How to hunt a hare at night in winter. How to hunt a hare at night? How to kill a hare

Around the second half of summer, avid hunters are increasingly beginning to think about their gun, because the season of hunting for hares is approaching. It would seem that everything has been known about hares for a long time, however, in order for the hunt to be successful, you need to know some of its secrets and features. Before the hike, it is necessary to study the intricacies of the hare character, since these animals are shy and attentive and it is not as easy to get them as it seems at first glance.

Hare: description and habits

The hare belongs to the type of mammals, the order of Lagomorphs, the genus of hares. In no case should hares be classified as rodents, and they are not so harmless. If these animals sense danger, they can be very aggressive and can offer decent resistance to the one who attacked them. For a very long time, hares have been a popular trophy among hunters, because their meat is very tasty, and their fur is warm and beautiful.

Hares have a slender body, the length of which can reach 70 cm, and the weight can reach 7 kg. A distinctive feature of hares is their ears, which can reach 15 cm in length. Ears are the hare's main helper. Due to their large size, hearing in these animals is very well developed, much stronger than sight and smell. The hind legs have rather long feet, which are more powerful than the front ones. This allows hares to hide from sight very quickly in the event of a threat. Their speed can reach 80 km / h.

And also, hunters should be aware that while moving, hares can change their direction of running and jump in different directions, which allows them to hide from the threat. Also, hares run very well uphill, but down from the mountain they fly head over heels. The color of the skin is different: reddish-gray, brown, brown, white. It depends on the breed of the hare.

There are several types of hunting, depending on the season and other factors.

The hare hunting season starts in September and lasts until early March. Hare hunting is prohibited in the summer. The animals feed their offspring in summer, so if a mother rabbit is shot, the entire brood will die. Winter hare hunting is the most common option.

Winter hunting


The first thing to take care of before hunting a hare in winter without a dog is equipment. Clothing should be very warm, because for a long time the hunter needs to sit still, waiting for the game to appear. At the same time, clothing should not restrict movement, and even more so, interfere with the hunter to handle the gun. You can solve this problem by putting some of the equipment in your backpack, and when the need arises, you can warm yourself. In order to protect the lower back from the cold, the choice can be made in favor of semi-overalls.

In addition to clothing, a backpack must contain:

  • first aid kit;
  • thermos;
  • flashlight;
  • folding chair;
  • newspaper and firelight (if necessary).

For a successful hunt, you need to comply with some requirements:

  • It is better to come to the place where hares feed very early, even before the onset of light and find shelter in advance. It can be a snowdrift or a hole in the snow.
  • Clothing should not interfere with movement.
  • In the shelter, you must not smoke, make noise, move abruptly.
  • The gun rises only when the animal has already begun to eat complementary foods (apple tree branches, cabbage, hay).

Place and time

Many inexperienced hunters shoot at their shadows instead of animals. To prevent this from happening, you need to remember that the silhouette of a hare is always lighter than its shadow.

Thoroughly need to approach the choice of a place for shelter. Ideally, when the trail of the hare trail goes towards the shelter. Then his shadow will not interfere with making a successful shot.

When shooting a hare in the back, it is better to aim at the front of the body. If he sensed danger and began to run, then the shots are carried out at the tips of the ears. If the animal is in a panic and runs to the hunter, then the shot is made in the front paws.

The time to hunt a hare is ideal in the morning, at dawn. At this time, hares like to go out to feed without feeling a sense of danger. In the early morning, you can start tracking the animal. In this case, it is necessary to be as inconspicuous as possible. If possible, it is better to hide behind a tree, bush or snowdrift.

Pay attention to the weather, in the snow, hares become more cautious, so making a successful shot is quite difficult.

If you still decide to hunt in the snow, then plowing will be the best place to look for a hare. In other cases, you can safely look for hares in the fields.

Weapon selection

For a successful hunt, you need to choose the right weapon. Remember to purchase a license first before purchasing a gun. Most often, in our case, a light 12-16 caliber double-barreled shotgun or an air gun for hunting a hare is bought. But this gun will allow you to make only a light shot, and the animal most often does not die from one shot, and as a result, a lot of time will be wasted on "finishing off" the animal.

The advantage of this gun is that it is very lightweight. And the hunter sometimes spends a lot of time hunting.

Air rifles are gaining more and more popularity among hunters for their accuracy and speed. And these characteristics are the best suited for hunting a dexterous and fast beast. The air gun will be ideal for beginner hunters, as it has a stock scope.

You can arrange a hunt for a hare with a bow. According to its characteristics, this weapon is quite suitable for hunting a hare.

Types of winter hare hunting

There are several types of hare hunting without a dog. How to hunt a hare in winter, each hunter decides for himself, choosing the best way for himself.

From the approach

The essence of hunting for a hare from the approach is that at first the territory is carefully studied. That is, you need to understand how to find a hare. During this, you always need to be ready to make a shot, since the animal may appear at the most unexpected moment. If the animal rushes under your feet, then you should not shoot.

The secret is that the hunter must imagine that he is throwing a cigarette before shooting. This moment is enough for the animal to run off to an ideal distance of 20-30 m.

Another secret of approach hunting is as follows. A hunter walks purposefully in search of prey and rarely stops. The hare, if it sees a person next to it, will not immediately run, but at first it will hide and lie motionless. If you stop every 50 m, it will scare the animal and it will start running. The animal thinks that its hiding place has been found, which means that it is necessary to flee.


The meaning of such a hunt is that the hare is tracked down to its resting place. Therefore, you just need to be able to unravel the traces of these animals. The ideal time to track a hare is around 4 am. At this time, the tracks will be the freshest.

Hares entangle their tracks twice, and then rest. If the trail is too tangled, then you can go around a circle of about 500 m in diameter. So you can find a leading trail, and at the same time bypass possible hiding places of the beast.

The meaning of hunting with tracking is that during the day the animal usually moves along one route from the place of day to the place of fattening. After the hare track is found, you need to determine its nature and direction.

Distinguishing the tracks from each other, you can understand how to trail a hare:

  • fatty (remains during feeding);
  • racing (running tracks);
  • running (normal calm movement of the animal).

If a fat track is found, then the next one is looking for a running track - this is how the tracks lead to the path of the place where the animal is resting. When searching for this place, you need to walk next to the tracks of a hare so as not to trample them. The animal can jump out of the shelter at any moment, and then a shot is immediately carried out with a shot. It is almost impossible to trample a hare alone. This should be done together or three.

From an ambush

Hunting from an ambush for a hare is ideal for late winter, when the snow layer is as large as possible. At this time, it is very difficult for hares to find food and they gain courage and come closer to human homes. It is better to go around the hunting place in advance in order to think over the ambush strategy.

You can pre-arrange a place for an ambush. This could be:

  • Rectangles are cut out of the snow, in the shape of bricks, and a shelter similar to a snowdrift is built.
  • The tent is white.
  • Stack of straw or hay (if possible due to freezing).

Hares like hay very much, so they often go to the haystacks to feast on. An advantageous position in this case will be a place from the side of the hare path. In a camouflage robe, you can sit on a folding chair and wait for the beast. Natural shelter will suffice.

For a successful hunt for a hare in an ambush, you should also take into account the lifestyle of the eared animal. Therefore, the night will be the best time. An indisputable fact wins here - in the light of the moon, a hare can be seen as well as during the day.

The hare has a predominantly nocturnal lifestyle, therefore, as soon as it gets dark, it gets up from its prone. A hare attack can last until the morning. All hunters share the hunt for three nights. On the first night, they look for traces, on the second night - it is checked whether the hare really goes to feed in this place, and on the third - to hunt. You can use bait - animal feed.

It is better to always have a thermos, a lantern and a chair with you. Full moon hunting is ideal because the moon perfectly illuminates the entire area. The hunter sees well both the front sight on the gun and the prey.

Night hunting

Hunting for a hare at night involves being motionless most of the time, therefore, such a quality as perseverance is the key to a successful hunt. The downside of night light is that you can confuse the hare itself with its shadow, but how to get around this factor was described above.

Autumn hunt

You can also hunt hares in autumn. To do this, you need to know about such a distinctive feature of their behavior as the fact that in dry autumn they prefer to move by transitions to the shores of different reservoirs, hiding in bushes and thickets of grass. If the autumn is damp, then it is better to look for hares along the edges of coniferous forests. During leaf fall, hares can also be found at the edges, because the rustle of foliage in the forest makes them very alarming and frightening. If the animal gets scared, then it will quickly run, make several or one circle and return to the same place.

Let's take a look at how to hunt a hare in the fall.

From the approach

The bottom line is that the hunter moves very slowly and looks for where the animal is hiding. Hunting for a hare from the approach is ideal in windy and wet weather, because in this case the movements of the hunter are very hard to hear. You need to move against the wind, otherwise he can smell a person.

You need to be on the alert and be ready to fire at all times.

From an ambush

This method is suitable if a place is found where several hares gather for feeding in fields or gardens. At night, an ambush is also being prepared and hares are expected to appear.

Driven hunt

This method is best used if there is an experienced hunter or hunter in the company. Discipline will be required from all participants. Each hunter takes his place, and a group of beaters noisily runs through the territory and drives the hares to the hunters.

With headlight

Headlamp hare hunting is another interesting option. At night, hares go out to feed in the field. They usually stop for lying about 50 m from the field, possibly in the forest. At night, when the headlamp is suddenly illuminated, the animal becomes blind, and the hunter has a few seconds to make a shot. After that, the game will suddenly jump off the spot and run, but along the line of illumination of the headlamp, which will add several more opportunities to make shots.

Hunting with a dog

If we talk about choosing a dog for hunting a hare, then mainly hounds are used, who know the tracks of hares and follow them perfectly. Dogs give a voice if they come across a trail. Thus, the hunter knows by sound where the dog is. Running away from the dog, the hare makes a circle and returns to the same place where the hunter is waiting for him. Hunting for a hare with dogs can be considered the most popular, as there is excitement and movement in it.

Breed selection

To hunt with a dog, you need to make the right choice. There are several dog breeds with which there is a great chance of success.

Of course, the best breed for hunting a hare with dogs is a hound, but what kind of breed you can still choose. In our country, the most famous are three breeds of hounds: Russian hound, Russian piebald hound, Estonian hound and other species.

Let's dwell a little more on the rocks:

  • Estonian hound. Its main difference is that it has a small stature, up to half a meter, and this is a big drawback when hunting in the snow. This breed is popular in countries with mild climates. And her dignity can be considered the fact that she can easily live in an apartment.
  • English-Russian or Russian hound. These two breeds are practically the same in character traits. The Anglo-Russian hound has a smaller size, so it is less likely to knock down its paws when running. And Russian hounds have a more delicate sense of smell, so they often work for one type of animal. Russian hounds are more accurate, although much depends on which kennel the puppy was taken from. Hunting with Russian hounds is the choice of most hunters.
  • Greyhound dogs. A distinctive feature of these dogs is that when chasing an animal, they do not make a sound and their goals when hunting are slightly different. The greyhound works for the hunter, so this kind of hunt is often called "lazy".
  • Pointing breeds. Many hunters choose this breed for their malice. That is, during the hunt, the dog, detecting a hare, stands up and waits for the command, and the hunter must shoot at this time.
  • Likes. Hunting with a husky for a hare is advantageous because, when trained, it can very quickly find a victim by smell and "drive" it under the hunter's bullet.

For hunting with hunting dogs for a hare to be a real pleasure, the dogs need to be trained.

Dog training

Hounds undergo very strict training, although if you use a dog only for hunting hares, then training will not be so difficult. It is important to teach the dog that if during the hunt, for example, he sees a fox, then his attention will not be switched to the new animal.

During training, it is imperative to let the dog taste the hare, so that it develops an interest in this animal. If the dog has no interest, then the hare will easily break the pace of the pursuit and he will get tired of the very process of hunting.

Game hunting: what a hunter should do

If the hunt is with dogs, then there are rules where it is better to look for animals. It makes no sense to look for hares in the same places, because hares constantly change their place of laying and feeding. In wet times, it is better to look for hares on the hills, and in dry times, in the lowlands.

With dogs, the ideal time to hunt is the first snow or black trope. Hunting on the first snow for a hare consists in the fact that at such a time the alarmed animal runs around its place of lying, and at this time the hunter makes a shot.

Another way is when the dog finds a lying place (in late autumn or during a thaw). The animal lies tightly to the ground, and the hunter can calmly come within the range of the shot.

With the first snow, it will be easier for dogs to find traces of the animal, which will increase the chances of a successful hunt. Hare hunting dogs will become indispensable helpers in any weather.
The main thing is to obtain a license to hunt a hare before starting the hunting process, so as not to be fined for illegal actions.


You will find the secrets of successful tracking from an experienced hunter in our video.

I. Kolesnikov

Hunting with a gun and a dog

There are many ways to hunt a hare with a gun, but the most common is to hunt a white hare with a gun and a dog. Hunting in the forest with a dog has many advantages. Hunting with a gun for a hare in the steppe is also widespread; the hare is more often raised from arable land, from ravines, from hollows, from small bushes. These types of hunting are most prey on the blacktrope and on the first snow; on the blacktrope, hunting is good until frost hits. On frosty days, the rustle in the forest spreads far away and this makes the hare more alert; the dog quickly beats off his legs and refuses to drive. During severe frosts, the hare also rarely lets the hunter within the range of a rifle shot. After the deep snow has fallen out, hunting from under the dog is also a little prey. The dog walks with difficulty in deep snow and soon rubs its paws. The crunch of snow produced by skis makes the hare explode at a far distance from the hunter. It follows from what has been said that December and January are not very productive months, while at this time the skins of the animal are of the greatest value.

Hare hunting at night under the moon

There is a method of hunting, a little widespread, which is very effective precisely in these few months of fishing. This is hunting at night with the moon. It is also interesting because the hunter is given the opportunity to observe the behavior of the hare in its native element.

Sometimes, you get so carried away by observations that you will not make a single shot, despite the fact that the hares are a few meters away from you. It also happened like this: you sit by a haystack and wait for the approach of the animal. Suddenly there will be a rustle overhead; you shudder in surprise, lift your head up and see: the hare with its front paws is quickly and quickly throwing hay on the haystack. Then you grab the gun with a hasty jerk, but the hare is gone; he will rush about a hundred meters with a bullet, then stand on its hind legs and examine a suspicious object located by the haystack.

They hunt under the moon and for a hare in the field and in the forest for a hare.

In the field, the hunter settles down either by a haystack or by a manure of straw. But at the same time it should be remembered that the night "sit" in the field and in the forest should be arranged only if the snow is deep enough. The hare's pasture at such a time is tightly closed, and the hare rushes to the haystacks and oomets. The best time to hunt in the moonlight is late December, January and early February.

Before going to the night "sidka", the hunter must walk several times across the field, inspect haystacks and droppings, establish whether there are traces there. He should also note that these tracks are not of a hare that ran by accident, but of that hare that was feeding here. It is not difficult to distinguish such traces - the feeding hare leaves frequent digging on the trail. It is best to go on a night hunt together. Several birds with one stone can approach one hunter at once, and after the shot they usually run away to other omets, near which the second hunter is hiding.

It is also necessary to take into account the time of the appearance of hares near haystacks and oomets, which is very important in winter cold weather. Hunters go to haystacks and omets before hares appear there. In some places, the animals appear at the oomets early, sometimes the evening dawn does not have time to go out yet, in others it is late. A hunter who has come to a haystack in the evening often has to sit in vain for several hours. To avoid sitting for a long time in the cold, it is recommended to come to the "sidka" in the evening, but keep in mind that if the hares have not arrived by 8-9 o'clock, then they spend the first part of the night somewhere in the bushes and by 10-11 o'clock they will appear for real feeding to haystacks and omets. In the latter case, you need to go to the "sidka" by 10 pm. Having come to the "sidka", the hunter settles down either at the top of the stack or below, the advantage of the "sidka" at the top is that the hunter can survey a much larger area. But wherever the hunter settles, he must observe absolute silence. In order to frighten off a hare who has approached, sometimes a light click when the trigger is cocked or the slightest rustle is enough. Therefore, the hunter arranges himself in advance so that he can make slow turns of the gun completely silently. The hammers must, of course, be cocked in advance. In order not to shoot at random, the hunter, having come to the "sidka", scatters several scraps of hay 12-15 meters from the place of the "sidka". The hare who has come running will certainly come up to the abandoned scraps of hay. No haste is allowed on this hunt. A hunter should not be embarrassed if a hare, which has run up 25-30 meters to the "sidka", suddenly starts to flee. This is his usual behavior. Before he is convinced of safety, the animal will quickly run around the stacks several times, then dash off into the field, then return again and stand on its hind legs a hundred meters away, examining an unfamiliar object for a long time. It is best to shoot a hare when he stops observing the object and crawls up to the haystack (slow crawling is a sure sign that the hare no longer attaches any importance to the visible object). Great endurance is needed on the part of the hunter. There is no need to beat a hare on the run, it will certainly come up to a close distance.

The author of these lines often hunted hares at night by the moon. At first, I buried myself deep in the hay, leaving a hole only for the head, but then I became convinced of the inexpediency of such a disguise. A hole is made on a haystack or on a droplet so that the hunter takes refuge in it up to his shoulders, and such a deep hole is needed not to hide, but to make it warmer. In warm weather, you can sit down at the end of the mistletoe. The hare is not afraid of a visible object, as long as it does not move. I had to beat hares on the "side" of the Oomets, wearing a black sheepskin coat, which stands out especially at night.

A beginner hunter must remember that transitions from one place to another only worsen the hunt. Hares can see a moving object very far. It is also not necessary to pick up the first killed hare. The hunter can scare away those rabbits that are nearby.

Night hunting for a hare in the forest has a slightly different character. This hunt is complicated mainly by the fact that it is difficult to make warming in the forest. Usually they do this: straw (20-30 kg) is taken to the place of the "sidki", which is scattered at the trunk of a large tree. Before the hunt, the hunter explores the places, finds the most popular trails. In the clearing, where several paths go out, you need to sketch fresh aspen branches. The next day, inspect this place, and if traces are found, then at night you can equip the hunt. The seating place is arranged 15-20 meters from the outlined branches. Camouflage is also not required here, since the hunter sitting by the tree trunk is hardly noticeable at night.

When hunting at night in the forest, it is necessary to take into account that the white hare rises much earlier, about an hour after sunset. In accordance with this time, and you need to go hunting. In the moonlight, a hare is very difficult to spot in the snow. It is visible only when jumping, but completely disappears from the field of view when it starts to crawl, although it is 10-15 meters from the hunter. At such a close distance, eyes or ears are clearly visible, which serve as a target for the hunter. But it is best to plant several aspen branches in the snow, approaching which the hare will stand on its hind legs. Finally, it must be remembered that in both field hunting and forest hunting it is impossible to arrange a place of shelling in the shade. The place of shelling must by all means be illuminated by the moon.

Hare hunting at night is one of the ways to hunt a hare, which is carried out at a time when there is a lot of snow and it is impossible to hunt a hare with hounds.

As a rule, this is the end of December and the beginning of January. It is then that the hare has difficulty finding food, so it can be found in the fields near haystacks or straw.

The location for this hunt can be fields where there are hay or straw haystacks, if you plan.

To hunt a white hare, you need to go to the forest at night, where you can choose a suitable place and wait for the animal to approach.

Night hare hunting

The best time for this hunt will be a moonlit night, when the moon is shining well and you can easily spot a hare in the snow.

Before hunting, you should go through the area where it is planned to hunt to make sure that the hare goes there to feed at night and to determine the places of approach.

In a haystack or near it, you need to prepare a place for an ambush. Some hunters make a hole right in the stack and climb in there. It is enough to show the head and the gun, which could be easily turned around.

This form of hiding place very well warms the hunter, but turning the gun is inconvenient, so many hunters prefer to climb up the haystack and get comfortable there while waiting for the hare to approach.

There are hunters who take a chair with them and sit down near the haystack. Bunches of hay are scattered around them within a radius of 15-20 meters, which a hare will definitely approach at night.

You need to sit very quietly at night. Smoking, coughing, performing any actions is unacceptable, because the hare will immediately react to this and run away.

You need to come to the hunting place before the hare appears in the feeding places. As a rule, this time is closer to 22-23 o'clock and you can leave as early as 6 o'clock.

There are times when it comes up after sunset, but mostly a little later.

The behavior of the animal is very specific. He can quietly approach, and then run abruptly, stand on his hind legs and listen.

All this indicates that the hare is examining the territory and trying to check for the presence of danger around.

When the hare begins to crawl to the haystack, then this is a clear signal that he is already ready to start fattening.

It is good to shoot a hare at a distance of 20-25 meters, so try to let him in just that distance.

The peculiarity of this hunt lies in the fact that the hunt itself takes place in the forest, where the white hare comes to fatten.

First, locate the places where the hare's paths go so that you can make hare bait near them.

Use aspen branches as bait, which should be placed in a heap and some of them placed vertically in the snow so that the hare has to stand on its hind legs.

In this position, it will be easier to spot it against the background of the forest, which means you can easily aim and fire.

After installing the bait the next day, you need to check if the hare is suitable for this place. If the hare feeds near the bait at night, then you can go hunting.

Remember that the white hare goes fat before the brown hare. Already an hour after sunset, he is already running to feed, so this circumstance should be taken into account.

Hunting for a hare at night allows you to shoot a lot of hares, so you should not get too carried away with this method.

Mushrooms, too, cannot escape, and it is quite possible that they are asleep. So what? In addition, when diving into the sea, we are not at the top of the food pyramid - sharks hunt at night. It is necessary to determine how to deal with the ban on hunting, and not during the time of the day of hunting, if hunting is prohibited, then it will be prohibited at any time of the day! Let's lay out suggestions like? And not quarrel with each other! Arthur, if they stop hunting at night, will there be more fish? During the day, she must feed calmly, otherwise only she wants to eat, and they shoot her. Small loci are easy to fill during the day. It's not about the time of day. I tried to hunt at night and came out empty. How many kg. To shoot fish, this is also a question of the software itself and its skill, and not a question day or night. You can say hunt 10m. this is also not sports. There are those who get a thrill from hunting, and there are those who just want to get 1-2 fish for the family for the table. It is not forbidden to catch fish with nets or balls. I don't know if hunting at night can be harmful or beneficial. But I never heard that someone caught a palamida, intias or tarahuna at night.

This is hunting at night with the moon. It is also interesting because the hunter is given the opportunity to observe the behavior of the hare in its native element. Several birds with one stone can approach one hunter at once, and after the shot they usually run away to other omets, near which the second hunter is hiding. In warm weather, you can sit down at the end of the mistletoe. The hare is not afraid of a visible object, as long as it does not move. A beginner hunter must remember that transitions from one place to another only worsen the hunt. Hares can see a moving object very far. The hunter can scare away those rabbits that are nearby. When hunting at night in the forest, it is necessary to take into account that the white hare rises much earlier, about an hour after sunset. In accordance with this time, and you need to go hunting. In the moonlight, a hare is very difficult to spot in the snow.

On a hare at night from an ambush

But there is another extremely interesting way - this is hunting on an ambush at night, it is not very common, but still worth talking about. It becomes difficult for a hare or a hare to find food for himself. During a long winter night, animals visit more than one backyard and haystacks, so it is important to choose the right place where the largest number of hare tracks are found. The Rusak, as a resident of open spaces, is most attracted to grassy food, for the same reason he is much more willing to visit haystacks and stacks of straw. Only bright moonlit nights are suitable for hunting. It is necessary to occupy an ambush in advance, even in the evening, because as soon as evening twilight comes, the animals rush to feed.

Think for yourself that you will hunt on the territory of SOOOiR, the right to carry out legal hunting can only be with a hunting permit and a membership card. If there is permission and a paper from SOOIiR, then I advise you to coordinate this issue with them, I think that they should not be against it. Well, first of all, read and learn the Hunting Rules and the Hunting Law, as well as Hunting parameters in the area where you hunt. If you do not want to teach, carry copies of these documents with you. Before, when we hunted for hooves in the ODU, we always called the regional hunting inspector, warned him about our presence. Kazakstan has its own rules, but in some European countries hunting for deer and roe deer is carried out from the back of a car.

There are many ways to hunt a hare with a gun, but the most common is to hunt a white hare with a gun and a dog. These types of hunting are most prey on the blacktrope and on the first snow; on the blacktrope, hunting is good until frost hits. After the deep snow has fallen out, hunting from under the dog is also a little prey.

Re: What is the penalty for a night hunt in a car under headlights?

In December and January, hunting is not effective, while in these months the skins of the animals are most valuable. It is necessary to consider the time when the hares will appear at the haystacks. Before hunting, the territory is examined for the presence of promising exits to the clearing of tracks in these places, it is necessary to throw fresh twigs. In the light of the moon, the white hare in the snow is hard to notice. At a distance of up to 15 meters, ears and eyes are clearly visible for the hunter and are a reference point for shooting.

Security measures for handling weapons prohibit shooting at noise, rustling, at an unclearly visible target, in fog, in heavy snow, at dusk, against the sun and in other conditions of poor visibility. Alexey, ay-yay! All duck hunting comes down to hunting with only just beginning dawn and before sunrise And, with sunset, and the onset of complete darkness (and here the arrival can continue). And yes advice. Carrying with you in a backpack quick-detachable underbarrel lights and night vision devices is not prohibited by law, where, although it is a law that BREATHED, but clearly written APPLICATION !!! By and large, this is a big stupidity, because the grenade launcher, that the NVG in the dark gives more chances that there are no wounded, but who wrote his law campaign in advance invented this confusion.

Sanyok62 20-11-2009 17:08

moved from Hunting

I want to sit a bunny in the dark. I often see them near the road, come out of the forest and come across the field to the road. Where is the best place to wait for them, at the exit from the forest or by the road, when they are already going through the field? I know approximately where they leave the field, and where from the forest I don’t know. Or is it better to wait for them in a clearing. Near the village, at the edge of the forest, two large aspens fell (they were broken by a hurricane), maybe where are there to be on duty nearby and bunnies will come to them at night?
Tell us who hunts a hare exactly in the dark and without a dog. Loops and traps are not interesting.

igor56 20-11-2009 17:54

Not those times have come, so that you can sit behind a hare, you can sit all winter and not see. And not only because it has become very small, that even during the day it is not possible to raise it every time. Well, if you want, yes very much, then you can sit. But now those who do this specifically for the hare, I think, do not exist. So, along the way with the chanterelle ...
As a child, several times I went with my grandfather and my father to such ambushes on the edge of the garden, twice to a wolf (they came to the pit where they threw out stillborn calves). In those days, there were a lot of hare, every night they resorted to a haystack, to the vegetable gardens of cabbage stumps, corn and to gnaw apple trees in the garden. First, they chose a very moonlit night, when you can read without light. They sat down in a haystack, warmed up and waited. Rusaks mainly raided in one direction (it was clearly visible from the tracks in the snow) along the border, overgrown with weeds, went to the hay, then checked the apple orchard and vegetable gardens. The main thing is to notice on such a bright night a poorly distinguishable gray speck of a moving animal. The main feature is that the shadow of the beast from the moon is visible more clearly than he himself. Hence the misses. For better aiming, a plaster was glued to the beginning and end of the aiming bar. Now the night sight will make everything much easier. Well, that's all the secrets. The way of hunting is not prey, but at the same time foxes, and cats, and village dogs were shooting (it is difficult to understand (only by the "gait") what kind of animal will come out of the dark spot, after the shot, they always approached the trophy with interest and anxious expectation - so what? it was, if the dog does not utter a death cry). It didn't work with the wolf.

KsBB 20-11-2009 20:53

Try soaking ground carrots in alcohol

Danok 21-11-2009 12:00

Try it everywhere, but it won't be easy without snow.

Sanyok62 23-11-2009 11:58

quote: Originally posted by KsBB:
Try soaking ground carrots in alcohol

And what is this for? Not all people can stand the smell of alcohol, but here is a hare. It's funny?

igor56 23-11-2009 18:09

The question is certainly interesting, in the sense of its essence. Now, I think, there are almost no such brave hunters to sit and watch the bunny at night, and not only because the hare became very bad. But if you want, you can.
When I was a child, my acquaintance grandfather and father took me on such a hunt. But the fact is that there were a lot of bunnies at that time, hare almost every night ran to the garden to gnaw a cabbage stump or an apple tree not hidden in needles, pick up beet leaves, the remaining carrots, try hay from a haystack. In the morning, especially in the fresh snow, the chains of their footprints were clearly visible along the road in the village, excavations in vegetable gardens, feeding with hay in a haystack. They usually chose a very moonlit night (such that you can read in the moonlight), warm themselves, sit in a haystack and wait. Children's memory well remembered the moments of such a hunt - agonizing anticipation, peering into all the dark spots to tears, piercing the growing cold, the movement of a dark speck of the beast, a shot, impatience when approaching a frozen animal - and disappointment and anxiety when identifying a dead neighbor's cat ... I remember that the results of such a hunt were 3-4 hares, two foxes and several village mongrels and cats. Twice they sat down on a wolf near the farm near the stillborn calves thrown into the ravine - but we did not succeed (although other hunters very rarely fired). So the chances of mining are very low. The peculiarity of hunting - you need to know from which direction the animals usually come; in the moonlight, the hare itself is almost invisible, but its shadow is quite visible (hence, with incorrect aiming, a guaranteed miss). The presence of a night sight or, at least a night monocular, binoculars will greatly facilitate hunting. That's the whole tip. Wait, breathe the air, rest, maybe a bunny or a fox will come running ...

Sanyok62 23-11-2009 18:46

So this is all there: a night light, footprints fresh in the morning (there are many and more than one), where they can come from, desire, well, there are cats and dogs too, there are no haystacks and foxes, they don’t come to the village (foxes). one lesson is useless, and I don’t know how. I tried it from the book, it didn’t work, the dog is still young and stupid.

KsBB 23-11-2009 18:49

quote: near the farm with the stillborn calves thrown into the ravine -

Our hares refuse to eat such complementary foods! Maybe the crisis has not yet reached them. What if raccoon foxes pounce? There will be no ... purity of experiment ...

Sanyok62 23-11-2009 18:54

KsBB, you are kidding, can you tell me about the essence of the question?

KsBB 23-11-2009 20:09

Or, according to the principle "everything around is collective farm, everything around is mine" to wait for the bait
any guests, or with racer friends ... wait for dawn .. Good luck!
Your answers are clear and close ..

igor56 24-11-2009 13:22

quote: And chasing a hare for one day is useless, and I don't know how.

Why is it useless? If a hare (and a white hare, although it is more complicated here), then it is very possible to use a self-catcher. Unravel the trail to bed. Shoot when lifting from a prone. Once the hare deceives, the second, the third ..., but then learn to recognize his cunning, even with a high probability of determining where he can lie. A very useful thing for teaching the art of reading a track. I started doing this from the 5th grade of school and the first bunny was caught by a self-titled. Advice - just do not take a stupid young dog for this, it will not help you in any way, but only hinder.

Andrey82 24-11-2009 14:05

and I hunted a hare at night from the approach. driving across the field at night from under the headlights, if he ran, then he was shot. We turn off the light, I have a tiger with a night light and I come up 70-100 meters. I didn’t try to shoot from my knee anymore. I tried it if I left right away, and after two or three hours, I’ll stop and look and then it also turned out. try out of the wind from the approach!

Nikey 24-11-2009 14:13

quote: we are driving across the field at night from under the headlights if he ran, then he was shot. we turn off the light I have a tiger with a night light and come up 70-100 meters no more tried firing from my knee


MIK 24-11-2009 14:52


Igor, you don’t understand. They are coming from the approach, they call this action hunting.

Oleg15tv 24-11-2009 16:42

we turn off the light I have a tiger with a night light and I go 70-100 meters more

They are not the type to be honest, they turn off the light, but walk 100 meters on foot. And you sit and wait for the hares to breed as in the old days. All to be honest.

KsBB 24-11-2009 17:15

more expensive than a goose in a store, given the crisis ..

Ermolaev 24-11-2009 18:04

A couple of times, depending on the mood, I sat down, and moreover it was successful.
The technology is, I tell you, as in the spirit.
In the year before last, as soon as it snowed, I went for a walk. I found a small, slightly boggy clearing on the edge of a large swamp.
EVERYTHING trampled by hares. I marked it with a GPS point. About a month later I went deliberately at her, they were walking! And how!
Last year, I went there again - the same and still the same! I threw 3 kg of salt on the edge of the clearing. Took a week to hunt.
I threw warm clothes there first, I made a chair with a back.
The second walker - he pinned himself.
For the first time, the trip is utterly impossible. The night was so moonlit - at least read it.
Well, that is the first PAIR fell out somewhere around half past nine in the evening
(early December). Shot from an IZH-12 in a troika. Outright one. I took it to my backpack. In order not to leave the forest at night, I decided to stay on. On the course to my trail of the guard 15-20 there were fresh wolf tracks, I thought, maybe somehow his? It was not cold, something, just below zero. Little, sinful, dozed off. And yet in the morning, around 4 o'clock, I was about to leave, a PAIR came out again ... Again one outright.
The overall feeling is very interesting. You sit, the night is all around, beauty!
This year I will sit again, have already walked, watched - there is!
Good luck to all.

Sanyok62 24-11-2009 23:09

quote: I threw 3 kg of salt on the edge of the clearing.

And what is the salt for ?!
Elks put stone in the feeders, I saw, but for hares ........ I only know about felled aspens. The locals are not hungry for a hare, but they say there is no better food, well, there is still a senza (only hay can be eaten by others). I asked about apples, carrots, potatoes, they say it is not necessary, you will scare them away. There is no such thing in the forest, so it is not necessary.
I will definitely look for such a clearing on the first snow, even I suppose a couple. There would be more snow, not like last year. The forest is bare, the grass is not covered, nifiga did not leave the forest until the end of January.

Nikey 24-11-2009 23:56

quote: And 20, and 15 years ago, timber trucks with trunks completely drove behind Kirov.
They found strangers, not yet frozen trophies of a hare, a capercaillie ..
Let's not portray hare ... virgins Everything is clear from the point of view
view of morality and ztiki, but if government agencies evaluate the goose in the sky with vouchers
more expensive than a goose in a store, given the crisis ..

This is how the grass doesn’t grow all the way, after all, after all, there are normal invitations to hide on ambushes, but there are no them in a car with a trunk, and how much joy gets a person guarding half of the night in the cold, a fox or a hare out into the field and seeing a fox or a hare going to the cut him a car, I assure you so much good and new you can hear. I keep hounds and have an SUV so I can sell both dogs and a car and buy them for more powerful and passable both day and night, who didn’t hide, I’m not to blame for the road tickets and the sausage, too, you understand the crisis, but you need to eat and wait will not fall in price from hand.

Nikey 25-11-2009 12:01

quote: And what is the salt for ?!

It's just that a hare, like other wild animals, needs it, but here dilekates (black caviar) for free, it's not at the table that you urinate on hare paths so they can gnaw snow down to the ground.

skitskit 25-11-2009 08:18

quote: Originally posted by Andrey82:

driving across the field at night from under the headlights. we turn off the light, I have a tiger with a night light and come up 70-100 meters, I never tried to shoot from my knee. I still tried if I left right away, I turned back after two or three hours without light, I’ll stop and look and then it worked out too. try out of the wind from the approach!

And this is a hunt ??? Wouldn't be a disgrace ... here "farmers" hide their hunts ... so as not to fall under the distribution ...
After such headlights, the desert ... there is simply no game left.
In vain we allowed the nightlights, soon the engineer Garin's hyperboloid will be resolved ...

And they did not try it on foot, but in the footsteps ... the pleasure is triple. Here are just night traces of car tires on winter crops you will be sooo very annoying, and the desire of the farmers to give a nasty thread, and it is better to do a sick person, will often appear.

skitskit 25-11-2009 09:17

quote: Originally posted by Andrey82:

we are driving across the field at night from under the headlights if we ran, it means that we were shot

And if you didn’t run? ... then you can not get out of the car from his smooth "bastard" ... it's cold there ... dirty ...

Andrey82 25-11-2009 11:13

quote: Originally posted by skitskit:

I came up with a nickname for you - A HUNTER WITH A CAPITAL LETTER.

Think of a nickname for yourself !!!
I hunt as best I can! I have been on the Internet for only 2 months, self-taught.

MIK 25-11-2009 11:31

quote: I hunt as best I can!

Be careful with the word HUNT, but I breach as much as I can just right.

Ermolaev 25-11-2009 12:41

About the salt for the hare.
Somehow it turns out that in the hunting grounds where I hunt (LOOiR, Lodeynopolsky district), there is no one but me. Those. for 4 years I have not seen not only a living soul, but even traces of them ...
Therefore, it is necessary to deal with biotechnology myself purely for the sake of interest.
In particular, again in the mood, I laid a couple of salt licks for the elk.
On the obdom I noticed that the lower branches, those along which the brine flowed, were gnawed by hares. Well, so I decided to make salt licks for hares.
The technology is the same as for moose salt lick, only the aspen is thinner.
The result was very encouraging ...
Good luck to all.

algol 25-11-2009 13:14

2 Ermolaev
Alexander Vasilievich You are doing everything right. Previously, this is exactly what we did salt licks. A high deck is for moose, a low deck nearby is for hares and other little weeds.

igor56 25-11-2009 13:23

And everyone loves salt, not only moose. Common visitors to the salt lick are goats, wild boars, hares ...

Sanyok62 25-11-2009 14:20

quote: Originally posted by igor56:
And everyone loves salt, not only moose. Common visitors to the salt lick are goats, wild boars, hares ...

And what do they often visit, after all, salt licks, animals?

Ermolaev 25-11-2009 15:32

quote: And what do they often visit, after all, salt licks, animals?

How would you, bitch, get them?

Good luck to all.

Andrey82 25-11-2009 16:12

With the word I WANT, be careful, but I breach as much as I can just right
I see everything here is so correct, can you hunt with a photographic gun? I will not believe that if someone has the opportunity to shoot someone who is not corrected from under the light, you will refuse! Well, in general, this is your business and I am so hunting! How will it turn out!

skitskit 25-11-2009 17:16

quote: Originally posted by Andrey82:

I will not believe that if someone has the opportunity to shoot someone who is not corrected from under the light, you will refuse!

It's strange, you can't even put in your head that someone is not grabbing, is not engaged in murder, but hunts ... Go somewhere where people really hunt, in difficult conditions, and respect those who are after them in the lands turns out ...
Your question about I will not believe ... is similar --- "I will not believe that you will turn up a defenseless granny with a pension in your pocket, but in a dark alley, you will not take her money ..." Believe me, my dear, many, very many will not take money from grannies won't say I earn as much as I can ...

skitskit 25-11-2009 17:30

And the point is not, according to the rules, not according to the rules ... There should be a code of honor ... If some brother-deputy bought the land and you took a boar or a roe deer there during the hunting season, but tell everyone "how suckers of bandits shod they didn’t catch her backpack "... I think, apart from the friends of that ram-bro who is tough, they will shake your hand here and congratulate you on the field. And at night a defenseless animal, which you did not outwit and did not defeat ... I hope you understand me ... hunting is a competition with the beast, in cunning, in endurance, but at least something to save the animal ... Or you are pleased with the grannies on the gateways of the pussy ... b

Crab12 25-11-2009 17:43

And before the breaks in "Okhota" were banned ...

Sanyok62 25-11-2009 17:48

Guys, don't quarrel. Andrei is still young, he will understand later what was happening (although it would be better if it was earlier), I was the same, ran with a "left" gun through the woods and shot at everything that moved, often smeared, there were also wounded animals, mostly a bird ( everything that flies). With my brother they set traps, loops, snares. But everything stopped abruptly when I bought the first official gun. I don't know why, but I realized that everything I did before was not good. Now, out of season or without a permit, even a thought does not come to the forest to go. A trap or a noose for a hare, nizachto. And the chance is very necessary for the beast, and so every year the chances are decreasing, felling, summer cottages (cottages) and we are hunters, right and wrong.
And about the granny in the gateway it is strong! Although I doubt that he is capable of such, hunting, even a robber, is a hunt, and robbery is no longer a hunt.
Closed this question?

Sanyok62 25-11-2009 17:52

quote: Originally posted by Ermolaev:

Now I have 4 permanent salt licks. I buy salt in the store, brew it with boiling water and let it sit for a month in water bottles.
Then two bottles into a backpack and into the forest.
I am simply making fun of one bull - the "bastard" walks along all four salt licks. I know where he spends the night (it is interesting that the beds are within a radius of 300 meters).
I have seen myself several times already, does not run away, soon we will begin to say hello.
For this year, a cow with a heifer has already begun to graze nearby. I even managed to take a picture.
This autumn I spent the night in the forest on the bank of the Kulezhozero. There was very strong dew. In the morning on it I found a bed and waste tracks about 200 meters from my bedchamber. I think maybe he is this "bastard"?
Now I'm toiling: two wolf tracks next to the 2nd and 3rd salt licks.
How would you, bitch, get them?
Three years ago I took one, 223 Rem from a combo, albeit almost by accident, on an old plot.
Good luck to all.

Brew with boiling water until dissolved, then pour it into bottles and leave it in the bottle (closed or open) for a month. And what kind of salt do you take, fine or coarse, or no difference?

Den_P 25-11-2009 18:12

quote: I understood what you mean, there is truth in this! but I didn’t shoot closer than 70 or even 150 meters, and there is also a chance from a night light and skolen and from a thread!

Sliced ​​and newbie ........., something is not right here ...

Sanyok62 25-11-2009 18:14

THE QUESTION IS CLOSED! Here is restless, better think about what people tell you.
All the abuse and disassembly, I will delete.

Ermolaev 25-11-2009 18:24

quote: Do you brew it with boiling water until it dissolves? And then pour it into bottles and leave it in the bottle (closed or open) for a month. And what kind of salt do you take, fine or coarse, or no difference?

I brew with boiling water in a plastic bucket.
I twist it with a construction mixer for 3-4 minutes, then pour it into water bottles with a cut off throat (so that it looks like a large glass), put it in a shed in the country. A month later - a stone.
When I come to the salt lick, I cut the plastic glass lengthwise, put the salt cylinder in a niche on the aspen with the plastic facing up. I press it from above with a loop of 2 mm steel cable (bought at Maxidom).
I almost always take salt (2-3 packs of food, large) in the supermarket on occasion, when my wife forces me to make wholesale purchases of grub ...
All this does not bother at all, even somehow funny.
Good luck to all.

Sanyok62 25-11-2009 18:32

Thank you so much for the recipe! I will definitely make such salt licks.

Ermolaev 25-11-2009 19:51

quote: Thank you so much for the recipe! I will definitely make such salt licks.

Was glad.
Good luck to all

kiowa 26-11-2009 07:59

The topic for the general section, I'm transferring there.

moved from Hunting

dikiy 26-11-2009 08:09

quote: Originally posted by Andrey82:
can you hunt with a photographic gun? I don’t believe that if someone has the opportunity to shoot, not corrected from under the light, you will refuse!

And with a carbine and a camera. Carabiner on the right shoulder, apparatus on the left on the side.
What happens. Not a hare, of course, but as a photo trophy to fit:

Sanyok62 26-11-2009 12:59

Good! But not a hare, that's for sure.

Sanyok62 25-12-2009 17:01

Well, there is no one else to say anything at all.

michal 27-12-2009 13:10

It's just that with a hare, in most areas, it became a little tight.
I remember about six or eight years ago it was easy to find stacks with numerous fatty night traces. I don’t remember the last time I saw such a thing.
In the forest, near the fallen aspens, I sometimes met many traces and related hare products; attempts to ambush the result have recently been made. Apparently the cold drove out of the ambush before the hares came.
I am sure that with good preparation of the ambush and equipment, a night ambush for a hare will be effective, BUT IF IT IS AVAILABLE.

SAW1 27-12-2009 16:05

Ouzer 27-12-2009 16:34

And on foot for a hare, I think it is not at all safe to hunt in areas where wild boars run. (I saw a pig myself while driving)

Absolutely correct remark. It's not safe, it's not a joke. Recently here we discussed the Kevlar maskhalat, so, IMHO, on the hare - it’s the very thing. What if the boars come running? Therefore, always with you bullets and buckshot 9 mm ...

SAW1 27-12-2009 16:53

quote: What if the boars come running? Therefore, always with you bullets and buckshot 9 mm ...

I don't know how about changing the cartridge in the barrel when the boar is already running at you. And then the idea is to take a lighting (signal) torch with you, to shove it in the face if you

Ouzer 27-12-2009 17:04

Experienced people are advised to wear tanto (slaughter cut), but be sure to sharpen on Lansky. If I would still find money for a tanto, then a toad will definitely choke on a sharpener, sharpening with his hands all the time. And without Lansky, they say, the effect is not the same. Therefore, I am quite puzzled, I do not dare to go after the hare .. The holidays are ahead, we urgently need to come up with something ... By the way, we can adapt the hockey shields. The boar is stupid, he hits the legs right away, without a jump, so it is not necessary to protect the face ...

michal 27-12-2009 18:47

Thanks for the idea Andrey!
Tomorrow I'll go and buy myself hockey and goalkeeper protection. I, too, have not gone to hares for a couple of years now, it becomes scary at the mere thought of boars, although there is always a couple of cartridges with gualandi on hand.

Sanyok62 27-12-2009 21:51

quote: Recently here we discussed the Kevlar maskhalat, so, IMHO, on the hare - it’s the very thing. What if the boars come running?
quote: Experienced people advise wearing a tanto (a killer cut), but be sure to sharpen it on Lansky. If I would still find money for a tanto, then a toad will definitely choke on a sharpener, sharpening with his hands all the time. And without Lansky, they say, the effect is not the same. Therefore, I am quite puzzled, I do not dare to go after a hare .. Ahead of the holidays, we urgently need to come up with something ... You can, by the way, adapt the hockey shields. The wild boar is stupid, hits the legs right away, without jumping, so you don't need to protect your face ..
quote: Tomorrow I'll go and buy myself hockey and goalkeeper protection. I, too, have not gone to hares for a couple of years, it becomes scary at the mere thought of wild boars

Guys! A lot has changed in a couple of years. Now the wild boars themselves in Kevlar robes run with clubs, so it is imperative to protect their heads.

Ouzer 27-12-2009 22:02

Give the bunnies camouflage helmets!

SAW1 27-12-2009 23:13

Ouzer 27-12-2009 23:37

quote: Originally posted by SAW1:
What about the idea of ​​a boar-proof lighting torch?

Yes, a normal idea. Only, in my opinion, these are half measures. You may not have time to grab the torch. Therefore, it is better to surround the areas where the hare is to trail, to enclose a security perimeter with flares, signal flares and cluster mines. Business then - you go to another field - do not be too lazy to establish the perimeter first, and you can hunt fearlessly! And it is especially important at night on a hare's seat - if you put a few stretch marks around your bed, the boar will not crawl through, you can shoot normally obliquely.

michal 28-12-2009 12:24

Well, what are you guys ?!
the newbie seriously asks, do you? ...
helmets, golf clubs ...

I'll share a secret, okay, if you don't want to
We need to prepare a super remedy for a hare. The preparation is quite simple. The carrots are soaked in alcohol for two weeks and then used for bait. I don’t think it’s necessary to explain to anyone about the effect of alcohol on the animal. Then it remains only to come in time and at least shoot at least so collect. Well, if the boar of carrots gets drunk on this, then the matter is completely facilitated, just take it off and that's it.

By the way, my grandfather was still telling a story.
They came with a friend to the forest, arranged an ambush. They sit looking, cold, smoking nilzya-smells. We sat almost until the morning and still no hare. Well, says the comrade to his grandfather, everything has bothered me, I want to piss and get out of the way, spreading his fly.
And then a cry is heard, the grandfather says that he did not even understand where. But it turns out that the comrade just pulled out the dick, and the hare right there otchenachil him the most dear. He was waiting for his bitch.
So, be more careful, men, you must have the mundiks with you.

Sanyok62 28-12-2009 11:07

Well, we figured out the New Year's methods of hunting a hare, but what about the usual methods? It's a pity there is no snow, it's all melted, now you can't take it without a dog at all. Oh, the holidays will be lost.

Dimin 28-12-2009 11:55

quote: Well, we figured out the New Year's ways of hunting a hare

No, New Year's ways are clearly not all ...

Sanyok62 28-12-2009 12:09

and if at night, on foot, there are no auto / moto vehicles, but with a powerful underbarrel flashlight (and there are models for which it is not a problem to pierce 100 meters with a beam ...) then how is it? Will there be poaching too? or just not ethical? Or is it okay? who thinks what?

No, with this method everything is fine, not poaching. The only condition for such a successful hunt is that the hare moves at the same speed as the hunter, so that it does not get off the beam, and if you fail to come to an agreement with the hares, then the hunter will have to move at the same speed as the hare, otherwise he will leave. And so the method is not poaching at all.

Dimin 28-12-2009 12:52

quote: this is for the hare to move at the same speed as the hunter, so that it does not leave the beam

Maybe I'm confusing something, but it seems like the beast in the beam freezes ... for a while, and at that moment it and ... after all, they don't shoot him from a moving car ... ... this is very problematic .... all one stop for a shot, or even just a headlamp-seeker around to rummage around ... it seems just that you can go around more land by car than walk around ... although again , drove up to the field in a car, went out, turned on the grenade launcher and yeah ... for some reason I don't see much difference, but it turns out in one case a break, in another - no ... yes ... here something like that ... or somewhere wrong?

Leon2008 29-12-2009 17:10

quote: and I hunted a hare at night from the approach. driving across the field at night from under the headlights, if he ran, then he was shot. we turn off the light, I have a tiger with a night light and come up 70-100 meters, I never tried to shoot from my knee. I still tried if I left right away, I turned back after two or three hours without light, I’ll stop and look and then it worked out too. try out of the wind from the approach!

approach (entrance) killed ...
if you don’t go blind, all the hares run out of the headlights, whether they’re shot or not.
after hitting the "Tiger" at least there are ears and tails?

quote: I hunt as best I can!

what donkey gave you a carbine ???

felixs 29-12-2009 17:16

quote: Originally posted by Dimin:

No, New Year's ways are clearly not all ...

Then a little thought appeared: If you shoot from under the headlights of a car at night, then it is definitely poaching ... and if at night, on foot, no auto / moto vehicles, but with a powerful underbarrel flashlight (and there are models for which it is not a problem to pierce 100 meters with a beam .. .) then how is it? Will there be poaching too? or just not ethical? Or is it okay? who thinks what?

There are no prohibitions on foot hunting with a lantern, I found out from the hunting experts. You should hunt a badger and preferably with dogs, if you're lucky, you can do without them. Went several times this fall, no luck. I saw a hare in headlights many times, right on the road and also came across a lantern. A hare, especially a arrived one, does not run anywhere in a ray of light, but simply gallops lazily. Getting it is not a problem.

Sanyok62 30-12-2009 13:16

That's all, snow has piled up! Now, either on foot during the day, or at night at the exit points with a night stand. I called the village, snow on me ....., most do not indulge. Now, like in a pioneer camp on a ruler, you will walk strictly along one path (path), and not randomly.

ay 30-12-2009 20:13

quote: what donkey gave you a carbine ???

There is nothing to be surprised at, we have one "famous hunter" in March from Buran three moose dumped (two bulls and a pregnant cow), they managed to prove one episode. What do you think, after a year and a half we pull it off Buran, again with a carbine and the documents are all right. Permitting system however)))

Sanyok62 19-01-2010 18:19

Why pull him off Buran? So in a place with Buran and dig in, no one will look. How is he better than a wolf?

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