What are the types of throwing. Types of throwing, their specificity

The main goal of sports throwing is the range of the projectile, but the projectile must fall within the zone established by the competition rules.

All throwing is subject to the general laws of mechanics.

Athletics throwing is an acyclic exercise. Depending on the weight and shape of the projectile, various throwing methods are used. The movements of the throwers have one goal - to tell the projectile the highest takeoff speed, because the projectile's flight range depends on its initial takeoff speed, takeoff angle, and air resistance. The flight range is determined by the formula

Where V - initial flight speed of the projectile;  - departure angle; g- acceleration of gravity.

It can be seen from this formula that an increase in the projectile's flight range depends to the greatest extent on an increase in the initial flight speed and an increase in the departure angle (since the acceleration of gravity is a constant value). However, only an increase in the initial speed will contribute to an increase in athletic performance. An increase in the departure angle has a limit of 45, a further increase in this angle does not lead to an increase in the projectile flight range.

The speed of the projectile is reported at different lengths of the path, located spatially separately from one another.

First, the speed is reported to the projectile during the run (spear - 7.8 m / s), jump (core - 2 - 3 m / s, disc - 7 - 8 m / s) or several turns (hammer 20 - 23 m / s) is the preliminary speed.

The velocity is then imparted to the projectile in the final effort. - final speed. It increases in comparison with the preliminary speed when throwing a javelin and putting the shot about 4 - 5 times, when throwing a disc - 2 times, and when throwing a hammer, the preliminary speed is much higher than the final one (the ratio is about 5: 1).

The preliminary velocity is reported to the projectile due to the work of the muscles of the legs and trunk, and the final velocity due to the inclusion of the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arm (spear, core, disk).

Thus, the projectile is accelerated first on a longer path with less force, and then on a shorter path with more force.

The projectile departure speed depends on the force applied to the projectile, the length of the path of the force impact on the projectile, and the time the force is applied. This dependence can be expressed by the formula

Where V - speed projectile departure; F - the force applied to the projectile; l - the length of the path of the action of the force; t - time of application of force.

If we consider it as a force gradient (the rate of its growth), then we can say that the flight range of the projectile depends on the force gradient and the length of the path of application of forces to the projectile. If the force gradient is measured by the speed-power index, and the length of the path of application of efforts to the apparatus is taken as the degree of technical mastery, then in the end we come to the conclusion that the result in sports throwing is directly dependent on speed-power training and technical mastery.

To increase the speed of the projectile, it is extremely important that the efforts increase along the entire path. This is achieved by connecting progressively smaller muscles in series.

Rice. 9. Scheme of sequential inclusion of the thrower's muscle groups in the work of the final effort when throwing a javelin:

1 - legs; 2 - torso; 3 - shoulder; 4 - forearm

An example of the sequence of including certain muscle groups in the work can be seen in Fig. 9 for the final effort in javelin throw.

On the segment 1  4 - the multi-link structure of the thrower's body. Having gained speed in the takeoff run, the spear thrower, when placing the left leg at close range, under the action of the inertia of the body weight and the work of the right leg, accelerates the torso and the arm with the spear (sector a). Having finished the movement to the vertical, the lower link stops. Under the action of inertia and muscle forces, the trunk moves to the vertical (sector b). Further, under the action of inertia and efforts of the muscles of the shoulder girdle, the shoulder moves to the vertical (sector v). And, finally, under the action of inertia, the mass of the forearm, the mass of the spear and the muscles of the forearm (sector G) the spear at the top point tangentially leaves the hand of the thrower.

The projectile departure angle significantly affects the flight range and depends on the initial departure speed, the projectile release height above the ground, the aerodynamic properties of the projectile (for the disk and spear), the state of the atmosphere (wind direction), and the takeoff speed (for the spear and the cannonball).

The optimum departure angle for all shells is less than 45. For the results of the  discharge level and above, the optimal angle of projectile departure is within (in the absence of wind): in shot put - 38 - 41; in javelin throwing - 24 - 30; in discus throwing among women - 33 - 35; for men - 36 - 39; in hammer throwing - 44.

In all types of throwing, except for the disc, with an increase in the take-off speed, the take-off angle slightly increases (in disc throwing, it decreases).

The range of the projectile is affected by the resistance of the environment. When throwing a hammer, grenade and shot put, these effects are negligible, so they are not taken into account in sports practice. When throwing a javelin and a disc, the air environment has a positive effect, since it creates a lifting force.

The flight range is also influenced by the height of the projectile's departure point. Since the height of the departure point cannot be increased for each athlete, this factor is not considered.

For ease of study, the technique of sports throwing can be divided into parts in accordance with their tasks:

  1. holding the projectile;

  2. preparation for takeoff run and takeoff run;

  3. preparation for the final effort;

  4. final effort;

  5. departure and flight of the projectile.
Holding the projectile. The task of this part is to hold the projectile in such a way as to throw freely, with an optimal range of motion. Proper holding should help the thrower transfer force to the projectile to move it along the longest path in the desired direction, as well as throw the projectile at the highest speed. In order to increase the path of application of force in the final phase, the projectile is held by the hand so that it is closer to the ends of the fingers.

Preparing for the take-off run and take-off run. The main task of this part is to communicate the optimal initial velocity to the "thrower - projectile" system.

The takeoff run is preceded by the execution of various movements by the thrower in the initial position, which are performed by preliminary swinging of the body and swinging individual links of the body, as well as the projectile. The main task of these movements: to focus on the execution of throwing in general; prepare a rational starting position; bring the muscles into a stretched state; tell the projectile the initial velocity.

The energy acquired by the thrower during rotation is in direct proportion to the magnitude of the angular velocity of the body's mass and the radius of its rotation.

During the take-off run in the form of a turn, the thrower can accelerate the projectile only when supported by feet on the ground. Moreover, in the two-support position, the athlete acts on the projectile with greater force than in the single-support position and gives it greater acceleration.

In throwing with any form of takeoff, an increase in speed above the optimal one, when control over movements is lost, is a negative moment. However, the thrower must increase the take-off speed that is optimal for himself.

Preparing for the final effort. The task of this part is to stretch the muscles of all body links with a minimum loss of the linear velocity of the projectile by accelerated movement of individual parts of the body so as to create conditions for their sequential contraction. It is necessary to come to such a position that the projectile is at the greatest possible distance from the intended point of departure (Fig. 10 - 18). This position is achieved by optimal tilt, rotation or twisting of the torso to the side opposite to the direction of throwing, as well as bending the legs to optimal limits and placing the legs to the required width.

The width of the legs for each thrower is determined empirically.

Rice. 18. Position at the time of the spear's departure

Fig. 10. Position before the shot

Rice. 13 Position before pushing out the nucleus

Rice. 12. Position before throwing the javelin
In the process of preparing for the final effort, it is also possible to slightly increase the speed of the projectile (not the entire "thrower - projectile" system) either due to the grouping of the athlete (discus throwing), or due to a decrease in the inclination of the torso (shot put). In general

Fig. 14. Position before disc ejection

Rice. 15. Position before throwing the spear

Rice. 11. Position before throwing the disc

Rice. 16. Position at the time of the departure of the nucleus

Rice. 17. Position at the time of disc departure

preparation for the final effort is passive, because at this moment, due to the lack of acceleration, the speed of movement of the "thrower - projectile" system decreases.

Final effort. The task of this part of throwing is to tell the projectile the maximum release speed at the optimal angle when it is correctly positioned in space. This task is accomplished by rapid, strictly sequential muscle contraction, primarily the muscles of the legs.

As soon as the thrower has taken a two-support position after the run, the muscles of the legs, contracting, raise the body. At the same time, the pelvis is brought forward. Straightening the legs and bringing the pelvis forward is necessary so that the muscles of the trunk remain stretched, and the straightened left leg serves as an emphasis to stop the movement of the link.

Sequential muscle contraction is of particular importance in the final effort. It has been established that if the sequence of muscle contraction is observed, i.e. the force of the next muscle turns on at the moment when the force of the previous one is equal to zero, the highest speed of movement of the projectile is reached.

Departure and flight of the projectile. The flight range of projectiles with aerodynamic properties (disk, spear), in addition to the departure height, the speed of the starting acceleration of the force of the impact on the projectile, the initial speed of departure, is influenced by the state of the atmospheric environment (headwind or tailwind).

The aerodynamic properties of the disc are 4.5 times better than that of the spear. In flight, the disc and the spear rotate. The spear rotates around the horizontal axis, the disc - vertical. During the flight of the disk, a gyroscopic moment arises, as a result of which its position in the air is stabilized.

Rice. 19. Diagram of the appearance of the lifting force in a flying disc:

- direct blow;  - oblique impact with normal disc position;  - oblique kick with increased angle of attack
In javelin throwing, the projectile makes up to 25 revolutions, which is not enough for the occurrence of a gyroscopic moment, but the high rotation speed still stabilizes the position of the javelin to some extent.

In throwing a javelin and a disc, the lifting force exceeds the drag, thereby increasing the flight range

When throwing a javelin, the optimal angle of attack is in the range of 2 - 10.

The flight range of the disc and the spear is affected by the angle of attack. The flight of the disk occurs with different angles of attack. At first, the disk flies with favorable angles of attack, and the air environment is more conducive to increasing the flight range. Then, as the angles of attack increase, the air environment is less and less conducive to the flight of the disk, and, finally, at the angles of attack large, about 42, the air begins to slow down the flight speed of the disk and decreases its range.

Thus, the flight of the disk can be divided into two zones: 1st - lengthening flight and 2nd - shortening (Fig. 20).

The method of disc throwing with a negative angle of attack is more preferable in comparison with the method of throwing into the edge, since it allows to increase the throwing range and reduce the loss in results in case of errors in the corners. The departure angle of the disc with a tailwind should be increased to 44. In this case, the angle of attack becomes positive, and it is more expedient for the thrower to throw out the disc, directing his efforts to the edge. In a headwind, it is advisable to throw the disc at an angle of 27

When throwing a "female" disc in a headwind, a greater decrease in the departure angle (up to 23) is required than when throwing a "man" one.

When throwing a javelin with an increase in the throwing range, the angles of departure increase from about 37 (result 67 m) to 39 (result 92 m).

Rice. 20. Flight of the disk in the air

In all throws, except for shot put, the force of impact on the projectile does not affect the angle of departure. And when pushing the shot, the less the impact force on the projectile, the greater the take-off angle, and vice versa. Technique of the strongest masters.ppt

Projectile throwing is one of the most ancient sports. The ability to accurately hit the target in ancient times was equated with the ability to survive. Throwing improves coordination of movements, forms the skill of correct distribution of effort and develops most muscle groups at the same time. In athletics, throwing of several types of shells is distinguished. The main throwing techniques and their correctness will be discussed in this review.

Throwing history

The ability of humans to kill prey at a distance has become one of the reasons for the dominance of the species Homo Sapiens. Researchers suggest that the throwing technique dates back to the Stone Age (about 300-30 thousand years ago). It was at this time that primitive hunters developed the technique and types of throwing.

Presumably, the size of the projectile and the throwing style used depended on the type of prey, and the primary goal was to hit and kill the game or the enemy. Spears, stones, axes and other improvised items were used as throwing projectiles.

Did you know?The earliest mention of hammer throwing dates back to the reign of Edward III (1327–1377). By his decree, the king prohibited hammer throwing along with other sports so that people did not neglect archery training.

In the course of the historical development of civilization, throwing skills were in great demand until the era of the invention of firearms. Given the persistence of military conflicts, the soldiers did not stop training even in peacetime.

Over time, they turned into sports competitions. Discus was the first recorded type of throwing. This plot is found on many Greek amphorae and frescoes. At the same time, javelin throwing was also widespread.

Both species were included in the Olympiad program (5th century AD). For the ancient Scandinavians, ax throwing was relevant. Athletics today includes competitions in throwing all of the above shells and the nucleus.

Now there are no competitions in throwing for marksmanship - only for range. This led to the evolution of the projectiles used. So, a spear for hitting a target has an excellent balance and can cover a distance of more than 100 meters.

But such a spear is unsafe for spectators, judges and other participants in the competition. Therefore, the balance was changed so that the spear could not overcome the sports field (400 meters). Along with the shells, the execution technique also changed.


The throw competition is performed at a distance. An athlete's ability to coordinate visual and motor responses is important. During execution, strength, agility and speed are important. At the same time, the vestibular and motor analyzers are being improved.

At the time of execution, the muscles of the forearm and shoulder girdle are involved. The muscles of the neck, abs, and lower extremities also work. To throw a projectile far, you need to place your hand so that its mass creates resistance to the movements of the torso and shoulder during rotation.

The arm movement involves the tendon, ligaments and muscles of the shoulder. The released energy will provide a rapid rotation, under the influence of which the elbow is straightened, and the projectile is sent into flight at high speed.

Throwing functions:

  • range of flight;
  • defeat of the target.

If you need to throw the projectile further, then it needs to be given an initially higher speed. The power of the throw is also important here. If the throw is to hit the target, then an accurate eye and precise coordination of movements are needed.

Types of throwing

Our contemporaries hold 4 types of throwing competitions. Each of them is characterized by its own technique, which depends on the type and weight of the projectile. In some competitions, for various reasons, more than one technique has arisen and is used.

So, the main method of throwing a disc was developed in Ancient Greece. The movement is performed in a vertical plane. The disc acquires its own torque in motion. If thrown correctly, the air flow will aid in flight and improve performance.

The new method was introduced in 1900 by the Czech athlete J. Suk. The Finns subsequently developed and successfully applied the same technique. The athlete threw the disc with a twist and at a flatter angle.

American throwers also have their own way. They perform a deep squat throw and pivot. When thrown, the rotation acceleration is transmitted to the disc.

Spearmen accelerate in a straight line and throw the spear forward with a swing over the shoulder. The battle spears were heavy. But the sports lightweight version (up to 800 g) allows you to throw the projectile further than 100 meters. For this reason, a number of accidents were recorded at the competition.
Having carefully studied the properties of the projectile, the International Association of Athletics Federations (IAAF) standardized a spear with an offset center of gravity, which does not allow throwing it beyond a hundred meters.

Hammer throwing is well known to northern peoples. And although this sport was considered plebeian, it was very popular. People always love to demonstrate their strength and dexterity. Initially, the throw was performed with a swing and from one turn.

Over time, when the hammer became an object that needed to be thrown far, and not aimed, it underwent a change in shape. The current hammer is a round ball on a metal wire with a handle for easy grip.

To throw it, the athlete grabs the handle and gives the hammer speed and energy, rotating around its axis. To throw the ball, the athlete performs approximately the same actions as when throwing the hammer. The technique of holding the projectile is special here.

A hundred years ago, the nucleus was pushed with one hand from a place. The athlete now moves in a circle. At the moment of the throw, the support is made on the legs, which gives the projectile speed and increases the range.


Putting the shot can be performed from a place, from a step, from a jump. The athlete can move sideways or with a turn. The ball can be thrown in the same way as the cannonball. Its flight speed depends on what initial acceleration the projectile received from the “athlete + projectile” system.

The jerking technique has the following performance features:

  • the nucleus is held in one hand, which is lifted to the neck. At any moment of the throw, the hand holding the projectile must not fall below shoulder level;
  • the movement consists of preparation, swing, throw with or without a jump and the final phase of returning the body to its normal position.

Execution technique:

  1. The athlete becomes as far as possible from the center of the circle, since he will move towards the center of the throw when throwing.
  2. The supporting leg is usually right, and the center of gravity is transferred to it.
  3. To gain basic speed, the athlete begins to swing in the throwing plane.
  4. When enough energy is accumulated for the throw, a swing is made with the second leg back.
  5. This is followed by a jerk of the body forward, a push with the supporting leg with a jump to the center of the site. The jump should follow the surface of the ground, and not up, to a height of no more than 25 cm.
  6. Together with the jump, the core goes forward, taking acceleration from the athlete's push. The flight angle is about 45 degrees.
  7. Now you need to stabilize your body position. To do this, the weight is transferred to the swinging leg with a simultaneous backward movement. This is how braking occurs.
  8. Having thrown out the core, the athlete changes the position of the legs, and thus braking and alignment occurs.

Video: shot put technique

Part 1

Part 2

Throw from behind the head

To throw a spear, the hand is brought over the shoulder. The running distance is a straight line, about 400 m long. The throwing area is limited by a line that cannot be entered while jumping.

Did you know?Most sports, including throwing, initially had little or no rules, and those used in competition today were defined and generalized in the 19th century.

The execution technique includes three stages:

  • run-up;
  • main action;
  • braking.

The spear is clasped with the palm so as to hold it with two fingers: the thumb together with the index or together with the middle one. The rest of the fingers encircle the shaft. The little finger rests on the palm.

The peculiarity of the modern spear is light weight and a shifted center of gravity. The maximum flight range of such a spear does not exceed 100 m. The takeoff run is 15–20 m.
Execution technique:

  1. The athlete moves to the far end of the course. The hand with the projectile rises above the ear, the tip of the spear is slightly raised.
  2. Taking the first step, the hand with the spear is pulled back, and the projectile is aligned in a horizontal plane. The spear arm becomes perpendicular to the chest.
  3. By the third step, the arm is straightened for a throw, the athlete pushes off with his legs and throws the projectile.

A hand with a grenade is also brought over the shoulder. The throw can be performed from a place, from a jump or in a takeoff run.

Important!The energy for the throw is produced by the legs at the moment of the push, not by the arms. The legs work like a whip, propelling the projectile. The arms only conserve energy, give it direction, and complete the throw.

With a turn

Discus throwing is the most ancient type of sports throwing. Disc athletes are depicted on numerous Greek amphoras and frescoes. The ancient Greeks threw a disc from a dais.

With the revival of the Olympic Games, the disc began to be thrown from a limited sector, like the cannonball. The throw is performed with one hand, acceleration arises from the rotation of the disc. Disc or hammer throwing is performed at an angle of about 35 degrees.
The modern disc has a slightly curved shape to improve its aerodynamics. Athletes believe that the main thing in throwing a disc is to catch the direction of the wind and "put the disc" on the air stream. Such a disc moves smoothly and beautifully.

Execution technique:

  1. The disc is located on the fingers apart and is held by the phalanges.
  2. The lifter moves to the back of the throwing area as the movement will be in the inside of the court.
  3. The athlete flexes the right leg, turning into a half-squat, the center of gravity moves to the same leg.
  4. The left leg turns so that its support is on the toe. The legs are in one line.
  5. The athlete's body leans in the opposite direction of the throw.
  6. The hand with the disc goes up. Only your fingers are still holding the disc.
  7. The movement of the arms resembles a pendulum: they move down and then up again. At this point, body weight is redistributed to the other leg.
  8. The athlete begins to spin to gain kinetic energy. And then he jerks the body along with the disc.

The technique of throwing a hammer is different from throwing a disc. The hammer is held by the handle. The athlete is as close to the center of the area as possible. The hammer is held by the handle with both hands and sent into flight by rotation. Usually, the throw is performed with three or four turns.

Did you know?František Janda-Suk is an athlete from Bohemia who built his disc throw technique on the rotation of the whole body, taking as a model the famous statue of the Discobolus (sculptor Miron, 5th century BC) This technique and the Discobolus brought athlete a silver medal at the Olympics in 1900.

Fundamental rules

In throwing competitions, the following rules apply:

  1. Execution time is 2 minutes. If the throw is not completed during this time, the throw will not be counted.
  2. You cannot leave the limits of the throwing zone, step over the border.
  3. Do not touch the bar or anything outside the throwing area.
  4. For the landing of the projectile, a special zone is set aside, marked with flags. If the projectile falls outside this zone, the attempt will not be counted.
  5. You can leave the sector for a throw only after the projectile has landed.

Throwing technique

The technique is influenced by the shape of the projectile, mass and ease of throw. Therefore, for each projectile - it has its own.
In general, you can note the general stages for implementation:

  • preparation;
  • run-up;
  • throw;
  • braking.

The main task of preparation is to give the projectile the highest speed. At the moment of energy gain or run-up, the muscles of the shoulder girdle and forearm create the speed of movement of the projectile. Then the muscles of the lower extremities and trunk are included in the work. The correct flight path depends on them.

Important!It is extremely important that the body should carry the projectile along and set the trajectory, and not rush after the projectile. These are two fundamentally different muscular efforts.

The projectile must be held with one hand. An exception is the hammer, it must be held with both hands. The point of contact should facilitate correct fixation, which will be optimal at the moment of the throw and will not allow you to fall or change direction at the moment of energy gain.

The position of the hand depends on the technique of the throw: at shoulder level, above the head, in front of you. The correct hand position for each projectile is detailed in the throwing technique.
It is very important to strengthen the muscles of the arm, as the strength of the arm affects the effectiveness of the throw and its range.

Important!If you can't throw the projectile far, reduce weight, hone your throwing technique and do muscle strengthening exercises.

Preparing for the take-off run and take-off run

There are two take-off techniques:

  1. Hopping in a straight line (for a spear and a grenade).
  2. Rotational (hammer, disc).

Moving with a turn allows you to increase not just the power of the throw, but the power at one point in time, which will better affect the result. In this case, the velocity vector of the athlete and the projectile must be equally directed with the velocity vector of the flying projectile. Muscle groups are involved in the formation of the movement from the bottom up.

The muscles of the legs begin to work, they transmit the movement to the body, then the shoulder girdle and forearms are connected. The movement of the "athlete + projectile" system is completed by the muscles of the hand. At the beginning of the movement, the emphasis is usually placed on the leading (right) leg. Therefore, the movement begins with her.

Final effort

Before the final jerk, the lifter should take the position that will increase the speed of the takeoff. In part, the body assumes this posture under the influence of the inertia of a correctly performed previous movement.

Important!The anatomical structure of a woman's body is more suitable for hammer throwing than for other species. The length of the woman's torso in relation to the legs allows for better balance during rotation.

The center of gravity shifts in the direction of the projectile departure. This is followed by a push with the legs and throwing the body forward. All the accumulated energy is transferred to the projectile, and the athlete proceeds to the next stage.

Departure and flight of the projectile

The departure angle will determine the effectiveness of the shot. The optimal angle is considered to be 30-45 degrees. The minimum will be the angle of the spear (30 degrees), and the maximum - the angle of the hammer (45 degrees).

This parameter is influenced by the aerodynamic characteristics of the spear or disc, its starting speed, the effect of the wind on the ground and the flight altitude. Air resistance is taken into account for the spear and disk, since they are characterized by aerodynamic properties.
Braking is considered a minor phase. But if the athlete crosses the boundaries of the site without maintaining balance, then the attempt will not be counted. Here you need to extinguish the speed of movement by transferring body weight from the jogging leg, and then assume a static position.

Security measures

To participate in the competition, it is allowed to use only those shells that correspond to the parameters established for a particular type (length, weight). It is not allowed to move around the sports field at the time of the flight of the projectile.

As prevention of injury, the following factors are also taken into account:

  • for throwing a disc or hammer, the place of its throw is fenced off with a special net;
  • all fasteners and nets are checked for reliability;
  • the shells must be dry (even if it rained recently on the site);
  • before performing a throw, it is recommended to warm up the muscles with a warm-up;
  • you cannot throw in opposite directions at the same time;
  • before the start of throwing, a warning command must sound;
  • at the moment of the throw, everyone must look in the direction of movement in order to have time to dodge.

For your throws to be effective, learn throwing techniques. This will not only significantly increase the performance, but also allow avoiding injuries: sprains and sprains of the ligaments.

Did you know?The hero of Irish mythology, Cuchulainn, was famous for his interesting javelin throwing technique - "moose throw". The warrior threw his spear at the enemy with his foot from under the water.

It is also important to learn how to coordinate your movements. And remember, nothing is impossible in sports - it all depends on your desire and hard work.

In athletics, there are four types of throwing, the technique of which depends on the shape and weight of the projectile. A light spear is easier to throw from behind the head; the ball-shaped core is rather heavy and easier to push; a hammer with a handle with a cable is thrown by unwinding; a disc resembling a plate convex on both sides is thrown with one hand from a turn. Also, throwing can be divided into two groups: 1) throwing and pushing shells that do not have aerodynamic properties; 2) throwing projectiles with aerodynamic properties. Different types of throws have common foundations of technique, which are characteristic of all types.

In the fundamentals of technology, the initial velocity of the projectile is distinguished, that is, the speed that the projectile possesses at the moment of separation from the thrower's hand. Departure angle- (a) the angle formed by the vector of the initial velocity of the projectile and the horizon line. Projectile release height - the vertical distance from the point of separation of the projectile from the hand to the surface of the sector. Terrain angle - f) the angle formed by the line connecting the point of release of the projectile with the place of landing of the projectile and the horizon (Fig. 64).

These factors are inherent in all throwing. For projectiles with aerodynamic properties, the following factors are additionally considered: angle of attack, drag, torque. We will consider these factors in more detail in the flight phase.

The conditionally integral action of throwing can be divided into three parts:

Final Effort;

Braking after the release of the projectile.

The fourth part - the flight of the projectile occurs without the impact of the thrower and obeys certain laws of mechanics. When they draw up a scheme for teaching the throwing technique, they also distinguish auxiliary parts: holding the projectile, preparing for a takeoff, preparing for the final effort, and releasing the projectile. The main phase in throwing is the final effort phase.

Structurally, athletics throws are one-act or acyclic exercises. Throwing is different only in the external picture of the thrower's movements, in fact, they have one goal - to give the projectile the highest takeoff speed, which is one of the main factors in the projectile's flight range. Other factors in the range of the projectile are the angle of departure, the height of the projectile and the resistance of the air environment.

The flight range is determined by the formula

where V - initial velocity of projectile departure; a - departure angle; g- acceleration of gravity.

During the takeoff run, the "thrower-projectile" system is given a preliminary speed, which will be different in different types of throws (2 - 3 m / s - in shot put, 7 - 8 m / s - in throwing a javelin and a disk, 23 m / s - in hammer throwing). It should be remembered that in the shot put and javelin throw, the linear velocity is determined, and in the discus and hammer throw, the angular velocity is determined.

During the final effort, the preliminary speed increases and in this phase the number of movements of the "thrower-projectile" system is transmitted directly to the projectile. Moreover, the speed of the projectile increases in javelin throwing and shot put by 4-5 times, in disc throwing - 2 times, and when throwing a hammer in the phase of preliminary unwinding of the projectile, the speed is 4-5 times higher than the final one. In hammer throwing, the inertia of the untwisted projectile is so great that the athlete, due to his own muscular efforts, cannot significantly affect the velocity of the projectile and almost all his efforts are aimed at maintaining the speed and creating optimal conditions for its release.

The preliminary speed in the takeoff run is reported to the system due to the work of the muscles of the legs and trunk, in the phase of the final effort, the system transfers the speed to the projectile due to the muscles of the shoulder girdle and arms>

and also due to the anticipatory actions of the lower links of the body. This is true for javelin throw, discus throw and shot put.

The position is different in hammer throwing. First, the work of the muscles of the arms and upper shoulder girdle gives speed, and then, as the speed of the projectile increases, the muscles of the trunk and legs are activated, which help to maintain the correct position of the body and move it around the axis with longitudinal advance forward, counteracting the centrifugal force of the projectile.

One of the rules in throwing is that to give (speed to the "thrower - projectile" this projectile must be ■ “lead”, not “follow” the projectile. In other words, the movement of the projectile must be preceded by a sequential chain of muscular efforts that create this movement.

The preliminary speed of the "thrower - projectile" system will always be optimal and will depend on the following factors: the type of throwing, technical and physical readiness of the thrower. The preliminary speed is picked up over a longer travel path, smoothly, to the optimum value. In the phase of the final effort, this speed reaches such maximum values ​​as the athlete is only capable of, and in the last part of the phase it is transferred to the projectile.

The speed that is given to a system or a projectile depends on the amount of muscle effort or on the magnitude of the manifestation of force. “First, on a longer take-off path, less muscular effort is applied to the system, and then on a short distance, maximum power is applied to increase the speed of the projectile.

Conventionally, we can express the dependence of the speed of the projectile on the magnitude of the force, the path of application of this force and the time of action of this force by the following formula:

where V - projectile departure speed; F - force applied to the projectile; L - the length of the path of action of the force; / - time of application of force.

In order to increase the speed of the projectile departure, you can go

: In four directions: 1) increase strength; 2) to increase the Path of influence of force; 3) reduce the time of action of the force and

| .4) a complex direction according to the three previous ones.

The athlete, constantly exercising, works to increase muscle strength, but this process is long, and at the same time it is impossible

[Increase muscle strength indefinitely, since the human body has its limit. The way of applying force is also

I. Conservative direction. How to increase this path in phase

The final effort, where is the main speed gain taking place? The athlete is limited by the rules of the competition, the place of throwing. Changes in throwing technique were mainly related to the take-off phase. Only in the shot put was an attempt made to change the jump-like rectilinear take-off run into a rotational one, and the thrower A. Baryshnikov showed the technique of putting the shot from a turn. These two types of shot put techniques have both positive and negative sides. The use of this or that type will depend on the individual characteristics of the thrower.

The third direction - a decrease in the time of action of a given force on a certain path has more prospects, that is, an athlete does not work specifically on the development of strength (although he does not omit this factor), but on an increase in the increase in strength per unit of time, on the speed of manifestation of a given force, which refers to speed-power qualities. In the final effort, the athlete must perform a movement on a certain path, without deviating from it, so that the vector of the preliminary velocity of the "thrower-projectile" system coincides with the vector of the initial velocity of the projectile departure. In practice, this is called "getting into a sleep-row", characterizing the technical readiness of the thrower. Thus, the result in throwing will depend on the speed-power and technical training of the thrower.

Various parts of the body and different muscle groups are involved in giving speed to the projectile, which work in a specific sequence. Moreover, subsequent movements should, as it were, layered on the previous ones, pick up the movement. The muscles of the legs begin to work, then the muscles of the trunk, shoulders, forearms, and the muscles of the hand complete the work. This is one more of the rules of effective technical performance of sports throwing. Due to the sequential inclusion of body links in the work from bottom to top in the phase of the final effort, the momentum is transferred from the lower links to the upper ones, here also the stretched muscles in each link are included in the work, and each link is included in the work at speed, and not from the spot. Moreover, the speed of the links increases from the bottom to the top.

The angle of departure of the projectile (see Fig. 64) is one of the main factors that determine the effectiveness in throwing. From the point of view of mechanics, the optimal projectile departure angle is 45 ° (in an airless space and without the influence of any other forces). In real life, the angle of departure of the projectile is different in all types of throwing, it differs in gender and the weight of the projectile.

In sports throwing, the angle of departure of the projectile depends on:

The initial velocity of the projectile departure;

Projectile release heights;

The aerodynamic properties of the projectile;

Takeoff speed;

State of the atmosphere (wind direction and speed). The take-off angle in shot put ranges from 38 to 42 °, and

the most optimal angle is 42 °, a further increase in the angle leads to a decrease in the result.

Departure angle in discus throwing: for women - 33 - 35 °, for men - from 36 to 39 °. This is apparently due to the different weights of the projectiles, the different take-off speeds and the different surface area of ​​the projectile.

The optimum take-off angle in javelin throwing is in the range from 27 to 30 ° for a gliding javelin, i.e. old model. With the introduction of a spear with a displaced center of gravity, the angle increased to 33 - 34 °.

In hammer throwing, the largest departure angle is 44 °. This can be explained by the large mass of the projectile and the high initial takeoff velocity.

With an increase in the take-off speed, the projectile take-off angle in all types of throwing increases slightly, except for disc throwing, where, on the contrary, the take-off angle decreases.

The height of the projectile release also affects the result in throwing: the higher the height, the further the projectile flies. But the height of the projectile release cannot be increased for the same thrower. The height of the projectile release will play a role in the analysis of the effectiveness of various throwers. In sports selection, it is necessary to take into account not only strong, but also tall, long-armed athletes for specialization in throwing (see Fig. 64).

The range of the projectile will also be affected by the resistance of the air environment. When throwing a hammer, grenade, small ball and shot put, the resistance of the air environment is constant and small, so their values ​​are usually not taken into account. And when throwing a javelin and a disc, i.e. projectiles with aerodynamic properties, the air environment can have a significant impact on the result.

The aerodynamic properties of the disc are about 4.5 times better than the spear. In flight, these projectiles rotate: the spear around its longitudinal axis, and the disk around the vertical axis. The spear makes about 25 revolutions, which is not enough for the appearance of a gyroscopic moment, but this rotation speed stabilizes the position of the spear in flight. When the disk is flying, its rotation creates a gyroscopic moment, which counteracts the rotation of the disk around the vertical axis and stabilizes its position in the air.

In flight, a drag force arises, which is characterized by the ratio of the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile to the force and speed of the incoming air flow. Oncoming

the air current presses on the cross-sectional area of ​​the projectile, flows around the projectile. On the opposite side, an area of ​​reduced pressure arises, which characterizes the lift, the magnitude of which will depend on the speed of the incoming air flow and the angle of attack of the projectile. In throwing a spear and a disc, the lifting force exceeds the frontal resistance, thereby increasing the range of the projectile (Fig. 65).

The angle of attack can be negative or positive. With a headwind, it is necessary to reduce the angle of attack, thereby reducing the force of frontal resistance. With a tailwind, the speed of the attack must be increased to 44 °, giving the disc the properties of a sail.

When throwing a female disc, the headwind requires a greater reduction in the departure angle than when throwing a man's disc. The throwing range of the projectile will affect the departure angle: the farther the projectile flies, the greater the departure angle.

In all types of throwing, except for shot put, the force of impact on the projectile (drag force) does not affect the take-off angle. When pushing the shot, the lower the impact force on the projectile, the greater the take-off angle, and vice versa.

6.2. Technique of various types of throwing 6.2.1. Shot put technique

Historians attribute the first mention of shot put to the middle of the 19th century. It is believed that the shot put is due to the folk games, where various competitions in pushing weights (stones, logs, weights) were held. The documented materials on shot put date back to 1839. The first record in this type of sports was set by the Englishman Fraser in 1866 and was equal to 10.62 m. In 1868, an indoor shot put competition took place in New York.

At the beginning of the XX century. American R. Rose set a new world record - 15.54 m, which was held for 19 years. Rose was taller than 2 m and weighed 125 kg. Only in 1928 a proportionally folded German athlete

E. Hirschfeld was the first in the world to push the cannonball to 16.04 m. Then in 1934 D. Torrance, nicknamed “the mountain man”, his height is 2 m, and his weight is 135 kg, pushed the cannonball by 17.40 m For a long time, it was thought that throwers should have large muscle mass and great growth, but no one could have imagined that an athlete weighing 85 kg would break D. Torrance's record. The Negro C. Fonville was able to do this, having an outstanding speed in the shot put. For the nineteen-meter mark, the shot was pushed by P. O-Brien - 19.30 m, who made significant changes in the technique of putting the shot. For the first time, the American D. Long overcame the 20-meter mark, then r. Matson improves the result, bringing it to 21.78 m. In 1976, two weeks before the Olympics, the Russian athlete A. Baryshnikov for the first time takes the world record from the Americans, pushing the core by 22 meters! Moreover, he uses a completely new technique of putting the shot, not from a jump, but from a turn.

Currently, the world record in shot put belongs to the American R. Barnes - 23.12 m, and for the first time the 23-meter mark was overcome by the German W. Timmerman in 1988. The Barnes record was set in 1990 and has been held for more than 10 years.

Women began to participate in shot put competitions much later. Officially, in 1922, the first USSR champion in this form was determined. And the first official world record was set in 1926 by the Austrian H. Keplel - 9.57 m. In 1938, women pushed the shot for the first time at the European Championships, and since 1948 women began to participate in this sport at the Olympics. In 1969, N. Chizhova at the European Championship showed the result - 20.43 m.Currently, the world record belongs to N. Lisovskaya - 22.63 m, set in 1987.

The shot put technique has changed throughout history, these are: pushing from a place, pushing from a step, pushing from a jump, pushing from a jump from a sideways position, pushing from a jump from a standing position with your back, pushing a shot from a turn. Modern pushers mainly use the technique of pushing the shot from a jump, only a few throwers followed in the footsteps of A. Baryshnikov and began to use the technique of pushing the shot from a turn. Let's take a look at the shot put technique of these two modern methods.

When analyzing the shot put technique, the following main elements can be distinguished, which must be paid attention to:

Holding the projectile;

Preparatory phase for the run (jump, turn);

Takeoff run (turn);

Final Effort;

The phase of braking or maintaining balance.

Shot put technique from a jump

Holding the projectile. The nucleus is placed on the middle phalanges of the fingers of the pushing hand (for example, the right hand). Che-

two fingers are joined together, the thumb is holding the nucleus from the side. You can not spread your fingers, they must be a single whole (Fig. 66).

The core is pressed against the right hundred
on the side of the neck, above the collarbone. Preplus
whose and the shoulder of the right arm, bent
Rice. 66. Keeping the nucleus in the elbow joint, retracted to the

drop to shoulder level. The left arm, slightly bent at the elbow, is held in front of the chest, also at shoulder level. The muscles of the left arm are not tense, the hand is slightly compressed (Fig. 67).

It is very important that the muscles of the right hand are prepared for the load of the core. If the muscles are weak, then it is necessary first of all to strengthen them, and to study the technique of pushing the shot with a lighter weight. The brush should be firm and firm.

Preparatory phase for the takeoff run. The shot pusher must return to its original position before the jump starts. To do this, the thrower stands on his right foot, the right foot is at the far edge of the circle, in relation to the sector. The left leg is slightly laid back on the toe, the weight of the body is on the right leg, the body is straightened, the head looks straight, the core is at the right shoulder and neck, the left arm is in front of you.

Movements in this phase are divided into two actions: 1) swing and 2) tuck. From the starting position, the thrower leans forward slightly, while simultaneously making a free swing backward with the left leg, and a small swing upward with the left hand, while bending in the lower back and slightly taking the shoulders back. The swing can be done while on the full foot of the right leg or simultaneously with the swing, rising to the toe of the right leg. After the swing, the thrower makes a tuck, balancing on the right leg. He bends the knee of his right leg, doing a half-squat on it. Shoulders

go down to the knee of the right leg, the left leg bends at the knee and is brought to the knee of the right leg, the left hand goes down in front of the chest, that is, the thrower is compressed all over like a spring (Fig. 68).

Jumping run. After the
the formation of the group begins
spasmodic run. Grouping
should not be long in time
me, since in a bent position
tense muscles lose their effect
Rice. 67. Initial position of elastic forces. The leap begins
before pushing, it is sucked with a swing of the left leg back and

Rice. 68. Shot put jump

slightly down to the place where the left leg is placed at close range. At the same time, the right leg is straightened in the knee joint, while trying to prevent the GCM from rising up, but moving forward in the direction of pushing the nucleus and even slightly down. Due to the swing of the left leg, the GCM is removed outside the support of the right leg, which produces repulsion following the movement of the GCM. Repulsion can be performed from the heel, while the muscles of the ankle joint do not participate in repulsion, or from the toe, in which case the muscles of the ankle joint are actively involved in it. After tearing off the toe of the right leg from the surface of the circle, the lower leg is quickly pulled under the hip joint of the right leg, the knee turns slightly inward, the foot is placed on the toe. At the same time, the body of the body should maintain its original position, that is, the back looks in the direction of pushing, the shoulders are tilted forward to the knee of the right leg, the left arm, slightly bent, is in front of the chest. After the jump, it is necessary to immediately take a two-support position or so that the time interval between the setting of the right leg and the left is very small. The thrower must come to the final effort in the “closed” position, ie. do not make a premature turn of the left shoulder in the direction of pushing and do not straighten the leg at the knee joint. The left leg is placed on the entire foot and slightly turned with the toe forward, straightened at the knee joint and stopping the movement of the body forward. From the moment the left leg is placed in an emphasis or from the moment of the two-support position, the phase of the final effort begins (Fig. 69).

Final effort. The final effort is the main phase in throwing, it is at this moment that the initial speed of the projectile take off at the optimal angle is reported, and it is from this phase that the effectiveness of the shot put depends.

After reaching the two-support position, the thrower begins the movement by turning on the right toe inward, then turning the knee with a slight extension, turning the pelvis. The shoulder girdle and the left arm should noticeably lag behind in this movement, as if opposing it. Due to this, the back muscles are stretched. The left arm is then quickly pulled back to Shoulder Level, helping to expand the shoulders and stretch the tense chest and abdominal muscles. At the same time

extension of the right leg, sending the GCM up and forward through the straight left leg, the deployed shoulders are slightly behind the projection of the GCM. The thrower takes a bent position: shoulders behind, deflection in the lower back, the projection of the GCM is between the right and left feet, i.e. is in the "bow tie" position. From this position, simultaneously with the movement of the shoulders forward, the arm at the elbow joint begins to unbend, directing the nucleus at the desired angle. The right leg pushes the GCM towards the foot of the left leg, fully straightening at the knee and ankle joints. The right hand is actively straightening, directing and imparting speed to the core. On the cinematograms, it can be seen that the nucleus breaks away from the arm at a time when the arm has not yet fully extended in the elbow joint. The time of contact of the right hand with the core during the final part of the final effort depends on the speed abilities of the muscles of this hand: the higher the speed of movement of the hand during extension, the longer the contact lasts. Despite the fact that the wrist of the pushing hand, by its bending, does not participate in pushing the nucleus (it simply does not have time, since the nucleus breaks off early

shch), all the same, the main burden in the phase of the final effort falls on it. All the load created in the phase of the final effort and transmitting the energy of the muscles and the moving system of the thrower-projectile passes through the hand. Therefore, it is very important to have strong muscles and strong ligaments to avoid injury.

In the final effort, all movements begin from the lower links of the body, as if layering on top of each other. This process is the basis for the transfer of momentum from one link to another in all types of throwing.

Since the jump has a rectilinear form of movement, then in the final effort it is necessary to continue moving in a straight line. The core should be above the right leg, and with the final effort, it should deviate as little as possible from the trajectory set during the jump. The application of all muscular efforts must pass through the center of the projectile and coincide with the direction of movement of the nucleus. Otherwise, the decomposition of muscular efforts will occur, which do not coincide with the vector of the core velocity and thereby reduce the effectiveness of pushing (Fig. 70).

It must be remembered that the separation of the projectile from the hand must occur in a supporting position or on two legs, or at least on one (left) leg. The transfer of motion energy to the projectile is carried out only in the support position. This has already been discussed in the basics of throwing technique.

After tearing off the core from the hand, the thrower needs to maintain balance so as not to fly out of the circle. From this moment, the phase of braking or maintaining balance begins.

Deceleration phase. This phase, although secondary, but if you do not maintain balance, you can get out of the circle, and according to the rules of the competition, the attempt will not be counted, no matter how far the core has flown. This means that it is necessary to perform a number of movements that can extinguish the speed of forward movement of the body and enable the thrower to take a static position. To do this, the thrower, after tearing off the core from the hand, jumps from the left leg to the right. The left leg goes back, helping to remove the projection

Tsiyu GCM for the foot of the right leg. Hands also perform swinging movements in the opposite direction from the sector. The grossest mistake in teaching shot put technique is teaching jump shot. It must be remembered that a jump is a necessary action aimed at maintaining balance and reducing the speed of the body moving forward following the nucleus.

Turning shot put technique

Starting position. The thrower stands with his back in the direction
shot put. The arms and core are in the same position as
when jumping. Legs are shoulder-width apart, feet are slightly unfolded
outwards (Fig. 71). ^ ush

Preparatory movements before turning. The thrower takes a Stable position, bends the legs at the knee joints, lowering the GCM by about 30 cm.The body is tilted forward

Rice. 71. Putting the shot from a turn 1S4

so that your shoulders are above your knees. Then he transfers the weight of the body to his right leg, turning the body back to the right, the left arm, slightly bent at the elbow, goes over the right shoulder. The head looks down-forward. The left leg rises to the toe. Then the turn begins.

Turn. This element of the technique is the same as in the discus throw, only it is performed in a more limited space (the circle in the shot put is less than the circle in the discus throw). The rotation begins with the transfer of the weight of the body to the left leg and the rotation of the left foot on the toe. Together with the foot, the knee of the left leg begins to turn outward. The shoulders and the arm with the core are slightly behind, only the left arm is pulled back, not going beyond the transverse axis of the shoulders. Next, the right leg is lifted off the surface of the circle, and in a circular swing motion it is carried forward towards the push. The right foot is placed approximately in the center of the circle. In turn, the left leg, breaking away from the surface of the circle with a swing motion, is placed forward to the segment of the circle for the entire foot. Simultaneously with the circular movement of the left leg, there is a turn on the right toe. It should be noted that the circular movement of the right leg is done along a larger diameter than the left one, which must perform a movement as if in a straight line with a quick and rigid positioning of the leg in an emphasis, so that the turn in the lower links of the body is ahead of the turn in the upper links. With the advent of support on two legs, the phase of the final effort begins. The turn usually occurs with the flight phase. Leading pushers try to reduce as much as possible the height of vertical oscillations of the GCM during rotation.

Final effort. Having come to a two-support position, the thrower begins to unbend the right leg simultaneously with the rotation of the pelvis, then the left hand actively goes back at shoulder level, stretching the muscles of the chest and abdominal press. Further, the muscles of the upper shoulder girdle come into play, which move the right shoulder forward, at the same time the right hand begins to unbend in the elbow joint, transferring the accumulated energy for the movement of the projectile. After the separation of the nucleus from the hand, inhibition of the body begins.

Deceleration phase. It is carried out by jumping from the left leg to the right leg, continuing the rotational movement of the body. The thrower stops movement and then exits the steep through the back half of it.

It should be noted that the movement of the nucleus with a jump-like takeoff run is carried out in a straight line, and when pushing from a turn, the nucleus first moves in a circle, and only in the last part of the final Effort, the thrower needs to transfer it to the rectilinear Path. Therefore, it is important that the angular velocity vector coincides with the pushing direction during the transition from rotational to translational motion. Here forces arise that knock down action

Step the thrower from the required direction. This moment when pushing the shot from a turn is a more complex technical action than when pushing from a jump-like run.

In the final effort, the length of the force application path to the core reaches 1.8 m. With the use of the turn, the length of the force application path increased to 2 m (according to the best pushers).

Honored trainer of the RSFSR O. Grigalka conducted a comparative analysis of the effectiveness of the adra pushing technique in these two ways. Analyzing two ways of throwing the nucleus of outstanding athletes U. Beyer - forward pushing and A. Baryshnikov - rotational way, he did not find significant differences in them. Both throwers could put the shot without acceleration (from a standstill) for 20 m, acceleration gave both of them almost the same increase in the result. But it should be noted that Beyer's speed at the end of acceleration was about 1.5 m / s, while Baryshnikov's was about 5 m / s. Consequently, the first pusher needs to increase the speed of the core almost 10 times in the final effort, and the second only 3 times in order to achieve almost the same result. Considering the trajectories of motion of nuclei in these variants, we see that in the last 0.2-0.4 s, the motion of nuclei occurs in a straight line (Fig. 72). Consequently, with the rotary "version, the circular acceleration path has to be" straightened "in time, which creates certain difficulties for the thrower.

If we talk about the imaginary addition of the speeds of movement of the nucleus during the acceleration and thrust, then with the rotational version this happens to a lesser extent than with the rectilinear one. The path of acceleration of the core according to the cinematography shows that over

A - the path of acceleration of the adra rotational

equipment (A. Baryshnikov - 20.82 m - 1978) departure

B - the way of acceleration adra generally accepted

technique (W. Beyer - 20.96 m - 1978)

the center of the circle returns the nucleus somewhat backward (see Fig. 72). The loop that the nucleus describes above the center of the circle is very small. The core speed gained during rotation (within 5 m / s) along a loop of such a small diameter (about 15 cm) cannot be fully preserved, as well as when running along a steeper bend, i.e. it is necessary to increase the diameter of this loop in order to reduce the loss of core velocity.

Is it possible to get a higher initial acceleration speed of the core in forward pushing? For acceleration in a jump, the thrower can use a path equal to only 1 m (0.5 circle diameter), if he passes this path in 1 s, then his speed will be 1 m / s. Most pushers cover this path in 0.6 s, which allows a speed of up to 2 m / s. Even if the thrower can reduce the time it takes to pass this segment to the time of the first step of the sprinter, who has more favorable conditions (moving forward, not backward), the core speed can still increase only up to 4 m / s. But this is very difficult and problematic to do.

Therefore, in our opinion, the rotary method, despite certain technical difficulties, still has more preferences than the generally accepted translational method for the efficiency of the core overclocking and, consequently, for the improvement of the pushing efficiency.

6.2.2. Javelin, grenade and small ball throwing techniques

Javelin throwing competitions were held in Ancient Greece.


In those days, athletes threw javelins and javelins at a distance and at a target. In modern times, javelin throwing competitions began to be held in the Scandinavian countries: in Finland - from 1883, in Sweden - from 1886, in Norway - from 1891. Throwing a spear, resting the fingers of the strongest hand on the tail of the spear, and with the other hand supported him in the middle, from a limited square of 2.5 x 2.5 m. This style was called "free".

Javelin throwing, as a sport, was included in the 1906 Olympics, and in 1908 the modern javelin throwing technique was legalized, i.e. throwing from behind the head over the shoulder with one hand. In 1912, at the Stockholm Olympics, an attempt was made to introduce into the competition the idea of ​​the ancient Greeks about the harmonious development of athletes, for this, javelin throwers had to throw it with both their right and left hands, but this idea did not take root. In the same year, the world record was registered for the first time, which was set by the Swede E. Lemming - 62.32 m. It took 17 years for the world record to cross the 70-meter mark. E. Lundqvist threw a spear at 71.01 m.

In 1953, the American F. Held first threw a metal spear, the use of which was legalized in the same year, at 80.41 m. In 1964, the Norwegian T. Pederson throws a spear at 91.72 m, and 20 years later, the German .Hon shows an outstanding result - 104.80 m. Such long-range throws

Ki raised the question of the safety of this type of athletics competition, and in 1986 a new design javelin was legalized, in which the GCM was displaced 4 cm forward and the minimum diameter of the tail section was increased. This led to a decrease in the aerodynamic properties of the spear (from "gliding" it became "dive") and, as a consequence, to a decrease in sports results. In 1986, the German K. Ta-felmeier showed a result equal to 85.74 m, almost 20 meters less than the previous record set by the "old" spear. In 1987 the Czech J. Zhelezny set a new record - 87.66 m. Nine years later he brought the world record to 98.48 m, i.e. again the result of the men's javelin throw is approaching the 100-meter mark. This record is held to this day. Perhaps, they will again change either the design of the spear, or its weight (from 800 g to 1000 g).

The first competition among women in javelin throwing, weighing 800 g, was held in 1916. The result was taken into account with two hands. In 1926, a spear weighing 600 was introduced. In 1930, the German thrower E. Braumüller threw a spear at 40.27 m. The women's spear was included in the program of the Olympic Games in 1932. In 1954, N. Konyaeva ( USSR) threw a spear at 55.48 m.During this period, women also begin to throw a metal spear. In 1964, E. Ozolina (USSR) showed the result - 61.38 m. Since 1988, women start throwing a new design javelin, but they continue to throw the old "gliding" javelin, the results of both methods are recorded. The 70-meter mark was crossed by T. Biryulina's (USSR) spear in 1980 - 70.08 m.In 1987, the German P. Falke throws a spear at 78.90 m, in 1988 she throws a 80 m, this record of the old-style spear still holds. The record of the new type of spear is currently held by the Norwegian T. Hattestad - 68.22 m, it was set in 2000.

Javelin throwing technique

What is a spear? This is a hollow metal projectile: for men weighing 800 g, for women - 600 g. The length of the spear for men is 260 cm, for women - 230 cm; the distance from the point to the CG is 92 cm. There is a winding near the CG of the spear, for the convenience of holding the projectile. It is allowed to throw a spear only by holding it by the winding, from behind the head, over the shoulder. Throwing is carried out into the sector at an angle of 29 °.

The holistic action of javelin throwing can be divided into:

Final Effort;

Braking (fig. 73).

When analyzing javelin throwing techniques, one must first consider ways of holding the projectile. There are two ways to hold the spear: a) thumb and forefinger; b) thumb and middle fingers. The spear lies obliquely in the palm of your hand. In the second version, the index finger is located along the axis of the spear. Other fingers grasp the spear around the winding (Fig. 74, a, b).

It is necessary to hold the spear by the winding tightly, but not tensely, since any tension of the hand will not allow a whip-like movement to be performed, will reduce the rotation of the spear, which creates stability in flight. The spear is held at the level of the upper edge of the skull, above the shoulder, the tip of the spear is directed slightly outward; and slightly inward, the elbow looks forward slightly outward.

Takeoff run. The take-off run can be divided into three parts: the preliminary run-up, the javelin steps, the final run. The length of the entire takeoff run ranges from 20 m to 35 m, for women it is slightly less, and depends on the qualifications of the athlete. The takeoff speed is individual for each athlete and should not interfere with the thrower's preparatory actions for the final effort.

The preliminary take-off starts from the start to the reference mark, acquiring the optimal take-off speed, and is 10-14 running steps. The takeoff rhythm is uniformly accelerated, this is achieved by a gradual increase in stride length and pace of steps. Typically, the stride length in the preliminary run is slightly less than the stride length in the sprint run. Running is performed freely, without tension, resiliently holding on to the forefoot. The left hand performs movements as in running, and the right hand is kept in its original position, performing light swinging movements with a spear back and forth. The takeoff speed reaches up to 8 m / s for the strongest throwers. The stability of this part of the run allows the thrower to composely and accurately execute the subsequent parts and creates conditions for maximum use of the gained speed in the final effort.

The retraction of the spear begins from the moment the left leg is set at the reference mark. Throwers use two methods of retraction of the spear: 1) straight-back and 2) arc forward-down-back. The first option is simpler, the second is somewhat more complicated in terms of technique.

In the first variant: the thrower with a step of the right leg straightens the right arm at the elbow joint upward and slightly backward; with a step of the left leg, the right hand with a spear goes down to the level of the shoulder line; the thrower turns sideways to the direction of throwing. In the second variant: a thrower with a step of the right foot lowers his right hand with a spear forward and down to the vertical; with a step of the left leg, the right hand is pulled back and rises D °

shoulder line level. It is important that for any abduction of the hand, the axis of the spear is not far away from the right shoulder. The left arm is in front of the chest, slightly bent at the elbow, also at shoulder level. Some leading throwers perform a javelin retraction not two, but three or four steps. After retraction of the spear, the final part of the run begins.

The final part of the run consists of the last two steps before the final effort: 1) a "cross" step and 2) placing the leg at close range. The cross stride technique is a forced technique after the javelin is pulled back. The thrower is sideways to the direction of throwing and is forced to take a powerful and quick "cross" step in order to overtake the pelvis and shoulders with his feet. The "cross" step is performed with the leg of the same name as the throwing hand, in this case the right one. An active swing is made with the hip of the right leg forward and upward, the lower leg is bent at the knee joint at an angle of approximately 120 °, the foot is slightly turned outward. Simultaneously with the swing of the right leg, a powerful repulsion with the left leg is performed following the movement of the GCM, when its projection has moved as far as possible from the place of repulsion. This is done so that there is no large vertical oscillation of the GCM at the moment of the "cross" step, which is performed by the "creeping" movement. After landing on the right leg, the left leg is moved forward to the support. The left leg, straightened at the knee joint, is placed as far forward as possible from the projection of the GCM. The role of the left leg is inhibition of the lower links of the body, as a result of which there is a transfer of momentum from the lower links of the body to the upper ones. The leg is placed on the entire foot, the toe is slightly turned inward. The left leg should be placed as soon as possible after the right leg is placed. Qualified throwers, after performing the "cross" step, almost immediately stand on two legs. When performing the final part of the take-off run, the arms maintain their position, as after the end of the javelin retraction. From the moment the left leg is placed at close range, the phase of the final effort begins.

Final effort. After placing the left leg at close range, when the inhibition of the lower links (foot, lower leg) began, the pelvis continues to move forward - up through the straight left leg. The right leg, straightening at the knee joint, pushes the hip joint forward and upward. The shoulders and right arm lag behind and are behind the projection of the GCM. Then the thrower abruptly pulls his left arm Back across the side, stretching the chest muscles, the left shoulder, ear-Ogg back, the athlete goes through the "drawn bow" position. Further, the right leg is fully straightened, breaking away from the support, the shoulders are actively moving forward, the right arm, still straightened * with the elbow joint, is located behind. When the projection of the GCM is lowered to the foot of the left leg, the right arm is bent at the elbow with the Charter, the elbow moves forward - up. After passing kis-

Ty of the right hand past the head, she straightens at the elbow joint, directing the spear at a certain angle. Then a whip-like movement with a brush is performed, giving the spear rotation around its longitudinal axis outward, the spear is detached from the hand. The spear should not be retracted far to the side of the right shoulder, while it is necessary that the direction of action of muscle efforts coincides with the longitudinal axis of the spear, passing through its CG. This is where the final effort ends, the spear gets an initial take-off speed, and it is given: a certain take-off angle, which ranges from 29 to 36 °; the height of the trajectory, with the highest point - 14-17 m; flight time - 3.5 - 4.5 s; the initial speed of the spear is 30 - 32 m / s (with results over 80 m).

Braking. After the release of the projectile, the athlete continues to move forward, and he needs to stop in order not to step over the throw line. In this case, the thrower makes a jump from left to right leg, taking the left leg back a little up and leaning slightly forward, but then straightens up, takes his shoulders back, helping himself with his hands. To perform braking, it is necessary to put the left foot in the final effort 1.5 - 2 m from the throw line (depending on the speed of the takeoff run and the athlete's qualifications).

The most important factor affecting the range of the javelin is the athlete's ability to develop a high speed of the initial departure of the projectile. To achieve this goal, the principle of a whip (whip) is used in the practice of throwing. Everyone has probably heard the sound of a shepherd's whip. The speed of the whip tip is no less than the speed of the bullet. This property of the whip arises from the transfer of energy from the proximal parts to its more distant and lighter end. The same energy transfer occurs when straightening a bent elastic ruler. By bending it, we charge the entire system with energy, after removing the load, the elastic fibers of the lower and middle links of the line transfer energy to its upper end, significantly increasing its speed.

Stretching of any elastic system can also be achieved by accelerating its base and then cutting it to a stop. As a result, the energy of the large parts is transferred to the smaller ones, creating an additional speed for each subsequent part.

In the elastic system "thrower - projectile", this principle is carried out by lifting and translating movement of the legs and pelvis around two mutually perpendicular axes, followed by a rigid stop of the support base. The faster this movement and the harder the stop, the faster the transfer of tension through the muscles of the trunk occurs. The creation and level of the initial velocity of the projectile departure depends on the effectiveness of this technique by the thrower.

In throwing, the torso, and even more so the arms, cannot work independently, regardless of the work of the legs. All throws are performed primarily with feet. If you visually observe the outstripping of the legs by the body or the outstripping of the legs and the body by the hand, then this indicates: the lack of a correct understanding of the modern throwing technique; violation of the basic principle of throwing; about an athlete who is simply physically unable to perform the correct movement due to slow legs. If the first two points can be corrected, then the third is unlikely. But if the completion of the final effort is caused by the fast work of the legs, the correct transmission of efforts through the trunk, then this speaks of a rational and effective technique of movements.

The hand is the effect, not the cause, it only completes the movement, as the tip of the whip completes the chain of movements. The thrower's legs are the only producer of energy in throwing. They create force, accelerate the system and, when the base of the system stops abruptly on the support, transfer energy to the trunk and arms. The torso and arms must store this energy and transmit it to the projectile, like an unbending ruler.

If earlier we talked about the sequential work of the legs, torso and arms, now we need to talk about the work of the legs with the subsequent transfer of effort through the torso and arms to the projectile.

Can the hands, applying their own strength, contribute to the acceleration of the projectile? Studies in weightlifting have shown that even in the snatch of the barbell, taking on the chest, the arms (with their strength) not only do not accelerate the movement, but even slow it down. In throwing, the speed of the projectiles is even higher, so the muscles of the arms sometimes do not keep up with the projectile, they only save its energy and create the direction of movement along a given trajectory. To increase the leverage when throwing shells, you need to have long, strong enough and flexible arms. And not only the muscles of the arms, but also, to a greater extent, the ligamentous apparatus, must be sufficiently Elastic and elastic to withstand the resulting tension. The axiom that “throwing with feet, not hands” applies to all types of throwing. But in javelin throwing, the basic principle of throwing is most clearly manifested - "lash with the body", the principle of a whip (whip).

The technique of throwing a grenade and a small ball

The javelin throwing technique can be fully applied in the grenade throwing technique and in the small ball throwing technique. They are distinguished only by the methods of holding the shells and by the fact that in javelin throwing, a special role in the final effort is played by an exact hit into the axis of the Spear, that is, the coincidence of muscular efforts with the longitudinal axis. , Holding a grenade. The grenade is holding on to the handle, gripping it with Four Fingers. The little finger bends and rests against the base

Rice. 75. Method of holding a grenade Fig. 76. Way of holding the ball

handles, the thumb holds the grenade not along the ring, but along its axis. The grenade is held by the far end of the handle, which makes it possible to increase the length of the lever (fig. 75).

Small ball holding. The ball is held by the phalanges of the fingers, the little finger holds the ball on one side, the thumb - & the other, the other three fingers, on which the ball lies, are held together (fig. 76).

6.2.3. Disc throwing technique

Discus throwing was part of the ancient Greek pentathlon and was very popular. In those days, the Greeks threw discs of various sizes and weights (up to 6 kg) from a special platform - the "podium". At the I Olympic Games of our time, the disc was thrown according to the Greek model, i.e. without turns and from the "podium". However, already in 1897, they began to throw from a 7-foot circle - 2.13 m, and in 1912 this circle was increased to 2.5 m.A disc in 2 kg began to be thrown from the Olympic Games of 1908.

The first world record holder was American D. Duncan, who threw a projectile at 47.58 m in 1912. In 1929, the new world record holder, American E. Krenz, proposed throwing from a turn in which there was a flight phase. Up to this point, the disc was thrown with a semblance of a turn, always having a support and taking just circular steps. Increasing the acceleration speed of the projectile, the German V. Sherder in 1935 threw the disc at 53.10 m, setting a new world record.

Turning from a standing position with his back in the direction of throwing was proposed by Italian athletes. D. Oberweger, in the past a disco ball, achieved great success with his students. Many of his students have become world record holders and winners of international competitions.

The 60-meter mark was overcome by the disco balls in 1961. D. Sylvester (USA) showed a result equal to 60.56 m.

Elk 8 years to increase the world record by only 1.28 m. After the records were set by A. Orter (USA), V. Trusenev (USSR), L. Danek (Czechoslovakia). Special mention should be made of the American A. Orter - a four-time (this is also a kind of record!) Olympic champion. He showed his best result at the age of 44 in 1980 - 69.48 m.The 70-meter mark was first crossed by the Russian athlete Y. Dumchev in 1983 - 71.86 m.To date, none of the Russian athletes has been able to break this record , he is now - a record for Russia. The world record holder is currently the German athlete J. Schult - 74.08 m.He set a record in 1986.

Women throw a disc weighing 1 kg. Soviet and Russian athletes made a great contribution to the development of this type. Back in 1939, N. Dum-badze improved the official world record - 49.11 m. Then N. Ponomareva, T. Press, F. Melnik raised the authority of Soviet disc balls.

Currently, the world record for women is 76.80 m and belongs to the German G. Reinsch (1988). The Russian record is 73.28 m, set in 1984 by G. Savinkova.

As we can see, records for women in discus throwing have also been set quite a long time ago, as well as among men. What is it? Stagnation, lack of talented athletes, imperfection of training methods or imperfection of technique? Here is a field for research activities.

A disc is a projectile with aerodynamic properties that have a significant impact on the throwing performance; it is thrown from a turn. As already mentioned, the shape and weight of the projectile determine the throwing technique. A disc with a flat lenticular shape, weighing 1 kg, 1.5 kg and 2 kg (women, boys, men), it is more profitable to throw from a turn from a confined space (a circle with a diameter of 2.5 m). You can throw a projectile from a standstill, but then the result will be 8-10 m less. The projectile's departure speed can reach over 20 m / s. The thrower rotates through 540 °, i.e. one and a half turn.

Analyzing the technique of disc throwing, there are:

Holding the projectile;

Starting position and preliminary actions;


Final Effort;


Holding the projectile. The plane of the disc is attached
flies to the palmar surface of the hand. Disc edge
rests on the last phalanges of four fingers
fore ends bent and free
position, thumb rest
On the plane of the disc. The brush is slightly bent in behind
metacarpus, the upper edge of the rim of the disc touches the pre-Fig. 77. Method
Shoulders (Fig. 77). holding the disc

i £<;

Starting position and preliminary actions. The thrower stands in the farthest part of the circle from the sector with his back in the direction of throwing. The legs are set slightly wider than the shoulders. The upper shoulder girdle is relaxed, the weight of the body is distributed evenly on both legs.

Preliminary actions are aimed at giving the initial speed to the projectile and creating optimal conditions for entering the turn. To do this, the thrower performs circular movements with his hand with a disc at shoulder level to the left and to the right - backwards. The left hand performs the same movements, counterbalancing the right hand. Simultaneously with the transfer of the disc to one side or the other, the weight of the body is also alternately transferred to the same leg. Movement to the left side can be performed in two ways:

1) when the hand with the disc goes to the left to the left shoulder, the hand is slightly bent at the elbow joint, the disc is placed as if on the palm of the left hand, that is, the left hand supports the disc so that it does not fall;

2) when the right hand with the disc goes to the left, the hand is slightly bent at the elbow joint, the hand turns with the palm up, i.e. the disc seems to open. This movement is performed at the level of the xiphoid process. The weight of the body is transferred to the left leg.

When the right hand with the disc moves to the right and back, the hand straightens at the elbow joint, the palm of the right hand covers the disc from above. Movements are performed at shoulder level, pulling the right hand back to the limit, while the disc can be higher than the shoulders. The weight of the body is transferred to the right leg. The disc should move along the largest diameter, movement should be free and sweeping. Hand movement speed should be optimal, i.e. such that under its action a centrifugal force would arise, pressing the edge of the disk on the phalanges of the fingers and preventing the disk from falling down. If you move your hand slowly, you can drop the disc.

When the weight of the body is transferred to one leg, the other rises to the toe, slightly turning the knee inward. The legs should be bent at the knee joints, the body is slightly tilted forward. The thrower performs such circular movements with his hand two or three times (sometimes - once). Waving the disc for a long time will have a negative effect on subsequent actions.

Turn. At the moment when the hand with the disc goes back, the weight of the body is on the right leg, the left leg and left shoulder begin to enter the turn. To do this, a sharp abduction of the left hand is made back, an active turn on the left toe outward and a repulsion with the right leg from the support, sending the weight of the body towards the left leg. After taking off the right leg from the support, which is carried in a swinging circular motion to the center of the circle, at the same time there is a turn on the left toe and pushing off by the left leg from the support. The thrower is in an unsupported position, continuing to rotate around its vertical axis, for

this, the left leg picks up the circular motion of the right leg, but moves in a smaller circle than the right leg. At the moment of placing the right leg on the support, the left leg with a quick circular motion is put forward to the hoop, to the left behind the imaginary axis of the sector (Fig. 78).

The thrower comes to a two-point position. With a correctly performed turn, the upper shoulder girdle and the hand with the disc should lag behind the movements of the legs, the thrower should, as it were, pull the disc behind him (the whip principle). Both the left arm, slightly bent at the elbow, and the right arm with the disc, fully extended, are at shoulder level while pivoting. It is advisable to minimize vertical oscillations of the disc when turning. The turn is performed on bent legs, trying to reduce the vertical oscillations of the GCM, and should be "creeping". From the moment of placing the left leg on support, preventing the body from moving forward, the phase of the final effort begins.

Final effort - the phase that transfers the accumulated energy to the projectile with the help of the legs. The muscles of the legs, trunk of the body and, to a lesser extent, the arms give speed to the projectile. The right hand guides the projectile in the desired direction at the optimal launch angle.

After placing the left leg in an emphasis, the right leg, turning, begins to straighten at the knee joint, lifting the right side of the pelvis forward and upward. The left leg restrains the forward movement of the left pelvis. The right shoulder and disc should be noticeably lagging behind. At the moment when the transverse axis of the shoulders approaches the perpendicular to the throwing direction, the left hand is pulled back with a sharp movement at shoulder level, stretching the chest muscles. The right hand moves forward - up, the plane of the surface of the palm of the right hand corresponds to the angle of departure of the disc. The disc is torn off the right hand just in front of the shoulder, i.e. when the disc goes beyond the transverse axis of the shoulders. The disc comes off tangentially from the turning circle, so if you overexpose or release the disc earlier, it will fly off in the wrong direction. In flight, the disc must rotate to maintain a stable position in the air (gyroscopic effect). The disc rotates outward (from the thrower). Rotation is created by the index and middle fingers of the right hand, which are the last to contact the disc. At the moment the disc comes out from under the palm, its center is in line with the middle finger. The disc breaks away from the hand at the moment the right leg separates from the support, that is, at the moment of completion of the repulsion. After that, the braking phase begins.

Braking. The purpose of braking is to maintain a stable position while simultaneously dampening the speed of body movement, so as not to fly out of the circle. This is done by jumping from the supporting left leg to the right leg and continuing to rotate the body around the vertical axis. The thrower tilts his shoulders forward and to the left, as if going to the side. It is impossible to lower the left arm and shoulder to the left ahead of time, as this can cause a "withdrawal" from the disc, ie. from the vector of its speed.

The disc throwing technique for men and women does not have any fundamental differences, the only difference is the weight of the projectile. The projectile's departure angle depends on weather conditions, wind direction and speed. In calm weather, the projectile is fired at an angle of 33 - 36 °, with a tailwind, the departure angle is greater (sail effect). Experienced throwers, using headwinds, can increase their reach up to 6 m, compared to calm weather.

THROWING ATHLETIC - sports exercises in athletics. To M. l. include actually throwing (spear, grenade, disk, hammer, ball) and pushing (shot). The actual throwing is performed in the form of a throw, with which the projectile is first located behind the shoulder (as a rule) and behind the elbow (necessarily) joints. When pushing, the projectile moves in front of the elbow (as a rule) and shoulder (necessarily) joints.

In sports throwing, the ultimate goal is, observing the rules of the competition, to throw the projectile as far as possible. The range of the projectile depends on the initial velocity given to it, the angle of its departure and the resistance of the air environment. The initial speed of the projectile is the result of all the movements and efforts of the thrower. Its increase is the main task facing him. The content of the throwing technique is subordinated to this task. To achieve the highest speed, throwing is performed with a running start (spear, grenade), with a turn (disc, hammer), with a jump (core).

Javelin-throwing. When throwing, the javelin is wrapped around the windings with the fingers and held over the shoulder during the run (the main method). The length of the takeoff run is 23 - 30 m. For 8 - 12 m before the bar, the spear begins to move back (swing). The spear is pulled back with a turn of the shoulder girdle towards the throwing hand.

Following this, with the execution of the cross step, the legs are ahead of the upper body, and with the subsequent step, the throw is performed.

Throwing a grenade. It is carried out in the same way as javelin throwing. The difference lies in the fact that the removal of the grenade is performed more freely and Ch. arr. sideways back. This allows for a large swing with the torso turning to the right.

Discus throw. It is carried out from a circle (see. Throwing circle). Starting position - standing with your back to the direction of throwing. The disc rests on the nail phalanges of the bent fingers (except for the thumb). After abduction (swing) of the hand with the disc to the right (when throwing with the right hand), a turn to the left is performed in the form of a jump over the left leg. Ch. in a turn - develop the highest possible speed and ensure that the legs are ahead of the shoulder girdle.

Hammer throwing. It is carried out from a circle (see. Throwing circle). The throw is made after 3 - 4 turns. The latter are performed after preliminary rotation of the hammer from a standing position with its back to the direction of throwing. Throw the hammer with both hands. Turns are performed with acceleration with a constant support of the left foot on the ground (when throwing from the left).

Shot put. It is carried out from a circle (see. Throwing circle). Before pushing, the athlete stands in a circle at the far side (in relation to the pushing direction), his back to the pushing side, holds the core at the neck on the bases of the fingers. When pushing with the right hand, the athlete makes a quick swing with his left foot in the direction of throwing and, quickly pushing off with his right foot, performs a jump on it. Immediately after setting the right foot after the jump at the center of the circle, the left is placed at the front of the circle, and the final effort begins - pushing the core out. Ejection is performed at fast, but

Actions with the ball take a large place in physical education, are used by all children in independent games and exercises. Throwing and catching, throwing strengthen the muscles of the shoulder girdle, trunk, small muscles of the arms, contribute to the development of the eye, accuracy. They also require good coordination of movements. Ball games develop agility, rhythm and precision of movement.

The ball as the main object, the most convenient for throwing and throwing, must be at the free disposal of children at all times. The teacher shows that a variety of actions can be performed with the ball, helps children acquire their own motor experience, the ability to handle the ball: hold it in two or one hand, clasping it with your fingers, push it away, roll it, throw it. After numerous exercises, a kind of "ball feeling" appears.

The simplest ball manipulations of a toddler child develop into the mastery of throwing.

THROWING - movement of the acyclic type... It has a huge physiological effect on the child's body: throwing contributes to the development of the brain, eye, balance. According to the data of psychological and pedagogical research, ball manipulations have a beneficial effect on the central nervous system, remove muscle clamps, and convert destructive aggression into constructive.


At preschool age, they teach throwing objects at a distance and on target from a place. Usually the first precedes the second .

In throwing at a distance the main effort is directed at mastering the correct techniques. The child exercises the power of the throw according to the distance.

At aiming the child focuses on hitting the specified object. Performing this movement requires concentration of attention, concentration, purposefulness, volitional effort.

The child is being taught DIFFERENT WAYS OF THROWING at range and at target: from behind the head, from behind the back over the shoulder, with a straight arm on top, with a straight arm on the side.

Throwing from behind the head. The child stands facing the side of the throw, the right leg is on the back of the toe; if throwing is performed with the right hand, then the ball is held with the fingers so that it does not come into contact with the palm. The hand with the ball is in the arm bent at the elbow at the level of the face. First, you need to transfer the weight of the body to the right leg, leaning back as much as possible; at the same time, take the hand with the ball in the shortest way back behind the head. The right leg in this position will be slightly bent at the knee joint, the left leg - straight, resting on the heel.

When throwing, unbending the right leg at the knee joint, shift the center of gravity (not mass) forward onto the left leg. In this case, the child, bending in the lower back, goes into the "stretched bow" position. Without stopping in this position, he begins to bring his hand forward to throw. The movement of the hand should be whipping, resembling a blow with a whip. First, the shoulder is pushed forward, then the forearm, then the hand with the ball.

Technique throwing from behind over the shoulder with the right hand is as follows: starting position - the right leg is set back, slightly wider than the shoulders; the body is slightly turned towards the throwing hand; the right arm is bent at the elbow, located in front of the chest; the left arm is along the body. When swinging, the body turns towards the throwing hand, deviates back. The severity of the body is transferred to the leg laid back, the right arm is pulled back.

When throwing, the right leg is straightened, the body, straightening, turns forward. In the final phase of the throw, the weight of the body is transferred to the leg in front. The right leg is placed against the left. Throwing with the left hand is carried out in the same way.

Throwing from behind over the shoulder

Throwing with a straight arm from above- starting position: the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the right one is set back, the right hand with an object (bag or ball) is along the body. During the swing, the right hand goes up and back, then goes forward and throws the object with the brush (see Fig. 2).

Throwing with a straight arm from above

Throwing with a straight arm from below- starting position: the legs are slightly wider than the shoulders, the right one is set back, the right arm is bent at the elbow in front of the chest. When swinging, the right hand is laid down and back, the throw is performed by moving the hand forward and up.

Throwing with a straight arm from below

Throwing with a straight arm from the side- starting position: legs are slightly wider than shoulders, right leg is set back, right hand with an object along the body. During the swing, the body deviates, the right arm is pulled back to the limit, the weight of the body is transferred to the right leg, bent at the knee. When throwing, the right leg is straightened, the body turns to the left and forward, and the right hand is moved forward and throws the object with a brush.

Throwing with a straight arm from the side

Along with throwing by the above methods, which are carried out from a place, an older child is taught to throw from four steps and from a running start.

Throwing with four steps prepares children for the development of running throw. When throwing an object with the right hand, the first two steps are normal, the third is cross. The right leg turns toe to the right and is placed in front, perpendicular to the direction of throwing. When performing the third step, the right hand with the object is pulled back. The fourth step - lunge forward with the left leg, the body weight remains on the right leg, the body is abducted and turned to the right, the arm is pulled back to failure - a throw is made.

Running throw: The accelerating run ends with a cross step of the right foot and a lunge with the left, i.e. the starting position for throwing. Take-off run, cross step, lunge and throw are performed simultaneously. When throwing from a run, the throwing range in children increases by 2-2.5 m.


Preparatory form of throwing is throwing, as well as rolling, rolling and rolling the ball.

For kids 3-4 years throwing exercises present significant difficulty, since they require good coordination of movements, the ability to calculate the strength and accuracy of the throw depending on the distance to the target and its placement (horizontal or vertical).

At this age, it is recommended exercises that prepare the child for throwing: rolling, throwing and catching balls, balls and other objects with one or two hands from behind the head. The main purpose of these exercises is to teach the child to vigorously push or throw an object in a given direction.

Throwing carried out both with both hands and separately with the right and left hand. Throw direction may be up, sideways, forward, horizontal and vertical target... If children are not specifically taught to throw with their left hand, then most of them mostly throw with their right hand. At the age of 2.5 years and older, the child gradually learns the correct technique of movement when throwing at a distance.

Ability to throw small balls the goal is more difficult to assimilate. In this type of movement, it is necessary to coordinate the strength, the direction of the throw from a distance to the target and the location of the target itself. Such coordination requires a developed central nervous system of the child, the presence of "muscular feeling", the accuracy of visual perception, memorization and reproduction of movements.

For children 3-4 years old characterized by an indifferent posture when throwing at range and on target. The correct starting position is accepted by a minority of children of the 3rd and 4th year of life. Children of this age still do not know how to turn the torso towards the throwing hand... When throwing at the target aiming the child has just in the right direction... Aiming duration ranges from 1 to 3-4 s. The child's swing is weak, it is difficult for him to measure the strength of the throw and the distance, so he hits the target only at a distance of 1-1.5 m.

Children 3-4 years old also difficult to throw up and then catch... When throwing upwards, only 20% of children of the third year of life can withstand the direction, 37% - the fourth, 62% - the fifth, 94% - the sixth and 97% - the seventh.

Also improves with age and the ability of children to catch the ball: at 3 years old, the child catches the ball with a small toss (20-25 cm), almost never letting go, in the fourth year - 30% of children catch the ball, while only 25% of them can catch the ball with their hands, by the age of five - 52 %, to six - 95% and to seven - 96.5%.

In middle and senior groups varied throwing exercises(rolling, throwing and catching, throwing at a distance and at a target, throwing over the net) must be daily, and the ball is given to children for free use. The more different exercises are used, the better the children will master the techniques of this complex movement. Systematic exercises with the ball in various versions gradually develop the throwing technique available to children.

Throwing exercises for children 6-7 years old become much more complicated. At this age, the child must master the elementary skills of passing the ball in pairs, in a circle, throwing the ball against the wall and then catching it 6-8 times in a row, throwing it up, turning around, catching it, etc.

Preschoolers improve throwing skills items at range and on target way from behind over the shoulder... Distance for throwing at a target, increase to 3.5-4 m.

With the empowerment of children, they are offered tasks of a creative order - to come up with new combinations of ball games. Skills in throwing objects at a distance and at a target are improved in a variety of outdoor games and when performing tasks of a playful nature that are interesting for children.

By the end of their stay in kindergarten, children should master all types of rolling, rolling, throwing and catching balls, throwing, passing the ball, dribbling it, hitting, i.e. master the "school of the ball".

13. Methods of teaching children of different age groups to climb. (Directions, types, methods of climbing, physical training equipment used in teaching children to climb; measures to prevent injuries; methods of insurance).

CLIMBING - cyclical movement.

Physiological basis of climbing defines formation of a system of coordinated activities of the child. Climbing promotes the child's knowledge of the environment. Climbing is a complex conditioned reflex developed in the process of repeated repetitions. It involves a significant mass of muscles in the work and increases the functional activity of the entire body of the child, and also helps in the formation of correct posture.

Climbing is characterized by alternating contraction and relaxation of muscles, which allows you to restore energy costs for movement and to exercise physical effort for a longer time. Climbing exercises improve coordination of movements, improve respiratory and circulatory functions, and increase metabolism. They contribute to the development of large muscle groups - the trunk, shoulder girdle, arms, legs, develop the flexibility of the spine. With their help, dexterity, courage, the habit of height are brought up.

The child masters the following TYPES OF CLIMBING: crawling, climbing, climbing, crawling on all fours on a horizontal and inclined plane(on the floor, on a gymnastic bench), climbing vertical(gymnastic) wall, ladder, rope ladder, rope and pole.

At QUARTERS CREEPING, which the child masters at the 8-9th month of life, as well as during climbing, the muscles of the back, abdominals and limbs are strengthened. In addition, due to the support on four limbs during crawling, the spine is relieved, which is very important during the growth of the child.

When crawling, children use various METHODS... First, children crawl on their stomachs, and then on all fours, leaning on their palms and knees. Some babies put both hands forward at once, lean on them and move their legs at this time. Others move their arms and legs alternately forward. In both cases, children can lean on their feet and palms, or on their knees and palms. Many babies get crawling on their stomachs.

Crawling is useful all preschoolers and should be used in work with children of all age groups, not excluding the elders. When crawling, the upper shoulder girdle, muscles of the arms and neck actively work, which creates good prerequisites for educating children of correct posture.

Gradually adult complicates exercise- introduces crawling on the board in a horizontal and inclined position, then on a bench, a log.

In addition, children exercise crawling under a collar, chair, creeping under a cord, collar, crawling over a log, benches.

In older groups crawling is most often included in a set of exercises or in outdoor games in combination with other movements - walking, jumping, running. Crawling on all fours often combined with crawling under the cord, branch.

First, the head sweeps, then arms and legs alternately. The child, not being able to calculate the height of the obstacle, crawls in the same way as he crawls, i.e. does not bend the back, and therefore often touches the cord, unbends too early.

The educator, taking into account the sensations of touch received at the same time, stimulates the emergence of the right skill. Suggests to bend down lower. It teaches you to crawl with your right and left sides, to move with side steps: move your right arm and leg under the cord, bend, move your head and then put your left arm and leg, thus finding yourself on the other side of the cord.

Through higher obstacles(log, tree, bench) the child has climb over... This movement is also performed in several ways: straight, rearranging both hands behind the obstacle, then both legs, sideways, alternately shifting the right arm and leg, and then attach the left arm and leg to them. When climbing with the left side, the left arm and the left leg will be transferred first.

Feature of the exercise in crawling is that they are executed almost no showing of movements by the teacher for which benefits are not calculated. Crawling must be combined with straightening, stretching, jumping up. In order to straighten the spine after these exercises, children are encouraged to toss and catch a ball, raise a flag high, etc.

Crawl more often held frontal or streaming way of organizing at simultaneous active participation of all or most of the children of the group... When performing an exercise in kneeling crawling, it is not recommended to include an element of competition, since children, rushing towards the goal, do not calculate their movements and can damage the kneecap.

When the child becomes independent enough, he is offered exercises in CLIMBING ON INCLINED AND VERTICAL GYMNASTIC LANDSCAPE 1 m high.

Climbing and climbing down the ladder there is a short-term repetition of movement elements similar to walking. The continuity of the repetition of the cycles during climbing is determined by the height of the gymnastic wall (from 1 to 2 m).

Lasagna performed in mixed form with support on the legs and grip of the hands. Climbing is carried out by means of alternating movements of arms and legs with the support of each leg on the ladder slats and holding both legs on them.

For the exercise, stairs are used that are located horizontally, obliquely or vertically. Benefit location requires and appropriate torso position.

On horizontal and inclined stairs climb leaning on rungs and parallel bars(if a staircase is 40 cm wide), on vertical stairs support carried out only on the crossbars.

Research conducted by M. Yu. Kistyakovskaya and Z.S. Uvarova, indicate that climbing is formed in the second year of a child's life. Toddlers more comfortable to climb step ladder being v tilted position, in which there are less muscle efforts, it is easier to maintain balance when transferring arms, visual control over movements is possible.

On the stairs children fit much faster and more confidently, than get off, although this requires considerable effort to lift your own body weight. When peeling, muscle tension is less, but it is required great courage, determination, certain ideas since the baby is still cannot see where to put his foot, but must feel, feel the support.

In the early stages learning kids climb side step... They are sequentially taken with both hands on one crossbar, stand on the crossbar with one leg and pull the other to it. Thus, both hands are on one crossbar at the same time, and both legs are on the other. They also descend with an additional step, only the pace of movement becomes slower.

Gradually the child has cycling in climbing movements, specifies the direction and amplitude of movements of the arms and legs... First, this is regulated by the visual analyzer, and later by the kinesthetic one.

During repeated exercise gradually climbing (at first when climbing) NShand step replaced first by mixed, and then alternating, i.e. there is one arm or leg on each bar. Such a movement is performed in the same and opposite ways. In the first method, the movement is started, for example, by the left leg and the left arm, then the right leg and right arm are active. If the child uses the opposite method, then at first he acts with the right leg and left hand, alternating with the movements of the left leg and right hand.

During training, an alternating step can be formed only in 20% of two-year-old children, in 60% of three-year-old children when climbing an inclined ladder, and in 40% of three-year-old children when climbing a vertical ladder.

According to A.D. A bold, at the age of five, an alternating step appears in a child spontaneously, without training. The maximum number of children using this step is observed at the age of 6-6.5 years. However, up to 7.5 years, 40% of boys and 47% of girls use a mixed step with a predominance of an attached step when climbing and especially when climbing down stairs. Cross-coordination of arm and leg movements is not detected. The greatest increase in speed during climbing is observed at 5-5.5 years old, and boys climb faster, reaching a maximum at 7-7.5 years old.

With systematic training children of the senior and preparatory groups they climb quickly and rhythmically with the performance of additional tasks (climb onto the podium and step over to its other span, reach the platform on the podium and raise the flag, climb to the very top of the podium with a running start - the games "Monkeys and Hunters", "Catch with Ribbons", etc. ).

These exercises in all age groups must certainly take place under the direct constant supervision of a teacher.

For older children available CLIMBING POLE AND ROPE. it's the same cyclical movement.

First, the child, standing close to the rope (pole), makes a grip with his hands raised up, then hangs on straight arms, pulls up the legs bent at the knees and rests his feet on the rope (pole).

Then the child straightens his legs, the body moves up, the arms are simultaneously bent at the elbows.

Only after this is the rope (pole) intercepted above the head, alternately with each hand. This ends the climbing cycle.

Pole climbing

The same sequence, only in reverse order, is maintained when peeling off. Sliding down from the rope or pole is not allowed (taking into account the slight vulnerability of the child's arms and legs during friction).

Children first are trained swing on a rope and a pole having loose bottom end then learn climb on a stationary pole fixed to the ground... The teacher must hold the child's feet with your hands so that they do not slip. After that children learn rope climbing.

Research results have shown that climb time(with systematic training) to a height of 2.5 - 3 m on the pole (rope) at children of older groups fluctuates within 1 - 1.5 minutes.

Children 7 years old, especially boys, climb the rope and pole and get off them several times in a row (2-4 times).

Daily climbing exercise provides the child essential life skill and fosters coordination of movements... In the process of climbing, they are brought up necessary volitional qualities: courage, decisiveness, ingenuity.

Preschool children it is not recommended to hang on hands for a long time: it causes prolonged static muscle tension, premature stretching of joints and ligaments, fatigue the nervous system. but short hangs on horizontal bars of different heights, a gymnastic wall can be used, starting from the age of five, but no longer than 1-1.5 s, and alternate with the support of the body on the legs.

Such exercises strengthens the muscular system of the shoulder girdle and contributes to the formation of correct posture.

14. Outdoor games. (The concept, meaning and characteristics of outdoor games; classification of outdoor games: elementary outdoor, sports; games of different dynamics, games with different motor content; place in the daily routine).

MOBILE GAME WITH RULES- this is conscious, vigorous activity of the child, characterized by the accurate and timely execution of tasks related to the rules binding on all players. According to the definition of P.F. Lesgaft, outdoor play is an exercise through which a child prepares for life. Fascinating content, emotional richness of the game prompts the child to certain mental and physical efforts.

Outdoor play - irreplaceable a means of replenishing the child's knowledge and ideas about the world around him, the development of thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities.

In pedagogical science outdoor games are considered as the most important means of all-round development of the child... Deep the meaning of outdoor games- in their full role in physical and spiritual life existing in the history and culture of every nation... An active game can be called the most important educational institution, contributing to both the development of physical and mental abilities, and the development of moral norms, rules of behavior, ethical values ​​of society.

Outdoor games are one from the conditions for the development of a child's culture... In them, he comprehends and learns the world around him, in them his intellect, fantasy, imagination develop, and social qualities are formed. Outdoor games are always a creative activity in which the child's natural need for movement is manifested, the need to find a solution to a motor problem. While playing, the child not only learns the world around him, but also transforms it.

For outdoor games characteristically moral content... They foster goodwill, the desire for mutual assistance, conscientiousness, organization, initiative. In addition, outdoor games are associated with great emotional uplift, joy, fun, and a sense of freedom.

Outdoor games of various content allow trace the variety of approaches to finding ways of harmonious development of children. It can be conditionally distinguished several types of outdoor games, which in different ways contribute to the all-round development of preschoolers, carry different social orientations.

Catch games are creative based on passion, motor experience and strict adherence to the rules. Running away, catching up, dodging, children mobilize their mental and physical strength as much as possible, while they independently choose methods that ensure the effectiveness of play actions, improving psychophysical qualities.

Games that require inventing movements or immediate termination of action on a game signal, encourage children to individual and collective creativity (coming up with combinations of movements, imitation of movements of vehicles, animals).

Games like "Freeze", "Stop", "The sea is worried" require the players to stop moving at the appropriate signal, while maintaining facial expression and muscle tension in the body in the position in which they were caught by the game signal. Spirituality and expressiveness of movements in such games are extremely important.

Ball games have a special role to play. The famous German educator F. Froebel, noting versatile impact of the ball on the psychophysical development of the child, emphasizes it role in the development of coordination of movements, hand and, consequently, in improving the cerebral cortex.

He believed that almost everything a child needs for his versatile development is given to him by a ball.

Outdoor games with rules viewed as basic means and method of physical education... Being an important means of physical education, outdoor play simultaneously has a health-improving effect on the child's body.

In the game he practicing a wide variety of movements: running, jumping, climbing, climbing, throwing, catching, dodging, etc. A large number of movements activates respiration, blood circulation and metabolic processes... This in turn has a beneficial effect on mental activity... The health-improving effect of outdoor games is enhanced when they are held outdoors.

Great role outdoor games in the mental education of a child: children learn to act in accordance with the rules, master spatial terminology, act consciously in a changed game situation and learn about the world around them.

During the game, memory, ideas are activated, thinking and imagination develop. Children learn the meaning of the game, remember the rules, learn to act in accordance with the chosen role, creatively apply the available motor skills, learn to analyze their actions and those of their comrades.

Outdoor games often accompanied by songs, poems, counting rhymes, game ideas... Such games replenish vocabulary, enrich the speech of children.

Great importance have outdoor games and for moral education... Children learn to act in a team, to obey common requirements. Children perceive the rules of the game as a law, and their conscious fulfillment forms the will, develops self-control, endurance, the ability to control their actions, their behavior. Honesty, discipline and justice are formed in the game. Outdoor play teaches sincerity and camaraderie. Obeying the rules of the game, children practically practice moral deeds, learn to be friends, empathize, and help each other. Skillful, thoughtful guidance of the game by the teacher contributes to the upbringing of an active creative personality.

In outdoor games is improving aesthetic perception of the world... Children learn the beauty of movements, their imagery, they develop a sense of rhythm. They master poetic figurative speech.

Outdoor play prepares the child to work: children make play attributes, arrange and remove them in a certain sequence, improve their motor skills necessary for future work.

Thus, outdoor game- an irreplaceable means for a child to replenish knowledge and ideas about the world around him, develop thinking, ingenuity, dexterity, dexterity, valuable moral and volitional qualities. When carrying out an outdoor game, there are unlimited possibilities for the complex use of various methods aimed at shaping the child's personality. In the process of the game, not only an exercise in the existing skills, their consolidation and improvement, but also the formation of new mental processes, new qualities of the child's personality takes place


Outdoor games classified according to different parameters: by age, by the degree of the child's mobility in the game (games with low, medium, high mobility), by types of movements (running games, throwing, etc.), by content (outdoor games with rules and sports games).

The theory and methodology of physical education adopted the following classification of games.

TO outdoor games with rules include plot and non-plot games.

TO sports games- basketball, small towns, table tennis, hockey, football, etc.

Outdoor games are divided into elementary and complex... Elementary, in turn, are divided into plot and non-plot, fun games, attractions.

Narrative outdoor games reflect in a conventional form a life or fairy tale episode ("Hares and a wolf", "Sparrows and a cat", "Bear and bees", "Traps", "Fifteen")

The child is carried away by playful images. He is creatively embodied in them, depicting a cat, a sparrow, a car, a wolf, a goose, a monkey, etc.

Narrative games have a ready-made plot and firmly fixed rules. The plot reflects the phenomena of the surrounding life (labor actions of people, traffic, movements and habits of animals, birds, etc.), game actions are associated with the development of the plot and with the role played by the child. The rules determine the beginning and end of the movement, determine the behavior and relationships of the players, and clarify the course of the game. Obeying the rules is compulsory for everyone.

Narrative outdoor games are predominantly collective (in small groups and the whole group). Games of this type are used in all age groups, but they are especially popular in younger preschool age.

Non-plot outdoor games do not have a plot, images, but are similar to the plot by the presence of rules, roles, the interdependence of the game actions of all participants. They contain interesting motor play tasks for children, leading to the achievement of the goal. These games are associated with the performance of a specific motor task and require a great deal of independence, speed, dexterity, and orientation in space from children (“Find a pair”, “Invent a figure”, “Handkerchief”).

These games are divided into games like: dashes, traps; games with elements of competition(“Who is the quickest to run to his flag?”, Etc.); relay games("Who will pass the ball more quickly?" "Funny couples", "Quickly take, quickly put down"); games with objects(balls, hoops, rounds, skittles, etc.).

Outdoor games with elements of competition(individual and group), for example: "Whose link will get together sooner", "Who is the first through the hoop to the flag" and others encourage greater activity in the performance of motor tasks. In some games ("Change the subject", "Who is quicker to the flag"), each child plays for himself and tries to complete the task as best as possible. If these games are divided into teams (relay games), then the child seeks to complete the task in order to improve the result of the team.

In games using items(bowling pins, circlet, ring throw, headstock, "School of the ball", etc.). motor tasks require certain conditions, so they are carried out with small groups of children (two, three, etc.). The rules in such games are aimed at the order of placing objects, using them, the sequence of actions of the players. In these games, elements of competition are observed in order to achieve the best results.

For small children use fun games("Ladushki", "Horned Goat", etc.). In games-amusements, amusements, motor tasks are performed in unusual conditions and often include an element of competition, while several children perform motor tasks (running in bags, etc.), the rest of the children are spectators. Fun games, attractions give the audience a lot of joy.

Complex games include sport games(small towns, badminton, table tennis, basketball, volleyball, football, hockey). In preschool age, elements of these games are used and children play according to simplified rules. It is advisable to use sports games in the senior and preparatory groups of a preschool institution.

Outdoor games also differ in their motor content.: games with running, jumping, throwing, etc. ( Walking- "Pass - step over"; Run- “We are funny guys”, “Mousetrap”, “Find your place”, “Two frosts”, “Horses”; ... Jumping- "Hares and a wolf", "Fox in a chicken coop", "A wolf in a ditch", "Fishing rod", "Frogs and a heron"; Throwing "Bumblebee", "Shootouts", "Ball over the net", etc.)

According to the degree of physical activity that each player receives, they distinguish games of high, medium and low mobility and.

To the games great mobility include those in which the whole group of children participates at the same time and they are built mainly on such movements as running and jumping ("Fifteen", "We are funny guys", "Mice and a cat", "Fishermen and fish", "Homeless hare" ).

Games medium mobility are called those in which the whole group also actively participates, but the nature of the movements of the players is relatively calm (walking, passing objects) or the movement is performed by subgroups ("The sea is worried once ...", "Stream", "I was born as a gardener", "Toy store", "Empty place", "Zayinka, come out", "Traffic light").

In games low mobility movements are performed at a slow pace, moreover, their intensity is insignificant ("What is gone?", "Who called?", "Edible - inedible", "Where is the chicken").


When choosing a game, take into account its place in the child's day regimen.

The most useful and expedient are outdoor games during a walk. On walks, an hour before and after daytime sleep, games of any mobility are held (taking into account the season and air temperature). In cool weather, games of medium and high mobility are selected, taking into account the clothes of the child (some limitation of his movements).

Outdoor games are also not excluded on days when there are musical and physical education classes. On such days, they select outdoor games with less active actions and spend them not at the beginning, but in the middle of the walk.

On an evening walk, you can carry out outdoor games, both with the entire group of children, and with small subgroups, but games of low mobility are desirable. For this time, games with text, singing, and round dance are good.

Outdoor games are necessarily included in physical education classes. They are carried out after exercises in basic movements in order to increase the physiological load and emotionality of the lesson. For this purpose, games are selected that require the active actions of all children at the same time. Due to the fact that the time for outdoor games is somewhat limited by the scope of the lesson, it is better to select games that do not require a long explanation or are already familiar to children, so as not to spend a lot of time waiting for the start of actions. The same game can be repeated for 2-3 sessions in a row, then a new one is used, and after a few sessions you can return to the first game again.

In the autumn-winter period, games with running, jumping on both legs, throwing and rolling balls ("Horses", "Roll the ball", etc.) are most accessible for younger preschoolers.

Older children run around the snowy yard quite easily, get tired less from movements in winter clothes, and keep their balance better on slippery surfaces. Therefore, in winter they are recommended to play with catching and running away, exercises in balance, throwing snowballs at the target and at a distance ("Hunters" "Ice", "Knock off the cap", etc.).

In summer, during hot weather, running and jumping games are best done during a morning walk or in the afternoon when the temperature drops. Before daytime and nighttime sleep, games of great mobility, in order to avoid overexcitation of children, are not carried out.

15. Methodology for outdoor games with children of junior and middle preschool age (gathering children to play, creating interest, explaining the rules, assigning roles, guiding the game, summing up; requirements for counting). Methodology for conducting outdoor games with older preschool children. Game complication options.


SELECTING GAMES... Games are selected in accordance with the tasks of upbringing, age characteristics of children, their state of health, fitness. The place of the game in the mode of the day, the time of the year, meteorological, climatic and other conditions are also taken into account. It is also necessary to take into account the degree of organization of children, their discipline: if they are not sufficiently organized, then first you need to pick up a game of little mobility and conduct it in a circle.

With kids 3-4 years games are conducted on material that is understandable and close to them. They are mainly attracted by the process of movement itself: they are interested in running, catching up, throwing objects and looking for them. Therefore, games with one or two basic movements are selected for them.

It is also important to take into account the fact that at this age the child does not have a good command of his movements: he often loses balance, falls, makes significant efforts during physical exercises. Therefore, games for younger preschoolers are selected simple, interesting, varied, with the obligatory alternation of movements and rest. Their content is made up of feasible and interesting tasks ("Catch the ball", "Run to me", etc.). The main movements in these games are short-term running and walking followed by rest. Walking, running, light jumping are the most accessible movements for babies. Games that include running strengthen the cardiovascular system well, develop speed and agility.

Games such as "My cheerful, ringing ball", "Jump to the ball", etc., form the skills of jumping up from a place, bring up courage, perseverance and other qualities.

There are not many rules in these games - one or two. The number of roles is also small (one - "cat", the rest - "kittens"; one - "hen", the rest - "chickens").

Children 5 years, in comparison with previous age groups, show a greater desire for games with dynamic movements (running, jumping, climbing exercises, balance, etc.). They like to catch up with each other, to run away from the driver. Gradually, they begin to take an interest in the results of their actions: to hit the target with the ball, easily jump over the "trickle".

TO middle group children gain motor experience, movements become more coordinated. Taking into account this factor, the teacher complicates the conditions of the game: the distance for running, throwing, jumping height increases; games are selected that train children in dexterity, courage, endurance. An increase in their motor capabilities allows them to pick up games with various types of basic movements: with throwing - "Who will throw further?", jumping - "Frog", running - "Flight of birds", etc .; games with the simplest competition, both individually and collectively, simple amusement games.

COLLECTING CHILDREN TO PLAY... You can get children to play in different ways. ... In the younger group the teacher begins to play with 3-5 children, gradually the rest join them. Sometimes he rings a bell or picks up a beautiful toy (bunny, bear), attracting the attention of the kids and immediately involving them in the game.

CREATING INTEREST IN THE GAME. First of all, you need to create an interest in the game in children. Then they will better understand its rules, they will perform movements more clearly, and experience an emotional uplift. You can, for example, read poetry, sing a song on a relevant topic, show children objects, toys that will be found in the game. It is often possible to lead to the game by asking questions, guessing riddles. In particular, you can ask: "What did you draw today?" Children, for example, will answer: "Spring, the arrival of birds." “Very good,” the teacher says. “Today we will play the game“ Bird flight ”. Children of the younger group can be shown a flag, a bunny, a bear and immediately ask:“ Do you want to play with them? ”

For example, before starting the game "Birds and the Cuckoo", while walking, you can draw the child's attention to birds that jump on the ground and peck grains, look for different food, fly quickly, etc.

PLAYER ORGANIZATION, GAME EXPLANATION... When explaining the game, it is important to place the children correctly. Explaining the rules of the game, children are placed so that they can clearly see and hear an adult. It is best to put them in a position from which they start the game.

For games in which children are built in a circle ("Bubble", "My cheerful, ringing ball", etc.), the adult stands in the middle of the circle. If the game starts with a scattering movement ("The sun and the rain", "The bear is in the forest"), it is more convenient to build the children in a semicircle so that everyone can clearly see and hear what they are shown and what they are told about. It is not recommended to place children facing the sun or other light sources before explaining the rules of the game, as they will be hard to see and their attention is scattered.

The educator most often puts the children of the younger group in the way it is needed for the game (in a circle).

V younger group all explanations are made, as a rule, in the course of the game itself. Without interrupting it, the teacher places and moves the children, tells how to act.

Explanation of the content and rules of the game should be concise, precise and emotional... In this case, intonation is of great importance. Explaining, it is especially necessary to highlight the rules of the game. Rules of the game explain expressively, intelligibly, specifically, revealing the most important... Long, unclear explanations tire children and reduce their interest in the game. In the future, in the course of it, you can more deeply find out individual details.

In order to better master the game (especially with the participation of younger preschoolers), it is recommended explain the most difficult moments with a gesture or showing some movements... Before that, it is advisable to remind the children how to run, jump, climb, throw an object, etc.

Movements can be shown before or during the game. This is usually done by the teacher himself, and sometimes by one of the children of his choice. The explanation is often accompanied by a show: how the car drives out, how the bunny jumps.

In the middle group the teacher explains the rules as the game progresses. In the middle group, plot games such as "Cat and Mice", "Kittens and Puppies", "Mousetrap" and others are widely used, non-plot games - "Find yourself a mate", "Whose link will get together sooner?" etc. In the course of the explanation, the teacher shows the actions of various heroes.

An explanation is also possible through a story story before the game. As in the younger group, the teacher, conducting the story game, uses a figurative story. Such an explanation of the plot does not take more than one and a half minutes, does not reduce the motor activity of children, the motor density of the game.

Fabulous playful images encourage the child to combine the real features of the perceived plot into new combinations. The imagination of a child of the 5th year of life is of a recreational nature, therefore, the educator must always direct his development.

The successful conduct of the game largely depends on the successful ROLE DISTRIBUTION.

In games with younger children educator first takes over starring(for example, a cat in the game "Sparrows and a Cat"). And only then, when the kids get comfortable with the game, instructs this the role of the children themselves... Even during the explanation, he appoints the driver and puts the rest of the players in their places, but counting rhymes can also be used for this purpose. Sometimes those who have fulfilled the role of the driver choose their own deputy.

In the middle group teacher already distributes roles among children. The role of the driver first entrusted children who can handle it... If the child is not able to accurately complete the task, he may lose faith in his capabilities and it will be difficult to involve him in active actions. The teacher notes the success of children in the game, fosters goodwill, forms honesty, justice.

An important point in the organization of the game is the choice of the driver (one or more). Their roles can be different: to catch up with the one who is running away; hit the player with the ball; guess who came up by voice, etc.

If the game is carried out with preschoolers of different ages, then it should be interesting for all participants and correspond to their physical fitness. In this variant, the main roles (driving) are performed by older children.

Exists different ways to choose a driver... Sometimes, before the start of the game, the players themselves can choose it. This method has a positive value from a pedagogical point of view, since it expresses the collective desire of children to entrust the honorable role to the most worthy of them.

You can assign a driver using a short count. Here is some of them:

"One, two, three, four, five,

The bunny went out for a walk.

Suddenly the hunter runs out

Shoots straight at the bunny

But the hunter did not hit

The gray bunny ran away. "

“We are funny guys,

We love to run and play;

Well, try to catch up with us!

One, two, three, you will catch! "

The one on whom the last word of the rhyme falls becomes the leader or, conversely, leaves the circle. When repeating the game, the driver himself can choose his replacement. All of the above methods for choosing drivers are used depending on the nature of the game, the place where it is held and the number of children.

HANDLING AND MANAGING THE GAME. Given the instability of behavior and rapid excitability younger preschoolers, it is desirable to have a fun game, but in a calm and cheerful tone. This has a positive effect on the child, increases interest in the game.

The duration of the game of medium and high mobility in children 3-4 years old should not exceed 6-8 minutes.

Significant mobility middle-aged children age, the inability to economically distribute their strength requires adults to be attentive to the regulation of the load during the game (alternating movements with short rest). Even a short pause (within one minute), during which the impressions of the game are exchanged, allows the child to regain his strength. The total duration of outdoor games for preschoolers of this age group is within 8-10 minutes.

The play activities of children are supervised by an educator... Its role depends on the nature of the game itself, on the size and age of the group, on the behavior of the participants: the younger the children are, the more active the teacher is.

Every an active game is started by a prearranged signal(clap in the palm, wave of a flag, hand, blow to a tambourine, drum, rattle, etc.) or as directed by an adult. The signal is given after all participants have taken their respective places.

In competitive games it is advisable to give commands, consisting of two parts: “Attention! March!". All this forms a correct and quick reaction to the corresponding signal in the child.

Story games("Horse", "Fishermen", etc.), where there is no pronounced competitive moment, do not require clear commands to start them. You can safely say: "Let's start the game!" or warn children that the game starts after the words "one, two, three", and carefully monitor the course of the game and the behavior of the children.

Playing with younger children, he acts on a par with them, often playing the main role, and at the same time leads the game. It is very important that the teacher is in the game not only a performer of a responsible role, but also just an ordinary participant (a bird, a bunny, etc.). Kids play with pleasure when adults show interest in all their actions in the games and they themselves actively participate in them, showing an example of the correct execution of movements. The cheerful, affectionate tone of the teacher captivates the kids, his joyful mood is transmitted to them. In such cases, children listen very carefully to every word of the teacher, fulfill all his requirements, willingly repeat the games, and learn them well.

In the middle group the teacher at first also performs the main role himself, and then passes it on to the children. He participates in the game even when there is not enough pair ("Find yourself a pair"). The direct participation of the teacher in the game raises interest in her, makes her more emotional.


In younger groups the teacher ends the game with a proposal to move on to some other activities of a more relaxed nature. The kids should definitely be praised.

In the middle group after the end of the game, those who were the most active and achieved certain successes must be noted. This gives preschoolers a sense of confidence in their actions. And it is imperative to praise all the children.


Good physical fitness children 6 years old give a chance use more varied and more complex movements in games(throwing and catching the ball in the game "Toss and Catch", rings in the game Serso, running jumps over the "ditch" in the game "Wolf in the Ditch", etc.).

At this age, are of great importance games with ball, rope, hoop, flags... They like the concreteness and clarity of the assessment of game actions: they caught the ball or hit it in the ring, rolled the hoop to a certain place, etc. Games with objects are mostly individual. The child takes part in them in accordance with his desire, without limiting himself to clear rules. Such games give him more opportunities to perform a variety of movements, are less tiring and always arouse great interest.

In outdoor games for older preschool children, more complex movements... The children are given the task of instantly reacting to a change in the playing situation, showing courage, ingenuity, endurance, ingenuity, and dexterity.

The movements of children of the older group are distinguished by greater coordination, accuracy, therefore, along with plot and non-plot games, games with elements of competition are used, which at first it is advisable to introduce between several children, equal in physical strength and development of motor skills. So, in the game "Who will most likely run to the flag?" the task is performed by 2-3 children. As the children master the skills and orientation in space, competitions in links are introduced. The best is the link, the participants of which will cope with the task quickly and correctly.

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