How will be judged in the new season of KHL. What does "probros" mean in hockey? Long icing of the puck in hockey

A icing in hockey is a situation when a player of one of the teams sends the puck from behind the red line from his own half of the ice, and it goes through the entire field, crossing the goal line of the second team. The puck must not touch any hockey player. After the icing, the puck is put into play in the defensive zone of the team that made it. The interpretation of this rule by the refereeing team is aimed at minimizing unnecessary stoppages of the match as much as possible.

In some cases, if all the above conditions are met, the forwarding is not fixed:

  • if the icing team is shorthanded;
  • if the icing occurred immediately after the throw-in;
  • if a player of the opposing team did not recover the puck before it crossed the goal line, although he had the opportunity to do so (an exception to this rule is the goalkeeper of the opposing team);
  • if the goalkeeper of the opposing team was outside the goal area and was heading towards the puck to intercept it;
  • if the puck hits the goal (in this case, a goal is recorded).

The team that has made the icing has no right to change lineups until the match is resumed, that is, until the moment of the throw-in. In case of violation of this rule, the team shall be penalized with a two-minute penalty. The roster change prohibition rule is not repealed if the team that has thrown the puck takes a thirty-second break. However, she is allowed to replace an injured hockey player or goaltender with an outfield player. A complete replacement of the squad is allowed only if, at the time the game was stopped, a bench penalty was imposed on the team, and it remains in the numerical minority.

A signal of a possible icing is a straightened arm raised above the head by the rear linesman. The referee must hold his hand until the icing is canceled or whistled. After the icing has been called, the back linesman must fold his arms in front of him at chest level, and then point one of them to the point of the upcoming face-off.

If the whistle is blown but the icing is called by mistake, the puck is put in play at the center faceoff spot.

CHL (Central Hockey League, Central Hockey League)

When was the Central Hockey League founded? When it ceased to exist...

Probros (ice hockey)

Rice. 1 "Forward". Situation A - no icing, situation B - icing

In ice hockey, if a player sends the puck forward from their own half and the puck crosses the opposing goal line without touching anyone along the way, then the linesman counts forwarding(English) Icing). Sometimes the name icing is used, which is essentially a transliteration from of English language. After the icing, the puck is dropped in the defending zone of the icing team. In this case, the forwarded team does not have the right to change its composition.

This violation is illustrated in Fig. one.

in European and international hockey an icing whistle sounds as soon as the puck crosses the goal line. In the NHL, only if the field player of the opposing team touches the puck (after it crossed the goal line), if this did not happen (that is, the player of the icing team got to the puck first), then the icing is not counted and the game continues.

Forwarding is not fixed if:

  • the batting team was shorthanded when the player sent the puck forward
  • the icing occurred immediately after the face-off
  • an opposing player (excluding the goaltender) had the opportunity to pick up the puck before it crossed the goal line, but did not do so
  • the goalkeeper, being outside the goal area, moved towards the puck
  • the puck flies into the goal (in this case, a goal is counted)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010 .

See what "Probros (ice hockey)" is in other dictionaries:

    Hockey. Gold coin of the Bank of Russia, 200 rubles, 2010 Team ice hockey sport game on ice, a kind of hockey, which consists in the confrontation between two teams on skates, which, passing the sha ... Wikipedia

    Playing area The middle zone (neutral zone) in ice hockey is the part of the site located between the attack and defense zones of each team. Directly in the neutral zone is the central circle of the site and, in addition, four ... ... Wikipedia

Alexander Polyakov met with media representatives at the Gazprom Export office and. There were few of them, the IIHF insisted on most of the points, and the essence of all these adjustments is the convergence of the rules in Europe and North America.

Player equipment

In the upcoming season, the judges intend to seriously deal with players whose protective glasses (visors) on helmets do not cover the main part of the face, that is, they are on the forehead, like Leo Komarova, or are a non-standard size. For the first time, the violator will be given a verbal warning. If the hockey player did not heed the first time, he can be punished with a ruble, and with each new violation, the amount will double. According to medical recommendations, hockey players can use tinted glasses on helmets.

Goalkeepers are out of luck again. Soon they will be forbidden to play in traps with a wide protection of the hand, which has now turned into the second “pancake”. But this innovation will be adopted from next season,

"If a player on the attacking side splashes snow on the goalkeeper's face while braking, he will be penalized with a minor penalty."

but at the World Cup, goalkeepers will already have to adjust their guns to the right size.


Another point in favor of the attacking side. Now, on face-offs, the player of the defending team is the first to put the stick on the ice.

Hybrid forwarding

The most important innovation in the rules of this summer. There will no longer be an automatic stop of the game when there is a reflash. If the defender is the first on the puck - stop the game, if the attacker - the game continues, if both players go to it at the same speed - a whistle. This was done for the safety of the players themselves.

The landmark for determining the episode is the face-off point. But only for the judge. It is important to understand here that hockey players are fighting not for the point, but for the puck. Who will be on it first, he won. Much will depend on the speed of the players. If conditional Afinogenov will lose a little to the conditional Ryazantsev on the “whiskers” and it will be obvious that in the next second he will “eat” him, then the referee must foresee this and give the hockey players the opportunity to continue the game.

Snow in the goalkeeper

Previously, this rule was used only in the JHL, and now it will be distributed throughout Europe. If a player on the attacking side splashes snow on the goalkeeper's face while braking, he will be penalized with a minor penalty.

free throw

In order for the referee to have sufficient reason to award a free throw, several factors must be combined at once. The attacking player must be behind the blue line, there must not be any opponents between him and the goalkeeper, he must have an obvious position to attack, and he must be fouled from behind and nothing else. Moreover, he can roll out to the gate from the flank, there are no corners here.


Now, during the performance of free throws, the spin-o-frame so beloved by the fans will be prohibited. The bottom line is that the puck should always go in the direction of the net. That is, the player can spin around her as he pleases, but only without her. Of course, during the game this technique will not be prohibited, but when performing it, the player must not crash into the goalkeeper.

But you can keep the puck on the hook during a shootout. The main thing is not to raise it above the crossbar.


The referees will be required to remove the hockey player before the end of the match if the injured player:
- a hematoma has formed. Even if he then goes on the ice, all questions should be addressed not to the judges, but to the team doctor;

“If a defending player deliberately moves the goal while the opponent is shooting and the puck goes on target, the referee will be required to allow the goal.”

There was blood. It doesn't matter if it's from a blow or from contact with one's own helmet in a fall;
- if the hockey player cannot leave the field on his own.

Deliberately shifting the goal with an abandoned puck

If a defending team player intentionally moves the goal while the opponent is shooting and the puck hits the target, the referee will be required to count the goal. That is, the gate can even fly into the corner of the site, the main thing is that the puck goes through the target. And this will be determined by the judge, and by eye. Use of repetitions in such cases is prohibited.

But if the gates were moved earlier, as happened in the episode with Tyutin's goal against the Americans on Olympic Games in Sochi, then a goal will not be counted. So it was written in the rules before, nothing has changed now.


If a player receives a slight poke in the face with his hands and falls on the ice, depicting universal torment, the referees can easily send him to the penalty box, leaving another hockey player without punishment. All provocations will be regarded as unsportsmanlike conduct.

Camera at the gate

Now a video camera will appear right above the crossbar, which will greatly facilitate the work of the video goal judge. The second camera, located in the goal, will be raised under the crossbar, and another one will remain behind the goal.


The judging panel will remain virtually the same. The four best referees of the VHL will continue to be involved in work, the same number will be in Alexander Polyakov's pencil. The only change: instead of the Slovak Balushka, the Czech Jerabek will work.
