Denis cockroaches swimming lessons. Personal swimming training

The life story of Denis Tarakanov is a path of struggle, victories and defeats, successes and disappointments. From the early childhood, as soon as he learned to swim, Denis enrolled in sports section... Years of training and competition nurtured and hardened the boy's character, instilled a sense of responsibility and the will to win.

In 2012, by the will of fate, Denis and his family ended up in Thailand. It was here that he took his first steps as a coach, teaching children and adults to swim. Having achieved some success and realizing that he can really help, Denis begins to expand his activities and records the first online training lessons. The inspiration was Terry Laughlin's programs, which Denis stumbled upon on the Internet in 2014. Since that time, over 3000 students have been trained in his courses and trainings.

Swimming lessons by Denis Tarakanov

Denis Tarakanov's courses helped over 7,500 students learn to swim. By studying these programs, parents understand how to properly teach children to swim. Those who dream of learning to swim use the technique and after the first workouts get the desired result.

Swimming lessons from Denis Tarakanov are considered one of the best in the Russian Internet. The programs describe in detail the preparatory process, talk about the technique. Denis accurately describes each movement, explains what influences this or that exercise. You easily perceive the material, there is no abstruse reasoning, only practice that is capable of short time make you a real professional.

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My personal training with you personally!

My dear students!

I have a service in which I myself will fly to the place where you live and conduct trainings with you, with your family members or friends.

The cost of each 45 minute workout starts at $ 50 (60 minutes - $ 70). Plus the rider.

I am arriving for at least 10 days, because it is in such a time that significant results can be achieved. provided that training will be every day! Ideally, morning and evening !!

As part of my working day, I do one of the following workout options:

1) Maximum 8 personal trainings of 45 minutes each - with each individual student (children aged 1.5-3 years - training maximum 25 minutes)

2) 6 workouts - one hour each

3) 1-2 workouts per day

4) I don’t train at all, if suddenly you are lazy, holidays or not in the mood to train. BUT!! The total minimum amount of payment for all my workouts for 10 days is not reduced! It is $ 4,000. Attention! The amount of 4000 dollars, provided that all training sessions are personal! With one student !!

When the number of students is added to the group, the price for each training increases.

If training with two students at the same time, then the price is 70 dollars for a training session of 45 minutes, if with three - 90 dollars, if with four - 110 dollars.

Total - at least 10 days of training. Within one training session, there can be from one to 4 students. No more!

But when you add the number of students to the group, the price for each training increases. See example below:

4 students - 10 personal trainings, 1 hour each. The price for 10 workouts for each student is $ 700. For 4 students - $ 2800

10 group workouts of 45 minutes with 3 students. The total price for 10 of these workouts is $ 900.

10 workouts of 25 minutes with a child aged 3 years. Price for 10 workouts - $ 500

10 workouts of 45 minutes with a child aged 8 years. The price for 10 workouts is $ 500.

Total: The total amount to be paid is 2800 + 900 + 500 + 500 = 4700 dollars.

And now in more detail how this happens:

You leave me a request in any way convenient for you - where, when and with whom you would like to conduct training:

+ 66-63-18-78-806 Viber, WhatsApp

I check my schedule and answer when I can fly to you. At the same time, I immediately write how much it will cost.

If my conditions suit you, you will have to pay immediately:

Round-trip plane tickets;

Taxi or personal driver to and from the airport;

Accommodation at a hotel with a price per room no less than $ 50;

Payment for my visits to the pool, as well as - visits to all the students whom I will train;

Payment for my movements around the city (taxi or personal driver);

Pay 60% of the cost of all my workouts for 10 days.


The students live in Moscow. Workouts are ordered. The time, dates, number of students and the detailed amount of payment for the rider and the total price for my training are agreed. The customer pays immediately:

Round-trip plane tickets - about 100 thousand rubles

Taxi from Hua Hin (where I live) to Bangkok and back - 8 thousand rubles

Hotel - $ 500.

My visit to the pool and approval of my stay there as a coach - (from zero to 5-20 thousand rubles, as you organize)

Transport from the airport to the hotel and back - on the day of departure. Transport from the hotel to the pool and back (from zero to 20-30 thousand rubles, as you organize)

60% of the cost of all my workouts for 10 days - $ 2820.

The remaining 40% of my payment - $ 1880 - The Customer pays immediately, as soon as I conduct a series of trainings with the students and our cash balance becomes zero.

Total: Training - $ 4700. Ryder - about $ 3,000. $ 7,700 - the total cost of the Customer.

If the trainings will take place on the territory of the country to which I need to obtain a visa, then all the costs associated with obtaining it are paid by the Customer in the amount of 100% before my flight to the training location.

In more detail, all costs are agreed and approved in the preliminary correspondence.

There is a second option for personal training: If you are planning your vacation in Thailand and fly to Pattaya, Phuket, Koh Samui, Hua Hin, or anywhere else in Thailand, I can train you personally. Of course, we must agree in advance on all training dates, their schedule and all other conditions.

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