Biting and weather forecast. Bite and weather forecast Bite forecast Kharkivska

Bite forecast Kharkiv today - 20.08"19 .

Today it is clear all day without precipitation. The temperature in the morning is +24 C °, in the afternoon and in the evening +29 C °. Stable pressure 745 mm Hg The wind is weak all day, northeast up to 4 m / s. The leaves and thin branches of the trees sway all the time. The waves are short and well defined, the crests, overturning, form a glassy foam.

Bite forecast bad 3 /10 ... This month the bite is generally good, pike perch bite a little better, crucian carp, carp, rudd, bream, tench, chub, asp, perch, catfish and pike are slightly worse. Nice weather for fishing. In clear weather, the best bite is early in the morning or in the evening.

Bite forecast Kharkiv tomorrow - 21.08"19 .

All day it will be clear, no precipitation. The temperature in the morning is +22 C °, in the afternoon and in the evening +28 C °. Stable pressure 744 mm Hg. The wind is moderate all day, northeast up to 6 m / s. Strong wind for fishing. The wind raises dust and debris, sets in motion the thin branches of trees. Waves are elongated, lambs are visible in many places.

Bite forecast will be weak 4 /10 ... This month the bite is generally good, pike perch bite a little better, crucian carp, carp, rudd, bream, tench, chub, asp, perch, catfish and pike are slightly worse. Good fishing weather, but strong winds. In clear weather, the best bite is early in the morning or in the evening. A slight increase in pressure will improve the fish bite.

  1. find the proposed fishing spot on the map;
  2. click on the proposed fishing spot (check mark);
  3. now you can get a bite forecast!

Bite forecast methodology

This forecast is based on an assessment of the state of the ichthyofauna, depending on changes in meteorological values ​​and the influence of the phases of the moon. The algorithm does not use any controversial dependencies (which may vary depending on the region, ecological situation, water level, etc.).

There is a bite forecast on many fishing sites, somewhere it is easier, somewhere more difficult, but in most cases users are offered a certain result of "dancing with a tambourine". In order to form unambiguously correct dependences of the bite of a particular type of fish in a particular region (and take responsibility for predicting the bite of a particular type of fish) with reference to a calendar, it is necessary to collect and process huge amounts of data. In this case, it is necessary to take into account both natural factors (spawning time, weather anomalies) and human intervention (regulation of the water level, warm drains, discharge of chemicals, etc.). It is safe to say that no one has detailed statistics and collecting it is useless, because such data quickly becomes outdated and irrelevant. It is known that in the same region the cool situation can change dramatically in just a couple of years (with the exception of places that are difficult for humans to access).

It is for the reasons described above that the fish Hook bite forecast is not formed on the basis of some "averaged statistical data". For thousands of years, mankind has studied quite well the general principles of the influence of the weather and the moon on living organisms. These principles are used in the given algorithm. Moreover, the bite forecast must take into account not only the state of the object of fishing, but also the fisherman himself, because the result of fishing depends on the well-being (and hence the mood) of the fisherman.

The forecast does not take into account the size / weight / age of the fish: just as we ourselves are less weather dependent in our youth, so small fish can be active in almost any weather.

The bite is predicted only for a few days ahead (for the days for which we can get a reliable weather report).

date and time

The forecast displays the "local" date at the forecast point. In other words, if you are in Moscow and request a forecast for Kamchatka, you will see the date taking into account the Kamchatka time zone.

Weather data

Weather report, data on the direction and strength of the wind, as well as pressure and humidity are provided by the service

I'll tell you right away that I don't believe in fishing forecast and biting forecast. I go fishing when I feel the time is right. But I would like to draw your attention to some important natural phenomena that affect the activity of fish. For example: water temperature, sunrise and sunset times, barometric pressure and wind speed. They definitely influence the success of fishing. And I cannot hide this information from you.

The moon also affects fishing, but it mainly affects marine fish. Fishing results depend on many factors, the most important are now in front of you.

The bite forecast in the Kharkiv region is best done by analyzing the data of the current meteorological report. In high winds, thunderstorms or fog, you have very little chance of catching fish, and the same goes for very cold water. Therefore, check the weather forecast carefully before you go fishing.

Or I will do it for you, or rather, the work will be done by the artificial intelligence of the blog. He will be responsible for fishing forecast :) He will take meteorological data, look at the moon, analyze it and give the result in%. 100% - ideal conditions for fishing and the fish is hyperactive, 0% - something went wrong! His work is demonstrated below.

The algorithm uses various calculation methods based on the current (actual) weather and the forecast for the next day, ichthyological characteristics of fish behavior, and the theory of tides, including. If some parameters do not match well, the fish is considered to be at rest. This value in the table below is 0% ...


Current air temperature, degrees Celsius - humidity,% - wind speed and direction (north is up), - cloudiness,% - height of the lower edge of clouds, m - time of sunrise, - time of sunset, - phase of the moon, - rise of the moon, - moonset.

Attention! The forecast of fish activity is calculated for the city of Kharkov for the current day and the current hour. The forecast is made in real time. The bite forecast is automatically recalculated and adjusted six times a day. Keep in mind that even an active fish does not guarantee a successful fishing trip. You have to make an effort!

Biting forecast for other regions of Ukraine

Do good ...

And throw it into the water! I am well aware that the activity forecast can be used not by those for whom it is intended. But I hope that this service will not be used by poachers and violators of fishing rules ...

If you are interested in catching the fish, let it go more often and be merciless towards the offenders. I propose to share this on Facebook and chirp on Twitter. You will find the corresponding buttons below.

Next to this message is an interactive map of Ukraine. By clicking on the corresponding region, you can see the actual weather for it. You will also be able to see the fishing forecast for the area you choose.

No tail, no scales!

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