Damir musin hockey player biography. Damir Musin: “I needed changes

Why pay 300 thousand rubles for skating training?

At the end of the championship season for Ak Bars, Damir Musin moved from the Kazan team to Sochi. He told BUSINESS Online about the reasons for the change in the situation, the peculiarities of the tactics of the Kazan club and why Atte Okhtamaa became an example of playing on the defensive for him. This is the young defender's first big interview.


- Damir, when did you first start talking about Sochi?

- In fact, for a long time. I remember an agent called and said that Sochi was showing interest. We phoned their new general manager Rashid Khabibullin (we have known each other for a long time), discussed the role in the team, he let me know that he was counting on me. This is the main thing. Still, I haven't played for half a year, I missed hockey.

- Doesn't the departure frighten you?

- I only have a positive attitude towards moving to Sochi. New town, new club, a new challenge. Changes were needed - to change the environment, to get out of the comfort zone. Here are relatives, family, you know everything, but there you will need to keep eggs in your fist. Nobody knows about me, you need to prove everything anew: through training, friendly games to get into the squad. I have no grudges, I am completely for the transition, there was no such thing that was sent without asking. There are also no grudges about the fact that their pupil was sent, there is no difference in big hockey, your or not yours. Everything is fine.

- Don't you think that your exchange is an educational measure?

- I think they want to see how I show myself in non-greenhouse conditions. If I prove myself, I will prove, maybe I will come back.

- Do you have a desire to return?

- I can't say how everything will turn out yet.

- Your friend Ziyat Paygin was leaving for Sochi. He decided not to return to Kazan. Didn't communicate with him, do you have a team grudge against him?

- There is no offense, nothing like that, just hockey life. How it happened, it happened. I don’t know what happened, I didn’t specify, I only remember that Loko after Canada wanted to exchange him for Cherepanov, and not for Manukhov. Something didn't work out.

- Imagine the first workout. The coach asked what you know how to use you better. What is your reaction?

- In general, one should not answer such questions, but show on the ice. I consider the first pass to be my dignity. My dimensions are small for a defender - this is a minus, but by choosing a position I try to compensate for this. Winning the fight, playing hard, not giving in. I am a good partner for a dimensional defender, an attacker, I can hedge.

- Is the half-year break in the game connected only with injury?

- The injury interfered most of all, then its consequences. On December 29, I went to the exit and felt that I could not play. My back is a problematic place, before that it hurt as a child. Perhaps the structure of the body is such, I did not properly swing my back in training, or a pause had to be given in due time. As the injury passed, the playoffs had already begun, the clip was completed, the roster was played.

- When you don't play for half a year, what do you think about?

- Awful emotions. Four years ago, I also missed almost three months. You continue to work with less workload and spend time with friends and family.

- You have not played a match in the playoffs. Do you feel like a champion?

- Honestly? No, I wanted to play. Yes, there is a small contribution of mine, I played in the regular season, helped to get into the playoffs, but the feeling that I am a champion, no, beating myself in the chest, shouting that I won the Gagarin Cup - there is no such thing. I drank from the Cup, I got positive emotions, but the “KHL champion” did not put a tick for himself.

- Two years ago, experts praised Musin, now it seems that progress has slowed down. What is this, complacency?

- I won't say, it's just that this season has been crumpled up. In the summer he was treated, back problems began in June. The preseason passed in a short time. I didn’t run without deadlifts. This all affects. In the summer, the base is laid for the entire season, so that it is not enough for two or three months, but for the whole year.

- And last season?

- I am satisfied with the last season, it is even, there has been progress. Certainly better than the one before last, when I played little at all, for a few minutes. Then another injury, the playoffs had just begun - we were eliminated from Salavat. I didn't have time to play.

- In the KHL there is a limit for young people. Didn't think that a place in the squad is guaranteed by the league rules?

- No, I should have been sent to Orsk, the South Ural team, there was a familiar coach, Kirdyashov. And then suddenly Valiev was drafted, he went overseas, I got a call: run to get the Schengen visa, go with the team to the first training camp and to the pre-season tournament in Riga. Passed training camp with the first team, went to Nizhny Novgorod- there Zakharchuk and Tokranov got injured. Paigin and I have already played in Riga. We liked Bilyaletdinov, and he decided to leave us.

- Do you remember the first conversation with Bilyaletdinov?

- Before the season two years ago, he gathered young people, five or seven people, and said: everything is in your hands, prove your place in the team with your work, hard work.

- Bilyaletdinov helped in the first year, prompted?

- Paigin and I sometimes came up to us and said what we need to work more on: skating, improving the pass. He told me how to play in this or that situation, here there was an attack, here we can go actively or vice versa, you need to play from the middle, move forward. At school this was also explained, but here it is clearer, more detailed, very clear. But after the first year he does not behave like that, he is stricter.

- Is it possible to train such basic things for an adult hockey player?

- There are no limits to perfection, you can lead the training in different ways, improve the base. Now, because of my back, I will not go in for skating, only the gym, and for two years in a row I went to training camps in Belarus, where they paid much attention to skating. We studied with coach Dmitry Ostapenko, in a small town, first in Minsk, then in the wilderness. Ostapenko studied skating with Max Ivanov, the Pittsburgh coach.

- How much are these fees?

- If abroad, for example in Europe, in Switzerland, then about 300 thousand. In Russia, Belarus - from 100 to 150.15 days. Not very cheap but worth it.


- Bilyaletdinov returned in 2014. How much has changed play style in four years?

- The roll has become more aggressive, more effective. Now, if the opponent is not actively playing, we can help the attackers. This was not the case before. We control the shifts, try to catch the opponent during the shift. If it doesn’t work, then it’s already on rollback, we don’t spend extra energy. It's easier this way, the opponent is lost, and our three attackers crash into the zone. And there already, if a clean pass, a dangerous moment. With the first attackers, we play more aggressively in our zone, the second insures, he has a universal role. The central one is more in the area of ​​a penny, before this was not. The team has become more competent and stronger tactically.

- Who are these changes coming from? Does Bill himself invent them or Smirnov, Zavyalov?

- I think they are discussing in their coaching room how to play more efficiently, easier, what to improve.

- The most competent defender of Ak Bars in terms of tactics?

- Atte Okhtamaa. And the Finnish school is excellent, and he has world experience - world championships, European tours. I learned a lot from him, Narpimer block throws. He chooses a position so that the puck seems to fly towards him. Sits down so that the puck is always in the direction where he is. There is no such thing that does not pass by, through him. I, perhaps, did not have enough school, it did not always work out. And everything turned out to be so simple - you get down on your knees, put your hands, chest forward. And everything is blocked. Powerful does competently - this is also a skill. As Ovechkin at one time, Jagra took over - and left the puck to the team. Eventually winning goal.

- Miki Noronen's analyst comes out on our website. Is it read on the team?

- I personally - no, guys, I think, too. We have our own reviews, we don't read the press. If only some scandal. I remember: I come to training, and the guys ask me: “What did you say that? Where was it that your coach won't let you train? " I went to read it - indeed, some kind of nonsense has been written.

- By the age of 23 you have your first interview. A whole book on interviews can be written on Tkachev and Garipov. Why don't you talk to the press?

- I don't like it - that's all. Today I came for a conversation - they will find out my common position. And so ... What difference does it make if I go out or another?

- Punishments - part training process? Are there any punishments from Bilyaletdinov?

- From Bilyaletdinov - no, he has a professional approach. He can raise his voice, shout, but without humiliation.

- Investing money, investing?

- I'm trying to think about the future. I don’t want to invest in business, I have to live with it.

- How important is it for you to get into the national team?

- I think it's important for anyone. I've been thinking about it since I was 15, I got offers, but I was skated at the training camp at the last moment. Usually five fives are called, the last one is unhooked. For two years I was in the fifth five of this. Then, as I moved to the MHL, I became stronger. The level in the MHL is strikingly different from the Russian championship in years - there are already teams there and adults with strong guys. "Steel Foxes", "Reactor" with the Alshevskys. And I'm against them, 16-year-old boy. The JHL tempered me.

- Who takes patronage over the young in Ak Bars?

- In the first year, Evgeny Medvedev supervised me, no questions asked, he owes a lot to him and is grateful. He asked not to invent anything, help a partner, always work with his feet, open up.

- After Medvedev left, who took on the role of "uncle" for young people?

- Specifically, I will not single out anyone, there is no "toastmaster". The team is friendly, everyone helps, everyone communicates. There is definitely no hazing and other things. It happens that older guys do meetings without coaches, we discuss everything there. Before the playoffs we got together and decided that we would put off all our affairs and family in the background these two months. Need a Cup. The first word - for the captain, then - for the elders: Danis Zaripov, Andrey Markov, and then everyone can speak, if there is something to say, add. It's good, by the way, that they came, Zaripov and Markov. Zaripov gave a special spark to the team, Markov is a professional, he works very well. He has nothing superfluous, everything is simple, effective! I would have played like him - and that moment with Mozyakin would not have happened. Some of our team members began to come specially earlier to watch Markov's training, for example, Albert Yarullin.

- And you?

- I'm uncomfortable coming earlier. I can stay after training when work is going on in the gym.

- How does Bilyaletdinov feel about the team's internal initiatives?

- Positively.


- In Russia it is not customary to speak on ice. What do you think?

- Coaches ask, I try to speak, it's important. Even in training, they sometimes shout: "Musin, why are you silent?" It all starts with training.

- Did the Ak Bars defense coaches work with you separately? What have you taught?

Positional defense... They show a video on a laptop - here to play ahead, to go forward from the half-board, if you feel that you can. Read the game, do interceptions. In that spirit.

- Interceptions, good pass - how can you learn this, this is not a talent?

- More talent, but you can also learn. You need to know how your opponent is acting. In the first year I didn’t know anyone, I didn’t know who was playing, it was difficult. Now in the know. An experienced defense player always knows these things and predicts, this is the ability to read the game.

- The worst mistake in your life?

- In the past playoffs, when Mozyakin took the puck right off the hook. Master! I outplayed the shift, ate ate, wanted to give it to Glukhov, hesitated a little, and he was right there.

- How to neutralize Mozyakin?

- This should be asked from other guys, from champions, from those who played! They did it!

- What is the attitude of the team towards mistakes? Don't they bury it, don't they bury it?

- After the moment with Mozyakin, they did not say anything much. What's the point? I understood everything myself. In principle, there is no such pressure. One mistake is fine, it happens, but in a serious club no one will allow two or three mistakes in a row to be made. They won't go to the game, but you may not go to the next match.

- Is Bilyaletdinov always strict?

- No, he can joke and defuse the situation when needed.

- Who is your ideal hockey player?

- Of those who played for Ak Bars, Medvedev likes his style of play. I was equal to Okhtamaa, he is a pro. I remember Pervyshin, his dimensions were not the best, like me, but he covered it with his excellent vision of the site. From the world - Oliver Ekman-Larsson: skating, playing, seeing the playground, John Klingberg from Dallas: the dimensions are small, but what a stroke, what a skating, a throw! Drew Doughty I will note - everything is about the same.

Date of Birth: October 5, 1994.
Place of Birth: Kazan.
Growth: 181 centimeters. Weight: 84 kilograms.
Grip: left.
Career: Bars (Kazan, MHL / VHL) - 2010–2017; Irbis (Kazan, MHL-B) - 2012–2014; Ak Bars (Kazan) - 2014–2018; Sochi - since 2018.
Winner of the Gagarin Cup (2018).

19.07.2018 16:15 | BUSINESS Online

Damir Musin: "I needed changes"

Before leaving Kazan for Sochi, the defender of the “leopards” Damir Musin gave a long interview to the “Business Online” publication.


- Damir, when did you first start talking about Sochi?
- In fact, for a long time. I remember an agent called and said that Sochi was showing interest. We phoned Rashid Khabibullin, we had known each other for a long time. We discussed the role in the team, he made me understand that he was counting on me. This is the main thing. Still, I haven't played for half a year, I missed hockey.

- Doesn't the departure frighten you?
- I only have a positive attitude towards moving to Sochi. New city, new club, new challenge. Changes were needed - to change the environment, to get out of the comfort zone. Here are relatives, family, you know everything. And there you will need to keep the eggs in a fist. Nobody knows about me, you need to prove everything anew: through training, friendly games to get into the squad. I am totally in favor of the transition. There was no such thing that was sent without asking. There is no offense that they sent their pupil. There is no difference in big hockey, your own or not. Everything is fine.

- Don't you think that your exchange is an educational measure?
- I think they want to see how I show myself in non-greenhouse conditions. If I prove myself and prove myself, maybe I'll come back.

- Do you have a desire to return?
- I can't say yet how everything will turn out.

- Your friend Ziyat Paygin was leaving for Sochi. He decided not to return to Kazan. Does the team have any grudge against him?
- There is no offense, nothing like that, just hockey life. How it happened, it happened. I don’t know what happened, I didn’t elaborate, I just remember that Loko wanted to exchange him after Canada. On Cherepanov, not on Manukhov. Something didn't work out.

- Imagine the first workout. The coach asked what you know how to use you better. What is your reaction?
- In general, one should not answer such questions, but show on the ice. I myself consider the first pass to be my dignity. My dimensions are small for a defender - this is a minus, but by choosing a position I try to compensate for this. Winning the fight, playing hard, not giving in. I am a good partner for a dimensional defender, an attacker, I can hedge.

- Is the half-year break in the game connected only with injury?
- The injury interfered the most, then its consequences. On December 29, I went to the exit and felt that I could not play. My back is a problematic place, before that it hurt as a child. Perhaps the structure of the body is such, I did not properly pump my back during training, or a pause had to be given in due time. As the injury passed, the playoffs had already begun, the clip was complete, the squad was played.

- When you don't play for half a year, what do you think about?
- Awful emotions. Four years ago, I also missed almost three months. You continue to work with less workload and spend time with your friends and family.

- You have not played a match in the playoffs. Do you feel like a champion?
- Honestly? No, I wanted to play. Yes, there is also a small contribution of mine, I played in the regular season, helped to get into the playoffs, but there is no feeling that I am a champion. I will not beat myself in the chest with this, shout that I won Gagarin. I drank from the Cup, I got positive emotions, but the “KHL champion” did not put a tick for himself.

- Two years ago experts praised Musin. Now it seems that progress has slowed down. What is this, complacency?
- I won't say, it's just that this season has been crumpled up. In the summer he was treated, back problems began in June. The preseason passed in a short time. I didn’t run without deadlifts. This all affects, because in the summer the base is laid for the entire season, so that not for two or three months is enough, but for the whole year.

- And last season?
- I'm happy with the last season. Then there was progress, everything went smoothly. Certainly better than the one before last, when I played little at all, just a few minutes. Then another injury, when the playoffs had just begun and we were eliminated from Salavat. I didn't have time to play.

- In the KHL there is a limit for young people. Didn't think that a place in the squad is guaranteed by the league rules?
- No, I should have been sent to Orsk to the South Ural team, then the coach Kirdyashov was there, too. And then suddenly Valiev was drafted, he went overseas and I got a call - run to get the Schengen visa, go with the team to the first training camp and to the pre-season tournament in Riga. I went through training camps with the first team, went to Nizhny Novgorod - there Zakharchuk and Tokranov were injured. Paigin and I have already played in Riga. We liked Bilyaletdinov, and he decided to leave us.

- Do you remember the first conversation with Bilyaletdinov?
- Before the season two years ago, he gathered young people, five - seven, and said that everything is in our hands. Prove with your work and hard work that you deserve a place in the squad.

- Bilyaletdinov helped in the first year, prompted?
- Paigin and I sometimes came up to us and said what we need to work more on: skating, improving the pass. It tells you how to play in this or that situation, here there was an attack, here we can go actively or vice versa, you need to play from the middle, move forward. At school this was also explained, but here it is clearer, more detailed, very clear. But after the first year he does not behave like that, he is stricter.

- Is it possible to train such basic things for an adult hockey player?
- There are no limits to perfection, you can lead the training in different ways, improve the base. Now, because of my back, I will not go in for skating, only the gym, and for two years in a row I went to training camps in Belarus, where they paid a lot of attention to skating. The coach Dmitry Ostapenko taught first in Minsk, then in a small town, in the wilderness. Ostapenko learned from Max Ivanov, the Pittsburgh skating coach.

- How much are these fees?
- If abroad, for example, in Switzerland, then about 300 thousand. In Russia, Belarus from 100 to 150.15 days. Not very cheap but worth it.


- Bilyaletdinov returned in 2014. How much has your playing style changed in four years?
- The roll has become more aggressive, more effective. Now, if the opponent is not playing actively, we can help the attackers. This was not the case before. We control the shifts, at the shift we try to catch the opponent, if it doesn’t come out, then we’re already on the rollback, we don’t spend extra strength. It's easier this way, the opponent is lost and our three attackers crash into the zone. And there is already a clean pass if - a dangerous moment. With the first attackers, we play more aggressively in our zone, the second insures, he has a universal role. The central one is more in the area of ​​the patch, before this was not the case either. The team became more competent and stronger tactically.

- Who are these changes coming from? Does Bill himself invent them or Smirnov, Zavyalov?
- I think they are discussing in the coaching room how it is more effective, easier to play, what to improve.

- The most competent defender of Ak Bars in terms of tactics?
- Atte Okhtamaa. And the Finnish school is excellent, and he has world experience - world championships, Eurotours. I learned a lot from him, blocking throws, for example. He chooses a position so that the puck seems to fly towards him. Sits down so that the puck is always in the direction where it is. There is no such thing to pass by, through it. I, perhaps, did not have enough school, it did not always work out. And everything is just as it turned out - you kneel down, put your arms out, chest forward. And everything is blocked. Power does competently - this is also a skill. As Ovechkin at one time, Jagra took over - and left the puck to the team. As a result - the winning goal.

- Miki Noronen's analyst comes out on our website. Is it read on the team?
- I personally - no. Guys, I think, too. We have our own reviews, we don't read the press. If only some scandal. I remember coming to training, and the guys ask me - what did you say that? Where was it that your coach won't let you train? I went to read it - indeed, some kind of nonsense has been written.

- By the age of 23 you have your first interview. A whole book on interviews can be written on Tkachev and Garipov. Why don't you talk to the press?
- I don’t like that. Today I came for a conversation, they will find out my common position. And so ... What difference does it make if I go out or another?

- Are punishments part of the training process? Are there any punishments from Bilyaletdinov?
- From Bilyaletdinov not, he has a professional approach. He can raise his voice, shout, but without humiliation.

- Investing money, investing?
- I'm trying to think about the future. I don’t want to invest in business, I have to live with it.

- How important is it for you to get into the national team?
- I think it's important for anyone. I have been thinking about it since I was 15, I received offers, but I was skated at the training camp at the last moment. Usually five fives are called, the last one is unhooked. For two years I was in the fifth five of this. Then he became stronger, as he moved to the MHL. The level in the MHL is strikingly different from the Russian championship in years, there are already teams there and adults with strong guys. "Steel Foxes", "Reactor" with the Alshevskys. And I'm against them, 16-year-old boy. The JHL tempered me.

- Who takes patronage over the young in Ak Bars?
- In the first year, Evgeny Medvedev supervised me, no questions asked, owes him a lot and is grateful. He asked not to invent anything, help a partner, always work with his feet, open up.

- After Medvedev left, who took on the role of "uncle" for young people?
- Specifically, I will not single out anyone, there is no "toastmaster". The team is friendly, everyone helps, everyone communicates. There is definitely no hazing and other things. It happens that older guys do meetings without coaches, we will discuss everything there. Before the playoffs, we got together and decided that all our affairs, the family should be taken into the background for these two months. Need a Cup. The first word for the captain, then for the elders - Danis Zaripov, Andrey Markov. And then everyone can speak, if they have something to say, add. It's good, by the way, that Zaripov and Markov came.

Zaripov gave a special spark to the team, Markov is a professional, he works very well. He has nothing superfluous, everything is simple, effective! I would have played like him, and that moment with Mozyakin would not have happened. Some of our team members began to come earlier to watch Markov's training. Albert Yarullin, for example.

- And you?
- I'm uncomfortable coming earlier. I can stay after training when work is going on in the gym.

- How does Bilyaletdinov feel about the team's internal initiatives?
- Positively.


- In Russia it is not customary to speak on ice. What do you think?
- Coaches ask, I try to speak. It is important. Even in training, sometimes they shout: "Musin, why are you silent!" It all starts with training.

- Did the Ak Bars defense coaches work with you separately? What have you taught?
- Positional defense. They show a video on a laptop - here to be ahead of the curve, there to go half-board ahead, if you feel that you can. Read the game, do interceptions. In that spirit.

- Interceptions, good pass - how can you learn this, this is not a talent?
- More talent, but you can also learn. You need to know how your opponent is acting. In the first year, I did not know anyone who played how, and it was difficult. Now in the know. An experienced defense player always knows these things and predicts, this is the ability to read the game.

- The worst mistake in your life?
- In the past playoffs, when Mozyakin took the puck right off the hook. Master! I outplayed the shift, ate ate, wanted to give it to Glukhov, hesitated a little, and he was right there.

- How to neutralize Mozyakin?
- This should be asked from other guys, from the champions, who played! They did it!

- What is the attitude of the team towards mistakes? Don't they bury it, don't they bury it?
- After the moment with Mozyakin, they did not say anything much - the point, I understood everything myself. In principle, there is no such pressure. One mistake - nothing, it happens, but in a serious club, no one will allow two or three mistakes in a row to be made. They won't go to the game, but you may not go to the next match.

- Is Bilyaletdinov always strict?
- No, he can joke and defuse the situation when needed.

- Who is your ideal hockey player?
- Of those who played for Ak Bars, Medvedev likes his style of play. I was equal to Okhtamaa, he is a pro. I remember Pervyshin, his dimensions, like mine, were not the best, but with his excellent vision of the site, he covered it up. From the world - Oliver Ekman-Larsson: skating, playing, seeing the site, John Klingberg from Dallas: the dimensions are small, but what a stroke, what a skating, a throw! Drew Doughty I will note - everything is about the same.

Expert-researcher of the Center for Civil Analysis and Independent Research "GRANI"

She has three years of teaching experience as an assistant at the Department of State and Municipal Administration of the Perm State National Research University.

Specialization: activities of government bodies, administrative reform, state and municipal services, support for SO NPOs;

Experience of participation in research projects

2012 Study of the quality of implementation of the requirements of the Standard for the activities of executive bodies of a constituent entity Russian Federation to ensure a favorable investment climate in 11 (eleven) constituent entities of the Russian Federation

2010 - FAS Russia - "Development and use of methodological tools for public monitoring of the activities of FAS Russia to obtain a public assessment of the priorities and results of the activities of the TU FAS Russia to suppress anti-competitive actions of government bodies and local authorities"

2010 - 2011 Advising local authorities on setting up work with NGOs within the framework of the project "Expanding the Sphere of Transparency and Civil Engagement at the Local Level in the Perm Territory"

2010 - State University - Higher School of Economics, Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - "Research and analysis of the quality of the provision of complex public services, individual public services for business and citizens."

2009 Consulting services for the formation guidelines for a trial implementation of individual measures from a set of measures to create a favorable institutional environment in the Republic of Kazakhstan for small and medium-sized businesses

2009 - FAS Russia - “Development and use of methodological tools for public monitoring of the activities of the antimonopoly body, conducted by public advisory councils and invited experts. Integrated independent assessment of the degree of focus of the antimonopoly authority on the needs of an external user (applicant, parties to the case) "

2009 - Ministry of Economic Development of the Russian Federation - "Research and Analysis of the Application of Administrative Regulations for the Execution of State Functions and the Provision of Public Services"

2008 - State University - Higher School of Economics, Ministry of Economic Development and Trade of the Russian Federation - "Monitoring the implementation and enforcement of administrative regulations for the execution of state functions (provision of public services) by passing a test purchase and holding public hearings (focus groups)"

Developed (editor and co-author) with the support of the Department of Philosophy of Civic Education of the Perm Regional Institute for Advanced Training of Educators, a collection of elective courses for profile and pre-profile classes of secondary schools.

2005 - 2006 - Ethno-cultural adaptation of immigrants in the Perm region, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation;

2006 - 2007 - Ethnic business in the life of migrant communities in the Perm region, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation;

2007 - 2008 - The Social Structure of Immigrant Communities in the Perm Territory: A Comparative Analysis ”, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation;

2007 - 2008 - Models of multiculturalism in Western countries: lessons for Russia, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation;

2008 - 2009 - Ethno-cultural policy of Russian regions: in search of effective models, Russian Humanitarian Science Foundation

Advised local self-government bodies of the Perm Territory in 2009 - 2012 on the organization of assessment by citizens and representatives of NGOs of the quality of state and municipal government (including in the city of Berezniki, Chaikovsky, Solikamsk, etc.) municipal services with the participation of NGOs and citizens (including for the preparation of the Perm civil report "On the quality of government").

Carried out press monitoring for the department for interaction with local government bodies Legislative Assembly Perm region.


Musin D. Are other cultures interesting // Uchitelskaya Gazeta. No. 26 (10159). 26.06.2007. (Internet publication address http://www.ug.ru/issues/?action=topic&toid=7597)

Musin D. Cross-border interregional cooperation: underestimated opportunities // Modern political realities: the view of young researchers. Collection of reports of the All-Russian scientific conference students and postgraduates, Perm, April 19-20, 2007 Perm, 2007. P. 80 - 82.

Musin D.A., Vasilenko Yu.V. Regional models of enocultural policy as a subject of comparative analysis // "ARS ADMINISTRANDI" ("The Art of Management"). 2010. No. 1. S. 44 - 59.

Musin D.A. Ethnocultural policy in the Perm Territory: the experience of harmonizing interethnic relations // "ARS ADMINISTRANDI" ("The Art of Management"). 2010. No. 2. S. 97 - 113.

Musin D.A. Ethno-cultural policy in the Krasnodar Territory: the experience of transformation // "ARS ADMINISTRANDI" ("The Art of Management"). 2011. No. 1. S. 51 - 74.

Musin D.A. Ethno-cultural policy in the Republic of Tatarstan: hidden ethnocentrism in the conditions of declared multiculturalism // “ARS ADMINISTRANDI” (“The Art of Management”). 2011. No. 4. S. 71 - 88.

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