Hunting on foot. Walking duck hunting

Perhaps the simplest and most popular is the walking duck hunting. The hunt then begins when the ducklings mature and swirl over rivers and meadows, gathering in duck flocks. During this hunt, a novice hunter can shoot a sitting bird, because the ability to shoot in flight does not come immediately. For shooting at ducks, you need a high accuracy of the battle of the weapon. It is best to load cartridges with shot number 4 or number 5. They hunt ducks from a hut, from the entrance to the boat, from the approach.

A simple way is to hunt a duck from a hut. Hunters find a place where ducks feed, this is a small bay with a shoal or a small lake with swampy shores, where there are many ducks. There you can make a hut and disguise yourself in it before the evening or morning dawn, you can wait for the ducks to arrive. They are especially active in early autumn at dawn, and only later they fly from overnight stays to days and come back long before sunrise or in the dark.

In the autumn hunt, rubber or wooden stuffed animals are used to lure ducks out of the hut. You can use already shot or decoy ducks, which are fixed in special wooden frames with rods-twigs, which allow you to keep the heads of the ducks in a natural position. Much less often they use plywood or metal profiles, which are placed on wooden floats.

A load is tied to each profile or scarecrow by a string. And the more stuffed animals you have, the better, because in the fall the ducks unite in flocks, and they take the floating stuffed animals for a flock, and willingly join them. In the hunting regions of the North and Siberia, hunters wait for the flock to sit down, and then aim at 2 or 3 sitting ducks.

Walking hunting depends on the hunter's ability to sneak up and on his patience. Seeing seated ducks from afar, he walks in opposite the center, creeps up, hides behind various shelters: bumps, high bunches of grass, bushes, hay heaps.

To hunt from the entrance, you need to choose a boat, it must be light and fast. You need to swim up to the ducks in shallow water overgrown with vegetation. Rubber boats are slow-moving, less agile, and there is a danger when sailing that they can be cut or weeded. It is best to hunt together from a boat. Here one sits in front with a gun at the ready, the other is rowing. The boat needs to be camouflaged with reeds or branches.

A beginner hunter needs to know that shooting at floating ducks will be successful when the ducks did not notice you until the very shot. When ducks notice danger from a distance, they manage to dive at that moment before the charge overtakes them. It happens that an inexperienced hunter fires up to 10 shots at a bird, the bird goes under the water and comes out unharmed. Diving ducks are best approached downwind, as they always take off against the wind and will always fly wherever you are.

If novice hunters learn to shoot at flying ducks, then their hunting opportunities will become wider. They will be able to hunt them in the thickets with a dog, on the paths of evening and morning flights, shoot ducks from the entrance that fly out of the grass.

If you have two free days in stock, and there are water areas nearby, then you can leisurely get into a boat and go sailing to choose a place for hunting. In the first days of August, hunting can be hot. The days are sunny, calm and quiet. The boat is carried along the river past willows and reeds. You know that every day ducks fly over horsetails, rush, overgrown with reeds, over reaches. For themselves, they choose short distances between 2 opposite bays, above the narrow bridges that separate the lakes.

You can stand among the thickets, here the place is convenient and can be clearly seen from three sides, which means that the wounded animals will not disappear. You have a boat and you are exploring a place convenient for hunting, you can of course stop by the bay in the reeds, but you will not find a dead duck and a wounded animal even 2 steps away from you. You can leave the boat and go to the meadow, behind it there is a lake, and ducks will fly through this narrow meadow. Finally, you find a suitable bay, you can put the oars, and the boat itself can be disguised with stalks of rump. At sunrise you get out on clean water, but someone has already lifted up large flocks of ducks and now they are circling far behind your back. All is not lost, with a gun at the ready, hiding the boat in the bushes, you walk knee-deep in water, this will be a running duck hunt.

To increase the success of the hunt, you need to make skrads, and they need to be done carefully. On the shore of the lake, skradok is built from trees and masked with dried grass. A hunter should equip a place in a hiding place so that for several hours it would be possible to be in it without fatigue and stress.

The most difficult skradok is earthen. A well is dug near the reservoirs, so that the hunter could sit freely in it, so that the walls are not sprinkled, they are sheathed with boards, covered with a roof, it is masked with grass or turf. In birds, this concealment does not arouse suspicion. If you intend to shoot from a skradka in-flight, the roof is not closed. There is an opportunity to shoot in any direction and there is an all-round view. You can, of course, do without special structures. This requires minimal disguise, the hunter will be able to see more than he could see from the concealment, he has a lot of freedom of action.

An obedient and trained dog can be of great help in hunting ducks. After all, it will be impossible for yourself to find a wounded animal among the thickets of horsetail or get a duck from the water. The dog follows a duck into any water, raises a bird on a hunting trip, and even finds those wounded animals that other hunters could not find a few days ago. While you get a duck, dozens of ducks fly over you, and with the dog you will shoot at the ducks, and your assistant will bring all the prey right to your feet. On the hunt for ducks, huskies, cop dogs, spaniels are used.

Now you know how the running duck hunt usually goes.

Walking hunting

with hounds(see the corresponding article) - differs in that the hunter does not stand motionless in a pre-occupied place during the rut of dogs, but, in accordance with his direction and guided by the nature of the terrain and the properties of the pursued animal, tries to meet him at a distance of a rifle shot.

See Nikolai K., "Notes of a Hunter of Tver Province." ("Nature and Hunting", 1880).

Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron. - S.-Pb .: Brockhaus-Efron. 1890-1907 .

See what "Walking Hunt" is in other dictionaries:

    This term has other meanings, see Tiger (meanings) ... Wikipedia

    Esox lucius L. Pike is undoubtedly one of the most remarkable and most famous by its predation, widespread distribution and size, in which it is inferior only to the far from so numerous catfish ...

    - (Object R. commercial fish. Fishing gear). The object of R. in the close sense of this word is fish. In a broader sense, fishing generally refers to the hunting of aquatic lower and higher animals. Fish that are caught for industrial purposes are called ... ...

    I (Object R. commercial fish. Fishing gear). The object of R. in the close meaning of this word is fish. In a broader sense, fishing generally refers to the hunting of aquatic lower and higher animals. Fish that are caught for commercial purposes, ... ... Encyclopedic Dictionary of F.A. Brockhaus and I.A. Efron

    - (Japanese 麦 わ ら 海賊 団 mugiwara kaizoku dan?) heroes of the manga and anime series “ One piece"... Wikipedia

    Salmo truta morpha fario L. This fish is much more widespread in European Russia than the previous species. However, the distribution of trout is noticeably narrowing: the growing population is gradually replacing it, and it ... ... Living and catching freshwater fish

    Leuciscus cephalus (L.) The chub is easily distinguished from other fish related to it by its thick broad-forehead head, almost cylindrical body and large scales. Young chubs, however, often mix with dace, but you can ... ... Living and catching freshwater fish

Initiator 29-05-2013 23:48

This spring, I went to the PTA woodschne.

Showed a "running hunt"

100 meters from the standing point to the car - is it a running hunt?

And in general - where to look at the legal concept of "running hunting" which can be prohibited?

All vouchers and other documents, respectively, are in order.

Pal Anatolich 30-05-2013 01:21

The weapon with you was not covered at the moment when you walked to the car, respectively, carrying was carried out, and not transportation from the place of the hunt. Wearing allowed only for hunting. Such laws are crooked in our Honduras.
If a protocol has been drawn up against you, wait for the ruling to be issued and appeal it in court, in the application indicate that you went from the place of the hunt to the car with a COVERED weapon, that is, transported it, etc.

Initiator 30-05-2013 08:53

Only now would I find a law that speaks about the signs of this wearing.
50 meters is it wearing?
And 25 meters?
And 80 meters?
A piss departed from the point of entry - also a running gear - or to cover it up?

And everything is fine with the protocols.
I didn't sign anything (they had a couple more violations there).
Yesterday we sorted it out - we closed all the claims to the administration.

I just want to understand exactly and legally ...
But apparently these laws are written in cancer in Russia ...

DimaAA 30-05-2013 10:56

Accurately and legally - the huntsman is right, uncovered = wearing = hunting ..... Therefore, now I always ask the crow to write in the spring voucher

Initiator 30-05-2013 11:09

The question of "WAY"


DimaAA 30-05-2013 12:22

Dear, the question is not about HUNTING!
The question of "WAY"

I had all the documents for the hunt and a permit.
What does your crows (and cockroaches) have to do with it?

I'm standing near the car with an uncovered - wearing?
I'm sitting in blind with uncovered - wearing?
How many meters can I walk and how many I cannot - so that it is "running"?

And if I shoot a weapon in the quarry - carrying it or hunting?

Well, that is, you have no level of knowledge of the Rules of Hunting and the Law on Hunting, in which case you did not need to be rude, and you would have received an answer point by point to all questions ... ..

Pal Anatolich 30-05-2013 16:55

quote: Originally posted by Originator:

I'm standing near the car with an uncovered - wearing?
I'm sitting in blind with uncovered - wearing?
How many meters can I walk and how many I cannot - so that it is "running"?

And if I shoot a weapon in the quarry - carrying it or hunting?

a step to the right a step to the left forward or backward is already running (the inspector will want to and will get to the bottom of the pillar)
shooting in the grounds with a permit - hunting, without it - poaching (except if the quarry has a specially designed and equipped place as a shooting range with an appropriate license, which in your case is unlikely)

Initiator 31-05-2013 12:10

::::: a step to the left forward or backward is already undercarriage (the inspector will want to and he will get to the bottom of the pillar) :::::

Alas, the inspector did not succeed.
I dug out on the spot, and on analysis - closed all administrative cases without claims.

::::: Well, that is, you have no level of knowledge of the Rules of Hunting and the Law on Hunting. In this case, there was no need to be rude, and you would receive an answer point by point to all questions ... ::::

Judging by the fact that I have solved this issue in my life to my full satisfaction - I do understand something in the laws.
- and you only complain that you were rude ... you still need to see who has how much knowledge.
So it's you - be kind to the search and to other places. Because you have no answers to my questions and cannot have, judging by the nonsense that you write.

I ask only in order to refer to the next time on the spot and give the rangers a printout - to wipe off.
And do not wait for the summons to be discussed ... so as not to waste time.

Initiator 31-05-2013 12:13

::::: shooting in the grounds with a permit - hunting, without it - poaching (except if there is a quarry specially designed and equipped as a shooting range with an appropriate license, which is unlikely in your case) ::::

Pal Anatolich 31-05-2013 05:21

quote: Originally posted by Originator:

Quarry does not apply to land. It is generally outside the area of ​​land - a former closed facility of the closed city.

So the admin will be. You can shoot legally during hunting if you have a mining permit, or in specially designated places (shooting range, stand, etc.). In short, you cannot shoot in the former closed facility of the closed city.

prohodimec 31-05-2013 05:45

quote: Originally posted by Originator:
This spring, I went to the PTA woodschne.

The huntsmen were detained when he was returning to the car in the dark.
The car was parked 100 meters from the clearing.

Showed a "running hunt"
(and running hunting was allegedly prohibited in the region ... this season ...)

In this regard, I asked myself a question - what is "Walking Hunting?"

Some kind of chaos. I always walked with an uncovered gun from the place where the car stopped, it happened even for a couple of kilometers to go to "tasty" places.

If it’s not a secret, what arguments did you give in your defense during the analysis?

Initiator 31-05-2013 11:45

There, in the protocol it was written "running hunting in a prohibited place.
Like in the "green zone".
Then they added in their office "without proper documents - although the documents were (only filled out incorrectly ...)
And when filling out the protocol, the huntsman poked his finger into a square 5 km east of ours.

At the trial he provided:

1. Satellite map of the hunting area (4 quarters)
2. Enlarged map (1 quarter with a marked hunting and parking area)
3. Data from ZhPS with coordinates and distances
4. An extract from the found documents with the mention of "running hunting" - this is an artwork and encyclopedia of a hunter.
5. Their own xero-map of the area - on which they screwed us up ...

He said that all that evening and the entrance, and the departure, and the detention, and the logging were recorded on the video recorder.

So guys, the DVR is a mega-useful vesch ...
Well, at least ZhPS compass (1000 rubles)

spirikraft 05-06-2013 21:13

There is no such term in the Rules, there is a list of methods of catching for each hunting species. For example, "from an ambush", "from an approach", "by trap", "with dogs".

Initiator 05-06-2013 23:00


But by law, the loot list is one thing.
And the list of prohibitions is different.

falcon-ks 10-06-2013 16:22

ORDER of November 16, 2010 N 512
54. Hunting is prohibited:
54.2. during the spring hunt from approach, with the exception of hunting for wood grouse on the current;

there is no such thing as "walking hunting"
what point to you and from what was incriminated when drawing up the protocol ??

and then the question arises "from the approach" to whom ?? no goal no hunting ...
well, and then you can prove and argue to the point of use ...

Initiator 10-06-2013 23:11

quote: what point to you and from what was incriminated when drawing up the protocol ??

This is what I was trying to find out.

Fortunately, it was possible to present compelling arguments to those who understood the buzz ...


falcon-ks 11-06-2013 10:25

quote: Originally posted by Originator:

The approach was at night - to the car ...

filled up ??))
quote: Originally posted by Originator:

Interesting ... but do they hunt woodcocks from the approach?

no, no, in spring ... only in autumn
and in a number of orders by regions, there is a time limit, that is, after the time "H" you are generally a poacher ...
the most intelligible, in the explanations to write, "there was no hunting production", but this is not really anyone ..., with a weapon - it means you are hunting ...

Initiator 11-06-2013 11:01

quote: filled up ??))

She was taken prisoner.
quote: time limit

And this, too, the freaks came up with.
Only evening cravings.
Morning - prohibited - haram, platt ...

falcon-ks 11-06-2013 11:46

quote: Originally posted by Originator:

Morning - prohibited

how many times I tried, just without a weapon, to see what morning cravings are, it's not fun at all ...

Zerkal "ze 15-11-2013 18:13

Initiator: So guys, the DVR is a mega-useful vesch ... Well, at least the ZhPS compass

From edition 301 ~ 220-13 N (!) Software:

72. Exceptions to prohibitions (for application or use):
72.1. ...;
72.2. for picking up wounded feathered game (wounded), pulling in from the approach is allowed (moving with an uncovered hunting weapon);
83. In the spring, hunting is prohibited:
83.1. on a woodcock on a morning pull;
83.2. from the approach or with the movement (exit from the circle with a diameter equal to ten steps) of the hunter, with the exception of hunting for wood grouse on the current;

You shouldn't thank (!), It wouldn't help you ...

Zerkal "ze 16-11-2013 19:09

Initiator: What do your crows (and cockroaches) have to do with it?

(...?,) ... we can also about cockroaches, from:

4. Transportation of hunting products (moving (taking) it out of a circle with a diameter equal to ten steps of the hunter) and its implementation is carried out in the presence of a permit for the extraction of hunting resources, in which a corresponding note is made about the production of these hunting animals or in the presence of a completed tear-off coupon to the specified permit unless otherwise established by a special procedure.

zibert paul 13-12-2013 11:11

Yeah. I wonder where you live, that you have such troubles. Personally, I have long ago got rid of the habit of returning in the dark from the traction with a sheathed gun. I do not know of a single case that the inspector (and even more so the huntsman) made such claims. Do you have a ticket? That's it, good luck.

P.S. This legal trickery begins to strain. And not only in the field of hunting.

Among the modern methods of hunting with a hound, the most common hunting is the running one. It is based on the fact that a hare or a fox, pursued by hounds, do not run straight into an endless distance, but walk "in circles" near the place of ascent. The "circles" of the beast can be different - from half a kilometer to three to five or more kilometers in diameter and are, of course, not mathematically correct circles, but closed curves, sometimes of a very intricate configuration.

With the running method, as its name shows, the hunter is not tied to any specific point, but, on the contrary, is mostly in motion.

Going out into the forest, usually at dawn, or, in any case, as early as possible and throwing the hound (or hounds) into the climb, the hunter moves through the forest and from time to time puffs, encouraging the hounds by shouting or whistling to the dogs, and makes them search the forest in the direction of his movement. If the hunter sees the raised animal, then he must beckon the hounds. To do this, he stops near the trail and shouts as loudly as possible the conventional name: "a-ha-ha" or "in-in-in", "in-in-in", etc. Having fallen on this name, the hounds take the trail and start to drive. Hounds can only be nailed when there is no rut, while the hounds have not yet raised the beast, or if, during the cleavage, the hunter prompted and saw the hare and is sure that this beast is exactly the one for which the rut was. In no case should you use a false name, catching viscous hounds, so that the hounds do not lose faith in him and do not become unnamed.

When the hounds accept the ready-made rocking trail or raise the beast themselves and chase, the hunter hurries to occupy one of the manholes known to him or, if the terrain is unfamiliar, matches the rut with the expectation of adopting (meeting) the chasing beast, identifies the manhole on the move and stands on it to shoot beast at close range.

A hunter-racer must be well oriented in the forest, know the habits of wild animals and the manner of rutting of his dogs for various animals, in order to predict the movement of the rut as accurately and quickly as possible and, most importantly, correctly determine and occupy the right hole.

For hunters, a laz is a place on an animal path, which (almost necessarily) a chasing animal will pass; wild animals have such favorite spots on the terrain. Typical approximate signs of manholes will be indicated when describing the hunt for various animals, but it is impossible to give exact recipes suitable for any conditions, since the nature of forests and other lands where hunting with hounds is carried out is infinitely varied. Understanding and the ability to predict the course of the chasing beast and the accurate guessing of its manholes is given to the hunter only as he gains experience. An experienced racer who has learned in practice hunting with hounds in various conditions, for the most part feels the hole so well that he almost always shoots the animal no further than thirty to fifty steps. There are frequent cases when such a hunter, hurrying to adopt the animal literally on the run, suddenly decides: "Here the animal will definitely pass!" and - stops with a gun at the ready, and after a few minutes beats the beast, rushing from under the hounds at his feet.

You should not think that a hole is a certain point or line (for example, an animal path). It would be more correct to understand a manhole as a more or less limited area, at any point or line of which the animal must pass, although there are manholes narrowed literally to one line or point.

After killing the beast, the hunter must notify his comrades about this by shouting: "Ready!", And then show the killed hare or fox to the hounds so that they know that the matter is over, and after a short rest (or even without it) they began to look for new prey.

If the hounds did not follow the captured animal and, scattering through the forest, continue to search for it (correct the chip), then the hunter who killed the animal and his comrades try to stop and catch the dogs and, having let them sniff the prey, transfer the hounds to a fresh place in order to continue hunting.

Many hunters give the hounds the paws (pazanki) of a hare, and some immediately gut it and reward the dogs with hare entrails. There is no need to give dogs rabbit paws, but there is nothing wrong with that. Usually, a hound, picking up a groove thrown to her, considers this handout as a certain sign of the end of this work and immediately stops it. As a rule, feeding hare paws to hounds does not teach dogs to vomit and eat a killed animal.

Not that - giving the guts. This is definitely an unacceptable technique: first of all, it is only necessary for hounds, who have been pampered with guts, to catch a wounded hare or to catch a killed animal before the hunter, as such dogs immediately start to tear the hare in order to use their usual ration. In addition, it is unlikely that it is completely harmless for dogs to eat raw hare innards, which are often abundantly infected with worms. different types, among which there may be those that live in a hare, as in an intermediate carrier, in order to move through it into the dog's body.

In a collective hunt with hounds, only one specially appointed hunter (usually the hunter of the society of hunters) should lead and poke public dogs. All other hunters silently equal the forest in its cries.

If the flock is a national team, that is, groups of dogs of different hunters participate and there is a need to spank all the owners, then they should go more agile and everyone is obliged to spank less often.

It is especially necessary to dwell on the behavior of the manhole hunter. Having determined where the meeting with the chasing beast should take place, the hunter hurries to this hole. Here it is necessary to act with calculation and you can safely run to the hole and occupy it only when there is confidence that the animal is still at a sufficient distance from the intended place and during the dash it will not have to catch its eye or make noise before it is time. In this case, the direction and strength of the wind should also be taken into account so that the smell of a person does not reach the sensitive animal. If there is a danger of being late, then it is better to wait and take a hole for the next lap.

Standing on the manhole, one must not forget about the wind and not stand so that the wind is directed in the direction from which the animal is expected.

On the manhole, if there is time, you need to look around and get comfortable: cut (but not break) branches that can interfere with shooting, warm snow, throw dry twigs out from under your feet, etc. after looking around, try to be motionless, since the slightest movement will betray the hunter to the beast before he even sees the undisguised figure of a frozen hunter. If sneezing or coughing is unavoidable, cover your face tightly with a hat. If silence and immobility are necessary when seeking the animal from under the hot rut, then they are much more needed during chipping, since the animal under these conditions can be far ahead of the dogs and, not driven by continuous barking, is especially sensitive and careful.

It is best if you can disguise yourself on the manhole so that the disguise does not interfere with the shooting. You cannot stand behind a tree, as peeping out of it will most likely be noticed by a chasing beast. It is best to stand with your back to the tree, as if to merge with it. A convenient position on the manhole, if in front of the hunter there is a bush, and behind a group of trees, which protects against vibroacoustic therapy in the bright sky.

In the reeds, you should, if possible, stand on the edge of their massif or curtain, cutting off the reeds in front of you so that it covers the arrow up to the waist or chest.

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