How rich Russian kids relax (13 photos). Rich Russian Kids: Tired of Lamborghini, children of oligarchs show off their collections of gold Kalashnikovs Rich Russian kids instagram

Karting. I want to help children! If you understand that your need is charitable help, then pay attention to this article. Those who, without your participation, may lose an exciting business, turned to you for help. Many children, boys and girls, dream of becoming pilots on the track. They go to classes where, under the guidance of an experienced coach, they learn the techniques of high-speed driving. Only constant exercises allow you to overtake correctly, build a trajectory and choose speed. The basis of victory on the track is a good qualification. And, of course, professional cards. Children who participate in clubs are completely dependent on adults, because lack of money and broken parts do not allow them to participate in competitions. How much pleasure and new sensations the guys experience when they get behind the wheel and start driving the car. Maybe not only the champions of Russia, but even the future world champions in this sport grow up in such a circle?! You can help the children's section of karting, which is located in the city of Syzran. They're in a dire situation right now. Everything rests on the enthusiasm of the leader: Sergey Krasnov. Read my letter and look at the photos. Pay attention to the passion with which my pupils work. They love this developing sport and really want to continue their education. “Dear citizens! I appeal to you with a request to help the karting section survive in the city of Syzran. Previously, there were TWO young technician stations in the city, and each had a karting section. Karting was also in the Palace of Pioneers. Now there is not a single station in the city, and the circle in the Palace of Pioneers was also destroyed. Closed - does not turn to say, just destroyed! We fought, wrote letters, everywhere they got the same answer. About five years ago I went to the governor Samara region appointment. He did not accept, but the deputy accepted me. After that, they gave us the premises where we are now based. We have a lot of children who want to go karting, but very poor material conditions do not allow recruiting children. The last two competitions were missed due to lack of money. And most of the karts need repair. This is the position our circle is in. We also turned to the mayor of the city of Syzran for help. We are waiting for help for the second year. We decided to apply via the Internet, maybe someone will agree to become our patron. Maybe someone will just provide financial assistance. The world is not without good people. You can contact me through social networks or write to the mail [email protected] Fundraising can be done on Yandex 410013054375238 qiwi +79397086879 Sberbank card 4276540016094496 If anyone has a problem with the transfer. Money can be sent by mail as a parcel or sent in a box by a freight company. Business Line. Package 446012 Samara region, Syzran, 47 Novosibirskaya st. Krasnov Sergey. Passport data is there. You can buy Karting equipment and send it to this address by a CARGO COMPANY. We don't sit. In this difficult time, we do not close the section, we do not abandon children, it is difficult, but we work. Do good. Good will return to you. Best regards, Sergei.

Golden youth of Putin's Russia. These teenagers tease the rogue by posting their chic life on the Internet. Yachts-planes, women-animals, luxury and solid lukhari.

Are you already jealous? Take your time: before you is the usual cattle.

I immediately suspected something was wrong when I looked at these pictures carefully.

2 Every day, photos like this appear on Instagram. Girls and boys pose against the backdrop of expensive cars with "kolkhoz" or Moscow numbers.

3 These pictures are posted for one single purpose. Induce envy. “Rich kids” are trying in every possible way to show that they are not like everyone else.

4 What do we have it is customary to dream? About private jets.

5 About expensive cars.

6 Well, at least about the “thieves” numbers.

7 Wanting to stand out, they think the same stereotypes. Any gopnik, if he had the opportunity, would have acquired just such a set of material goods.

8 One MacBook and iPhone can afford many. In order not to seem like suckers, you need to take several at once.

9 But now we know who buys these gaudy phones with Putin's profile in gold. The golden youth sincerely loves the president. Why not love?

10 Who is this Daniel Alexandrovich?

11 Golden children love exotic animals.

12 Or not so exotic. The main thing is that they are expensive.

13 What the hell is a lion cub, and what will happen when he grows up?

14 In general, it was possible to post only this photo. Shows all the limitations of fantasy with unlimited money. Parking your car by the pool is like putting it on the sidewalk at the entrance.

15 More photos of this luxury there

- "Rich Russian kids". The author of an anonymous blog publishes photos there from the accounts of wealthy young Russians. The children of the oligarchs do not deny themselves any pleasures, and now and then show off expensive watches, gadgets, cars and other luxury items, and also publish pictures with influential statesmen.

In just six months of the existence of the profile, he attracted the attention of more than 150 thousand subscribers. The author accompanies the publications with captions, which can belong both to the owners of the pictures, and be the creative of the blog creator himself.

Despite the fact that the anonymous author of the blog stated in an interview with Bigpicture that he is "on the side of the heirs", while trying to please both ordinary users and the "VIP party", at first glance, the pictures rather ridicule the spoiledness and arrogance of the children of the oligarchs, once again pointing to social inequality. Instagram RRK looks especially ironic against the backdrop of the financial crisis raging in the country.

The author of the profile noted that she had previously worked on replenishing Instagram whole team, whose members communicated with wealthy people. However, over time, "Rich Russian Kids" became so popular that young people themselves began to put the hashtag #RRK (Rich Russian Kids) on their publications, simplifying the work of the blog creators.

"An Evening With Your Closest Friends"

"If Selfie, then with the best"

"Say hello with Uncle Serezha"

"It's so good to wake up"

"Beautiful Morning"

"How is it in Murmansk now?"

"I broke my iPhone again yesterday, I freaked out today"

"While you're saving up for a spring jacket, summer will come"

"Who said Monday is a hard day?"

"Is there any other way to walk the dog?"
