For which Rasul Mirzaev was beaten. Details of the beating of Rasul Mirzaev have been disclosed


The heartbreaking story of the world champion in MMA and combat sambo, who spent more than a year in prison for causing death by negligence.

Rasul Mirzaev
Born on March 30, 1986 in Kizlyar.
Russian mixed martial arts fighter.
Height - 170 cm.Weight - 66 kg.
World champion in MMA and combat sambo, champion of Russia in MMA, winner of the World Cup in pankration.
In the professional ring in MMA he had 18 fights, won 17 victories (9 of them by knockout).

We look into the doctor's room - he is bandaging Rasul's shoulder. We look and are horrified: the guy is covered in scars. Here are fresh ones, here are protracted ones ... What kind of life do you have to go through - to wear such a memory on your body?

In the fighting world, Rasul was known for a long time, and everyone else learned about him after a skirmish at the Garage nightclub. When one participant, Ivan Agafonov, ended up in the grave, and the other in prison.

We're not going to make excuses for anyone. We do not want to judge who is to blame. We just decided to listen to Rasul. Everyone has the right to speak up.

They listened - and were struck by this story. Listen to you too.

Posted by BLACK TIGER Official page (@rasul___mirzaev) Nov 5 2015 at 2:11 PST


- Why is your left ear broken, but not your right?

The right one was also broken, but there was an internal hemorrhage. The tumor is gone. Once broken ears were my dream! In Dagestan, it was believed that if you broke - that's it, you're a tough fighter. Someone deliberately breaks, although they are far from fighting. Money pays for it. The left ear is more expensive - you can see it through the car window. Once I fought off on Friday, came home, went to bed. I wake up - and I have a dumpling instead of an ear!

- How old were you?

Class nine. And I don't even remember the blow. Then he was both delighted and upset. I could not sleep because of the pain, everything was burning inside. The doctors pumped out the blood, and with this he began to train. After that I broke it four times.

- Are broken ears in fashion now?

It's already easier to relate. There are world-class wrestlers in Dagestan, but their ears are intact. You can't say that you went out on the carpet. Look - everything is in order with the ears.

We are shocked by some of the details of your biography. Sergey Kovalev also amazed us with his stories. And your youth is even more colorful.

Oh, Seryozha! Have we met. Cool boxer. And if we talk about me - you only knew how many times I was on the verge of death! The feeling that he lived three lives. If not five. I didn’t jump from the tenth floor in the boarding school.

- God.

Yeah, at a construction site. From unfair treatment. You get it and you get it. It's a shame!

- Where were you intercepted?

On the corner, already on the roof. I ran away - high school students rushed after me. One caught almost in the air. I would jump, exactly as I say. I didn’t even understand that there was death below.

- Escaped from the boarding school?

Often. From the first grade we were forced to fight among ourselves. Adults come - including my half-brothers: "Fight!" After that rooftop episode, he escaped again soon after. They could have been looking for me in Kizlyar for months.

- Where were you hiding?

I hung out with Shamil, my younger brother. I spent the night under KAMAZ trucks, concrete mixers. Under the trees.

- Was it good under the tree?

I bought myself a loaf - so delicious! Still left for a chocolate bar. But from the cold all shrank under this tree. Beginning of autumn.

- Then they found you?

When they found, when he returned.

- What did you eat?

I ate what I steal. Shamil either got food or money. Savvy in this sense. But I used to steal videotapes - I sold, bought bread. In the fifth grade, the grocery store was destroyed.

- What is it like?

Yes, I have my eyes on the store. Stopped in and robbed. There was a decent wad of money.

- Climbed through the window?

No, I studied the plan. As the door was left unattended - I entered during the day. They baked bread at the store, distracted. We didn’t expect such impudence. I took the cash register. Only Shamil knew where I hid the money. I didn't buy him ice cream right away - so he handed me over!

- You were caught - so what? Didn't you steal anymore?

It was! When I was working part-time at a gas station as a gas station, I stole money for a children's radio-controlled car.

- Romantic. Did you get along with your father?

In the village he was called "reckless tractor driver". My father had a trick - when he was driving a tractor, he put out two fingers. Say, I'll pick out the blinkers. His friends once came to visit, saw how he was treating me - and whispered: "Run with us."

- Where?

To Kizlyar. We walked eighty kilometers by rail. We saw my father turning circles on the tractor, looking for me. They took a bus fifteen kilometers to the city. What if I lived with my father in a doghouse?

- Are you seriously?

That was when he kidnapped me when I was very little. Mother and grandfather came for me - they saw everything, took me back. The neighbor's dog bit him - so he didn’t regret it. On the contrary, he gave Kinduli! At that moment, I decided: for me, a father does not exist.

- How long have you seen him?

The last time I came to my father was fifteen years ago. Disappointed again and left. I always wanted to communicate with him, I really missed him. But the father has a different family. I am a complete stranger to him. Complete distance!

- But mom has had enough with you.

This is true. I was out of control. Until the fifth grade I tried vodka, smoke, smelled glue, lived on the street ... I ate tar from the asphalt.

- Tar?

Just about, black.

- Have you brought yourself to a real buzz with glue?

No. I quickly realized how dangerous it was - in my presence the kid sniffed, he was beaten up. The second fell right next to him. I was scared!

- Have you tried the grass?

Never. Drugs are not my topic. As for drinking, I have a bad heredity, my father was drinking heavily. I saw what he was doing on a drunken head. Beat me, stepmother. And he was incredibly gifted physically. I lifted a music column of 300 kilograms! The tractor could be disassembled and reassembled with closed eyes. From time to time I ask my cousins: "How is he alive?" - "Yes". I’m thinking: if he’s gone, will I go to the funeral? Will I act humanly or is the resentment too strong?

- What would you do today?

Probably would go. It's better for me.


- As a child, you suffered from bone tuberculosis. Have you passed the edge?

At first I had a bowel disease. The doctors told my mother: "Soon you will lose the boy." I met the old woman on the train. She became interested: "Why is he all crying? Is he sick?" We met. The old woman cured me with herbs.

- Wouldn't this meeting have happened - and you would not have been?

Maybe! When children are just learning to walk, I was already running. Then once - sat down. The doctors decided it was a fracture. Rolled up in plaster. Mom was sitting with me in the hospital corridor, and a visiting surgeon walked by: "What's wrong with the boy?" He took it, looked - and ordered to immediately remove the plaster: "This is tuberculosis!" One part of me grew, the other did not. They made a special prosthesis and sent me to Yalta. He lived in a forest sanatorium for four years. Mother flew in, I thought I didn't recognize her. And I ran up and hugged!

- Haven't you seen her for four years?

Occasionally she came. But all the same ... And by the way, I am a disabled person of the third group.

- We were told that your relatives poured boiling water over you.

It was. As I recall, it becomes uncomfortable. The closest people!

- Father?

No. I will not say who. The man who was supposed to be a father to me, but instead mocked the child. Because of some kind of cop's hat, which I did not see in my eyes.

- Thought you stole it?

Yes. They started beating me. It came to the teapot. They splashed boiling water on my shoulder. They laughed, but I was not funny. They shouted: "Tell me, where is the hat ?!" And I could not understand what they were all about.

- The younger brother has not turned into a criminal?

No. He also moved to Moscow, works as a builder.

- Have you ever had a grudge against your mother for giving her to a boarding school?

Honestly? Was. But she lived with another person - a relationship with whom I did not work out. Why does he need someone else's child? There is no school in our village, before it was flooded all the time. Then, following the flood, it reached the rooftops. With age, I only realized why I was sent to a boarding school.

- Do you plan to move your mom to Moscow?

Already moved. I was recently operated on. I am in intensive care, I can not sleep because of the pain. I looked - someone at three o'clock in the morning "likes" me on Instagram! Mother!

- Blimey.

What, I think, is not sleeping for her? I called - and they said to me: "She broke her leg." In the morning I ran away from the hospital.

- What happened to you?

I rode a bicycle - the car cut off. I hit the brakes, flew over the steering wheel. Head downward fell under the wheels of an SUV. Managed to dodge, landed on his shoulder. I didn't even notice that my bone was sticking out. I got on my bike and drove on.

- Bone sticking out ?!

Yes, the collarbone. Soon I feel something strange. The hand hung down, it hurts. I lower my eyes and see this picture. The house is four kilometers away. I have no idea how I pedaled. Then to the emergency room. Look at the scar on your shoulder. This is the second operation in a month! I met two doctors at the gym and made friends. Now they are engaged in me, they are fans of sports.

- Did the car cut you on purpose?

It seemed to me - yes. But three days later I passed there in a taxi, in the same way my driver hesitated. Everything has been dug up, the turn is not visible. This is the exit from Sadovoe to the embankment towards Taganka.

- Why was the second operation required?

The node did not dissolve, suppuration began. Otherwise I would have started training long ago!

- An important battle awaited you. Maybe someone is taking him away from him?

I think so. Allah saved me from something. I was moving to a new weight category.

61 kilograms. They made me an advantageous offer - now I can declare myself in two scales at once. Whatever the cost, I want to fight for the belt. And then a good fee awaited me.

- Which?

Two and a half million rubles. In our sport, this is great money. Not so long ago I fought for 10-15 thousand rubles. Or for teapots, which were usually awarded for victory in the superiority of the Armed Forces in army hand-to-hand combat.

I was made famous by the fight with the Japanese Masanori Kanehara for the world title in Fight Night. At the same time, the first significant salary was transferred - 200 thousand rubles. For the "world" and the championship of Russia in combat sambo. When he thundered in jail, he entrusted the card to a friend. He threw it.

- Spent?

I was just lost. Had to help me open an online store, and that's it. No money, no friend. Someone said - he has problems. But he's alive.

- We would have met him on the street now - what would have happened?

Nothing. In Islam, there is a rule: if you want to accuse a Muslim brother of something, throw mud at him, find 72 reasons to do it. And I can't even find five!


- Presumably, the army also had some adventures. Since they stick to you like that.

Relations with the company commander did not work out. Until he stood up for him before another officer.

- Tell us.

I became an instructor of the BMP-2. He taught the cadets to ride. I was already a sergeant. That day I was taking the exam at the training ground with the colonel. Left for lunch. Towards the ensign. Nasty man, he ran into everyone. Here he got to the bottom of me.

- On the topic?

And just like that. "Yes, you are an awesome Caucasian ..." Word for word. I jumped up: "What does it have to do with it - am I a Caucasian or not?"

- Did it come to a fight?

He shouts: "Come on, let's get out!" Also short, but strong. Such a gingerbread man. Well, come out. Grabs me by the neck. And then I had a crown - "deflection".

- Throw over yourself?

Yes. And I'm leaving this ensign! Down your head! This is repeated three times. He gets up all dirty, puffs. He pulls out a pistol, points at me. Breathes hard. He does not see that the company commander and young lieutenants are walking behind. Oru: "Why are you aiming for a long time? Shoot, come on!" He lowers the muzzle.

- And the commander?

Says: "Comrade Mirzaev, go to the company." The ensign started shouting something about mom after him. I turned around and wanted to add to him - my friend kept it: "Don't do something stupid, he provokes." But then the argument continued in the dining room. The company commander intervened - so the ensign rushed at him. I had to intervene, use force a little harder. From that moment on, there was a different attitude towards me. The officers teased: "Mirzaev, even though you are a fighter, we have reinforcement under the pillow ..."

- Did you quarrel with the ensign anymore?

He scribbled a statement on me. In front of everyone he approached him: "I could write too. But not such a piss." Everything, his authority collapsed completely. And they transferred me to Moscow.

- Did you conflict with demobels?

Sure. Because he did not allow young people to be beaten. Recently a taxi driver in Moscow found out: "Oh, Rasul, hello! You, cadets, have always protected us ..."

- Did it all start from the first day?

You guessed it! In fact, to be taken into the army, I paid four thousand rubles. Otherwise they would have been discharged - I had flat feet and had a serious operation.

- Another group of disabilities.

They forgot about her over the years. I went and got checked - the doctors said: "It's okay!"

- Usually they pay not to join the army.

And with me - the opposite. I swear to God, I gave four thousand rubles, borrowed from my aunt! Only the army could change my whole life. I dreamed of getting into a sports company.

- There were no prospects in Dagestan?

None. Could become a drug addict. A loser athlete. Loader. Or die at sea. By that time I was already a poacher. I got black caviar.

- We will ask about this. So what happened on the first day of the army?

A conflict broke out on the train en route to Moscow. Three big guys recalled the young boys. They began to process: "Give me the money, otherwise we'll get rid of it ..." I got the guys together - either we are all together, or our business is bad.

- Fight?

There was no massacre. Explained: once again someone from ours will be pulled - it will not seem a little. There are three of you, 25 of us. They said to me: "You are an Avar! Look, for whom you stand up?" But it didn't matter to me.

Distributed to Vladimir. We are standing with a comrade in front of the headquarters, on top of a company of demobels. One of the windows leans out, begins to insult. I answer: "If you are a man - come down." An officer comes up to me: "We have not broken such people here." And me: "Until you are broken - get lost ..."

- Boldly.

I was very cocky. Yes, and you can not give descent in such situations. In the morning there are a lot of people on the parade ground. Some fat man walks by - demonstratively pushes.

- Disgrace.

I am up to his chest - I run up, grab the waist: "Why are you pushing?" He's laughing. He also lifts me by the tunic, suffocates me. And I showed my crown.

- "Deflection"?

Yes. He plopped right onto the parade ground. Then two tests. In the evening of demobilization, I was threatened: "That's it, it's over. You won't survive tonight." Come on, I answer. I unscrewed the shackle from the bed, just in case. If anything, I'll pull it out sharply. And you can kill her. I knew how it was done in the barracks - they cover me with a blanket and beat me. But they would have miscalculated with me.

- There were no attempts?

We didn’t risk it. A day later I hear the battalion commander scolding someone over the phone: "I told you - don't send hachi to me!" About me. I stand and laugh. And that big guy turned out to be the company sergeant major. We got along well for six months. The army discovered a lot for me.

- What, for example?

I looked at some - I could not understand: how were they taken into the army? Very weak! One of them had a cyst in the head, another was an epileptic. I already got used to unclenching his teeth with a belt plate, as an attack happens. A fellow gypsy, leaving, then took this badge away from me. And I often meet epileptics in Moscow. It’s as if someone was taking them out on purpose! Then I was walking in Gorky Park - in front of me the girl fell, no one realized what was the matter. And I snatched water from someone, brought to life. Then in the teahouse on the Arbat, another girl "threw herself". Everyone looked at her, laughed. They think he's kidding. I jumped up - one slap, another, sprinkled with water ...

- You studied at the military university.

In MVVKU. After the army, they helped to enter without exams. But the boss changed, the sport was closed. Got it - you have to jump out of there. Plus a conflict with the platoon commander.

- On the ground?

He mocked the cadets. I wanted to demonstrate how cool. I stood up. Said, "Be a man!" It did not pass without a trace.

- Did you manage to work as a bailiff?

Once I heard from the officers: "You are performing, you are not serving - so give part of your salary ..." I received a penny - I immediately wrote a report. And he refused to go on assignments as a bailiff.

- Why?

I cannot take property from people. At some point, I was told: "Either you work or quit." I quit. As a lieutenant of justice. A wandering life began in the struggle.


- Poaching is another turn in fate.

I returned from the sanatorium at five years old - I began to get acquainted with a new family. And they decided to teach me how to swim. Just thrown into the water - go ahead! It was necessary to get used to the sea - everyone lived only with it. The Caspian Sea is five hundred meters from us. Learned to set nets, fish traps. Hanging out at sea for weeks.

- Dangerous?

Especially in winter. The sea both gives and takes. Many people remained there. When you go out on a boat - the waves are huge, throws in all directions! Horror! You think: if you fly overboard, you will rake to the shore, no?

- Did you have your own boat?

Stepfather's - yes. They called her "Baida", with a motor. And we started with "Veterok". Small, snorts. But the wave will overturn anything. Our vessels were also turned over. So I learned that in the middle of the Caspian there may be a shallow. And the most beautiful place is where the dirty Terek flows into the sea.

- Did the fishery control catch you?

Happened. The stepfather agreed - they let him go.

- Did you eat black caviar with spoons?

Well, what else? The fat one went especially well, my mother did it with salt ... The greatest feat of my childhood - I caught a cormorant. I was chasing him on a skiff, and he dived. That's all, you can't catch up. Can surface anywhere in two minutes. I jumped after him intuitively - and grabbed. It's like catching a Firebird! The cormorant nibbled on me with its beak.

He brought it home, showed it to all the neighbors. I fed it with fish and released it.

- Did they try to drag you into crime in Moscow?

Once an acquaintance offered to go to the "arrow". He promised a thousand rubles.

- Not enough.

And for me then it was a decent amount. Moreover, nothing special was required. Just stand there, shine your face. But on the way we were caught by the police. They pushed me to the side of the road, stopped. Pulled out of the car shouting: "Hands behind the heads!" At that moment he gave himself the word: "I don't take part in the showdown anymore. Not for any money."

- Another name?

Not once. I always refused. Generally turned away from that side of life.

- Have you been through clandestine battles?

No. There were other things. Once in winter a show was organized in a biker club. They told me: "If you win three fights, we will pay 36 thousand rubles." Yes, I didn’t earn that much a month! Of course he agreed. I came and was horrified.

- What did you see?

An unheated hangar filled with motorcycles. Poop in the corners, rubbish, empty bottles. The smell is awful. There is a crowd of fans around the tatami. The atmosphere is like in the Van Damme films.

- Are your opponents serious?

- There were definitely no “plushies” among them. I did it in a couple of hours.

- How did you look for the third fight?

Not bad - I finished the previous two ahead of schedule, I saved my energy. Then he took the money and went home. And in the morning I got out of bed - and howled in pain. It was so cold in the hangar that it chilled the sciatic nerve.

- What types of martial arts have you tried?

Everything except Greco-Roman wrestling and karate. When I was in my second year, I successfully competed in hand-to-hand combat. At the same time he was engaged in freestyle wrestling. With such a load, you need a balanced diet. I lived from hand to mouth. The scholarship is scanty, and even in the university cafeteria, they constantly gave pork, which I don't eat. It ended up returning from training - and on the subway almost collapsed into a swoon. Thank God, a comrade picked up. After that, I decided to quit with the freedom. Concentrated on hand-to-hand.

- Have you ever eaten pork?

Once, in the army. The commander sent the shish kebab to fry. We were sure it was a chicken. The meat is white, soft, no fat. The truth came to light when everyone knew better.

- Martial arts, to which the soul does not lie at all?

- "Dynamo" hand-to-hand. The rules are easy to sue. Here is an army hand-to-hand combat - this is an analogue of mixed martial arts. Kicking to the head in the stalls is not prohibited. Dynamo is based on earning points. Your opponent barely touches you, but gets a point. You hit so that he falls - and the referee will not count anything. Ridiculously. He knocked out the opponent, and they counted the knockdown to me!

A similar story happened in the final of the Russian Combat Sambo Championship. Met with Mikhail Pankov, the reigning world champion. Find a video on the Internet. He was already barely on his feet, blood gushing from his nose. But the victory was given to him.

- It's a shame.

They were also awarded at the pankration tournament. How I cried! They sold me their own! Deprived of the gold medal.

- How?

I go against an American - and I see that all three referees are from the USA. In the previous fight, I injured my rib, I could hardly breathe. But all the same, the fight was mine! Guess what happened next?

- Did you give the victory to your opponent?

Yes. They said I used a forbidden technique. And I have a good "chuyka". Even before the battle he raised a kipesh and shouted to our leaders: "Take these judges away!" Everyone brushed aside: "Don't worry, the situation is under control ..." But it was from that tournament that the nickname Black Tiger came from. They competed in a circular system - as a result, the Ukrainian became the champion. Countryman of the President of the Federation. Later we met at the Beijing Martial Arts Olympics - I tore this guy up.

- How to deal with judicial lawlessness?

The only way out is to jump on the opponent so that they carry him away on a stretcher. Of course, this is a risk, you have to open up. It's either all or nothing.

- The most memorable time when a stretcher appeared in the hall?

I had a rival - Danil Turinge from Chuvashia. A duel was organized on Red Square according to the rules of combat sambo. I won dry. Then in Elista they made a fight according to the rules of MMA. I had a crack in the fibula, just the plaster cast was removed. What Turinge knew and constantly hit this point.

- Specially?

One hundred percent. I got angry as I kicked my feet into the solar plexus. The guy is almost passed out. But the referee was caught inexperienced, the knockout did not count. I had to do a painful one on the arm. We met for the third time in the finals of the GUVD tournament.

- Is this already hand-to-hand combat?

Yes. Dynamo version. The team considered Turinge to be the first number in my weight, although everyone knew that I was stronger, I defeated him twice. They began to condemn me. Insolently! Time is running out, I understand that I will lose if I don't come up with some kind of move.

- Managed?

I grab the guy, stick it into the floor with a "bend". And I break his arm with a painful one. They carried it away.


- Was there a miraculous battle in your life?

A couple of years ago in Bangkok I fought with James Saville... He made a "bend", stuck his head on the floor. And he is there without a tatami, just a hard flooring. If you make a passage to your legs once, you rub your elbows and knees into blood. I thought Saville would get the buckle off right away.

- What is it like?

Loses consciousness. But the man turned out to be tough. Not only did he not pass out, he also caught me on the "triangle". Pinched it for a minute. What I have experienced cannot be described in words. He began to wheeze, disconnect. There is an inner voice: "Rasul, can you imagine how many people will be happy if you lose today?" I replied to myself: "Well, no! You won't wait!" It is still not clear how he got out and won. After the fight, someone even compared me to the Terminator.

Or here's a case. Tashkent, World Combat Sambo Championship. For four years in a row in my category there was no equal to the Mongol Baasankhun Damlampurev... He carried everyone through one gate! They kept saying that I had no chance. But I didn't doubt myself. In the final, in 30 seconds, I caught the Mongol on the painful, and knocked out.

- Miracle?

For me, no. I prepared myself, did the job professionally. For the team, the victory really became a miracle. Well, the most incredible story happened at the World Pankration Championship.

- Where?

In Portugal. The three of us walked through the park - my teammate, my brother and me. Ahead is a company of Albanians. All of a sudden, they got to the bottom of us. Their brother cheated them. They ran away. We dropped in at McDonald's. I sat down facing the door. Suddenly five cars slow down. An Albanian comes in, points a finger at me: "Come here!" On the street I try to hit my lips, I brush my hand away. And a guy with a bat flies out from the side, pounds on the leg. Thought I was going to fall. Ha!

- Have you survived?

Yes. And the bat is broken! He widened his eyes, ran away, and a crowd of Albanians was already rushing at me. Strikes from all sides. They are trying to knock down, trample. But there are many of them, they interfere with each other. I manage to group myself, cut out the first, the second ... Then, like in a movie.

- I.e?

First, a stool is lowered on the back of the head. Boo-boo - and the pieces of wood crumble. I turn around - and a glass flies into my head. Happiness is not in the temple.

- Passed out?

No! And the glass - to smithereens!

- Picturesque. Any help from your brother and comrade?

They were not allowed to come near me. Someone stood in front of them, waving an iron cable, and did not allow them to approach. When I broke free, ran about fifteen meters, they rushed towards the hotel. I follow. Three cuts, all covered in blood. I'm not talking about bruises.

- Withdrew from the tournament?

What are you doing ?! He won three fights the next day. Became the world champion. My head is strong. I was convinced even in my youth, when I switched from freestyle wrestling to boxing. At first, little worked. One of the guys, two-time Russian champion among juniors, saw a sucker in me. Showed off, insulted. Near the hall he knocked him down, said: "You don't have to behave like that, understand ?!" He let go, turned his back. It was a mistake.

- Hit you from behind?

Yeah. Brick. Three times! If you look at my head, you will be amazed at how many scars there are.

- That's the story.

I beat him badly and went to the hospital. While the wound was washed, sutured, he screamed in pain. My head was splitting. When I dozed off on the couch, the militiamen appeared. For an hour I lay with my eyes closed - I thought they would leave.

- And they?

They were waiting. Then they tried to find out - what happened? I said, "Fell off the carousel." Why involve the police? In addition, the boxer's father held a large position in the bodies. Over time, I forgave the guy, we even became friends.

Once upon a time Emelianenko Jr. taught us how to beat correctly in a street fight. There are special points. Tell us too.

The most vulnerable spots are the groin, eyes, Adam's apple and liver. But here, guys, is my advice. If they are trying to drag you into a fight on the street, run. The faster the better. Preferably in zigzags, like a bunny. I don't care what they think of you. I tell you from my sad experience. Even though I'm a prepared guy, I know how to behave in an extreme situation. They pointed a gun at me and jumped with a knife ...

- We've heard about the pistol. And who threatened with a knife?

At school. High school students behaved incorrectly, hit them in the neck. One of them decided to take revenge. I almost stabbed him. I was lucky - my brother managed to intercept his hand. On another occasion, a blade was struck across the bridge of the nose. And there is a scar under the eye - the teacher planted it with a pointer.

- Well, you have morals.

Himself to blame. I dabbled in the lesson, I missed one remark, the second ... He got angry, waved his broken pointer. He ripped off a piece of skin with the sharp end. Hanging straight! They took me to the first-aid post. In the future, we got along well with the teacher. Not a bad guy.

- What kind of incident was in the nightclub when the operas provoked you into a fight?

The guys came up and began to insult. I didn't react. Immediately I realized that they are not just bullying. When they left, the head of the security said: "Well done, he did not succumb to the provocation. This is an opera." They wanted to provoke a conflict, open a criminal case - and "milk". In Moscow, this is all the time. There was another case. He sat at the table, did not touch anyone. Suddenly a man flew up, hit him in the chest with a shout: "This is a chock f ... th!"

- Also operas?

It is not excluded. In such a situation it was difficult to restrain myself, my hands were shaking, but I understood that I could not answer. Will be worse. After prison, I try to avoid street conflicts.


- In an interview, you said that one of the last fees for a fight was given to a boarding school.

Not certainly in that way. The fee was about 300 thousand rubles. I was asked to buy a music center for children with disabilities in an orphanage. I brought it. I looked at the boys, and my heart was bleeding. I recalled my life in a boarding school.

- Is the orphanage in Moscow?

- Can a world champion be a poor person?

It happened to me - not a penny in my pocket at all. Although I love a beautiful life. I've never seen her.

- Good. How much do you spend per month?

I'm thrifty! I have no salary, I live on royalties from fights. This year they were not, I had to tighten my belt.

- But you don't drive Zhiguli, do you?

On a Mercedes ML 63.

- And you say - tightened the belt.

So I have a special story with cars. The first, Camry, was handed over by a loved one. Sagid Murtazaliev.

- Olympic champion-2000 in freestyle wrestling.

My idol. Once he took a picture with me, a schoolboy. Chosen from the whole crowd. It was such a joy for me! Years later, fate brought them together again. I became the world champion - I gave him my belt. And he replies: "Here is the address, go, a surprise awaits you."

- Camry?

Yes! New, in cellophane!

- Murtazaliev headed the Pension Fund of Dagestan?

Quite right. This is a person who is really capable of bringing order to the entire republic. I saw how many ordinary people he helped! He personally sponsored freestyle wrestling. But there were so many attempts on his life, once a bullet passed two millimeters from the heart.

- Out of business today?

Moved. I don't even know where he is. Exactly - not in Russia.

- The fate of that car?

Got in an accident. In the rain I drove at a speed of 200 kilometers per hour. He was young, he was wrong ... It is happiness that he remained alive at all!

- Were there one?

With a friend. Everything happened in the very place where Gadzhi Makhachev crashed. They say there was once a cemetery there. People often die. Someone recently burned to death in a BMW.

- What place?

Kutuzov Avenue. It was Friday the 13th. Four years ago. Skidded, we hit the bump stop, jumped into the oncoming lane. They combed it all over - and did not run into anyone! Isn't it a miracle?

- 200 in the rain is strong.

I steered with my left hand, managed to grab a friend with my right. Pressed. More frightened for him. All pillows flew out. The car is in the trash, for cancellation. I have blood all over my face, I have a glass of glass. It was lucky that he did not remain blind, this often happens. For a second he lost consciousness, woke up - we are still flying! I start jerking everything I can. Just to slow down.

- Didn't your friend get hurt too?

Only the heel hurt. Both got out through the windows, a PPS car drove up. They ask: "Do you have any illegal drugs with you?" - "No, no, we are athletes ..."

Then I bought a five-liter ML, 2005. AMG friends have a garage, they are engaged in Mercedes. They promised to change the interior of my car if I win the battle in Chechnya.

- What did the old one not like?

It looked like a prison, light blue. The walls in the pre-trial detention center were just like that. It's uncomfortable. I won - they made black. I looked after this car so much! As in the army, he washed up his BMP-2, and so did his Mercedes. I do not care. My car should shine!

- What happened to him?

I sold it, I ate a lot of oil. There was no money to buy something else. And then a friend puts his Mercedes in a car pawnshop. I have 800 thousand in my pocket. I invite those very friends from the garage to check the car, they answer - sweetie. In a pawnshop, the price drops two at once, such a case!

- How much did it cost?

The price was two and a half million, but here they paid for one and a half. He began to call friends: "Support me!" By the evening, another 700 thousand were brought to me. I'm not going to part with this car. Everything is decorated in the "Black Tiger" style. Even the rugs. The car is already associated with me - how to sell it?

Posted by BLACK TIGER Official page (@rasul___mirzaev) May 18 2016 at 10:23 PDT


Accidentally crossed paths in a common company, talked. Excellent relationship with, he had a wedding. There he met Basta. I like his songs. I didn't expect such a person to come up to me and say hello. It's nice to communicate with people who walk the earth, no arrogance.

- It seems that Tarasov visited you in the hospital?

Yes, I came and supported. One of the few who was there in difficult times. Immediately, the mood rose. Although I'm actually a cheerful guy, I never lose heart. Even in the hospital he smiled. The nurses probably thought I was crazy.

Posted by BLACK TIGER Official page (@rasul___mirzaev) May 10 2017 at 3:31 PDT


- Do you have a dream?

It was a long time - its own hearth. Wherever they are not kicked out, no one will say: "Go away, you are a stranger here." Now I have finally bought an apartment in Moscow!

- Someone helped?

Comrades. I wouldn't have saved it myself. And they silently made my dream come true. My money with all the sponsorship deductions was still not enough.

- You were so eager for the family. Why didn't you save yours?

This is my pain!

- Your wife, apparently, was wonderful.

Now she has a different family - a worthy one. Tanya is Russian, but she converted to Islam before meeting me. She taught me the right life. I, a Muslim, learned my own religion through her! But in general, Islam was really discovered for me by a friend in the army, a Kabardian. I stood then at a crossroads - either my life will pass in parties, or I will go into sports with my head.

- Have you chosen a sport?

Yes. Hand-to-hand combat. In a short time, it gained momentum. At the first competitions I was beaten by a Chechen, the champion of Russia in kickboxing. Be healthy. No matter what passes I made, he understood - I was in "shock" zero. He practiced from a distance and that's it. I was covered in blood. But how carried away by this topic!

- Did you like it?

Well yes. Ha!

- How was the life of the guy who brought you to religion?

He was like a brother to me. Thanks to him, I stopped swearing at obscenities, practicing lawlessness. I never stole anything after that. I didn’t even look towards the female. I went to all the competitions wherever I could get out. Every day is some kind of fight. And this guy became an officer, then died on the border with Abkhazia. Resigned from his post. I learned from the news in the pre-trial detention center. They said that he joined some Wahhabis - but I can't believe it ...

The same Lakhiyalov said: "For fifteen years now, many guys from Dagestan have gone into the forest. Often after a person dies, they find out about it."

And there is no work at all! Where do the youth go? All relationships are based on money. Since childhood, no one wanted to be friends with me. The guys could train with me, but no communication. Because I am from a poor family, there is no "status". Until now, this is everywhere in the republic. It hurts to watch. When I come, I constantly see the "mask show". Throw something. The carve-up does not end inside - for gas, for electricity, for the sea. I am a great patriot of Dagestan! But why can't our multinational republic be united? Why is it every man for himself, why is everything based on money?

- Have they tried to drag you to the side of those who go into the forest?

They talked. But everyone chooses their own path. I was not destined to go there.

- Tatiana became your first girlfriend?

No. The first relationship is like a fairy tale. Even at school, I really liked Diana. Also from Kizlyar. But she did it. He served in the army, accidentally met her on the train. I lived in Lyublino, she studied at Voikovskaya. We started communicating again. At night I ran away from the unit to take a walk with it for at least fifteen minutes. I drove through all of Moscow! So she became my first girlfriend. I was nineteen.

- Why didn't it work out?

I chose another, got married. And in the end she turned out to be someone's mistress. She called me and told me how good she was. I remember our last conversation - I was walking on Okhotny Ryad, her call: "Rasul, I want to return to you."

- What did you answer?

- "Do I look like a trash can?" She committed suicide the next day. Swallowed pills. I was terribly worried ... If you are unfair to a woman, God punishes for that. I have two examples before my eyes.

- What are they?

The first is a stepfather. I saw how my mother loved him, gave herself entirely, was everything to him. But he did not appreciate it. Dumped her after twenty-five years. He threw him out into the street with the children, left the stake, without a yard, although over the years they made four apartments. We rented a little room from friends in the basement. When his stepfather was dying, he shouted only about his mother and asked for forgiveness.

- Example number two?

Ya acted ugly, in fact left my wife with a small child. God decided to punish me. This is how I perceive everything that happened to me later.

- Are you single now? Or is there love in your life?

Fifty-fifty. I really want a family, sons. But there are friends, amazing people. They are 45 years old. Not married. I was always amazed - why? They answered: "It's not time yet ..."

- In March, you are 32. Did you miss the chance to catch a big contract in MMA?

It is too early to talk about contracts. The number one task is to finally forget about all the sores, to return to the previous level. The body has been asking for real work for a long time, but preparation cannot be forced. I keep repeating to myself: "Be patient!" The hand will heal - and into battle. Well, the main goal is championship belts in two Fight Nights scales.

- Really?

Why not? If only health did not fail. I also want to become an honored master of sports in combat sambo.

- What is needed for this?

Win the World Championship for the second time. In non-Olympic events, this title is given only twice. I am a simple guy who goes to his goal. No matter what. They can hinder me. Never break.

Posted by BLACK TIGER Official page (@rasul___mirzaev) Mar 25 2017 at 10:48 PDT

We already said goodbye, but Rasul suddenly slowed down:

You know, I didn't say the most important thing ...

- What?- we stopped too.

Right now I’m replaying our conversation in my head. Probably, people will get the impression that Rasul Mirzaev only stole, fought and created trouble for himself and others. Many people still call me a "killer". Do you know about this?

- Have you heard. Not once.

And I will say - what happened to Vanya Agafonov, my pain and my sin forever! Until the end of my life I will regret that I could not keep my hand! I was obliged to do this as a professional athlete.

- But they didn't.

My path made me what I was at that moment. Childhood in a doghouse. A child dying of hunger. All this taught me to answer blow for blow without hesitation. I swear by Allah, if I rewind it, I would throw a lot of shit out of my life. I would fix a lot. I always tell the truth. You probably get it by now.

- Exactly.

Now my goal is to completely change my destiny. For me, there are no more nightclubs, street fights, stupid showdowns. I want to return to big sport and create a strong family. Friends have compiled for me a list of books that I must read. A whole library! But I can handle. I already have a completely different social circle. These are bright people. I feel - with their help, I myself become a different person. Rasul Mirzaev starts a new life - just write. And to everyone who has brought pain, I am ready to apologize again and again. Everything in my power - I will fix it. I will try to atone for my sins.

Alexander KRUZHKOV

The famous athlete Rasul Mirzaev was urgently hospitalized due to his injuries. On the night of December 30-31, the wrestler was returning from a meeting when three young men attacked him, shooting him in the face with a traumatic weapon. As soon as Mirzaev fell on the asphalt, unknown persons began to beat him with a wooden bat. No valuables and funds were stolen. A number of publications have put forward a version that they wanted to take revenge on the man for an incident that happened about five years ago.

The head of the Fight Night company, which the athlete is a member of, Kamil Hajiyev said that after the operation, the wrestler was resting. However, Mirzaev's subscribers are quite agitated. On his social network page, they are actively discussing what happened. For many, this has become a real tragedy. They write that they cannot believe what happened, they pray that the health of the fighter does not deteriorate. Some especially focused on the reasons that prompted strangers to do this.

It has become obvious to many that this is nothing more than revenge. Someone expressed the opinion that, according to Muslim traditions, revenge is permissible if the perpetrator of the atrocity has not repented of his deed and has not been punished accordingly. Some users agreed with this version, because Mirzaev was not robbed, but only beaten. In their opinion, it could be a blood feud. However, followers believe that the attackers were too cruel to the athlete.

“I hope everything will be fine with him! Inhumans are those who did this. What did this man do to you? ”,“ We ​​pray to Allah to help you. They will definitely be rewarded for what they did ”,“ It was unambiguously revenge for that incident, I don’t remember the guy’s name. It cannot be otherwise. Why not a single thing was stolen then? " - asked the subscribers on the "Instagram" of the sports star.

Not everyone was optimistic. Some subscribers said that they consider what happened to be a reverse process, when a person pays for what he did some time ago.

“What did he want? I got what I needed. He will smile less on the Web "," For some reason I was more than sure that Rasul was close to religion, especially after the accident when he killed that guy. Of course, he will be condemned and scolded, in his case he should not behave like that for all to see, as if he didn’t give a damn about everyone ”,“ What did he think he would get off so easily? He deprived a man of his life, but he himself only received injuries and will quickly move away! " - said the followers indignant at the situation.

Recall that in 2011, near the Garage club in the center of Moscow, during the unleashed conflict between Rasul Mirzaev and student Ivan Agafonov, an athlete hit his opponent so hard that he fell on the asphalt. As soon as the victim was taken to the hospital, he fell into a coma, and died shortly thereafter. Then Rasul spent two years in a pre-trial detention center while the investigation was underway. As a result, the court decided to find him guilty of death by negligence and impose a sentence of two years. But since the athlete spent all this time under investigation, he was released right in the courtroom.

Investigators of the Main Investigative Directorate of the Investigative Committee of the Russian Federation in Moscow opened a criminal case into the attack on the fighter Rasul Mirzaev in Moscow. A criminal case was initiated under two articles at once - "Intentional infliction of medium-gravity harm to health by a group of persons with the use of weapons" and "Violation of the inviolability of the home." The identity of the attackers is being established, and their search is under way.

News today: (click to navigate news)

  • Rasul Mirzaev published his photo from the hospital
  • The media named the reason for the attack on the world sambo champion Mirzaev
  • The door to the attackers of the soldier Mirzaev was opened by a girl
  • They tried to strangle the soldier Rasul Mirzaev with a chain
  • Life publishes video from the apartment where Rasul Mirzaev was shot

Rasul Mirzaev published his photo from the hospital

Russian athlete, world champion in combat sambo, Rasul Mirzaev, who was attacked, posted a photo of himself from the hospital on Instagram.

The picture shows a soldier lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by people who came to visit him.

“Thank you, brothers, for visiting,” says the caption to the photo.

The media named the reason for the attack on the world sambo champion Mirzaev

World champion in combat sambo and MMA fighter Rasul Mirzaev could intercede for the Irish fighter of Russian origin Artyom Lobov in a Moscow club, which was the reason for the attack on him, reports Life.

Mirzaev was attacked on Vostochnaya Street in Moscow, after which he was taken to hospital. It is noted that the attackers fired several shots in the face of Mirzaev. Later, a criminal case was opened. In 2012, Mirzaev was sentenced to two years of restriction of liberty for causing death by negligence. According to the investigation, during the conflict in mid-August 2011 in the center of Moscow near a nightclub, he hit student Ivan Agafonov, who was then hospitalized and died a few days later without regaining consciousness. The attack that happened the day before is not related to the previous incident, the newspaper claims.

According to the source, those close to Mirzaev deny the version that the attack was revenge for the incident with Agafonov. One of Mirzaev's friends said that the natives of Dagestan took revenge on the Russian fighter, after Mirzaev in one of the clubs in Moscow stood up for fighter Artyom Lobov, who trains in Ireland with UFC champion Conor McGregor.

“In the club, a company of natives of Dagestan approached Mirzaev and Lobov. After talking, a dispute ensued between Lobov and them over a possible fight between the Irishman Conor McGregor and the Dagestani Khabib Nurmagomedov. According to the guys from Dagestan, Conor was simply afraid to enter the ring against Khabib. Lobov, who trained at the same club with McGregor, did not agree with them. The guys, of course, did not like this, and they began to insult Artyom. Here Mirzaev entered the flaring conflict. Word for word a fight broke out, but then the club's security quickly arrived. I think that now they decided to finish what they had started and watched Rasul at his house, ”Mirzaev's friend told the newspaper.

The door to the attackers of the soldier Mirzaev was opened by a girl

Now his fiancée Maria R. is in the ward with the world champion in combat sambo.
As it became known to Life, when the attackers got into Rasul Mirzaev's apartment, a girl named Amina opened the door for them. Having learned about the unexpected guests, Rasul himself went out. At this moment the attack took place.

Now next to the wounded athlete in the ward there is another girl - his bride, 20-year-old Maria R. Mirzaev has been dating her for about two years.
Maria lives in two countries, she is educated in Milan. And on the night of the attack, according to the girl herself, she was with her parents in Moscow.
- That night Rasul was about to go to bed. In the morning, everyone was going to prepare for the New Year, they planned to celebrate with their family, - says Maria.

The girl admitted that she had not heard of any threats against the athlete.

Let us remind you that the incident took place tonight in the south of Moscow on Vostochnaya Street. Malefactors attacked Rasul Mirzaev, bursting into his house. They fired several shots in the face and beat him with a bat.

The world champion managed to repulse the attackers, after which the criminals fled. Now law enforcement officers are looking for them, a check is being carried out on the fact of what happened.

They tried to strangle the soldier Rasul Mirzaev with a chain

The criminals left weapons in the soldier's apartment, and took money and jewelry with them.
New details have become known about the attack on the world champion in combat sambo Rasul Mirzaev. According to a Life source, the attackers tried to break the fighter's legs and strangle him with a chain.

They tried to strangle him with a chain, but Rasul was able to fight back, the source said. - While fleeing, the attackers left a weapon in the apartment - a pistol and a chain. They also took the money, but Rasul does not yet know how much. Most likely, they also grabbed the jewelry.

The champion of Russia in MMA was immediately taken to the hospital, where he was operated on. Now the life of an athlete is not in danger.

Recall that the attack on Rasul Mirzaev was committed on the night of December 31 on Vostochnaya Street in the capital. A surveillance camera installed at the entrance of the fighter's house recorded three men entering. On the eve of Mirzaev, his friend football player Dmitry Tarasov visited the hospital in the hospital.

Life publishes video from the apartment where Rasul Mirzaev was shot

According to the source, the attackers tried to break the fighter's legs and strangle him with a chain.
As Life reported earlier, on the night of December 31, the world champion in combat sambo Rasul Mirzaev was attacked in his apartment in Moscow, beaten with a bat and shot in the face. Three malefactors were let into the apartment by a girl - an acquaintance of the victim. According to a source close to Mirzaev, Rasul contacted a close friend immediately after the attack. A fellow fighter, having arrived at the athlete's apartment, called the police and doctors. Almost the entire floor of the apartment was covered in blood, and Mirzaev was barely conscious. Life turned out to have a video from the fighter's apartment immediately after the attack.

They tried to strangle him with a chain, but Rasul was able to fight back, - a source tells Life. - Escaping from there, the attackers left a weapon in the apartment - a pistol and a chain. They also took the money, but Rasul does not yet know how much: he was immediately taken to the hospital. Most likely, they also grabbed the jewelry.

Photo: © L! FE

At the hospital, doctors removed two bullets from Mirzaev's body, one of which nearly hit the heart.

Photo: © L! FE

Relatives of the athlete deny the version of revenge discussed on social networks.

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One of the reasons for the brutal attack on the famous fighter Rasul Mirzaev is called revenge for Ivan Agafonov, a student who died after being hit by a champion during a street fight. However, the athlete's relatives reject this version: according to a close friend of Mirzaev, the athlete was avenged by his fellow countrymen for standing up for a Russian fighter who came to Russia from Ireland.

“When Artem Lobov came to Moscow from Ireland, he and Rasul and several other guys went to the club to celebrate his arrival,” Rasul Mirzaev's friend said in an interview with Life. “In the club they were approached by a company of natives of Dagestan. After talking, a dispute ensued between Lobov and them over a possible fight between the Irish fighter Conor McGregor and Khabib Nurmagomedov. According to the guys from Dagestan, Conor was simply afraid to enter the ring against Khabib. Lobov, who trained at the same club with McGregor, did not agree with them. The guys, of course, did not like this, and they began to insult Artyom. Here Mirzaev entered the flaring conflict. He tried to explain to his fellow countrymen that in a normal dispute one should not go over to insults, Lobov is a guest, which means that one must treat him with respect, and not "run over" and make unfounded claims. Word for word a fight broke out, but then the club's security quickly arrived. I think that now they decided to finish what they had begun and watched Rasul at his house "

According to the source, the attackers tried to break the fighter's legs and strangle him with a chain.

Recall that on the night of December 31, the world champion in combat sambo Rasul Mirzaev was attacked in his apartment in Moscow, beaten with a bat and shot in the face. Three malefactors were let into the apartment by a girl - an acquaintance of the victim. According to a source close to Mirzaev, Rasul contacted a close friend immediately after the attack. A fellow fighter, having arrived at the athlete's apartment, called the police and doctors. Almost the entire floor of the apartment was covered in blood, and Mirzaev was barely conscious. We have at our disposal a video from the soldier's apartment immediately after the attack.

“They tried to strangle him with a chain, but Rasul was able to fight back,” says comrade Mirzaeva. “Escaping from there, the attackers left a weapon in the apartment - a pistol and a chain. They also took the money, but Rasul does not yet know how much: he was immediately taken to the hospital. Most likely, they also grabbed the jewelry. At the hospital, doctors removed two bullets from Mirzaev's body, one of which nearly hit the heart. "

The case of the attack on Rasul Mirzaev will be investigated under two articles.

The picture shows Mirzaev, lying in a hospital bed, surrounded by people who came to visit him.

“Thank you, brothers, for visiting,” says the caption to the photo.

Lastround. rurecalls the loudest armed attacks on soldiers.

Rasul Mirzaev

Did you fight after: Plans to return in mid-2017.

On the morning of December 31, Rasul Mirzaev was attacked in his own apartment. The fighter was shot in the face and beaten with bats. Rasul says that the skills he gained in martial arts helped and he barely managed to get the attackers to flight. We have outlined everything that happened.

Emmanuelle Charr

Did you fight after: Yes

In September 2015, Manuel Charr was relaxing in one of the Turkish bars in the German city of Essen, but the evening did not turn out to be pleasant - after a small incident, the boxer was shot in the stomach and went to the hospital. Later, the name of the shooter became known - Youssef Hassan, and a little later - the friendly relations of the attacker with Charr. As it turned out, the friends just had a fight, after which the impulsive Youssef decided to teach his friend a lesson with a shot in the leg. Everything did not go according to plan, and the bullet hit Charr in the stomach.

As a result, Charr got off with several days of the hospital and even refused compensation from his former friend, and Hassan in the next five years will have to learn how to solve domestic conflicts without the help of a pistol.

Terence Crawford

Did you fight after: Yes

Crawford himself does not like to remember this story, and he can be understood - it is rather unpleasant to talk about a situation when they are trying to shoot you. It was a nasty September day - Terence had a fight with his mother and went with his friends to a nightclub. Something went wrong, and the company was put on the street, and the boxer received a volley of pepper spray in the face. An hour later, Crawford could see clearly and decided to continue the day by playing dice with the local punks. After taking the winnings, Terence got into the car to count the money, but suddenly he heard a pop. The bullet went through the rear window and hit his head behind his right ear. As the doctor would later say, it was glass that saved the life of the future world champion. The bullet passed tangentially, bleeding, the boxer rode to the hospital on his own, and everything ended relatively well.

“Things like this happen in our area,” Crawford sums up. - That day I sat down and just thought about life. I had to be at home, getting ready for a fight, instead I played dice and they shot at me. Since then, I have a goal. " Instructive.

Shahbulat Shamkhalaev

Did you fight after: No

One of the most mysterious attacks on our list. Former Bellator fighter Shahbulat Shamkhalaev was shot in one of the Makhachkala restaurants. 13 shots were fired at the fighter and 10 bullets were extracted.

In the video, a man enters the restaurant and purposefully heads towards the fighter. Later it became known that a few days before that, Shamkhalaev got involved in some kind of conflict, where there was also shooting. That time the shots were just warning shots - Shakhbulat received a blow from an unknown person, hurried to answer the offender, but came across the barrel of a pistol. A day later, there was a shooting in the same cafe. According to some media reports, a "shooter" was appointed in this place, and the fighter himself also did not come empty-handed, taking a pistol and a "saiga" with him.

Michael Falcao

Did you fight after: Yes

You've probably seen this video. "Two MMA fighters severely beaten at a gas station, shock" - different variations of the name of the ill-fated video were popular in the summer of 2013.

Bellator fighter Michel Falcao and fellow reigning 7-1 fighter Cayo Mena are in serious trouble at a gas station. In the video, we see how, after a short dialogue, Falcao, for some inexplicable reason, pushes the girl. A few moments later, two guys run to the fighter, and the third seems to insure friends at the entrance.

What happened next is better to see once. To summarize - in the first round in a duel on fists, the fighters had a certain advantage, in the second part, after the appearance of heavy objects, the battle took on a one-sided character. Especially for the faint of heart, it is better not to watch the finishing of Cayo Mena's unconscious body.

After what happened, Falcao changed forever and was never the same, and Mena was never able to return to professional sports, but most importantly, he was able to return to normal life.

Blagoy Ivanov

Did you fight after: Yes

Blagoy Ivanov made a name for himself by defeating Fedor Emelianenko at the 2008 World Combat Sambo Championship. In February 2012, a fighter in the company of two friends with a criminal past was in one of the bars in the city of Sofia early in the morning. People with knives and bats entered the institution, and it is still unknown who exactly was the target of the criminals - the eminent athlete or the past of his friends. Nevertheless, everything turned into a drama - Ivanov received a stab wound that damaged a lung and hurt his heart, and was taken to the hospital in critical condition. A ventilator and six weeks of induced coma. By the summer, Blagoy was released from the hospital, and a year later he successfully returned to combat.

Jose Benavides

Did you fight after: No

Benavidez is a 24-year-old US boxer with 25 wins. As you can imagine, the fighter is quite promising. You may have heard of him as a possible rival of Konstantin Ponomarev. The battle was supposed to take place in the fall, but a very strange situation occurred.

Jose went for a morning walk with the dog, where he met an unknown person. The man asked the boxer to sell him this dog, but received a logical refusal. In response, the unknown took out a pistol and simply shot the boxer in the leg. A hand injury was also reported.

At the moment, Benavides has successfully recovered, the fight with Ponomarev did not take place, and the fate of the dog remained unknown.

Charles Martin

Did you fight after: No

It all happened in early August at about 5 am Los Angeles. One of the world's most infamous heavyweight champions has come into conflict with unknowns. During the skirmish, Martin's opponents unsuccessfully opened fire and immediately tried to escape from the scene of the crime. Charles decided to get away from the scene as soon as possible, and unsuccessfully crashed into a post. According to another version, the boxer tried to chase the shooters. Nevertheless, seizing the moment, the attackers returned and re-opened fire on the boxer. One of the bullets hit my forearm. Police officers who arrived at the scene took the former champion to the hospital.

At the end of the year, a video appeared on the network where Martin, at the ready with a joint, promises to knock out Anthony Joshua in a rematch and win all the belts. A good sign that the boxer is relatively okay.

Denis Boytsov

Did you fight after: No

Another very incomprehensible story. Denis Boytsov went to watch the "fight of the century" between Floyd Mayweather and Manny Pacquiao, and a day later was found beaten up in a subway tunnel. The professional boxer was beaten and received many severe injuries. Despite three operations, due to cerebral edema, Denis was put into a state of artificial coma, in which he stayed for about 7 weeks. The boxer's wife blamed former promoter Denis Waldemar Klukh for the incident, and the prosecutor's office called the incident an accident while intoxicated. At the same time, the German law enforcement officers were not embarrassed by the fact that the boxer's hands were injured. It is this moment and too many incomprehensible circumstances that allow us to put this story on the list.

After February 2016, it is rather difficult to find information about Denis's condition.

Kell Brook

Did you fight after: Yes

Until the biggest fight in his career, Kell Brook said that after he was a hair's breadth from death, he was not afraid of anything, much less Gennady Golovkin. The Briton was indeed stabbed twice - in 2007 and 2014.

The first incident occurred near a nightclub in Sheffield. Then Brooke received two wounds in the side and buttocks. It is rather difficult to find the details of what happened, because then there were only 14 battles behind the not very famous Briton. The second incident caught Kell on vacation in Tenerife. The boxer met one of his compatriots, after which the men began to drink. As the victim himself later said, while already in the apartment of his new acquaintance, he noticed significant changes in the mood of his fellow countryman. A few minutes later, the man unexpectedly hit Kell in the leg with something very similar to a machete. Brook lost a lot of blood, but managed to escape.

Text: Bogdan Domansky

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