Elements of throwing technique. General basics of throwing technique

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Types of throwing, their specificity

Throwing is an athletics exercise that requires short-term, but significant efforts, also called "explosive". The purpose of these exercises is to move the shells as far as possible. Throwing exercises help the harmonious development of such motor qualities as: strength, speed and agility.

Throwing is rightfully considered one of the most ancient physical exercises. Various exercises with throwing projectiles for many millennia helped to improve the physical abilities of a person, developed his thinking, the ability to analyze. Throwing is a difficult exercise. Indeed, when throwing, it is required to measure the direction, amplitude, strength and speed of the hand with the moment the projectile is released, to choose the most rational structure of movements, starting from taking a certain starting position and ending with maintaining balance after the throw. Ball exercises and throwing itself contribute to the development of all types of coordination (intramuscular, intermuscular, sensory-muscular).

The ball is in direct contact with the fingers, develops the hand as a "cognitive organ" (shape, volume of an object, density, temperature), and also contributes to the development of fine motor skills of the hands, which in turn is closely related to the level of development of mental abilities. Throwing in full coordination, with the participation of large muscles of the trunk and limbs, contributes to the development of bodily dexterity.When throwing, all the main muscle groups of the shoulder girdle, trunk and legs are actively working. The exercises are performed quickly, with a large amplitude and require precision.

Thus, the role of throwing as a means of physical development of children, especially of primary school age, is obvious.

Throwing is divided into 3 types:

Light projectiles “spear, grenade, small ball” are thrown with a running start from behind the head;

Heavier projectiles "discs of various weights" are thrown from the acceleration of the projectile, using the rotation of the thrower body;

Heavy shells of "different weights" are pushed from the jump.

Methods of teaching throwing children of primary school age.

The basic component of the physical education program for students in grades 1-4 of secondary school includes, among others, the athletics section, which, along with walking, running and jumping, includes throwing and is a mandatory motor activity for students to study.

A small ball is used to teach throwing to younger students. Learning to throw a small ball should begin with throwing at a target and at a distance. In the future, throwing a small ball is replaced by throwing a spear and a grenade. Training in throwing the ball, grenade, and spear has a lot in common, and only slightly differs due to the shape of the projectile.

At the beginning of the training, throwing with full force is not recommended. This can lead to injury to the elbow. Throwing is taught after students have acquired some skill with the sword.

The method of teaching throwing children of primary school age includes three consecutive stages.

The use of special exercises that develop the correct technique for handling the ball. An indicative list of exercises:

Throw the ball to the floor and catch it.

Throw the ball up and catch it.

Throw the ball up (into the wall), let it fall to the floor and after the rebound, catch it.

Throw the ball into the wall and catch it without letting it fall to the floor.

Throw the ball at an angle to the floor, let it hit the wall, then hit the floor and catch it after the bounce.

Standing with your back to the wall close to throw the ball into the wall above your head and after bouncing off the floor, catch it.

The same, but catch the ball without letting it fall to the floor.

Standing facing the wall, throw the ball into the wall and catch it with your back to the wall after bouncing off the floor. exercise throwing school

The same, but catch the ball without letting it fall to the floor.

Throw the ball with your right hand under your left foot and catch with your left hand.

The same, with the left hand under the right leg.

2. Acquaintance with the technique of throwing the ball.

Solving this problem, the teacher shows the technique of throwing the ball from a full run, explains the features of the individual phases of throwing, introduces the rules of the competition.

3. Learning to hold and throw a projectile.

For a correct and accurate throw, it is necessary to hold the projectile correctly. The ball is held by the phalanges of the fingers of the throwing hand. Three fingers are placed like a lever behind the ball, while the pinky and thumb support the ball from the side. When teaching the correct grip, it is necessary to ensure that the trainees do not hold the ball too tightly. The ball is held in front of you or at the upper edge of the skull, this position allows you to more efficiently perform the subsequent retraction of the projectile in the takeoff run.

Sequence of training:

Throwing the ball and catching.

Throwing the ball from behind the head, facing in the direction of throwing. I. p. - face in the direction of throwing, the left leg (when throwing with the right hand) is in front of the entire foot, the right leg is on the back of the toe, the right hand is in front, the ball is at head level.

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TYPES OF THROWING Throwing is characterized by short-term, but maximum neuromuscular efforts, in which not only the muscles of the arms, shoulder girdle and trunk, but also the legs are involved in the work. Throwing shells requires a high level of development of strength, speed, agility and ability to concentrate their efforts. Throwing is an exercise in throwing a grenade and a ball, as well as in putting the shot at a distance. Depending on the method of performance, athletics throws are divided into: throws from behind the head (grenade, ball); push (core); throwing (hammer, disc, spear).

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The history of throwing Throwing is the oldest form of athletics, which was very popular in ancient Greece and included discus and javelin throwing. Excavations have shown that in ancient times discs were made of various materials: stone, dense wood, iron, lead. In the VI century BC. lenticular sports discs of different mass and volume began to appear. Javelin throwing was part of the competition program at the Olympic Games in Ancient Greece. First, the spear was thrown at accuracy, and then at range. In the modern Olympic Games, javelin throwing has been included (for men) since 1908.The Swede E. Lemming became the first Olympic champion in javelin throwing - 54 m 44 cm. For women, javelin throwing was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1932. sportswoman M. Didrikson - 43 m 68 cm. Javelin throwing has long been considered an elite form of athletics. Members of aristocratic and wealthy families were engaged in it. Currently, javelin throwing is widespread in Europe, the USA, and Cuba. In the countries of South America, on the Asian and African continents, javelin throwing is not widespread.

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Hammer throw is a relatively young form of athletics. Its history begins in the middle of the 18th century. In those days, the blacksmiths of Ireland and Scotland often competed in dexterity and strength, throwing an ordinary hammer at range - their main weapon of production. Over time, this hobby became very popular and was included in the program of athletics competitions. The first championship of England took place in 1866. The winner was R. James, who showed the result of 24.50 m. The first world record was recorded in 1877 - 33.53 m, set by the Englishman G. Hales.

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Grenade throwing technique Small ball and grenade throwing technique. The technique of throwing these two shells is not different from each other. The only difference in technique is the holding of the projectile. The throwing technique consists of: Holding the ball or grenade; Takeoff run (if throwing is performed with a takeoff run or with three steps); Swing; Throw.

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Grenade holding technique. The grenade is held with a tight grip, it is most convenient to hold the projectile closer to the end, so that the little finger rests against the end of the handle. The hand holding the projectile is not tense.

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Throwing a grenade from a place When throwing a grenade from a place, the technique of motional actions is as follows. In the starting position, stand with your left side to the target, feet shoulder-width apart. Bending your right leg, tilt your torso to the right. The right arm with the ball is laid to the right, the left arm is bent in front of the chest. From this starting position, perform a throw due to active extension of the right leg, turning with the chest in the direction of throwing and transferring body weight to the left leg. At the same time, the thrower assumes the "bowed bow" position: both legs are straightened at the knee joints, the right one is put off the toe, the left one stands on the whole foot, the arm with the ball is bent at an angle of about 120 degrees and laid back. From this position, without delay and fixing it, straighten the torso and carry the hand with the ball over the shoulder. After the release of the projectile, turn the body to the left and take the left hand to the side.

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Throwing a grenade from a takeoff run When performing a takeoff run: the takeoff run is performed strictly in a straight line from 10–12 m (the takeoff run length is strictly individual); the take-off run is performed with acceleration, but remember that too high a speed makes it difficult to execute the throw correctly. Swing When performing a swing: at the end of the run, straighten your arm and perform a swing back; simultaneously turn the body to the right; then a "cross step" is performed, i. e. a step is performed with the right foot with the toe outward, with a turn of the pelvis in the same direction; this step is performed much faster than others in order to overtake the torso. Throw When performing a throw: the left leg is placed slightly to the left of the take-off line; the trunk vigorously turns with the chest towards the direction of the run; the arm, slightly bending at the elbow, passes over the right shoulder, and the projectile is thrown up and forward. Particular attention should be paid to the fact that the hand with the projectile first lagged behind the body, thus creating conditions for the throw. These movements, combined with the extension of the legs, create a powerful throw.

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Methods of throwing grenades Throwing grenades by the method "from behind over the shoulder" This method of throwing a grenade is the main one, as it provides the greatest range and accuracy of the throw and can be used in a wide variety of conditions. From behind, over the shoulder, grenades are thrown at trenches and firing points, at windows and doors, at manpower and armored vehicles, from bottom to top and from top to bottom (for example, from the upper floors of buildings), at stationary and moving targets. Throwing with one hand from a place without a step. Slightly throwing the body back, take the right hand in an arc upward back over the shoulder, make a swing and with a sharp movement of the body forward, unbending the elbow, throw a grenade with a jerk with a brush. At the time of the throw, the grenade should sweep over the shoulder (and not from the side) and be released in the highest position of the hand above the shoulder. Throwing a grenade with a step. Leaving the right leg back, bend it at the knee and, turning the body to the right, make a backward swing in an arc downward. Then, straightening your right leg, sharply turn your chest towards the target and throw a grenade in the same way as when throwing from a place without a step. This method is convenient for throwing grenades from behind a fence, walls, armored vehicles, as well as from a trench or pit. Throwing grenades on the move. When walking (or running) on ​​a step with the right foot forward, put it on the heel, turning the toe out. At the same time, swing your hand with a grenade down and back. Without delaying the movement and ending the swing, put your left leg forward; with the left foot on the ground, throw a grenade in the same way as when throwing from a place. Throwing a grenade from the knee. Become on the left or right knee, turn the body to the right, swing up and back over the shoulder in an arc and, sharply turning with the chest towards the target, make a throw. If the situation permits, then at the time of the throw it is advisable to quickly rise and throw a grenade as if from a “standing still” position.

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Methodology and sequence of training The main components of the fundamentals of the technique are the correct execution of the whip-like movement of the hand and the sequence of work of the body links, which allow using the efforts of the entire musculoskeletal system. Due to the different physical fitness of schoolchildren when teaching throwing, some difficulties may arise that must be taken into account when planning work with the class. It is best to start training by throwing large, but not heavy balls, allowing you to correctly perform a given exercise. The position of the hand when holding a relatively large ball allows the guys to feel it better. From the first lessons, pay attention to the clear organization of classes, achieving the necessary discipline. Children are very emotional and, feeling the desire to better, faster, throw the ball further, catch it, run out of their seats, interfere with their classmates. Keep in mind that children quickly get bored with repetitive exercises, so limit the dosage of exercises to 6-10 repetitions. Most of the exercises in throwing, catching balls are best done in pairs. This contributes to the education of mutual coordination of movements, significantly increases interest in classes. Keep track of the convenient and rational placement of the trainees on the site at a sufficient distance from each other. After one exercise is mastered, move on to the study of the next, constantly improving the previous one.

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Errors during throwing The pelvis and right leg are turned too far to the right. The throwing arm is not fully extended. When throwing, the throwing hand is too far away from the body.

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When thrown, the head and upper body are deflected to the left. The left leg "stops", as a result of which the thrower bends at the lower back. The right leg is put forward, so normal force transfer is impossible.

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Throwing Exercises Special Throwing Exercises 1. Feet shoulder-width apart, ball behind head. The throw is performed forward and upward at the target with springy work of the legs, extension of the trunk and overlap with the forearms and hands. 2. The same from ip. standing in a step. 3. The same throw with the left foot on the ground from the IP. standing on a slightly bent right leg, the ball behind the head. 4. Throwing heavy shells from three steps. 5. Standing in a step, in the hands of a pancake from the bar. Swing right-down-back, take the position of a drawn bow. 6. Standing in step, in the right hand a dumbbell or object (weighing 1-2 kg). Perform a forward-down-backward swing, paying attention to the pivoting movement of the right hip to the left. 7. Standing in a step, in the right hand the core (object 1–2 kg). Swing and throw it at the target. 8. Throwing heavy shells from three steps and from a run. 9. Respiratory gymnastics - diaphragmatic breathing without using the intercostal muscles.

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Factors affecting the result What determines the range of the projectile in throwing? Firstly, on the initial velocity of the projectile departure, which is set by the athlete and which depends on the path of application of force to the projectile and the speed of this path. The longer the path of active influence by the athlete on the projectile and the less time it takes to overcome this path, the higher the initial velocity of the projectile departure and the higher the result. Secondly, from the angle of departure of the projectile. The analysis of the film pictures of the strongest javelin throwers shows that the optimal angle is 40 °. The farther the athlete can throw the projectile (which means that the projectile can create a high initial takeoff velocity), the closer the projectile takeoff angle should be to the optimal one. Thirdly, the flight range is affected by the resistance of the air environment, which depends on the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile in flight. For example, if an athlete can throw a projectile only 30 m, and gives the projectile an angle of departure, which is necessary when throwing at 90 m, then a projectile fired by a thrower and having a low initial take-off speed experiences great air resistance. The projectile, fired at the angle necessary to the horizon, rests on the lifting, denser layers of air below it, which gives it the ability to glide. Fourth, from the starting point of the projectile departure. All other things being equal, the best result will be with the thrower with the highest projectile departure point.

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Best results in throwing Javelin throw: The world record for men is 98.48 m (1996) and belongs to Jan Zelezny from the Czech Republic. The record for women is 72.28 m (2008) and was set by Barbara Shpotakova from the Czech Republic. The Olympic record for men of 90.57 m (2008) was set by Andreas Torkildsen from Norway. World records on the old javelin: Uwe Hon - 104.80 m and Petra Voelke-Meyer 80.00 m Seppo Reti's world record in 1991 - 96, 96 m Hammer throw: The world record for men is 86.74 m ( 1986) and belongs to Yuri Sedykh of the USSR, the record for women is 79.42m (2011) and was set by Betty Heidler from Germany. The Olympic record for men 84.80m (1988) was set by Sergei Litvinov of the USSR in Korea. And for women 76.34 (2008) was established by Oksana Menkova from Belarus in China.

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In athletics, there are four types of throwing, the technique of which depends on the shape and weight of the projectile. A light spear is easier to throw from behind the head; the ball-shaped core is rather heavy and easier to push; a hammer with a handle with a cable is thrown by unwinding; a disc resembling a plate convex on both sides is thrown with one hand from a turn. Also, throwing can be divided into two groups: 1) throwing and pushing shells that do not have aerodynamic properties; 2) throwing projectiles with aerodynamic properties. Different types of throws have common foundations of technique, which are characteristic of all types.

In the fundamentals of technology, the initial velocity of the projectile is distinguished, that is, the speed that the projectile possesses at the moment of separation from the thrower's hand. Departure angle - the angle formed by the vector of the initial velocity of the projectile and the horizon line. The height of the projectile release is the vertical distance from the point of separation of the projectile from the hand to the surface of the sector. Terrain angle - the angle formed by the line connecting the projectile release point with the projectile landing site and the horizon.

These factors are inherent in all throwing. For projectiles with aerodynamic properties, the following factors are additionally considered: angle of attack, drag, torque. We will consider these factors in more detail in the flight phase.

The conditionally integral action of throwing can be divided into three parts:

Final Effort;

Braking after the release of the projectile.

The fourth part - the flight of the projectile occurs without the impact of the thrower and obeys certain laws of mechanics. When they draw up a scheme for teaching the throwing technique, they also distinguish auxiliary parts: holding the projectile, preparing for a takeoff, preparing for the final effort, and releasing the projectile. The main phase in throwing is the final effort phase.

Structurally, athletics throws are one-act or acyclic exercises. Throwing is different only in the external picture of the thrower's movements, in fact, they have one goal - to give the projectile the highest take-off speed, which is one of the main factors in the projectile's flight range. Other factors in the range of the projectile are the angle of departure, the height of the projectile and the resistance of the air environment.

During the takeoff run, the "thrower - projectile" system is given a preliminary speed, which will be different in different types of throwing (2 - 3 m / s - in shot put, 7 - 8 m / s - in throwing a javelin and a disk, 23 m / s - in hammer throw). It should be remembered that in the shot put and javelin throw, the linear velocity is determined, and in the discus and hammer throw, the angular velocity.

During the final effort, the preliminary speed increases and in this phase the number of movements of the "thrower-projectile" system is transmitted directly to the projectile. Moreover, the speed of the projectile increases in javelin throwing and shot put by 4-5 times, in disc throwing - 2 times, and when throwing a hammer in the phase of preliminary unwinding of the projectile, the speed is 4-5 times higher than the final one. In hammer throwing, the inertia of the untwisted projectile is so great that the athlete, due to his own muscular efforts, cannot significantly affect the velocity of the projectile and almost all his efforts are aimed at maintaining the speed and creating optimal conditions for its release.

The preliminary speed in the takeoff run is communicated to the system due to the work of the muscles of the legs and trunk; in the phase of the final effort, the system transfers the speed to the projectile due to the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms, as well as due to the advanced actions of the lower links of the body. This is true for javelin throw, discus throw and shot put.

The position is different in hammer throw. First, the work of the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle gives speed, and then, as the speed of the projectile increases, the muscles of the trunk and legs are activated, which help to maintain the correct position of the body and move it around the axis with longitudinal advance forward, counteracting the centrifugal force of the projectile.

One of the rules in throwing is that to give speed to the "thrower - projectile" system, it is necessary to "lead" the given projectile, and not "follow" the projectile. In other words, the movement of the projectile must be preceded by a sequential chain of muscular efforts that create this movement.

The preliminary speed of the "thrower-projectile" system will always be optimal and will depend on the following factors: the type of throwing, technical and physical readiness of the thrower. The preliminary speed is picked up on a longer travel path, smoothly, to the optimum value. In the phase of the final effort, this speed reaches such maximum values ​​that the athlete is capable of, and in the last part of the phase it is transferred to the apparatus.

The speed that is given to the system or projectile depends on the amount of muscle effort or on the magnitude of the manifestation of force. First, on a longer take-off path, due to less muscle effort, speed is given to the system, and then on a short section of the path, maximum power is applied to increase the speed of the projectile.

In order to increase the speed of the projectile departure, you can go in four directions: 1) increase the force; 2) increase the path of action of the force; 3) reduce the time of action of the force and 4) the complex direction according to the three previous ones.

An athlete, constantly exercising, works to increase muscle strength, but this process is long, and at the same time, it is impossible to increase muscle strength indefinitely, since the human body has its own limit. The way of applying force is also a conservative direction. How to increase this path in the phase of the final effort, where the main increase in speed takes place? The athlete is limited by the rules of the competition, the place where the throwing is performed. Changes in throwing technique were mainly related to the take-off phase. Only in the shot put was an attempt made to change the jump-like rectilinear take-off run into a rotational one, and the thrower A. Baryshnikov showed the technique of putting the shot from a turn. These two types of shot put techniques have both positive and negative sides. The use of this or that type will depend on the individual characteristics of the thrower.

The third direction - a decrease in the time of action of a given force on a certain path has more prospects, that is, an athlete does not work specifically on the development of strength (although he does not omit this factor), but on an increase in the increase in strength per unit time, on the speed of manifestation of this force, which refers to speed-power qualities. In the final effort, the athlete must perform movement on a certain path, without deviating from it, so that the vector of the preliminary velocity of the "thrower-projectile" system coincides with the vector of the initial velocity of the projectile departure. In practice, this is called "hitting the projectile", characterizing the technical readiness of the thrower. Thus, the result in throwing will depend on the speed-power and technical training of the thrower.

Various parts of the body and different muscle groups are involved in giving speed to the projectile, which work in a specific sequence. Moreover, subsequent movements should, as it were, layered on the previous ones, pick up the movement. The muscles of the legs begin to work, then the muscles of the trunk, shoulders, forearms, and the muscles of the hand complete the work. This is one more of the rules of effective technical performance of sports throwing. Due to the sequential inclusion of the body links in the work from the bottom up in the phase of the final effort, the momentum is transferred from the lower links to the upper ones, here also the stretched muscles in each link are included in the work, and each link is included in the work at speed, and not from the spot. Moreover, the speed of the links increases from the bottom to the top.

The angle of departure of the projectile is one of the main factors that determine the effectiveness in throwing. From the point of view of mechanics, the optimal projectile departure angle is 45 ° (in an airless space and without the influence of any other forces). In real life, the angle of departure of the projectile is different in all types of throwing, it differs in gender and the weight of the projectile.

In sports throwing, the angle of departure of the projectile depends on:

The initial velocity of the projectile departure;

Projectile release heights;

The aerodynamic properties of the projectile;

Takeoff speed;

State of the atmosphere (wind direction and speed). The take-off angle in shot put ranges from 38 to 42 °, with the most optimal angle being 42 °, a further increase in the angle leads to a decrease in the result.

Departure angle in discus throwing: for women - 33 - 35 °, for men - from 36 to 39 °. This is apparently due to the different weights of the projectiles, the different takeoff speeds and the different surface area of ​​the projectile.

The optimum take-off angle in javelin throwing is in the range from 27 to 30 ° for a gliding javelin, i.e. old model. With the introduction of a spear with a displaced center of gravity, the angle increased to 33 - 34 °.

In hammer throwing, the largest departure angle is 44 °. This can be explained by the large mass of the projectile and the high initial takeoff speed.

With an increase in the take-off run, the angle of projectile departure in all types of throwing increases slightly, except for disc throwing, where, on the contrary, the departure angle decreases.

The height of the projectile release also affects the result in throwing: the higher the height, the further the projectile flies. But the height of the projectile release cannot be increased for the same thrower. The height of the projectile release will play a role in the analysis of the effectiveness of various throwers. In sports selection, it is necessary to take into account not only strong athletes, but also tall, long-armed athletes for specialization in throwing.

The range of the projectile will also be affected by the resistance of the air environment. When throwing a hammer, grenade, small ball and shot put, the resistance of the air environment is constant and small, so their values ​​are usually not taken into account. And when throwing a javelin and a disc, i.e. projectiles with aerodynamic properties, the air environment can have a significant impact on the result.

The aerodynamic properties of the disc are about 4.5 times better than the spear. In flight, these projectiles rotate: the spear around its longitudinal axis, and the disk around the vertical axis. The spear makes about 25 revolutions, which is not enough for the appearance of a gyroscopic moment, but this rotation speed stabilizes the position of the spear in flight. When the disk is flying, its rotation creates a gyroscopic moment, which counteracts the rotation of the disk around the vertical axis and stabilizes its position in the air.

In flight, a drag force arises, which is characterized by the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile to the force and speed of the incoming air flow. The incoming air flow presses on the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile, flows around the projectile. On the opposite side, an area of ​​reduced pressure arises, which characterizes the lift, the magnitude of which will depend on the speed of the incoming air flow and the angle of attack of the projectile. In throwing a spear and a disc, the lifting force exceeds the frontal resistance, thereby increasing the range of the projectile.

The angle of attack can be negative or positive. With a headwind, it is necessary to reduce the angle of attack, thereby reducing the force of frontal resistance. With a tailwind, the angle of attack must be increased to 44 °, giving the disc the properties of a sail.

When throwing a female disc, the headwind requires a greater reduction in the departure angle than when throwing a man's disc. The throwing range of the projectile will affect the departure angle: the farther the projectile flies, the greater the departure angle.

In all types of throwing, except for shot put, the force of impact on the projectile (drag force) does not affect the take-off angle. When pushing the shot, the lower the impact force on the projectile, the greater the departure angle, and vice versa

Throwing as a means of physical education

Man was forced to use various types of throwing in the struggle for his existence already in ancient times. Throwing stones, sticks, darts, and later a spear, he defended himself from wild animals and got his own food. Javelin and javelin throwing played a primary role during the wars.

Various types of throwing have not lost their importance today. Athletes of many sports specializations widely use athletics throws in their educational work. The athletics throwing program is quite fully presented in the framework of major competitions and attracts athletes and spectators.

Throwing is an exercise in the movement of various projectiles in space at a distance and at a target. In athletics, throwing is performed at a distance in certain places (sectors), but at the same time, according to the rules, the projectile must land in the area of ​​a sector or corridor (when throwing a grenade). The shape and weight of the projectiles determine the most appropriate throwing methods.

In athletics, there is the following classification of throws (Table 1).

The throwing technique is varied. If a simple technique is used for throwing a ball and stones from the spot, then a technique that requires high coordination of movements, strength, speed is necessary for throwing a javelin, a disk, a hammer and a ball.

As a physical exercise, throwing requires the participation of all the muscles in the body. The muscles of the trunk, ligaments of the arms and hip joints can withstand a particularly heavy load, while the load is so great that with good technique, but with insufficient preparation, sprains of the muscles and ligaments of the joints of the arms and legs are possible.

Table 1

Throwing as a form of physical exercise perfectly develops strength, speed and agility. In throwing, movements are performed in a large amplitude.

The activity of the cardiovascular and respiratory systems during throwing is much less activated than during running and jumping. This makes it possible to engage in athletics throwing people of different ages and genders.

In the process of practicing athletics throwing, the volitional qualities of those involved are improved. By participating in competitions, athletes acquire self-control skills, achieve new, higher sports achievements.

All this allowed athletics throwing (throwing a small ball and a grenade) to be included in the content of the RLD complex.

At preschool age, they teach throwing objects at a distance and on target from a place. Usually the first precedes the second .

In throwing at a distance the main effort is directed at mastering the correct techniques. The child exercises the power of the throw according to the distance.

At aiming the child focuses on hitting the specified object. Performing this movement requires concentration of attention, concentration, purposefulness, volitional effort.

The child is being taught DIFFERENT WAYS OF THROWING at range and at target: from behind the head, from behind the back over the shoulder, with a straight arm on top, with a straight arm on the side.

Throwing from behind the head. The child stands facing the side of the throw, the right leg is on the back of the toe; if throwing is performed with the right hand, then the ball is held with the fingers so that it does not come into contact with the palm. The hand with the ball is in the arm bent at the elbow at the level of the face. First, you need to transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, leaning back as much as possible; at the same time, take the hand with the ball in the shortest way back behind the head. The right leg in this position will be slightly bent at the knee joint, the left leg - straight, resting on the heel.

When throwing, unbending the right leg at the knee joint, shift the center of gravity (not mass) forward onto the left leg. In this case, the child, bending in the lower back, goes into the "stretched bow" position. Without stopping in this position, he begins to bring his hand forward to throw. The movement of the hand should be whipping, resembling a blow with a whip. First, the shoulder is pushed forward, then the forearm, then the hand with the ball.

Technique throwing from behind over the shoulder with the right hand is as follows: starting position - the right leg is set back, slightly wider than the shoulders; the body is slightly turned towards the throwing hand; the right arm is bent at the elbow, located in front of the chest; the left arm is along the body. When swinging, the body turns towards the throwing hand, leans back. The severity of the body is transferred to the leg laid back, the right arm is pulled back.

When throwing, the right leg is straightened, the body, straightening, turns forward. In the final phase of the throw, the weight of the body is transferred to the leg in front. The right leg is placed against the left. Throwing with the left hand is carried out in the same way.

Throwing from behind over the shoulder

Throwing with a straight arm from above- starting position: the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the right one is set back, the right hand with an object (bag or ball) is along the body. During the swing, the right hand goes up and back, then goes forward and throws the object with the brush (see Fig. 2).

Throwing with a straight arm from above

Throwing with a straight arm from below- starting position: the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the right one is set back, the right arm is bent at the elbow in front of the chest. When swinging, the right hand is laid down and back, the throw is performed by moving the hand forward and up.

Throwing with a straight arm from below

Throwing with a straight arm from the side- starting position: legs are slightly wider than shoulders, right leg is set back, right hand with an object along the body. During the swing, the body deviates, the right arm is pulled back to the limit, the weight of the body is transferred to the right leg bent at the knee. When throwing, the right leg is straightened, the body turns to the left and forward, and the right hand is moved forward and throws the object with a brush.

Throwing with a straight arm from the side

Along with throwing by the above methods, which are carried out from a place, an older child is taught to throw from four steps and from a running start.

Throwing with four steps prepares children for the development of running throw. When throwing an object with the right hand, the first two steps are normal, the third is cross. The right leg turns toe to the right and is placed in front, perpendicular to the direction of throwing. When performing the third step, the right hand with the object is pulled back. The fourth step is a forward lunge with the left leg, the body weight remains on the right leg, the body is abducted and turned to the right, the arm is pulled back to failure - a throw is made.

Running throw: The accelerating run ends with a cross step of the right foot and a lunge with the left, i.e. the starting position for throwing. Take-off run, cross step, lunge and throw are performed simultaneously. When throwing from a run, the throw range in children increases by 2-2.5 m.

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