Board game tank battle star. Tenth kingdom board game "tank battle"

Who in childhood did not play the exciting game "Sea Battle?" It doesn’t matter if you are a girl or a boy, but at least once, for sure, you drew / la a “battlefield” on a piece of paper in a cage and ships from squares on it ...

And how a simple but exciting travel game helped out!

As a child, I traveled long distances by train with my parents and brother and, in our compartment, along with other games, naval battles were fought. Why am I doing all this?! Yes, to the fact that our children are very lucky, now there is an excellent board game for combat, and not only naval, but also tank! That's what I'm talking about in today's review!

⚪🔴⚪"Tank battle", board game⚪🔴⚪

➡️➡️➡️Price: 530 rubles

➡️➡️➡️Where you can buy: on the website of the manufacturer "The Tenth Kingdom"

➡️➡️➡️ (direct link) to the board game "Tank battle"


Dimensions: 0.37x0.24x0.04 m

Age: 7 years and older


The board game is packed in a solid cardboard box.

On the front of the box there is a spectacular image of a tank that will not leave any boy indifferent!

On the reverse side of the package, the complete set of the game, the rules of the game and the game console are shown.

Information from the manufacturer:

The game includes two game consoles, each of which has two playing fields, miniature tanks stuck into the playing fields, red and white chips. Thanks to the "Tank Battle" you can distract your child from computer games, the time spent playing a board game will unite you, improve communication, together you will rejoice at each other's victories and communicate actively.

The game develops logic, memory and attention, instilling the skills of tactics and strategy. The game will be a great gift for a boy. We wish you successful battles on the fields of our game!

The game comes with two game consoles. .

Outside, the remote control is interestingly designed, on dark green plastic there is an imitation of a sight, a combination lock and a key.

There are two fields inside the game console. On the lower field, you should place your combat vehicles and tanks. Above (horizontally) above the field are letters from A to K, numbers are drawn vertically from 1 to 10. Everything is like in a traditional cell field, only better! In each cell there is an opening for the installation of combat vehicles.

At the top on the remote control there is a screen with a transparent plastic insert, where shots at enemy targets should be marked.

The kit also includes:
  • red and white chips in separate bags for each player
  • a set of plastic objects (combat vehicles and tanks)
  • tank (equivalent to a four-deck ship in Naval Battle) - 1 pc.
  • medium tank (for three cells) - 2 pcs.
  • Armored personnel carrier (for two cells) - 3 pcs.
  • armored vehicle (per cell) - 4 pcs.
The figurines are of high quality, they have plastic rods on the reverse side to insert them into the field.
The console has a place to store chips, and on the left at the bottom of the field there is a compartment to store all the machines.
White chips designed to mark shots that missed the target.

BUT red chips decorate "wounded" and "killed" objects.

It is convenient to use the chips, they are well attached to the field and on top of the cars.

Rules of the game

The rules of the game are exactly the same as in the "sea battle", but instead of the fleet, we have tanks and combat vehicles at our disposal.

Before the start of the game, each player places his objects on the field so that they do not touch each other.

The fights are exciting!

We play with the whole family! Since the rules of the game are not complicated, even a five-year-old child can play. And not only boys are interested in trying to win the battle!

My 5 year old daughter loves to play! (The main thing is that the child knows the letters and numbers and knows how to find the right cell on the field).

The game is played on the playing field, which consists of hexagonal cells - hexes, each of which depicts a certain type of terrain. Each hex has its own number, which is indicated in the orders given to the units. When joining individual fields of the playing field, some hexes may have two or more numbers. In this case, any of the numbers is indicated in the order. Choose one of the scenarios. For beginners, we recommend choosing from the scenarios included with the game's tutorial rules. Prepare the playing field as directed in the scenario. Carefully separate the parts from the sprues and assemble the unit models as shown in the assembly diagrams. Arrange the units according to the chosen scenario. The game is designed for two or more players. For a two-player game, both players command different armies. For a larger number of players, units of the same army are divided among the players.

Game progress

The game lasts several turns according to the scenario. One turn of the game consists of four phases:

  • Issuing orders;
  • Radio interception;
  • Execution of orders;
  • Durability tests.

The turn phase is completed when all players have completed their actions. Until the first phase is completed, no one can begin the second phase's actions.

During combat operations, tanks carried out a breakthrough of enemy fortifications, captured and held bridgeheads, and supported infantry with fire. Quite often, "caterpillar fortresses" performed combat missions alone, relying on speed, maneuverability and their own firepower. In this case, only similar armored vehicles could resist them.

During tank battles, multi-ton giants rushed towards each other and fired to kill. The life of the combat vehicle depended on the art of the gunner, and the driver had to respond with lightning speed to enemy movements and expose the most protected parts of the hull to attack. The key to success was the well-coordinated work of the crew and the equipment of the tank.

Using a multi-ton weight and a protected hull, the tanks went to ram, destroying the enemy, sometimes at the cost of their own lives. In conditions of low visibility or in the absence of ammunition, tankers sent vehicles to the enemy. Upon impact, the tank hulls were damaged, but there was a possibility of detonation of the ammunition. In this case, both crews perished.

Tanks were even used for ramming aircraft columns. On December 24, 1942, under the Tatsinskaya station, more than 300 enemy aircraft at the airfield were destroyed by the forces of units of the 24th tank corps - the tanks broke into the runways and destroyed everything in their path. The execution of a ram required courage and heroism from the crew, and high professionalism and psychological fortitude from the mechanic.

"tank battle"- an independent game of the "" series from the Zvezda company, based on a system of simultaneous issuance of orders " Art of Tactic". The small box contains model sprues, cardboard boxes, subdivision cards, dice, markers and several booklets.

The game involves six tank units, three for each side. Each subunit has a card that indicates the combat properties of this tank model and the number of vehicles in the squad ("Tank battle" is equipped with veteran subunit cards). In addition to tanks, opponents receive depot cards to replenish ammunition. In some scenarios there are minefields - four cards will help to mark them on the playing field. A card with digital marks is used as a round counter.

All cards are covered with gloss, on which marks are made with the help of special markers. It is convenient to erase records with the help of cotton pads, which can be replenished in any large store. 10 red dice will determine the effectiveness of the shots. Hexagons are very small and well made.

Special plastic clamps are used to attach the sheets of the field to each other. 8 curved green clamps firmly compress the edge of the cardboard field and securely pull the sheets to each other. An original solution that allows you to fold the playing fields from separate modules on a soft surface.

Three sprues of Red Army tanks. I note that tanks are one of the easiest models to build, so the creation of combat vehicles will not take much time.

From the side of the Red Army, the famous medium tank T-34 (set 6101), light tank BT-5 (set 6129) and light tank T-26 (set 6113) will enter the battle.

They will be resisted by Wehrmacht armored vehicles consisting of a medium tank PZ-IV Ausf.D (set 6151), a light tank Pz.Kpfw.38.T (set 6130) and a light tank Pz.Kpfw. II (set 6102).

In total, one medium and two light tanks will enter the battle from each side. The number is quite sufficient to complete the task assigned to the player.

The fighting will unfold on a compact playing field, which can be made up of four double-sided rectangles made of thick cardboard. The modules are marked into hexagons, each hex is numbered and the type of terrain is drawn on it.

If we compare the parts of the field of the Great Patriotic War and Tank Battle games, then the Tank Battle rectangle occupies exactly half of the sheet of the Great Patriotic War, as can be seen from the photograph. The printing and the quality of the fields are the same, there are no differences, except for the size.

It is convenient to fix field segments with the help of special hooks. On the one hand, one sheet is inserted into the original plastic "clothespins", on the opposite side - the other. A jumper is made between the sheets, so it is necessary to press the cartons all the way.

The playing field, assembled with the use of clamps, is quite strong - it is easy to lift it by one edge and move it to another place along with the models. From now on, you can play on a soft surface without fear that the sheets will "spread" in different directions.

Assembling the models will take an hour at most, you can store the assembled cars directly in the box. I recommend buying a low plastic container for these purposes in order to avoid damage to the barrels during transportation and storage. Cardboard boxes are heavy and can damage fragile protruding parts of tanks.

In a battle of local importance.

Since the concept of the game tank battle" and starter set " The Great Patriotic War. Summer 1941"the same, then in this review I will only briefly recall the main points. In more detail about the system " Art of Tactic", types of terrain and the principle of issuing orders you can read in my review "".

In the "Art of Tactic" system, orders are given simultaneously by means of marks on the unit cards. The department card is two-sided. On the one hand, all the main characteristics of the squad are indicated: the number of units (number of tanks at the top left), firing range (chain of hexes in the upper right corner), protection level (red number on the helmet), firepower table (column on the right), ammunition load (cartridges at the bottom) etc. When making a maneuver, attacking the enemy or being attacked, the player needs to remember the indicators shown in this picture and adjust his actions depending on the characteristics of the squad.

The reverse side of the card is used to give orders to the unit: advance a certain number of hexes, open fire, both from a standstill and on the move, and so on. All types of orders are listed in the memo and discussed in detail. Each player will receive their own sheet-memo and will be able to easily check with a kind of "cheat sheet" at any time. The results of the battle, according to tradition, are affected by a handful of dice ...

"Not so scary..."- this saying fully refers to the "Art of Tactic" game system. For those who doubt their abilities, a training scenario is included in the box, describing in detail the actions of opponents on the field, giving orders and all the main nuances of the gameplay. Considering the similarity of orders ( all tank units) and the minimum number of additional conditions that affect the base indicators of the unit (there is no additional terrain, only drawn on the field) and a detailed memo, when mastering the game, there should not be any big difficulties.

The kit comes with three scenarios, each of which has its own tasks, and is played out on the playing fields of a given configuration. There is no purchase of units here (as in the main game), so preparation for battle will take literally 5 minutes.

Speaking of flags...

In system " Art of Tactic"It is customary to mark units with numbers on the flags, duplicating the numbers on the cards. To be honest, I don't like the banners flying over the units. But there is no other way in "" - there are identical units, and without marks, no one will figure out in this mess who what order was intended.

In the "Tank battle" you can not install pennants with numbers, but write the markings of the tank as a target. If you're a modeller or just a painter, paint the turrets with different numbers and enjoy the top view of the battlefield where real tank units are fighting.

By completing the bid.

It was with "Tank Battle" that it was necessary to start " star"system promotion" Art of Tactic". In this case, the players could easily understand the principles of giving orders, understand the specifics of conducting a battle and calculating the results. In the "Tank battle" everything is in moderation: there are several types of terrain, but not so much to get confused; units have a similar the principle of movement and attack - just remember the basics and apply them with some amendments to your units; interesting scenarios and clear tasks make the gameplay exciting.

After playing the base set and going through the scenarios, you can expand the game with additional models of tanks and other types of units by introducing aircraft and cannons into battle. "Tank battle" is a compact version of the "Great Patriotic War", to which, in case of success of tank battles in your game cell, you can buy the desired units and expand the game's capabilities. The only "minus" - too few scripts. I hope that new campaigns will appear on the publisher's site over time, in which additional sets will be involved.

"Tank battle" uses unique "veteran" cards. They differ in tactical and technical indicators from ordinary units. In the photo on the left - "veterans" PZ-IV AusF.D, on the right - a standard unit of the same name. The reverse sides of the cards are identical.

"Tank battle" can be safely recommended to players who want to get acquainted with the system " Art of Tactic". Start with "tanks", since it is incomparably easier to understand the rules of the "simplified" version of the game. Compared to "", the gameplay in "Tank Battle" is much more dynamic and, in my opinion, young commanders will like it more.


- Soviet light tank T-26
- Soviet light tank BT-5

- 5 dice
- 2...

Read completely

In the game "Tank battle" players will be able to play exciting tank battles of the Great Patriotic War. For novice players who are just getting familiar with the Art of Tactic game system, this set will be a great start, thanks to a small number of units that do not require complex rules and special orders to control. For seasoned players who are already familiar with the Art of Tactic gaming system, this pack will be a worthy addition to the army, because it is the first time that unique veteran units appear in this set, which are unparalleled in type. Players will also be able to expand their battlefield with new additional playfields that now have even more build options.
- German light tank Pz.Kpfw. II
- German light tank Pz.Kpfw.38 (T)
- German medium tank Pz-IV AUSF.D
- Soviet light tank T-26
- Soviet light tank BT-5
- Soviet medium tank T-34/76
- 5 dice
- 2 markers
- 2 cotton pads
- 6 squad cards
- assembly instructions
- 4 playing fields (240X155mm)
- Rules
- Scenario Book
Number of players: from 2
Game time: 30-45 minutes
For players over 10 years old.
Due to the presence of small parts, not recommended for children under 3 years old.
Made in Russia.
