Biography. Biography of Bencic Belinda tennis

Belinda Bencic was born on March 10, 1997 in Flawil. The growth of a fifteen-year-old athlete is 173 cm. The prize money is 9605 US dollars (USA). On December 10, 2012 Bencic, holder of 2 ITF titles, International Federation tennis (International Tennis Federation), in singles and 1 title in doubles, takes 615th place in the world ranking.

Belinda started the 2012 season by winning two ITF U18 tournaments in the Czech Republic, with the young athlete not losing a single set in the first tournament and only one in the second. She then passed qualifying events and reached the quarterfinals in the ITF professional tournament with prize fund 10,000 dollars in Leimen, Germany (Leimen, Germany), losing to the future finalist Tereza Smitková (Tereza Smitková).

Two months later, in April, at the American ITF U18 in California, she lost in the third round to Alexandra Kiick. The following week, Bencic entered the $ 25,000 ITF Pro in Pelham, Alabama, losing to former Wimbledon semi-finalist Alexandra Stevenson in qualifying.

She then returned to competition for juniors and competed in a tournament in Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France (Beaulieu-sur-Mer, France). Belinda played all her matches easily, losing only one set in the second round. The following week, Bencic won her fourth U18 title in Italy in a year, again losing just one set. Alas, her admirable winning streak ended another week later in the semifinals of another Italian tournament.

In May, Bencic won a wild card in the draw for the qualifying tournament for the Brussels Open. In the first qualifying round, she rocked the tennis world with a 6-3, 5-7, 6-4 win over Elena Bovina of Russia, former No. 14 in the world. In the second round, she lost to Ukrainian Lesia Tsurenko, but her victory over Bovina raised Benchich's rating by 189 points at once - to 951st place.

Her next tournament was the French Open Junior Championship, where Belinda lost in the first round to Françoise Abanda. Less than a month after the unfortunate defeat in Paris, Bencic won a wild card for the 2012 UNICEF Open, but lost to Urszula Radwańska in the first round of qualifying. Bencic then played the U18 warm-up tournament ahead of Wimbledon, G18 G1 AEGON International, and reached the semi-finals, losing future champion among girls, Canadian Eugenie Bouchard.

A few weeks later Bencic returned home to Switzerland to compete in the European Junior Championships. Belinda reached the semifinals.

A month later, at the Canadian Open Junior Championships, Bencic lost in round 3 to Jeļena Ostapenko. At the US Open, Belinda once again failed to perform well in the tournament Grand Slam(Grand Slam) - She was eliminated in the 2nd round, losing to future champion Samantha Crawford.

Best of the day

After a two-week hiatus, Benwich won her first professional title, literally defeating all her opponents and defeating Fatma Al Nabhani in Sharm el-Sheikh, Egypt. Bencic continued her pro streak the following week, winning another $ 10,000 ITF tournament in Sharm el Sheikh. In the entire competition, she lost only one set and jumped 170 points up in the world rankings, moving up to 722 place.

Bencic then got a wild card to the main draw Open Championship Luxembourg (BGL Luxembourg Open), where in the first round she faced the former 1st racket of the world and the future winner of the tournament Venus Williams and lost to her 3-6, 1-6. However, this debut in the main draw of the WTA raised Benchich's rating by an additional 108 points, placing her in 614th place.

Belinda Bencic was born in Flavil on March 10, 1997. The Belinda family moved from Czechoslovakia to Switzerland back in 1968, the colors of which are now represented by the tennis player.

Despite her rather young age, the athlete managed to achieve a lot.

At the end of 2012, Belinda became the owner of two ITF titles, the International Tennis Federation, in singles and one title in a pair. In the world ranking of tennis players, Belinda ranks 615. Her maximum rating is 183. This position was held by the tennis player in September 2013.

Belinda is left-handed and prefers hard cover.

The sixteen-year-old tennis player has created quite a stir around her name. The winner of the French Open - Roland Garros 2013 - among juniors made people talk about themselves. In the final part, having beaten the representative of Germany, Antonia Lottner, the Swiss made seven breaks and one ace. After such a brilliant game, leading experts began to predict Belinda serious chances to win this year's Wimbledon. Benchich began serious training at the Academy in the city of Boca for the competition, and, on July 6, 2013, having justified the promising forecasts, became the winner among juniors in final match Wimbledon Tennis Tournament.

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