How to tell a good ball from a bad one. How to choose the right soccer ball for outdoor or indoor soccer

Football takes the leading place in the world of sports in terms of popularity. The first thing that attracts people to this game is the almost complete lack of inventory. In any place where there is a small level area, you can install the gate, marking them with any suitable objects - and you can start the game. But, of course, if there is such a necessary attribute of the game as the ball. Therefore, you need to know how to choose the soccer ball that is most suitable for a given situation.

An indispensable attribute of the game is a soccer ball and its size

What is the shell made of

Many people believe that a real ball should be made of leather. Of course, leather is a noble material and looks great, but it is not suitable for a soccer ball, since the property of leather to absorb moisture negatively affects the playing qualities of this accessory: it becomes heavier by absorbing liquid.

Thus, it is useful for game lovers to know how to choose a good soccer ball, what it should be made of, which material to give preference to.

Video about how soccer balls are made and how to choose them correctly

To answer these questions, you should have at least a minimal knowledge of what exactly the balls for the game are made of. Strength and cost are directly proportional to the quality of the material from which the outer layer is made - the shell. The most popular materials are:

  1. Polyvinyl chloride (PVC).
  2. Polyurethane (PU).

PVC is a synthetic material that resembles plastic. The cost of a ball with such a coating is low, and, accordingly, its quality is rather low. It is difficult to control such a ball in cold weather.

As for polyurethane, it looks like natural leather. The material is strong, and such a coating will last a long time.

Polyurethane is the most suitable material

A little about the camera and lining

When choosing, you need to pay special attention to the camera. The shape of the ball and its controllability fully depend on it. The camera is based on latex or butyl.

Natural latex - the material is quite soft, but it has a drawback: it does not hold air well and often requires pumping.

Note. However, a ball with such a camera perfectly maintains a given trajectory of flight, so professional football players prefer it.

Butyl chambers, on the other hand, retain air well, but are less sensitive than latex chambers. For reliable air retention, the valve in the ball with a latex chamber is made of butyl.

To give the ball sphericity, elasticity and lightness, a spacer made of various materials is intended, which is placed between the outer shell and the chamber. This lining is made from:

  • foam;
  • fabrics;
  • non-woven fabric.

The foam and fabric make the ball the softest, but they absorb moisture and hold it in for a long time. Therefore, in order to determine how to choose a good football ball, it should be borne in mind that most manufacturers have abandoned cheap materials in favor of non-woven samples. Spiral cotton fibers are treated with polyurethane resin. A ball with such a lining becomes moisture resistant, sufficiently elastic, and reliably holding its shape.

Lightweight and durable tube is one of the most important parts of the ball

Choose a soccer ball for a child

When choosing a ball for children, the main question is how to choose a soccer ball to play on the street. It is clear that children can choose any site for the game, while it does not always have a grass surface. This means that a ball designed for playing on grass and having the appropriate markings will break down very quickly if played on sandy ground or asphalt. The most suitable option for such cases is a polyurethane ball.

Note. The professional ball can be used in any weather and on any surface. However, such a purchase will not come cheap.

Football balls are also different in size and weight. The balls are lighter for children than for adults.... Children do better with them.

Important! A ball weighing from 311 to 340 g and a circumference of 57-60 centimeters can be suitable for little football players under 8 years old. How to choose the right soccer ball for a 12-year-old child? FIFA recommends for children over 12 years of age a standard size 5 ball with a weight of 396 to 453 g and a circumference of 67.5 to 70 centimeters.

Table: The ball for children is selected depending on their age

Thus, in order to determine how to choose a ball for football, you need to be guided by the following: it is better to buy this football accessory from a material such as polyurethane, hand-stitched, with a latex camera, taking into account the weight, as well as the field on which the game will take place.

Updated: 14.02.2018 15:58:48

It is difficult to overestimate the popularity of football - according to numerous questions, this game is the most popular sport in the whole world. From small courtyard competitions to the World and European Championships, football competitions are watched by millions of people around the world. But football is not only an impeccable technique of the game, it is also a properly selected equipment. Leg warmers, shorts, boots and especially the ball all affect the enjoyment of the game. Based on the analysis of the reviews of experienced football players, this article was written, which will surely help you choose the right ball for playing football.

The best soccer ball manufacturers - which company to choose

There are a great many companies producing soccer balls and related equipment. Both inexpensive domestically produced models and products of world famous brands, certified by FIFA and manufactured for prestigious international competitions, are on sale. If we talk about specific manufacturers, the following manufacturers are heard by football fans:

The above-mentioned brands are manufacturers of the first category, it is their products that belong to the so-called "first echelon" and are used in international competitions. However, in addition to expensive models, you can also find budget products on sale, which will certainly be affordable for almost every football lover.

Soccer ball device

The soccer ball is well known to each of us. It is a complex structure consisting of at least three main layers:

    Outer cover made of thirty-two panels of five- and hexagonal shapes, sewn together with strong threads. These elements are made of genuine leather, which ensures high performance properties, durability and the ability to withstand powerful kicks from football players without damage;

    The lining is a shock-absorbing layer that prevents damage to the camera and absorbs shocks during the game. The performance of the ball entirely depends on how correct the pad is;

    The chamber is a special rubber element inflated with air, thanks to which the ball holds its shape and has the properties it needs;

The classic, well-known design of a soccer ball was developed by Select half a century ago, but now you can find soccer balls of absolutely any color and shade on sale.

Types of soccer balls

The highest quality, tested and, accordingly, expensive models, certified by FIFA and other international associations. Typically purchased by professional companies for high-level games as well as prestigious soccer championships. As a rule, even models from different manufacturers have similar characteristics, structure and even color - all this is a consequence of careful adherence to international standards.


    Highest quality workmanship;

    Availability of all the necessary documents confirming the quality of the products;

    The same performance characteristics for all models;

    Classic appearance;


  • High price;


Compared to the above-described models, match footballs differ in much more democratic characteristics and, accordingly, in price. They are intended for playing football on any type of surface, and their performance properties ensure maximum durability and wear resistance, regardless of the intensity of the game.


    A huge variety of colors and shades;

    Full compliance with generally accepted standards;


  • Not quite suitable for outdoor games;

Practice balls

As a rule, this class of balls includes inexpensive models that differ in the use of budget materials - polyvinyl chloride is used instead of leather, and instead of a strong thread that holds the elements together, heat treatment of the seams is used here. This design could not but affect the price: training balls are much cheaper than their counterparts:


    Versatile, suitable for playing on all types of surfaces and coatings;

    Decent workmanship;

    The cost is very democratic;


    Low mechanical strength;

    The quality is lower than that of professional and match models;

Futsal balls and indoor models

Compact models with low spring and inertia characteristics. Such balls practically do not jump, and therefore are suitable for playing on almost any surface. They differ in manufacturing design - in a number of situations, the outer tire can have a fleecy coating, as well as in size - these balls are much smaller than their counterparts and are suitable for playing mini-football;


    High quality workmanship;

    Low spring performance;

    Compact dimensions;


  • Used exclusively for indoor play and mini-football;

Their design initially implies use on a sandy or grassy surface, and therefore very specific requirements are imposed on their design. First, such a ball should be soft and comfortable to play on the sand. Secondly, it should not be heavy in order to play as comfortably as possible, even with bare feet. Another feature of such balls is a very democratic cost.


    High quality workmanship; Softness


    Low weight;

    Affordable price;


    Low strength;

    Insufficient resistance to mechanical stress;

In order to find a really suitable soccer ball, you should pay attention to the following features:

Ball size

All soccer balls are divided into three general categories:

    The third size is compact balls, up to 65 centimeters in circumference and up to 330-335 grams of weight;

    The fourth size - weight up to 360 grams, circumference up to 70 centimeters;

    The fifth size is the largest soccer balls. Reaches 75 centimeters in circumference and weighs 400 grams;

Assembly method

As noted above, all soccer balls are a "constructor" assembled from many pieces. The way to connect them can be one of three:

    Machine stitching. Nylon threads are used, and the places where the seam will pass are pre-marked. The disadvantage of this design is insufficiently high strength;

    Manual stitching. The seam is made by hand using a special needle, and therefore is characterized by maximum strength and reliability. Of the minuses, it should be noted that the cost is quite high due to the use of manual labor;

    Gluing. The easiest and lowest quality way to assemble the ball. It is used, as a rule, exclusively in inexpensive ball models;

Ball camera

An inner part designed to retain air and to provide the proper performance for the ball. It is almost always made from latex or butyl. The first option is better in terms of operation, but very often it "pits" the air and, accordingly, needs to be pumped up. The second, on the contrary, perfectly holds pressure, but it is distinguished by excessive rigidity and density, which negatively affects the general characteristics of the ball.

Outer layer material

For quite a long time, balls were made of genuine leather, but at present this material has faded into the background and is the lot of exclusive, most expensive models. The lion's share of the balls on sale are made of polyurethane or polyvinyl chloride-PVC. Polyurethane is similar in its parameters to genuine leather and has characteristics similar to it, and therefore is used in the most expensive ball models. PVC is the lot of cheap models in a budget price range.


An intermediate layer that provides the necessary rigidity and elasticity during the game, as well as retains the shape of the ball. The most popular is a special foam material that has no memory and perfectly retains its own shape even during intense play.

    If you are a professional football player, wear appropriate equipment and play in specialized turf stadiums, it is best to prefer professional or match balls;

    Playing a summer day on the beach sand requires the use of compact beach models;

    If the main type of game is futsal or mini-football, a compact ball for indoor courts should be preferred;

    Ordinary backyard football or amateur matches are not so demanding on the quality of the ball. For this reason, a practice ball is the best option;

    If a ball is chosen for children, it is necessary to take into account the age group and correlate it with the size of the ball. For the smallest footballers, who are 7-8 years old, a ball of 3 numbers is suitable. Conversely, it is best for 14-15 year olds to buy a ball of the fifth number;

How much does a soccer ball cost?

    Inexpensive training-grade soccer balls cost about 1000-1500 rubles;

    Polyurethane training balls are more expensive, about 2-4 thousand rubles;

    High-quality match models from renowned manufacturers are even more expensive. The cost of such models starts at around 4-4.5 thousand and ends at 7-8 thousand rubles;

    The most expensive are professional balls. Their price can reach 15-20 thousand for a high-quality branded item.

Attention! This material is the subjective opinion of the authors of the project and is not a purchase guide.

We often have to deal with different customer opinions regarding soccer balls. Many of them, of course, are valuable, as they have a real, practical basis, but others are based on myths or stereotypes, several of which will be discussed in this article.

There are several reasons for the appearance of the mentioned myths or misconceptions: lack of reliable information, incorrect interpretation of the descriptions and characteristics provided by the manufacturer, which is especially typical for translated materials, the seller's desire to logically explain the presence of certain features of the balls in the absence of reliable information. We have selected three, in our opinion, the most stable stereotypes that cause the greatest denial and the desire to provide appropriate explanations.

Myth # 1: "The best soccer ball is a genuine leather ball"

Yes, it was, until the mid-70s of the last century, until the moment when the chemical industry reached the level of development that we have seen over the past decades. Today there are a lot of materials that, in their characteristics, are many times superior to natural leather, the main disadvantages of which are:

  • Hygroscopicity (ability to absorb moisture)... When the ball absorbs moisture, its weight increases, the balance is disturbed, and when it dries, the ball can deform. A genuine leather ball needs proper care.
  • Uneven density since the ball is made of genuine leather. This feature significantly affects the balance of the ball.
  • High price genuine leather, suitable for making quality balls.
  • Conservatism due to the laboriousness and complexity of leather processing.

In a constantly changing world, with its trends, explosive brightness and a desire for experimentation, natural leather simply cannot provide space for imagination and satisfy an increasingly selective consumer interest.

Summary: The concept of "leather ball" is rather a tribute to traditions, and does not mean at all that the ball should be made of genuine leather, because synthetic leather is also leather. The buyer, of course, is always right, and may have warm feelings for the history and smell of natural materials, but today few people use oil lamps or typewriters when there are electric bulbs and computers, right?

Myth # 2: "The more liners, the better the ball"

Let's see what lining layers are and what they are for. Any synthetic leather, which is the top layer of most balls, is stretchable. The ball, in turn, must always have a given shape and parameters (weight, circumference, etc.), depending on the specific sport. The lining layers, which are glued under synthetic leather, are responsible for maintaining the shape of the ball and meeting the parameters. The minimum number of layers is 1, the maximum is 5. In order for the panels of the ball to stretch less, the lining layers are glued to each other at an angle of 90 ° or 45 °.

At first glance, it seems that due to the greater number of lining layers, the ball's tire is thicker, which means that the ball itself will be stronger. But this is nothing more than a myth, a delusion. The more layers, the more difficult it is to achieve uniform density, and therefore balance of the ball. An increase in the number of layers leads to an increase in the mass of the ball, which is unacceptable, and in turn necessitates manipulations to reduce the weight of other elements of the ball structure (cameras, tires). Often, a large number of layers indicates that the manufacturer needed to bring the ball to the desired weight, and the tire material (more expensive synthetic leather) was used thin. A ball like this won't last long. The optimal number of layers for soccer balls: 3-4. Sometimes the seller does not quite correctly call other elements of the ball's structure as lining layers, for example, a layer of foam or rubber, therefore, such a phrase as 6-7 lining layers requires at least clarification.

But it is not only the quantity that is important, but also the materials used, their type and density. The use of modern non-stretching, durable, non-absorbent materials allows the application of fewer backing layers while obtaining satisfactory test results. The most commonly used materials are polycotton, polyviscose, polyester.

Polycotton (polyester + cotton), the main advantage of which is its low cost, the material itself is looser, stretchable, heavier and less tensile than other materials. Usually polycotton is used in inexpensive amateur balls. Polyviscose (polyester + viscose)- lightweight, thin, low-stretch and durable material combined with an acceptable cost. Polyester, the most durable of synthetic materials, practically non-stretching, resistant to abrasion, thin and light - one of the best materials to use as backing layers. Its only drawback is its high cost, especially if the polyester is made in Europe. As a rule, polyester is used for making expensive models.

Most often, manufacturers combine various materials, which allows the ball to be given the desired weight, thickness and strength, for example, it can be a combination of layers of polyviscose and polycotton, polyester and polyviscose, etc.

Summary: the number of lining layers should not exceed 5, the optimal amount is 3-4 layers, it makes sense to pay attention to the material from which the layers are made, the best is polyester, the golden mean is a combination of polyviscose and polycotton.

Myth # 3: "The ball says" FIFA "," FIFA Official Standard "or" FIFA Official Size and Weight ", so the ball is official."

There are only two types of certifications issued by FIFA - FIFA Approved and FIFA Inspected. After passing the tests, in the case of FIFA Approved, these are seven tests, with FIFA Inspected - six, for each specific ball (brand, name, design) a certificate is issued and a number is assigned to it. After the conclusion of a contract with FIFA for the right to produce certified balls, each such ball must be marked with the corresponding logo indicating the certificate number.

A company that has entered into an agreement with FIFA, during the validity period of the certificate, is obliged to pay royalties (deductions) to FIFA for each ball produced with the logo (FIFA Approved about $ 1.5, FIFA Inspected $ 0.75). A list of certified balls (manufacturers) can always be found on the official FIFA website - FIFA itself does not have an official ball as such, tournaments can be played with balls of various brands, depending on who became the owner of the sponsorship contract, but for many years FIFA's partner in balls has been Adidas.

Summary: The words “FIFA”, “FIFA Official Standard” or “FIFA Official Size and Weight” should be treated rather as a design element to indicate that the ball is FIFA compliant, applied to soccer balls.

The brevity of the article does not make it possible to talk about all the features of soccer balls, about myths, which are still quite a lot, but we hope that the article will help you better understand this only, at first glance, a simple product.

Myth number 4: "The ball is round"

Truth: Perhaps, but not in football
Ideally, the ball can, of course, be considered round (although a sphere of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons cannot be round, if only because the seams are usually two millimeters lower than the surface of the ball itself). The geometric shape of the ball is round only when it is at rest. If they hit him, which is the meaning of football, it naturally changes immediately. As photographs and slow motion replays show, these changes are quite dramatic. Due to its elastic properties, the ball filled with gas returns to its original state just as quickly, while using the received energy in order to change the nature of the movement. Thus, it becomes clear that precisely because the ball is not completely round, it acquires a special dynamics. This means that football exists because the ball is not always round. The soccer ball has a kind of "soul" and for some time can even resist the gravity of the earth. Like everything round, the soccer ball symbolizes uncertainty, luck and the future. And the first of these three points characterizes football in the best possible way.

Let's not talk about which soccer ball is the best, especially since there is no ball that would be better in everything than others. And about which ball is the best for your requirements, your level of training, your football field, your budget.

Tire outer layer
The material from which the outer layer of the tire is made soccer ball plays a huge role in both strength and cost. Nowadays, most balls are made from synthetic materials rather than genuine leather. This is due to the fact that natural leather stretches over time, and also the waterproof properties deteriorate, the ball begins to absorb moisture. Because of this soccer ball loses its sphericity, becomes heavy and slow. In addition, genuine leather is expensive and loses to synthetic leather in strength and a number of other playing characteristics.

The most popular are two types of synthetic leather used to make the outer layer of the tire. soccer balls: polyurethane, polyvinyl chloride.

Polyurethane (PU) is a synthetic leather that is particularly strong and durable, and feels like natural to the touch. The higher the price of the ball, the higher the quality and thickness of the polyurethane from which the outer layer of the ball is made, as a rule. Most companies use PU on their top (best) soccer balls.

Polyvinyl chloride (PVC) is a less expensive and practical synthetic leather, however, it is also quite strong, PVC feels more like plastic to the touch, especially in cold weather, in this regard soccer ball less good at handling. PVC is used for tires on cheaper balls.

Comparing balls made of PU and PVC, it can be seen that balls made of PU are softer, and PU also makes the surface of the ball more natural. This is what prompts many players to choose soccer balls made from polyurethane.

Tire lining layers
As a lining between the outer tire and the tube to increase the elasticity, sphericity, weight and other characteristics given soccer ball, most often manufacturers use several layers: foam, fabric, non-woven material. Many manufacturers are saving on outer tire thickness and quality while increasing the number of liners to match soccer ball by weight according to FIFA criteria.

Foam and fabric make the ball soft, but absorb and retain moisture well, which negatively affects the balance and weight of the soccer ball. For this reason, SELECT ditched these cheap lining materials in favor of a nonwoven fabric:
Spiral cotton fibers, treated with polyurethane resin to enhance water repellency, are stacked in different directions on top of each other and form a resilient, flexible and porous system. This structure allows soccer balls SELECT does not absorb moisture and odors and quickly regain its shape after impact.

Also, do not forget about the design of the camera. when choosing a soccer ball... It holds the air, gives the ball its shape and makes it more controllable. There are 2 main materials for cameras: latex and butyl.

Professional players prefer soccer balls with a latex camera, they have a more stable flight path, they are softer and have more sensitivity. Latex chambers allow air to pass over time. they are porous. Therefore, they require more frequent swapping.

Butyl chambers are excellent at retaining air, but they are stiffer and less sensitive than latex chambers. Most balls with a butyl tube have a laminated surface.

Many balls based on a latex or butyl tube use butyl valves for better air retention.

If we talk about a more economical option, then you can pick a soccer ball with latex tube and PVC cover. It will not play as well as with a PU coating, but the latex chamber will give such a ball quite acceptable characteristics. PU balls are good in combination with both butyl and latex cameras, which allows the manufacturer to vary widely the playing characteristics of the balls, offering us a wider selection of football models for different needs. But, accordingly, PU balls will be more expensive.

Also when choosing a soccer ball attention should be paid to the design. Each soccer ball consists of a certain number of panels, they determine the aerodynamics of the ball and how convenient the player will be to use the ball. The number of panels varies depending on the needs for which the ball model was developed.

There are many different designs for soccer balls, but the most common and traditional is the 32 panel, invented and first produced by SELECT in 1962, this layout is equally good for big football, as well as for futsal and futsal.

Consists of 20 hexagons and 12 pentagons. Due to this design football balls have become more aerodynamic and have better playability.

  • FIFA Quality Pro
  • FIFA Quality
  • IMS - International match standard

Such soccer ball will meet high standards and have the best gaming characteristics, because passed extensive tests in the FIFA laboratory.

PS: site advises when choosing a soccer ball be guided primarily by the recommendations of FIFA, balls with FIFA logos really differ in the best quality of stitching, durability and playing characteristics.

Choosing a soccer ball- not an easy task, as it seems at first glance! The quality of the game depends on the right choice, as well as the ability to show all your ball possession capabilities. Any professional footballer will tell you how important it is to find a good ball, and how it plays a role in the accuracy of shooting, passing and dribbling during the game!

In this article we will try to figure out how the balls are made and what to look out for before buying it!

Types of balls.

Modern soccer balls are divided into four types, depending on the level of the players and the method of application:

  1. Professional ball- prepared for playing on all kinds of football ground surfaces, and also suitable for playing in any weather conditions. Such balls must have a special quality certificate, which certifies that this projectile has all the necessary qualities and is intended for playing at a professional level!
  2. Match ball- the most durable of all balls. Has very good grip while playing. Specificity: for games and football competitions!
  3. Training ball- the most common type of ball that has a water-repellent coating. It also has increased durability, making it incredibly popular with outdoor soccer fans!
  4. Futsal ball- demonstrates low rebound and has
    smaller radius than a standard ball.

The first two types of balls were made by manufacturers exclusively for turf and only for matches and football competitions. remember, that not released special balls for especially hard surfaces, such as asphalt or concrete, as any ball, even a very high-quality ball, wears out and loses its shape in a short time! Also, all types of balls have a temperature limit at which the ball can be used for play. This limit is fifteen degrees below zero! So do not be surprised that the expensive ball you bought falls apart before your eyes when you play it at low temperatures and on asphalt!


It is generally accepted that a high-quality soccer ball must be made of leather! This is a false delusion, and such an assurance could have been made, probably, in the era of the formation of football. Nowadays, many manufacturers have already abandoned leather as the main material for making balls, since leather tends to deform and shrink when exposed to moisture. Therefore, to extend the life of a football projectile, synthetic leatherette was used!

It is worth remembering that expensive and high-quality balls are made of polyurethane, with numerous layers and spacers between the layers, and ordinary, affordable balls for the masses are sewn from polyvinyl chloride, in about four layers.

Cut the ball.

You've all seen that any ball is made up of panels! So there are only thirty-two of these panels, which are firmly connected to each other. There are several types of panel connections:

The service life of the ball depends on the quality of the cut, as well as how much its shape will remain after a couple of dozen games!

The size and weight of the ball.

The choice of the size of the ball mainly depends on the age of the player. Today, games use three standard sizes:

  • The third size is suitable for children under the age of eight. Such a ball in the diagonal is about seventy centimeters long and weighs about three hundred and forty grams;
  • The fourth size is used for futsal or teenagers. The length of such a ball is about sixty-five centimeters, and the weight is three hundred and seventy grams;
  • The fifth size is the standard ball size for adult games and training. The length is about seventy centimeters, with a weight of four hundred and fifty grams.

Characteristics of a quality ball.

A good soccer ball must have the following properties:

Ball selection tip : Pay attention to the drawing and painting of the ball! A high-quality shell is painted before the sewing process, and a cheap ball is painted after gluing and a pattern is applied over the seams and panels! If you see the seams of the pattern on the seams, this is an indicator of cheapness and poor quality!

Now that you know how and from what modern footballs are made, you will make the right choice and can enjoy a full-fledged football game!

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