Calendar thematic planning for physical education in dhow. Calendar-thematic plan for physical education

Perspective planning for physical development in the senior group, edited by L. I. Penzulaeva according to the program "From birth to school" N. Ye. Veraksa, T. S. Komarova, M. A. Vasilyeva. A long-term plan has been developed for the entire academic year in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, which indicates the integration of educational areas, target guidelines, the main types of movements and their tasks, mobile and sedentary games. Kindergarten teachers and physical education instructors will benefit from this planning.



Advanced planning. senior group.

Educational area "Physical development". (L. M. Penzulaeva)

Physical development:carry out a complex of hardening procedures (air baths); to form hygiene skills: to teach children to wash their hands with cool water after the end of physical exercises and games; dress and undress carefully; keep order in your closet.

Social and communicative development:encourage children to self-esteem and evaluate the actions and behavior of their peers during the games; clean up physical training equipment and equipment when conducting physical exercises; to form the skills of safe behavior in the gym and during jumping with forward movement, throwing balls, outdoor games.

Cognitive development:develop the perception of objects in shape, color, size,

location in space while walking with stepping over cubes, over balls.

Speech development:encourage speech activity
children in the process of physical activity, discuss the benefits of hardening and physical education.

Artistic and aesthetic development:introduce elements of rhythmic gymnastics; to play games and exercises with music

A week.

Lesson number

The main types of movements.


General developmental exercises

Outdoor play

Sedentary game

Education targets


1 Week

I week

№ 1

1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over the cubes, placed at a distance of two steps of the child, hands on the belt (3-4 times).

2. Jumping on two legs with forward movement, vigorously pushing off the floor (distance 4 m), repeat 2-3 times.

3. Throwing balls to each other, standing in ranks (distance between children 2 m), throwing the ball with both hands from below (10-12 times).

Without items


"Who has the ball?"

Owns age-appropriate basic movements (walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing, walking and running one at a time, on toes, heels, scattering, between objects at a signal, rebuilding in three columns, bouncing on two legs, throwing the ball up, crawling on a gymnastic bench, throwing the ball to each other, crawling into a hoop, stepping over the bars, jumping on two legs with bags between the knees); independently and with a little help from an adult, he puts his things in a certain sequence on a highchair or in a closet, uses sanitary and hygiene items (soap, comb, towel, etc.); performs hygiene procedures (washes his hands with cool water after the end of physical exercises and games ; neatly dresses and undresses; maintains order in his closet, dresses neatly, checks all the fasteners on clothes and the neatness of his appearance, monitors his posture when walking); is active when participating in outdoor games "Mouse" and "Who has the ball", "Fishing rod", We are funny guys ",

performing the simplest dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics; expresses positive emotions (joy, pleasure) when performing rhythmic gymnastics exercises to music

№ 2

1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over the bricks

2. Jumping on two legs with forward movement, vigorously pushing off the floor.

3. Throwing balls to each other, standing in ranks.

Exercise children in walking and running in a column one at a time, in a scattered run; maintaining a stable balance; jumping forward and throwing the ball.

Without items


"Who has the ball?"

№ 3

N / a

Play exercises:


Don't miss.

"On the bridge."

Exercise children in column formation; repeat exercises in balance and jumping.

"Traps" (with ribbons).

"Who has the ball?"

II week

3 week


1. Jumping on two legs - exercise "Reach the object".

2. Throwing a small ball (diameter 6-8 cm) upward with two hands.

3. Run at an average pace up to 1.5 minutes.

With a ball


"Find and be silent."

№ 5

1. Standing high jumps - Exercise "Reach the object".

2. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands, clapping your hands (15-20 times).

3. Crawling on all fours between objects (2-3 times).

Repeat walking and running between objects; exercise walking on toes; develop coordination of movements in high jumps (reach the object) and dexterity in throwing the ball up.


"Find and be silent."

No. 6 Н / в

Pass the ball.

"Do not touch

Repeat walking and running between objects, scattering, with a stop at the signal of the teacher, jumping exercises. Develop agility in running; learn playing exercises with a ball.

"We are funny guys."

"Find and be silent."

3 week

3 week

№ 7

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on the palms and knees (2-3 times).

2. Balance - walking on a rope (cord) sideways with an additional step, keep your hands on your belt, head and back straight (2-3 times)

3. Throwing the ball up with two hands and catching it, throwing the ball up and catching it with a clap (10-15 times).

"Fishing rod".

№ 8

1. Throwing balls to each other in ranks at a distance of 2.5 m from one another.

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench (board) with support on the forearms and knees.

3. Balance - walking on a tightrope sideways step with a bag on the head, hands on the belt.

Exercise children in walking with high knees, in continuous jogging for up to 1 minute; in crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on knees and palms; tossing the ball up. Develop dexterity and stable balance when walking on a reduced footprint.

"Fishing rod".

No. 9 Н / в

"Don't get caught."

"The ball against the wall."

Tasks. Repeat running, duration up to 1 minute, jumping exercise. Develop dexterity and eye, coordination of movements.

IV week

№ 10

1. Crawling into the hoop sideways, without touching the upper edge, in a tight grouping (5-6 times).

2. Balance - walking, stepping over an obstacle - bars or cubes, maintaining the correct posture (2-3 times).

3. Jumping on two legs with a bag sandwiched between the knees - like penguins (distance 3-4 m).

With a gymnastic stick

"We are funny guys."

№ 11

1. Crawling into the hoop straight and sideways in a tuck (5-6 times).

2. Balance - walking, stepping over the bars (cubes), with a bag on the head, freely balancing with hands (2-3 times).

3. Jumping on two legs, moving forward, distance 4 m (repeat 2-3 times).

To learn walking and running with a change in the pace of movement at the signal of the teacher; learn to crawl into the hoop sideways, without touching its edge; repeat exercises in balance and jumping

With a gymnastic stick

"We are funny guys."

No. 12 Н / В

Game exercises.

Catch the ball. "Be nimble."

Exercise in long-distance running, in jumping, repeat tasks with a ball, developing dexterity and an eye.

Find your color.


1 Week

№ 13

1. Walking on the gymnastic bench sideways step, hands on the belt (2-3 times).

2. Jumping on two legs through short cords, placed at a distance of 50 cm from each other (4-5 pieces); repeat 2-3 times.

3. Throwing the ball with both hands, standing in ranks at a distance of 2.5 m from each other (method - from the chest).

Without items

"Flight of the Birds".

"Find and be silent."

Owns age-appropriate basic movements (walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing, walking and running one at a time, on toes, heels, scattering, between objects at a signal, rebuilding in three columns, bouncing on two legs, throwing the ball up, crawling on a gymnastic bench, throwing the ball to each other, crawling into a hoop, stepping over the bars, jumping on two legs with bags between the knees, walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing); independently and with a little help from an adult, he performs hygienic and tempering procedures, puts his things in a certain sequence on a stool or in a closet, uses sanitary and hygiene items (soap, comb, towel, etc.) dresses neatly, checks all the fasteners on clothes and neatness of his appearance, monitors the posture when walking an adult, performs hygienic and hardening procedures; is active when participating in the outdoor game "Flight of Birds", "Fishing Rod", "We are funny guys", when participating in games with elements of competition, performing the simplest dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics; expresses positive emotions (joy, pleasure) when performing rhythmic gymnastics exercises to music

№ 14

1. Walking on a gymnastic bench sideways step, stepping over the stuffed balls (the distance between the balls is 2-3 steps). Repeat 2-3 times.

2. Jumping on two legs through the cords (rope) to the right and left, moving forward. Repeat 2-3 times.

3. Passing the ball from the chest with both hands. Starting position - leg stand shoulder-width apart (10-12 times).

Exercise children in jogging for up to 1 minute; walking with a side step on a gymnastic bench; in jumping and throwing the ball.

Without items

"Flight of the Birds".

"Find and be silent."

No. 15 Н / В

hitting the ball with right and left hands in place

dribbling the ball in place and in motion alternately with the right and left hand;

Repeat walking with high knees; to acquaint with dribbling the ball with the right and left hand (elements of basketball), to exercise in jumping.

"Don't get caught."

2 week

№ 16

2. Throwing the ball (large diameter) to each other with two hands from behind the head (10-12 times).

3. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours. Children are lined up in front of the gymnastic benches in a row on

distance of one step.

with a gymnastic stick

game "Do not stay on the floor."



№ 17

1. Jumping from a bench to bent legs (8-10 times).

2. Throwing balls to each other, standing in ranks, with both hands from the chest (distance 2.5 m).

3. Crawling on all fours with climbing over an obstacle (bench).

Learn to turn at the signal of the teacher while walking in a column one by one; repeat running with overcoming obstacles; exercise in jumping from a height; develop coordination of movements when throwing the ball.

with a gymnastic stick

game "Do not stay on the floor."

"Who has the ball?"

No. 18 Н / в

Game exercises. "Swipe the ball" (basketball version).

"The ball to the driver". "Don't get caught." Game exercise with jumping.

Exercise walking and running; learn playing exercises with a ball; repeat game exercises with running and jumping.

3 week

№ 19

1. Throwing the ball at a horizontal target with the right and left hand from a distance of 2 m (4-5 times).

2. Climbing - crawling under the arc straight and sideways in a grouping, without touching the floor with your hands (3-4 times).

3. Balance - walking with stepping over stuffed balls, keeping hands on the belt, head and back straight (2-3 times).

Repeat walking with a change in the pace of movement; develop coordination of movements and an eye when throwing at a target; exercise in balance.

with a small ball.

"Fishing rod".

№ 20

Throwing the ball at a horizontal target with the right and left hand from a distance of 2.5 m (4-5 times).

2. Crawling on all fours between objects (stuffed balls, cubes), placed at a distance of 1 m from one another ("snake"), 2-3 times.

3. Walking on the gymnastic bench sideways step (2-3 times).

Repeat walking with a change in the pace of movement; develop coordination of movements and an eye when throwing in

purpose; exercise in balance.

with a small ball.

"Fishing rod".

No. 21 Н / в

"Pass to each other." "Kick off the shuttlecock." "Be nimble" (relay).

Exercise in walking and running with stepping over obstacles, continuous running for up to 1 minute; introduce the game of badminton; repeat the jumping exercise.

4 week

№ 22

1. Crawling - crawling into the hoop sideways, without touching the floor with your hands, in a grouping. In a row through three hoops, placed at a distance of 1 meter from one another (2-3 times).

2. Walking on a gymnastic bench, step over the object in the middle and go further. Get off the bench without jumping.

3. Jumping on two legs on an obstacle (mat) 20 cm high, with three steps (4-5 times).

with a hoop.

"Swan geese".

"Flies, does not fly."

№ 23

1. Crawling on all fours with overcoming obstacles (through a gymnastic bench).

2. Walking on a gymnastic bench, in the middle, sit down, clap your hands, stand up and walk further (hands on your belt or behind your head).

3. Jumping on an obstacle (height 20 cm), 2-3 times.

Exercise walking in pairs; repeat climbing into the hoop; exercise balance and jumping.

with a hoop.

"Swan geese".

"Flies, does not fly."

№ 24

N / B

Game exercises.

"Planting potatoes".

"Get into the basket" (basketball version).

"Swipe the ball" (dribbling the ball with one hand at a distance of 4-5 meters).

Develop endurance in running for up to 1.5 minutes; learn the game "Planting potatoes"; exercise in jumping, develop attention in the game "Entertainers".

"Runaway traps".



1 Week

№ 25

1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, passing a small ball in front of you and behind your back for each step forward.

2. Jumping on the right and left legs, moving forward, in a straight line, first on the right, then on the left leg (distance 3-4 meters). Repeat two times.

3. Throwing the ball with two hands from below, standing in ranks, the distance between them is 2-2.5 m.

with a small ball.

"Firefighters in training."

"Find and be silent."

Possesses the age-appropriate basic movements (rebuilding in a line, column, turns right, left, walking with high knees, scattering, dribbling, crawling on a gymnastic bench, bouncing on two legs, throwing the ball up, walking on a tightrope, throwing the ball to a friend friend, jumping, playing volleyball, rebuilding in a line, column, walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing); independently and with a little help from an adult performs hygiene procedures (washing his hands with cool water after the end of physical exercises and games; neatly dresses and undresses; keeps order in his closet,) hygiene procedures (neatly dresses and undresses; maintains order in his closet hygiene procedures, monitors for posture); is active when participating in outdoor games "Do not stay on the floor", "Fishing rod", "Sick bird", "Ball for the driver", "Burners", "Catch with ribbons", "Find your pair", in performing the simplest dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics; expresses positive emotions (joy, pleasure) when performing rhythmic gymnastics exercises to music

№ 26

1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, shifting the ball from one hand to another in front of you and behind your back for each step (2-3 times).

2. Jumps in a straight line (distance 2 m) - two jumps on the right and two on the left leg alternately, and so on until the end of the distance. Return to your column in steps (2-3 times).

3. Throwing balls to each other with two hands from behind the head, standing in ranks at a distance of 3 meters from one another.

Repeat walking with high knees; balance exercises, developing coordination of movements; throwing balls in ranks.

with a small ball.

"Firefighters in training."

"Find and be silent."

No. 27 Н / в

Game exercises.

"Ball against the wall

Catch the ball.

"Don't hurt."

Repeat running; playing exercises with the ball, in balance and jumping.


2 week

№ 28

1. Jumping forward on the right and left legs alternately, at a distance of 4-5 meters. Repeat 2-3 times.

2. Crawling on the stomach on the gymnastic bench, pulling up with both hands (grip of the arms from the sides), repeat 2-3 times.

3. Dribbling the ball, moving forward in steps (distance 4-5 meters), repeat 2-3 times.

Without items

"Don't stay on the floor."

at the choice of children.

№ 29

1. Jumping on the right and left legs alternately (distance 4 meters), repeat 2 times.

2. Crawling on all fours, pushing the ball with your head (ball weight 0.5 kg).

3. Dribbling the ball while walking (ball diameter 6-8 cm), repeat 2 times.

Exercise in walking with a change in direction of movement, running between objects; repeat jumps alternately on the right and left legs with forward movement; exercise in crawling on a gymnastic bench and dribbling the ball between objects.

Without items

"Don't stay on the floor."

at the choice of children.

No. 30 Н / в

Game exercises.

"The ball to the driver". "On the bridge."

Repeat running with stepping over objects, developing coordination of movements; develop dexterity in a game task with a ball, exercise in running.

"Traps with ribbons".


3 week

№ 31

1. Dribbling the ball with one hand, moving forward in steps (distance 6 m), 2-3 times.

2. Crawling straight into the hoop and sideways in a tuck, without touching the upper rim, 3 times.

3. Balance - walking on the gymnastic bench sideways step, 2-3 times.

with a ball (large diameter).

"Fishing rod".

№ 32

1. Dribbling the ball while walking (basketball version) at a distance of 6 m, 2-3 times.

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours, with support on the forearms and knees, 2-3 times.

Exercise in walking with a change in the pace of movement, in running between objects, in balance; repeat the exercises with the ball.

with a ball (large diameter).

"Fishing rod".

No. 33 Н / в

Throw and catch. "Jump over - don't hit."

Exercise in running, developing endurance; in throwing the ball in the ranks. Repeat jumping and running exercises.

"Trap in pairs".

4 week

№ 34

1. Climbing - crawling under the cord (height 40 cm) sideways, without touching the floor with your hands, 5-6 times.

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on the head, hands on the belt, 2-3 times.

3. Jumps on the right and left legs to the apparatus, distance 5 m, 2-3 times.

on the gymnastic bench.

"Firefighters in training."

"Who has the ball?"

№ 35

1. Crawling under the cord straight and sideways (2-3 times).

2. Jumps on the right and left legs alternately (two or three jumps on one leg and two on the other).

3. Walking between objects on toes, hands behind the head.

Repeat walking with the implementation of actions at the signal of the teacher; exercise balance and jumping.

on the gymnastic bench.

"Firefighters in training."

"Who has the ball?"

№ 36

N / B

Game exercises.

"The ball against the wall."

"Runaway traps".

Repeat obstacle course; repeat game exercises with jumping, running and ball.

"Fishing rod".


1 Week

№ 1

1. Balance - walking on an inclined board sideways, arms to the sides, freely balancing; transition to a gymnastic bench, walking sideways, side step, hands on the belt.

2. Jumping on two legs over the bars (the bars lie on the floor at a distance of 50 cm from each other), 2-3 times.

3. Throwing the ball to each other with two hands from behind the head, standing in two ranks (the distance between the ranks is 2.5 m), 10-12 times.

with hoop

"Traps with ribbons".

"Make a figure."

Owns age-appropriate basic movements (walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing, walking and running one at a time, on toes, heels, scattering, between objects at a signal, rebuilding in three columns, bouncing on two legs, throwing the ball up, crawling on the gymnastic bench, throwing the ball to each other, climbing in different ways, throwing the ball to each other, walking on the gymnastic bench, walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing); independently and with a little help from an adult performs
hygienic procedures (washing his hands with cool water after the end of physical exercises and games; dresses and undresses neatly; keeps order in his closet, when undressing puts his things in a certain sequence on a stool or in a closet, knows the subjects of sanitation and hygiene, dresses neatly, checks all the fasteners on clothes and the neatness of his appearance, monitors the posture when walking); is active when participating in outdoor games "Who is most likely to the flag", "Hunters and hares", the game "Sly Fox", performing the simplest dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics; expresses positive emotions (joy, pleasure) when performing rhythmic gymnastics exercises to music


1. Walking on an inclined board, straight, arms to the sides, transition to a gymnastic bench. Walking on a bench with stepping

through stuffed balls placed at a distance of two steps of the child.

2. Jumping on two legs, between medicine balls (total distance 4 m).

3. Throwing balls (diameter 20-25 cm) to each other in pairs in an arbitrary way (at the choice of children).

with hoop

"Traps with ribbons".

"Make a figure."


N / a

Game exercises.

"Don't hurt."

Learn game exercises with running and jumping, practice throwing snowballs at a distance.

"Jack Frost".

№ 4

1. Leaps from foot to foot, moving forward on the right and left legs (distance 5 m); repeat 2-3 times.

2. Throwing the ball up and catching it with two hands.

with flags.

"Don't stay on the floor."

"Who has the ball."

№ 5

1. Jumping alternately on the right and left legs at a distance of 5 m,

2 times.

2. Crawling in a straight line, pushing the ball with your head (distance

3-4 m), repeat 2 times.

3. Rolling a medicine ball (or a regular big ball

diameter), 2-3 times.

Exercise in walking and running in a circle, holding hands, turning to the other side; repeat jumps alternately on the right and left legs, moving forward; exercise in crawling and throwing the ball.

with flags.

"Don't stay on the floor."

"Who has the ball."

No. 6 Н / в

Game exercises.

"Right on target."

"Who is faster before the snowman." "Let's go along the bridge."

Repeat walking and running between snow buildings; exercise in jumping on two legs to a snowman; in throwing snowballs at the target.

"Jack Frost".

Find the object.

3 week

№ 7

1. Throwing a ball of large diameter, standing in ranks (with two hands from below), from a distance of 2.5 m.

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling up with both hands by the edges of the bench (grasping the arms from the sides), 2-3 times.

3. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on the head, arms to the sides (or on the belt), 2-3 times.


the ability to catch the ball, developing dexterity and eye; repeat crawling on a gymnastic bench; exercise in maintaining a stable balance.

Without items

"Hunters hares".


flies. "

№ 8

1. Throwing balls (large diameter) to each other with two hands from below and catching with a clap. Repeat 10-12 times.

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours with a bag on the back, the pace of the exercise is average (without dropping the bag).

3. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench sideways with a side step, with a bag on the head (2-3 times). The focus is on maintaining correct posture and keeping the pouch on the head.

Exercise children in walking and jogging; per cr fake the ability to catch the ball, developing dexterity and eye; repeat crawling on a gymnastic bench; exercise in maintaining a stable balance.

Without items

"Hunters and Hares".

"Flies, does not fly."

No. 9 Н / в

Game exercises.

"Right on target."

Develop the rhythm of skiing; exercise in jumping on two legs; repeat the game exercises with "running and throwing snowballs at a horizontal target.

"Brave Little Sparrows".

4 week

№ 10

1. Climbing on the gymnastic wall, not skipping the rails (2-3 times).

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over objects (cubes, stuffed balls)

3. Jumping on two legs between objects (distance between objects 40 cm).

Without items

"Sly Fox".

№ 11

1. Climbing to the top of the gymnastic wall in an opposite way, without skipping the rails (2-3 r).

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench sideways step with a bag on the head (2-3 times).

3. Jumping on two legs between pins on two legs with a bag clamped between the knees (2-3 times).

Exercise children in walking and running in a circle, holding hands, in a random run; climbing on a gymnastic wall; in balance and jumping.

Without items

"Sly Fox".

No. 12 In the air

Game exercises.

One group of children, under the guidance of a teacher, performs skiing with a sliding step. The second group of children (after showing and explaining) performs a game exercise with a puck and a club. "Along the track."

Repeat skiing with a sliding step; learn playing exercises with a stick and a puck; develop coordination of movements and stable balance when sliding on an ice track.

"We are funny guys."


1 Week

№ 13

1. Balance - walking and running on an incline board (height 40 cm, width 20 cm).

2. Jumping on the right and left legs between the cubes (distance 5 m)

2-3 times.

3. Throwing - throwing the ball in ranks.

with a cube.

"Bears and Bees".

at the choice of children

Possesses age-appropriate basic movements (walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing, crawling under arcs, crawling into a hoop, walking with stepping over stuffed balls, climbing,
walking, jumping, dribbling); independently and with a little help from an adult, he performs hygiene procedures (he washes his hands with cool water after the end of physical exercises and games; dresses and undresses carefully; keeps order in his closet, puts his things in a certain sequence on a chair or in a closet, knows sanitary and hygiene items, dresses neatly, checking all the fasteners on clothes and the neatness of his appearance; monitors his posture when walking); is active when participating in outdoor games "Bear and Bees", "Owl", "Sly Fox", performing the simplest dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics; expresses positive emotions (joy, pleasure) by listening to musical compositions accompanying the performance of rhythmic gymnastics exercises

№ 14

1. Walking on an inclined board, balancing with your hands. Descent in steps (2-3 times).

2. Jumping on two legs between medicine balls (distance between balls 40 cm), distance 4 m. Repeat 2 times.

3. Throwing balls to each other in ranks (with both hands from the chest), the distance between the ranks is 2.5 m. Repeat 10-15 times.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects without touching them; continue to form a stable balance when walking and running on an incline board; exercise in jumping from foot to foot, in throwing the ball into the ring.

with a cube.

"Bears and Bees".

at the choice of children

No. 15 Н / В

The first group of children, split into pairs (sledding each other.

The second group performs skiing steps to the right and to the left "Knock down the pin". "Thrown!" -children throw snowballs,

Continue teaching children how to move on the educational track; repeat game exercises.

"Trap in pairs".

2 week

№ 16

1. Long jumps from the spot (distance 40 cm), repeat 6-8 times.

2. Crawling under arcs on all fours, pushing the ball.

3. Throwing the ball up.

with a rope (cord).


№ 17

2. Climbing over objects (gymnastic bench) and climbing under the arc in a tuck.

3. Throwing balls (large diameter) to each other, with two hands from below, the distance between the children is 2.5 m.

Repeat walking and running in a circle; learn the long jump from the spot; exercise in crawling on all fours and rolling the ball with your head.

with a rope (cord).


No. 18 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Who quickly".

"Run-not back."

Strengthen the skill of a sliding step in skiing; repeat game exercises with running and throwing.

3 week

№ 19

1. Throwing balls to each other (with two hands from the chest), standing in ranks, the distance between the children is 3 m.

2. Crawling into the hoop sideways, without touching the upper rim, in a tuck.

3. Walking over the medicine balls, hands on the belt.

on the gymnastic bench.

"Don't stay on the floor."

at the choice of children

№ 20

1. Throwing balls (diameter 10-12 cm) to each other and catching them after bouncing on the floor.

2. Crawling into the hoop with the right and left sides, without touching Paul's hands.

3. Walking with a step over medicine balls with a bag on the head, arms to the sides.

Repeat walking and running between objects; exercise in throwing the ball to each other; repeat the task in balance.

on the gymnastic bench.

"Don't stay on the floor."

at the choice of children

No. 21 In the air

Game exercises.

Snake walking

Strengthen the skill of a sliding step in skiing; repeat game exercises with running, jumping and throwing snowballs at a distance.

"Jack Frost"

4 week

№ 22

1. Climbing on the gymnastic wall in the same way, then descent without skipping the rails (2-3 times).

2. Walking on a gymnastic bench, putting the heel of one leg to the toe of the other, hands balance freely (2-3 times).

3. Jumping on two legs, moving forward by jumping legs apart, then jumping legs together and so on until the end of the distance (distance 6 m).

4. Dribbling the ball in a forward direction.

with a hoop.

"Sly Fox".

№ 23

1. Climbing on the gymnastic wall and walking on the fourth rail of the wall, going down (2 times);

2. Walking on a gymnastic bench, hands behind the head (2 times).

3. Jumps through the cords (6-8 pieces) on two legs without a pause; the distance between the cords is 50 cm (2-3r).

4. Dribbling the ball to the designated spot.

Repeat walking and running in a circle; balance and jumping exercises; exercise in climbing on a gymnastic wall, without skipping the rails.

with a hoop.

"Sly Fox".

No. 24 Н / в

Game exercises.

"In places". "Downhill".

Learn ski turns; repeat game exercises with running and jumping.


1 Week

№ 25

1. Walking on a gymnastic bench (width 20 cm, height 30 cm), arms to the sides (2-3 times).

2. Jumping over the bars (6-8 pieces, the height of the bar up to 10 cm) without pa-Uza (2-3 times).

3. Throwing balls into the basket (ring) from a distance of 2 m with both hands from behind the head (5-6 times).

with a gymnastic stick.

"Hunters and Hares".

By the choice of children

Possesses age-appropriate basic movements (walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing, stick-crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing a ball, climbing,
walking, running, jumping, tossing the ball); independently and with a little help from an adult, he performs hygienic and tempering procedures, puts his things in a certain sequence on a stool or in a closet, knows sanitary and hygiene items, dresses neatly, checking all the fasteners on clothes and the neatness of his appearance; monitors posture when walking; is active when participating in the outdoor game “Flight
birds "," Catch a stick "," Running for convenience ", participation in games with elements of competition
performing the simplest

dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics; expresses positive emotions (joy, pleasure) by listening to musical compositions accompanying the performance of rhythmic gymnastics exercises and games

№ 26

1. Balance - running on a gymnastic bench (2-3 times).

2. Jumping over the bars with the right and left sides (3-4 times).

3. Throwing the ball into the basket with both hands from the chest (basketball option).

Exercise children in walking and jogging; running up to 1 minute; maintaining a stable balance when walking on an elevated support; repeat the exercises in jumping and throwing the ball into the basket.

with a gymnastic stick.

"Hunters and Hares".

By the choice of children

No. 27 In the air

Game exercises.

"Accurate Pass". "Along the track."

Exercise children in walking on the track with a sliding step, repeat turns on skis, playing exercises with a puck, sliding on an ice track.

"Jack Frost".

2 week

№ 28

1. Long jumps from the spot (distance 50 cm), 8-10 times.

2. Beating the ball on the floor with one hand, moving forward in steps (distance 6 m), 2-3 times.

3. Climbing - climbing under an arc (height 40 cm), without touching the floor with your hands, in a grouping, 2-3 times.

with a big ball.

"Don't stay on the floor."

By the choice of children

№ 29

1. Long jumps from the spot (distance 60 cm), 8-10 times.

2. Crawling on all fours between medicine balls (2-3 times).

3. Throwing a small ball with one hand and catching it after bouncing on the floor with two hands in ranks at a distance of 2 m, (10-12 times).

Repeat walking and running in a circle, holding hands; walking and jogging; to consolidate the skill of vigorous repulsion and landing on bent legs in jumping; exercise in climbing under an arc and hitting the ball on the ground.

with a big ball.

"Don't stay on the floor."

By the choice of children

No. 30 Н / в

Game exercises.

"Who quickly".

Exercise in skiing, throwing snowballs at a distance; repeat game exercises with running and jumping.

"Find the tracks of hares."

3 week

№ 31

1. Throwing bags at a vertical target with the right and left hand (from the shoulder) from a distance of 2.5 m (5-6 times).

2. Crawling under the stick (cord) (height 40 cm), 2-3 in a row.

3. Stepping over the cord (height 40 cm).

on the gymnastic bench.


№ 32

1. Throwing bags at a vertical target with the right and left hand from a distance of 3 m (5-6 times).

2. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours with a bag on the back "Crawl - do not drop" (2-3 times).

3. Walking on toes between pins placed in one row (distance between pins is 30 cm), 2-3 times. Jumping on two legs through the cords, laid at a distance of 50 cm from each other.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects; learn throwing at a vertical target; exercise in climbing under a stick and stepping over it.

on the gymnastic bench.


No. 33 Н / В

Game exercises.

Walking for the most nimble trap.

Repeat game exercises with running and jumping, throwing snowballs at the target and at a distance


4 week

№ 34

1. Climbing on a gymnastic wall in a different way and moving along the fourth rail; going down, not missing the rails.

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, hands on the belt (or behind the head), putting the heel of one leg to the toe of the other at an average pace (2-3 times).

3. Leaps from foot to foot, moving forward to the designated place (distance 6 m), 2-3 times.

4. Bouncing the ball while walking (basketball version, large diameter) at a distance of 8 m.

Without items

"Swan geese".

By the choice of children

№ 35

1. Climbing the gymnastic wall in the same way and descending without skipping the rails (2 times).

2. Walking on a gymnastic bench, hands behind the head (2-3 times).

3. Leaps from foot to foot between objects placed in a row (distance 4 m).

4. Throwing the ball up and catching it with one hand (right and left), balls of small diameter.

Exercise children in continuous running; climbing on a gymnastic wall, not skipping slats; exercise in maintaining balance when walking on an increased support; repeat tasks in jumping and with the ball.

without items

"Swan geese".

By the choice of children

№ 36

N / B

Game exercises.

"Sled race". "March!" -

"Don't get caught

"On the bridge."

Line up, column formation one at a time. Walking assignments.

"Runaway traps".

at the choice of children.


1 Week

№ 1

1. Balance - walking along the rope sideways step with a bag on the head, hands on the belt (2-3 times).

2. Jumping from hoop to hoop (hoops lie on the floor at a distance of 40 cm from each other), 2-3 times.

3. Throwing the ball to each other and catching it after bouncing off the floor in the middle between the ranks.

with a small ball.

"Firefighters in training."

"The ball to the driver".

Owns age-appropriate basic movements (jumping
from hoop to hoop, walking with stepping, over medicine balls, throwing balls, jumping
high from a run, crawling on all fours, on a bench, throwing, walking in a column, walking on a gymnastic bench sideways, side steps, jumping right and left side, throwing,

crawling under the arc without touching with hands, walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing); independently and with a little help from an adult, performs hygienic and hardening procedures, hygiene procedures, controls his health during exercises and outdoor games; is active when participating in the outdoor game "Firefighters in training", "Bear and bees", "Do not stay on the floor", performing the simplest dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics;
expresses positive emotions
(joy, pleasure) listening to musical works,


1. Equilibrium - walking on a tightrope sideways step with a bag on the head, hands on the belt, 2-3 times.

2. Jumping on two legs over stuffed balls (5-6 pieces), laid in a row, 3 times.

3. Throwing the ball to each other and catching it with clapping hands after bouncing on the floor (10-12 times).

Exercise children in column walking one at a time, with a turn to the other side at a signal; learn to walk on a rope (cord) with a bag on your head; exercise in jumping and throwing the ball, developing dexterity and eye.

with a small ball.

"Firefighters in training."

"The ball to the driver".

No. 3 n / a

Game exercises.

"Pass right on the stick."

"Spend it out, don't get back."

Repeat playing exercises with running; exercise in tossing the puck to each other, developing dexterity and eye.


"Flies, does not fly."

2 week

№ 4

High jumps from a run (height 30 cm), 5-6 times with landing on the mat.

2. Throwing pouches at a vertical target with the right and left hand, using the method from the shoulder, 5-6 times.

3. Crawling on all fours between objects.

"Bears and

bees ".

№ 5

1. High jumps with a run (height 30 cm), 5-6 times.

2. Throwing bags at a vertical target (distance to the target 3 m), 4-6 times.

3. Crawling on all fours in a straight line, distance 5 m. Performed in lines - "Who will crawl to the pin faster."

Repeat walking and running in a circle with a change in direction of movement and scattering; learn a high jump from a run; exercise in throwing bags at a target, in crawling between objects.

"Bears and Bees".

No. 6 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Nimble guys".

"Who is faster" (relay race with jumping).

Repeat alternating running with walking, playing exercises with a ball and jumping.


3 week

№ 7

1 Climbing on a gymnastic bench with support on the palms and feet ("bearish"), 2-3 times.

2. Balance - gymnastic walking

bench sideways step, in the middle sit down, get up and walk on.

3. Jumps to the right and left through the cord, moving forward; distance 3 m. Repeat 2-3 times.

Repeat walking with a change in the pace of movement; exercise in crawling on

gymnastic bench, in balance and jumping

with a cube.


№ 8

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on all fours, 2-3 times.

2. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, turn slowly in the middle and walk on.

3. Jumping from hoop to hoop on two legs, on the right and left legs, 2-3 times

Repeat walking with a change in the pace of movement; exercise in crawling on a gymnastic bench, in balance and jumping

with a cube.


No. 9 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Tightrope Walker". "Fishing rod" - a game exercise with jumps.

Exercise children in running and walking in alternation; repeat game exercises in balance, jumping and with the ball.

Relay with the ball "Pass quickly".

4 week

№ 10

1 Climb under the cord sideways, without touching it, 4-6 times.

2 Throwing bags at a horizontal target (distance 3 m).

3 Balance - walking on tiptoes between medicine balls, hands

behind the head

with a hoop.

"Don't stay on the floor."

№ 11

1. Throwing bags at a horizontal target from a distance of 3 m, using the method from the shoulder, 6-8 times.

2. Crawling on all fours with support on palms and knees between objects, 2 times.

3. Balance - walking, stepping over the stuffed balls, alternately with the right and left legs, hands arbitrarily, 2 times.

Exercise children in walking with rebuilding in a column, two (in pairs) in motion; in throwing at a horizontal target; in climbing and balance.

with a hoop.

"Don't stay on the floor."

No. 12 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Take a ride".

"Run-not back."

Exercise in a speed run; learn an exercise with rolling a ball; repeat game tasks with jumping.

"Fishing rod".

At the request of children


1 Week

№ 13

1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, arms out to the sides.

2. Jumping over the bars (the distance between the bars is 50 cm), 2-3 times.

3. Throwing the ball with two hands from behind

heads, standing in ranks, Yu-15 times.

with a gymnastic stick.

"The Bear and the Bees".

Possesses age-appropriate basic movements (walking on a gymnastic bench, throwing a ball at a vertical target, walking and running in a circle for rolling a ball, climbing into a hoop, jumping rope, climbing a gymnastic wall, jumping rope, walking along a rope sideways step); independently and with a little help from an adult, he performs hygienic and tempering procedures (puts his things in a certain sequence on a stool or in a closet, knows sanitary and hygiene items, washes his hands with cool water after the end of physical exercises and games; dresses and undresses carefully;
keeps order in his closet), is active when participating in the outdoor game "Bear and Bees", "Fishing Rod", performing the simplest dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics; expresses positive emotions (joy, pleasure) by listening to musical compositions accompanying the performance of rhythmic gymnastics and outdoor games

№ 14

1. Walking on a gymnastic bench with passing the ball for each step in front of you and behind your back (2-3 times).

2. Jumping on two legs at a distance of 2 m, then jumping over the object, then jumping on two legs and again jumping over the object.

3. Throwing a small ball up with one hand and catching it with two hands (8-10 times).

Repeat walking and running in a circle; exercise in maintaining balance when walking on an increased support; exercise in jumping and throwing.

with a gymnastic stick.

"The Bear and the Bees".

No. 15 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Runaway traps".

"Passing the ball in the column".

Exercise children in alternating walking and running; to repeat the game with running "Catchers - dashes", relay race with a big ball.

"Passing the ball in the column".

2 week

№ 16

1. Jumping over a short rope in place, rotating it forward.

2. Rolling hoops to each other, standing in ranks.

3. Crawling into the hoop straight and sideways.

with a short rope.


"Flies, does not fly."

№ 17

1. Jumping in place over a short rope, moving forward at a distance of 8 m; 3 times.

2. Rolling hoops to each other from a distance of 3 m.

3. Crawling into the hoop.

Repeat walking and running between objects; learn jumping rope; exercise in rolling hoops.

with a short rope.


"Flies, does not fly."

No. 18 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Come through, don't get back."

"Catch the hoop."

Throw and catch.

Exercise children in a long run, developing endurance; in rolling the hoop; repeat game exercises with jumping, with a ball.

Relay with jumping "Who is faster to the flag".

"Who left?"

3 week

№ 19

1. Throwing bags at a vertical target from a distance of 2.5 m with one hand, using the method from the shoulder (5-6 times).

2. Crawling in a straight line, then crawling over the bench (2-3 times).

3. Walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over objects (cubes, stuffed balls).

with a small ball.

"Fishing rod".

By the choice of children

№ 20

1. Throwing bags at a vertical target from a distance of 3 m (right and left hand).

2. Walking on a gymnastic bench, putting the heel of one leg to the toe of the other, arms out to the sides.

3. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on the palms and feet ("bearish").

Exercise in walking and running in a column one by one with a stop at the command of the teacher; repeat throwing at a vertical target, developing dexterity and eye; exercise in crawling and maintaining a stable balance.

with a small ball.

"Fishing rod".

By the choice of children

No. 21 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Who quickly".

"Ball in a circle".

Repeat running at speed; game exercises with the ball, jumping and running.


4 weeks

№ 22

1. Climbing the gymnastic wall in an arbitrary way and descending without skipping the rails.

2. Jumping over a short rope in place and moving forward (distance 8-10 m).

3. Balance - walking on a tightrope sideways step, hands on the belt

Without items


№ 23

1. Climbing on the gymnastic wall in an arbitrary way, walking on the gymnastic rail with an additional step, descending without skipping the rails, 2 times.

2. Jumps - jumping over the cord to the right and left, moving forward (distance 3-4 m), 2-3 times.

3. Walking on toes between medicine balls, hands on the belt, 2-3 times.

Exercise walking and running between objects; to consolidate the skills of climbing on the gymnastic wall; exercise in maintaining balance and jumping.

Without items


No. 24 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Knock the pin down."

"Runs - don't get stuck."

Exercise in a speed run; repeat game exercises with the ball, jumping and balance.

"From bump to bump."

Walking between the hoops

1 Week

№ 25

1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over stuffed balls, spread out at a distance of two steps of the child, hands on the belt.

2. Jumping on two legs, moving forward (distance 4 m) to the flag (2-3 times).

3. Throwing the ball (diameter 8-10 cm) against the wall from a distance of 2 m with one hand, catching the ball with two hands.

Without items


"What changed?".

Fluent in age-appropriate basic movements

(walking, running, jumping, throwing the ball, running long jumps, crawling on a bench, throwing, walking and running between objects and with turns, climbing through three hoops, jumping on two legs over an obstacle, climbing over an obstacle, walking, running, crawling, jumping, throwing, throwing); independently and with a little help from an adult, he performs hygienic and tempering procedures (puts his things in a certain sequence on a stool or in a closet, knows the subjects of sanitation and hygiene, washes his hands with cool water after the end of physical exercises and games; dresses and undresses neatly; maintains order in his closet, controls his self-feeling during exercises and outdoor games); is active when participating in the mobile game "Crucians and pikes", "The third extra", "Change the subject", when participating in games with elements of competition,
performing the simplest dance movements during rhythmic gymnastics; expresses positive emotions (joy, pleasure) while listening to musical pieces accompanying the exercise of rhythmic gymnastics and outdoor games

№ 26

1. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench with a sideways step, in the middle of the bench, sit down, stand up and walk further (2-3 times).

2. Jumping alternately on the right and left legs, moving forward, distance 5 m (2-3 times).

Exercise children in walking and running with a turn in the other direction at the command of the teacher; maintaining balance on an elevated support; repeat the exercises in jumping and with the ball.

Without items


"What changed?".

No. 27 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Swipe the ball."

"Pass to each other."

"Hit the shuttlecock"

Exercise in a run with a high hip lift; develop dexterity and eye in exercises with a ball and shuttlecock (badminton).

"Swan geese".

"Who has the ball"

2 week

№ 28

2. Tossing the ball (diameter 20 cm) to each other with two hands from the chest (8-10 times).

3. Crawling in a straight line on the palms and feet "bearish", 2 times.

with flags

"Don't stay on the floor."

"Find and be silent."

№ 29

1. Long jumps with a running start (5-6 times).

2. Throwing the ball into the basket (ring) from a distance of 1 m; 5-6 times.

3. Climbing under the arc (hoop), 5-6 times.

Exercise children in walking and running in a column one by one, stepping over objects; learn the long jump from a run; exercise in throwing the ball.

with flags

"Don't stay on the floor."

"Find and be silent."

No. 30 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Take it, don't drop it."

"Who quickly".

"Throw in the ring."

Develop endurance in continuous running; exercise in rolling hoops, developing dexterity and an eye; repeat game exercises with the ball.


"Who has the ball?"

3 week

№ 31

1. Throwing the ball on the floor with one hand and catching it with two hands (10-15 times).

2. Climbing - climbing into the hoop with the right and left sides in a tuck (5-6 times).

3. Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench sideways step, in the middle sit down, stand up and walk on.

with a ball.

"Firefighters in training."

"Who has the ball?"

№ 32

1. Throwing the ball on the floor and catching it with both hands; throwing the ball up with one hand and catching it with two hands.

2. Climbing into the hoop straight and sideways, performed in pairs; one child holds the hoop, the other completes the task, then the guys change places.

3. Walking on a gymnastic bench with a bag on your head.

Exercise children in walking and running between objects in a column one by one and scattered; develop dexterity and eye in ball exercises; repeat exercises in balance and with a hoop.

with a ball.

"Firefighters in training."

"Who has the ball?"

No. 33 Н / В

Game exercises.

"Who quickly".

"Nimble guys".

Repeat running at speed; playing exercises with the ball and jumping.


By the choice of children

4 week

№ 34

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on the stomach, pulling up with both hands, grip of the arms from the sides (2-3 times).

2. Balance - walking with stepping over stuffed balls, spread out at a distance of three steps of the child, hands on the belt (2-3 times).

3. Jumping on two legs between the pins (2-3 times).

with a hoop.

"Crucian carp and pike".

By the choice of children

№ 35

1. Crawling on a gymnastic bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands (2 times).

2. Walking with stepping over the bars (the height of the bar is 10 cm).

3. Jumps on the right and left legs alternately (distance 5 m), repeat 2 times.

Repeat walking with a change in the pace of movement; develop the skill of crawling on a gymnastic bench on the stomach; repeat jumping between objects.

with a hoop.

"Crucian carp and pike".

No. 36 Н / В

Game exercises.

"The ball to the driver".

"Passing the ball in the column"

Exercise children in walking and running with a change in the pace of movement; game exercises with the ball.

"Don't stay on the ground."

By the choice of children

V Party for children of primary preschool age Children enter the hall and get up in a circle. Host: Guys, look Our tree is just a miracle, So elegant, so beautiful, All in garlands, lanterns, In gilding and lights! Let's say hello to her. Children:...

V Objectives: fostering patriotism in children, a sense of pride in their homeland. Objectives: to acquaint children with the history of the Great Patriotic War, full of examples of heroism and courage in the struggle for the freedom of the Motherland. Children enter the hall and sit on chairs (F) ...

The project "Healthy food, the guarantee of health!" Health is an essential component of a happy life. The importance of health in human life can hardly be overestimated. Few of us have ever been sick at least once in our lives, and the trial of weakness, of course, has never been easy. After all, any disease ...

Municipal budgetary preschool educational institution kindergarten "Kolokolchik" Kirsanovsky district, Tambov region. APPROVED by the head of the MBDOU kindergarten "Bell" _________ O. V. Kharkov "The use of non-traditional drawing techniques"

Ministry of Education and Science of the Republic of Dagestan

Municipal budgetary educational institution "Progymnasium No. 15"


Working programm

on physical education

general development groups

for children aged 3 to 4 years

second junior group

The program was developed by:

instructor head of physical education

Sultanova R.K.


p / p

Sections of the program


ITarget section

1.Explanatory note

General Provisions

Goals and objectives of the program

Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

Age and individual characteristics of children of the 1st younger group (from 2 to 3 years old)

IIContent section

Physical development in a preschool educational institution.

Complex thematic planning of direct educational activities in physical culture

Types of integration of educational areas

Modern health-saving technologies at preschool educational institutions

Features of the interaction of the teaching staff with the families of pupils

IIIOrganizational section

Organization of the educational process

Material and technical support of the educational process

Features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment

Provision of methodological materials and means of teaching and upbringing


1. Explanatory note

1.1. General Provisions

The work program for physical education for children of the second junior group (hereinafter referred to as the Program) was developed in accordance with the main general educational program of the MBOU "Progymnasium No. 15", with the Federal State Standards of Preschool Education (FSES DO, order of the Ministry of Education and Science of the Russian Federation dated 17.10.2013 1155), by order of the Ministry of Education and Science of Russia dated 30.08.2013 No. 1014 "On approval of the Procedure for organizing and carrying out educational activities in basic general educational programs - preschool education" (Registered in the Ministry of Justice of Russia on September 26, 2013 No. 30038), sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations of SanPiN (approved by the decree of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor of the Russian Federation No. 26 dated May 15, 2013).

The program is implemented in the state language of the Russian Federation.

The program is formed as a program for the development of preschool children in physical culture and determines the complex of the main characteristics of preschool education (volume, content and planned results in the form of targets for preschool education).

The structure of the educational program is built in three sections:

1) Target section ... The target section includes the goals, objectives and planned results of the development of the program; principles and approaches to the organization of educational activities with children; characteristics of the characteristics of a modern preschool child.

2) Content section represented by the content of education on physical development, indicated in the Federal State Educational Standard of DO.

  1. Organizational section includes a description of the features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment, the provision of methodological materials and means of teaching and upbringing for this program.

1.2 Goals and objectives of the Program

Tasks in the direction "Physical culture":

1) To form the ability to maintain a stable body position, correct posture.

2) Form the ability to walk and run without bumping into each other, with coordinated, free movements of arms and legs. To teach to act together, adhering to a certain direction of movement while walking and running in accordance with the instructions of the teacher.

3) Develop movements in the course of teaching various forms of motor activity.

4) Strengthen the skills of crawling, climbing, various actions with the ball (take, hold, carry, lay, throw, roll).

5) Develop the ability to jump on two legs in place, moving forward, in length from a place, pushing off with two legs.

6) Foster a desire to exercise while walking.

7) Develop the desire to play outdoor games with simple content, simple movements. Develop the ability to play games that improve basic movements (walking, running, throwing, rolling).

8) To form the expressiveness of movements, the ability to convey the simplest actions of some characters (jump like bunnies; peck grains and drink some water, like chickens, etc.).

Tasks in the direction of "Health"

1). To carry out a complex of hardening procedures using natural factors: air, sun, water. Teach children to be indoors in lightweight clothing.

2). To form an idea of ​​the importance of each organ for the normal life of a person: eyes - to look, ears - to hear, nose - to sniff, tongue - to taste (define), handles - to grab, hold, touch; legs - stand, run, walk; head - think, remember; torso - bend over and turn in different directions.

1.3. Principles and approaches to the formation of the Program

The program is developed in accordance with the basic principles and values ​​of student-centered education, which make it possible to effectively implement the set goals and objectives.

Basic principles of preschool education:

1) full-fledged living by a child of all stages of childhood (infancy, early and preschool age), enrichment (amplification) of child development;

2) the construction of educational activities based on the individual characteristics of each child, in which the child himself becomes active in choosing the content of his education, becomes the subject of education (hereinafter - individualization of preschool education);

3) assistance and cooperation of children and adults, recognition of the child as a full-fledged participant (subject) of educational relations;

4) supporting the initiative of children in various activities;

5) cooperation of the GBDOU with the family;

6) familiarizing children with socio-cultural norms, traditions of the family, society and the state;

7) the formation of cognitive interests and cognitive actions of the child in various activities;

8) age adequacy of preschool education (compliance of conditions, requirements, methods with age and developmental characteristics);

taking into account the ethnocultural situation of the development of children.

Principles of organizing the educational process:

Principle Conformity to nature implies taking into account the individual physical and mental characteristics of the child, his amateur performance (focus on the development of creative activity), the tasks of education are implemented in certain natural, climatic, geographical conditions that have a significant impact on the organization and effectiveness of the upbringing and education of the child;

Principle cultural conformity provides for the need to take into account cultural and historical experience, traditions, socio-cultural relations and practices that are directly embedded in the educational process;

Principle variability provides an opportunity to choose the content of education, forms and methods of upbringing and training, focusing on the interests and capabilities of each child and taking into account the social situation of his development;

Principle individualization is based on the fact that the position of a child entering the world and mastering it as a new space for himself is initially creative. A child, observing an adult, imitating him, learns from him, but at the same time chooses what he wants to imitate and learn. Thus, the child is not a "direct heir" (that is, the successor of someone's activity, the successor of patterns that need to be preserved and reproduced integrally), but a creator, that is, someone who can create something himself. Freed from imitation, the creator is not free from cognition, creation, self-expression, and independent activity. The principle of individualization implies giving the child the opportunity to choose in different types of activity, an emphasis on initiative, independence and personal activity;

Principle positive socialization of the child involves the development by the child in the process of cooperation with the teaching adult and peers of cultural norms, means and methods of activity, cultural patterns of behavior and communication with other people;

Principle free independent activity of children, where the position taken by an adult is the position of the creator of the developing environment, when the adult is not directly involved in children's activities, but creates an educational environment in which children have the opportunity to act freely and independently;

Principle family participation in the education of the child, i.e. parents should become equal and equally responsible partners of teachers, making decisions in all issues of development and education, preserving the health and safety of their children.

When developing the concept and content of the educational program, fundamental achievements of domestic science in the field of pedagogy and psychology were used:

Activity approach (P.Ya. Galperin, V.V.Davydov, A.V. Zaporozhets, etc.);

Scientific and applied patterns of the development of cognitive motives in preschool children (A.V. Zaporozhets, L.A. Venger, N.N. Podyakov, etc.);

Amplification theory (A.V. Zaporozhets) and other scientific provisions.

1.4. Age and individual characteristics of children of the 2nd junior group

In the fourth year of life, the child gradually goes beyond the family circle, communication becomes out-of-situational. An adult becomes not only a member of the family, but also a bearer of a certain social function, and the child's desire to perform the same functions leads to a contradiction with his real capabilities, which is resolved in the game, which becomes the leading type of activity at a given age. The imagination manifests itself especially vividly in the course of games. The relationships of children are determined by norms and rules, these norms can serve as the basis for evaluating their own and others' actions. Self-esteem begins to develop, a reference point for the child, the teacher's assessment largely serves. Their gender identity continues to develop, which is reflected in the nature of the toys they choose.

A child in a joint game experiences positive emotions in independent motor activity.

The child owns the basic movements appropriate for the age.

II Content section

2.1. The content of educational activities with children

The tasks of work on the formation of the physical qualities of children are solved integratively in the course of mastering all educational areas, along with tasks that reflect the specifics of each educational area.

At the same time, the solution of program educational tasks is provided not only within the framework of direct educational activities, but also during regime moments - both in joint activities and in the independent activities of children.

2.2 Physical development in a preschool educational institution.

Complex thematic planning of direct educational activities in physical culture

Annual thematic planning

1st - 2nd week of September


3-4 week of September

1st - 2nd week of October

Giving autumn: berries and mushrooms

3-4 week of October

Giving autumn: berries and mushrooms

1st - 2nd week of November

Clothes and footwear

3-4 week of November

Domestic and wild animals

1st - 2nd week of December

3-4 weeks of December

New Year

1st - 3rd week of January

Winter fun

4th week of January


1 - 2 week of February


3-4 weeks of February

Defender of the Fatherland Day

1st week of March

Mother's holiday. The professions of our mothers

2nd week of March

My family

3-4 week of March

Folk toy

1st week of April


2nd week of April

3-4 weeks of April

1st week of May


2nd week of May

Victory Day

3rd week of May

Transport. Traffic Laws

4th week of May

My house and my street.



Stages of the lesson

1st week

1-3 lesson

2nd week

4-6 lesson

3rd week

7-9 lesson

4th week

10-12 lesson

knows how to walk straight without shuffling his feet, keeping the given direction, can crawl on all fours, vigorously push off in jumping on two legs, can throw the ball from the chest; shows interest in participating in joint games and physical exercises, is able to establish contacts through speech, interact with peers.

Introductory part

Develop orientation in space, when walking in different directions; learn to walk on a reduced support area, while maintaining balance; jumping on two legs in place; the ability to act on a signal from the teacher.


Without items

Without items

With a ball

With a cube

Basic types of movements

Walking and running between two parallel lines (width - 25cm).

Jumping on two legs in place (2-3 times).

Ball rolling.

Crawling with support on palms and knees.

Outdoor games

"Run to me"

"Let's go visit"


"Cat and Sparrows"

"Quickly to the house"

Sedentary games

"Walking in a flock for the teacher bypassing the hall."

"Let's find a bird"

"Pick an apple"

"Let's find a bug"



Stages of the lesson

1st week

1-3 lesson

2nd week

4-6 lesson

3rd week

7-9 lesson

4th week

10-12 lesson

Planned results of the development of integrative qualities: knows how to run, maintaining balance, changing direction, pace of running in accordance with the instructions, can roll the ball in a given direction, throw the ball with both hands, shows positive emotions during physical activity, responds to the emotions of loved ones and friends, makes attempts to take pity on a peer, hug him , to help, has a positive attitude towards the observance of the elementary rules of behavior in kindergarten.

Introductory part

Walking and running in a column with a change of direction; running between objects; walking with stepping over the bars; scattering walking, on signal - formation in a line; stepping over the cords, on the heels


Without items

Without items

With autumn leaves

On high chairs

Basic types of movements

1.Exercises in maintaining balance "Let's go on the bridge";

2. Jumping.

1. Jumping from hoop to hoop;

2. Roll the ball to each other (“Roll the ball” game) 4

3. running around the hall in different directions.

1 Rolling balls in a forward direction;

2. Crawling between objects without touching them

1Crawling "Crocodiles" (crawling under a crossbar set at a height of 50 cm from the floor);

3. Exercise in balance

"Runs - don't get lost"

Outdoor games

"Catch the ball"

"Dexterous chauffeur"

"Bunny gray washes his face"

"The cat and the sparrows"

Sedentary games

Walking in a column one by one with the ball in hand.

"The cars went to the garage"

Walking with autumn leaves and hand position: behind the back, to the sides, behind the head

Imitation "Trees and

shrubs "


Content of organized educational activities


Stages of the lesson

1st week

1-3 lesson

2nd week

4-6 lesson

3 week

7-9 lesson

4 week

10-12 lesson

Planned results of the development of integrative qualities: maintains balance when walking and running on a limited plane, can crawl on all fours, vigorously push off while jumping on two legs, has elementary ideas about the value of health, the benefits of hardening, knows how to interact with peers, situationally shows a benevolent attitude towards others, the ability to share with a friend; has a track record of correctly assessing good and bad deeds.

Introductory part

Walking and running in a circle, running between objects, on toes alternating with walking, with a change in the direction of movement, raising the knees high; sprinting, stopping for a signal


With ribbons

With hoop

Without items

With flags

Basic types of movements

1 Exercise in maintaining balance (walking at a moderate pace, first on one board, then on another, laid parallel to each other (w - 25 cm, d - 2-3 m));

2. Jumping on two legs "Sparrows"

1. Jumping over the "swamp";

2. roll the ball "accurate pass";

1. Game task with the ball "roll - do not hit" (between objects);

2. Game task "crawl - do not touch" (crawling on all fours with support on palms and knees) between objects without touching them.

3. Game task "fast bugs" (crawling).

1. Game task "Spiders" (crawling);

2. Exercise in maintaining balance.

Outdoor games


"Cat and Sparrows"

"Along a flat path"

"Catch the mosquito"

Sedentary games

"Let's find a bird"

"Where did the chicken hide?"

"Name the clothes and shoes" (ball games)

Walking in a column one by one for a mosquito.


Content of organized educational activities


Stages of the lesson

1st week

1-3 lesson

2nd week

4-6 lesson

3 - week

7-9 lesson

4 week

10-12 lesson

Planned results of the development of integrative qualities: knows how to run, maintaining balance, changing direction, pace of running in accordance with the instructions, maintains balance when walking and running on a limited plane, can crawl in an arbitrary way, roll the ball in a given direction, shows interest in participating in joint games and physical exercises, shows skill interact and get along with peers in a short joint game.

Introductory part

Walking and running in a column one at a time, rebuilding in pairs on the spot, in three links, between objects (placed in random order), on a gymnastic bench. Walking with turns at the corners, with a change of the leader. Running scattering with finding its place in the column


With cubes

With a ball

L. I. Penzulaeva p. 40

With cubes

On high chairs

Basic types of movements

1. Game exercise in maintaining balance "Walk through the back" (walking between cubes);

2. Game exercise "Jumping frogs" (jumping on two legs).

1. Jumping from the bench (height 20 cm) to the mat.

2. Rolling balls to each other

1. Rolling the ball between objects located 50-60 cm from each other;

2. Crawling under an arc "Crawl - do not touch" (height 50 cm).

1. Crawling with a support on the palms and knees (game exercise "Bugs on a log");

2. Exercise in maintaining balance. Walking on the board at a moderate pace with a sideways step (game exercise "Let's walk along the bridge")

Outdoor games

"Kite and chicks"

"Kittens and puppies"


"Bird and chicks"

Sedentary games

"Let's find a chick"

"The cat is sneaking"

"Let's find the Snow Maiden"

"Let's find a chick"


Content of organized educational activities


Stages of the lesson

1st week

1-3 lesson

2nd week

4-6 lesson

3rd week

7-9 lesson

4th week

10-12 lesson

Planned results of the development of integrative qualities: knows how to run, maintaining balance, changing direction, pace of running in accordance with the instructions, can crawl on all fours, climb a ladder, roll the ball in a given direction, throw it with two hands, hit the floor, throw it up 2-3 times in a row and catch; shows positive emotions during physical activity, in independent motor activity, benevolence, kindness, friendliness towards others.

Introductory part

Walking and running: with a change of leader; between objects; with high knees; in a semi-squat; running "Horse"


With a ring toss

With a ball

With flags

Without items

Basic types of movements

1.Exercises in maintaining balance (walking sideways with an added step, on a gymnastic bench (height 30 cm));

2. jumping on two legs through the cords (the distance between them is 30-40cm.

1. jumping from a bench to bent legs "Parachutists";

2. rolling the ball to each other.

1. Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands 4

2. crawling on the bench on all fours.

1.climbing an inclined ladder;

2.walking on the plank hands on the belt

Outdoor games

"Catch the mosquito"

"Sparrows and a cat"

"Fifteen with ribbons"

"At the Bear in the Forest"

Sedentary games

Finger gymnastics "Family"

"Let's join us"

"The radiant sun"


2.3 Types of integration of educational areas

Health: create conditions for the systematic hardening of the body, the formation and improvement of the internal affairs department; to educate a respectful attitude towards your body, towards your health, the health of other children; continue to improve the health of children; give them an idea that morning exercises, games, physical exercises cause a good mood; to acquaint children with exercises that strengthen various organs and systems of the body; teach children to be indoors in lightweight clothing; carry out constant monitoring of the development of correct posture; to form a desire to lead a healthy lifestyle; to form the ability to communicate about well-being to adults, to avoid situations that are harmful to their health.

Socialization: promote children's participation in joint games, encourage ball games, games in which crawling and climbing skills are developed; develop the activity of children in physical activity, the ability to communicate calmly, without yelling; develop independence and creativity when performing physical exercises, in outdoor games; gradually introduce games with more complex movements and their change; to encourage attempts to help the opponent, to feel sorry for him; develop the ability to follow the rules during the game.

Communication: helping children communicate with each other kindly; develop initiative speech while playing with adults and peers; to form the ability to listen and understand the question asked, answer it clearly, speak at a normal pace, without interrupting the adult; to form the need to share their impressions; on the basis of enriching ideas about the immediate environment, continue to expand and enrich, activate the vocabulary of children; develop a diagnostic form of speech.

Safety: continue to introduce children to the basic rules of behavior in kindergarten; teaches you to follow the rules of safe movement in the room and carefully go down and up the stairs, holding on to the railing; help children through speech to interact and establish contact with each other; develop a dialogical form of speech; do not talk with strangers on the street, inform an adult about the appearance of a stranger on the site.

2.3.1 Modern health-saving technologies in preschool educational institutions

Modern health-preserving technologies used in the preschool education system reflect two lines of health-improving work:

introduction of children to physical education

the use of developing forms of health-improving work.

The emphasis is shifting from simple treatment and prevention of diseases to health promotion as an independently cultivated value, a complex of effective therapeutic and prophylactic measures is needed, a system of reliable means of correcting psychophysical development throughout preschool childhood.

The striving for complexity is understandable and justified, since a healthy child is viewed as an integral bodily-spiritual organism that requires an individually differentiated approach.

The principles behind the formation of unity:

the principle of the development of creative imagination- an internal condition of health-improving work, here the child is conditionally an object of various pedagogical and medical influences. And, as statistics have shown, thanks to the inclusion of the child's imagination, it is possible to achieve significant results in the prevention and treatment of a number of diseases: acute respiratory infections, diathesis, enuresis, certain disorders of the cardiovascular system and gastrointestinal tract;

the principle of the formation of meaningful motor skills- movement can become arbitrary and controlled only when it is meaningful and felt. The child has to learn to listen, understand, respect and love his body;

the principle of creating and consolidating a holistic positive psychosomatic state in various types of activities,which is realized thanks to multifunctional developmental forms of health-preserving work;

the principle of developing the ability of children to empathize and assist.

Forms of organizing health-preserving work:

physical education

independent activity of children

outdoor games

morning exercises (traditional, breathing, sound)

motional and health-improving physical exercises

exercise after a nap

physical exercise combined with hardening procedures

physical culture walks (to the park, to the stadium)

physical culture leisure

sports holidays

wellness procedures in the aquatic environment.

Existing health-saving educational technologies can be distinguished inthree subgroups:

Organizational and pedagogical technologies that determine the structure of the upbringing and educational process, contributing to the prevention of the state of overwork, hypodynamia and other maladaptive states;

Psychological and pedagogical technologies associated with the direct work of a teacher with children;

Educational and educational technologies, which include programs for teaching health care and the formation of a culture of health.

Health-saving technologies,

technologies for maintaining and promoting health:

1. Dynamic pauses - during classes, 2-5 minutes, as children get tired. Recommended for all children to prevent fatigue. May include elements of eye gymnastics, breathing exercises and others, depending on the type of activity.

2. Outdoor and sports games - as part of physical education, on a walk, in a group room - low, medium and high degree of mobility Daily for all age groups. Games are selected in accordance with the age of the child, the place and time of its holding. In kindergarten, we use only elements of sports games.

3. Finger gymnastics - from a young age individually or with a subgroup every day. Recommended for all children, especially those with speech problems. Held at any convenient time (at any convenient time).

4. Gymnastics for the eyes - 3-5 minutes daily. at any free time, depending on the intensity of visual stress from an early age. It is recommended to use visual material, showing the teacher.

5. Respiratory gymnastics - in various forms of physical culture and health-improving work. Ensure ventilation of the room, the teacher give the children instructions on the mandatory hygiene of the nasal cavity before the procedure.

6. Invigorating gymnastics - every day after naps, 5-10 min.

7. Corrective gymnastics - in various forms of physical culture and health-improving work. The form depends on the task and the contingent of children.

8. Corrective gymnastics - in various forms of physical culture and health improvement work. Recommended for children with flat feet and as a prophylaxis for diseases of the supporting arch of the foot

9. Physical culture lesson - 2-3 times a week in a sports or music hall. Younger age - 15-20 minutes Before class, it is necessary to ventilate the room well.

Correctional technology

Musical impact technologies- invarious forms of health and fitness work; or separate classes 2-4 times a month, depending on the goals. Used as an aid as part of other technologies; to relieve stress, increase emotional mood, etc.

The health-preserving technologies used in the complex ultimately form a child's persistent motivation for a healthy lifestyle.

Hardening, an important link in the system of physical education of children. It provides training for the body's defenses, increasing its resistance to the effects of constantly changing environmental conditions. Hardening gives a healing effect only if it is correctly implemented and the following principles are strictly observed:

hardening activities harmoniously fit into all regime moments;

are carried out systematically against the background of the optimal thermal state of children, against the background of their positive emotional mood;

are carried out taking into account the individual, age characteristics of children, the state of health, the level of hardening;

the impact force and the duration of the hardening procedures increase gradually.

Any hardening procedure gives a positive result only in the complex of hardening activities carried out in the daily life of the preschool educational institution. It is necessary to draw up a hardening program for each group, taking into account the age, health group of children, develop a scheme of individual pouring programs for the year, which reflects a list of hardening activities carried out during the day. The program is coordinated with the doctor of the preschool institution and approved by the head of the preschool educational institution.

Of all the rich selection of existing forms of hardening, the most accessible ones can be distinguished:

1. Finding children in a group room in lightweight clothing during the day;

2. Carrying out morning exercises in the open air in the summer;

3. Walking in the fresh air.

With the right organization, the walk is one of the important moments of hardening. In summer, when the air temperature in the shade reaches 18 -20 degrees, the whole life of the children is transferred to the site. In the cold season, the duration of children's stay in the air is 3.5-4 hours in any weather in clothes that do not hinder the child's active activity;

In the quarantine regime, the use of gargling with water at room temperature 3 times a day

The use of special forms of health-preserving technologies with the use of a developmental health improvement program leads not only to the preservation, but also to the development of the pupils' health.

Only a healthy child is happy to be involved in all types of activities, he is cheerful, optimistic, open in communication with peers and teachers. This is the key to the successful development of all spheres of the personality, all its properties and qualities.

2.4. Interaction of a physical education instructor with preschool educational institutions teachers and parents of pupils in the process of implementing the tasks of the educational areas "Physical culture" and "Health"

All work on the physical education of children should be based on their physical fitness and existing deviations in health.

Therefore, the main task of teachers and preschool educational institutions is to knowhealth status, physical development, behavioral features, character, interests, emotional manifestations of pupils, that is, to carry out diagnostics (monitoring).

The complex of diagnostic measures in our preschool institution is carried out by a whole team of specialists (educators, doctors, narrow specialists).

1.medical staff (assessment of physical development and health);

2. physical culture instructor and educators (assessment of the level of physical activity and physical fitness

3. music director (assessment of the musical and rhythmic development of children).

Interaction with medical personnel

In modern conditions, full-fledged upbringing and development of a healthy child is possible only with the integration of educational and health-improving activities of a preschool institution and, therefore, close interaction of teachers and medical personnel.

The main problems requiring joint activities are:

1. The physical condition of children attending kindergarten.

2. Prevention of diseases of ODA, cardiovascular, respiratory and other systems.

3. Helping to prevent the negative influences of intensive educational activities

4.2 times a year we carry out medical and pedagogical control over physical education classes.

5. Carrying out work on the formation of initial ideas about healthy lifestyles in children, we involve doctors in conducting integrated lessons on valeology, entertainment, consultations for teachers and parents.

Interaction with educators

The educator is responsible for the successful implementation of all tasks of the educational program, and the physical education instructor must provide assistance to the educator on various issues of the physical development of children.

Physical education instructor:

1. plans and organizes educational activities in physical education

2. plans and organizes physical culture and health work in the daily routine

3. Provides methodological assistance on physical education to all teachers (conducts various consultations, speaks at pedagogical councils, workshops, medical and pedagogical councils, etc.). In addition to group forms of interaction, I meet with specialists once a week and discuss issues that require attention.

4. develops and organizes information work with parents.

Together with educators, 2 times a year (at the beginning and at the end of the year) we conduct a level surveyphysical activity and physical fitness of children, h This makes it possible to predict possible positive changes in theseindicators at the end of the academic year.

One of the main forms of work in physical education is physical education.

To make physical education classes really developing, interesting, exciting and informative, I use different forms of their conduct (traditional, training, control and verification, game, thematic, plot and integrated).

The instructor takes the lead in the lesson. But the educator, knowing the methodology of physical education, monitors the quality of general developmental exercises and basic types of movements, helps in regulating physical activity for each child. ...

The teacher, as it were, is a connecting link between me and the parents (conducts conversations with them according to my recommendations, gives consultations, recommendations, individually for each child). In turn, the instructor conducts consultations, talks, speaks at parent meetings, draws up visual material. Together with educators, we involve parents in joint events - holidays and entertainment. Because success in strengthening the health of children, their full development, increasing motor activity can be achieved only with the unity of the system of physical education in kindergarten and the family, which requires close interaction between teachers and parents.

Interaction with the music director:

Music is one of the means of physical education. In addition to the fact that it positively affects the emotions of children, creates a good mood in them, helps to activate mental activity, musical accompaniment helps to increase the motor density of the lesson, its organization, frees the instructor or educator from counting, draws attention to gestures, posture, posture, facial expressions ... This is where the help of the music director is needed.

It is very important that the music in the lesson does not sound just for the sake of sounding, it should naturally be woven into the lesson, into every movement. Therefore, if in the morning gymnastics, class or entertainment I need musical accompaniment, together we select pieces of music for various exercises and games. Energetic vigorous march for walking, light dance music for jumping - polka, gallop. General developmental exercises have their own structure, therefore we select works of a certain structure for them. And the most important thing is to first try to perform these exercises yourself with music. If necessary, you can select music for the ATS

Most often we use music, including sound recordings, in outdoor and round dance games, during relay races and competitions, as well as in the final part of the lesson, when music acts as a sedative, providing a gradual decrease in physical activity. In this part, I use the sounds of nature and the sound of lyric works.

Together with the music director, we organize music and sports events and entertainment. We plan such events in accordance with the annual calendar-thematic planning.

Physical culture holidays and leisure

Final event

1st week of November

Preparing for the competition

2-4 week of January

Winter fun

Journey to the Snow Queen

4th week of January


School of Arkady Parovozov

4th week of February

Defender of the Fatherland Day

Sports entertainment with parents "Dad can do anything!"

2nd week of March

My family

"Mom, Dad, I am a sports family"

1st week of April


"The Adventures of Aibolit and His Friends"

2nd week of April

Sports and music leisure "Let's Help the Stargazer"

3rd week of May

Road safety

"Traffic Light Adventure"

Joint work with parents of pupils of MBOU

Consultation topic

the date of the



The main directions of physical culture and health improvement work in a preschool educational institution in the new academic year


FIZO instructor


General parent meeting

Group meetings


FIZO instructor



"The place of sports in your family."


FIZO instructor


How to spend a weekend with children


FIZO instructor


The use of elements of winter sports games for a walk in the independent activities of children


FIZO instructor


Outdoor games are one of the forms of increasing the physical activity of preschoolers


FIZO instructor


Mom, dad, I am a healthy family


FIZO instructor


Exercises for the formation of correct posture and prevention of flat feet, types of corrective gymnastics (breathing exercises and gymnastics for the eyes).


FIZO instructor


Sports in a child's life


FIZO instructor


Swim before walking




FIZO instructor

III Organizational section

3.1. Organization of the educational process

The daily organization of the life and activities of children is based on taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the pupils.

The daily routine is developed based on:

The main general educational program of preschool education, developed by the kindergarten team.

Sanitary and Epidemiological Rules and Regulations (SanPiN

The mode of operation of the 2nd junior group and the duration of the stay of children in it are determined by the Regulations on preschool groups MBOU "Progymnasium No. 15":

five-day work week;

duration of work of the 2nd junior group MBOU "Progymnasium No. 15": 10 hours;

daily work schedule of MBOU "Progymnasium No. 15": from 8.00 to 18.00;

weekends - Saturday, Sunday, non-working days and holidays.

The mode of operation is changed for the summer wellness period.

The cyclical nature of life processes necessitate the implementation of a regime that is a rational order of the day, optimal interaction and a certain sequence of periods of rise and decrease in activity, wakefulness and sleep. The daily routine in kindergarten is organized taking into account physical and mental performance, as well as emotional reactivity in the morning and in the afternoon.

When compiling and organizing the daily routine, recurring components are taken into account:

meal time;

laying down for a nap;

the total duration of the child's stay outdoors and indoors while doing physical exercise.

Schedule in the 2nd junior group

on physical education


09.00 - 9.15



Physical development (Physical culture)

09.00 - 9.15



Physical development (Physical culture)

09.00 - 9.15

Physical culture leisure once a month 20 minutes

Physical culture holiday 2 times a year 30 minutes (winter, summer)

3.2. Material and technical support of the educational process

The material and technical support of the educational process in the group complies with state and local requirements and norms.

The educational process is organized in accordance with:

sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations;

fire safety rules;

requirements for the means of teaching and upbringing of preschool children (taking into account the age and individual characteristics of the development of children);

requirements for equipment of premises, developing subject-spatial environment;

requirements for the material and technical support of the program (educational and methodological kit, equipment, equipment (items).

3.2.1. Features of the organization of the developing subject-spatial environment

The organization of a subject-developing environment is an indispensable element for the implementation of the pedagogical process, which is of a developing nature.The subject-development environment as an organized living space is able to ensure the socio-cultural formation of a preschooler, to meet the needs of his current and immediate development.

In accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard, the subject-developing environment of the physical culture hall of the MBOU "Progymnasium No. 15" was analyzed.

The principle of pedagogical expediency, according to which the preschool educational institution provides for the necessary and sufficient filling of the subject-developing environment, and also provides for each pupil the opportunity to express themselves, taking into account their interests, desires, needs and characteristics, which ensures individual comfort and emotional well-being of each child. For this, the gym has: modules, exercise equipment, balls, hoops, rackets, non-standard physical training equipment.

The principle of polyfunctionality is implemented by ensuring all components of the general educational process and the possibility of various uses of various components of the subject-developing environment.

The preschool educational institution takes this principle into account by purchasing specific materials for girls and boys, for example: bags for doing exercises in red and blue, gymnastic ribbons, hockey sticks.

The principle of transformability, which provides the possibility of flexible construction and periodic changes in the subject-development environment, allows you to bring to the fore one or another function of space according to the situation, depending on the goals and objectives of interaction with children, the teacher has the ability to change the space of the hall by installing soft modules,

The principle of information content is ensured by a variety of thematic material and equipment and the activation of pupils in interaction with the subject environment, the work carried out in the system in the physical direction develops in children the ability to use physical education equipment, to know its purpose. All equipment of the preschool educational institution meets hygienic, pedagogical and aesthetic requirements, as well as sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations. The selection of equipment is carried out taking into account the leading type of activity of preschool children and proceeds from the fact that in the implementation of the OOP of preschool education, the main form of work with children is play.

Thus, the analysis of the subject-developmental environment of GBDOU d / s 3 showed that the institution fulfills the requirements of the Federal State Educational Standard for the conditions for the implementation of the main general educational program of preschool education in the general field of "Physical culture", as well as the requirements for creating a health-saving space of a preschool educational institution.

In the gymnasium of MBOU "Progymnasium No. 15" there is:

a variety of sports equipment for the development of the basic types of movements - walking, running, jumping, climbing, throwing), preventing postural disorders and flat feet, the formation of spatial orientation: wall bars, arcs, gymnastic benches, mats, logs, paths, individual rugs, goals and

throwing bags, bars, visual reference points, ropes, ropes, ribbed and inclined boards.

sports game equipment: skittles, balls, dumbbells, jump ropes, hoops, cubes

attributes and toys for outdoor games

equipment for sports games: basketball, hockey, badminton


record player

a selection of discs with complexes of morning gymnastics, finger gymnastics, musical compositions

a selection of methodological literature and manuals

non-standard physical equipment

Features of the organization of a sports corner in a group

The main goal of the sports corner:

The physical culture corner serves to satisfy the preschooler's need for movement and familiarize him with a healthy lifestyle.

Tasks of the sports corner:

Development of movements and improvement of motor functions;

Achievement of physical fitness necessary for the age;

Prevention of disorders of the musculoskeletal system;

Creation of favorable conditions for active recreation, joyful meaningful activity in collective games and entertainment;

Involvement of children in physical education and sports.

The task of the educator:

To teach children independent physical activity in a limited space and the correct use of physical training equipment.

Sports corner requirements

1. Safety of placement: the sports corner should not be placed next to windows, a corner of nature and the zone of independent artistic activity of children. It can be accommodated: in the reception room, in the group or in the bedroom.

2. Meet hygienic and pedagogical requirements, and the location of the principle of expediency.

3. The corner should logically fit into the interior of the room and be aesthetically decorated.

4. The corner should be accessible for every child to use.

5. The corner should correspond to the age of the children and the requirements of the program, to take into account the interests of both boys and girls.

6. The presence of symbols of physical education and sports.

It is important to place physical education aids at a younger preschool age in such a way that they contribute to the manifestation of physical activity in children. It is better to introduce all available benefits gradually, alternating them. In middle age, children strive to perform movements in different ways, choosing the most rational one.

It is necessary during this period to vary the location of the equipment, periodically removing what is boring to children.

In the second half of the year, it is necessary to replenish the corner with illustrated material, didactic and board games to familiarize children with sports.

1. Theoretical material:

Card file of outdoor games in accordance with the age of children;

Card file of sedentary games in accordance with the age of children;

Card index of physical education minutes in accordance with the age of the children;

Morning gymnastics card index according to the age of the children;

Card file of invigorating gymnastics in accordance with the age of the children;

Card index card reader

Illustrated material on winter sports;

Summer Sports Illustrated

2. For the prevention of flat feet and the development of fine motor skills of the hands:

Bags of cereals (beans, peas, beans, etc.) in different walking shapes;

Rugs and massage tracks with reliefs, "ribs", rubber spikes, etc .;

Junk material (cones, eggs from kinder surprises, etc.) for grabbing and shifting from place to place with your feet and toes.

DIY non-standard equipment;

Balls - hedgehogs;

Bags with different cereals

3. For games and jumping exercises:

Jumping ropes;




4. To step over, ascend and descend:

Wooden bars.

5. For games and exercises with throwing, catching, throwing:

Ring toss;

Rubber balls of different sizes;

Throwing balls or sandbags


Non-standard equipment.

6. Removable material:

Rubber balls;

Jumping ropes;



Hockey sticks;

Sledges, etc.

7. The presence of a tambourine for morning exercises

Examples of sports corner decoration:

Quiet simulator games

"QUIET SIMULATOR" - these are silhouettes of children's hands pasted on the wall in various variations from the floor to 1, 5m, silhouettes of legs from the floor to 70cm; multi-colored stripes (5-10 pieces) up to 1m long for bouncing: "Get a berry"; "Walk the Wall"; "Jump to the strip", etc.

3.2.2. Providing methodological materials and means of teaching and upbringing

Psychological and pedagogical work on the development of educational areas by children is ensured by using the following programs, technologies and teaching aids:

Direction "Physical development"

Physical education

The goal is the formation of children's interest and value attitude to physical education, harmonious physical development through the solution of the following specific tasks:

Development of physical qualities (speed, strength, flexibility, endurance and coordination);

Accumulation and enrichment of children's motor experience (mastering basic movements);

Formation of a need for physical activity and physical improvement among pupils.


Target - child health protection and the formation of the basis of a health culture through the solution of the following tasks:

preservation and strengthening of the physical and mental health of children;

education of cultural and hygienic skills

formation of initial ideas about a healthy lifestyle.


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Physical education instructor / Sphere, 2014.

Makhaneva M .: To be friends with physical education is to be healthy! Toolkit/ ed. Sphere, 2009.

Obraztsova T.N .: Outdoor games for children / ed. "Lada/ Moscow ", 2005.

Ovchinnikova TS Organization of health-saving activities in a preschool educational institution. - SPb, 2006.

Penzulaeva L.I. Physical education with children 3-7 years old. M., "Mosaic Synthesis", 2009.

Stepankova E.Ya. Collection of outdoor games (2-7 years old). M., "Mosaic Synthesis", 2011.

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Timofeeva L.L., Korneicheva E.E., Gracheva N.I. Planning of educational activities in preschool educational institutions: Junior group: Methodological guide: Compiled in accordance with the Federal State Educational Standard of preschool education / Center for Pedagogical Education. - M., 2014.

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Guzyaliya Shaydullina
Perspective planning in physical culture (senior group)

Forward planning

Senior group

activities Objectives Content


1 Exercise children in walking and running in a column, one at a time between objects. Develop an eye and accuracy of movements when throwing the ball to each other. Exercise forward jumping. Part I. Walking and running in a column one by one between objects, walking on toes, heels. Scattered running.

Basic types of movements:

Balance - walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over the cubes set at a distance of two steps of the child, hands on the belt;

Jumping on two legs with advancement, vigorously pushing off the floor (distance 3 m);

Throwing balls to each other, standing in ranks (distance between children 2 m, throwing the ball with both hands from below. Outdoor games "Mousetrap", "Trap".

2 Exercise children in maintaining a stable balance; jumping forward and throwing the ball on the floor. Part I. Walking and running in a column one by one between objects, walking on toes, heels; scattering run.

Part II. General developmental exercises without objects.

Basic types of movements:

Walking on a gymnastic bench, stepping over medicine balls, hands behind the head;

(distance 4m) between subjects (snake);

Throwing meat on the floor between the rows with one hand and catching it with two hands after rebounding on the floor. Outdoor games "Mousetrap", "Trap".

"Who has the ball?"

3 Exercise in walking and running between objects. Develop coordination of movements in jumping with reaching the object; throwing the ball and crawling on all fours. Part I. Walking in a column one at a time, on toes, heels. Exercise for attention (sit down on a signal)... Running between objects without touching them. Walking and jogging.

Basic types of movements:

Jumping on two legs;

Throwing balls to each other, standing in ranks;

Crawling on all fours on a gymnastic bench.

Outdoor play "Mousetrap".

Part III. Low mobility game "Find and be silent".

4 Repeat walking and running between objects; exercise walking on toes; develop coordination of movements in high jumps and dexterity in throwing the ball up. Part I. Walking in a column, one at a time on toes, heels; walking and running between objects (distance between cubes 40 cm); walking and jogging; rebuilding in a column of three.

Part II. General developmental exercises with a ball.

Basic types of movements:

Jumping on two legs - exercise "Get to the subject";

Ball throwing (diameter 6-8 cm) up with one hand and catching it with two hands with a clap;

Running at an average pace (duration up to 1.5 minutes);

Crawling on all fours between objects alternating with running.

Outdoor play "Mousetrap".

Part III. Low mobility game "Find and be silent".

5 Exercise in walking with high knees; throwing the ball up; hitting the floor with one hand and catching it with two hands. Strengthen the skills of crawling on the bench. Part I. Walking in a column one at a time with high knees, hands on the belt, continuous running alternating with walking.

Basic types of movements:

Outdoor play "Fishing rod"

Part III. Low mobility game "Find and be silent".

6 Exercise in walking with high knees; in continuous running; in throwing the ball up, hitting the floor with one hand and catching it with two hands. Strengthen the skills of crawling on the bench. Part I. Walking in a column one at a time with high knees, hands on the belt, continuous running alternating with walking.

Part II. General developmental exercises with sticks.

Basic types of movements:

Throwing the ball up and catching it with both hands;

Crawling on a bench on your stomach, pulling yourself up with both hands;

Walking on a tightrope with an added step.

Outdoor play "Fishing rod"

Part III. Low mobility game "Find and be silent".

7 Learn to pass the ball back with two hands, standing in a column. Develop dexterity in running between objects. Getting to know the game "We are funny guys".

Part I. Walking in a column one at a time, running, walking on heels, toes. Walking with stepping over the cords, running and scattering walking, rebuilding in a column of four.

Part II. Play exercises "Pass the ball", "Don't hurt".

Outdoor play "We are funny guys".

Part III. A game "Find where it is hidden".

8 Exercise in walking with high knees; in continuous running; in throwing the ball up, hitting the floor with one hand and catching it with two hands. Strengthen the skills of crawling on the bench (repetition)... Part I. Walking with high knees, hands on the waist. Running in a column one by one, switching to walking.

Part II. General development with sticks (repetition)

Basic types of movements:

Throwing the ball up, hitting the ground and catching it with both hands;

Crawling on a gymnastic bench with support on the forearms and knees;

Balance - walking on a tightrope sideways step.

Outdoor play "Fishing rod".

Part III. Walking in a column one at a time.

9 Repeat running, jumping exercise. Develop dexterity and eye, coordination of movements. Part I. Walking in a column one by one on toes, hands on a belt, transition to a run up to 1 minute; transition to normal walking.

Part II. Play exercises: "Don't get caught", "Ball against the wall".

Outdoor play "Take it quickly".

Part III. Walking in a column one at a time between objects.

10 To learn walking and running with a change in the pace of movement at the signal of the instructor; learn to crawl into the hoop sideways, without touching its edge; repeat exercises in balance and jumping. Part I. walking in a column one at a time. At the signal, switch to walking at a slow pace. Walking at different paces, alternating with normal walking.

Basic types of movements:

Crawling into the hoop sideways, without touching the upper edge, in a tight grouping;

Balance - walking, stepping over an obstacle - bars or cubes, while maintaining the correct posture;

Jumping on two legs with a pouch sandwiched between the knees (distance 3-4m).

Outdoor play "We are funny guys".

11 To learn to crawl into the hoop straight and sideways, without touching its edge; repeat exercises in balance and jumping.

Part I. walking in a column one at a time. At the signal, switch to walking at a slow pace. Walking at different paces, alternating with normal walking.

Part II. General developmental exercises with a gymnastic stick.

Basic types of movements:

Crawling into the hoop straight and sideways into grouping;

Balance - walking, stepping over the cubes, with a bag on the head, freely balancing with the hands;

Jumping on two legs, moving forward (distance 4 m).

Outdoor play "We are funny guys".

Part III. Walking in a column one at a time, completing hand assignments.

12 Exercise in long distance running, jumping; repeat tasks with the ball, developing dexterity with the eye. Part I. Column walking one at a time, jogging at a moderate pace; scattering walking.

Part II. play exercises "Catch the ball", "Be nimble". "Find your color".

Part III. Walking in a column one by one; between the pins without touching them (distance between pins 50 cm).

1 Exercise children in running; in walking with an added step on a gymnastic bench; in jumping and throwing the ball. Part I. Column walking one at a time, column walking one at a time (duration up to 1 minute); transition to walking.

Part II. General developmental exercises without objects.

Basic types of movements:

Walking on a gymnastic bench with a sideways step, hands on a belt;

Jumping on two legs through short cords, laid at a distance of 50 cm from one another (4-5 cords);

Throwing the ball with two hands from the chest, standing in ranks (distance 2.5 m).

Part III. Low mobility game "Find and be silent".

2 Exercise children in walking with a side step on a gymnastic bench; in jumping and throwing the ball I part. Column walking one at a time, column walking one at a time (duration up to 1 minute); transition to walking.

Part II. General developmental exercises without objects.

Basic types of movements:

Walking on the gymnastic bench sideways step, stepping over medicine balls (distance between balls 2-3 steps);

Jumping on two legs through the cords to the right and left, moving forward;

Passing the ball from the chest with both hands.

Part III. Low mobility game "Find and be silent".

3 Learn to walk with a change in the pace of movement; in running with stepping over objects; learn to crawl into the hoop sideways; jumping forward. Part I. Walking, running, walking with a change in the pace of movement at the signal of the teacher. Walking over objects.

Part II. General developmental exercises with pins.

Basic types of movements:

Crawling into the hoop sideways without touching the upper edge;

Walking with stepping over the bars with a bag on the head, hands on the belt;

Jumping on two legs with a bag sandwiched between the knees, at a distance of 3 m.

Outdoor play "We are funny guys"

Part III. Walking at a fast pace.

4 To teach the children to turn at the signal of the instructor while walking in a convoy one by one; exercise in running with stepping over the bars; repetition of throwing the ball and climbing over obstacles. Part I. Formation in a line, checking posture and alignment, rebuilding in a column one by one, on signal "turn" the column turns the other way. Jogging over the bars.

Part II. General developmental exercises with a ball.

Basic types of movements:

Jumping - jumping off the bench onto bent legs;

Tossing the ball to each other with two hands from behind the head.

Climbing over an obstacle (gymnastic bench).

Outdoor play "Don't get caught".

Part III. Low mobility game "Who has the ball?"

5 Exercise in a continuous run for up to 1 minute; exercise in throwing the ball, develop dexterity and eye. Part I. Walking, running for up to 1 minute, walking with a side step straight, running with a snake, walking with a snake with a stop at a signal.

Part II. Play exercises "Catch the ball", "Be nimble".

Outdoor play "Find your color".

Part III. Walking in a column, one at a time between the pins, without touching them.

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