Italian tennis player Fabio Fognini: biography and sports career. Performances in singles

Fognini plays well on any court, but his favorite type of surface is clay, red-brown. Best result Fabio - the position of the 32nd racket of the world (as of June 20, 2011); currently, the athlete has dropped to 34th place (August 2011). The amount of prize money he earned during his career is $1,741,506. Trained by Pablo Martin.

Fabio Fognini was born on May 24, 1987 in Sanremo, Italy (Sanremo, Italy), in the family of entrepreneur Fulvio Fognini, owner of his own company, and his wife Silvana (Silvana Fognini), a housewife. He grew up with a younger sister named Fulvia (Fulvia Fognini) - now she is already studying at the university. Fabio started playing tennis when he was four years old. He speaks Italian English, Spanish and French. He is a fan of football and motorsport, a fan of Milan "Inter" (Inter Milano) and football club"Genoa" (Genoa); Chilean soccer player Ivan Zamorano and famous Italian hardball Marco Materazzi were his teenage idols. Another subject of Fabio's admiration is motorcycle racer Valentino Rossi. Favorite ice cream is vanilla.

Currently, Fabio uses the Babolat Pure Drive Racquet racket and prefers sportswear and shoes from Adidas. The athlete is famous for his uneven temperament. On the one hand, he often loses his cool in dangerous situations, but on the other hand, Fabio has repeatedly proved that he has endurance and is able to pull himself together in the face of obvious danger. In terms of his style of play, Fognini is known to be able to turn defense into attack with lightning speed, which is the best fit on clay courts - this explains why his most striking victories came on clay courts.

Fognini began his professional career, competing in Futures and Challenger tournaments to score points and won his first Futures title in 2005, first in Spain and later in Italy.

In 2005 he also qualified for his first ATP tournament Challenger in Palermo. During 2006, Fabio showed moderate results in the Challengers and, after qualifying, made his debut at the ATP World Tour in Buenos Aires (Buenos Aires), where in the 1st round he was defeated by Carlos Moyá, who became the champion tournament.

In 2007, Fabio made progress, making his Grand Slam debut, losing in the 1st round of the French Open in five tight sets to Juan Mónaco - at that time 35 th racket of the world, while Fognini himself was in 191st place. In addition, a fantastic performance for his level at the Rogers Masters in Montreal, Canada (Montreal, Canada), where Fabio lost in the 3rd round to Roger Federer, then - 1st racket of the world, with a score of 1-6, 1-6, took him to the top 100 the best tennis players of the world, to the 94th position.

Due to an injury to his right wrist and surgery on his left knee, 2008 and 2009 passed for Fabio without any victories and achievements, but in 2010 he began to get in shape again and actively perform.

Year 2011 is fashionable to call the year of breakthrough for Fabio Fognini. He reached the quarter-finals of a Grand Slam tournament for the first time at the French Open, beating Spaniard Albert Montañés in a 4 hour and 22 minute match to face world No. 2 Novak Djokovic, however the match failed due to medical reasons.

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Tennis player Fabio Fognini was born in 1987 in the Italian city of Sanremo. He is quite a versatile personality, and in addition to tennis, his circle of interests includes football and motorcycle racing.

Fognini began his professional career in 2004, when he was seventeen. During this period, the novice tennis player showed his good abilities at several Futures series tournaments. Three years later, the name of Fabio Fognini appeared in the top 100 tennis players in the world rankings. However, 2007 was not only distinguished by this. The athlete managed to become the finalist of the Challenger series tournaments three times during the season, and also performed at the tournament for the first time. Grand Slam taking place in France.

A year later, Fognini Fabio managed to win two Challenger titles at once. In the same period, the tennis player took part in the ATP doubles tournament for the first time, where he ended up in the final. In 2010, Fabio Fognini managed to get into the third round at two Grand Slam tournaments, which were held in France, as well as on the courts of Wimbledon. Such results allowed the athlete to be on the 55th position in the ranking of the best tennis players.

Fabio Fognini, whose photo can be seen below, is a famous Italian tennis player. During his career, he managed to win in doubles at the Grand Slam tournament in Australia and become the first racket of his country.


Fabio Fognini was born in May 1987 in the Italian city of San Remo. The boy started playing tennis at the age of four. From a young age, Fabio differed from other athletes not only in temperament, but also in the ability to get out of the most difficult situations. These qualities often helped him in his later career.

Performances in singles

The professional career of tennis player Fabio Fognini began in 2004 with futures and challenger series tournaments. A year later, the Italian won the first victory in competitions in Murcia (Spain), and two months later - in Bergamo.

In 2006, Fognini won the tournament in Syracuse, after which he said goodbye to futures. In 2008, he became the best on the clay courts of Turin and Genoa, and a year later - in San Benedetto del Tronto.

In 2008, Fabio makes his debut at the Australian Open, and then at Wimbledon and the US Open. However, the young tennis player failed to go beyond the first round.

In 2010, Fabio Fognini continued to improve his game. He has won three Challenger tournaments in Genoa, Naples and Santiago. He also managed to reach the third round of Wimbledon and Roland Garros.

A year later, the Italian made a real sensation when he managed to reach the quarterfinals in France. Unfortunately, due to an injury, he was unable to play against Novak Djokovic in the semi-finals.

Since 2013, Fabio Fognini has been winning ATP series tournaments. He became the best on clay surfaces in Stuttgart and Hamburg and reached the final in Croatian Umag. According to the results of the season, he took 16th place in the ATP rankings.

After that, Fognini won on prestigious tournaments three more times: in 2014 - in Viña del Mar (Chile), in 2016 - in Umag (Croatia), in 2017 - in Gstaad (Switzerland).

Performances in pairs

The first court partner for Fabio Fognini was his compatriot Simone Bolelli. Together with him, in 2006, he reached the final of the Challengers series tournament in Naples.

After that, Fognini began to play with different tennis players, but the first success came when he played with the Italian Paolo Lorenzi. They won the tournament in Asuncion, Paraguay.

In 2011, the Italian couple Fognini - Bolelli for the first time became the best at the ATP competition in Croatian Umag. At the US Open, they reached the semi-finals, where they lost to the eventual winners of the tournament.

Two years later, the Italian duo won the competition in Buenos Aires (Argentina), and they also reached the finals in Acapulco and Beijing.

A truly triumphant year for the tennis player was 2015. Together with the same Simone Bolelli, he won the Grand Slam tournament - the Australian Open. In the final, they defeated the famous French duo Mayu-Herber in two sets.

A little later, the Italians tried to repeat their success on the courts of the French Roland Garros tournament, but here they only reached the semi-finals. At the end of the season, Fabio Fognini took 10th place in the ATP doubles rankings.

In October 2016, the Italian tennis player paired with the Swede Robert Lindstedt won the tournament in Shenzhen, China.

Today we can finally congratulate Flavia Penetta And Fabio Fognini- their love affair, which lasted a little more than two years, ended in a marriage. And although romantic stories happen quite often in professional tennis, not every one of them ends with a wedding. Rather, the opposite is true. Only a few couples reach the altar.

At one time, Flavia had an affair with another famous tennis player, Carlos Moya. There, too, things went to the wedding, the couple made grandiose plans for the future, until at one fine moment Carlos left Flavia for another girl, with whom he created a family. This situation unsettled Penetta for a long time and forced her to take a fresh look at her life. Well, as an edification to posterity, she outlined her story in her own book called "Right in the Heart." After an unsuccessful romance with Moya, she tried to avoid serious relationships with men. Or maybe you just didn't want another disappointment?

Unlike Flavia, Fabio did not have high-profile romance with tennis players. And if something happened, it did not become public knowledge. Flavia knew Fabio Fognini for many years, but the spark between them ran somewhere shortly before Indian Wells 2014. The whole tournament Fabio sat her in the box, and Flavia, in the wake of a sudden passion, took and won the most major tournament in his career (at the time). Since then, they have not hidden their feelings from others and let the paparazzi earn their bread. Beach pictures of a passionate couple once flew around the world.

Hardly anyone expected that at the end of his career, Flavia would finally win his coveted Grand Slam tournament. But it happened at the US Open in 2015, and having received the coveted trophy, the Italian tennis player admitted that she was leaving professional sports. They say that by that time the decision on the wedding had already been made.

Congratulations to the newlyweds on this wonderful day! Happy life together!

Chronicle of marriage:

1. First, according to tradition, the groom arrives at the place of the wedding. Fabio looks very serious.

2. Then the bride's turn - Flavia is simply irresistible!

3. And this is the guests arriving. You, of course, recognized the girl on the right in the first photo. Francesca Schiavone in person. Guests also include Sara Errani, Roberta Vinci and Boris Becker. Hmm... I wonder why all the Italian tennis players chose trousers for this ceremony?

4. The most solemn moment - "yes" or "no". Naturally, yes!
