Fishing tackle and seines. Reservoir fishing gear and applications There are currently some of the most common types of gear, such as fishing seine.

Today, more and more interest in fishing is returning, not only as a craft. In this regard, the need for fishing nets, one of the integral attributes of this occupation, is also increasing.


The purpose of the seines is to cover a certain area of ​​the reservoir together with the fish located there and, reducing the swept area to a minimum, to drain the fish.


Set nets from the group of traps are the most widespread. Their principle of automatic fishing and the ability to keep fish alive attracts a lot of attention of specialists.


Delirium has the same parts as the seine net. The usual dimensions of a nonsense are 10-25 m in length and 1-1.8 m in height.
The main and main difference between the seine and nonsense is in the methods of fishing and in size.


A coarse mesh net is a necessary tool when fishing for large fish. It is manufactured on modern equipment and can be hit with different mesh diameters, ranging from 30 to 200 mm.


The lifting net is a rectangle made of easy delhi, which is lowered to the bottom and, after a while, is raised, capturing the fish that is at that moment above the net.


Small-mesh seine is a type of seine used for catching small fish. It can have various modifications: (bottom, drop-in, swing-out). A popular type of fixed seine is the fixed seine.


Some products are prohibited for use in recreational and sport fishing in Russia. Produced for research institutes, fish farms and for regions of the Russian Federation, where the use of this type of product is permitted.

To the great happiness of anglers in our time, the choice of fishing tackle is simply replete with variety and amazes with an assortment of all kinds of options.

This is no longer the time when improvised materials and inventions of avid fishermen were used as equipment for fish farming. The tradition of buying fishing tackle in bulk has become especially relevant, because real fishermen know how expensive it can be to purchase equipment separately.

And the point here is not only the price, quite often small sellers do not control the quality of the goods sold, allowing defective gear to be sold. This is why fishing enthusiasts prefer to buy fishing tackle in bulk from trusted dealers, rather than from rather dubious retail chains.

Market conditions for fish farming equipment:

The market is so vast and multifaceted that it is easy for an uneducated fisherman to get lost in all the variety of manufacturers of this equipment. Only one thing is true: a conscientious manufacturer will always remain faithful to its quality, and cooperation will be conducted mainly through wholesale networks. Only wholesalers are able to provide truly quality equipment that meets the highest requirements of all standards. Here you can find:

  • float and floats;
  • twine and sinkers;

Wholesale fishing tackle from the manufacturer: the right choice for the fisherman.

Nowadays, it is not a big problem to purchase quality fish farming equipment from the manufacturer. In modern market conditions, wholesale suppliers have an undeniable advantage, who are able to provide exactly the products that a real fisherman dreams of. You can buy fishing tackle in Moscow from many suppliers, but it is here that you will find consistently high quality fishing tackle, low prices for products and pleasant, unobtrusive service.

Our wholesale network is focused not only on professional fishermen, our clients include many fishing amateurs. It is our wholesale network that is able to provide you with the best fishing equipment, and pleasant moments of fishing with the help of our tackles will leave in your memory the brightest memories of a pleasant time.

As you know, in order to catch a huge amount of fish in a relatively short period of time, it is worth using a fishing net.

Fishing seine is a large net that is used for fishing in various bodies of water. Fishing seines allow fishing in large quantities in marine and oceanic fisheries.
This tackle is a large-sized netting web with ropes, the principle of which is based on delaying the fish that is in motion and directing it to a special device or pulling the net with the catch from the water.
Fishing seines have been known to mankind for more than a dozen years. Their primitive predecessors were used in ancient times, since it was they who helped the fisherman return home with a solid catch.

Currently, there are several of the most common types of tackle, such as a seine net.

Among them it is worth highlighting:
  1. seine net;
  2. bypass;
  3. bottom;
  4. fixed seine.

The seine fish is the oldest species of a number of seines.

It is used for coastal fishing. This fishing tackle is thrown into the water from a boat that moves along the reservoir, and then pulled towards the shore with the catch. Such a seine is perfect for river or lake fishing, and you can also fish with it in winter.

If nets are needed for sea fishing, then it is worth buying an overhead net.

This type of fishing tackle allows you to fish far offshore by pulling prey aboard the vessel. With this device, you can catch whole schools of fish, which can never be done with a conventional spinning rod.

Bottom seines allow you to fish both on lakes and in the sea.

They are used for bottom fishing. Seine fishing of this type can be carried out both from a small vessel and from the coastal zone. Its principle is very similar to the principle of catching a seine net, only the first, unlike the second, covers the bottom of the reservoir.

There are also stationary fixed seines.

They are usually used for industrial purposes, for catching salmon, trout, capelin, Baltic herring and the like. A fixed seine is used where fishing with other fishing tackle is not possible. But this type also has its drawbacks: high cost, large size, complexity of installation and the risk of destruction in bad weather conditions.

If you are counting on a big catch or want to catch fish at a professional level, then do not forget to buy a fishing net. Remember, this tackle is an indispensable assistant for every avid angler.

Nonsense (also known under the local names "dragging", "dragging") is essentially a small seine, which differs from the classical seine only in length (from 6 to 30 meters, rarely longer) and in the method of application: boats, surrounding a certain part of the reservoir, after which the tackle is pulled to the shore or onto the ice (for winter fishing). Nonsense, on the other hand, is a clockwork tackle, they lead it into a pond and wade it onto fish, without the help of boats. It is not easy to catch large quantities of pike with delirium. Firstly, they choose places for their camps that are extremely inconvenient for fishing: a snag, thickets of underwater vegetation, trees that have fallen into the water, etc. - there is simply no way to carry on nonsense. Secondly, the pike is not a schooling fish, it stays alone, and the places of pike ambushes are sometimes remote at considerable distances from each other. Thirdly, the pike rather cleverly avoid nonsense - they do not rush about in blind panic, hitting the wings and heading along them in the wind - on the contrary, they slowly sail away from the approaching tackle, choosing a convenient moment: for example, when the bottom line of the nonsense gets caught on some underwater obstacle, stretches and rises above the bottom soil - the pike will immediately slip into the gap formed. Sometimes the pikes simply jump over the upper line of nonsense, but such "aerial acrobats" are still a minority, the rest of the pikes are looking for their chance in the depths. If the nonsense does not cover the entire width of the reservoir, the pikes simply bypass the wings. For example, when fishing on wide and shallow river floods, which are very rich in pikes, the usual result is a few kilograms of roach and perch and 2-3 bee-eaters accidentally caught. Therefore, the main condition for successful nonsense pike fishing is the correct choice of the place of fishing. On large rivers and lakes, it is worth counting on pikes in the catch only in narrow bays and creeks, the width of which allows them to be covered with raving from shore to shore Spring fishing with delirium is successful on small flooded reservoirs in river floodplains, soon after the spring hollow water leaves: except constantly the crucians and tenchs living there, in the flooded lakes (and even simply in large puddles) there are many large river fish that did not have time to slide down into the channel when the level fell. These are mainly pikes. Only there, perhaps, do the largest trophy specimens of pike fall into delirium - they keep all year round in deep holes inaccessible to delirium, and only in the spring they swim into the floodplain, in shallow water. But most of all pike is caught in small, slowly flowing rivulets, in which pools alternate with shallow waters. If on the river, where fishing is carried out constantly, the pools are too rare, and from one place of fishing to another you have to walk a couple of kilometers over rough terrain with heavy wet gear, then the so-called. "Raving drowns" are specially equipped: in convenient places with a flat bottom, temporary dams are erected from stone-flagstone, from stakes and cut sod, etc. These structures raise the water level by 0.5-1 m, and delay part of the fish, and local, inhabited fish concentrate in the resulting backwaters and reaches large sizes in them. Naturally, equipped tunnels are cleared of snags and large stones, and not far from the dam, part of the coast is cut off, making it even and sloping with a slight slope - that is, convenient for pulling out tackle. But visiting fishermen on an unfamiliar river have to do without all these amenities, discovering places that are convenient or unsuitable for fishing by trial and error. Short nonsense 7-10 meters long, less often 12-15 meters are used for river fishing on pools. It all depends on the size of the river where you decide to fish: the size of the tackle should be 1.5 times wider than the widest and 1.7 times higher than the deepest part of the reservoir (at least). Of course, if the length of the nonsense is 2 times the width of the pool, it will not hurt fishing. But a long 30-meter nonsense on a narrow river is inconvenient. Before going into the water with delirium in a whirlpool suitable for fishing, it is worth deciding how to most effectively spend the delirium and, most importantly, where to pull it ashore. All other things being equal, it is better to carry the tackle against the stream, although it requires a few large physical costs - the wings and mottle unfold more correctly, and the frightened fish most often strives downstream, rests on the wings, walks along them and falls into the motnya. But quite often you have to delve downstream, for example, if fishing is carried out above a dam or sloping banks convenient for pulling out are available only in the lower part of the pool. If there is no dam on the area chosen for fishing, then you can significantly increase the catch by blocking the narrow outlet from the pool with a fixed net, an old raving wing, or a hedge with wings of sufficient length. It is not worth expecting that shallow water will become an obstacle for fish, there have been cases when pikes, fleeing from delirium, went along the rifts with a depth of no more than 5-7 cm. where the depth is at least knee-deep). Pikes very often do not stay in the deep part of the whirlpool, but at the entrance or exit from it, camouflaging themselves in the grass and trapping small things feeding in shallow water. Therefore, so that predators do not leave the fished area at the moment when the delirium is only brought into the water, the following technique is used: after the exit is blocked, one or two catchers enter the narrow part of the river 10-15 m from the pool downstream, if the tackle goes against the stream (or above a whirlpool, if delirium goes downstream) and a noisy surge begins, driving out the pike standing under the banks and moving to the place where the delirium lies on the shore, previously unwound and neatly laid out. Having reached the tackle, the fishermen quickly pull one wing of the raving into the water, blocking the river from coast to coast, and all the fish in the fishing zone are trapped. Then the motnya and the second wing are lowered into the water, and the actual fishing begins. The wings of delirium are kept as close to the shore as possible, ideally the nags should move close to it. At the same time, the fishermen drive (usually with their feet) the fish from all places where it can hide - from under the banks washed up from below, from the roots of coastal bushes and trees sticking out into the water, etc. The lower ends of the nags should literally plow the bottom. Catchers pulling nags should move as evenly as possible so that one is not far ahead of the other. If more than two people are involved in fishing, then it is useful for the third fisherman to walk a little behind the nonsense - and in the case of a hook, he looses the nonsense from the underwater obstacle. Correctly equipped nonsense (especially with a chain instead of the central part of the cargo cord) can even uproot driftwood from the muddy bottom, but the lower pick rises above the bottom surface, and the fish leaves. Sometimes, in the process of fishing, fish, mostly small ones, get entangled in the wing of a raving, like in a gill net. You should not be distracted in order to get them - chasing a roach or a puppy, you can miss large pikes: very often they do not rush in blind panic, but slowly retreat in front of the oncoming nonsense, waiting for the fishermen to make some mistake that allows them to escape. But if something especially large has splashed in the bag, it makes sense to come up, raise the bottom line in the central part and pick up the prey, not paying attention to the trifle leaving at that moment from the ravings. There is no need to hesitate - if the pike or burbot have grown to trophy sizes in places where they often catch raving, it means that they have already encountered this tackle more than once and have learned well how to elude it. Having brought the nags to a dam or a net obstacle, fishermen redouble their attention: the concentration of fish between the wings at this moment is maximum, and any inaccuracy or negligence in actions will significantly reduce the catch. One of the catchers moves to the other bank, which is more gentle and convenient for pulling out, while pressing the nag as tightly as possible to the dam or net barrier. Putting the nags on the shore 1.5–2 m apart, they stir up the water in the shallow water area surrounded by a net, trying to drive more fish into the motnya with a strong splash. Then they quickly pull the tackle ashore - small nonsense right behind the nags, holding them vertically and retreating from the water's edge, large ones - fingering the rebounds with their hands. It is more difficult to pull out the nonsense without missing the fish if all the banks are steep and there is no convenient flat place (in places of constant fishing, such places are prepared in advance, cutting off the turf and earth with shovels: they compare steep banks, torn bumps and hillocks). If you climb to an unprepared shore with a steep ledge at least half a meter high and drag the nonsense there, you will only come across a fish caught in a worm and entangled by gills in its wings. It is more effective to stay below, under the shore - and in the water, in shallow water, to sort out the two ends of the lower line, only from time to time pulling up the upper one. At the same time, the selected wings are folded into the water near the shore, and the fish are gradually pushed back into the motnya. When the wings are selected, the upper selection of the remaining part of the nonsense is folded from the lower one and the slammed tackle is pulled out to the shore. It does not interfere at the very beginning of fishing, before the surge, to muddy up the water properly so that the turbidity goes downstream and the fish does not see the approaching tackle. But in summer, there is almost no current in the whirlpools, and this method is inapplicable - and the first pass (sinking) with delirium usually gives the minimum catch, and most of the prey falls into the whirlpool during the second and third sinking, when the water has already become cloudy enough. Separately, it should be said about pike fishing with "chicken". This tackle is nonsense without wings, or rather, a nonsense from nonsense, attached to two nags; sometimes there are even no floats and sinkers, and the net in the working position is held exclusively by the upper and lower cords, stretched by the fishermen. The width of the tackle from nag to nag is 3-4 m, and sometimes even less. "Chicken" is used to catch pikes in the bogs of small streams, for which even a short delirium is great - in the summer you can only find squinting, but in late spring, in May, you come across a decent size pike that lingered after their spring trip to the upper reaches. In the summer, it makes sense to hunt pike with "chicken" in the vast thickets of cooge, reed and similar vegetation, interspersed with bays, channels, creeks. The usual nonsense in such places is inconvenient - the hard shore is too far away, there is nowhere to pull out the tackle. It is not necessary to drag the "chicken" ashore - it is enough to raise the nags horizontally above the water and get the catch from the tackle. They catch it most often at night: after walking (as carefully and silently as possible) several dozen steps along the bottom of the reservoir, the "chicken" is brought close to the wall of the reed and raised. Day fishing is also possible, but then the participation of a third fisherman is necessary. The fact is that it was noticed: at night, a pike standing at the very edge of the thickets leaves the noise and other anxiety to clear water - and gets entangled in the mottled. In the daytime, on the contrary - the predator sees the tackle approaching her and retreats into the jungle of aquatic vegetation. The task of the third fisherman is to drive out, "trample" the pikes from their green shelter by creating as much noise and splashing as possible. In principle, this fishing does not differ much from the fishing with a basting or a basket "with trampling" described below, but the "chicken" is more effective due to its larger size.

Fishing gear used in reservoirs, their parameters and procedure for use are established by the fishing rules.

The conditions of the reservoirs mainly determine the types of fishing gear and the order of their use, which differ from the fishing gear on the rivers on which the reservoirs are formed. Various types of fishing gear are used, each of which is characterized by optimal selectivity and catchability in relation to certain fish species or their size groups. This takes into account the use of more advanced fishing methods.

Coastal seine... Coastal seine nets are used in open water. They consist of two fenders, drives and motny (one or more). The ropes are pulling the net by the edges.

The coastal seine nets are symmetrical, river seines are asymmetrical. They have a motnya in the middle part, wings and edges are the same size. The part of the wing closest to the reel, called the drive, has the same height along its entire length as the reel, which is 30-40% greater than the most common depth in fishing areas. The height of the rest of the wing is less and depends on the bottom topography and fishing conditions.

The length of the equal-winged coastal seine is up to 1500 m, the height is up to 25 m. The area of ​​the catch in one sweep is up to 30 hectares.

In seines used on hard sandy-silty and pebble soils, the lower pick is made shorter than the upper one, but no more than the height of the seine, which ensures a good adherence of the picks to the bottom. On soft silty or peaty soils, the netting fabric is made higher than usual, the lower selection is not loaded, and with a length equal to or greater than the length of the upper selection. In this case, the lower pick, lagging behind the upper one, drags along the bottom without cutting the ground, which facilitates traction, preventing the fish from leaving the seine.

Motnya usually has a wedge-shaped shape with a length of 1.5-2 times the height of the seine.

The size of the mesh of the delhi depends on the size of the fish intended to be caught, the conditions and methods of fishing, and the rules of fishing. The most common del is staged in the codend and in the motny. Mesh in reel and drives of the same size. The wings are made from a mesh of 3-5 sizes, which gradually increase from drives to nags. Each subsequent part of the wing is made from a delhi with a mesh 4-6 mm larger than the mesh of the previous part.

A foam melt is evenly tied to the upper selection. The total mass of the floating water on the wings is 1/6 of the mass of the upper rebound and dry without the mass of the motny.

Weights (flat stones) or metal rings are tied to the bottom selection of seines operating on solid grounds. In reservoirs with silty soil, stones braided with birch bark or vines are often used. The total weight of the load on the seine is equal to 1/5 of the weight of the whole Delhi and the top line in dry form.

The seine is also built with an overhead - a strip of delhi with a width of 0.5-1 m, a length of 0.5-0.7 of the total length of the seine, one of the edges of which is planted on the lower line, and the other edge is loaded with a light load or placed on a loaded net.

A seine with a net is used when fishing areas with an uneven bottom for catching carp, catfish, pike, bream, which can go under the lower line of the usual seine design.

For catching silver carp, which is able to jump over the upper selection of the seine, a delve curtain is sewn to it with a mesh pitch of 40-50 mm, 1 m wide, 0.5-0.7 length of the seine or a visor that prevents the fish from jumping out.

When fishing with a seine net in the open reach of a reservoir in the summer (Zharkovskaya fishing net), seines with elongated edges equal to the length of the seine are used, and the netting is made in a shape close to a triangle.

Seine plesovye bypass... Such seines up to 1000 m in length are used in open water and under ice; sinking is carried out in the open reach. The height of the seine in the drives and in the wings is the same. The seine has a capacious reel, lower, upper and third line, for which the seine is pulled by a winch. To press the lower line to the bottom, a sliding load weighing 30-40 kg is strengthened on it. The effective use of these nets is possible in areas with a high concentration of fish detected by the echo sounder. To prevent fish from leaving during the sinking period at depths of up to 4 m, the wings of the seine are pulled crosswise, and the seine is anchored at the beginning of the sinking and sinking is performed from it.

Abroad, two, three, and four seines are used at the same time, which are swept in a circle, pull and sink the seine simultaneously to the center of the swept area, each seine independently for two edges into a separate boat.

Purse seine... They are used in areas of reservoirs with great depths and in the presence of a high concentration of pelagic fish. The length of the seines is 200-300 m, the height is up to 30 m. Fishing with the seine is carried out by pulling the lower rebound together with the upper rebound stationary, thus forming a huge bag of fish. There are purse seines, the wing of which is two-thirds of the length chosen for the vessel, and the rest of the wings are pursed, as indicated above.

Veiled seine(designed by L. I. Denisov). The length of the seine with a curtain is 500-1200 m, a height of 3 m, with cuts of 600 m. higher, usually jumps over the top chin.

Ice fishing seine... The length of the seine is 400-800 m. The technique and organization of ice fishing with seines is varied and depends on the behavior and concentration of fish, the size of the seine, and the pattern of flooding.

The number of fishermen, the size and composition of the winter convoy, the nature and quantity of equipment depend on the size of the seine and the method of its use.

Greater catchability is achieved by using two opposite nets, which sink simultaneously in the center of the sinkhole, while also using the opposite - a seine with a length of 20-50 m, blocking the exit of fish during sinking. With continuous seine fishing, as the wings are taken out, they are immediately stretched according to the new following pattern. When fishing in columns, 2-6 seines are used at the same time in such a way as to fish the largest area of ​​the reservoir during several floods.

Collar- a one-winged seine with a windmill, used in shallow water. The length of the collar wing is 150-200 m. The motnya is round, stretched out with 5-8 hoops, twice the length of the collar height, with a funnel-shaped neck. Fishing is carried out from one boat with the participation of 3 fishermen.

Scraper- a seine without a wind.

Dragnet(wanderer, bredshok, wanderer, drag, drag) - a short drag, 5-20 m long, which is pulled into the ford by nags without edges.

Raiga- a type of coastal seine nets, characterized by a significantly larger lower line in relation to the upper one. Pull her by the top chin. It is used in areas with bumps, stones, low sawn stumps and other objects without sharp and long protrusions.

Trawls are used for industrial fishing, reconnaissance of fish accumulations, as well as scientific research in reservoirs. Specialized trawling yields good results when fishing for sabrefish in the Tsimlyansk reservoir, smelt in the Rybinsk reservoir, catfish in the Volgograd and Kuibyshev reservoirs, tulka in the Dnieper reservoirs, roach, crucian carp in the reservoirs of Western Siberia.

Twin trawls... Two identical vessels are towing a trawl with or without a support boat. There are no trawl boards, which increases the speed of trawling and the catch of fish. The vessels do not go to the wake of the trawl, but from the side, so they do not scare away the fish, but drive it by warps into the trawl fishing zone. Motor boats or ships with 12-150 hp engines are used. with. The use of an auxiliary boat allows for almost continuous fishing. Tug vessels are in motion all the time and only during the period of lifting the codend with the catch on board the boat they slow down. It takes 3-7 minutes to raise the codend, pouring out the fish. The codend is trimmed after 15, 20, 30 minutes of trawling.

The design, size and equipment of a twin trawl depend on the engine power of the tugs, the type of fish caught and the fishing conditions - along the bottom or in the water column. The size of the trawl and the characteristics of the Delhi are combined with the speed of the trawl. The larger the trawl or the smaller the mesh, the lower the speed of the trawl will be with the same towing capacity of the vessels.

For catching sprat, sprat, bleak, the speed of trawling at water temperatures below 10 ° C is 2.5-3.5 km / h. In warm weather, fishing for bream, pike perch, sabrefish, roach is carried out at trawling speeds of 4-5 km / h, and carp, grass carp, silver carp, catfish - 7-8 km / h.

Twin trawl fishing is carried out by 4-5 people. When using an auxiliary boat and tugs with a 20-40 hp engine. with. on the ships there is one minder-skipper, as well as 2-3 fishermen. 3-4 fishermen work on the lead vessel without an auxiliary boat.

Trawl fishing from one vessel... Who carries out with the help of spacer boards that provide horizontal opening of the trawl. The sweep and hauling of the trawl is carried out from the side or stern, with or without an auxiliary boat. The efficiency of a stern trawl is higher than that of a side trawl, since there is no need to waste time on the circulation required to set or haul trawls and warps. It provides the best horizontal opening of the trawl mouth. For stern trawling, you can use any vessel that does not have trawling equipment (winches, arc, cargo booms); work is done manually.

The dimensions and design of the trawl for trawling from one vessel are the same as for twin trawls. The trawl has bare ends 8-10 m long for connecting the trawl to the spacer boards.

When trawling in the water column, buoys are attached to the upper part of the spreader boards on streamers of 11 foam circles, which during the trawling period hold the spreader boards and the trawl at a given horizon. The trawl is set to the required depth by lengthening or shortening the streamer line connecting the board with the buoy.

When fishing in the water column from a vessel that does not have trawl equipment, use light metal spacer boards weighing not more than 50 kg each.

On vessels with trawl equipment, spacer boards can be rectangular, oval, spherical, wing-shaped or slotted, angular and conical.

The trawls are equipped on the upper pick-up with chains, at the bottom - with chains, use limiters for the vertical opening of the mouth, a safety pick-up or frame, emergency buoys tied on a long cord to the end of the trawl codend. A buoy with a lifting force of 150 N is attached to each end of the upper heel of the trawl, where the knuckle line is passed, and a load weighing 150 N is attached to the ends of the lower heel, using these buoys and weights, as well as rigging of the upper and lower heels, vertical opening of the trawl mouth is ensured.

Airborne cone traps... Such traps are used at the Kakhovskoye reservoir to catch tulka.

On the “Yaroslavets” or PTS-150 boat, two onboard cone traps with a size of 4X4 ​​m at the mouth and 12 m long are installed. Fishing is carried out by 4 people. 5 lifting arrows are installed on the ship: one for lifting and lowering the towing frame, to the ends of which metal square frames with traps are attached on streamers; two booms in front of the wheelhouse for raising and lowering the frame and traps and two booms behind the wheelhouse for raising the codend.

Before trawling, the towing U-shaped frame is lowered only to a four-meter depth, then square frames with traps and codend. Codepoints are often raised on the move.

Push trawling... Push trawling is carried out from one vessel with an 80-150 hp engine. with., a suspension device, a RB-100 fish pump and a winch.

The suspension device consists of two metal trusses 12 m long. Some of the truss cones are connected and attached to the bow of the vessel, others are stretched and attached to catamaran-type pontoons. When trawling by pushing, the fish is not scared off by the wake and engine noise, since the trawl goes in front of the vessel. The fish is continuously pumped out of the trawl code by a pump through a corrugated hose and fed to the deck of the vessel. This contributes to a significant increase in catch and allows for continuous fishing.

The catch of sprat during push trawling is 2-4 times higher than the catch during forage trawling.

Electrified twin trawl... In recent years, in some reservoirs in open reaches, with waves of no more than 3 points, ELU-4 electric casting installations have begun to be used. The installation consists of a non-self-propelled catamaran KPB-1 and two tugs with a 20 hp engine. with. The catamaran is equipped with an AB-4-T (230V) 4 kW gasoline-electric unit, a control panel, a crane-beam and a warping drum with a mechanized drive for lifting the codend. The trawl is 25 meters long, of equal size, with a vertical opening of the mouth of 5 m, with a mirror-cut blade. The upper line of the trawl is equipped with skimmers and an anode - a flat electrode. The cathode is tied to the bottom grip - an electrode similar to the anode. Weights weighing 15 kg are attached to the lower ends of the nags. Warp length 80-120 m, trawling speed no more than 3 km / h. A unipolar pulse current is supplied to the electrodes from an underwater generator TIP-250 connected by a cable to a benzoelectric generator installed on the catamaran.

Smooth nets with forced draft are made in the form of large frame bags of netting in each window. The length of the net is 30 m, the height is 4 m or more in landing with a frame 80X80 cm. Floats and weights are tied up only at the points of attachment of the ends of the vertical strands of the frame to the picks. The network is towed by twin-engine boats with a 12-15 hp engine. with. with a speed of 2.7-3.0 km / h.

Fishing duration does not exceed 30 minutes. It is better to tow nets along the bottom in summer and autumn during the day. In areas with a clogged bottom, fishing is carried out at night in the water column or near the surface, where fish are concentrated at this time. In the southern and middle latitudes, fishing with forced-draft nets is carried out in the water column from July to mid-October from 11:00 pm to 4:00 pm, in the fall - from 8:00 pm to 6:00 pm. / h and only for the top pick.

Gate nets- the most common fishing gear in reservoirs. The amount of fish caught by fixed nets depends on the size of the accumulation of fish in the fishing area and on the correspondence of the mesh pitch in their canvas to the size composition of fish in the reservoir, as well as on the design of the net, the diameter of the thread, mesh pitch, landing, rigging, sharpening, method and place of installation, care and storage. The catchability of the net increases with a decrease in the ratio of the thread diameter to the mesh pitch in the web.

Frame and rhomboram nets used for catching large-sized fish - catfish, carp, pike, asp, pike perch, bream, ide, etc. Frame nets are made of cloth with a mesh pitch of 70 mm or more. They have longitudinal and transverse veins connected at the crossing points. In a rhombraham network, two poles are passed crosswise to one another. Since the vertical and oblique veins are shorter than the height of the netting, in both designs of the net sacks of netting are formed, which increase the catchability, especially in relation to large fish.

Watchdog nets(with poles) are made from a cloth with a mesh of 30-70 mm. They have only vertical veins, which are 20-50% shorter than the height of the canvas, tied in 3-4 places to the veins (or not tied). A large shrinkage of the canvas is done when the canvas is tied to the veins.

Single-wall networks(chopping blocks) have one canvas without veins. They are made from cloth with a mesh pitch of 40 mm or less. They are especially effective for catching roach, ram and sabrefish.

Combined networks(by mesh size) consist of one canvas, sewn in height from 2-3 canvases or 4-6 blocks along the length with different mesh spacing, and this set of blocks can be repeated 3-4 times, depending on their length and network. Having 6 orders of combined nets with two sets of blocks, each 4 m long, it is possible to quickly and accurately establish the distribution of fish in the reservoir at the moment by species and size groups. Combined nets are used for fish exploration, research and industrial purposes.

Fixed traps, venteri, stabs and others are made from netting, metal mesh, bars. They are passive fishing gear used on coastal shallows. The largest catches are provided in the spring when fish approach the shores, at the beginning of winter, during the period of massive seasonal fish migrations and increased fish mobility during deaths, subject to fishing rules.

All traps have a barrel or chamber, one or two pairs of flaps, but there are also no flaps with a central guiding wing. The barrels are stretched using 3-5 hoops or square wooden or metal frames, and inside them there are from 1 to 5 funnel-shaped necks. Traps made of mirror-cut fabric are especially effective, as well as if the hole in the rear throat ends with a bundle of nylon veins tied to its rim every 3 cm of the perimeter.

Analysis of the assortment of set nets used in a number of reservoirs showed that for the highest catchability with sufficient strength of set nets, it is necessary to choose the thickness of the thread for each mesh size.

Good results are obtained by landing with a variable coefficient of 0.20-0.71 with a repeatability every 6-8 m of the length of the nets.

For pike and pike perch, a landing coefficient of 0.67 gives good results, for goldfish - 0.30.

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Consisting of netting and ropes, used for fishing in large quantities in river, lake, coastal and sea (oceanic) fishing. The principle of catching most seines is based on wrapping around accumulations of fish and pulling the net with the catch to the shore or on board the vessel. The main difference between the net and the embracing fishing gear, for example, the gill nets, is that the net is a mobile fishing gear and the small mesh of the net is intended for filtering water through it when sampling, and not for entangling (embracing) fish in it with gill covers. When hauling the seine, the caught fish remains on the netting or rolls into a special bag in the middle part of the seine - motnya, or codend.

According to the method of fishing, seines are divided into four types - seine nets, overhead seine, bottom seines and fixed seine- the most diverse group, which is attributed to a special type of stationary coastal fishing gear - traps. According to the place of fishing, seines are distinguished. river, lake and marine .


They belong to the oldest fishing gear and are used for coastal fishing, when the net is gradually thrown from the boat in the form of an arc (with the top directed to the opposite side from the coast), and pulled (drowned) ashore. Currently, seines are used mainly in such inland water bodies as rivers, lakes and reservoirs. In winter, seine nets are lowered under the ice through a large elongated ice-hole - moina and then drawn in an arc with the help of auxiliary small holes.

Overhead seine

Mainly sea (sometimes lake) seines, used offshore and taken on board. The most primitive in terms of design and method of fishing are spacer seines, which are occasionally used for fishing in shallow seas and lakes. Their device resembles a seine net. The more highly productive active fishing gear among the out-of-the-way nets are purse seines, which include purse seines. The principle of fishing for a purse seine consists in wrapping a huge net wall around the discovered school of fish and then pulling the bottom of the seine together like a purse or pouch. In this case, the caught fish remains inside the bowl of the seine. Then the seine is selected on the deck of the vessel, and the caught fish is poured into a special part of the seine, called a sink, or den, from where it is then selected.

Fixed seines

A fixed seine is a stationary fishing tool, the principle of operation of which is based on the installation of a fixed obstacle "wing" on the path of the fish, which directs it into the trap. The height of the side walls of the trap, as a rule, reaches the surface of the water. The length of the wing usually ranges from 250 to 100 m. Fixed seines are used in large water bodies and in coastal marine fisheries for salmon, capelin, herring, green grass, smelt, herring, etc. The fish caught by the fixed seine remains intact and remains alive for a long time inside the trap. In addition, set nets are used on a muddy bottom or in ice fishing, when the use of other fishing gear is difficult. The main disadvantages of a set seine are the complexity of installation, the high cost of large seines and susceptibility to destruction in bad weather.

Bottom seines

Small seines used mainly for coastal bottom lake and sea fishing from small vessels or from the shore. This subgroup of seines includes mutnik, or snurrevod, almost identical to them in design mechanized drag and some other fishing gear. According to the method of fishing, bottom seines belong to the second subgroup of straining fishing gear - trawling fishing gear, and according to the design and fishing technique, they occupy an intermediate position between seine nets and bottom trawls, representing a net bag with short non-water wings, a reel and a codend in the center.

With a bottom seine, as well as a seine net, a section of the reservoir is swept from the shore or from the side of the vessel, covering a large section of the bottom with a net with very long edges (warps). Then, the seine is hauled and pulled at the edges (sometimes reaching a length of 1500-2000 m) with the help of a winch or the ship's own propulsion. Boundaries, moving along the bottom, stir up silt and sand (hence the name "turbulent") and scare away fish, which moves to the center of the trimmed space.

Mutters and mechanized dredges are used for catching gobies in the Sea of ​​Azov, snurrevody - for fishing for flounder, pollock and cod far from the coast on

Many have heard about this fisherman's tackle in childhood from Russian fairy tales. But not everyone fully understands what the word "seine" means. The scanty idea that this is a fishing gear that involves catching fish in significant numbers does not give an exhaustive answer. Let's try to figure out how it is used.

A bit of history

Fishing is an ancient craft of mankind. And the original fishing gear did not bring much catch. As you know, the fish was beaten with a spear, a relative of the modern pitchfork. A little later, rafts and boats appeared on the farm, which helped to facilitate the difficult fishing. But when the network was invented, things went much better, people stopped starving.

With the advent of the seine - the purse network - fish production has increased significantly. A huge net was thrown into the sea or river and it dragged behind a fishing vessel, capturing fish that got in the way. When the net became full, it was pulled out onto the deck and the "purse" at the bottom was untied, dumping all the fish for sorting and storage. The seine was used by both small sailing ships and more solid ships.

You can also fish with seine near the shore.


The word "seine" was inherited from the Proto-Slavic language of the prehistoric era, which is the progenitor of all Slavic languages ​​of our time. It was spoken by the ancient tribes who lived in the area between the Dnieper, Vistula and Bug rivers. As a consequence of the common history - in the Czech, Ukrainian, Polish languages ​​"seine" sounds almost the same, only with a difference in stress.

The modern meaning of the word "seine" - surrounding from the outside, capturing without touching - is far from the original. The true authors of the word, naming the net, did not imply encirclement and seizure, they seemed to convey information to the fish so as not to scare it away - "we are not going to drive here." Given the way of thinking and beliefs of a person of that era, everything was quite logical and understandable.

According to the dictionaries, a seine is a means for catching fish, which is a net and a rope. It is used in large bodies of water: oceans, seas, lakes and rivers. The principle of working with a seine is simple: cover the accumulation of fish and pull the net on board the vessel or the coastal zone. Seines are of different lengths, sizes, cell frequencies and, of course, differ in structure.

How does the net work?

A fishing net is a long net, the wall of which is represented by different heights. This net is equipped with floats along the upper rope, and sinkers along the lower one. In the middle of the seine a sack is sewn in, it is called "motnya", where all the captured fish gathers. The side walls of the net are called wings; warp (cables) are attached to them by which the net is pulled.

Unlike other fishing devices, a seine is a mobile tackle, when used, the catch is kept intact, and therefore remains alive longer. Small mesh cells filter the water during extraction, and all the fish remains in the canvas.

Seine fishing technique

The simple device of this type of seine can be deceiving at first glance. Seems to have walked along the coast and full bags of catch are ready. But not everything is so simple. Sometimes you can be left with nothing, even if the fish is walking underfoot.

Before fishing, the net must be checked on the shore for holes and damage, so that all the work is not in vain. A close-knit team of several people takes part in the very process of catching. One fisherman enters the water to the maximum depth, the second moves to it at such a distance that the seine is a semicircle, and not in tightness. At the same time, they begin to move along the coast, trying to bring the seine closer to the bottom as much as possible. Another participant goes to meet them, paddling in the water and driving the fish onto the net. Then the first fisherman brings his edge to the shore in an arc of a circle, while the second stands still. As soon as they line up, they begin to slowly move towards the shore. The net must be pulled very carefully so that it does not break. Its ends should be as close to the bottom as possible so that the fish does not slip under the net. As soon as the net is on the shore, you can collect fish.

Varieties of seine

There are four types of seine, which differ in the way they are caught: shutter, bottom, overhead, and overhead. And also the tackle is divided according to the place of application: river, sea, lake. It has already been mentioned about the seine net, we will consider other types.

The fixed seine is considered the most passive to use. All that is needed is just to install it, he does the rest himself. This type of seine is widespread and varied. Mostly they work in the coastal marine fishery for herring, salmon, Baltic herring and other fish species. The construction of the seine net is very expensive and difficult to install.

For the most part, the skirting seine is a sea tackle, but in some cases it is also used on the lake. It is used far from land and then pulled aboard. Purse nets are especially efficient. The principle of operation is that the detected one is swept by a net wall.

The bottom seine is used for coastal sea or lake fishing on small vessels. By its small design, it stands closer to the seine net.

Synonyms for "seine"

As it turned out, the seine is not alone in its definition and has related words that are close to it in meaning. Some dictionaries give up to 21 synonyms for the word "seine". jacques, harva, stavnik, klovnya, mutnik, dragging and others. A few words about frequently used ones.

Delirium is a small seine designed for shallow water. Its design has two wings, drives and sleeves, which can be tapered or wedge-shaped. The conditions for effective fishing with raving are as follows: a large concentration of fish with its low mobility and an even bottom of the reservoir.

Mutnik has medium-sized cells for catching small fish. Scraps of nets are tied to its lassos, which contribute to the turbidity of the water, hence the name of this tackle. This is done in order to scare the fish away and steer it back on track. Especially successful mud fishing is on lakes.

Volokusha is the same nonsense, it is an ordinary seine, but unlike it, it is not thrown from boats or ships. It is used only in areas where people can pass. For this reason, the drag is suitable for small lakes and rivers.

Thus, the seine is presented in a wide variety and different designs for one single purpose - to catch fish in large quantities.

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