The thinnest woman Valeria Levitin has become. Valeria levitin

The death of it-girl and TV presenter Peaches Geldof was a sensation this week. Although the doctors called the incident inexplicable and sudden, close girls claim that she was sick with anorexia. We recall 7 more media characters who died from a terrible disease.

(6 photos total)

1. The 25-year-old British journalist, TV presenter and model was found dead at her home on April 7. Experts named anorexia as one of the causes of death. Friends of the TV presenter confirm that Peaches has been fond of juice diets for the last year.

2. The Dior favorite of the times of John Galliano, the Brazilian model Anna Carolina Reston, who ate only apples and tomatoes, died at the age of 22. Her last work was the advertising company Giorgio Armani - the brand persistently invited the model to cooperate, even when her weight was less than 40 kg with a height of 174 cm.

3. Hila Elmaliah In the nineties, Hila was a popular Israeli model on the world catwalk. The disease appeared in the girl at the age of 21, and accompanied her for another 13 years. As a result, on her 34th birthday, the 21 kg supermodel died.

4. The most media twins with anorexia also worked as doctors. Sisters Maria and Kathy had a 22-year-long competition. The goal is to become thinner than your opponent. As a result, the competition for both ended in death.

5. It is not surprising that most of the victims of anorexia are models of the early 2000s, it was then that the trend was considered to correspond to "heroin chic". This is how the sisters Luisel and Eliana Ramos caught the occupational disease. The eldest - Elina - fainted right on the catwalk during Fashion Week, and soon died. The 18-year-old youngest died of exhaustion six months later.

6. Unlike previous models, Frenchwoman Isabelle Caro's anorexia is not the result of her modeling career. The girl suffered from a severe form of illness from the age of 13, and the model began her work with Oliviero Toscani's No Anorexia photo shoot, in which 28-pound Isabelle poses nude. By the way, one of the goals of such social advertising is to stop top models from losing weight.

Now Valeria is 39 years old. In fear of gaining weight, she sat on the strictest diets, and achieved amazing results - a woman weighs only 25 kilograms. She practically does not distinguish the taste of products, and takes proteins, fats and carbohydrates strictly according to the scheme. In order not to faint due to low blood pressure, she is forced to drink liters of strong coffee. Now the woman lives in Monaco, where, thanks to the warm climate, she is trying to improve her health. Her only income is unemployment benefits.

Despite her frightening thinness, Valeria receives letters of support. In an interview, Valeria said: “I receive letters from girls with requests to teach them how to lose weight and be like me. All messages are mostly from girls in their 20s who see me as inspiration. "

Valeria began experimenting with diets as a teenager. She believes that this happened because of her mother, who was afraid that Valeria would grow up and be fat, like her relatives.

At the age of 16, when Valeria weighed 63 kg, she moved with her parents to Chicago. The girl decided that if she lost weight, the children would rather like it in the new school. She completely gave up sweets and carbohydrates. But when one of her classmates made a violent comment about her figure, she made her diet even more rigid. The desire to become a model further exacerbated the situation. By the age of 24, Valeria already weighed only 38 kilograms.

The irony is that now Valeria is forced to give up many products, because the body no longer perceives them. Due to her illness, her life became very lonely. For more than 10 years she has been single, and it is very difficult to start a relationship, because, according to Valeria, she is not able to do many of the things that couples usually do. Valeria could not put on weight even under the supervision of specialists, whom she constantly turned to for 10 years.

Today Valeria takes supplements that help to resist the appearance of bruises on the body. Also, the woman is forced to move very carefully so as not to fall. Despite all the difficulties, Valeria dreams of a child, and believes that this desire will help her gain the desired health, lost due to the diet.

Valeria Levitina, anorexic patient, died?

Is it true that the thinnest woman in the world with anorexia, Valeria Levitina, who lives in Monaco, has died?

Many programs on central television have already been dedicated to Valeria Levitina, who has anorexia, however, no one managed to save the girl .. She died at the end of 2013 ..

This disease is too complex and rarely amenable to treatment.

Indeed, Valeria Litvinova from Monaco, suffering from anorexia, died at the age of forty back in 2013.

She was the thinnest woman in the world. She weighed only twenty-five kilograms.

As a child, she was complete. She began to sit on various strict diets as a teenager. I have had anorexia since the age of twenty. I tried to gain weight, but it didn’t work.

Naturally, it didn't work. She was specially photographed and posted pictures on the Internet so that other girls did not follow her example and did not bring themselves to anorexia.

Mother called Valeria a walking corpse. And so it was.

By the way, Valeria was from Russia.

Probably, now few people think that anorexia is a harmless disease that can be easily cured.

But some do not even consider anorexia a "real" disease, and in fact it took more than one life.

An example of this is the fate of Valeria Levitina, who at the age of 39 weighed 25 kg. She died in December 2013 at 40.

When she was a teenager, the family moved from Russia to Monaco. The girl was pretty, but someone said something about her weight and she began to lose weight.

In recent years, Valeria was often photographed, by her example encouraging girls to give up crazy ideas about the beauty of thinness. Her case brought her only suffering and early departure.

A woman named Valeria Levitina, who for almost twenty years suffered from such a disease as anorexia, died several years ago - at the very beginning of December 2013.

The woman was quite famous for her illness and many followed her life and hoped that she would be cured. But the miracle did not happen, the body was very depleted - after all, with its height of 171cm, its weight was only 25kg. Naturally, the body simply stopped reacting in any way to any food.

And in her youth, you can't call her especially fat - a beautiful young woman of medium build. It's just that all the problems were in her head.

In 2013, the thinnest woman in the world died, weighing 25 kg. Valeria Levitina fell victim to her own complexes and psychological problems that became physiological. I hope this story will at least a little make the next ugly schoolchildren to think about, bullying overweight classmates.

Valeria Levitina's body was very depleted due to anorexia. Suffering from them for about 20 years, almost half of her life, she was never able to cope and withstand all the trials that fell on her. The girl died at such a young age.

Valeria Levitina, unfortunately, still died, her body could not stand it, he was severely exhausted. The woman was only 40 years old. She was the thinnest woman in the world and paddled around twenty-five kilograms. Valeria started having problems from her youth, from the age of twenty. It was at this time that she became addicted to the strictest diets, which poured out on her sideways. After that, Valeria diligently, but unsuccessfully tried to fight the loss of weight, tried in every possible way to gain weight.

And everything turned out due to the fact that the woman was a chubby girl and had a bunch of complexes

During her illness, Valeria had to eat according to certain schemes, and she practically did not even distinguish the taste of food.

Living mummy Valery Levitin

Valeria Levitina, a 39-year-old native Muscovite, who now lives in Monaco, shared her difficult fate with the press. As a teenager, the girl moved with her family for permanent residence abroad, where she gained many acquaintances and increased attention from men. As often happens, one case, one phrase - changes a person's life forever. A rude remark about her weight made the girl voluntarily refuse food in pursuit of beauty. The desire to lose weight grew into anorexia.

Today Valeria Levitina weighs 25 kg, she is forced to constantly eat according to a strictly defined scheme. Valeria hopes that those who want to lose weight will not follow her example.

1. Valeria Levitina on the coast in Monaco. (Rosie Hallam / Barcroft Media)

2. Valeria with her mother. (Rosie Hallam / Barcroft Media)

3. Valeria walks down the street. Passers-by shun her like ghosts. (Rosie Hallam / Barcroft Media)

4. During an interview at your home. (Rosie Hallam / Barcroft Media)

5. Valeria is basking in the sun on her terrace. (Rosie Hallam / Barcroft Media)

6. Portrait of a woman. (Rosie Hallam / Barcroft Media)

7. Children's photograph of Valeria Levitina. (Barcroft Media)

8. 27-year-old Valeria in exile. (Barcroft Media)

9. Girl in her youth. (Barcroft Media)

10. Shortly before deciding to lose weight. (Barcroft Media)

The life and death of the thinnest woman on the planet

Valeria Levitina has long been called "the thinnest woman on the planet." Her weight was only 25 kg with a height of 171 cm. The body did not perceive heavy food at all and could only cope with a tiny portion of food. It was not always so bad, but the girl was taught to control the weight from a young age. "Thank you" to my mother - she wanted an ideal daughter.

At the age of 16, the Levitina family moved to the United States. Valeria then weighed 64 kg and was already planning to lose weight in order to get the approval of her peers and mother.

3/6 & nbspOnce at school she was told that her butt was so fat that she could close the football goal. These words deeply sunk into Levitina's soul. Many years later, she bitterly recalled how a rash phrase can completely turn a person's life around forever.

Valeria really managed to lose weight. She even decided to become a model. At first everything went well, but then the girl's weight began to drop rapidly. By the age of 24, she already weighed only 38 kg.

5/6 & nbspWhen the situation became critical, the girl went to the doctors. The prognosis was bad: the body refused to eat. And even a simple walk threatened the girl with disaster - her fragile body could not survive even the slightest fall or collision with the person opposite. She could literally crumble at any moment.

6/6 & nbspValeria with all her heart dreamed of gaining weight and starting a normal life: starting a family, having a baby. She began to promote the idea of ​​love and respect for her body, but she herself fell in this struggle. Her body was still too weak. Valeria Levitina died on December 1, 2013.

Lera Levitina's body is thin

"MK" met with a Muscovite - one of the skinniest women on earth

In an attempt to be beautiful and desirable, you can overdo it. At least, 39-year-old former Muscovite Valeria Levitina is now sure of this. Today she is one of the thinnest women on the planet. Lera does not consider her weight of 25 kilograms with a height of 171 cm dangerous, although she admits that she is sick and needs treatment, and also help and support. She can hardly lift the bag and get out of the car on her own. And we, healthy people, hardly manage to hold back tears, looking at the literally translucent figure of Lera. How did it happen that the woman went on a hunger strike to herself?

I'm actually a native Muscovite, ”Valeria says proudly. - I grew up very smart. Not yet at school, she wrote poetry, played the piano, developed beyond her years. I will say without false modesty: she was a smart girl, a beauty, a favorite of the whole class. But at the age of 16, my mother and stepfather took me to the USA. I loved and still love Moscow very much. And there, across the ocean, absolute uncertainty awaited me. Maybe it was this move that broke me.

Did her mother know then, in the distant 80s of the last century, that her desire to have a beautiful, slender and successful girl would result in these 25 kilograms?

In our family, no one has ever been a slender gazelle, ”says Valeria. “However, I have always believed that I should become one. My family also supported my desire to be slim.

Indeed, what is it if a young girl wants to have a good figure?

Lera shows her old photos and videos. On them - a young, slender, smiling beauty. Well, just a Hollywood star! I wonder: could she really not like herself like that?

I liked it, of course, and all men were pretty. Offers of a hand and heart still rained down on me from all sides. Now I understand that at that time I was already sick with anorexia. After all, many people mistakenly believe that a person is sick when he looks like I do now. But in fact - this is already too neglected option. It is necessary to begin treatment when a person looks healthy, slender, but simply, as many people think, is fond of diets. Believe me, this is not just a hobby. This is the most real obsession. When the brain has already begun to work against the body. I know from myself: losing weight becomes just the meaning of life. I was little interested in what was happening around me, the main thing was what I ate today and what I would allow myself tomorrow. If then I knew what I know now, ”sighs Valeria,“ I would never have reached such a state.

- Why was it difficult for you to stay at a certain weight?

At that time I did not understand at all that I was going somewhere in the wrong place. How could I stop? And how much can you even talk about my weight? Everyone just asks how much I weighed that year, how much this year, what I eat, what I don’t eat.

Valeria is really fed up with these questions. But here's a surprise: according to her, the starting point of the onset of her illness was an accidentally dropped phrase from a teenage friend.

In the emigrant environment, different people come across. Both smart and not so smart. I remember we went with friends for a picnic. The guys began to play football, and one of the losing team joked: "In order not to miss the balls, Leroux should be put in as a goalkeeper." My fifth point, they say, is wider than the gate. After that, I took up myself. And I began to watch very carefully what I eat day after day.

At first, they were just innocent diets - like not eating after six and the like. Then Lera completely abandoned sweet and starchy foods. Then she eliminated all carbohydrates from food. And she went further and further. Naturally, the figure also began to change - at first for the better. From a teenage plump, she turned into a slender and beautiful young girl, then into a thin girl, then into a very thin one.

In those distant years, the relatives of the young and beautiful Valeria did not even think about any anorexia. They were happy for the girl, who was getting slimmer and prettier day by day. Moreover, Lera began to participate in beauty contests and in 1994 even won the title of "Miss Chicago".

However, Levitina is absolutely not like a dull-headed model, who only knows how to walk on the catwalks. From the very first minutes of communication, I realized that she is a very intelligent, spiritually developed, educated, well-read person.

Yes, - she laughs at my remark. - Many media present me as a model dreaming of a dizzying career. But I never aspired to anything like that.

However, it was not easy to communicate with her. She then tried to end the dialogue, then when I was about to leave, she stopped and began to speak again. An educated, well-read, docile girl due to illness has turned into a capricious, nervous, sickly woman. And, of course, talking about food causes her particular irritation. And the very kind of food. In the restaurant where we met, she spent a very long time asking the waiter if sugar had accidentally got into her tea.

Leroy and I were sitting in a small cozy restaurant in the very center of Moscow. She chose cranberry cinnamon tea from a variety of menus.

Girl, - she turns to the waitress. - But please do not add sugar or any syrup to the tea. Only cranberries and cinnamon. Okay?

When the desired drink was brought, Lera carefully examined it and, having sipped a sip, returned it back:

No, there is still sugar there! I feel. Change.

With wide eyes, the waitress walks back to the kitchen.

- Why can't you sugar?- I am surprised.

Oh, leave me alone with this - what is possible, what is not.

But then, softening, he adds:

I have simply not eaten anything sweet for so many years that my body simply does not accept sugar.

- But all the same - what are you eating?

I am very selective in everything when it comes to nutrition. I try to eat a lot of vegetables, I prefer rabbit from protein. I have a small refrigerator, so I go to the store every day, take a little, but everything is fresh. Yes, and I cannot eat in large doses - I will simply feel bad, very bad. Food is not only not enjoyable, but also painful.

- So you can't get better anymore?

Everybody bothers me with this question - as if this is what is important.

Of course it is! Do you really like the way you look now? After all, for the sake of beauty, you were able to lose weight, which means that you can gain weight.

I can get better. But you all fail to understand that weight is not the problem. Weight is just a symptom of an illness. I got better a hundred times, but then I lost weight again. Swiftly. The whole problem is in the head, something is wrong there. And where this "not so" is treated, I do not know. There are very few specialists in the world who can help people like me.

I noticed that you like to wear tight clothes. Are you doing this on purpose? Like it when people pay attention to you?

Not at all. It's just more convenient that way. And then, in this way, I contribute to the fight against anorexia. Let everyone see what the pursuit of harmony can lead to. Naturally, there are no my sizes in the store. I have to change everything.

- Tell me, how is your personal life?

No way. All the suitors, who once vied with each other, offered me a hand and a heart, fled. I have no close girlfriends and friends. Everyone runs from problems. That's how I was left alone.

- And the family? Does mom like the way you live and how you look?

Of course not! What are you saying? What a mother would like that! She, seeing me, cries crocodile tears. And that only makes me worse.

- Do you often meet with her?

Not really. Three years ago I moved to live in Monaco. It's expensive to fly to her from the USA, and me to her. In addition, she has a husband - my stepfather. He is already at a respectable age and now he is more of a burden than a help. We see her sometimes, somewhere on neutral territory.

- How did you go to live in Monaco?

I entered the local university, in the magistracy. Last year she defended her candidate minimum. Now I am writing my doctoral dissertation in economics. Hope to get my degree soon. I live modestly, renting a tiny apartment. And since I cannot work as anyone, everything is not very good with money. But I love the Cote d'Azur! There is so much sun! And the French are much more delicate than the Americans, no one pays much attention to me. In America, this was just a problem.

- Are you planning to settle there?

To be honest, my dream is to return home to Moscow. When I came here last year, 23 years later, I immediately realized that I had to return. I feel good here, and I am sure it is in Russia, among the Russian people, that I will be able to recover. But I don't have any at home here. When we left, we left everything to the state. I don't even have a Russian passport. I wrote a letter about this to Putin, asking him to help me restore my citizenship, because they took me away without asking. But there is no answer ...

But in Russia Lera already has a huge number of correspondence acquaintances. After Levitina's participation in the famous Russian talk show, she began to receive a huge number of letters.

Some ask for advice on how to lose weight to the same weight as mine. Some simply offer condolences. I had a very interesting and friendly correspondence with one woman, Maria. We are not talking with her about weight and diet. And so, just about life, about love, about fate. She is very supportive of me, and I would like to believe her. Well, this is mainly written by young girls. I try to communicate with everyone, write, explain that it is not worth going my way. And I won't teach them the secrets of losing weight, because it's like teaching them how to die. I would like to help those who are already sick, because I understand them like no one else. And to the parents of these children, who do not know where to run and what to do.

- Maybe you should help yourself first, having cured?

Yes, this is my dream, which I am sure will come true. But how - I don't know yet. I have a psychological education, and if I were cured, I think I would be able to professionally deal with the treatment of anorexia. Here in Russia.

You told me that now you know what you did not know before. Therefore, I brought myself to this. Tell about it so that all the young girls will hear you and maybe stop.

I did not know that I could not lift the bag on my own, that people would shy away from me on the streets and on buses. That they won't put me on the plane. But most importantly, I did not think that many once close people would turn their backs on me. Where are all these suitors, friends, acquaintances? They all scattered. It turns out that nobody needs a person with problems. And I would really like to meet the one, the only one who would believe in me, love the way I am. Together with him, we would go this way back. And, of course, I really want to have a child - even with the help of a surrogate mother. That's when I'll be cured.

The most famous anorexic woman in the world, Isabelle Carro from France, died in December 2010 at a weight of 27 kilograms (with an increase of 172). The girl, who once worked as a model, devoted the last years of her life to the fight against anorexia. And even wrote a book.

Victoria Beckham - the former lead singer of the Spice Girls, mother of four and wife of the most famous football player on the planet - is called by many an icon of anorexia. After each pregnancy, Victoria (height 165, weight 45 kg) becomes thinner, but continues to be dissatisfied with her shape.

Short, thin, angular Kate Moss (height 169, weight 48 kg) has become a discovery of the fashion world, tired of curvy beauties. Her thinness (or as it is also called "heroin chic") is the calling card of the model.

The growth of 39-year-old Valeria Levitina is 171 centimeters, and her weight is only 25 kilograms. Journalists say that Valeria, the thinnest woman in the world, looks like a mummy, and they are not far from the truth. After all, it is difficult to find a more accurate comparison for a skeleton covered with leather. Doctors instantly diagnose anorexia nervosa, meaning a serious illness that is difficult and sometimes impossible to cure.

How did the thinnest woman in the world come to such a deplorable result? Seeking by her example to warn girls who want to get rid of extra, in their opinion, kilograms, Valeria Levitina willingly reveals the story of her life.

As a child, Valeria did not stand out in any way among her Moscow peers, she was a dumpling and experienced some dissatisfaction from this. In 1989, her mother and stepfather decided to emigrate to America, where Valeria turned from a girl into a rather slender and attractive young lady. She took part in beauty contests, in which it was necessary to lose weight in order to perform successfully.

The girl aspired to become a famous model, but her desire to lose weight brought fame, but in a completely different capacity. A passionate desire to lose weight made her famous in the category "The Thinning Woman in the World", bringing Valeria huge troubles in the form of rather serious health problems, the inability to conceive a child, lead a life of a full-fledged healthy person.

According to Valeria, the development of the disease was caused by the criticism of friends about her appearance, articles of glossy publications calling to meet the model standard, and a mother who wants to see her daughter as the embodiment of her ideas of perfection. She began to lose weight with harmless diets, followed the rules of a healthy diet, and gradually abandoned a number of foods. The weight loss that began was so pleasing that the line when weight loss turned into a disease went unnoticed. It's not just a disfigured appearance, the thinnest woman in the world is seriously ill. Valeria “lost weight” to that critical stage when, as a result of dystrophic changes in internal organs, an irreversible depression of their functions began, which could lead to the most sad outcome.

Now the thinnest woman in the world lives on one welfare benefit in Monaco, because the climate of the principality suits her to maintain relatively tolerable well-being. Valeria Levitina is lonely. She is forced to eat according to a strictly defined scheme, since eating delivers excruciating sensations due to disruption of the digestive system.

Valeria Levitina, realizing her problem, is open to communication. She comes to talk shows in order to visually demonstrate to girls who dream of losing weight, by her example, the danger of striving to meet the standards imposed in the fashion industry. Very thin girls, whose photos make you want to immediately pity and feed the lightweight creature, are idols of a certain category of teenage girls and young women. There are even communities of people who dream of getting sick with anorexia. It is with them, beginners who have not yet become dependent on the disease, that Valery Levitin shares the bitter experience of Valery Levitin, wishing to warn against rash experiments that are dangerous not only to health, but also to life.

39-year-old native Muscovite Valeria Levitina, who lived in Monaco, shared her difficult fate with the press shortly before her death. As a teenager, the girl moved with her family for permanent residence abroad, where she gained many acquaintances and increased attention from men.

As often happens, one case, one phrase - changes a person's life forever. A rude remark about her weight made the girl voluntarily refuse food in pursuit of beauty. The desire to lose weight grew into anorexia.

at the time of the photo session, Valeria Levitina weighed 25 kg, she was forced to constantly eat according to a strictly defined scheme. Valeria hopes that those who want to lose weight will not follow her example.

1. Valeria Levitina on the coast in Monaco.

2. Valeria with her mother.

3. Valeria walks down the street. Passers-by shun her like ghosts.

4. During an interview at your home.

5. Valeria is basking in the sun on her terrace.

6. Portrait of a woman.

7. Children's photograph of Valeria Levitina.

8. 27-year-old Valeria in exile.

39-year-old Valeria Levitin is not by hearsay familiar with the nightmare that anorexia can turn life into; she herself suffers from a whole bunch of health problems. Oddly enough, even though Levitin looks like a prisoner of a Nazi concentration camp, some young girls manage to perceive her as an example to follow and an idol. Levitin is simply horrified by such short-sightedness - she does not understand how someone can hate their own body so much.

The roots of Valeria Levitin's disease lie at a relatively young age. From an early age, the girl ate a fairly strict diet - Valeria's mother was afraid that her daughter would grow up too fat, like their many relatives. For the same reason, Valeria often weighed herself - in order to make sure that the excess weight could not sneak up on her waist unnoticed.

At the age of 16, Valeria, who at that time weighed 10 stones (about 63 kilograms), moved with her parents to Chicago. Alas, the girl did not manage to find friends in the new school; Levitin decided that the reason for this was overweight - and moved on to an even more strict diet. Valeria categorically excluded sugar and carbohydrates from her diet; over time, by the way, her body has categorically forgotten how to process these products - and now Levitin simply cannot start eating them.

Classmates, meanwhile, continued to joke at the girl - and joke quite cruelly; this further confirmed Valeria in fantasies about her incredible thickness and desire to lose practically nonexistent excess weight.

By the age of 23, Valeria had lost almost twice her weight - instead of size 12 dresses, she had to switch to size 6. Levitin dreamed of becoming a model - but then another blow awaited her; the girl was told that she still weighs too much. Valeria continued to torture herself - and soon she began to show really serious health problems; so, at the age of 24, Levitin was forbidden to dance - by that time Valeria weighed about 40 kilograms and could easily be accidentally injured from any careless movement.

Over the next 10 years, Levitin actively communicated with all sorts of doctors and specialists in healthy nutrition; alas, this did not affect her health - the weight continued to fall. At some point, Levitin's weight dropped to the critical level - 23.5 kilograms.

To some, Valeria's problems may seem far-fetched - really, if she doesn't want to lose weight anymore, she just needs to start eating properly; sweet, flour and fatty ones will easily help you gain weight without much effort. Alas, everything is not so simple - after many years of strict diets, Valeria simply cannot eat such food; her body simply does not understand how to deal with such products. You should not be dismissive of the purely psychological aspect - the cornerstone of all diseases of this kind. Valeria herself admits that her main misfortune is the lack of harmony between soul and body; Now the woman is thinking about returning to her homeland, to Moscow - perhaps there she can feel better.

Valeria can really serve as a kind of example for all young girls who are too painful about their own weight - Levitin's story teaches us that too tight control over their own body can lead to truly catastrophic consequences. Unfortunately, not everyone understands this - in some letters, the newly-minted Levitin fans complain that they cannot lose as much weight as she could; Valeria, however, hopes that by her example she will still be able to force at least someone to take the right path and stop hating her body.

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