Hake is grown artificially. A detailed list of fish you can and cannot eat

Every buyer should be familiar with the main aquaculture fish species in order to be aware of the health implications of their choice.

Salmon are undoubtedly the most frequent and widely available representatives of the fish divisions. In nature salmon lives in the North Atlantic Ocean (the so-called Atlantic salmon); the lake variety of salmon in Russia inhabits the lakes of the Kola Peninsula and Karelia. However, up to 90% of salmon on our store shelves are imported aquaculture products. Until recently, the Norwegian salmon was in the lead in import volumes, now it is being replaced by Chilean and Canadian salmon.

Artificially divorced trout feeds on special feeds with the addition of fats, amino acids, vitamins and dyes. So, to achieve the traditional scarlet color of meat, the dye canthaxanthin is used, which, by the way, is prohibited by the European Union, but it is added to salmon feed without restrictions. As a result, fish of the same size grow, with “marketable” bright red meat. The problem is that the dyes used in the feed of most farmed salmon have a negative effect on human vision.

Dorada is a traditional restaurant fish grown in Greece, France and Turkey. To achieve a delicate taste and the trademark milky-white color of meat, this fish is bred in rooms with special lighting and additives are used in feed.

Seabass(aka sea wolf) is another fish loved by restaurants for its delicate taste and tender white meat. The wild sea bass is listed in the Red Book, so it cannot be bought. All products are grown on fish farms, mainly in Turkey and Greece.

Pangasius(it is often called "sole") comes to us from Southeast Asia, where it is artificially bred in the Mekong and Chao Phraya rivers, which have a reputation as some of the most polluted rivers in the world. For this reason, in many countries of America and Europe, pangasius fillets are not recommended for food. In Russia, however, there are no restrictions or prohibitions.

Tilapia supplied to Russia from the countries of Southeast Asia, primarily from China, where it is bred in natural and artificial reservoirs. Interestingly, when cultivating tilapia, farmers tend to get only males, since males grow faster than females. For this, fish fry are treated with male sex hormones. Tilapia is an omnivorous fish, which means that with artificial breeding, it is difficult to expect high quality nutrition and, as a result, high quality meat. Of course, the manufacturer can kill the causative agents of various intestinal infections by freezing and numerous chemical treatments, but it is not difficult to imagine the quality of the product at the end.

Sturgeon are also represented by cage products, since fishing for wild sturgeon is prohibited. The populations of beluga, Russian sturgeon, Siberian sturgeon, stellate sturgeon and sterlet are in a very serious condition; many species are included in the Red Book. The reason for this was poaching, hydraulic construction and the development of oil production. Having met large specimens of sturgeon for sale, you should understand that this is the catch of poachers, and buying them means supporting the illegal catch of rare species. Sturgeon raised in captivity are small in size. Sturgeon meat is presented on the market fresh, frozen, smoked and salted. But the main reason for sturgeon breeding is, of course, black caviar.

Carp, crucian carp and carp are bred in cages both in Russia and abroad. First of all, the products of small domestic farmers hit the shelves of stores. And this is a big plus for the consumer: the local producer often does not have enough funds to feed the fish with antibiotics and stimulants. Therefore, in terms of security, they are head and shoulders above their foreign counterparts.

This should also include seafood- numerous types of shrimp, mussels, oysters, scallops, octopuses, cuttlefish, lobsters, lobsters, langoustines, etc. More than 85% of seafood on the Russian market is aqua and mariculture products. Growing up in captivity and feeding on food with the addition of hormones and growth stimulants, antibiotics, dyes and preservatives, seafood poses a real threat to human health, especially when eaten frequently.

Wild seafood is a valuable source of Omega-3 and Omega-6 polyunsaturated fatty acids, iodine and taurine. But in the case of artificially grown "seafood" it is blasphemy to talk about health benefits.

So what exactly is dangerous in farmed fish and seafood?

Currently, there are no strict requirements for the feed of aquaculture fish and the conditions for their maintenance. Therefore, the quality of feed, the safety of ingredients and dyes, as well as the dosage of drugs remain on the conscience of the manufacturer. Thus, when checking batches of cage products, there are frequent cases of detection of harmful substances, such as nitrofuran and nalectin, that contribute to the development of cancer.

It is known that artificially fed salmon contains 10 times more polychlorinated biphenyl and dioxin than wild salmon. These substances accumulate in fish meat from the dyes and chemical drugs they eat. The danger of these substances for humans is that, accumulating in the body, they suppress the immune system, provoke the development of cancer, damage to the liver, kidneys, and the nervous system. The mutagenic effect of these toxins has also been proven, that is, harm to the health of subsequent generations of people.

In their free time, many men like to go fishing. For many of them, business is a dream. Many men would like to have their own fish farm. Is it possible? The director of the fish processing plant, which is the largest in the Moscow region, Andrei Semenov, talks about the conditions of fish farming and all its secrets.

What is more profitable to breed trout or carp?

In order to start your own business, you need to understand what kind of fish is worth breeding. You will have to make a choice of what to breed - carp or trout. These two types of fish are in greatest demand, and the very technology of the fish industry will depend on this.

If opportunities allow, then it is worth breeding both carp and trout. Our farm sells about 1000 tons of live fish, and 500-600 tons are grown in the Moscow region, and the rest is imported for sale and overexposure from other fish farms. In addition, we rent reservoirs in the southern regions and breed fish there, arrange paid fishing, and also process it (smoking and canning).

Carp is easier to grow, it is unpretentious, many reservoirs are suitable for it. To breed carp, it is enough to read a book, there are a sufficient number of them on the market. Trout breeding costs twice as much and is very moody. You cannot do without a specialist fish breeder, here you need education and experience.

Low fish prices have been formed this year. Trout has fallen in price from 175 to 140 rubles per 1 kg, and carp costs 50-63 rubles per 1 kg. However, the business remains profitable. The average farmer may have higher profits and do not need to maintain a large staff. The profitability of our plant is 8-9%. This year, all fish farms have switched to a single agricultural tax. We pay the state 6% of income, reduced by expenses, exempt from VAT, unified social tax, income tax, property tax.

Where is the best fish farming business?

Water temperature and oxygen content determine the health and growth of fish. In addition, the condition of the reservoir and its acidity (pH) are important. These factors can be determined by a specialist. It is necessary to carry out a “fish-biological justification”. You can invite specialists from the Research Institute of Fish Farming from Dmitrov, Moscow Region.

Video on this topic:

The optimum water temperature for trout is 16-19 degrees Celsius. At water temperatures up to 24 degrees, fish can die. We keep trout at a depth of 15 meters. At this depth, the water temperature will not rise.

Breeding carp is easier. It is important that the pond is not clogged with dirty drains, decomposing organic matter and oil products. The optimum temperature of the pond is -24-25 degrees, the depth is up to 1.5-1.8 meters.

All fish farms in Russia are divided into zones. Moscow belongs to the first and second zones, and the southern regions, such as the Stavropol and Krasnodar Territories - the fifth, sixth. It is more profitable to breed fish in them, so we began to rent ponds in the Rostov region.

In order to produce 10 tons of carp, a pond with an area of ​​5 hectares is needed. The larger the reservoir, the easier it is to breed fish in it. In a large reservoir, the temperature regime is more uniform.

It is desirable that the pond be a drain, this facilitates the process of catching fish. It is possible to build a dam if the reservoir was formed by damming the river.

Enhanced nutrition

The main item of consumption is feed, they will account for 50 to 60% of all costs. From one hectare we get 22 quintals of carp using a high-intensity method (high stocking density plus Reflex feeders with a protein content in feed of at least 26-28%, fat -5-7%. The average price of carp feed is 7-8 rubles for 1 kg.

It is more difficult to feed the trout. For her, you need to purchase German feed at 0, 7-1 euros per 1 kg. Sergiev Posad produces feed of this level. If you buy cheap feed, the trout meat will be white.

When feeding fish, it is important to know when to stop. Surplus can cause fish to stop growing. Every day, carp need food in the amount of 1.5-3% of the weight of the fish, depending on the temperature of the water.

Trout spends their whole life in cages measuring three by three meters from a nylon mesh, its depth is 5 meters. We make these simple constructions ourselves.

Fish diseases and their prevention

Fish disease and epidemic is the main risk in business. The health of the entire population must be constantly monitored every 10 days. It is necessary to check the condition of internal organs, gills, fish growth. Medicated feed should be added to the diet to increase immunity.

Size matters

Large fish are in great demand. The optimum weight of carp is 1.2-1.7 kg, trout is 0.8-1 kg. To reach this weight, carp grows for three years.

Trout is grown in 2.5 years. But it can be sold after 1.5 years and weighs 300 grams.

How much can you earn from this?

  • Trout stocking material costs 250-400 rubles per 1 kg. Loss should be covered by 10%. It is profitable to buy fertilized eggs in Adler, where 100 thousand eggs cost 20 thousand rubles.
  • Carp planting material costs 60-120 rubles per 1 kg, and the mass of fish is from 14 to 25-40 grams.
  • In winter, it is profitable to grow trout at the state district power station. There is an optimal temperature regime.
  • If you have trade connections, cage lines, fish trucks, you can buy fish for overexposure.
  • The budget can be replenished by arranging paid fishing. It gives 5-6% of the turnover.

Sales problem

  • The market will not eat a lot of fish.
  • Very strong competition is a problem in the marketing of fish. In addition, the demand for fish has dropped somewhat. This product is not available to all buyers.
  • Fish breeders have a difficult relationship with the trade. Everyone is asking for money to put goods on store shelves and not everyone wants to get involved with live fish. All the goods are transported by the fish farms themselves.
  • Wholesalers do not deal with live fish, and stores do not want to take on this burden.
  • Only 10% of stores have aquariums for fish in Moscow. In addition, all shops pay for the fish upon sale. Payments are received with a delay of 7 to 30 days.

We can conclude that it is risky to build a fish farming business if you count on a stable sale. It is better to start with the organization of paid fishing.

Roughly all imported fish can be divided into two categories: wild (hake, hokey, kingclip, pollock, etc.) and farmed (salmon, sea trout (the one that is Oncorhynchus mykiss), tilapia, Taiwanese catfish, etc.) ... Pangasius belongs to the second group and is probably the most massive artificially produced fish.

In this photo, he is exactly (he looks like some kind of river pig - not a muzzle, but a pig's penny). Pangasius (this is also important) is a freshwater fish produced mainly in Vietnam. Without exception, all production (without exception, all monster companies) are located in the Mekong Delta.

About twenty years ago in Vietnam, farm production of pangasius began, although it was oriented towards the domestic market (which is not surprising with more than eighty million of the population). Eleven years ago, pangasius began to be exported, which had a very beneficial effect on the entire industry: over the years, companies emerged in Vietnam that concentrated in their hands the full production cycle (from fry to the final product) and employing up to twenty thousand workers per season.

Immediately I apologize for the quality of the photos, I shot exclusively for myself and did not at all expect that I would ever have to publish them.

The Mekong is far from the cleanest river, to put it mildly. I would not dare to swim there. Perhaps this is one of the reasons due to which there is a very wary attitude towards pangasius in the world.

The water for the production of pangasius is indeed taken from the Mekong, but the fish does not grow in the river itself, but in specially dug ponds. There it is cleaned and aerated. There are a lot of such ponds.

Like any farm fish, pangasius is fed with special pellets. The granules include fish waste (which is generally normal, because fish in the river and in the sea eats other fish without harm to health), minerals and often waste from the production of sunflower oil (in the common people - cake). At one time, I was pretty surprised when I learned that one of the largest Norwegian companies producing feed for farm fish, imports cake (in thousands of tons) from Ukraine.

Unlike Norway and Chile, where feeding is done automatically (or semi-automatically), in Vietnam everything is done manually. Food bags are loaded onto the raft.

Stern Vietnamese men pull the raft into the middle of the pond.

Then, with shovels, they begin to throw the granules into the water.

At this moment, the water begins to "boil" naturally from those wishing to refresh themselves. Eh, if they knew what they are being fed for ...

Pangasius is a fast growing fish. Unlike salmon, which grows for two or three years from the moment the fry is planted in the water to slaughter, pangasius grows for only six months. After gaining the necessary mass, the fish is removed from the pond and in a specially equipped machine (all this time the fish is in the water into which oxygen is supplied) delivered to the factory.
It looks something like this:

Almost all operations are done manually. In this, Vietnamese factories are similar to Chinese ones (unlike Norwegian ones, where almost everything is mechanized).

The pangasius is hammered by specially trained men with knives. One injection somewhere under the gills - and the fish dies in a special boiler with chilled water. After that, other specially trained men cut the fish into fillets. Filleting a kilogram fish takes on average two to three seconds. The head with a ridge is either ground into flour or used to produce the same fish feed.

All factories have the strictest sanitary standards. The cleanliness is incredible. Any European client who comes to inspect a production looks something like this (for clarity, an indigenous representative is placed next to it):


One of the few operations not done by hand: skinning of fillets. The hand-cut fillet is fed here, after which two lads place it on a special roller. The skin is not always cleanly cut, then it is cleaned by hand.

After processing, the fish is frozen and packed.

Vietnam mainly produces fillets for Europe. Since pangasius is an unusually fatty fish, the so-called well trimmed fillet (that is, completely trimmed) is supplied to Europe. What does it mean? This means that skin, bones and all fat are removed from the fillet, after which it looks like this:

Pretty? As for me - quite. Only it is not quite similar to what is in our stores. The problem is that Russia and Ukraine are buying the cheapest product possible: uncut fillets (read with all the fat that is there). And it looks (respectively) like this:

The Wrapped Strip is the largest piece of abdominal fat that is wrapped in this way for compactness. Why is the second and not the first in our stores? The answer is simple: because the difference between the first and second product is from sixty cents to a dollar per kilogram. Add here the road, customs clearance, drifts to all state bloodsuckers and you will get the cost price at the exit. And pangasius, both in Russia and in Ukraine, is positioned as a fish for the poor.

A bit of what is generally made from pangasius. From left to right: block-frozen fillets, carcass, well trimmed fillets (white - natural, red - processed fillets), portions of pangasius cubed. Separately about the portions: they are extremely cheap and just as extremely creepy: the portion is pressed with fat, cut from the "European" fillet.

Carcass in vacuum:

Fillet in vacuum and on a substrate, rolls:

Now the recommendations. In my opinion, pangasius is no better and no worse than other farm fish. Can I eat it? Can. It is certainly no worse than the same "farm" chicken, which is stuffed with medicines. Personally, I don't eat it, although I import it. But I don't eat for another reason: firstly, it is very fatty. Secondly, like any freshwater fish, pangasius has a specific sweetish taste that I don't like.

If you do decide to eat pangasius, then:

1. never take what you want to take in the first place: fillet. All fillets that are brought to Russia or Ukraine (yes, I think that in Europe too) are injected during production with a special composition. For what? For weight gain, naturally. Manufacturers claim that these chemicals are harmless, but do you want to shove harmless chemicals into yourself, and even for your own money? I do not recommend that you do this.

Plus there is the so-called "glazing" - the covering of frozen fish with a crust of ice. There is nothing wrong with glazing: a thin crust of ice protects the product from chapping. But some importers abuse glazing: the percentage of water sometimes reaches 30%. So if you see an unusually cheap product in a store, don't be fooled. There are no miracles. The more expensive the fish, the better it is.

Here are the photos of the fillets that we import:

Yes, it is injected (like 100% of what is in your stores). But there is only 3% water on it. This is the minimum that can be technologically screwed onto a product.

2. if you still want to buy pangasius, take a steak or carcass. The production technology is such that it is impossible to inject a carcass or steak. Accordingly, you take the product for the money it costs. When choosing, look at how much ice is on the product: remember again - there are no miracles. The more expensive the fish, the better it is.

Carcass. Left - wrong option (with a humerus and ten percent ice). On the right is the correct option: without the humerus and with an acceptable amount of frosting.

Below is a photo of the steak that we are importing. The purest product (how pure pangasius can be). For a steak to look good and be easy to grill, it should only be sliced ​​after the carcass has been frozen. Then it looks like this:

Taken from

Fish is a valuable dietary product. It contains a lot of trace elements necessary for normal human life. Doctors emphasize that for the normal functioning of the body, each person must eat several tens of kilograms per year (over 30 kg) or about 80 g of fish every day.

True, there is still an open shortage of fish products on the shelves of Russian stores. The fishing fleet of our country is small and outdated, and natural fish resources are gradually depleted. The cultivation of fish in Russia is just beginning, although there are many natural reservoirs in the country and a lot of opportunities for creating artificial ones. In terms of water reserves, it is in second place after Latin American Brazil. A significant number of reservoirs with fresh water make it possible to engage in fish production.

There remains only one question - which one is How to organize your own business so that it brings tangible profits?

Fish business

Any business is based on supply and demand. Fish farming is a business too. The domestic market is in great demand. Nowadays, consumers are in demand for a large amount of fish products not only from large enterprises, but also from private farms with their mini-farms. From the standpoint of profitability, fish production in a pond makes it possible to earn about 20% of net profit. Such commerce can be done in any region of the country, including in central Russia.

At the same time, obtaining fish allows you to spend a little time - about 3-5 hours per day are needed for care. And as a business, it is almost not exposed to the danger of a sharp change in weather conditions or a cold snap. If you create a business correctly, you can recoup the money spent in a short time and reach a steady income.

Sale of fish

Of course, the production of fish products is not an end in itself. Selling fish is one of the essential factors in this business. The cost of fish products depends on the cost, quality, type and demand. The most famous red fish is trout, its price is much higher than that of other fish, such as crucian carp, tench, etc., but the cost price of such a product is much higher, and it is bought much less.

It is not for nothing that 70% of the live fish market is carp. Their cost is lower, but they are sold easier. When you start your fish business, be sure to look around the fish market and settle for the most popular fish.

You need to choose distribution channels, establish communication with catering enterprises (they may become regular customers), restaurants, cafes and supermarkets (many agree to cooperate with farmers if you have all the necessary permits). In the end, fish can be sold simply on the market.

Forms of fish development

The fish farming methods are quite diverse:

  • Pond breeding - the use of one, basic reservoir for obtaining fish (this is enough for any species).
  • Cage retrieval of fish is especially effective for large specimens. With this form of cultivation, the producer uses a certain section of the reservoir, distributing the water sphere in cage lines.
  • The basin method makes it possible to produce fish in relatively small artificial reservoirs. They can organize everything for breeding freshwater fish species: predatory (pike, perch), herbivorous (bream, carp), etc. Some businessmen have mini-reservoirs in the form of small containers.

Artificial reservoirs

There are two main ways of raising fish in nature: in artificial (dug by man) and natural (created by the elements) reservoirs. The latter path is quite difficult to implement due to the cumbersome administrative barriers of the Russian bureaucracy. Renting or buying, for example, a lake is very difficult. A significant amount of time will be spent on collecting papers, conducting approvals with numerous authorities. And you can buy the right to rent a certain natural reservoir only after winning the announced competitive bidding.

An artificial reservoir is usually a pond. In Soviet times, collective farm ponds were up to 0.5 and even 1-3 square meters. km. What types of fish are suitable for breeding in artificial reservoirs? In them, crucians, carps were usually grown, varietal species of fish were less common.

But the ponds can be small. Nowadays, small ponds with a water mirror of 1-3 square meters are created on the territory of personal plots. m. They do not need to carry out legal approvals. You can swim in them, use them for decorative purposes, breed some fish "for the soul." And you can use it in commercial tasks. After all, even such a reservoir allows you to bring a good income. The fishing business can start small.

However, the owner of the pond should be aware of the presence of a whole list of subtleties, such as water temperature, degree of acidity, volume of the reservoir, amount of fish, etc. Ignoring the leading rules can lead to the death of fish. It is necessary to determine in advance the number of specimens and the species characteristics of the inhabitants that the entrepreneur is going to settle in the pond.

Pond requirements

What kind of fish to breed in central Russia depends on the characteristics of the pond. Have you decided to build on your own personal plot (preferably large)? Get ready to grow algae in it - it is good free food for future residents. Peat and silt, whatever their quality, must not be left at the bottom of the pond. It is necessary to decide in advance that the reservoir is needed precisely for production and reproduction, and not only for keeping fish.

You can search for decorative parts of the pond to your liking, but during construction it is necessary to determine some important factors when breeding fish: the most optimal volume of the pond is from 30 to 50 square meters. m, a pond of smaller volume will be unprofitable, and a larger pond will be too expensive to build and operate. It is necessary to dig a pond in a low-lying area with an exit at the bottom of the springs; there must certainly be a shady place so that the fish can hide in it during the hot season.

It is better not to design a flat bottom near the pond, but to produce sections with rapids and long ledges. Any type of fish loves bodies of water with different soil characteristics and bottom depths.

Pond fish

To determine what kind of fish to breed in central Russia, you need to start with the type of water you select. The artificial reservoir has a peculiar microclimate that is not suitable for all types of fish. There is less oxygen in stagnant water, it contains more microorganisms and various kinds of bacteria, small animals, including predatory ones. The relief of the bottom, the banks, the type of vegetation differ significantly from the rivers. There is a lot of silt in them. Not all fish can be in an artificial reservoir. However, the types of fish for breeding in artificial reservoirs in our country are quite diverse.

Carp (carp)

Of the total number of commercial fish for obtaining marketable weight in artificial reservoirs, one of the most suitable will be carp, crucian carp. The carp (carp) is not particularly picky about the living conditions, it feeds on benthic small organisms, algae, fish food. Marketable carp grows over 3-5 years, standing out at a high speed.

A domesticated version of the carp is carp - a rapidly growing fish that has several species and is able to adapt to any conditions of the reservoir. Carp grows well in mass in medium-sized artificial and natural reservoirs heated by the summer sun. The most favorable for them will be slightly alkaline water. Carp can eat plant and animal food. Carp can reproduce by 4-5 years of existence.


Crucian carp is also of great importance. It is also a rapidly growing fish. Crucian carp is omnivorous and very beneficial to Crucian carp - a well-known fish to be produced in the breeding pool. He opts for extremely still water, feeds mainly on algae. Adults can weigh up to 5 kg. The fish is very hardy. But in winter, because of the thick solid ice, it needs oxygen. It can be served using ice holes in the ice plate.


Nowadays, trout cultivation is considered a promising business and allows you to earn quite good money. The popularity of trout is well known, its price is consistently high (450 rubles / kg). The current situation is facilitated by the increased demand of Russians for this valuable variety of fish. In addition, fish is regularly gaining popularity in paid reservoirs. An increasing number of anglers prefer this kind of fishing, since the probability of getting fish out of the water is high and vivid feelings from this will remain for a long time.

To grow trout, the breeding conditions must be properly organized. When young trout reach 1 year old, 500-1000 fish are placed in the pond.

The full-scale fish complex includes a hatchery, fry tanks, a reservoir for adult fish, feed rooms, refrigeration machines for fish products and other necessary technical structures.

Large trout, which are fed for balych production, are kept mainly in cages and ponds, and occasionally in deep pools. Pool trout production requires additional investment in proper equipment.

Most breeding fish reach the age of 3-7 years with a mass of at least half a kilogram. Trout activity during spawning depends on these two indicators. If the breeding cycles are correct, then spawning can be done all year round.

To grow trout, the following conditions must be taken into account:

  • the suitable water temperature for this fish is in the range of 3-24 degrees;
  • it is necessary to keep the water clear and sufficiently clean, with a good oxygen content;
  • for a quick increase in weight, the fish must be supplied with a fodder base, which must certainly include all the necessary substances, trace elements, vitamins and mineral salts;
  • you definitely need astaxanthin - a combination with a natural carotenoid to give the trout meat a bright red color.

If these conditions are maintained, trout will reach a mass of 2 kg in about four years.


Breeding sturgeon breeds is quite a profitable and promising business. One kilogram of sturgeon reaches $ 20, and the cost of black caviar reaches $ 1,000 per 1 kg. It is not difficult to calculate how much profit will be from such a business and its payback period.

Under domestic conditions, sturgeon breeds develop much faster. If at first the sturgeon fry weighs only a few grams, then in a year some individuals will weigh 1 kg, and the body length will reach half a meter. After two years of fattening, the sturgeon grows to several kilograms of weight. Producers begin commercialization of individuals at an average age of about 1.5 years with a mass of 2 kg.

On a large scale in Russia, development is taking place near the river. Volga, where river water is used for fish farming.

Number of fish

Effective fish farming will be possible if certain rules are followed. To begin with, the most correct will be to determine the type of tank, the ratio of the depth of the reservoir with the selected type of fish. Then the problem of the number of fish fry for the pond is solved. Overpopulation of the reservoir negatively affects business. If there are obviously a lot of fish, overconsumption of food begins, and the water deteriorates faster. When calculating the exact number of fish in the pool, you need to drain at least 50 liters of water for 1 specimen 10-15 cm long. Pay attention to the size of the fish. There will be much less sturgeon fry than, for example, crucian fry.

The deep pool creates ideal conditions for finding fish in winter, while temperatures are more even in summer. But there are also disadvantages: at depth, the water can remain cold for the active growth of microorganisms - food for fish. The absorption of atmospheric oxygen will be less than that of a small pool with an enlarged water surface. Because of this, the vital activity of the fish deteriorates.

Other characteristics of the reservoir

Pools for breeding fish of different species differ in terms of water surface, depth, level of water supply, nature of the soil and other natural conditions. They differ from natural reservoirs by the regulation of the processes taking place: the cultivation of selected fish, artificial feed, fertilization, and so on.

Temperature and chemical reactions can be important reasons that largely determine the effectiveness of the development of residents of artificial pools. Some fish are thermophilic, others, as a rule, feel great at low temperatures. Constant changes in temperature and acidity levels can be dangerous for some fish species. Measurements of the acidic reaction of water, the temperature level, determination of the volume of oxygen should be carried out quite often, especially in winter. Changing the level of acidity to reduce it is carried out by liming, adjusting the operation of lime filters, mills.

We must also not forget to determine the compatibility of individual fish species with each other, some of them can compete for food.

In a properly designed pond, the fish will feel good and grow quickly.


Above, it has been said more than once about food for fish. This is one of the most important factors in the stable growth of the inhabitants of the reservoir. Nutrition will depend on what kind of fish to breed in central Russia.

It should be noted that there is no universal approach to the principle of proper fish feeding. It's like asking about the best way to fish. In addition, a lot depends on the cultured species, because all fish have their own food preferences. There are requirements for the conditions of detention and the tasks assigned. If a businessman wants to increase the growth rate of fish, then a larger weight of feed saturated with protein should be introduced into the diet. Fish do not expect a lot of food. For example, to increase the mass by 1 kilogram, food should have a value of about 4,500 kcal.

It is necessary to monitor the amount of amino acids in food, since it is they that increase the appetite and directly affect the rate of mass gain. They also prevent the emergence of a large number of diseases in fish, especially in fry. The diet must also include different types of fats; a lot of fiber (the weight of its consumption depends on the type of fish produced, the most required specific gravity is 20%, for certain species this level may be higher); biologically active compounds (these can be various enzymes or premixes); cereals (you can sprinkle bran into the feed, they will be an excellent source of carbohydrates); important vitamin B; food of meat origin (special flour, low-fat dairy food. Such a balanced diet will enable the fish to grow at a faster rate, improve its health and increase the rate of reproduction.

Today, there are many preconceptions about farmed fish. Many people think that it is less useful and may contain harmful substances,

In order to understand the mythology and reality of aquaculture - let's see how the mechanisms of aquaculture work and what quality products are obtained as a result.

Aquaculture is the cultivation and cultivation of aquatic organisms (fish, crustaceans, molluscs, algae) in natural and artificial reservoirs, as well as on specially created marine plantations.

Myth 1: "Aquaculture products are always less healthy and tasty than wild fish"

In practice, it is almost impossible to detect the external differences between fish grown in aquaculture (with the exception of those with pronounced selected characteristics, for example, mirror carp, golden trout) and those caught in natural water bodies.

Moreover, in aquaculture technologies are used that allow you to grow fish, for example, with a given ratio of protein and fat, or the color of meat, or oysters of a certain taste!

There is no doubt that the taste of aquaculture products, especially those grown with the use of compound feed, will be different from that of wild fish or shrimp of the same species. However, for more than a century people have been using livestock and poultry products, which were obtained on farms, in industrial farms. It also tastes differently from wild buffaloes, wild boars and pheasants. But this is not an obstacle to the predominant use of agricultural products in human nutrition.

Nutritional value will not differ if fish reared in aquaculture are fed a complete, balanced diet.

Myth 2: "All fish raised artificially have an unpleasant odor"

The unpleasant smell of products can be found both in fish caught from natural reservoirs and in fish raised in aquaculture.

For example, this may be due to the release of a pollutant (oil, phenol, etc.) into the reservoir. The smell will appear in fish that were in a natural reservoir and those that were in a pond or pools where water was pumped from this reservoir.

Of course, if fish farmers keep fish in water with poor hydrochemical characteristics, the smell of rot or silt may be detected. But this, as a rule, is a rather rare situation, since low water quality leads to a decrease in the growth rate of fish, increased mortality, and a decrease in the volume of production.

If fish farmers keep fish in water with poor hydrochemical performance, a rotten or silt odor may be detected.

Myth 3: "All aquaculture products are farmed in unsanitary conditions"

On the contrary, the owner of the enterprise is primarily interested in providing the most favorable conditions for keeping and feeding his aquaculture facilities!

From the point of view of product safety, aquaculture provides more opportunities for its provision, in comparison with fishing in natural conditions. The entire process of growing aquaculture facilities is under the supervision of the veterinary specialists of the farm and the regulatory authorities of the Ministry of Agriculture, who are responsible, among other things, for the food safety of products.

It is mandatory to control the food safety of the feed used and the quality of the water supplied to the aquaculture farm.

Regardless of the origin (wild-caught or aquaculture-grown) products that do not meet food safety requirements should not be allowed on the market!

How can a lack of aquaculture affect commercial fish?

The anthropogenic impact of a different nature on aquatic biological resources is constantly increasing. The demand for aquatic foods is also increasing. Their natural reserves are far from unlimited.

A striking example of this is the problem with sturgeon species. If the technology of their cultivation in aquaculture had not been created in the middle of the twentieth century, they would have all disappeared long ago. That is, aquaculture not only reduces the burden of fishing on natural populations, but also contributes to the conservation of biological diversity.

Myth 4: "All fish farms use special additives and antibiotics for feeding."

The use of feed additives and veterinary drugs in aquaculture is less common than in livestock and poultry.

Veterinary drugs are used in aquaculture. But today, more and more attention in farms is paid to prophylactic agents (probiotics). In the event of bacterial diseases, antibiotics are used as directed by veterinarians. The use of antibacterial drugs is limited to 30 days prior to the start of the sale of such fish.

Subject to the technological regimes and the provision of favorable feeding conditions, the grown objects have high productivity and resistance to diseases and do not require additional growth stimulants or disease suppression agents.

The content of residual amounts of antibiotics in fish and fish products and the maximum permissible levels of residues of antibiotics in the production of food products from aquaculture facilities are limited by the "Unified Sanitary-Epidemiological and Hygienic Requirements for Products Subject to Sanitary-Epidemiological Supervision (Control)" in force in the Russian Federation. Therefore, even if certain drugs were used in the cultivation of aquaculture products, one should not talk about their negative impact on consumers of these products.

Currently, there is no system of mandatory consumer information about whether fish is grown artificially or caught in natural conditions.

Myth 5: "Aquaculture products are cheaper because they are worse"

It is rather a question of supply and demand. Both wild species and aquaculture products have their own pricing characteristics. At the same time, due to its biological value, fresh or chilled products are more useful. Fresh wild fish, especially for most urban dwellers living far from the seashore, is a rarity or seasonal product.

That is, almost always, when you buy non-frozen fish, it is aquaculture products!

As the practice of many countries shows, aquaculture production of mass species (for example, salmon species of fish, sea bass, dorado, many others) have a lower cost in comparison with wild fish of the same species. But this is not due to the low quality of aquaculture products, but to the use of highly efficient technologies, feed, and competent logistics. All this allows you to reduce the cost of production and, accordingly, the price.

Also objects of aquaculture are bivalve molluscs (mussels, oysters, scallops), crustaceans (shrimps, crayfish), echinoderms (trepangs, sea urchins), aquatic plants.

In total, growing technologies have been developed for 64 aquaculture facilities in the Russian Federation.

At the same time, 250 species of aquatic biological resources are caught in the wild. If there is a high demand for one or another species against the background of a small number in natural conditions, technologies for its cultivation in aquaculture can be developed within several years.

Nikolaev Alexander Ivanovich, Leading Researcher, VNIRO Aquaculture Center

Irina Vilenovna Burlachenko, Head of the Aquaculture Center of VNIRO, also took part in the preparation of the material.

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