everyone understands that if I was involved, I would be silent. They would shut me up right away. But I'm clean.

- Why, in the situation with Burdasov, "Tractor" lost the information war with one goal?
- It's hard to say, lost - not lost. They got money. But remember the movie Brother? What was his main motto? It's not money that wins, it's truth.


How would you assess the current situation in the hockey market? Has it become more civilized compared to the late 90s, when did you start?
- The market has changed a lot since then. It was not even the money that became different, but he himself became different. At that time, Ak Bars was ahead of everyone in its development strategy. Even by the way they structured the work. Ak Bars was ahead of everyone. Then Lokomotiv picked it up. In relation to the players, according to their vision of work within the club.

Now SKA looks very strong, Look how the marketing department in St. Petersburg changed everything over the year. Rotenberg raised it to another level, and they immediately have a full palace at every match. Dynamo Minsk looks very good, the palace is filling up there.

And the more new palaces there are, the more people will go to hockey as a spectacle.

Again, I can say that in hockey, money is not everything. It is not money that wins with good management. But money makes hockey spectacular. They enable people to see great players. After all, now it is difficult to drag a foreigner into. Level and NHL are two big differences. Young people see this, and therefore they leave overseas. Our infrastructure is still not the same, the lighting is not the same, the palaces are not the same, the attitude is not the same. We have hockey - not yet a show. But we are moving towards this.

- Slow enough, don't you think?
- I want to say, no matter how controversial the league president Medvedev is, but for me he is a very good figure. Why? Firstly, he himself plays hockey, goes on the ice. He knows the problems of hockey players. Doesn't refuse anyone.

Although the league's attitude towards agents is very strange. If not for Medvedev, hockey players would be like slaves here. Only his personal intervention changes the laws in favor of hockey players, the regulations change. The union cannot do anything. There are no hockey players behind him. He is not capable of anything if there is no mass behind him. And the mass is not behind it. That is why no one in Russia will go to the lockout. Everyone has families, apartments, loans and everyone wants to play.

Russia has not yet come to this, and this is good. But if it were not for Medvedev, no one would have come to us, no foreigners.

So there are a lot of factors here.

How free are you in your judgments about Russian hockey world? Everyone, in general, perfectly remembers the story with Alexei Dementyev, who "wrongly" commented on the match between Traktor and Magnitogorsk ...
- Then I immediately spoke to the media about this. Firstly, I do not believe that an agent can comment on matches. When an agent comments, a conflict of interest arises - you can immediately trace who his players are. I respect Lesha, he does his own business, builds his work. But we have no right to say if there are no facts, we cannot give at least some hint. If you are not sure, then you cannot talk about it. Moreover, on the air.

- If you are sure, then say - such and such a match is agreed?
- If you are sure that it is, I will tell you. I do not care.

- And still? For example, can you criticize someone from the league?
- I always criticize them. I just said what are the advantages of Medvedev. But at the same time, I always talk about the disadvantages that exist in other structures.

- And what are they?
- I do not like that we are following the hockey Federation and making the championship the way it is now. You ask hockey players whether such pauses are necessary? I'm not sure what Bilyaletdinov asked for. When he coached Ak Bars, the team won the world championships even without such pauses.

FHR pulls back. Clings to the bait and pulls. We are trying to escape from our not very beautiful past - I remember how the championships were held here since 1988. But you can't do that. I understand that this is the law from above, but you need to have your own point of view and explain that you cannot do everything the way you want. A compromise must be found.

We have two fives going to the Olympics from Russia. And for the sake of two fives, the remaining 700 players are in such trouble! The federation should be engaged in youth hockey. We go to the NHL, and they took us and with the new regulations just dragged us back. We will lose two years. How are we going to catch up with them later? But we don't need to completely copy the NHL, we need to copy the attitude towards the players.

- You have a lot of ideas. If you were offered to work in the structure, would you agree?
- I have a million ideas (smiles)! But my figure would not be there. Because I always have my own point of view. I always defend it with good reason. I do not speak unfoundedly. But at the same time, I believe that everyone should help our hockey develop. There are young professionals who are starting to slowly promote this project. But this is an internal kitchen, I don't go there.


When you were an agent, how high could you climb when negotiating with clubs? Have you talked to the owners? Or were they just directors and managers?
- I talked to everyone. Sometimes the manager has no right to make a decision without the consent of the club owners. Therefore, I went out to the owners. This is normal practice. But I never jumped over heads.

- In which club do you think the most interesting and adequate leaders work?
- I have always liked Yakovlev, the president of Lokomotiv. Yuri Nikolaevich is a person with his own vision, with his own point of view, he knows how to develop a team. He is tough, but you can always find a common language with him. We never had deadlock situations with him. In Yaroslavl under Yakovlev, they have always adhered to the position that it is better to give your player more than spend money on inviting a player from outside. They do the same in Kazan. It was always pleasant for me to work and communicate with them.

Adequate people in Barys. All these people are aimed at development, they are ready to change everything, they are ready to learn.

But number one, of course, is Yakovlev. Then comes Medvedev. Peter changed immediately after his arrival.

- like Mr. Wolfe, the character from Pulp Fiction, who comes to solve issues?
- (Laughs.) This is the job of a hockey agent. You take the hockey players. Most of them only know hockey. They need an assistant whom they can trust one hundred percent. But there are agents in the league who cannot be trusted. How many licenses have been distributed, and 75% of them are non-professionals, it is not clear where they came from. So are the leaders of the clubs. Not from sports, not from hockey. They think there is a lot of money here. There are really a lot of them. But here you have to work 24 hours a day.

The player must know that they will stand up for him if something happens. Many club leaders tell the player stories in person. And when the contract is signed, they pull all the guts out of it. To prevent this from happening, so that the players do not become slaves, there are agents. When you buy or sell an apartment, you do it with the help of a realtor. You turn to professionals. It's the same in hockey. Agents are lawyers. The agent's phone breaks at night, you have to work around the clock. If the fans who water me knew what time I go to bed and what time I have my first call at work ... At the same time, many people think that the agent gets a good remuneration. And this is just a small percentage. These are not the numbers that everyone thinks and talks about.

- How do you interact with the hockey union?
- I have good interaction with the trade union. We are on the same side with them. But again, they cannot influence much, because they do not have the right to make changes to the regulations. I've already said why. There is no mass behind them. There is the authority of Kovalenko. But only. And without support it is impossible to do something. Many people say that they do nothing. But they simply cannot influence many things.

- Do many coaches have agents?
- Now there are many.

- Do coaches of this type like Rzhiga or Nazarov, very media personalities, need an agent?
- It is hard to say. It all depends on the specific situation, on the specific coach. I've never been an agent for coaches, but I helped them. If you had to look at the contract, pick up the club. I could call this or that club. But then he did not conduct negotiations. In general, I believed and still believe that it is wrong to be both an agent of a player and a coach.

Nigel Dawes' agent Shumi Babaev said that his client could leave Barys. The hockey player is concerned about the situation in the club. At the same time, the team captain still has not received proposals from the Barys management regarding the extension of the contract, which will end in April, which means that he may not play at the World Championships in Budapest.

Shumi, you attended the Olympics and watched Linden Vey play. How much has Barys lost since its departure?

I believe that without Dawes, this is not the same Wei. But for “Barys” this player, of course, would still be useful. And the fact that he was released free of charge is, of course, a big flaw in the leadership. You could get money for it. And in the end it turned out that he was released for free, and the player was a restricted free agent and is highly quoted on the market.

Another thing is that Wei is not playing very well in Switzerland now. And maybe his game at the Olympics did not work out very well. But we are starting from how he was in the top three with Dawes. It is clear that Dawes makes everyone who plays with him better. Due to it, many get a good result.

- Dawes' contract with Barys ends, what's next?

The contract ends. And the likelihood that Nigel will stay at Barys is 50/50. We still haven't received any offer from the club. Although Dawes was told that the offer would be made. But these conversations were back in October. They turned and asked what kind of financial interest we had. I said, "Make an offer that you can make and we will build on that." But we have not received anything in response.

But this is not the only problem here. The problem is that during the season, Nigel was very dissatisfied with what was happening in the team, how everything was happening in relation to the players. He, as the team captain, was very worried about the pressure that the club president had on the team during the season, and how it happened that the team from above fell down.

Obviously, it's easier to blame everything on the players. But, I think, everyone understands that here it is not only about the hockey players, but also about what was happening around the team. Nigel and many others don't like it all.

And he is not only talking about the problem with foreign hockey players. We talked with Nigel about how they treat Kazakhstani players. We talked a lot about this. If you make up half of the team of young players, and half of those who have already declared themselves, there is little that can be won. Likewise, it will be difficult to achieve any results with the national team. Everywhere you need its own edge, you need to do everything right. There are many questions, no one wants to stay and play in a team that will be losing all the time, in which there will be few good players.

Yes, I myself am not happy with the situation. Even before the break in the KHL calendar related to the Olympics, the general manager of Barys Yerzhan Aldabergenov called me and said: "Let's terminate the contract with Wright by mutual agreement." And why? First, Wright has a different agent, a foreign one. Secondly, I asked him: "Why on earth should a player terminate a contract by mutual agreement when the season is not over yet? Who will pay him his salary?" This is an abnormal situation.

Dawes' participation in the World Championship as part of the national team of Kazakhstan probably depends on whether he will extend the contract with Barys?

Yes. Participation in the World Championship will, of course, depend on this. Of course, he will not be able to go to the World Cup without a contract. He cannot risk his career. We will wait for him to sign the contract, and then it will be seen how the leaders of his new club will react to this. And if it is “Barys”, then there are no problems, of course, he will then go to the World Championship.

- Does he have any suggestions from other clubs?

We even try not to talk to anyone, because first of all we are waiting for an offer from Barys. In order to move on, you need to see what your team offers. And while he has a valid contract, we try not to communicate with other clubs.

Hockey agent, as well as the general manager of the Kazakhstan national team, Shumi Babaev, recalled the story of Anton Burdasov's transfer from Traktor to SKA, named the disadvantages of the KHL and appreciated the work of the leaders of the league clubs.

Babaev told how Burdasov's transfer to SKA takes place, after which the agent became enemy number 1 in Chelyabinsk: “The NHL said that I have time until June 21st. Either they would choose him to play there, or he was SKA stayed in Russia. SKA managed to resolve the issue until the 21st. They did everything to leave Anton here in Russia. The situation was very tough. And Anton behaved courageously in it. He said if we don't agree with anyone, he will leave . Literally one day I got a call from SKA and said that everything was agreed. They said if you are ready to stay, we will resolve the issue. I called Anton, because it would be better for me if he stayed in Russia. I just want In this situation, I would like to thank the Governor of the region Mikhail Yurevich. He would probably veto this transition. But he, as a professional, figured out the situation. it's a stalemate for the player to stay here. I am only grateful to him for this is. Now in Chelyabinsk I am "enemy of the state No. 1". I am perfectly aware of this. But I also realize that people don't want to understand - the problem was not me. I was doing my job. I have been in hockey for a very long time and did my job as I see fit for me and my player. For his future. If I did not see him here, then I spoke about it openly. And yes, I am trying to dominate. This is my style of behavior. Everyone knows that I never chase after money. You can ask a million club managers whom I called and told, guys, it's too early for this or that player to raise their salaries. Let's wait a little longer. Because the guy might not carry the money. "

Comparing the current hockey market with its model of the early 90s, the agent noted: “The market has changed a lot since then. It was not even the money that changed, but it itself became different. At that time, Ak Bars was ahead of everyone in its development strategy. Even in the way they structured their work. Ak Bars was ahead of everyone. Then Lokomotiv picked it up. In relation to the players, in their vision of working within the club. Now SKA looks very strong, Look how the marketing department in St. year changed everything. Rotenberg raised it to another level and they immediately have a full palace going to every match. Minsk Dynamo looks very good, the palace fills up great. And the more new palaces there are, the more people will go to hockey, like Again, I can say that in hockey not all money decides. With proper management, money does not win. But money makes hockey spectacular. They give people the opportunity to see cool players. After all, now it is difficult to drag a foreigner to the KHL. ь KHL and NHL are two big differences. Young people see this, and therefore they leave overseas. Our infrastructure is still not the same, the lighting is not the same, the palaces are not the same, the attitude is not the same. We have hockey - not yet a show. But we are moving towards this. I want to say, no matter how controversial the league president Medvedev is, but for me he is a very good figure. Why? Firstly, he himself plays hockey, goes on the ice. He knows the problems of hockey players. Doesn't refuse anyone. Although the league's attitude towards agents is very strange. If not for Medvedev, hockey players would be here like slaves. Only his personal intervention changes the laws in favor of hockey players, the regulations change. The union cannot do anything. There are no hockey players behind him. He is not capable of anything if there is no mass behind him. And the mass is not behind it. That is why no one in Russia will go to the lockout. Everyone has families, apartments, loans and everyone wants to play. Russia has not yet come to this, and this is good. But if it were not for Medvedev, no one would have come to us, no foreigners. "

Talking about the minuses in the work of the KHL, Babaev said: “I don’t like that we are following the hockey Federation’s lead and making the championship what it is now. You ask hockey players if such pauses are needed? I’m not sure what Bilyaletdinov asked for. When he coached Ak Bars, the national team won the world championships even without such pauses. FHR pulls the KHL back. Clues to the bait and pulls. We are trying to escape from our not very beautiful past - I remember how the championships were held here. since 1988. But it’s impossible. I understand - this is the law from above, but you need to have your own point of view and explain that you cannot do everything the way you want. We need to find a compromise. We have two fives going to the Olympics from Russia. And for the sake of two fives, the rest of the seven hundred players have such problems! The federation should be engaged in youth hockey. We go to the NHL, and they took us and with the new regulations just dragged back. We will lose two years. How are we going to catch up with them later? But we don't it is necessary to completely copy the HX L, we need to copy the attitude towards the players. "

Assessing the work of the heads of the KHL clubs, the agent noted: “I have always liked Yakovlev, the president of Lokomotiv. Yuri Nikolayevich is a man with his own vision, with his own point of view, he knows how to develop the team. language. We never had deadlocks. In Yaroslavl, under Yakovlev, they always adhered to the position that it is better to give your player more than spend money on inviting a player from outside. They do the same in Kazan. I was always pleased to work with them. and communicate. Adequate people in Barys. All these people are aimed at development, they are ready to change everything, ready to learn. But number one, of course, Yakovlev. Then comes Medvedev. Peter changed immediately after his arrival, "- quotes the agent

Shumi Babayev's phone probably secretly hates its owner. For an hour and a half of our communication, he called twenty times. Questions about work alternated with an invitation to television as an expert (on the eve of our conversation in the USA there was an incident with Vyacheslav Voinov, an NHL player), answers in the style of a fashionable advertisement today: "Can I call you back?" etc.

- Sometimes I recharge three times a day, - Babaev laughs.

An agent is a profession that has not yet been fully studied in the domestic sports space. And Shumi Babaev is one of the brightest characters in the hockey hypostasis of this area of ​​work.

Not far from the guest coaching, he was waiting for Vyacheslav Bykov. We did not recognize the SKA mentor right away. Shorts over sweatpants and slippers on bare feet contrasted sharply with the usual formal suit. Morning workout SKA has come to an end. Strong-willed victory 4: 3 over CSKA last night did not become the reason for its cancellation. For this game, Shumi Babaev came to St. Petersburg for the first time this season. Evgeny Artyukhin vs. Anton Burdasov is his personal derby.

In the famous ice cafe - the smell of cutlets and compote. At 11 am the assortment is envy. In the old years, after training, hockey players dined here. Now - less and less.

Who said that they pay little in St. Petersburg? I AM?

- We counted you have fifty clients. Where does the time come from for everyone?
- I have my own system. Even if I don't call the guys, I always keep my finger on the pulse. I communicate with the club management, find out what is going on in a person. I try not to offend anyone. When everyone is signed, it's easier. At the same time, don't forget about exchanges. You need to be ready for them at any time. All these processes need to be controlled.

- Do you mostly go to the matches where your guys play?
- Often. Or when you need to talk to the head of the club. For example, I go to CSKA as soon as possible. Since childhood I have been rooting for this club. I combine business with pleasure.

- How many games do you watch during the season?
- Taking into account television broadcasts two or three per day. I go to stadiums, but not often. Moscow arenas are uncomfortable in themselves. Dynamo and CSKA are excellent teams, and it is uncomfortable to watch matches with their participation.

- Perhaps we will agree.
- Here in St. Petersburg everything is as it should be. And the atmosphere is hockey, and the show is great. The entourage is wonderful. People in scarves and hats. The beauty! In Moscow, everything is mundane. Antediluvian arenas, no spectators, no amenities either. This should not be the case in sports. Going to the match should be a holiday. How to go to the cinema or the theater - so that it is atmospheric.

- You once said in an interview that in St. Petersburg the players are not paid so much. Typo?
- I didn't say that. In St. Petersburg, the players have a decent salary. I'm not talking about my players. They don't get much. I'd better not say anything about the rest.

- Two years ago they laughed on the Internet: SKA is Babaev's farm club. A whole five of your players came to St. Petersburg in the summer.
- It's a coincidence. I transported Kevin Dallman with another agent. Later Andrey Sigarev and Ivan Nalimov came to St. Petersburg - they were also my guys. Both are now at the Admiral. Later I took Zhenya Artyukhin to Atlant. Glazachev and Badyukov were not left in SKA. Alexey, I remember, did not like Rzhiga. So there was a "farm club" and there is no "farm club". In general, this concept is inappropriate in this situation.

- Is it normal practice that a coach works with a specific agent?
- It is normal practice when the agent represents the interests of the coach. And it is not normal to recruit a team with the help of a coach.

- Is there a lot of that in the league?
- If I still start to voice how much coaches earn from this ...

First contracts

- We read on the Internet that you are a Chechen, and were surprised: nevertheless, a rare nationality in the hockey world.
- Absolutely untrue. My parents and grandparents are from Dagestan, from Derbent. By the way, most ancient city Russia - it is more than five thousand years old.

- All the same, your roots are not from the hockey region ...
- It depends on how you look at it ... I have lived my life. I have family ties with famous hockey player previous years. The legend of Soviet hockey. I've been in sports all my life. He played football since childhood, but was mostly friends with hockey players. Igor Chibirev, Zhenya Davydov, Max Mikhailovsky, Igor Malykhin are still friends. After communicating with them, I became interested in hockey. Somewhere in 1991 he began to play.

- Are you talking about agency activities?
- If you can call it that. Zhenya Davydov flew in from Switzerland and said: “We need to negotiate with Ak Bars”. I knew all the Kazan leadership and, word for word, solved the main questions for him. Then he helped Kostichkin with the club. And off we go. The institution of sports agents in one form or another already existed in the country, although the very concept did not exist. Club leaders encountered agents, but not in relation to their work.

- What is it like?
“The agents took the players away from them and took them to America. I know several guys who appeared in this market before me. They worked for American and Canadian companies. Without signing contracts, they helped our hockey players to leave. In the USSR, and then in Russia, the agent of hockey players was the Sovkomsport company, through which almost everyone left. Subsequently, many understood the essence of agency work. And then, at the level of our clubs, agents performed the functions of scouts. Someone had to start this process.

- You are one of the first.
- Not just one of the first, but the first hockey agent in Russia! He began this work in 1998. Although sometimes he performed the functions of an agent before that. I just didn't know what it was called. At that time, if I am not mistaken, only tennis players had agents in the country. Moreover, all companies operating in Russia were foreign.

There are non-professionals - there are kickbacks

- Bikes are still circulating about how hockey players were "punctured" in Super League clubs ...
- More often than not, there were moments of underpayment. Sometimes they tried to "squeeze out" something. Well, or the hockey player is called to the first or second link, and he ends up in the fourth. I had to part with the club. There were no rules then.

- Now some clubs also go against the generally accepted rules ...
- Don't compare. What was then and now - heaven and earth. The KHL has a structure, the players are protected, the trade union works. All this thanks to Alexander Medvedev. Gennady Timchenko, who came to the league later, continued to work in the same vein. After all, the fish not only rots from the head, but also seeks out the path of its movement with its head.

- Beautiful…
- Directionality goes from top to bottom. Medvedev and Timchenko were criticized by many that they combine their powers in the league with work in SKA. And for me, it's for the best. In this way they feel both sides of the coin. And the third party is a player who shouldn't feel like a stray dog: kicked out - and forgotten. He is not a slave.

- We foresee the caustic responses: "Slaves are not paid that much."
- For some reason, hockey players' earnings are counted by everyone. Do singers with artists get much less? I don’t care - I don’t climb into someone else’s wallet. I bought a ticket to the concert, listened, left. Artists delight the people, standing on the stage. Athletes, going out on the ice, risk their lives. I'm not a professional hockey player, and there are a lot of scars.

- We see.
- And the guys are all broken, and you can't return your health. It is clear that hockey in Russia is a subsidized sport. But today, hockey players earn as much as the market offers. Against the background of the chaos that was happening in our country before, the KHL system is close to ideal. There is a legal framework, the accents are correctly placed, the level of hockey is growing. Yes, hockey players are sometimes unhappy, but we will never have lockouts. Everything works differently for us ...

-… and now no rollbacks?
- There will be kickbacks as long as there are a bunch of non-professionals - people who came to hockey for temporary gain. You will never think that Timchenko, Rotenberg, Medvedev can be involved in kickbacks?

- Undoubtedly! Why do they need it ...
- These people play hockey themselves, enjoy it. Realize that they are doing an important social project. Maybe they are not super-professionals and misunderstand something in hockey, but they feel the very essence of the game. And there are those who do not understand how they got into hockey and, knowing that today or tomorrow they will be chased, think how to quickly "cut down to the maximum." Many, by the way, come to agency work with the same idea. They think that money is easy here.

- Are they mistaken?
- I'll tell you a story. At the stage of the inception of the KHL, when the Disciplinary Committee was headed by Vladimir Saraev, we had a meeting. Agents, I remember, came about forty. I look around - I know a dozen at most. Who the rest - I can’t put my mind to it. And so a dispute arose between us. Some of the agents lobbied for a system in which in the KHL, like in football, the clubs would pay them remuneration. I spoke out strongly against it. They looked at me like a black sheep.

- You didn't need extra money?
- The agent must not be financially connected with the club. From a player's representative, he turns into an intermediary. Many people incorrectly think that the first is more important in the "agent-player" system. Yes, I can leave the player, but to a greater extent I am an employee for them. And if the agent is associated with the club, then in fact he will work on two fronts. The newcomers goggled at me: how so - refuses extra money? Fortunately, in the end, they decided that this should not be done.

I know in advance who can be exchanged

- You once complained that because of work there is no time to start a family ...
- Already got one. Here ( shows ring), the wedding was in the summer.

- Is your spouse jealous of hockey?
- Tired, he says, with his hockey. I watch three matches a day. She cannot understand in any way: what kind of work is this - sitting on the couch, watching hockey on TV.

- Tired of hockey?
- Considering that I still play hockey, there are, of course, moments. Fortunately, they coincide with the period when you can relax: January - when the additional application has already ended; June-July - there is enough work, but you can catch a few weeks for rest. In August, when you sign everyone, it's also quieter.

- The most stressful period?
- March April May. The tension, in principle, does not subside during the season.

- But what about the deadline, the end of the additional application period?
- In an amicable way, you need to be ready for the deadline in advance. I often know in advance which of my guys can be exchanged. My relations with the clubs are built in such a way that they usually call me themselves and ask for help with the exchange. And this applies not only to my players. I know the market well.

Preseason for the agent

- How many times could you leave this business?
- Not once. Why should I leave if I was going for this? For many years I have been doing what I love. At first, I just helped my friends. Only in America did I find out what it is called and that they pay well for it. Subsequently, more than once he could exchange agency activities for other areas that bring great profits. But they were not interesting to me.

- How did you end up in America?
- I left after college - to live, study, work. Once there I came across the series Arli $$. One episode was enough to see myself there. It was the same when Jerry Maguire was filmed. It was like they were sculpting the hero of Tom Cruise from me. I haven't changed a bit over the years. How did I go to ripped jeans and sneakers, so I walk. If only I was comfortable.

- And the aplomb of a business man?
- I have never tried to portray a tough guy next to the players, as many do. All these suits, ties, notebooks are not for me. Nobody saw the pieces of paper in my hands. Over time, some began to copy my style of work.

- We know that many agents, in order to please the players, buy them skates, clubs, take them to training ...
- There are such. I immediately say to mine: “I’m not a taxi driver, not a shop. There is a club, he has to provide it ”. Hockey players' parents sometimes call me. “We want,” they say, “that you become an agent of our son.” - "Why?" - "Well, how - all the agents, the players push through." “I,” I answer, “am not going to push anyone. If a guy in 15-16 years old is promising, I will make inquiries and work with him. But to shove it somewhere - don't even hope. "

“Agent” is a buzzword nowadays.
- That's it. Young people often believe in fairy tales of smart uncles with papers. And only after a few years they realize that he did not help. Because, in principle, he was incapable. Until the age of 17-18, the player is given everything by his parents. The kid should see that the father goes to the matches. This is psychologically important. And they chase the agents.

- Do you refuse many?
- Yes. For example, I don't do VHL. Immediately I say: "I won't get there."

- Is it that bad?
- It's better now. Under German Skoropupov, the "tower" worked much better. There is no such mess as before. But I still don’t climb. I don’t know how to work there.

- Let's go back to the young ones. Rather - to the strategy of your work with them.
- My assistant is working on it. Make inquiries. If the information suits me and I agree, I immediately explain to the children and their parents the strategy and methods of my work. I show on my fingers: it can happen like this, or maybe that way. You can only promise something if you have a development strategy. Not all agents have it.

- And then the agent is bad ...
- Not always. Well-known, respected agents do not need such a strategy. If he breaks fancy contracts, who would call him bad? Another question is when a hockey player has problems and needs help finding his way, but an agent has no solutions ... However, each one works in his own way - as, in principle, it should be.

There are agents who take 750

- You said about the assistant. How many people are there in Shumi Babayev's state?
- My firm is me. Everything is built on me. Me and my players are one. If you put another person instead of me, it will be a completely different business. I trust no one. I make all the main decisions myself. My nephew, who plays football now, may one day help me. But all the same, I will make the main decisions myself.

- Is your rule not to take money from young people still alive?
- Moreover, the level of the lower level of salaries has grown. The guys need this money more. I know agents who take 750-800 rubles a month from hockey players with a salary of 15 thousand rubles.

- For gasoline.
- That's shameful! Better let the guy buy his gift for the girl. There are players who do not pay me agency fees for five to seven years. Never mind, I'll wait for my moment.

- Happened that you did not wait?
- About ten percent of my players have not been able to reach their level. Not more.

- Did you often take away your clients?
- If I didn't want it myself, there are isolated cases. The term "lead away" is a complex one. Someone will say: "He himself is not a fool to take the player away." Yes, there were times when hockey players from another agent passed to me. And most often the initiative came from the players themselves. In such a situation, I always call my colleague: so, they say, and so - your player called.

- So you don't call anyone yourself?
- In very rare cases. There must be a very large caliber hockey player. Then I will communicate with him so that he goes over. And there are two or three agents whom I will not even call back: if I see good things, I will take them right away.

- Why?
“I just don’t respect their methods of work. Sergei Paremuzov, the so-called chairman of the Association of Hockey Agents, which, in fact, does not exist, called the players and, on behalf of this association, offered to work with him. And when I was invited to the national team of Kazakhstan, he was the first to shout that I cannot combine this work with the agency.

- There was a case, remember ...
- What have former coach the Russian national team's son-in-law is an agent, nobody bothered. Although during my work as general manager, I did not tell anyone: "Come to me - you will play at the Olympics." Hockey players who do not want to play are still in Barys. I told them about something else: "Prove that you can play, - I will take to the national team." Because I was responsible for the result. And all these little things systematically broke the system I built, which influenced the outcome of the Olympic selection.

How many players are pickled at different clubs?

- Let's imagine the situation. One day, Artyukhin, Badyukov, Burdasov and three more of your MHL players have difficulties. In what order will you start solving them?
- It depends on which of the leaders of the club I will be the first to get through. Such issues are often resolved over the phone. It is necessary to fly out in emergency cases: when it does not work out either from the first, or from the second, or from the third attempt.

- We heard that it took you a lot of energy to negotiate with Traktor ...
- Yes, with the previous management of "Traktor" negotiations always went with a creak. But who was right in the end? Time has shown who worked professionally, and who - as necessary. It was not about the system, but about one person. I have known Sergei Gomolyako, who took his place, since the days of Magnitka's triumph in the Euroleague. He is an adequate hockey person. Nevertheless, a conflict of interest always arises. I defend the client's position, they are the club. For the same reason, heavy negotiations happened with Lokomotiv. But no matter how long they go, I know: the working moment will not affect our further relations.

- And touchy leaders meet?
- And how! Due to some controversial moment, the head of the club may stop communicating. I gave, for example, my player to another - he was offended and was talking to you through clenched teeth. There are many of them. Although everything I do is primarily for the benefit of the players, and not because I want to quarrel with a person.

- It would be strange if it were the other way around.
- We cook in the same hockey cauldron, being different ingredients. You cannot approach all situations one-sidedly: I am the leader, which means I am the last instance. For my part, I will definitely take some steps to dissuade this. Need to find the best option for the club and for the player. See how many players are pickled in different clubs... They don't let them play, they don't change them.

- We know one such club. And we know the players who have been marinated.
- If you don't need a guy, give it back, change it. How many guys got lost because of this, stopped developing and stopped being hockey players altogether - just because they were not released on time. They are kept in the youth team, like a slave, they are not allowed to go anywhere. In fact, for ten years, he cannot leave the club system, since all the papers are on the side of the latter.

- There is an option that the player will be bought by another club.
- If the player is good. And if a little below average? Who will spend the money? And this is a verdict! Eternal wanderings between the first and second teams. The club doesn't care. He thinks, “Why give? Suddenly tomorrow it will come in handy ... ”And after three years the hockey player is gone. Fate is broken. There are many such examples. But few people remember about them.

If you can not change the team, it is better not to change

- Burdasov's transfer from Traktor to SKA was accompanied by your comment: “At Belousov, he will degrade. The coach put Anton on the bench in matches where he was one of the best. " Are you satisfied with the client's current affairs in St. Petersburg?
- I will not say that I am satisfied, but at the same time I am glad that at this age he plays in such a club. During these three years, he became a different hockey player and a different person. Anton looks around, at his super-professional partners, and sees how to deal with the matter. There is fierce competition in SKA, and I think its time has not come yet. Yes, there are unique people like Panarin, Nichushkin, Kuznetsov, who declared themselves at an early age. Burdasov, in my opinion, is an above average player. I think his time will come in a year or two.

- Given that he is now 23 ...
- I guarantee you that in most other teams Anton would have been in the first or second line, would have gained a lot of points, and he would have been considered a top player in the KHL. Moreover, there are many clubs in last years wanted to see him at home.

- But he preferred the fourth three SKA ...
- Yes, it's hard for him. I am also unhappy with his playing time. But this is SKA, where the first three links are reinforced concrete. You have to give something out of the ordinary in order to push someone out of there. He has no opportunities to reveal his potential yet. This means that you need to learn to show everything that you are capable of, in short time intervals. If in next year Anton will go to another team, this experience will help him a lot.

- And if, without waiting for the next season, Burdasov comes up with a request: “Look for exchange options”?
- I would answer that you cannot give up. Anton himself is not one to raise his hands. The desire to leave the team where you play in the fourth link arises for two reasons: either you cannot rise higher, or you are not allowed to do so.

- We are considering, apparently, the second.
- It's almost impossible to climb higher in SKA. If Burdasov expresses such a desire, I will go and talk to Bykov.

- On the subject?
- I’ll find out what his prospects are. Everything does not end in one year. Who knows, maybe next spring, when one of the attackers ends their contract, they won't re-sign him, and Anton will take his place. If you don't have to change the team, it's best not to change it. And if it is clear that there is no future, drastic steps are required.

Strict mode agent

- Big money, expensive cars and silicone young ladies in your memory ruined the careers of hockey players?
- And more than once. Moreover, girls break more often than money. Young guys - they are defenseless, and women are insidious. Many fall into the clutches of predators. Women are more sophisticated and cunning. Someone else is older, more experienced. It is difficult for the guys to oppose something.
There are, however, and opposite examples. Halves help you find the right path. Found a girlfriend or got married - and played better. If a person has a rod, in principle, nothing will break him - neither silicone, nor banknotes. No character - I'm sorry, you are not worthy of respect.

- Do you put "mousetraps" on the predators of your clients?
- Why do I need it? I don't get into family squabbles. I do not want to be told tomorrow: "You ruined my happiness." Even if I believe that the couple should break up, during the conflict I will try to reconcile them. Then let them decide for themselves. By the way, the guys' wives often call and complain. I answer: "You yourself calmly sort it out and shake hands with each other." I am neutral. In order not to harm anyone.

- The current young growth is, in principle, arrogant ...
- Agree. There are no authorities for them at all. Coaches are looked down upon. On the other hand, if the coach is intelligent, he will quickly put these chizhiks in place.

- Do you often do this procedure yourself?
- And I'm an expert on problem players. They all come to me.

- High security agent.
- Exactly. The guys know that I am tough, I know that they are specific. I am comfortable working with them. Ruffy ones are often more talented and get their way. Mikhail Grigoriev, who is now in Torpedo, was a heavyweight for everyone. People howled from him - ask any coach. And we found a common language. See how it has changed over the years! The guy born in 1991 is the leader of the team. There are no authorities for him, but he plows for two.

I also have fingers, I can play the piano

- You have two higher educations.
- Yes, economic and legal.

- Both - for agency activities?
- No. I started working as an economist in 1989. Prior to that, at Moscow State University, he studied at the school of a young economist for two years - there was such a one at that time. By that time, I was involved in sports and started in business. Over time, in general, it was tight. I almost never showed up in class. Yes, and my mindset is different: I grabbed something, then I figure it out myself.

- Nevertheless, some part of the sports community in your person often sees, excuse me, a rogue who wants to make money on everything.
- Do you know why? I honestly speak about everything, without cuts. I would be silent - no one would know about me. And what is the roguishness? That I am helping the guys? If they were not needed there, and others expressed interest in them, am I to blame? I do my job. Including for the benefit of the fans. You can come up to me, ask what interests you - I will answer any question.

- Did you fly in for your frankness?
- And from whom can I fly?

- We have a lot of people walking with fingers.
- I have my fingers, I can also play the piano. Four years in music school between workouts.

- Will you play Murka?
- No. And then I would not have played. On football training sessions I walked past the music room.

- It's just that they sometimes compare you with Al Pacino ...
- And it flatters me. People look at the photos, they say: they are similar. The role of Tony Montano in Scarface is impressive.

A sparkling interview with the charismatic, scandalous and controversial Shumi Babaev

- Admit it, after the events of last summer you still have friends or just good acquaintances from the world of Chelyabinsk hockey?
- Of course! One of my best friends is Zhenya Davydov. We have been friends with him since the 88th year. I don’t know if his jersey is hanging in the Traktor Arena or not?
- Hangs, of course. He's an Olympic champion.
- In general, I communicate with many Chelyabinsk guys. But at the same time, I cannot afford to humiliate my friends or clients.
- How do you now perceive the story of Anton Burdasov's transfer from Traktor to SKA?

The NHL said I had until June 21st. Either they would choose him to play there, or he stayed in Russia. SKA managed to resolve the issue before the 21st. They did everything to leave Anton here in Russia.
The situation was very tough. And in it Anton behaved courageously. He said, if we do not agree with anyone, he will leave. Literally one day I received a call from SKA and said that everything had been agreed upon. They said if you are willing to stay, we will resolve the issue. I called Anton because it would be better for me if he stayed in Russia. I just want him to get fucked up here. So that he went to the Sochi Olympics.
In this situation, I would like to thank the Governor of the region Mikhail Yurevich. He would probably veto this transition. But he, like a professional, figured out the situation. I realized that it was a dead end for the player to stay here. I am only grateful to him for that.
- But now in Chelyabinsk you are "enemy of the state No. 1".
- I am perfectly aware of this. But I also realize that people do not want to understand - the problem was not with me. I was doing my job. I have been in hockey for a very long time and did my job as I see fit for me and my player. For his future. If I did not see him here, then I spoke about it openly.
And yes, I am trying to dominate. This is my style of behavior. Everyone knows that I never chase after money. You can ask a million club managers whom I called and told, guys, it's too early for this or that player to raise their salaries. Let's wait a bit longer. Because the guy might not carry the money.
- This is the lot of all agents - such an attitude from the public?
- My persona is probably the most unloved. Many hundreds of times more unloved than others. Everyone knows that, it just so happened. But I have this style of defending my position. I never say anything behind the eyes. Always - only in the face of the leaders of the club, the players. I have questions - I immediately call back and say: guys, here are your words, you told my players that they chose the wrong agent. Other agents have different policies. Someone doesn't want to stick out. Maybe right. I'm not ashamed to do this. My hockey players are people close to me. My friends. We spend a lot of time together. I help them a lot on personal matters, they help me.
Everybody counts money in that story. What kind of money ?! I don’t take money from young players at all. I was the first to not take money from young players. Until the player starts making good money, I just work with him. Is free.
- How do you choose your style of behavior? How do you manage this or that situation? With Burdasov and his transfer from Traktor to SKA, for example, it turned out tough.
- It's just that the situation is like this. They acted unfairly. Immediately I had another question, about another player from Chelyabinsk. I told him and his parents, no need to swear, this is not your situation. "Traktor" makes you a normal offer. I told my father. You just had to talk. If they don't see him in the team, let him go. I said that there is no need to quarrel in any way. You may have to come back, you don't have to become an outcast here. He came and talked. And as we can see, after a few months the hockey player returned to the team.
- Are you talking about Dugin?
- Of course. But if there is a direct insult, it is another matter. How it was done in relation to Burdasov. They felt that they did not need to communicate with us. We decided that we will do as they say. They are not gods to me. And they are not the last resort for me. As I defended the interest of the player, so I will. And there is not a single person who points a finger at me and says that I participated in some kickbacks or bribes. Otherwise, everything is clear, I would never perform. Everyone understands that if I was involved, I would be silent. They would shut me up right away. But I'm clean.
- Why, in the situation with Burdasov, "Tractor" lost the information war with one goal?
- It's hard to say, lost - not lost. They got money. But remember the movie Brother? What was his main motto? It's not money that wins, it's truth.

How would you assess the current situation in the hockey market? Has it become more civilized compared to the late 90s, when did you start?
- The market has changed a lot since then. It was not even the money that became different, but he himself became different. At that time, Ak Bars was ahead of everyone in its development strategy. Even by the way they structured the work. Ak Bars was ahead of everyone. Then Lokomotiv picked it up. In relation to the players, according to their vision of work within the club.
Now SKA looks very strong, Look how the marketing department in St. Petersburg has changed everything over the past year. Rotenberg raised it to another level and they immediately have a full palace at every match. Dynamo Minsk looks very good, the palace is filling up there.
And the more new palaces there are, the more people will go to hockey as a spectacle.
Again, I can say that in hockey, not all money decides. It is not money that wins with good management. But money makes hockey spectacular. They enable people to see great players. After all, now it is difficult to drag a foreigner into the KHL. The level of the KHL and the NHL are two big differences. Young people see this, and therefore they leave overseas. Our infrastructure is still not the same, the lighting is not the same, the palaces are not the same, the attitude is not the same. We have hockey - not yet a show. But we are moving towards this.
- Slow enough, don't you think?
- I want to say, no matter how controversial the league president Medvedev is, but for me he is a very good figure. Why? Firstly, he himself plays hockey, goes on the ice. He knows the problems of hockey players. Doesn't refuse anyone.
Although the league's attitude towards agents is very strange. If not for Medvedev, hockey players would be here like slaves. Only his personal intervention changes the laws in favor of hockey players, the regulations change. The union cannot do anything. There are no hockey players behind him. He is not capable of anything if there is no mass behind him. And the mass is not behind it. That is why no one in Russia will go to the lockout. Everyone has families, apartments, loans and everyone wants to play.
Russia has not yet come to this, and this is good. But if it were not for Medvedev, no one would have come to us, no foreigners.
So there are a lot of factors here.
- How free are you in your judgments about the Russian hockey world? In general, everyone remembers perfectly well the story of Alexei Dementiev, who “wrongly” commented on the match between Traktor and Magnitka ...
- Then I immediately spoke to the media about this. Firstly, I do not believe that an agent can comment on matches. When an agent comments, a conflict of interest arises - you can immediately trace who his players are. I respect Lesha, he does his own business, builds his work. But we have no right to say if there are no facts, we cannot give at least some hint. If you are not sure, then you cannot talk about it. Moreover, on the air.
- If you are sure, then say - such and such a match is agreed?
- If you are sure that it is, I will tell you. I do not care.
- And still? For example, can you criticize someone from the league?
- I always criticize them. I just said what are the advantages of Medvedev. But at the same time, I always talk about the disadvantages that exist in other structures of the KHL.
- And what are they?
- I don't like that we are following the hockey Federation and making the championship the way it is now. You ask hockey players whether such pauses are necessary? I'm not sure what Bilyaletdinov asked for. When he coached Ak Bars, the team won the world championships even without such pauses.
FHR is pulling the KHL back. Clings to the bait and pulls. We are trying to escape from our not very beautiful past - I remember how the championships were held here since 1988. But you can't do that. I understand that this is the law from above, but you need to have your own point of view and explain that you cannot do everything the way you want. A compromise must be found.
We have two fives going to the Olympics from Russia. And for the sake of two fives, the remaining seven hundred players are in trouble! The federation should be engaged in youth hockey. We go to the NHL, and they took us and with the new regulations just dragged us back. We will lose two years. How are we going to catch up with them later? But we don't need to completely copy the NHL, we need to copy the attitude towards the players.
- You have a lot of ideas. If you were offered to work in the KHL structure, would you agree?
- I have a million ideas (smiles)! But my figure would not be there. Because I always have my own point of view. I always defend it with good reason. I do not speak unfoundedly. But at the same time, I believe that everyone should help our hockey develop. There are young professionals in the KHL who are starting to slowly promote this project. But this is an internal kitchen, I don't go there.


When you were an agent, how high could you climb when negotiating with clubs? Have you talked to the owners? Or were they just directors and managers?
- I talked to everyone. Sometimes the manager has no right to make a decision without the consent of the club owners. Therefore, I went out to the owners. This is normal practice. But I never jumped over heads.
- In which club do you think the most interesting and adequate leaders work?
- I have always liked Yakovlev, the president of Lokomotiv. Yuri Nikolaevich is a person with his own vision, with his own point of view, he knows how to develop a team. He is tough, but you can always find a common language with him. We never had deadlock situations with him. In Yaroslavl under Yakovlev, they have always adhered to the position that it is better to give your player more than spend money on inviting a player from outside. They do the same in Kazan. It was always pleasant for me to work and communicate with them.
Adequate people in Barys. All these people, they are aimed at development, they are ready to change everything, ready to learn.
But number one, of course, is Yakovlev. Then comes Medvedev. Peter changed immediately after his arrival.
- Are the hockey agents like Mr. Wolfe, the character from Pulp Fiction, who comes to solve issues?
- (Laughs). This is the job of a hockey agent. You take the hockey players. Most of them only know hockey. They need an assistant whom they can trust one hundred percent. But there are agents in the league who cannot be trusted. How many licenses have been distributed, and 75% of them are non-professionals, it is not clear where they came from. So are the leaders of the clubs. Not from sports, not from hockey. They think there is a lot of money here. There are really a lot of them. But here you have to work 24 hours a day.
The player must know that they will stand up for him if something happens. Many club leaders tell the player stories in person. And when the contract is signed, they pull all the guts out of it. To prevent this from happening, so that the players do not become slaves, there are agents. When you buy or sell an apartment, you do it with the help of a realtor. You turn to professionals. It's the same in hockey. Agents are lawyers. The agent's phone breaks at night, you have to work around the clock. If the fans who water me knew what time I go to bed and what time I have my first call at work ... At the same time, many people think that the agent is getting a good remuneration. And this is just a small percentage. These are not the numbers that everyone thinks and talks about.
- How do you interact with the hockey union?
- I have good interaction with the trade union. We are on the same side with them. But again, they cannot influence much, because they do not have the right to make changes to the regulations. I've already said why. There is no mass behind them. There is the authority of Kovalenko. But only. And without support it is impossible to do something. Many people say that they do nothing. But they simply cannot influence many things.
- Do many coaches have agents?
- Now there are many.
- Do coaches of this type like Rzhiga or Nazarov, very media personalities, need an agent?
- It is hard to say. It all depends on the specific situation, on the specific coach. I've never been an agent for coaches, but I helped them. If you had to look at the contract, pick up the club. I could call this or that club. But then he did not conduct negotiations. In general, I believed and still believe that it is wrong to be both an agent of a player and a coach.

Maxim Pivovarov

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