Exerciser circle for the waist. Exercise on the health disc

The health disc or circle is a very simple home exercise machine used to strengthen the abdominal and hip muscles. This simple device helps to burn extra pounds, and increase muscle tone, correct problem areas and make the waist thinner and more graceful. Another advantage of the disc is that it is compact and easy to carry, so you can easily take it with you to the office or on vacation, for example, Exercises on the health disc for weight loss is a simple and effective way to get closer to the figure of your dreams.

In Soviet times, almost every family had a spinning disk. These devices became fashionable 30-40 years ago, so many of them still have exercise equipment at home, which mothers or grandmothers used at one time. The disc has a very simple design: two pancakes made of metal or plastic, connected by a washer. Between them there are tracks equipped with steel bearings to ensure soft rotation. In modern models, there are foot massagers, expanders. They can even play different motives. In fact, such exercises will be effective even if you use the simplest and cheapest disc.

As a result of performing such exercises, the figure becomes not only more slender, but also more graceful and feminine, therefore the circle is also called the "Grace" disc.

What will the health disc exercise give us? When twisting, the muscles of the waist and hips are worked out, their lines are improved, problem areas are being worked out.

The exercises on the Grace disc have the following useful properties:

  • You can improve your mood, relieve muscle tension, allow them to unload and switch. In view of this, experts especially advise to practice on the disk in between sedentary work, work at the computer.
  • Exercise strengthens the vestibular apparatus and helps to improve body coordination.
  • As a result, the body becomes more flexible and plastic, the elasticity of the joints improves, as well as the mobility of the spine.
  • Exercises on a rotating disc help to pump up the muscles of the abdomen, hips, buttocks, and form a beautiful waist.
  • The heart and blood vessels receive optimal stress. This kind of exercise is essentially a lightweight cardio workout.
  • The twists provide massage to the internal organs. As a result, blood circulation in the abdominal organs improves, the body's tone is maintained and metabolism improves.

Exercises on a rotating disc make it possible to burn 250-300 kcal in 30 minutes of class, which, in fact, is not so little. In addition, you can practice in the most comfortable environment, while listening to music or watching TV.

As a result of working with the disc, you will get the desired harmony. In just a month, if you combine exercises on the health disc for the abdomen with other types of physical activity and proper nutrition, you can get rid of 2-5 kg, reduce body volume by 2-5 cm and improve overall health.

The health disc, the exercises for weight loss with which we will consider below, will bring maximum benefits and results if you adhere to the following tips:
  • Before starting to practice, make sure the disc is installed securely enough. It should be placed on a non-slip surface such as a regular rug or rubber mat. Otherwise, you may slip and be injured.
  • When doing ab exercises for the first time, try to keep your head straight and look in front of you, do not change the direction of your gaze when twisting. Otherwise, you may feel dizzy out of habit. Also, at first, it is better to practice near objects that you can grab onto if your head is still dizzy. It can be walls, shelves, a table, a chair.
  • Any exercise with a gymnastic disc should be based on one rule - maintaining the rhythm. Try not to slow down no matter how long the session lasts. By keeping your pace steady, you will be able to reach your maximum heart rate, which will give your heart a good workout. You should not rush into exercises too much. Don't try to do the exercises too quickly. The main thing is to maintain the rhythm.
  • Drink 1-2 glasses of water about half an hour after your workout. This will help to activate the work of the heart and increase the effectiveness of the exercises.
  • It is not necessary to use special sportswear for training, but it should be as comfortable as possible, not restricting movement and allowing the body to breathe. It is better to stand on the circle without shoes or in comfortable shoes without a heel.
  • It is better to alternate exercises on the floor disk simulator with other types of activity - warm-up, other simulators. Due to the alternation of classes, the results are improved and the load on all types of muscles is provided. Exercises with a disc in combination with stretching, swinging the press, and a horizontal bar are especially useful.
  • Make sure that twisting exercises do not go in a row in the amount of more than three types. Otherwise, you can overload the spine with them. It is better to alternate twisting with other activities.

Despite the benefits and effectiveness of the health disc, in some cases it is not recommended to deal with them. Contraindications include spinal injuries, intervertebral hernias, and vertebral displacements. Also refrain from exercising for diseases of the stomach, intestines and other abdominal organs. For gynecological diseases, it is worth consulting with a specialist. The same goes for high or low blood pressure, balance problems, or vestibular disease. Another clear contraindication is pregnancy.

A set of effective exercises with a health disc

Effective exercises on the health disc for weight loss, a video with which will help you understand how to perform them, can be represented by the following complex:

  • Stand on the disc with two feet, placing your arms along your torso. Turn the body in different directions, helping yourself with your hands. Continue for three minutes.
  • Stand on the disc with both feet and grab some support. Perform side-to-side turns at a fast pace so that the amplitude is as high as possible. Repeat for 2-3 minutes.
  • Place one foot on the disc, lock your hands on your belt. Turn the leg that remains free along the vertical axis for 2-3 minutes.
  • Bend down and place your hands on the disc. Rotate it with your hands for three minutes, turning your body as much as possible.
  • Kneel on the disc, put your hands on the floor. Rotate the body in different directions with maximum amplitude. Turn 25 times in each direction.
  • Put the disc on a chair, sit on it. Place your hands on your belt. Push off with your feet and do active twists, turning left and right. Repeat the movements for four minutes.
  • Sit on the disc on the floor. Place your hands and feet on the floor. Rotate the disc, making sure that your hands remain motionless and do not participate in the exercise. Continue for three minutes. Videos of exercises with a health disc will help you better understand how to do them.
  • Sit on a disc that is lying on a chair, put your hands on your knees. Do bouncing with your feet, moving from heel to toe. Perform movements in both directions alternately. Make 4 turns in each direction.
  • The circle remains on the chair, as in the previous exercise. Sit on it so that your left side touches the back of the chair. Push off the floor with both feet and turn 180 degrees on the chair. Then return to the starting position. Perform 4 turns on each side.
  • Place your right foot on the disc and your left foot on a chair. The right hand should be on the belt, and the left hand should rest against the wall. Rotate your lower body so that your left elbow and right arm touch. Return to the starting position and change the support leg. You need to do 8 repetitions for each side.
  • Place your left hand on the disc, clasp your hands behind your head. Turn the body to the left and spread your arms to the sides. Return to the starting position and change legs, making the same movements. Do 8 exercises for each leg.
  • This exercise will require two discs. Place your feet shoulder-width apart. There should be a disc under each leg. Twist the discs inward and outward at the same time. Make 20 turns - 10 inward and 10 outward. For beginners, this exercise is quite difficult, so you can do fewer reps at first, and increase them over time.
  • The starting position is the same as in the previous exercise, but the legs are slightly bent at the knees. Turn two legs to the left and extend your arms to the right. Then, on the contrary, turn your legs to the right and your arms to the left. Make 10 turns on each side. These waist disc exercises are also quite difficult, so if you are a beginner, you can do them fewer times.

You will need no more than half an hour to complete this complex. During the first sessions, during one exercise, you can limit yourself to five turns so that your muscles can get used to the stress. It is important to warm up before exercising. How to do it will help you understand the exercise videos with the health disc.

After completing the session, cool down in the form of a small stretch so that the muscles can recover faster. After finishing the exercises, breathe in and out deeply several times, walk slowly around the room for several minutes, and only then relax.

Exercises on the health disc for weight loss on video

Exercises with a health disc are quite simple and at the same time very effective. By practicing regularly, you will soon be able to see the first results. Well, to understand how to perform them correctly, videos of weight loss exercises with a health disc will help you, which will clearly demonstrate this.

The Health Disc is an effective, small home fitness and weight loss machine that has been well known since the last century. These are two discs fastened together, the upper one rotates relative to the lower one on a bearing. Recently, the principle of the simulator has not changed, but a whole range of exercises has been developed and new functions have been added.

In the article, we will analyze in detail what a health disk is, what is the use of it, what results can be achieved during training. We will show you how to properly exercise on a plate and offer effective exercises for losing weight on a health disk.

What it is?

This simulator consists of two bonded discs, the design allows for rotational movements that stimulate weight loss, improve vitality, and effective body shaping. Disk health can be safely called a compact and versatile simulator, classes on which are available at home, in the park, on business trips, in the office. There are no age and weight restrictions for grace training. It is an indispensable equipment for people who, by virtue of their profession, lead a sedentary lifestyle.

A beneficial effect on the physical condition and appearance, weight loss, toned muscles - these are the effects that the health disc gives, and also:

  • develops the vestibular apparatus and improves movement coordination;
  • tightens the hips, buttocks, forms a thin waist, stimulates weight loss, develops straight and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • increases the mobility and flexibility of the body, has a beneficial effect on the spine;
  • improves intestinal motility due to massage of internal organs;
  • promotes good blood circulation and improves the tone of the body.

An example of a classic model

The disc of health is a mini-fitness room in your home, just a few simple exercises in the complex give tangible results: weight loss, a slim figure, toned muscles and a boost of vivacity.

Existing species

The Grace slimming simulator is made of metal and plastic, the standard diameter is 260-300 mm. The simplest health disc is an exercise machine with a grooved surface, it provides an acupressure massage of the feet, which has a charitable healing effect. Additional stimulation of important acupuncture points noticeably improves the tone and functioning of the body as a whole, ensures the accumulation of vitality.

In addition to massage elements, the health disc can be equipped with magnetic elements. Adding features to your health and weight loss machine will improve your workout efficiency. The system of rare earth magnets, which is built into the upper circle, in addition to massage, also affects the biologically active areas of the feet. Magnetotherapy has healing properties and a relaxing effect.

To make the training more effective, it is advisable to purchase a model equipped with hand resistance bands. This type of floor trainer is different from the classic models. It is a single or double disc, from the sides of which special resistance bands are attached for strength exercises. Classes on it develop the shoulder girdle, tighten the muscles of the arms, chest, back, and, as a result, lose weight.

Types of trainer with expander

Weight loss machines work on a bearing system and are designed for models with different weights. For those who value reliability, it is recommended to purchase a metal model, it can withstand loads of more than 100 kg.

The sporting goods industry does not stand still, and today you can find weight loss machines on sale that are equipped with a computer that monitors your health during exercise. This is the most versatile and safest simulator, it allows you to control your physical condition, removes restrictions on sports for people who have some health problems.

The trainer can be found at any sporting goods store. The cost depends on which model you go to buy, the cost is made up of the complete set and the manufacturer's brand, the simplest model will cost $ 40-50. Popular models: e271, mediv 2, york, fitness, torneo.

Slimming and body sculpting exercises

In order for the exercises on the health disk to give the maximum result in weight loss and body shaping, experts recommend daily, half-hour workouts. Here you should take into account the amplitude of rotation, it is important to combine weight loss exercises with power loads, which helps to strengthen the muscles. Proper nutrition is essential to get the maximum effect.

It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of water before exercising, this will help improve blood circulation. The health and weight loss device should be placed on a non-slip surface, preferably next to furniture, so that you can lean on your elbows if necessary.

To avoid dizziness, do not make sudden rotational movements.

The load is determined independently, depending on the goal: just stretch out, lose weight, tighten the forms, correct the muscle mass.

Exercise complexes

Some programs on the health disc are aimed at restoring the figure after childbirth, others at losing weight, tightening the hips and buttocks, reducing the size of the waist, there are strengthening fitness complexes, for working out the muscles of the torso, the press, etc. It is important here not to try to grasp the immensity, but to determine priorities for yourself and choose the required exercises. The results in weight loss and body sculpting will be noticeable in a month after daily training for at least 15 minutes.

The photo shows an example of various exercises

Basic exercises

Standing on the disk, put your hands on the back of the chair. Bend the legs and turn to the right, the torso to the left and in the other direction, optimally 5 repetitions. The starting position is the same, but hands, at shoulder level, rest your palms on the wall, repeat the turns. The next exercise is to stretch your arms in front of you, twist left and right, and move your arms in the opposite direction. Promotes weight loss and slimmer waist.

We put the disc on a chair, sit down, hands on our knees. We step over our feet in 5 steps to the left and then to the right. Next, hands behind the head, twisting movements of the torso, 6 reps. We sit with our right side against the back of the chair, push off strongly with our legs, turn 180 °, and in the other direction.

Working out the muscles of the press

We return the disc for health and weight loss to the floor, one foot on the simulator, the other on the floor, hands on the belt. We make rotational movements on the disc with our feet, 10 times, change the leg and repeat the approach. We sit on the simulator, bend our knees, hands on the floor. We push off to get a 360 ° rotation. 3 reps in each direction.

We stand on the disc for health and weight loss, legs together, bend forward, do not bend your knees. We take out the floor with our fingertips, and move it 3 times to the left, 3 to the right. We straighten up and repeat the exercise. We take the emphasis while lying, put our hands on the circle. To the left 3 times, to the right, we touch it with our feet. We change the starting position, now the legs are on the graceful disc and we move our hands.

We sit on the disk, rest our hands behind, bend our legs to the stomach, turn our hands over and rotate from side to side. We straighten our legs, keep them on weight and repeat the exercise. All abdominal muscles are worked out, the result is weight loss and a thin waist.

Watch the video for how to do the basic exercises for the technical details and intensity of your weight loss workout.

We work out the whole body and abs

We put the disc on the floor, put our feet on the massage pads, bend at the knees slightly, raise our arms to the shoulders and move our hips to the left / right.

Strengthening the muscles of the thighs, abs and back

We squeeze the disc between the hands, press with force from both sides, rotate the hands in opposite directions.

Exercise to create a sculpted torso and strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms

For the next compress, you will need two discs, stand on them, feet shoulder width apart. We begin to rotate the feet inward and outward.

The inner thigh and lower torso are being worked on

Starting position as in the previous exercise, bend your arms at the elbows, squat slightly. Rotating the discs, move the hips from side to side.

An example of a complex for the abdominal muscles

Then the same thing, but rotate the hips so that the legs intersect cross to cross, the amplitude is maximum, as the stretching allows. Exercise shapes the figure and promotes intense weight loss.

To strengthen the calf muscles, bend forward as much as possible in the same position and move your feet in and out.

We lie down on the floor, hands on the discs and perform rotations with our palms. Inward - bend the elbows, outward - unbend.

Exercise for the muscles of the arms, chest, neck, abs

This is not the whole range of exercises that this simulator allows you to perform; the disc can be called a universal device for losing weight and body shaping.

Slimming Disc Effectiveness

A slimming disc is effective only if it is constantly used; the complex also needs proper nutrition. Good success in body shaping and weight loss among those who train for half an hour every day. Women who exercise regularly are especially pleased, their reviews indicate that the problem area goes by 40-50 mm in 2 weeks. According to statistics, in 20 minutes of intense exercise on a plate, about 400 kilocalories are burned.

Olya Likhacheva

Beauty is like a precious stone: the simpler it is, the more precious :)


Technologies do not stand still, all simulators improve over time. A rotating iron disc from Soviet times has grown to be "tuned" with new materials, musical melodies during classes, and various additional functions. The health disc for weight loss is a floor trainer that helps to keep the muscles of the abdomen and back in good shape. Regular daily exercise will help you cope with those extra pounds. With the slimming health disc, your silhouette will be greatly improved. Find out how to do it right.

Types of slimming discs

There are many simulators, but why should you buy a spinning disc for weight loss? There are a number of benefits that come with home rotary machines:

  1. Dimensions of the device. The simulator is small, it is not only convenient in terms of storage at home, but also appropriate for travel, office or recreation.
  2. Availability. At a sports store, a rotating health disc can be purchased at inexpensive prices. Prices for treadmills, cycle tracks, in comparison with the disc, are much higher.
  3. Benefit. It will be possible to improve the waist, abs, hips, side areas.
  4. A healthy approach. Regular training will improve the condition of the spine, blood circulation, and will strengthen the general condition of the body.
  5. Loads. Gradually increasing the load, the person approaches the maximum training pace. The result is accelerated weight loss.

There are a number of contraindications in which doctors prohibit the use of a disc for the waist. Exercise can be harmful if you have:

  • chronic diseases;
  • circulatory problems;
  • fragile bones;
  • back diseases (sciatica and others);
  • back problems.

Health metal circle

What does a metal trainer look like? It is a circle of two metal parts, with a diameter of about 25 cm. The plates are fixed to each other by a bearing, which allows the disc to rotate during exercise. The metal circle of health is the most inexpensive option, in no way inferior to the newfangled novelties in terms of weight loss. The principle of work on such a simulator does not differ from others, so the process of losing weight with the right workouts is effective. You should train every day, increasing the load gradually.


The version of the simulator with magnetic treatment is almost 2 times more expensive than a conventional metal disc. The simulator is equipped with a special diagnostic computer that analyzes exercises and other data. Fans of on-disk activities will come in handy for this type of device to control the quality, the number of twists during daily activities. The home magnetic cardio trainer is very beneficial for joint health, weight loss.

Disc Grace with expanders

The ideal waist with the help of such a device is guaranteed to you, in addition, it is also a trainer for arms and legs at the same time. The Grace disc has a relief surface that additionally massages the legs. During training, it is allowed to drink a little water, and to speed up the process of losing weight, it is worth speeding up, changing training regimes. The trainer Grace, in addition to having a beneficial effect on the figure, additionally improves:

  • condition of muscles, joints throughout the body;
  • circulatory and cardiac systems;
  • flexibility of the vertebrae;
  • coordination of movements;
  • the state of the body in psychological terms.

How to do disk exercises

Exercises on the Health Disc for weight loss require adherence to a certain correct execution technique. Points to remember:

  1. Training must be safe, so the circle is placed on a stable and non-slip surface.
  2. If you feel dizzy, you need to slow down the pace of your workout and do your movements smoothly. There must be a support next to you.
  3. For the waist to become an aspen, it is not enough to simply rotate in a circle: only the lower part of the body should remain mobile. The shoulders remain immobile.
  4. A glass of warm water before your workout will help improve circulation.
  5. It is useful to do the crunches on the circle before the main workouts as a warm-up.

For hands

An excellent workout for strengthening and tightening muscles will be this exercise: put your hands on the disk, as if you want to push up from it. Twisting your palms in different directions in turn for one minute, you will be able to make the muscles of the arms beautiful and strong. Plus: When doing movements for the rest of your body, you will be doing additional arm swings that will improve your coordination and arm flexibility.

For legs

To strengthen the legs and tighten the buttocks, the following exercises are suitable:

  1. Sit down until your knees are bent. We tilt our back forward and rotate the disc with our legs, to speed up the pace, you need to swing your hands in the opposite direction from the legs. Duration of the exercise: 3 minutes.
  2. Get on all fours with your knees on the disc and your feet not touching the floor. Move your buttocks for 3 minutes.

For the waist and abdomen

A nice waist and a toned abs with exercise is easy. Repeat these activities regularly:

  1. Sit with your buttocks on the disk, with your hands resting back on the floor. Raise the legs in a bent position at an angle of 90 degrees and, in turn, transfer each leg to the other side, touching the floor with the heel. Time: 3 minutes.
  2. Stand on the disc, spread your arms to the sides. Rotate your hips left and right without changing the position of your hands for three minutes.

The Health Disc is an effective, small home fitness and weight loss machine that has been well known since the last century. These are two discs fastened together, the upper one rotates relative to the lower one on a bearing. Recently, the principle of the simulator has not changed, but a whole range of exercises has been developed and new functions have been added.

In the article, we will analyze in detail what a health disk is, what is the use of it, what results can be achieved during training. We will show you how to properly exercise on a plate and offer effective exercises for losing weight on a health disk.

What it is?

This simulator consists of two bonded discs, the design allows for rotational movements that stimulate weight loss, improve vitality, and effective body shaping. Disk health can be safely called a compact and versatile simulator, classes on which are available at home, in the park, on business trips, in the office. There are no age and weight restrictions for grace training. It is an indispensable equipment for people who, by virtue of their profession, lead a sedentary lifestyle.

A beneficial effect on the physical condition and appearance, weight loss, toned muscles - these are the effects that the health disc gives, and also:

  • develops the vestibular apparatus and improves movement coordination;
  • tightens the hips, buttocks, forms a thin waist, stimulates weight loss, develops straight and oblique abdominal muscles;
  • increases the mobility and flexibility of the body, has a beneficial effect on the spine;
  • improves intestinal motility due to massage of internal organs;
  • promotes good blood circulation and improves the tone of the body.

An example of a classic model

The disc of health is a mini-fitness room in your home, just a few simple exercises in the complex give tangible results: weight loss, a slim figure, toned muscles and a boost of vivacity.

Existing species

The Grace slimming simulator is made of metal and plastic, the standard diameter is 260-300 mm. The simplest health disc is an exercise machine with a grooved surface, it provides an acupressure massage of the feet, which has a charitable healing effect. Additional stimulation of important acupuncture points noticeably improves the tone and functioning of the body as a whole, ensures the accumulation of vitality.

In addition to massage elements, the health disc can be equipped with magnetic elements. Adding features to your health and weight loss machine will improve your workout efficiency. The system of rare earth magnets, which is built into the upper circle, in addition to massage, also affects the biologically active areas of the feet. Magnetotherapy has healing properties and a relaxing effect.

To make the training more effective, it is advisable to purchase a model equipped with hand resistance bands. This type of floor trainer is different from the classic models. It is a single or double disc, from the sides of which special resistance bands are attached for strength exercises. Classes on it develop the shoulder girdle, tighten the muscles of the arms, chest, back, and, as a result, lose weight.

Types of trainer with expander

Weight loss machines work on a bearing system and are designed for models with different weights. For those who value reliability, it is recommended to purchase a metal model, it can withstand loads of more than 100 kg.

The sporting goods industry does not stand still, and today you can find weight loss machines on sale that are equipped with a computer that monitors your health during exercise. This is the most versatile and safest simulator, it allows you to control your physical condition, removes restrictions on sports for people who have some health problems.

The trainer can be found at any sporting goods store. The cost depends on which model you go to buy, the cost is made up of the complete set and the manufacturer's brand, the simplest model will cost $ 40-50. Popular models: e271, mediv 2, york, fitness, torneo.

Slimming and body sculpting exercises

In order for the exercises on the health disk to give the maximum result in weight loss and body shaping, experts recommend daily, half-hour workouts. Here you should take into account the amplitude of rotation, it is important to combine weight loss exercises with power loads, which helps to strengthen the muscles. Proper nutrition is essential to get the maximum effect.

It is recommended to drink 1-2 glasses of water before exercising, this will help improve blood circulation. The health and weight loss device should be placed on a non-slip surface, preferably next to furniture, so that you can lean on your elbows if necessary.

To avoid dizziness, do not make sudden rotational movements.

The load is determined independently, depending on the goal: just stretch out, lose weight, tighten the forms, correct the muscle mass.

Exercise complexes

Some programs on the health disc are aimed at restoring the figure after childbirth, others at losing weight, tightening the hips and buttocks, reducing the size of the waist, there are strengthening fitness complexes, for working out the muscles of the torso, the press, etc. It is important here not to try to grasp the immensity, but to determine priorities for yourself and choose the required exercises. The results in weight loss and body sculpting will be noticeable in a month after daily training for at least 15 minutes.

The photo shows an example of various exercises

Basic exercises

Standing on the disk, put your hands on the back of the chair. Bend the legs and turn to the right, the torso to the left and in the other direction, optimally 5 repetitions. The starting position is the same, but hands, at shoulder level, rest your palms on the wall, repeat the turns. The next exercise is to stretch your arms in front of you, twist left and right, and move your arms in the opposite direction. Promotes weight loss and slimmer waist.

We put the disc on a chair, sit down, hands on our knees. We step over our feet in 5 steps to the left and then to the right. Next, hands behind the head, twisting movements of the torso, 6 reps. We sit with our right side against the back of the chair, push off strongly with our legs, turn 180 °, and in the other direction.

Working out the muscles of the press

We return the disc for health and weight loss to the floor, one foot on the simulator, the other on the floor, hands on the belt. We make rotational movements on the disc with our feet, 10 times, change the leg and repeat the approach. We sit on the simulator, bend our knees, hands on the floor. We push off to get a 360 ° rotation. 3 reps in each direction.

We stand on the disc for health and weight loss, legs together, bend forward, do not bend your knees. We take out the floor with our fingertips, and move it 3 times to the left, 3 to the right. We straighten up and repeat the exercise. We take the emphasis while lying, put our hands on the circle. To the left 3 times, to the right, we touch it with our feet. We change the starting position, now the legs are on the graceful disc and we move our hands.

We sit on the disk, rest our hands behind, bend our legs to the stomach, turn our hands over and rotate from side to side. We straighten our legs, keep them on weight and repeat the exercise. All abdominal muscles are worked out, the result is weight loss and a thin waist.

Watch the video for how to do the basic exercises for the technical details and intensity of your weight loss workout.

We work out the whole body and abs

We put the disc on the floor, put our feet on the massage pads, bend at the knees slightly, raise our arms to the shoulders and move our hips to the left / right.

Strengthening the muscles of the thighs, abs and back

We squeeze the disc between the hands, press with force from both sides, rotate the hands in opposite directions.

Exercise to create a sculpted torso and strengthen the muscles of the chest and arms

For the next compress, you will need two discs, stand on them, feet shoulder width apart. We begin to rotate the feet inward and outward.

The inner thigh and lower torso are being worked on

Starting position as in the previous exercise, bend your arms at the elbows, squat slightly. Rotating the discs, move the hips from side to side.

An example of a complex for the abdominal muscles

Then the same thing, but rotate the hips so that the legs intersect cross to cross, the amplitude is maximum, as the stretching allows. Exercise shapes the figure and promotes intense weight loss.

To strengthen the calf muscles, bend forward as much as possible in the same position and move your feet in and out.

We lie down on the floor, hands on the discs and perform rotations with our palms. Inward - bend the elbows, outward - unbend.

Exercise for the muscles of the arms, chest, neck, abs

This is not the whole range of exercises that this simulator allows you to perform; the disc can be called a universal device for losing weight and body shaping.

Slimming Disc Effectiveness

A slimming disc is effective only if it is constantly used; the complex also needs proper nutrition. Good success in body shaping and weight loss among those who train for half an hour every day. Women who exercise regularly are especially pleased, their reviews indicate that the problem area goes by 40-50 mm in 2 weeks. According to statistics, in 20 minutes of intense exercise on a plate, about 400 kilocalories are burned.

The health disc is a simulator that was quite popular back in the Soviet years, but over time, more bulky and effective simulators have replaced it. However, it is a fairly functional and useful tool for dealing with excess weight even at home with the right exercise on the disc for health.

This treadmill has two metal or plastic circular discs with a diameter of approximately 26 cm, interconnected by a bearing. Thanks to this connection, the upper disc begins to rotate in relation to the lower one.

Home exercise complexes with a health circle for the waist contribute to the formation of correct posture and the development of coordination, as well as tighten muscles.

Benefits of exercising on the simulator

The model is compact enough, therefore, if you have been planning to purchase a simulator for home sports for a long time, this is what you need. It will allow:

  • Burn body fat;
  • Form the correct posture;
  • Improve blood circulation;
  • Massage the feet (if the disc has a grooved coating);
  • Develop the vestibular apparatus.

In addition to the excellent effect of exercises on the disk, this simulator is easy to use, you do not need specific knowledge for training, just know how to use the model correctly.

Tip: If you are a beginner and have never played sports before, but you really want to start, the simulator is perfect for you.

An effective set of exercises for home workouts

For the first time, exercises for the waist on the health circle should be performed slowly, the movements should be smooth, and the amplitude of rotation should not be full. As your body gets used to the stress, you can increase sets, reps, and amplitude.

A set of exercises for home exercises with a disc for health looks like this:

Engaging in this set of exercises for weight loss on the health disk, you have a chance to strengthen the muscles of the whole body in a short time, improve blood circulation in the body and burn calories.

A more complete and detailed complex can be viewed on the exercise video on the health disc for weight loss on the Internet.

Now let's look at what experts advise regarding exercising with such a simple and affordable simulator.

  1. In order for these exercises with a health simulator to give results, it is necessary to practice persistently and constantly, about 25 minutes a day.
  2. When performing a complex, you should not forget about the amplitude of rotation, and try to make it maximum - this will add more load and allow you to strengthen the muscles.
  3. Combine disc exercise for health with abdominal strength and remember to eat well.
  4. In addition, before embarking on a health disc slimming exercise, you need to drink 200-500 ml of water to improve blood circulation.

The main reason to get this mini home trainer is for simple and unique health disc exercises that will help you work out every part of your body. And if you want to work out at home, then use this compact trainer.

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