When does hunting season open? Novosibirsk Regional Society of Hunters and Fishermen

The spring hunting season in the Moscow region traditionally opens on the third Saturday of April and will last ten calendar days. Spring hunting is allowed only for waterfowl and upland game.

  • spring hunting in the Moscow region - from 16 to 25 April 2016

Based on the order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region, norms of permissible prey during spring hunting:

  • capercaillie on the lek - one individual (male) per hunting season from one lek, on which there are at least 5 lekking males at the same time;
  • lek grouse - one individual (male) per hunting season from one lek, on which there are at least 5 lek males at the same time.

During the spring hunting season 2016, a number of restrictions and prohibitions apply in the Moscow Region.

All hunters must remember to follow the rules of spring hunting. Please note that the following is prohibited:

  • spring woodcock hunting on morning draft;
  • spring hunting from the approach (with the exception of hunting for capercaillie on the current);
  • spring hunting with dogs of hunting breeds, birds of prey (with the exception of the use of dogs to search for wounded game birds and feed the caught game birds);
  • spring hunting for female ducks, capercaillie, black grouse;
  • spring hunting for hazel grouse, coot, moorhen;
  • spring hunting of geese in the most important places of their migration and nesting, as well as on the water and at a distance of less than 200 meters from its edge, taking into account the spill.
In the Moscow region, the gray duck and pintail are also banned.

Hunters are asked comply with fire safety rules when in the hunting grounds of the Moscow region and safety rules when hunting. Unfortunately, along with the opening of the hunting season, the number of violations also increases sharply. The most common ones- this is aimless wandering around the lands with a gun (although this is unacceptable in the spring season, since you can only hunt from shelters), prey of completely different species that are allowed (they kill gulls, waders, curlews, beavers, foxes and hares, in a word, apparently , everything that falls into the scope), as well as the lack of a hunting permit. All ten days hunting inspectors are going to patrol the forests in an enhanced mode.

Spring hunting 2016 in the Moscow region in the hunting grounds of the MOOIR

ORDER No. 13 DATED March 24, 2016


In accordance with the Federal Law "On Hunting" No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2009, the Rules of Hunting (as amended by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia of 10.04.2012 No. 98), orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources of the Russian Federation of 05.05.2012 No. 262, dated 08.01.2012 No. 373, dated 10.12.2013 No. 581, Order No. 48 dated 12.04.2012 “On approval of the norms for the permissible extraction of hunting resources, in respect of which no production limit is established, and the norms of throughput ...”, as well as “ Parameters for the implementation of hunting in the hunting grounds of the Moscow Region, approved by the Decree of the Governor of the Moscow Region on October 31, 2012 No. 319 PG:

1. Organize an amateur sports spring hunting in the hunting grounds of the MOOiR, located in the Moscow Region, at one time, within 10 (ten) calendar days, from April 16 to April 25, 2016.

2. Hunting is carried out by permitted methods:

  • on current male capercaillie on the current;
  • on current male grouse from an artificial shelter;
  • on woodcocks on evening draft;
  • on drakes of ducks from an artificial shelter with a decoy duck;
  • on geese from an artificial shelter.
2.1. It is allowed to use gun dogs: island and continental cops, as well as retrievers and spaniels for searching for wounded animals and feeding the caught game birds.

3. Vouchers (contracts) to be issued according to the Price List for services approved by the Board of the ISPA "MOOiR" last year, protocol No. 37-2 dated 08.04.2015 and based on the decisions of the Council of the IOOO "MOOiR" dated 08.04.2015 Regulate the load on the hunting grounds in accordance with the Throughput Rates (see Appendices 1.1, 1.2, 1.3) and the Rates of Permissible Production per hunter during spring hunting in the Moscow Region, established for hunting grounds MSOO "MOOOiR", which in the spring hunting period are:

  • geese - 2 individuals per day per hunter;
  • duck drakes - 3 mallards and 3 other species per day per hunter;
  • woodcock - 2 individuals on evening draft per hunter;
  • capercaillie on the lek - 1 individual (male) per hunting season from one lek, on which there are at least 5 lekking males at the same time;
  • lek grouse - 1 individual (male) per hunting season from one lek, on which there are at least 5 lek males at the same time.
4. In accordance with the Decree of the Ministry of Ecology of the Moscow Region dated 22.05.2002. No. 4-RM, it is not allowed to hunt species listed in the Red Book of Russia and the Red Book of the Moscow Region, including the gray goose (Anser anser L.), the lesser white-fronted goose (Anser erythropus L.), which may be found in the area during spring migrations, as well as on the nesting part of the gray duck (Anas strepera L.) and pintail (Anas acuta L.) populations.

5. To the heads of the structural subdivisions of the MOOOiR:

A) ensure compliance with fire safety rules at hunting bases; instruct hunters to comply with fire safety rules while at bases and in coals, safety precautions in handling hunting weapons and compliance with hunting legislation;

B) to make timely preparation of hunting bases, stopping points, the manufacture and placement of artificial shelters (temporary hunting structures - huts and hiding places for hunting black grouse, drakes and geese), as well as necessary equipment for the hunters. Perform a complete cleaning of the territory of hunting bases;

C) to exercise control over compliance with hunting legislation in cooperation with specially authorized bodies.

6. During the hunting period, the huntsman staff should work seven days a week with the subsequent provision of time off.

Public organization

"Novosibirsk Regional Society of Hunters and Fishermen"


Guided by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 209 - FZ "On hunting and conservation of hunting resources and on amendments to certain legislative acts Russian Federation", by order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2010 No. 512 "On approval of hunting rules", by the Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region of April 13, 2015 No. 142-p "On the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions on the use of hunting resources on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region", Decree of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region dated April 13, 2015 No. No. 69 "On the types of permitted hunting and the parameters of hunting in hunting grounds on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region", by order of the Department for the Protection of Wildlife dated May 15, 2016. #187:

1. Allow the extraction of hunting resources, in all hunting farms of NGO "NOOOiR" according with headcount, quotas and throughput hunting grounds, within the following timeframes:

1.3. wild boar older than one year (males and females that do not have offspring of the current year) - from July 01, 2017. to July 31, 2017;

1.4. upland (except capercaillie), field and steppe game with gun dogs - from August 10, 2016. to November 15, 2016;

1.5. waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field and steppe game - from September 3, 2016. to November 15, 2016;

1.11. brown bear - from August 01, 2016. to November 30, 2016 and from April 01, 2017. to May 30, 2017;

1.16. hares (hare, hare), foxes with dogs of hunting breeds (hounds, greyhounds) - from October 10, 2016. to January 10, 2017;

1.18. sable, American mink, column, squirrel, pine marten, ermine, steppe polecat, fox, corsac, wolf - from October 25, 2016. to February 28, 2017

2. When hunting, comply with the requirements for trapping and shooting game animals and hunting restrictions in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 512 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Economics of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 “On Approval of Hunting Rules”.

3. Chairmen of the boards of regional societies of hunters and fishermen:

3.1. organize the issuance of permits to hunters for the right to extract hunting resources and vouchers (contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, recreation);

3.2. appoint persons responsible for issuing documents for the right to hunt;

3.3. instruct persons responsible for issuing permits and vouchers (contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, recreation) against signature on the correct execution of permits for the right to hunt, on the procedure for issuing and returning them;

3.4. periodically check the correctness of execution by responsible persons of permits for the right to hunt;

3.5. ensure that hunters are informed about the observance of veterinary and sanitary safety measures when acquiring, cutting, transporting and eating meat from hunted resources, as well as the need to comply with fire safety measures in hunting grounds;

3.6. instruct rangers on safety rules during hunting, guarding hunting grounds and fire safety in the grounds and hunting bases;

3.7. prepare and maintain hunting bases and stopping points for receiving hunters in proper condition;

3.8. ensure that hunters return vouchers (contracts) and permits for the right to prey when hunting bears and ungulates within 10 days after the prey, injury or expiration of unused permits; when hunting for other types of hunting resources, ensure the return of permits within 20 days after the capture of the animal or the expiration of the permits;

3.9. timely submit reports on the extraction of hunting resources to the hunting and fishing department of the NGO "NOOOiR";

3.10. supervise the conduct of hunting for ungulates and bears by the huntsman service of the hunting economy.

4. Persons responsible for issuing permits and vouchers (contracts):

4.1. issue permits to hunters for the right to hunt on the basis of a power of attorney issued by NOO "NOOOiR";

4.2. issue permits for the right to extract hunting resources in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated August 29, 2014 N 379 “On approval of the procedure for issuing and issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, the procedure for filing applications and applications necessary for issuing such permits, and approving the forms of permit forms for prey of ungulates, bears, fur-bearing animals, birds”;

4.3. when issuing permits, be guided by the norms of permissible extraction of hunting resources per permit, in accordance with the order of the Department for the Protection of Wildlife May 15, 2016 №187, while in the case of issuing a permit for a taxable type of animal (except for common grouse) one permit to issue for the right to harvest only one individual;

4.4.when issuing permits for black grouse one permit to issue for 3 (three) individuals .

4.5. issuance to hunters of permits for the right to hunt to produce, not exceeding the throughput of the hunting economy;

4.6. collect funds for vouchers (contracts) for the provision of hunting in accordance with the current price lists, regulations on the issuance of permits and vouchers (contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing and recreation);

4.7. to acquaint the hunter with the boundaries of the farm (area) where hunting will be carried out, with the rules of hunting, with safety precautions during hunting and fire safety measures, and the conditions for the provision of other services.

5. Leading hunter Savalov A.A. conduct briefings with the chairmen of the boards of the ROOiR against signature on the preparation and conduct of hunting.

6. Control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the Deputy Chairman of the NGO "NOOOiR" for hunting and fishing activities Gordeev O.V.

Chairman of the board

OO "NOOOiR" N.I. Kobylenko

The issuance of permits for the right to hunt is carried out.

The timing of the opening of the autumn hunt in 2016 is determined by the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 N 512 On Approval of the Rules of Hunting. The exact dates and parameters of hunting are determined by the decree of the head of the Subject of the Federation for each region and may vary from year to year depending on weather and other conditions. Links to orders and resolutions on the opening of hunting in various regions of the Russian Federation can be found on this page below.

Opening dates for autumn hunting 2016

According to the Hunting Rules, the following hunting periods are established

Clause 41.1 of the Rules of hunting. For waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game from the second Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the Khabarovsk Territory, the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia), the Amur Region, the Kurgan Region, the Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Republic of Komi, the Vologda Region , Leningrad region, Novgorod region, Republic of Karelia, Bryansk region, Kaliningrad region, Kaluga region, Moscow region, Nizhny Novgorod region, Orel region, Penza region, Pskov region, Republic of Ingushetia, Kabardino-Balkarian Republic, Republic of Kalmykia, Karachay-Cherkess Republic, Chechen Republic, Stavropol Territory, Astrakhan region;
41.2. For waterfowl, swamp-meadow, field, steppe and mountain game from the third Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in paragraph 41.1 of these Rules;
41.3.For upland game from the third Saturday of August to February 28 (29) in the territories of the Republic of Karelia, the Kaliningrad Region, the Pskov Region, the Komi Republic, the Novgorod Region, the Leningrad Region, the Arkhangelsk Region, the Vologda Region, the Murmansk Region, the Nenets Autonomous Okrug, the Kostroma Region, Tver region, Kirov Region, Nizhny Novgorod Region, Khanty-Mansiysk Autonomous Okrug, Yamalo-Nenets Autonomous Okrug, Irkutsk Region, Omsk Region, Republic of Buryatia, Krasnoyarsk Territory, Tomsk Region, Novosibirsk Region, Trans-Baikal Territory, Kamchatka Territory, Magadan Region, Republic of Sakha (Yakutia ), Chukotka Autonomous Okrug, Primorsky Territory, Khabarovsk Territory, Jewish Autonomous Region, Amur Region;
41.4. for white and tundra partridge from the third Saturday of August to April 20 in the territories of the Krasnoyarsk Territory and the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
41.5. for Turpans (hook-nosed and common) in the period from June 1 to June 4 on the territory of Amginsky, Gorny, Kobyaysky, Megino-Kangalassky, Namsky, Tattinsky, Ust-Aldansky, Churapchinsky regions of the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia);
41.6.for upland game from the third Saturday of August to December 31 in the territories of the constituent entities of the Russian Federation not specified in clause 41.3 of these Rules.

Opening dates for hunting 2016 with hunting dogs and birds of prey

Hunting for game birds with island and continental pointing dogs, retrievers, spaniels (hereinafter referred to as gun dogs), hunting birds is carried out in the following terms:

Hunting for game birds with one gun dog is carried out with the participation of no more than three hunters, each of which must have the documents specified in clause 3.2 of the Hunting Rules, namely, a hunting license, a valid permit for the storage and carrying of hunting weapons, a permit for the extraction of hunting resources and a ticket issued in the prescribed manner. In the case of hunting with birds of prey, it is also necessary to have permission to keep and breed them in semi-free conditions and artificially created habitat, in accordance with the Federal Law of April 24, 1995 N 52-FZ "On Wildlife".

Opening dates for bear hunting 2016

Opening dates for hunting 2016 for ungulates

European roe deer:
all age groups
from May 20 to June 10

Siberian roe deer:
all age groups
adult males from 1 October to 31 December
from August 25 to 20

all age groups
adult males from October 1 to January 15
from September 1 to 30

red deer
all age groups
adult males
from September 1 to September 30
from 1 June to 15 July

Spotted deer:
all age groups
adult males
adult males with non-ossified horns (antlers) from 1 October to 31 December
from September 1 to September 30
from 1 June to 15 July

all age groups
adult males from 1 October to 31 December
from September 1 to 30

all age groups
adult males from August 1 to September 30
from January 1 to March 31

Siberian Mountain goat:
all age groups
April 15 to May 31

all age groups
adult males from August 1 to November 30
April 15 to May 31

Bison hybrids with bison, livestock:
all gender and age groups from October 1 to January 15

Opening dates for hunting 2016 for fur animals

Marmots (steppe, gray, Kamchatka), ground squirrels (large, small, Trans-Baikal, speckled, cross-cheeked, long-tailed, American, Caucasian, except for sandstone ground squirrel) from July 1 to September 30

Hare (hare, hare, tolai, Manchurian), wild rabbit, raccoon dog, fox, corsac from September 15 to February 28 (29)

Sable, mink (European, American), weasel, squirrel, flying squirrel, lynx, wolverine, marten, marten (forest, stone), ermine, polecat (forest, steppe), weasel, striped raccoon, solongoy, wild cats from October 1 to February 28 (29)

According to the Rules of hunting, it is established that:

upland game include capercaillie, black grouse, hazel grouse, white and tundra partridge, woodcock;

swamp-meadow game include great snipe, snipe, harshnep, turukhtan, herbalist, lapwing, tules, chrustan, snails, godwit, curlew, morodunka, turnstone, corncrake, shepherd, common chauffeur;

waterfowl include geese, goose, ducks, coot, moorhen;

steppe and field game include gray and bearded partridges, quail, saja, pheasants, pigeons and turtledoves;

mountain game includes kekliks and ulars;

belong to other game loons, cormorants, skuas, gulls, terns, auks, classified as game animals in order to ensure the traditional way of life and the traditional economic activities of the indigenous peoples of the North, Siberia and the Far East of the Russian Federation.

Information on the extraction of hunting resources and their quantity must be reported at the place of obtaining a permit for the extraction of hunting resources within the established time limits:

within 10 days after the capture, injury of the animal or the expiration of the permit when hunting ungulates and bears;

within 20 days after the extraction or expiration of the permit when hunting for other types of hunting resources.

The opening of the autumn-winter hunting for fur in the Moscow region took place in August, when they allowed hunting for mink (American), squirrel, raccoon dog, martens (forest, stone), polecat (forest, steppe). The hunting season for fur-bearing animals in the Moscow region continued with the opening on September 15 of hunting for wolves, foxes, hares (hare, hare). The opening of hunting for muskrat, water vole, beaver and weasel in the Moscow region took place on October 1, 2016.

More details about the rules and terms of hunting in the Moscow region 2016 - 2017 can be found below, where the orders of the Moscow Society of Hunters and Fishermen are published.

"On the organization of hunting for fur animals in the hunting season 2016-2017."

In accordance with the Federal Law "On Hunting" No. 209-FZ of July 24, 2009, the Rules of Hunting (as amended by the Orders of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia of 10.04.2012 No. 98, of 05.09.2012 No. 262, of 04.09. 2014 No. 383)) and Decree of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region No. 48 dated April 12, 2012 On Approval of the Norms for the Permissible Harvest of Hunting Resources, in Relation to which the Limit of Harvest and the Norms for the Throughput of Hunting Grounds in the Moscow Region are not established:

1. Organize hunting for fur-bearing animals in the hunting farms of the MOOiR in the following terms:

  • for a wolf, fox, hares (hare, hare) - from September 15, 2016 to February 28, 2017;
  • for mink (American), squirrel, raccoon dog, martens (forest, stone), polecat (forest, steppe), from August 20, 2016 to February 28, 2017.
  • for muskrat, water vole - from October 01, 2016 to April 01, 2017
  • for beaver, weasel from October 01, 2016 to February 28, 2017

Due to the lack of approved limits for badger hunting in 2016, the procedure for organizing hunting for this type of hunting resources will be determined by a separate order.

Registration and issuance of permits for the extraction of badger, marten and beaver should be carried out after payment of the tax fee (60 rubles / individual) with an indication in the permit of the rate of extraction of individuals for the hunting season.

Make a note on the issuance of a permit (number, date) on the receipt for payment of the tax fee.

2. On the basis of the Order of the Ministry of Agriculture and Food of the Moscow Region No. 48 dated April 12, 2012. establish the norms for the extraction of hunting resources (individuals of each species) per hunter per day:

  • wolf, raccoon dog, fox - no restrictions;
  • marten (forest, stone), mink (American), polecat (forest, steppe) - 2;
  • muskrat - 5;
  • common squirrel; beaver - 3;
  • white hare, hare, weasel - 1.

Establish throughput rates for the organization and conduct of hunting at the rate of 100 hectares of hunting grounds per 1 hunter.

3. Due to the unfavorable epizootic situation for rabies, do not restrict the issuance of permits for foxes and raccoon dogs. Take measures to increase their production. When issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, staff of hunting farms should instruct hunters on the need to comply with sanitary safety measures when working with hunted animals.

4. After the expiration of the hunting period until March 20, 2017, the head of hunting farms must provide the following documented information to the hunting department of the MOOO MOOiR: the number of issued and returned permits for the extraction of hunting resources and the number of animals caught; muskrat production to provide until April 20, 2017.

When organizing a hunt, be guided by the price list for services approved by the Council of the International NOO “MOOOiR”, Protocol No. 13 dated March 23, 2016

5. The control of the execution of this order shall be entrusted to the Deputy Chairman of the Board of the MSOO MOOiR V. Zakharkin.

Public organization

"Novosibirsk Regional Society of Hunters and Fishermen"


Guided by the Federal Law of July 24, 2009 No. 209 - FZ "On Hunting and the Preservation of Hunting Resources and on Amendments to Certain Legislative Acts of the Russian Federation", Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation of November 16, 2010 No. 512 "On Approval of Hunting Rules", Decree of the Government of the Novosibirsk Region dated April 13, 2015 No. 142-p “On the introduction of restrictions and prohibitions on the use of hunting resources on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region”, Decree of the Governor of the Novosibirsk Region dated April 13, 2015 No. No. 69 "On the types of permitted hunting and the parameters of hunting in hunting grounds on the territory of the Novosibirsk Region", by order of the Department for the Protection of Wildlife dated May 15, 2016. #187:

1. Allow the extraction of hunting resources, in all hunting farms of NGO "NOOOiR" according with headcount, quotas and throughput hunting grounds, within the following timeframes:

1.3. wild boar older than one year (males and females that do not have offspring of the current year) - from July 01, 2017. to July 31, 2017;

1.4. upland (except capercaillie), field and steppe game with gun dogs - from August 10, 2016 to November 15, 2016;

1.5. waterfowl, marsh-meadow, field and steppe game - from September 3, 2016. to November 15, 2016;

1.11. brown bear - from August 01, 2016 to November 30, 2016 and from April 01, 2017. to May 30, 2017;

1.16. hares (hare, hare), foxes with dogs of hunting breeds (hounds, greyhounds) - from October 10, 2016. to January 10, 2017;

1.18. sable, American mink, column, squirrel, pine marten, ermine, steppe polecat, fox, corsac, wolf - from October 25, 2016. to February 28, 2017

2. When hunting, comply with the requirements for trapping and shooting game animals and hunting restrictions in accordance with the requirements of Order No. 512 of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Economics of the Russian Federation dated November 16, 2010 “On Approval of Hunting Rules”.

3. Chairmen of the boards of regional societies of hunters and fishermen:

3.1. organize the issuance of permits to hunters for the right to extract hunting resources and vouchers (contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, recreation);

3.2. appoint persons responsible for issuing documents for the right to hunt;

3.3. instruct persons responsible for issuing permits and vouchers (contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing, recreation) against signature on the correct execution of permits for the right to hunt, on the procedure for issuing and returning them;

3.4. periodically check the correctness of execution by responsible persons of permits for the right to hunt;

3.5. ensure that hunters are informed about the observance of veterinary and sanitary safety measures when acquiring, cutting, transporting and eating meat from hunted resources, as well as the need to comply with fire safety measures in hunting grounds;

3.6. instruct rangers on safety rules during hunting, protection of hunting grounds and fire safety in the grounds and hunting bases;

3.7. prepare and maintain hunting bases and stopping points for receiving hunters in proper condition;

3.8. ensure that hunters return vouchers (contracts) and permits for the right to prey when hunting bears and ungulates within 10 days after the prey, injury or expiration of unused permits; when hunting for other types of hunting resources, ensure the return of permits within 20 days after the capture of the animal or the expiration of the permits;

3.9. timely submit reports on the extraction of hunting resources to the hunting and fishing department of the NGO "NOOOiR";

3.10. supervise the conduct of hunting for ungulates and bears by the huntsman service of the hunting economy.

4. Persons responsible for issuing permits and vouchers (contracts):

4.1. issue permits to hunters for the right to hunt on the basis of a power of attorney issued by NOO "NOOOiR";

4.2. issue permits for the right to extract hunting resources in accordance with the Order of the Ministry of Natural Resources of Russia dated August 29, 2014 N 379 “On approval of the procedure for issuing and issuing permits for the extraction of hunting resources, the procedure for filing applications and applications necessary for issuing such permits, and approving the forms of permit forms for prey of ungulates, bears, fur-bearing animals, birds”;

4.3. when issuing permits, be guided by the norms of permissible extraction of hunting resources per permit, in accordance with the order of the Department for the Protection of Wildlife May 15, 2016 №187, while in the case of issuing a permit for a taxable type of animal (except for common grouse) one permit to issue for the right to harvest only one individual;

4.4.when issuing permits for black grouse one permit to issue for 3 (three) individuals .

4.5. issuance to hunters of permits for the right to hunt to produce, not exceeding the throughput of the hunting economy;

4.6. collect funds for vouchers (contracts) for the provision of hunting in accordance with the current price lists, regulations on the issuance of permits and vouchers (contracts for the provision of services in the field of hunting, fishing and recreation);

4.7. to acquaint the hunter with the boundaries of the farm (area) where hunting will be carried out, with the rules of hunting, with safety precautions during hunting and fire safety measures, and the conditions for the provision of other services.

5. Leading hunter Savalov A.A. conduct briefings with the chairmen of the boards of the ROOiR against signature on the preparation and conduct of hunting.

6. Control over the execution of this order shall be assigned to the Deputy Chairman of the NGO "NOOOiR" for hunting and fishing activities Gordeev O.V.

Chairman of the board

OO "NOOOiR" N.I. Kobylenko

The issuance of permits for the right to hunt will be carried out from August 08, 2016.
