Horse and boar compatibility in friendship. Horse Man - Pig Woman (Boar) compatibility

According to the compatibility horoscope of the Pig, both signs are honest and love an easy and pleasant life. The Pig is too naive and does not see anything selfish in the actions of the Horse, but one cannot rely only on the sleeping Pig. When he is wounded, he defends himself to the last. Therefore, the Pig chooses a different tactic: he philosophically and patiently deals with his interesting partner. Both are sensual and resourceful.

The Horse likes the Pig, and she tries to stay close to him, but this union will not do without friction, because the Horse needs walks alone, and the Pig does not want to understand this. In addition, the Horse is a born selfish and loves everything to belong only to her. If the Pig shows its independence and simplicity, the Horse will instantly become jealous. In this regard, it is very difficult for them to adapt to each other.

Pig man and Horse woman

Compatibility of signs man Pig and woman Horse is not easy. In the first romantic stage of a relationship, they feel good together. Both partners love a beautiful life, secular companies and all kinds of pleasures. However, the longer they are together, the more the differences in the characters of these signs are revealed.

The combination of these signs indicates the possibility of achieving balance. However, the Pig man in this union finds himself in a somewhat uncomfortable position, since the Horse woman is used to solving problems and taking responsibility. A man who respects himself and the woman will have to make sure that they agree with her on important issues and solve common problems.

If the Pig man does not overcome his complexes and is afraid of decisiveness in the actions of the Horse woman, the relationship will be filled with innuendo, lies, a desire to teach a partner a lesson contrary to common sense.

Frankness and lack of secrecy is what any relationship should be built on. The Horse woman should also be affectionate and kind with her man. If she treats him disrespectfully from the very beginning, then the relationship will not live to see marriage and will fall apart.

Pig woman and Horse man

The compatibility of a Pig woman and a Horse man is based on the ability to reach a compromise that will satisfy the needs of both partners. At the stage of infatuation, they are very good together, they prefer to spend time in secular parties, lead a beautiful, comfortable life filled with a variety of pleasures. The sexual component of the relationship will seem like a solid holiday to both. As the relationship develops over time, the differences in the temperaments of the partners that they have to learn to accept will come to the fore.

The Horse man is active and very energetic. He rarely spends time thinking, especially when it comes to traveling to new places. He wants new impressions in order to throw out his delight and joy, and then continue the journey. He is prone to realization in external activities, and his craving for everything new makes him change jobs and hobbies. The spirit of a wanderer burns in him.

The Pig woman prefers to spend time in a narrow circle of close people and build stable promising relationships. She is sensual and takes great pleasure in sexual relations. The Horse man and the Pig woman have different views on family life.

They are quite capable of finding a compromise solution and achieving a pleasant and easy love relationship. The Pig woman knows how to smooth out sharp corners, calm down and correctly ask a man. She will have to accompany her beloved to all social events and in any outings to nature. She knows how to be affectionate and gentle, patient and calm. She does not need leadership in a pair, because she will never compete with a horse man. If she can accept the man for who he is, without expecting him to change, their life together will bring her more pleasure.

Family union in male Horse and female Pig (Boar) compatibility very complicated. In it, the Pig woman (Boar) will have to restrain her emotional impulses and give in to the desires of the wayward and selfish Horse man. If a couple has common views and hobbies, and at the same time, the Pig (Boar) woman with her kindness, thriftiness and sociability can provide the Horse man with a reliable rear, then their marriage will be long. Otherwise, difficulties arise, frequent mutual reproaches, accusations of each other's weaknesses. It is worth noting that in many ways the compatibility of this pair will depend on the ability to find a compromise. But, it should not be confused with the "one-sided game". If one of the spouses constantly gives in, suppresses their desires, sooner or later there will be a break. The oppressed will rush off to freedom, "flapping his mane or showing his tail with a hook." Compatibility of a male Horse and a female Pig (Boar) is possible only if the interests of both parties are taken into account.

A man born in the year of the Horse has a cheerful disposition, friendliness and is able to create an atmosphere of easy communication around him. He loves to be the center of attention and never misses an opportunity to show himself. He is attractive, knows how to dress fashionably and elegantly. His exquisite taste in dress, demeanor and eloquence always attract attention. In addition, he is ambitious, independent, energetic, passionate, has a rich imagination and a good sense of humor. Many people find it difficult to understand the Horse man. He is flighty and unpredictable. And he himself does not know what he will do the next minute. He always follows his imagination and intuition. Thanks to his temperament, intelligence, strength and inexhaustible energy, he easily achieves his goals and any career heights. As a rule, the Horse man has many fans, but not everyone will be able to tame this proud horse. However, if he falls in love for real, then these feelings will push him to the most insane feats. In the family, the Horse man is patriarchal and requires complete submission and obedience from the household.

A woman born in the year of the Pig (Boar) has a charming and pretty appearance. Nature has endowed her with a whole set of positive qualities. She is kind and kind-hearted, benevolent and touching, calm and polite, cheerful and optimistic. She professes altruism, tolerance, forgiveness and believes in the primordial virtue of every person. She is naive and always believes what she hears, so she often becomes a victim of scammers. But, in spite of everything, she looks at the world positively and always comes to the aid of those in need. The Pig Woman (Boar) is the most honest and scrupulous of all the representatives of the Eastern horoscope. She does not like quarrels and conflicts and is trying with all her might to smooth over sharp corners. In love, she is a little closed and shy. She prefers to hide her true feelings until she is sure that the chosen one reciprocates her. Appreciates the authority of her husband and never tries to challenge his opinion. We can say that the Pig (Pig) woman is the ideal wife for most men, but, nevertheless, she does not always manage to be happy in marriage.

In a romantic relationship in a pair of a man-Horse and a woman-Pig (Boar), everything is always perfect. The Horse man is attracted by the timidity and femininity of the Pig woman (Boar). He becomes a real support for her and helps to gain self-confidence. This situation is psychologically comfortable for both, and that is why friendship can develop into a marriage relationship. Both love to lead a comfortable life full of impressions and filled with various pleasures. But, the Pig woman (Boar) is set up to create a family, but the Horse man is not always interested in this. And how their relationship will develop will largely depend on specific individuals. They spend a lot of time in secular parties, and sexual relations for both seem to be a real holiday. But, as the relationship develops, over time, differences in the temperaments of partners come to the fore.

The Horse man is active and super-energetic. He is an avid traveler, and the spirit of a wanderer burns in him. New impressions and travels beckon him with incredible power. If he wants to go to new places, he does it without hesitation. He is prone to realization in external activities, and his craving for everything new makes him change jobs and hobbies. And the Pig woman (Boar) does not share the emotionality of the Horse man, she is less sociable, differs by conservatism and restraint. The Pig Woman (Boar) prefers a narrow circle of close people, rest with her family and a minimum of changes. The Horse man is selfish enough and is used to realizing all his whims, and it is not realistic to put pressure on him in order for him to settle down. The Pig Woman (Boar) will have to adapt to the agility of her husband. He gallops through life, and if she does not keep up, then he can leave her alone with his unfulfilled expectations. The Pig Woman (Boar) is a stay-at-home, she does not like change and the unknown, and from the horse-man's outbursts, his direct conversations, turning into a furious attack, she will worry and suffer. But, she is ready for any length of time to put up with such a violent partnership, nevertheless, secretly hoping that this madness will someday end, and life will enter a calmer and more familiar course.

Also, they may have difficulties in expressing feelings, since the characters are still different. It is difficult for them to give each other complete freedom. To maintain balance in a couple, both should change. It is favorable that the Pig (Boar) woman knows how to smooth out sharp corners, calm down and correctly ask a man. She can be affectionate, patient and gentle.

Responsibilities in this family are distributed especially easily and simply. The Horse man will be engaged in the embodiment of his grandiose projects, and the Pig (Boar) woman will devote herself to the farm. She does not pretend to be a leader in relationships and will surround her beloved with affection and care. It is worth noting that she will become happier in a relationship if she does not try to change the nature of the Horse man and, at least occasionally, will accompany him at social events and corporate parties. Of course, for her it will become more of a heavy duty than a pleasant pastime, but for happiness in the family, it is necessary to learn to see the positive moments in this and use them.

Horse man and Pig woman (Boar) - compatibility in love

The sexual compatibility of a man-Horse and a woman-Pig (Boar) pair is ideal. Intimacy for a Pig woman (Boar) means a lot. She gives her confidence, joy and happiness. And with the Horse man, also security. She is such a magnificent lover that the Horse man cannot resist her charms. In these relationships, it is she who brings variety and all kinds of experiments. As a result, sex between them always feels like a holiday.

Tips from "Moon Today" for a man-Horse and a woman-Pig (Boar)

The compatibility of a man-Horse and a woman-Pig (Boar) pair is difficult, but not impossible. Family harmony can be achieved through the ability to reach a compromise that will satisfy the needs of both partners.

It is necessary to know the individual characteristics of each other's characters and use them for the good. For example, a Pig woman (Boar) does not like changes. And the Horse man needs them, like air. Therefore, the woman-Pig (Boar), having taken upon herself the organization of a trip or a holiday, will carefully prepare for him, for her he will no longer be a surprise. But, having said this to the Horse man at the very last moment, she will charge him and inspire. For him, this will be an extraordinary gift that will satisfy his passion for change and will not make him go looking for adventure.

It is also important for both partners to take a course on trust, openness and learn to express their feelings and experiences in words.

Compatibility man Pig and woman Horse involves work on oneself and on relationships. At the stage of acquaintance and passion, they are good with each other. Both he and she love secular parties, a comfortable and beautiful life filled with pleasures. But after a while, differences in temperaments will come to the fore.


A Pig man in such a union will find himself in a not very comfortable position for himself, because a Horse woman will most likely want to solve many problems and take responsibility. Thus, a man of this sign should teach her to discuss all common issues for them and agree on plans. It makes no sense to cherish your complexes and watchfully wait for the decisive actions of this girl, otherwise their life together will turn into a continuous understatement, outright lies, a desire to take revenge or do something contrary to conscience and common sense.

The more frank and honest the partners are, the better. It is important that both learn to talk about their feelings instead of making claims. Horse woman should show attention and respect to her man. Without respect and submission on her part, relationships will collapse.


Horse woman is active and very energetic. She does not have time to think, she is looking for new impressions in order to be filled with joy and delight, to throw them out and move on. Often in the first place in her life is external activity in which she will realize herself. She loves travel and change of scenery. The Pig man prefers home comfort, a circle of close people and a stable relationship with his beloved to all trips. Therefore, they have different ideas about family life.

It will not work to build a relationship with a woman Horse through pressure, coercion or deception, because she does not accept artificially created relationships and, quickly realizing what it smells like, she will run away, leaving the Pig men with unfulfilled expectations. But he also needs to be understood - he does not like changes and uncertainty, and the antics of this woman, her direct conversations, sometimes turning into a furious attack, lead him to anxiety and suffering.

It is not easy for him to adapt to his temperament, so he may one day give up and let her live the way she wants. If the Horse woman and the Pig man learn to negotiate, it will be easier to establish a relationship and then there will be peace and quiet in the union. Partners will need attention and patience to bring the relationship into harmony.

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People born in the year of the Pig (Boar) are distinguished by good compatibility with almost every sign. But relationships in friendship, love and business develop in different ways. The horse is energetic; he cannot waste time on long thoughts.

In any relationship, he values ​​comfort and will not allow the slightest oppression of his interests. So the fate of the union largely depends on the wisdom and ability to keep the Pig calm. It will be extremely difficult for her to do this, but the initial difficult period of grinding in will bring truly valuable fruits - happy years of life with a loved one.

The horse creates all the conditions in everyday life for a comfortable family living, reverently treats its soul mate. But in return it requires a lot of attention, care and openness. Adherence to personal space is not encouraged between the couple. The space should be the same for spouses and their children. Therefore, the partners know almost everything about the life of their offspring and of each other.

Compatibility in love and marriage

A man is born in the year of the Horse, a woman in the year of the Pig

A couple with classical distribution of roles in the family. He creates all the conditions for a comfortable stay, is a breadwinner in the family. Leads the whole family along the way, helping friends and co-workers who need help and support.

She is the keeper of the hearth, makes the stay in the house cozy and satisfying. Order, cleanliness and daily routine are considered the norm for a couple. Household chores bring real pleasure to my wife.

And caring for a spouse and offspring is considered mandatory. The harmonious and friendly atmosphere is appreciated by all the guests, which is what the spouses are proud of. In the intimate life of a couple, idyll reigns. The dominant role in bed is often assigned to the Horse. A sensual partner accepts all the rules of her husband in order to know herself and realize her husband's fantasies.

A man is born in the year of the Pig, a woman in the year of the Horse

A couple can also add up and live a long, happy life under one roof if they put their feelings above all else. Selfishness and prejudice will interfere to a greater extent. The Horse is considered an active figure in a pair, and this is the first thing the Pig will have to get used to.

You definitely need to talk to each other and hear an opinion different from your own. If compromises are not accepted, the relationship will take a dictatorial form, leading to a breakup. A confident man will not tolerate constant harassment and listen to the new conditions that his spouse has come up with.

The couple has good compatibility, therefore, happy children are born in families where love and mutual respect live. It is they who become a powerful stimulant for spouses to work on their mistakes.

Cons of the union

Neither the Pig nor the Horse are ready to forgive betrayal. Having cooled down, they will analyze the current situation, their guilt in what happened, but it is very difficult for them to forget the offense caused.

The horse morally affects the partner, can cause terrible pain only with offensive words. It is quite difficult for a hardworking and devoted spouse to hear this, so often showdowns flare up between them.

The pig has the gift of manipulation, but uses this tool more often for the good, directing the spouse in the right direction in business and career. Sometimes, in such techniques, the manipulator flirts, and the Horse feels the leash on itself, which leads it to rabies.

The pig can often get wasted from the partner. Jealousy on his part is often absurd, which offends and humiliates the chosen one. Jealousy conflicts are quite emotional, and the most dangerous words can be heard in the hearts, which cannot be taken back. The wounded heart of the Pig will no longer be able to fully relate to the union with the Horse.

Negative qualities of the Pig: vulnerability, resentment.

Negative qualities of the Horse: egocentrism, irascibility.

Compatibility in other aspects

In bed between the Horse and the Pig, harmony and mutual understanding reigns. One of the partners is considered a generator of ideas, the other humbly accepts everything. Pleasing each other, they are charged with positive energy.

The only thing that is unacceptable for the Pig is rudeness and tough games, which sometimes get a partner. In bed, a couple experiences complete relaxation if the relationship is built on a deep feeling. Sometimes the Horse is quite selfish towards his partner, forgetting that he also needs foreplay and affection, and new proposals do not always meet expectations.

In business, the couple finds many points of contact, but they are united primarily by hard work. Both do their work for their own pleasure, and only then for the sake of material well-being.

The pig is considered a generator of new ideas and developments, and the partner is happy to correct and push them. The work environment is calm but productive. There is a distance between subordinates, familiarity is not encouraged.

The Pig will become a true friend of the Horse, will be able to appreciate his devotion, ability to come to the rescue. They know how to sit and talk heart to heart, reveal personal secrets, find a way out of a difficult situation. Personal information entrusted to a friend will never become the property of the environment.

Both know how to keep secrets. The Pig can be offended by the quick-tempered statements of the Horse, but you should not pay attention to them, because the outbreaks pass quickly.

Percentage compatibility

The union in terms of general indicators is 90% compatibility. An even greater percentage of up to 100 is assigned to love, and 80% of couples have a chance of becoming happy in marriage.

It is important which symbol is a man and a woman in the family. Couples will be able to create a happy and strong union, where he is a Horse, she is a Pig. In many ways, partners are literally born for each other, even if they have to go through a difficult life period.

Loving hearts are only hardened by difficulties. But a couple with the opposite meaning of symbolism will have a little more difficulty, because the Horse woman takes on all the responsibility and organization of the family. It is difficult for a man to give the furrows of the government into the hands of women, so there are some contradictions.

Friendly relations are also distinguished by good indicators of up to 80%. Partners will be able to find common ground and find a way out of a crisis situation.

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  • Tyranny on the part of either spouse will not save the union from collapse. A partner who has escaped from pressure will never forgive her offender. Therefore, in the methods of manipulating a spouse, one should avoid despotism and physical humiliation.
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