Photo report about the marriage of Maria Kirilenko. Famous tennis player Maria Kirilenko gave birth to a son Maria Kirilenko wedding

January 24, 2015 in a famous Russian tennis player Maria Kirilenko the wedding took place. This joyous event was reported by the lucky woman herself. On her Instagram page, she posted a photo, and also left a post in which she addressed the fans and shared her emotions.

She also informed about the pre-planned celebration on Saturday best friend and ex-racket of the world Evgeny Kafelnikov. It was after this that many users had the assumption that the famous tennis player was the chosen one of the 27-year-old athlete. After all, they have been friends for a long time, so there was no doubt that over time the friendship grew into something more. However, this version remained at the stage of speculation.

After an unsuccessful relationship with a colleague on the tennis court Igor Andreev, Maria Kirilenko got along with the famous Russian hockey player and NHL Washington Capitals striker Alexander Ovechkin. In 2012, the lovers got engaged. It was going to the wedding, but the protracted three-year romance came to naught and in July 2014 the couple announced their separation. The three-time world champion was not present at the celebration, so his candidacy quickly faded into the background.

After a falling out with Ovechkin, Maria Kirilenko was credited with several subsequent novels, however, none of them found confirmation. The hero of the occasion herself also did not disclose the identity of her chosen one, giving fans the opportunity to speculate about this. But in public life, it is difficult to hide something, so the information soon leaked to the surface.

According to official sources, it became clear that Maria's fiancé is none other than 38-year-old Alexei Stepanov, who is the head of the Moscow City Public Services Committee. It was about this Alexei that was discussed earlier. The newlyweds played the wedding in one of the elite restaurants in the village of Usovo near Moscow. The best friend of the 27-year-old athlete and ex-first racket of the world, Maria Sharapova, recently posted photos of the wedding on the network, after which it once again became clear that Stepanov was indeed the chosen one of Masha.

Recall that Maria Kirilenko is a famous Russian tennis player. In the updated ranking of the Women's Tennis Association of the world, she occupies the 189th line. Throughout its sports career 27-year-old tennis player won 6 titles in singles and 12 in doubles. At the same time, Maria twice became a finalist of the 2011 Grand Slam and 2012 Roland Garros tournaments.

Sport hardened the character of Maria Kirilenko and taught her to be always collected and concentrated, however, all these volitional qualities did not deprive her of her femininity and softness. Having achieved big victories in her career, the tennis player temporarily suspended her sports activities having taken up coaching... She opened a children's tennis school, where among her pupils there are children of many celebrities. Now a wonderful period has come in Kirilenko's personal life: the role of her beloved wife and caring mother makes her very happy and makes her feel like a happy person.

Maria was born in 1987 in Moscow. From an early age she was engaged in ballroom dancing, and when future star court turned seven years old, her parents enrolled her in a tennis school. The girl immediately fell in love with the court and happily ran to training. In 2000, the young athlete began to cooperate with the Honored Master of Sports Elena Bryukhovets, thanks to which, two years later, she became the winner of many competitions in her age group.

In the photo, Maria Kirilenko as a child

Kirilenko achieved great victories in doubles, where her partners in the court were such famous tennis players as Nadezhda Petrova, Maria Sharapova, Victoria Azarenko and others. She won a bronze medal for Olympic Games in London, won the 2012 WTA Final and became a multiple Grand Slam finalist and semi-finalist.

In his personal life, Kirilenko had one unsuccessful romance, which never grew into family relationships. Her choice was then the hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. For some time, the lovers met, and in 2012 they announced their engagement. However, in 2014 it became known that the tennis player broke off relations with him. According to Maria, the reason for parting with the groom was his habits and behaviors, with which she no longer wanted to put up.

In the photo, Maria Kirilenko with her family: husband Alexei Stepanov and mothers

However, the court star did not remain alone for long: in early 2015, she married the official Alexei Stepanov. Kirilenko met her future husband at a tennis club, where the young man played in amateur competitions. After talking with him for some time, the girl realized that it was with this man that she would like to start a family and raise children. In the summer of the same year, their son Mikhail was born, after which the athlete devoted herself to pleasant maternal chores. With the advent of the baby, Maria noted that she had changed in better side, becoming more calm and cheerful.

The famous tennis player with her son Mikhail

Despite the fact that her husband has a rather busy work schedule, he takes an active part in raising his son, reads him fairy tales and puts him to bed. Kirilenko did not sit on maternity leave for a long time and after a year started coaching. In the relationship of the spouses, complete harmony and mutual understanding reigns. The husband supports the tennis player in everything and does not mind that she is doing something to her liking. The spouses did not hire a nanny, so grandmothers remain with the baby. Six months after giving birth, the figure of Mary became the same: now, with a height of 174 cm, she weighs 60 kg.

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Posted on 05/21/2017

Russian tennis player Maria Kirilenko delighted fans with a snapshot from her own wedding, which she posted on her pages on social networks.

You can congratulate me, I have the happiest day of my life !!! So, it "s official: now you can congratulate me, it" s the happiest day of my life!

By the way, it seemed to especially attentive connoisseurs of Kirilenko's talent that the girl had a small tummy. However, Maria herself did not confirm or refute the assumptions about a possible pregnancy.

And here is what writes:

27-year-old tennis player Maria Kirilenko did not have to worry long about parting with hockey player Alexander Ovechkin. Six months after the painful breakup of one of the most beautiful couples in domestic sports, the girl agreed to the marriage proposal of a capital businessman named Alexei. At the celebration, which took place in the elite village of Usovo, which was closed to outsiders that evening, the young arrived in a white Rolls-Royce decorated with flowers. The motorcade of Maria and her influential spouse was accompanied by a guard convoy. In a snow-white lace dress with a long veil, the girl appeared before the guests at the Birch Chalet restaurant, where the closest people of the bride and groom gathered. At the request of the newlyweds, the festive decoration was made in the "winter" style: white furniture and a lot of artificial flowers in light colors. Tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov announced the joyful event in the life of the athlete on Twitter, but flatly refused to give the name of the lucky one. The titled athlete himself was one of the first to arrive, and the company celebrated the wedding for almost seven hours. The guests did not get tired of raising their glasses to the happiness and strong union of Maria and Alexei, pronouncing touching toasts. The chef of the restaurant prepared an exquisite treat for the guests: rack of lamb, duck leg, seafood langwini and much more.

At the end of January 2015, Kirilenko suddenly married an official Stepanov. For the public, this wedding was a complete surprise, because the 28-year-old tennis player carefully concealed the details of the novel. In mid-July, the couple had their first-born son Mikhail.


According to Mary, after the birth of Misha, she changed her lifestyle and completely devoted herself to motherhood... Now her routine does not include a huge amount of travel, training and stress. Kirilenko admitted that she became better, calmer and turned into a real mother - kind and smiling.

At the same time, if not for tennis, then it is unlikely that she was lucky enough to meet her husband. It was the work of her life that gave her not only a dizzying career, but also the chosen one... Kirilenko then trained at a tennis club on the eve of the next major tournament, and Stepanov took part in amateur competitions. The organizers of the games asked the tennis player to award the prize-winners, and the future spouse turned out to be the winner. After that, they had an affair. After some time, Maria admitted that she met true love and the person with whom she would like to start a family and raise children, reports StarHit.

Kirilenko said that after giving birth she sat on strict diet due to possible baby allergies. But thanks to this, after three months, she began to weigh even less than her pre-pregnant weight. According to the tennis player, in the hospital she immediately tried to take care of the child on her own and asked the nurses to teach her everything there was to know. Now a young mother can do a lot, but her husband often helps her.

"Alexei is a good dad. He works a lot, he has a rather busy schedule, but in the evenings we always bathe Misha together, and Alexei reads him fairy tales. I read somewhere that dad should read fairy tales to the baby," she said. By the way, Stepanov even attended the birth of his beloved, tried to cheer her up and defuse the situation.

Kirilenko said that the wedding day for her was the happiest in her life. At the same time, the name of her husband has not been disclosed. "You can congratulate me, I have the happiest day of my life!"- wrote Kirilenko in his microblog on Instagram.


The first to report the joyful event was the eminent Russian tennis player Evgeny Kafelnikov... "Which sensation is louder: yesterday's victory of Seppi over Federer or today's wedding of Masha Kirilenko (I'm invited)? It's not even discussed," Kafelnikov wrote in his microblog on Twitter.

Considering that the groom's name was kept secret for a long time, Kalashnikov's tweet generated a lot of rumors, but he himself flatly refused to reveal the name of the lucky one. Some media outlets even rushed to marry Kafelnikov himself with Kirilenko... However, the fog of mystery was dispelled during the most solemn event, which took place in the restaurant "Berezka Chalet" in the elite village of Usovo near Moscow.

It turned out that the chosen one of the ex-girlfriend of Alexander Ovechkin, with whom Maria broke up six months ago, was a metropolitan businessman named Alexei. The press does not yet know anything about the occupation of the tennis player's husband, but it is obvious that he is not a poor person. Earlier there were rumors that the chosen one of Mary was a major official.

Alexander Ovechkin at this time lit up at the NHL All-Star Game in Columbus. The hockey player said that he himself found out about this only from the Internet and does not know the name of the groom. "But I congratulate Masha. Have I been invited to the wedding? What should I do there? I have an All-Star Game here, "Komsomolskaya Pravda quotes Ovechkin.

Recall that for three years, the tennis player met with the Russian hockey player, three-time world champion in the Russian national team and the captain of the NHL Washington Capitals, Alexander Ovechkin. In December 2012, the couple got engaged, but the wedding never took place. In July 2014, Maria Kirilenko officially announced the dissolution of the engagement.

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