Kms on push-ups from the floor. Forums

Workout is not yet an officially recognized sport, but among supporters of the movement, having a WorkOut category is becoming prestigious. To get a workout category, you must meet the standards. Exercises are divided into two categories: basic and elements. The results are assessed in absentia: the athlete shoots a video - the entire process of fulfilling the standard, sends it to the court of three independent arbiters - venerable workout workers.

To motivate young people to go in for sports, the community of workout enthusiasts has developed a 7-bit assessment of the effectiveness of training. It's called the street norm. When performing the highest category, the title of Master of Sports is awarded.

Taking advantage of the experience of colleagues from abroad, workouters are developing new 9-bit systems for assessing the achievement of street athletes. For the 8th and 9th grade, an additional weight load of up to 30 kg is included, squats on one leg and additional elements of an increased level of complexity are added.

The highest achievement of a street gymnast will be the title of "Workout God". In terms of the level of difficulty, he largely surpasses the "master" in the 7-bit system of assessing sports achievements.

In WorkOut, there is no obligatory grading in the delivery of standards. You can try to get the 4th or 5th grade without registering the results of the lower levels. Freedom and equality are the main principles of the sports movement.

What is included in the standard

When assessing the achievements of an athlete, endurance, strength and the degree of possession of sports equipment are taken into account. For this, the complex is divided into a base part and individual elements. All of them are summarized by category in a single table.

To register a discharge in a video plot, all the indicated discharge tasks must be edited. The number of times the exercises are performed and the time spent in a particular element are given in numerical terms.

The standards are the same for all adherents of the 100-day WorkOut program.

I rank II category III category IV category V rank VI (CCM) VII (MS)
POWER BASE (number of times)
Push ups 20 30 40 50 60 70 85
Push-ups on the arms against the wall - - 2 5 8 16 25
Dips on the uneven bars 15 20 25 30 40 50 60
Pull-ups 10 15 20 25 30 35 40
Hanging leg raises 3 6 12 20 25 30 35
ELEMENTS (hold in seconds)
Corner under the horizontal bar fixation 3 sec 3c 5 xy 7 xy 10 sec
Rise by coup 3 6 10
Exit by force with one hand 1
Captain's rise 1 1
Two-handed force exit 2 5 + 1 XN 10 + 1 sU + 5 KhSh +1 sUP 15 + 3 sUP 20 25 + 1 PS (with each hand)
"Martin" 3c 6 sec 10 15 sec 25
One-arm pull-up 1 3 + 1 PS 5 + 1 PS 7 P
"Checkbox" 4 8 15
Front horizontal hanging 1 3 6 sec 10 sec
Horizontal stop 3RSN + 6 PT 10 sec + 10 PT and go down to DHW by 3 3+ 3 ** + 15 PT + 3 PT with transition to GW by 6
Force turn in front 1
Push-ups in the horizon 3 5*


  • DHW - horizontal hanging from behind;
  • P - smoothly;
  • PS - towel among;
  • PT - under the horizontal bar;
  • RSN arms are bent in half;
  • SU - with a corner;
  • XY grip is narrow;
  • ХН - lower grip;
  • ХШ - wide grip;
  • * legs together;
  • ** legs together, arms straight.

Basic exercises

Basic exercises demonstrate the endurance of the athlete. Of the five exercises, pull-ups and push-ups are considered the most important. They can be performed not only on the street, but also at home. The main thing is to do this daily, it is advisable to do several approaches.

Pulling up. This task must be performed with a grip from above: during pulling up, the palms are located on top. The chin, when fixing the upper point, is located above the crossbar. When fixing in the lower position, you need to straighten your arms. During execution, it is not allowed to help yourself with jerks of the legs, as well as with swings and jerks. Legs come together, hang evenly and calmly.

Dips on the uneven bars. When reaching the top point, fully straighten the elbows. It is advisable to go down as low as possible, the angle should remain no more than 90 0. Balance the body, you cannot swing it, you cannot wriggle and jerk. Strong inclinations are not allowed.

Push-ups from the ground. During push-ups, the arms are fixed shoulder-width apart. During the lift, the arms are extended. In the lower position, the body drops to the ground as much as possible. The camera must be installed in front of you, so that the gap between the chest and the ground is noticeable, as well as straightened arms at the highest point. The torso must be kept straight, you cannot bend up and down. The head must be raised.

Hanging leg raises to the horizontal bar. At the same time, the legs are straight, any grip is optional, while the arms at the elbow do not bend.

Push-ups against the wall. During the exercise, the arms are slightly wider than the shoulders. You need to go down as much as possible until you touch your head, and rise until your arms are fully extended.

The elements

Exit by force. It is performed on one arm, without additional swinging, and also without unnecessary jerking with the legs. At the top, in the support, you need to straighten your arms.

Rise by coup. When performing a lift with a turn over, the legs are located evenly, in the support at the top, the arms must be straightened.

Captain's rise. It is carried out due to power tension, but not by swinging the pelvis. The legs are level. After completing the approach, you need to go into the sed.

Corner on the horizontal bar. When performing the corner of the leg, keep it straight, at an angle of 90 0.

Exit by force on both hands. This task is performed with both the upper and lower grip. Narrow and wide grip possible. The arms are fully extended when fixing the lower and upper levels. The transition to the top point is made simultaneously with two hands.

Martin. The body is kept straight, the grip is shoulder-width apart. Both lower and upper grip is possible. Legs are straight, brought together.

One-arm chin. For the high-quality execution of this task, the main requirement must be observed: the chin must be higher than the horizontal bar. While fixing the lower point, the elbows should be fully extended. It is not allowed to swing, touch the ground with your feet, make jerks, push off the ground.

Horizontal hanging When performing a horizontal hang, the body must be kept level, parallel to the ground. Hands cover the bar shoulder-width apart, while the legs are brought together, they cannot be bent.

Two-handed exit with a corner. Before starting the lesson, you should fix the body in an angle that should be 90 0. You should pull yourself up slowly, for at least three seconds. After fixing the upper point, you need to straighten your arms in support. During the transition to the lower position, the arms can be slightly bent.

Towel to the front. During the execution of the "towel", the second hand is level. Before the start, the body weight is transferred to the free hand, and then an exit is made at close range. Further, the body is fixed, while the hands are in an even position.

Horizontal stop. When performing a horizontal emphasis on the level of difficulty and, accordingly, on the requirements for the discharge being performed, the arms can be placed evenly or in a bent position. If it is allowed to bend the arms, then the legs must be kept straight. For the sixth grade, keep your arms straight, legs apart. For the seventh grade, the arms are kept straight, while the legs are brought together.

Power turn forward. This turn is performed only by force, but not by swinging legs before completing the task.

Checkbox. When the element is executed, the body is parallel to the floor. It should hang sideways. The flag is executed on any sports equipment with the possibility of vertical hanging. Hands are straight.

How to apply

To get a rank on street workout, record each stage of the performance of all tasks on an electronic medium. After all the elements are recorded, edit them in any, even the simplest video editor.

The quality of the recording for passing the norms is not the main thing. The main thing is that there is enough light on the site, the expert must see the details of the complexes being performed. Don't go overboard with the zoom. The participant must be filmed at full height.

Then post the record on the official website. Here, experienced experts will evaluate the implementation of the complex, and if everything is done correctly, the video will be placed in the rating table, and you will receive a rank.

There is no time limit to obtain a discharge, there is no need to carry out the complex at the same time. Nobody rushes anyone, carry out the complex for several days, and then assemble them into a single file. If you do not have video editing skills, you can contact agencies or freelance exchanges.


the street workout system has received wide resonance among workout workers around the world.

The main idea of ​​these discharges is to serve as an incentive for development for those who need this incentive. But the discharges should not become the target itself! There is no need to strive to "pass" on the category. Train regularly, develop and let the ranks be an indicator of your level!

The ranks below are not official, but may be interesting as a progressive system for setting training goals. The rules for the implementation of individual elements lie in topic.



1) Pull-ups - 10 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 15 (the angle should be from the side (in profile))
3) Pushups - 20 (the angle must be at an angle of 45 degrees)
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (with your toes touch the crossbar) - 3


1) Flip Raise - 3 (legs should be straight)
2) Captain's ascent - 1
3) The angle under the horizontal bar (grip shoulder width apart) - fix.
4) Exit by force on one hand - 1 (for each)



1) Pull-ups - 15 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 20
3) Pushups - 30 (the angle must be at an angle of 45 degrees)
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (with your toes touch the crossbar) - 6


1) Exit by force of two - 2 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Ascent by flip - 6
3) Captain's ascent - 1
4) The angle under the horizontal bar (grip shoulder width apart) - 3 seconds



1) Pull-ups - 20 (the angle must be facing the camera)
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 25
3) Push-ups from the floor - 40 (the angle should be at an angle of 45 degrees
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 12
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 2


1) Exit by force of two - 5 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Ascent by flip - 10
3) Exit by force on two lower grip - 1
4) Angle under the horizontal bar (narrow grip) - 3 seconds
5) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 3 seconds



1) Pull-ups - 25 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 30
3) Push-ups from the floor - 50 (the angle should be at an angle of 45 degrees
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 20
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 5


1) Exit with a force of two - 10 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Exit by force on two with a narrow grip - 5
3) Exit by force on two with a wide grip - 5
4) The angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 5 seconds
5) Pull-up on one arm - 1 (on each arm)
6) Slow exit into two with a corner (first fix the corner, then exit) - 1
7) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 6 seconds



1) Pull-ups - 30 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 40
3) Push-ups from the floor - 60 (the angle should be at an angle of 45 degrees
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 25
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 8


1) Exit by force of two - 15 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Slow exit to 2 with a corner - 3
3) Pull-up on one arm (no jerking) - 3 (on each arm)
4) Towel in front - 1 (both sides)
5) Front horizontal hang - 3 seconds
6) Horizontal support on bent arms (legs together and straight) - 3 seconds
7) Power turn forward - 1
Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 10 seconds
9) Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 6 seconds
10) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 7 seconds
11) Checkbox - 4 seconds



1) Pull-ups - 35 (the angle should be facing the camera)
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 50
3) Push-ups from the floor - 70
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 30
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 16


1) Exit with a force of two - 20
2) Horizontal support on straight arms (straight legs apart or together) - 3 seconds
3) From the horizontal stop under the horizontal bar (1sec), forcefully lower into the horizontal hang from the back (3sec)
4) Push-ups in the horizon (straight legs apart or together) - 3
5) Pull-up on one arm (no jerking) - 5 (on each arm)
6) Pulling up on one hand in a "towel in front" (on each hand) - 1
7) Front horizontal hang - 6 seconds
Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 15 seconds
9) Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 10 seconds
10) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 10 seconds
11) Checkbox - 8 seconds



1) Pull-ups - 40
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 60
3) Push-ups from the floor - 85
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 35
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 25


1) Exit with a force of two - 25
2) Horizontal support on straight arms (straight legs together) - 3 seconds
3) Push-ups in a horizontal support (straight legs together) - 5
4) Pull-up on one arm (no jerking) - 7 (on each arm)
5) Front horizontal hang - 10 seconds
6) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 25 seconds
7) Pulling up on one arm in a "towel in front" (on each arm) - 1
Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 15 seconds
9) From the horizontal support under the horizontal bar (3 sec) force to lower into the horizontal hanging from behind (6 sec)
10) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 15 seconds
11) Checkbox - 15 seconds In 2014, Anton Kuchumov, one of the founders of the workout, abolished the ranks due to their uselessness and counterproductiveness for the development and popularization of workout culture. Since then, they have not been accepted anywhere, but here they are published just for history. The ideas that were put into the workout did not initially imply the existence of any categories or levels. However, the invented Evgeny Kozyr the street workout system has received wide resonance among workout workers around the world. The main idea of ​​these discharges is to serve as an incentive for development for those who need this incentive. But the discharges should not become the target itself! There is no need to strive to "pass" on the category. Train regularly, develop and let the ranks be an indicator of your level! The ranks below are not official, but they can be interesting as a progressive system for setting training goals.

Base: 1) Pull-ups - 10 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Push-ups on the uneven bars - 15 (the angle should be from the side (in profile)) 3) Pushups- 20 (the angle should be at an angle of 45 degrees) 4) Raising straight legs while hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your toes) - 3 Elements: 1) Lifting upside-down - 3 (legs should be straight) 2) Captain's rise - 1 3) The angle under the horizontal bar (grip shoulder width apart) - fix. 4) Exit by force on one hand - 1 (for each)
Base: 1) Pull-ups - 15 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Push-ups on the uneven bars - 20 3) Pushups- 30 (the angle should be at an angle of 45 degrees) 4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your toes) - 6 Elements: 1) Exit with a force of two - 2 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Ascent by flip - 6 3) Captain's ascent - 1 4) Angle under the horizontal bar (grip shoulder width apart) - 3 seconds
Base: 1) Pull-ups - 20 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Push-ups on the uneven bars - 25 3) Push-ups from the floor - 40 (the angle should be at an angle of 45 degrees http: // site / video / show_video / 48) 4) Raise straight legs hanging on the horizontal bar (with socks touch the crossbar) - 12 5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 2 Elements:( "Swallow") - 3 seconds
Base: 1) Pull-ups - 25 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Push-ups on the uneven bars - 30 3) Push-ups from the floor - 50 (the angle should be at an angle of 45 degrees http: // site / video / show_video / 48) 4) Raise straight legs hanging on the horizontal bar (with socks touch the crossbar) - 20 5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 5 Elements: 1) Reaching with a force of two - 10 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Reaching with a force of two with a narrow grip - 5 3) Reaching with a force of two with a wide grip - 5 4) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 5 seconds 5) Pulling up on one hand - 1 (on each hand) How to learn to pull up on one arm? 6) Slow exit into two with a corner (first fix the corner, then exit) - 1 7) Horizontal hanging from the back ("swallow") - 6 seconds
Base: 1) Pull-ups - 30 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Push-ups on the uneven bars - 40 3) Push-ups from the floor - 60 (the angle should be at an angle of 45 degrees http: // site / video / show_video / 48) 4) Raise straight legs hanging on the horizontal bar (with socks touch the crossbar) - 25 5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 8 Elements: 1) Exit with a force of two - 15 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Slow exit to 2 with a corner - 3 3) Pulling up on one arm (without jerking) - 3 (on each hand) 4) Towel in front - 1 ( in both directions) 5) Horizontal hanging in front - 3 seconds 6) Horizontal support on bent arms (legs together and straight) - 3 seconds 7) Power turn forward - 1 8) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 10 seconds 9) Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 6 seconds 10) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 7 seconds 11) Flag - 4 seconds
Base: 1) Pull-ups - 35 (the angle should be facing the camera) 2) Push-ups on the uneven bars - 50 3) Push-ups from the floor - 70 4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (with your toes touch the bar) - 30 5) Push-ups in a vertical hands against the wall - 16 Elements: 1) Exit by force on two - 20 2) Horizontal support on straight arms (straight legs apart or together) - 3 seconds 3) From the horizontal support under the horizontal bar (1 sec) force to lower into the horizontal hanging from behind (3 sec) 4) Push-ups in the horizon (even legs apart or together) - 3 5) Pulling up on one arm (without jerking) - 5 (on each arm) 6) Pulling up on one arm in a "towel in front" (on each arm) - 1 7) Horizontal hanging from the front - 6 seconds 8) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 15 seconds 9) Horizontal support under the horizontal bar - 10 seconds 10) The angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 10 seconds 11) Flag - 8 seconds
Base: 1) Pull-ups - 40 2) Push-ups on the uneven bars - 60 3) Push-ups from the floor - 85 4) Raising straight legs while hanging on the horizontal bar (touching the bar with your toes) - 35 5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 25 Elements: 1) Exit with a force of two - 25 2) Horizontal support on straight arms (straight legs together) - 3 seconds 3) Push-ups in a horizontal support (straight legs together) - 5 4) Pulling up on one arm (without jerking) - 7 (on each hand) 5) Horizontal hanging from the front - 10 seconds 6) Horizontal hanging from the back ("swallow") - 25 seconds 7) Pulling up on one hand in a "towel in front" (on each arm) - 1 8) Horizontal support under the horizontal bar - 15 seconds 9) From the horizontal stop under the horizontal bar (3 sec) force to lower into the horizontal hang from behind (6 sec) 10) The angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 15 seconds 11) Flag - 15 seconds

For a person to be healthy, absolutely all of his organs, each of which has its own special purpose, must work harmoniously and fully. The spine is no exception. It is known to be the support of the human body, which supports the blood supply to the spinal cord, which in turn helps to work all life processes in the body. It is believed that about 90% of all diseases arise from the unsatisfactory condition of the spine.

Standards for pull-ups on the horizontal bar by age TRP for men *

1 st 6-8 years
2 st 9-10 years
3 tbsp 11-12 years old
4 tbsp 13-15 years old
5th grade 16-17 years old
6 items 18-24 years old
6 items 25-29 years old
7 st 30-34 years
7 st 35-39 years
8 st 40-44 years
8 st 45-49 years
9 st 50-54 years
9 Art 55-59 years
From 60 years old

Does not give up

* as of 2018

class \ grade
1 class 4 2 1
2nd grade 4 2 1
Grade 3 5 3 1
4th grade 5 3 1
Grade 5 7 5 3
6th grade 8 6 4
7th grade 9 7 5
8th grade 10 8 5
Grade 9 11 9 6
Grade 10 12 10 7
Grade 11 14 11 8

Pull-up standards in the Russian army and special services

  • Military conscripts who have served less than 6 months - 12/10/7
  • Military conscripts who have served more than 6 months - 13/11/9
  • Servicemen under 30 years of age for admission under contract - 10 times (minimum)
  • Servicemen under contract for more than 30 years - 8 times (minimum)
  • Airborne forces - 13 times
  • Special forces units - up to 25 times

How should you breathe when pulling up on a horizontal bar? A little about safety!

Dangerous or safe exercises do not exist, which does not mean correct and incorrect technique. If the technique is wrong, then any exercise can become dangerous. And pull-ups on the horizontal bar too! Beginners, as a rule, are characterized by a typical mistake during the exercise in the form of throwing the head back with a jerk, lifting the chin up. Many, pulling up, do so while inhaling. This is a highly instinctive process. By the way, they also reduce their shoulders. You should never do this! This can lead to severe injury to the cervical vertebrae and protrusion of hernias on the intervertebral discs.

The correct technique for performing the exercise should be understood as completely opposite actions. So, before doing the pull-up, you need to draw as much air as possible into the chest and hold your breath. Thus, it is possible to facilitate the task of the broadest dorsal muscles, which "push" the body upward, as well as provide protection from stretching the small muscles serving the scapula. Otherwise, even with the slightest movement of the body, you will feel severe back pain. Remember that pull-ups on the bar are done to expand the back, and therefore you do not need to wriggle whole during the exercise in order to somehow perform the repetition. The pull-up must be done vertically, lowering the elbows. If you get a short amplitude, then you need to do pull-ups on a machine that has a counterweight.

For the exercise to be of maximum benefit, you must:

  1. You do not need to swing your legs or body, and lifting and lowering occurs smoothly, observing one plane;
  2. When lifting / lowering, the upper body, like the forearms, should not be moved;
  3. When pulling up, you need to keep your elbows under the bar;
  4. Descending to the lower point of the trajectory, you need to fully straighten your arms, and how to stretch the lats;
  5. Rising to the top point, you need to additionally squeeze the back muscles;
  6. Full range of motion must be used;
  7. For beginners, it is sometimes difficult to cleanly pull up on the bar, so they should first strengthen the Core / Accessory muscles by performing exercises with free weights, as well as Negative / partial reps;
  8. Girls are better off using the gravitron;
  9. Breathing: when pulling up - exhale, when returning to the starting position - inhale.
  10. The approaches should be performed 3-5 times, repetitions 10-15.

Can pull-ups save lives?

As evidenced by numerous stories, the ability to pull up properly and be in good physical shape is imperative. Every fifth person in the world is in various emergency situations. And in circumstances when you just need to pull yourself up - every man, and more than once.

Let's give a simple example of a life incident that happened to an ordinary person. By the way, he was never shown in the news and there was nothing about him in the blogs. This is a story about a man who is now 40 years old. Once he was locked in a burning room in the basement. There was no chair or furniture. There were only old mattresses on the floor. The fire was located in the building itself. It was impossible to leave him through the door. The only way out was to get out through the window. And there was this eye under the ceiling. The man caught on the windowsill, jumping slightly. But after that he had to pull himself up in order to catch on to the bars outside the window. He managed to knock out the windows, but there was no way to get in. The man simply did not know how to pull himself up. Fortunately, firefighters arrived in time to save the poor fellow. At that time, he was unconscious. Knowing how to do this exercise will also help to master, according to which there are also standards.

This life story clearly shows that both men and women are simply obliged to be able to pull themselves up. Still, this is especially true for men who simply must be able to pull themselves up at least a couple of times with an average grip. To our delight, we find ourselves in emergency situations not so often. And this exercise is being studied mainly for the development of the muscles of the body.

Why are pull-ups on the bar useful?

The high popularity of this exercise is explained, first of all, by the fact that not only does it help to develop muscle strength and endurance, it also helps to improve external physical form, strengthen ligaments, and have a beneficial effect on the athlete's spine. Different muscle groups participate in the exercises, and these loads can vary in different ways. There is no doubt that pull-ups are useful. It is worth noting that for this there is no need to use any clever devices or special simulators. All that is needed is the presence of any solid crossbar, a body and a desire to improve it.

How are pull-ups useful for women?

They allow:

  • Form and strengthen the press;
  • Improve physical fitness;
  • Strengthen your posture;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Relieve tension in the dorsal region.

How are pull-ups useful for men?

  • Develop and strengthen the back and shoulder muscles.
  • Serve as prevention of osteochondrosis;
  • Strengthens the vertebrae;
  • Improves physical endurance;
  • Have a positive effect on the strength of the hands.

Crossbar grabbing classification

For almost any kind of pull-up, the starting position is represented as a standard hang. In this case, the back needs to be slightly bent, legs tucked and crossed. Grips are of the following types:

  1. Straight narrow grip. The arms should be slightly less than shoulder-width apart. This grip is also called a narrow grip. While pulling up, you need to try to reach the bar with your lower chest. In this case, the gaze should be fixed on the fingers.
  2. Direct medium grip. The hands should be shoulder-width apart. During lifting, the blades are directed towards each other. It is important here to touch the bar with your upper chest. To increase the effectiveness of the exercise, try to extend your arms fully during the descent.
  3. Reverse medium grip. It is performed in the same way as the previous exercise, but at the same time the shoulders are pulled back and do not rise at the start.
  4. Neutral grip. Pulling in this way is suitable for those who have already mastered other techniques, since the technique changes during the execution of this grip. For example, first the left hand will remain in front, and then the right one. You need to touch the bar with your lower chest compartment. You need to firmly hold on to the horizontal bar, and one fist should be located in front of the other. When lifting up, it is worth bending your back a little.
  5. Wide grip when pulling up to the chest. This method of exercise involves working with the muscles of the back, not the biceps. Thumbs wrap around the bar from above, arms spread wide. When pulling up with the upper part of the chest, you need to touch the crossbar, point your elbows down, look above the horizontal bar.
  6. Wide grip when pulling up behind the head. This method is quite effective, but it is also quite traumatic. That is why, before starting the exercise, it is imperative to warm up and stretch your muscles well. The bar is wrapped in a wide grip with the elbows down. While pulling up, you need to slightly tilt the body forward, try to maintain a horizontal position. This exercise allows you to perfectly work out the round dorsal muscles, which are practically inactive with other methods of exercise.

When changing the method of gripping the horizontal bar (the standards also change), the loads should be concentrated on different muscle groups. The loads will be distributed most evenly across all participating muscle groups with the classic straight grip, when the distance between the arms is average. During pull-ups on the horizontal bar using the wide grip method, the spinal muscles are especially stressed. With a reverse grip, the load goes on the biceps, with a narrow straight grip - the muscles of the shoulders are also heavily loaded. You need to perform pull-ups with weights.

What should a beginner know?

To achieve a positive result from classes, you need to do them correctly. They should be started without a sharp jerk and swaying, gradually and regularly increasing the load. When pulling up, the muscles should not be tense; on the contrary, they should be relaxed. The body must be raised and lowered at the same time interval. During the lift, the chin rises above the bar. Don't overdo it, give your body time to recover. Wear gloves to avoid blisters.

The most common mistakes beginners make when pulling up are:

Knowing how to pull up properly for a beginner, you can start training. However, you should take into account some points that often become mistakes beginners make in their first trainings.

  • Only the upper body should participate in pull-ups on the horizontal bar. In this case, the legs are not subjected to any stress. A beginner often sins with this, tries to somehow climb onto the horizontal bar to finally lift the chest above this very horizontal bar. He begins to swing his legs, gives impetus to the joints with such a lift, but this is completely wrong. The effect of pulling up can only be obtained when it is performed by the muscles of the back and arms. In this case, the back begins to work first, when the shoulder blades are brought together and so the necessary tension is provided. And only after that, the muscles of the arms are connected, which pull the body up.
  • A fairly common mistake is to perform exercises with sharp movements. A beginner often makes careless sharp movements, especially when lowering, or rather, when falling down. It is not right! To provide the muscles with proper growth, they must be maximally included in the work process, and sharp movements, on the contrary, relieve them of stress and at the same time increase the risk of injury. Every movement should be smooth and accurate. The ascent and descent must have the same rhythm.
  • Another important point is full elbow extension. Often, beginners do this when lowering the body. It is worth considering that during the exercise, the elbow joints receive a fairly strong load, and therefore they do not need to be fully extended either during the ascent, much less during the descent, in order to prevent the risk of injury to the elbow joints.

When is it dangerous for your health to do exercises on the bar? It is not recommended to practice intensively on the horizontal bar for those who:

  • Suffers from cardiovascular disorders;
  • Has gallstones and / or kidney stones;
  • Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract;
  • Recovers after even a simple operation.

It is worth limiting because of the need to provide protection from strong voltages to vulnerable organs. You can neither hang, nor even pull yourself up for those who are severely obese. When an overweight person tries to lift his body, he exposes him to additional loads, like a bodybuilder who deliberately put on a weight belt. Such pull-ups can only be acceptable for trained athletes who are in excellent physical shape. A beginner should refrain from such experiments.


1) Pull-ups - 10
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 15
3) Push-ups from the floor - 20
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (with your toes touch the crossbar) - 3


1) Ascent by flip - 3
2) Captain's ascent - 1
3) The angle under the horizontal bar (grip shoulder width apart) - fix.
4) Exit by force on one hand - 1 (for each)

II category


1) Pull-ups - 15
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 20
3) Push-ups from the floor - 30
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (with your toes touch the crossbar) - 6


1) Exit by force of two - 2
2) Ascent by flip - 6
3) Captain's ascent - 1
4) The angle under the horizontal bar (grip shoulder width apart) - 3 seconds

III Category


1) Pull-ups - 20
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 25
3) Push-ups from the floor - 40
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 12
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 2


1) Exit by force on two - 5
2) Ascent by flip - 10
3) Exit by force on two lower grip - 1
4) Angle under the horizontal bar (narrow grip) - 3 seconds
5) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 3 seconds

IV Rank


1) Pull-ups - 25
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 30
3) Push-ups from the floor - 50
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 20
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 5


1) Exit with a force of two - 10
2) Exit by force on two with a narrow grip - 5
3) Exit by force on two with a wide grip - 5
4) Exit by force of two with a corner (first fix the corner, then exit) - 1
5) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 5 seconds
6) Pull-up on one arm (any quality) - 1 (on each arm)
7) Slow exit for two with a corner - 1
8) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 6 seconds

V rank


1) Pull-ups - 30
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 40
3) Push-ups from the floor - 60
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 25
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 8


1) Exit with a force of two - 15
2) Slow exit to 2 with a corner - 3
3) Pull-up on one arm (no jerking) - 3 (on each arm)
4) Towel in front - 1 (both sides)
5) Front horizontal hang - 3 seconds
6) Horizontal support on bent arms (legs together and straight) - 3 seconds
7) Power turn forward - 1
8) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 10 seconds
9) Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 6 seconds
10) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 7 seconds
11) Checkbox - 4 seconds

Category VI (CCM in workout)


1) Pull-ups - 35
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 50
3) Push-ups from the floor - 70
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 30
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 16


1) Exit with a force of two - 20
2) Horizontal support on straight arms (straight legs apart or together) - 3 seconds
3) From the horizontal stop under the horizontal bar (1sec), forcefully lower into the horizontal hang from the back (3sec)
4) Push-ups in the horizon (straight legs apart or together) - 3
5) Pull-up on one arm (no jerking) - 5 (on each arm)
6) Pulling up on one hand in a "towel in front" (on each hand) - 1
7) Front horizontal hang - 6 seconds
8) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 15 seconds
9) Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 10 seconds
10) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 10 seconds
11) Checkbox - 8 seconds

VII Category (MS on workout)


1) Pull-ups - 40
2) Dips on the uneven bars - 60
3) Push-ups from the floor - 85
4) Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks) - 35
5) Push-ups in a vertical handstand against the wall - 25


1) Exit with a force of two - 25
2) Horizontal support on straight arms (straight legs together) - 3 seconds
3) Push-ups in a horizontal support (straight legs together) - 5
4) Pull-up on one arm (no jerking) - 7 (on each arm)
5) Front horizontal hang - 10 seconds
6) Horizontal hanging from behind ("swallow") - 25 seconds
7) Pulling up on one arm in a "towel in front" (on each arm) - 1
8) Horizontal support under the horizontal bar - 15 seconds
9) From the horizontal support under the horizontal bar (3 sec) force to lower into the horizontal hanging from behind (6 sec)
10) Angle under the horizontal bar in a narrow grip - 15 seconds
11) Checkbox - 15 seconds

General Provisions:

  • The ranks and standards are designed to stimulate the diversified complex development of the street worker. The categories include basic exercises, having mastered them, you can master the corresponding elements without any problems. Exercises are specially included in the standards. unrelated with balance, joint mobility or increased injury risk. The main factors are strength and endurance.
  • To obtain a category, it is necessary to record on video the fulfillment of each standard that is assigned to the corresponding category. Then make video editing. Then you upload your editing to our group (BARSTYLERSKharkov). We evaluate it and, if everything is done within the framework of the rules, we give you a grade and put your video in the rating table of dischargers.
    If you, for example, apply for the 4th grade, then you fulfill the standards of the 4th grade only. It is not necessary to comply with the standards of the previous categories.
    Try to arrange the exercises in order to match the order in the list.
  • All elements must be performed in good quality in accordance with the rules described below and video examples. If the exercise includes multiple repetitions, then they must be performed in a row without getting off the horizontal bar.
  • All exercises are performed on a rigid horizontal bar. Attempts on a gymnastic bar or on objects not intended for pull-ups will not count.
  • The use of shoulder straps is prohibited. Gloves are optional.
  • Video recording should be of acceptable quality with sufficient lighting. The competitor must be clearly visible at full height.
  • In case of unsatisfactory fulfillment of any of the standards, the applicant must exceed the standard in the best quality and post the updated installation.
  • If the admins come to the conclusion that everything has been done satisfactorily, then the applicant is assigned the appropriate workout rank and his name and video are added to the list of spark gaps.
  • All video reports from 4th to 7th categories will be evaluated by three admins. Depending on the quality of performance, each exercise will be evaluated on a 10-point system. The average score for your report will influence your position in the rankings rankings. A passing score is 75% of the maximum possible number of points scored.

The resulting category can be entered in the name instead of the nickname.




Pull-ups are performed top grip(palms away from you). At the top, the chin must be above the crossbar. Requires full extension of the arms when lowering. When pulling up, you should avoid using your legs in the form of jerks, jerks, swings. Try to keep your legs straight and flat.

Dips on the uneven bars:

In the upper position, the arms should be fully extended. In the lower position, the angle between the forearm and shoulder should not exceed 90 degrees (for the dull ones: the lower you go, the better). The body must be kept as level as possible (no swaying, no jerking, no twisting, etc.). There should not be a strong forward bend.


Hands are shoulder width apart. At the top straighten your arms fully... At the lowest point, the distance between the chest and the floor should be minimal. Put the camera in front of you. Keep the body straight, do not bend. The head is raised.

Raising straight legs in the hanging on the horizontal bar (touch the crossbar with your socks):

Try to keep your legs straight. Swing should be minimal. Grip (top, bottom) optional. Do not bend your arms.

Wall handstand push-ups:

The arms are slightly wider than shoulder width apart. Lowering to the maximum (before touching the head). Push-ups until the arms are fully extended.

The elements

Flip Rise:

Legs should be straight. Be sure to straighten your arms in support.

Captain's rise:

Execution by force (due to the strength of the hands, and not a sharp throwing of the legs with the pelvis on the horizontal bar). It is desirable to have straight legs. After completion, you need to go to the sed.

Angle under the horizontal bar:

Legs should be straight. The angle between the legs and the body should be 90 degrees.

Exit by force on one:

No swing. Without the help of the legs. Mandatory straightening of the arms in support.

Outputs by force in two (upper, lower, narrow and wide grip):

No swing. When lowering and when going to the stop, you need to fully unbend your arms.
Both hands should move to the top position at the same time. Grip according to the type of exit. Foot assistance is minimal.

Horizontal hanging from the back ("Swallow"):

The body should be flat. The body should be parallel to the ground. Grip shoulder width apart (upper or lower grip). Legs should be straight and flat.

Front horizontal hang:

The body should be flat. The body should be parallel to the ground. Grip shoulder width apart. Legs should be straight and flat.

Slow exit in two with a corner:

Fix the corner first. The angle between legs and body is 90 degrees. The pull-up should be slow (at least 3 seconds). Be sure to straighten your arms in support. In the lower position, it is allowed to slightly bend the arms.

Pull-up on one:

If any quality is required, there is only one rule - the chin is above the horizontal bar in the upper position.
In other cases:
● In the lower position, the hand should be straight
● In the upper position, the chin should be above the horizontal bar
● It is forbidden to help with feet, swing, bounce from the ground

Towel front:

When pulling up to one hand, the other hand should be flat. First, you need to transfer the weight to your free hand, then go to close range. In the rest, the hands should be straight.

Horizontal stop:

● Hands should be either straight or bent (depending on the requirement for shock)
● In the case of bent arms, legs should be straight and brought together.
● In the case of straight arms, the legs are straight (if the 6th grade - divorced, on the 7th - brought together)

Force turn forward:

The turn should be performed using force, and not by swinging the legs before performing the element.


The body is parallel to the ground. Hang sideways. Performed on any vertical projectile. Hands are straight.

Is an amateur sport that has appeared relatively recently, so it is logical that there is no generally accepted classification of standards, ranks and ranks for workout. If we take into account the recently actively growing popularity of the workout, you should still have a scale for assessing the achievements and overall success of an athlete. This is a pretty serious job, which includes basic exercises for all muscle groups and some special elements necessary for successful development in the workout area. Based on the current situation in the workout world, we will single out 9 categories, which can be found in more detail below. In subsequent articles and videos, the sequence and training plan will be based on this classification. To motivate and maintain the trend of growth in popularity, the workout has been created, which anyone can watch. Also, everyone can appear on the list of yard athletes themselves: we send video or a link to a video with the completion of all the points for submission to the discharge by e-mail: [email protected] ... It is not necessary to pass all the categories in a row, if you can immediately pass on the 2nd or 4th, then you do so. When the discharge is increased, a note about this will be indicated next. So, the digits themselves:

1st rank (beginner)

  1. Pull-ups - 8 times (we straighten our arms completely, when pulling up the chin above the horizontal bar)
  2. Dips on the uneven bars - 15 times (the angle at the elbow when lowering should be no more than 45 degrees)
  3. Pushups - 30 times (when lowering, try to touch the floor with your chest, straighten your arms completely)
  4. Squats - 15 times (the angle at the knee in the lower phase of the squat should be no more than 45 degrees)
  5. Feet to the horizontal bar - 1 times (without swinging the tray of socks to the bar, legs straight)

2nd category (sportsman)

  1. Pull-ups - 14 once
  2. Dips on the uneven bars - 25 once
  3. Pushups - 45 once
  4. Squats - 25 once
  5. Squats on one leg - 2 times (on each) (until the buttocks are completely lowered, stand on the whole foot)
  6. Feet to the horizontal bar - 5 once
  7. Corner on the uneven bars - 5 seconds (legs above the bars and straight)
  8. Exit by force on one hand - 3 times (for each) (you can jump between changing hands)
  9. Upside Down - 3 times
  10. Captain's exit, officer's exit, rivet on the horizontal bar, coffin

3rd category (turnstile)

  1. Pull-ups - 20 once
  2. Dips on the uneven bars - 35 once
  3. Pushups - 55 once
  4. 3 times (we do it against the wall, we touch the floor with our head)
  5. Squats - 35 once
  6. Squats on one leg - 5 times (on each)
  7. Feet to the horizontal bar - 10 once
  8. Corner on the uneven bars - 15 seconds
  9. Corner under the horizontal bar - 3 seconds (grip shoulder width apart)
  10. Exit by force on one hand - 8 times (for each)
  11. Going out on two hands - 2 times
  12. Upside Down - 8 once
  13. Rivet on uneven bars, lock, feather

4th category (athlete)

  1. Pull-ups - 25 once
  2. One-arm chin-ups - 1 times (on each)
  3. Dips on the uneven bars - 41 once
  4. Pushups - 65 once
  5. Handstand push-ups - 8 once
  6. Squats - 45 once
  7. Squats on one leg - 8 (on each)
  8. Feet to the horizontal bar - 15 once
  9. Corner on the uneven bars - 25 seconds
  10. Corner under the horizontal bar - 6 seconds (narrow grip)
  11. Exit by force on two hands - 5 once
  12. Typewriter - 4 times
  13. Martin - 5 seconds

5th grade (athlete)

  1. Pull-ups - 30 once
  2. One-arm chin-ups - 3 times (on each)
  3. Dips on the uneven bars - 47 once
  4. Pushups - 75 once
  5. Handstand push-ups - 13 once
  6. Squats - 55 once
  7. Squats on one leg - 12 (on each)
  8. Feet to the horizontal bar - 20 once
  9. Corner on the uneven bars - 35 seconds
  10. Corner under the horizontal bar - 10 seconds (grip shoulder width apart)
  11. Exit by force on two hands - 9 once
  12. Typewriter - 8 once
  13. Martin - 10 seconds
  14. Checkbox - 5 seconds (legs together, straight)
  15. 5 seconds (legs and arms are even, the body does not bend)

6th category (Olympian)

  1. Pull-ups - 35 once
  2. Pull-ups with add. weighing 10 kg - 10 once
  3. One-arm chin-ups - 6 times (on each)
  4. Dips on the uneven bars - 53
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars with add. weighing 20 kg - 15 once
  6. Pushups - 85 once
  7. Handstand push-ups - 18 once
  8. Squats with add. weighing 20 kg - 20 times (weight on the neck or in a backpack)
  9. Squats on one leg - 16 (on each)
  10. Feet to the horizontal bar - 25 once
  11. Corner on the uneven bars - 45 seconds
  12. Corner under the horizontal bar - 13 seconds (narrow grip)
  13. Exit by force on two hands - 13 once
  14. Typewriter - 12 once
  15. Martin - 15 seconds
  16. Checkbox - 10 seconds
  17. Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 10 seconds
  18. 3 seconds (arms and legs are even)

Candidate Master of Sports (CCM)

  1. Pull-ups - 40 once
  2. Pull-ups with add. weighing 15 kg - 15 once
  3. One-arm chin-ups - 9 times (on each)
  4. Dips on the uneven bars - 60 once
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars with add. weighing 25 kg - 20 once
  6. Pushups - 95 once
  7. Handstand push-ups - 22 once
  8. Push-ups in the horizon - 2 fold (legs together and straight)
  9. Squats with add. weighing 30 kg - 25 once
  10. Squats on one leg - 20 (on each)
  11. Feet to the horizontal bar - 30 once
  12. Corner on the uneven bars - 55 seconds
  13. Corner under the horizontal bar - 16 seconds (grip - hands shoulder width apart)
  14. Exit by force on two hands - 17 once
  15. Typewriter - 16 once
  16. Martin - 20 seconds
  17. Checkbox - 15 seconds
  18. Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 15 seconds
  19. Horizontal support on the floor - 7 seconds

Master of Sports (MS)

  1. Pull-ups - 45 once
  2. Pull-ups with add. weighing 20 kg - 15 once
  3. One-arm chin-ups - 12 times (on each)
  4. Dips on the uneven bars - 68 once
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars with add. weighing 30 kg - 25 once
  6. Pushups - 100 once
  7. Handstand push-ups - 26 once
  8. Push-ups in the horizon - 6 once
  9. Squats with add. weighing 40 kg - 30 once
  10. Squats on one leg with add. weighing 16 kg - 10 once (hold the weight in front of you on straight arms)
  11. Feet to the horizontal bar - 35 once
  12. Corner on the uneven bars - 65 seconds
  13. Corner under the horizontal bar - 20 seconds (narrow grip)
  14. Exit by force on two hands - 20 once
  15. Typewriter - 20 once
  16. Martin - 25 seconds
  17. Checkbox - 20 seconds
  18. Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 20 seconds
  19. Horizontal support on the floor - 11 seconds

Workout god

  1. Pull-ups - 50 once
  2. Pull-ups with add. weighing 25 kg - 20 once
  3. One-arm chin-ups - 15 times (on each)
  4. Dips on the uneven bars - 75 once
  5. Push-ups on the uneven bars with add. weighing 35 kg - 30 once
  6. Pushups - 110 once
  7. Handstand push-ups - 30 once
  8. Push-ups in the horizon - 10 once
  9. Squats with add. weighing 50 kg - 35 once
  10. Squats on one leg with add. weighing 24 kg - 12 once
  11. Feet to the horizontal bar - 40 once
  12. Corner on the uneven bars - 80 seconds
  13. Corner under the horizontal bar - 25 seconds (any grip)
  14. Exit by force on two hands - 25 once
  15. Typewriter - 25 once
  16. Martin - 30 seconds
  17. Checkbox - 25 seconds
  18. Horizontal stop under the horizontal bar - 25 seconds
  19. Horizontal support on the floor - 15 seconds
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