Crossover exercise on the block. Crossover - Isolate Chest Exercise

Crossover Reduction is an isolating exercise on the lower chest that focuses on the lower chest. Those who want to have a nice "separation" of the pectoral muscle from the press should do it at the end of the workout. Crossover kneading can be done with either the top attachment of the block system or the bottom to engage the muscles at different angles. The movement is sometimes replaced by work in loops or with rubber, but for the classic "builder" undercut of the pectoral muscle, this movement is considered indispensable. The exercise is available to both beginners and professionals and can be performed by both men and women.

It is important to determine where the handles are attached. Tall athletes can fix the block system on the uppermost fixator; with an average height, it makes sense to lower it so that at the upper point of arm extension, the shoulders are not locked in an uncomfortable position, and the athlete does not lose control of the core and chest muscles. If the athlete "throws up" while moving, he has chosen the wrong height of the retainer.

The handles are curved or D-shaped. If there are no such handles in the gym, you can put on two round clips, and perform a movement with a slight resistance by gripping the round clips.

Taking the starting position, it is important not to injure yourself. First, they grab one handle and bring it to the belt, then the second, after which you need to position the body in the center of the crossover so that the cables are stretched equally. A stable stand "in scissors", or on two legs in a slope is allowed, it does not matter.

The exercise is bringing your hands together in front of you, at waist level. During work, you should deliberately strain the chest muscles, and do not relax them for as long as possible, spreading your arms to the sides towards the block mechanisms.

All repetitions must be performed in the same manner so that the athlete does not change the trajectory of movement. Deepening of the back slope is not allowed. It is often written that it should be strictly at 45 degrees, but this is not the case, the depth of the slope is determined anatomical features athlete, and cannot be deeper than 45 degrees. A straight upright stand is also not allowed. Otherwise, options are possible that will allow the athlete to work out the muscles more efficiently.

There are technical issues that are best avoided:

  • Cheating by corps... You are not in the Teddy Beard video, avoid swings as they can injure shoulder joints, even if the athlete does not feel pain and discomfort during the swing;
  • Active pushing with hands... Bodybuilding differs from weightlifting in that it loves controlled exercise. By pushing weights, we can lift more, but the purpose of the movement is not to set the gym record for block machines.
  • "Running" around the perimeter with your feet... It is worth standing up once so that the position of the body is firm and not changing it, as "jogging" can cause loss of shoulder stability and cause injury;
  • Head nods... It is unpleasant when the neck gets stuck during exercise. And it is even more frustrating when this "wonderful" feeling is accompanied by a shoulder injury. Therefore, excessive tension of the trapezoid and nods must be excluded. If you need to nod your head at all costs, the weight is wrong, it's too big. Again, the weight must be selected so that there is no need to make additional and unnecessary movements of the body and head.
  • "Breakdown" at the start... A jerk with your arms can injure both the shoulder and elbow joints;
  • Rigidly "inserted" elbows at the start of the movement... This can cause overstretching of the ligaments. elbow joint and cause injury;
  • Constantly sticking out the same leg forward can lead to imbalances in the hip joint.

Execution options

The exercise reminds everyone of the well-known "wiring" with dumbbells, only instead of dumbbells, the handles of the crossover are taken in hand. The ropes are attached to the lower part of the anchorage sector so that the athlete's arms do not "twist" when accepting the starting position. The bench can be horizontal or inclined, this is devoid of fundamental importance. It is believed that on incline bench the pectorals work more, but this is subjective and depends on the physique.

The bench is located strictly in the center, the athlete lies down on it, the assistant gives the handles to the level of the center of the chest. Further, the movement resembles the usual "wiring" with dumbbells, the arms are directed to the sides, and are reduced to the center at the level of the middle of the chest. It is not necessary to allow an unnaturally large amplitude so as not to dislocate the shoulder joint.

Actually, they resemble the option with a split, only you need to stand up straight, and do not put your feet in a split. The body leans forward, the arms are lowered, the pectoral muscles are strained, the work is done by contracting the chest.

This movement requires a little more work from the anterior deltoid side. You need to perform the exercise by attaching the handles to the bottom of the crossover. Then the athlete takes a step forward and brings the arms to chest level. This is followed by mechanical reduction of the handles at the mid-chest level. The pectoral muscles are contracted at the point of maximum tension.

Parsing the exercise

Anatomy of Exercise - Which Muscles Are Working

The main target group is the lower pectoralis bundle. The muscles of the back and core work as stabilizers, helping the movement of the anterior deltas, serratus, and pectoralis minor.


This is a completely isolating exercise. It does not allow you to engage the triceps, which means it is suitable for those who bench press a lot and considers the bench press their priority. The movement allows you to work out the pectorals without much stress on the stabilizers and biceps, allows you to take a more significant amplitude, stretch the muscles so as to shorten them as much as possible. The exercise is variable enough to avoid increased stress on the elbows, shoulders, biceps. It helps to work out the muscle along its entire length and allows you not to exclude the lower pectoral bundle from work.


  • Not all halls are equipped with a crossover, and there is not always access to it. This is a popular car and can be busy all the time during rush hour;
  • Movement cannot help build muscle if it is done alone. Needed basic exercises in addition to working in the crossover

Usually, the crossover is not the first movement in a workout, nor is it used as a pre-fatigue exercise for the chest muscles. The training starts from the base, and only at the end the athlete comes to block trainer to work out the bottom of the chest.

This means that articular warm-up is not needed, it is enough to perform a couple of approaches with low weight.

  • Exercise one-joint - work is done only in the shoulder joint;
  • Cheating and body swings are excluded;
  • The elbows in the upper phase should not be raised to the ears, they are in the plane of the shoulder;
  • The muscles must be consciously tense, as if "bringing" the weight to the desired position;
  • You can't throw your head back, look at the ceiling, you should relax your neck and look forward;
  • Need to use stable position case, best of all - a rack in scissors;
  • The work takes place along an elliptical or arcuate trajectory. You should not "throw your arms", bending them at the elbows;
  • The reduction is performed approximately at the level of the waist;
  • It can be assumed that the athlete uses a small weight, but not - jerks and jerks along the trajectory, and relaxed hands when lowering the weight;
  • You need to try to deliberately exclude the work of the muscles of the trapezium.

Muscle contraction is performed on exhalation, exhalation on effort is the main rule when performing strength exercises.


  • "Different" movements, when the athlete bends his arms at the elbows in the first repetition, in the second he changes the position of the body, and carries the weight in different ways;
  • Body swings to help with weight work;
  • Throwing weight;
  • Relaxed and rounded back;
  • "Inserted" straight elbows

Most often, bodybuilders advise deliberately reducing the pectorals at the lowest point. This can be achieved due to a small isometry, and that, in turn, by slightly turning the palms towards each other at the bottom point of the exercise.

You can achieve maximum isolation and completely eliminate cheating by kneeling down. This option starting position will allow the athlete to completely eliminate body swings.

If you need to shift the emphasis to the top of the chest, you need to bring your arms higher. This can be achieved both by changing the angle of inclination of the case, and by changing the mount.

If you work "crosswise", leading one hand behind the other in the lower part of the amplitude, then you can achieve a strong muscle contraction without changing the amplitude.

Inclusion in the program

This exercise can be the only one on the chest, only if it comes about training women with breast implants. All other athletes should perform the movement at the end of the workout, after basic, and other isolation exercises.

Usually it is performed in the mode of 12-15 repetitions in 3-4 sets, and the warm-up is not considered work. The exercise is not performed with a lot of weight, so the rest can be quite short, on the order of a minute between sets.


The only contraindication to this exercise is an unhealed tear or tear of the pectoral muscle. In all other cases, you can carefully follow the information. If there is a rotator cuff injury, it may be necessary for some time to completely eliminate the load on the chest, including work in the crossover.

How to replace the convergence of hands in a crossover

From the point of view of biomechanics, a complete replacement is bringing the hands together with rubber bands... But from the point of view of muscle work, this is an incomplete replacement, since resistance bands give resistance differently than blocks. They allow you to contract the muscles harder at the peak point, but allow you to relax while lowering the weight.

Crossover mixing - classic exercise bodybuilding, and every athlete should do it right.

Friends, hello everyone. In today's article, I will tell you from A to Z, about the crossover exercise (or as it is also called "Reduction of hands on block trainers".

What it is, what exactly is it aimed at (muscles involved), what are the OPTIONS (variations) of this exercise, what are the special subtleties and secrets when performing this exercise, and in general I will tell you how to do it correctly (technique) + what are the special nuances (technical points to which it is important to pay attention), I will also tell you about the PROS (advantages) and CONS (disadvantages) of this exercise, at the end we will talk about the main mistakes of most people when performing this exercise .. well, etc. those. along the way, I will try to raise all sorts of questions regarding this exercise (and, accordingly, give full answers to them, without lies and falsehoods). Well, let's get started.

Immediately demonstrating this exercise in reality (so that you understand what is at stake):

Exercise: Crossover (mixing hands on the block)

Reduction of arms on the block (crossover) is (i.e. not basic, pay attention to this), this exercise does not build muscle mass pectoral muscles, on the contrary, it forms them (i.e. this is a formative exercise for the chest), this means that IF YOUR GOAL IS MASS (increase in the size of the pectoral muscles), then this exercise will not work for you, in this case, you need to perform BASIC EXERCISES (in in our case, this is (it is they who are designed for this, i.e., for hypertrophy (muscle growth)), but when you have already gained meat (enough muscle mass) on the muscles of the chest, you can think about how to give this meat (on the muscles of the chest) some form (look), well, you understand this formative exercise, in terms of increasing muscle volumes, it doesn’t give a nifiga.

The crossover on the block, as you understand, is PERFORMED IN THE BLOCK SIMULATOR (special), which is only in gyms(fitness clubs), i.e. do this exercise at home, you have no such opportunity, as you understand, but only a major who has a huge apartment area can buy this simulator specifically for his home, and in general, why hell knows ... something me skidded in the wrong place .. In short, outwardly the simulator consists of two vertical posts, which are connected from above by a frame, on these vertical posts there are adjustable weights (tiles) moving on cables. At the other ends of the cables (above) there are handles that athletes pick up to perform crossovers. This is how this device looks like:

The simulator in which the crossover exercise is performed

P.s. Block crossovers can be used as an alternative<= переходите по ссылке (почитайте про это упражнение), т.е. это я к тому, что многие люди задаются вопросом, а чем заменить КРОССОВЕРЫ НА БЛОКЕ или наоборот НА ЧТО ЗАМЕНИТЬ РАЗВОДКУ С ГАНТЕЛЯМИ ЛЕЖА?… Чаще всего таки люди не обладают достаточным кол-вом мяса (мышечной массы) на грудных мышцах, они либо новички либо среднего уровня подготовленности, а уже задрачивают эти кроссоверы и т.д. ищут ответы на что бы их заменить и т.д. это идиотизм, как по мне (я уже рассказывал выше, это упражнение не подходит для набора, оно формирующее), а те люди, которые уже набрали приличное кол-во мяса и САМИ ЗНАЮТ, что и как им выполнять, на что заменить это упражнение и т.д. надеюсь, вы меня поняли.

As for the muscles involved in this exercise, as you probably already understood (guessed it), ONLY THE SHOULDER JOINT WORKS (i.e. pectoral muscles), THE ELBOW JOINT DOES NOT WORK IN THIS MOVEMENT (triceps does not work), what does it give us? => We have the opportunity to fully focus on the development of the pectoral muscles (and purposefully use them).

P.s. if you have already built up meat on your breasts, and want to try something new in your training or give your breasts a shape (look), then in principle you can add this exercise to your complex, however, remember: this exercise is performed at the end of the workout, AGAIN THE SAME AFTER BASIC EXERCISES (BASIC) such as incline press barbells and incline dumbbell press .., you can read the main article where I give recommendations for TRAINING OF THE BREAST MUSCLES =><= переходите по ссылке (рекомендую), там я подробно рассказываю и показываю и даже есть примеры тренировочных программ мышц груди. В общем, если и выполняем данное упражнение, то только в конце после основных базовых движений, ни в коем случае не ставим его в начало комплекса (многие умники на своих гавноресурсах рекомендуют делать в начале тренировки, не слушайте эту чушь).

Crossover options

This exercise has a ton of options ... let's do a complete classification.

First, the exercise can be performed depending on how high or low you lower the side arms (with which you perform the movement), i.e. YOU CAN DO THE CLASSIC HANDS (from the top, when the handles are placed at the top), YOU CAN DO THE BOTTOM (when the handles are placed at the bottom), also (very rarely, but in some halls) there is the OPPORTUNITY TO EXIT THE HANDLE STILL and IN THE MIDDLE (horizontally) depending on which option you choose, there will be a load on the various parts of your pectoral muscles. Here is a photo below showing the crossover performance on the top and bottom blocks:

Crossover from the upper block and crossover from the lower block

At the initial stage, I recommend that you bring your hands from the top (this is when the handles are placed at the top), then when you relax, you can try another option (well, for example, from the lower blocks), the professionals decide for themselves what and how to do it.

Secondly, the exercise can be performed depending on where you will bring your hands, and how you will stand (in the starting position). Those. STANDING IN THE STARTING POSITION IS POSSIBLE IN DIFFERENTLY (someone stands almost upright, someone makes a slight forward bend, someone in general is almost cancer). Do you understand? Here is a photo showing how you can stand while doing the crossover exercise:

Tilt the body forward in a crossover exercise

You can bring your hands together IN DIFFERENTLY, someone BROWS CLOSER TO YOURSELF DOWN (in order to focus on the bottom of your chest) (photo above # 1), someone brings FORWARD (with a slight tilt of the body) (photo above # 2), someone then it brings the body down very much (as if it becomes cancer) and makes the wiring (photo below # 3). All this (small changes) shift the load on different parts of the chest muscles, at the initial stage, I recommend doing either slightly with a tilt forward or generally becoming cancer and bringing your hands forward, it is important to feel, do it, learn then you yourself can choose the most comfortable and maximal effective starting position for yourself.

Thirdly, the exercise can be performed BOTH WITH ONE HAND, and BOTH AT ONCE.

Exercise: Crossover (can be done with one or two hands).

In my opinion, this is already some kind of pun (for such an exercise), it makes no sense to work with one hand (someone proves that I feel better this way, the amplitude is greater, etc.), as for me this is nonsense, this is an isolating exercise which is performed at the end of the workout in order to maximize load (finish off) tired chest, no more. There is no universal advice, but at the initial stage I recommend performing this exercise with both hands (at once) as expected, in the future you can try as you please, the professionals decide for themselves what and how to do it.

Fourthly, the exercise can be performed both STANDING and SITTING, and Lying (lying on a horizontal or inclined benches), and standing on KNEES ..

Well, you have seen a standing crossover a hundred times, but sitting and lying still never, therefore, see below the photo of performing a crossover while sitting / lying on the horizon. incline benches:

Exercise: sitting crossover

Exercise: Crossover on a horizontal bench

Exercise: Crossover Incline Bench

In general, the darkness is dark. All this allows you to work out the chest muscles from different angles and intensify the approaches. There is no universal advice, I do not recommend being smart, at the initial stage, do it while standing (as expected), and then you can try various variations, and the professionals decide for themselves what and how to do it.

Crossover technique

This exercise is very difficult in terms of execution technique, it only at first glance may seem that everything is quite easy and simple, however, this is not so, I assure you. So, let's begin.

Go to a special simulator (the one I showed you above), and on each side of the double block (left and right sides), set the optimal weight of the weights (for a start, put a small one, 10-15 kilograms will be quite enough, then, when you study everything 100% technician, you can add weight if necessary). After you have set the required weight (from TWO SIDES), attach the HANDLES to the hook (up), again from TWO SIDES. Here's what the crossover handles look like below:

Handles for performing crossovers

After you have done all this, we proceed to the exercise. It is very important at the very beginning of your journey, to learn to GET HANDLING AND START ON THE CENTER OF THE CONSTRUCTION CORRECTLY. To do this, you need to go first to one side (I usually go to the left first, i.e. I grab the handle with my left hand and pull towards myself and at the same time help with my right hand (hold) and move to the right side by taking with my right hand by the right handle, after which I go to the center and slightly forward (so that I would be in the center of the simulator and so that my pectorals were slightly stretched), with all this it is important that your body is symmetrical (that is, very often many recommend put one leg forward and the other back so that balance is maintained), I do not recommend doing this because the balance is disturbed (the level of strength on the left and right sides changes), so I recommend that you make sure that your body is completely symmetrical ( i.e. SHOULDERS, PELVES and FEET), only in this case you will be able to create an optimally symmetrical load IN THE LEFT AND RIGHT SIDE OF THE BREASTS.

The starting position in the crossover exercise is CORRECT and NOT FULLY CORRECT

However, many people, IN PRINCIPLE, CANNOT perform this exercise symmetrically (i.e. they take a decent weight, and their balance is disturbed, they are pulled back), they cannot normally stand still, and they have to put one leg forward, in this In this case, I would recommend you 1 APPROACH, let's put the left LEG, and the 2nd approach RIGHT (so you create a balance for yourself, so that both sides of the chest are worked out with the same force). Therefore, do not be discouraged, there is always a way out J

THE PHOTO ABOVE (demonstrates) the correct and not quite correct execution of the exercise, THIS IS YOUR STARTING POSITION (however, there is an error, the arms are already down, and should be on top, if this is the starting position, I just did not find a normal photo in order to demonstrate to you this), here is the original hand position:

starting position of the hands in the crossover exercise

But I found a normal photo (see below):

starting position of the whole body in a crossover exercise

I repeat (in short), took the handles in the right way, went to the center of the simulator, took a step forward (+ - in order to stretch the pectoral muscles), the body with all this is ideally symmetrical (i.e. the deltas, pelvis and feet are symmetrical), well, if cannot then one leg forward the other from behind (but in this case 1 approach left leg, another approach right leg, i.e. change legs so that there is a balance of power on that and that side of the chest), the back is even and the body is tilted forward (not deep down, as if with cancer, although it is possible and so, slightly downward slope, as shown in the photo above).<= если вы все сделали правильно, то рукояти с тросом разведены по бокам до легкого чувства растяжения грудных мышц, а локти чуть подсогнуты и находятся позади Вас. ЭТО ИСХОДНОЕ ПОЛОЖЕНИЕ.

Next, we begin to drive our arms at the lowest point, for this we bring the crossover handles to the center of the body along a wide arc, as soon as the arms reach the center, stay in this state for 2-3 seconds (contract the chest muscles, feel them), and then slowly under control return along the same arc to the starting position until a slight stretch in the chest muscles. That's all. This is how the bottom position looks like, i.e. when you bring your hands together at the bottom:

Bottom position in crossover exercise

Make sure that the movement occurs only in the shoulder joint, the arms and trunk should remain motionless. After all this, repeat the planned number of repetitions, and approaches. Regarding the number of repetitions and approaches, everything is as always individual, usually I always recommend 3-4 approaches in 6-12 repetitions. Why I always recommend this way, you can read in the main articles (learn about all this in more detail), here they are => and, BUT SPECIFICALLY IN THIS EXERCISE I RECOMMEND a little more repetitions, 12-15.

Human mistakes when doing this exercise

Do not round your back while doing this exercise. Here, see the photo below (it should not be so), on the contrary, the back should be flat:

Don't round your back when doing crossover

Do not press your elbows against your torso when doing this exercise. Here is the photo below (this is not correct):

Do not press your elbows to the torso when performing a crossover

Avoid too strong bending of the arms at the elbows:

too much bending of the elbows

Many people, working in this exercise at a too fast (so to speak, at random) pace, brought it down at the bottom point from any way, did not linger, did not contract the muscles, and somehow returned to the top point .. you don’t need to do this, you need to vice versa do everything slowly under control without any impulsive movements, at the bottom point we must linger squeezing the pectoral muscles for 2-3 seconds, then slowly stretch the chest muscles to the top point.

Do not chase weight in this exercise. NEVER!!! It is not basic, it does not build muscle, it IS ISOLATING (it shapes your pectorals), so use weights that allow you to do the exercise perfectly correctly, otherwise, you will either not do the exercise correctly, or get injured, or both. Do you need it? ...

This concludes this issue, I hope you were INTERESTING and KNOWLEDGE.

For dessert - a video: a visual, moreover, an explanatory demonstration of this exercise:

Best regards, administrator.

(4 estimates, average: 5,00 out of 5)

The wide variety of fitness equipment today delights many strength training enthusiasts. Crossover is one of the most popular exercises among bodybuilders, which is performed on two block type simulators at once.

With the help of the exercise of convergence of hands in a crossover, you can actively influence the inner and lower part of the pectoral muscles, the deltas and triceps are also partially loaded. Already the first few trainings will demonstrate the result.

Execution technique

Crossover driving does not require any special technical skills.

When performing them, you should adhere to the following provisions:

  1. Place yourself among two block devices: legs apart, hands on the cable handles, spread apart, the back is slightly tilted forward, the pelvis is abducted, support on a full foot.
  2. Perform information to the level of the hips, with fixation for a few seconds at the bottom and chest tension. At the same time, the pelvis, back and legs remain motionless.
  3. You should return to the starting position smoothly, without sudden movements.
  4. Move downward on exhalation, upward on inhalation. The arms should not be straightened; there should be a constant bend in the elbows.
  5. After the end, the handles are released alternately.

This is the classic version, but there are variations. For example, doing it on your knees. This method is important to use if you want to learn how to properly contract and isolate the muscles of the chest. For a change, you can try to perform information from a lying or sitting position.

There are several technical tricks that will add to the effectiveness of the influence.

It is worth remembering that the weight of the weights plays an important role, but the effectiveness of the influence will depend on the form of execution, namely on the amplitude of movements and the strength of tension at the lowest point when the arms are brought together. Rational technique does not provide for any impulsive, only controlled movements. Hands should move synchronously at an angle to the body, and constantly stay in the same plane.

Exercise is similar to the one on the stomach, but it provides more significant chest tension, which means it trains them better.

Another advantage is that there is no need for partner insurance, working in this mode is completely safe if all technical requirements are met.

Typical mistakes when performing downmix on a crossover are:

  • excessive inclination of the body, "rounding" of the back; (similar to )
  • too sharp movements;
  • performing movements with straight arms;
  • too deep lowering of the hands.

Inaccuracies in the technique of performing the crossover lead to the fact that the tension is distributed irrationally and falls mainly on the shoulder girdle and across, while the pectoral muscles remain secondary.

What muscles work

The convergence of hands in a crossover resembles the flapping of the wings of a bird. The main load falls on the chest. Only the shoulder joints work, the triceps are loaded only slightly. To be more specific, the lower head of the pectoralis major and minor muscles is accentuated, and the anterior dentate and upper clavicular parts assist in performing movements in the same way as the delta.

Visually, the inclusion in the work looks like this:

The function of the stabilizer is performed by the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle, forearm, abdomen and extensors of the spine.


Paying attention to the methodological features of the implementation of the information, it is worth remembering several important aspects, starting from your goals and experience in the gym.

Chest workout for beginners should be included in the weekly training system twice. Experienced athletes can add two more. Moreover, in the schedule of one lesson, it should be at the beginning of the main part. Performing the exercise against the background of increasing fatigue will not bring the desired results. You should perform no more than 3-4 approaches (depending on the length of time in the gym). The adequacy of the influence of information also depends on the number of repetitions in the approach: 10-12 times will provide an increase in muscle mass, 6-8 repetitions - an increase in strength capabilities.

If the crossover is used to "wake up" the chest muscles or to shed extra pounds, you should do a lot of repetitions, but do not use large weights. A good option would be to gradually build up the weight and then shed it after reaching the maximum.

Hand information in the cross-over can also be performed using a power belt. It will help stabilize the hull. This will add a few more reps to the total. If the experience of working in such a mode is sufficient, and there is a desire to continue to build up the weights, it is important to use the wrist straps, this will reduce the tension of the joints.

To enhance the effect of information, there are several small secrets.

Secret 1... Combine the two exercises into a complex, performing them sequentially. First, do 30 classic push-ups, then work your chest on the crossover 10-15 times. The recovery period is 40-45 s, and then repeat two more approaches. Thus, the thoracic region will warm up effectively and begin a new cycle of adaptation to such loads.

Secret 2... Use horizontal lava and cross-over from a prone or seated position. The effect on the chest will be enhanced by excluding the back and legs from work. With this performance, the load does not spread over the body, but is accentuated in the required area, that is, jewelry accuracy is observed in the effect on the chest.

Male breasts are a whole creation that needs long and painstaking work. Those athletes who have already pumped up impressive chest sizes, transfer all their strength to achieve the desired relief.

It makes sense to turn to such an isolating exercise as Cross-over (Cross-over) or mixing of the upper blocks. It is performed in a special block trainer and perfectly hones the athletic shape of the chest.

The purpose of isolating exercises on block simulators: to maximize the muscle fibers of a particular muscle group on an individual basis. Thus, you draw excellent separation and form the desired muscle density.

One of these simulators is the block crossover, which is present in almost all gyms. At home, unfortunately, it will not work to repeat the technique without a simulator.

The crossover exercise purposefully works out all parts of the chest (inner, outer and lateral), excluding the use of the triceps and deltas. Various options for its implementation make it possible to work with individual bundles of the pectoral muscles. The crossover perfectly stretches the muscles and does not overload the elbow joints.

Due to the fact that the exercise is isolated, and not basic (like push-ups, bench presses), its action is practically not aimed at increasing muscle mass. It is intended for athletes who have already acquired a fairly massive muscular chest and need additional grinding load in order to "sculpt" a beautiful shape, "iron" the muscles to a refined relief, or simply to make changes in their training plan when they are already tired the same constant exercise.

Technique for performing crossover on blocks

The photo shows which muscles are contracting and how to do this exercise correctly.

At first glance, it seems a very simple exercise, but this is only at first glance. Compared to bench presses, crossover work provides a greater stretch and increases range of motion to maximum, and in comparison with dumbbell breeding, it gives significantly more tension in the shortened position. That is, the exercise is really effective and makes the athletes sweat.

Isolated crossover movements allow you to concentrate on performing:

  • Stand in the simulator between the blocks and with straight arms with a slight bend at the elbows, grab the block handles with a grip from above.
  • When staging, maintain symmetry throughout the body. It is often recommended to put one foot slightly forward to provide more stability. The strength of the stance can increase, however, the balance is upset. The strength level on the left and right side will be uneven.
  • Tilt your torso slightly forward at the waist (no more than 15 degrees). Keep your back straight, but keeping the natural deflection in the spine and the shoulder blades brought together. The starting position is taken.
  • Take a deep breath and begin to bring your hands together until they touch, while straining your pectoral muscles as much as possible. The movements should be performed with the shoulder joints and the strength of the chest muscles, while leaving the torso and arms stationary. The brushes should move in a semicircle (drawn and spread).
  • At the end point, pause for 2 seconds and feel the maximum contraction of the pectoral muscles.
  • Exhale and slowly release the weight. When spreading the arms, the elbows look slightly up and back.
  • Do the planned number of repetitions.

The inclination of the body affects the distribution of the load. Without tilting, with an even position of the body, most of the load goes to the lower region of the muscle fibers of the chest, with a slight tilt, the inner part of the pectoral muscles is included in the work, and the lower the tilt, the more effectively the top of the chest is pumped.

In order to feel the muscle contractions when performing the crossover on the upper blocks to the maximum, it is recommended to get a back support belt. When working with a large tonnage, it is worth protecting yourself with wrist straps, which will increase the grip strength. Some people manage to put a sponge between the palm and the handle and increase the set for a couple more productive reps.
Better less, but better - you should not chase large working weights, the main thing is to maintain the technique of execution and soon the muscles will thank you with a good result.

Intensification strategies and number of approaches

In addition to the classic version of the crossover while standing, there are many other options to load your muscles: kneeling, sitting or lying on a bench, different angles of backrest and variation in the height of the arms at the point of their arch. When performing a crossover on your knees, you need to take less working weights, because the freedom for cheating (moving the load from tired muscles to unused ones) is completely excluded.

Muscle pumping feels different in all positions, so it makes sense to experiment with choosing the most effective position for better contraction of the pectoral muscles.

Everyone probably knows that muscles need constant shock for their growth and beautiful perfection. On a crossover, you can surprise your chest by performing the exercise with each hand in turn. In this variant of the "sharpening" of the chest, the amplitude will be better, the amplitude will increase even more, and so a good stretch at the start and peak position of the finish, you will get a completely isolating workout of the muscles. As a variety, you can sometimes include in training sets with weight loss: having reached complete exhaustion, the athlete reduces working weights and again works until the muscles completely fail.

The question arises when is the best time to work with the Crossover? Naturally, this should be a chest workout. However, do not write off putting this movement at the head of the training program. First, you need to shock the muscle group with heavy basic exercises (bench press, uneven bars) and only then work out the MMV using the block. For beginners, we recommend that you completely eliminate the Crossover or do it at the end of the workout. It is enough to perform 3 sets of 10 to 15 repetitions.

Combining the crossover with heavy compound exercises will allow you to “dress” the athlete's chest in iron muscle armor!

Video with Denis Borisov about the technique of performing the exercise "crossover on the upper blocks".

It's a crossover! It can be safely called a gym in the gym! In fact, this simulator allows you to train any muscle group and perform isolation exercises. In the crossover, you can train the muscles of the legs, arms, back, chest, as well as the abs and deltoids! Moreover, there are more than a dozen of such exercises! It is an excellent multifunctional training base that is equally capable of developing the body of men and women.

Advantages and features of the crossover simulator

This simulator has everything two controversial flaws.

  1. The first and very controversial is its modest stock of weighting plates, usually the simulator has a stock of up to 100 kg. Some athletes use dumbbells to increase the load, however, this is unsafe with increasing working weight. In principle, for most people in the gym, the reserve of plates is sufficient. The simulator is designed for maximum workout of the muscles and serves as an additional load to, which are performed with free weights.
  2. The second, also very controversial drawback is the inability to train with combined weights. But as stated, this machine is a great addition to free weights training for athletes of all skill levels.

And here merits this simulator has a lot:

  1. This type of exercise, like deadlift, can be done in different ways.
  2. The blocks can be pulled while standing, sitting, using a bench, or even kneeling. Each exercise method allows you to work out the muscles to varying degrees. Each option for performing one exercise may have different effectiveness.
  3. Crossover work can replace many exercises on a variety of machines.
  4. The crossover gives the muscles a sharper outline and better shape.
  5. Also, the undeniable advantage of this simulator can be considered constant muscle tension during exercise.
  6. When performing many exercises, they are involved, which is an undoubted plus.
  7. The crossover design allows the muscles to be stretched as efficiently as possible, which supplies them with blood and oxygen.
  8. The crossover allows you to perform different exercises on the same muscle group. You can perform exercises at different angles, set the rope lower or higher, choosing the required amplitude.

Another advantage of using a crossover is the installation, as well as the use of a block to improve the jerk technique. For example, American football players make short sprints from places with the help of a lower block and a belt with a carabiner. Yes, this exercise cannot be called ordinary or traditional for this simulator, but, nevertheless, it allows you to develop other sports qualities.

Top 20 Crossover Exercises

1. Reduction of hands while standing

This crossover exercise is highly effective for working out the pectoral muscles. The technique works well the bottom of the pectoralis major muscle and its inner part. By moving the body and changing the vector of movement of the arms, you can change the emphasis on other parts of the pectoral muscles.

2. Pullover in a crossover

This exercise forms and. But this exercise is secondary and is performed to maximize the load and stretch the chest muscles. Usually performed at the end of a set of exercises.

3. Pull of the horizontal block

This exercise is performed while sitting and is aimed at building the muscles of the back, namely the latissimus muscles. This exercise in a crossover eliminates the dangerous load on the back, or rather the spine and, in particular, on the lumbar region.

4. Lowering straight arms from the upper block while standing

The exercise is designed to strengthen your back. Lowering the arms should be performed only due to the efforts of the back muscles; bending the elbows and helping the shoulder muscles should not be allowed. This exercise requires a straight handle. It is important to keep your back straight.

5. French press on the lower block

This is a highly effective exercise that allows you to concentrate on your triceps while lying on a bench. For a high-quality study of a separate bundle of the triceps muscle of the shoulder, you can perform various exercise options using different positions of the hands.

6. Bringing the legs in the crossover

Allows you to tighten the adducting surface of the thigh. To do this, a special strap is attached to the lower block using a carabiner to fix the lower leg.

7. Abduction of the leg in the crossover back

The exercise is performed in the lower block of the crossover to work out the glutes and hamstrings. This exercise can be performed with an emphasis on a bench and while standing.

Standing leg abduction in a crossover

8. Extension of the arms on the upper block while standing with a reverse grip

The exercise effectively works the lateral head of the triceps brachii and forearm. The disadvantage of this technique is that it puts a lot of stress on the thumbs.

9. Extension of arms from the upper block

This exercise can be called the most effective for training triceps in a crossover. This exercise allows you to work out all the muscle heads, and the emphasis on a specific beam is carried out using various hand positions on the bar-handle (medium, narrow or vertical grip). Also, the exercise can be performed using a rope handle. This method allows you to train the lateral part of the muscle. This exercise gives the triceps a perfect shape.

10. Flexion of the arms from the lower block

This exercise can be done in a variety of ways. You can attach a handle-crossbar to the cable and adjust the grip in width, and you can also perform an exercise with a handle-rope, with this type of handle, you can train your biceps as concentrated as possible individually. Vertical or neutral grip curls are a great alternative to dumbbell curls.

11. Standing Deltoid Row

Exercise is a great alternative. This crossover exercise effectively works out and. To perform it, you need to grasp the straight handle with a narrow grip, come closer to the block and raise the handle to the chin, aiming with your elbows to the ceiling.

12. Pull-ups with different palms

The trainer is equipped with a crossbar with which you can train your back muscles and biceps, performing exercises with your own body weight.

13. Leaving the hand to the side in the lower block

This exercise is designed to train the midsection of the deltoid muscle and is an alternative to the exercise. This exercise can be performed by fixing the position, grasping a special handrail with your free hand, which will give better concentration and stability.

14. Cross leads of the upper blocks with two hands

Exercise forms the outlines of the posterior bundles of the deltoid muscles. Handles are not required to perform the exercise. It is necessary to stand in the center, then with one hand you need to grasp the edge of the upper block opposite to the hand, and with the other hand, respectively, the edge of the second block. When doing it, it is important to bend back a little so that with crossed leads to the sides, the arms work in full amplitude.

15. Reduction of the lower blocks lying

Exercise on the chest is performed on a horizontal bench using a crossover, as well as on a bench at an angle of 30 and 45 degrees. With both hands, it is necessary to grasp the lower blocks of the crossover by the special handles.

16. Abduction of hands in an inclination to the back delta

The exercise is performed in the lower block with one hand in an incline. In this case, it is necessary to stand sideways to the crossover block, grab the handle with one hand and raise your hand to the side, performing a swing due to the rear delta.

18. Frontal swings from the lower block with two hands

It is carried out with a straight or rope handle. You need to turn your back to the crossover block, place the cable between your legs and swing your straight arms forward.

19. Extension of arms from behind the head from the lower block

Can be done with a rope or straight handle. It is necessary to turn with your back to the block and place your hands above your head, while maintaining a slight forward bend.

Option from the knees


The crossover is a professional multifunctional and versatile device for all muscles. Of course, you should not make up the entire program from exercises performed on a crossover. Despite all the advantages of the machine, keep in mind that the program should consist mostly of basic free weight exercises, the rest should be on machines.

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