The famous Chinese basketball player is Yao Ming. Yao Ming and his famous meme Yao Ming comics

Yao Ming was born in 1980 in Shanghai, but his father and mother are from Suzhou, Jiangsu province. Yao Ming is the superstar of world professional basketball. He played for the Shanghai Sharks team of the Chinese Basketball Association (CBA) and the Houston Rockets team of the US National Basketball Association (NBA). Today he has already completed his sports career. Yao Ming is not only an outstanding athlete, but also one of the most influential people in China.

Yao Ming has participated in the NBA All-Star Games seven times. The American magazine "Time" included him in the list of the most influential people in the world. The General Directorate of the People's Republic of China for Physical Culture and Sports awarded the basketball player with the "Honorary Athlete" medal and a badge of honor for merits in the development of Chinese basketball. In 2009, Yao Ming bought the Shanghai Sharks Chinese club - he became its owner in order to help the club overcome serious financial difficulties and raise it from the bottom lines of the tournament table. On July 20, 2011, Yao Ming officially announced the end of his sports career. In 2013, he became a member of the CPPCC of the 12th convocation.

Yao Ming has no brothers or sisters. His height is 2.29 meters. Yao's parents are former professional basketball players. His father Yao Zhiyuan is 208 cm tall, and his mother Fang Fengti is 188 cm. At birth, the baby Yao Ming weighed 5 kg and his height was also above normal.

By the age of 10, Yao's height had reached 165 cm.At that time, doctors carried out regular medical examinations of the boy and predicted that in the future, his height would be 2.2 m.At 9 years old, being an elementary school student, Yao began to play basketball, and then entered to a sports school for teenagers.

In 2002, he was selected by the Houston Rockets, which had the first choice of players. Ahead of the first season, several well-known NBA basketball commentators like Bill Simmons and Dick Vital predicted that Yao would lose the NBA games. Commentator Charles Barkley even bet and promised that if a Chinese player scores more than 19 points in at least one match of the new season, he will kiss the butt of another commentator, Kenny Smith. In the first match with the Indiana Pacers team, Yao made two rebounds, but did not score points. However, in the next game against the Denver Nuggets, he had already started to score points. In the first seven games, Yao averaged 14 minutes on the court and averaged 4 points. But in the match against the Lakers team on November 17, 2002, Yao showed the perfect game, gaining 20 points. Buckley had to kiss the butt of a toy donkey brought by Smith (after all, the English word "ass" has two meanings: "donkey" and "ass").

Fuck that guy(Yao Ming Face, Mr. Poher, I beg you) - a character copied from the Chinese basketball player Yao Ming, who says with all his appearance: "Pfff" or "Yes, I don't give a fuck ...".


The meme with a laughing Chinese is copied from basketball player Yao Ming. The grimace, which became world famous, the athlete made during a press conference after the game in 2009.

He appeared on Reddit in July 2010 as a face. One of the users noticed that during the interview, Ming said Bitch Please, which is why the meme is sometimes called that.

Yao Ming played for the Houston Rockets as a center. At the time of his performance in the NBA, he was the tallest player in the championship, his height was 229 centimeters.

Fuck That Guy belongs to the category of face memes from the comic book series.


Fuck That Guy is a symbol of indifference. A man who doesn't give a damn about anything. People liked this face so much that they began to use it on an equal basis with other people. Also, his face is often used in photo toads.

This meme also has a twin brother - Fuck No Guy, who no longer laughs, but curves his face in disgust or horror.

You can find comics where Yao Ming is combined with some other famous face. In addition, there is a female character in the meme.


Basketball giant

Now Yao Ming is 35 years old. He was born in Shanghai to a family of athletes. Father and mother were professional basketball players in the past, and their parents were also distinguished by impressive growth. Mom - 190 cm, dad - 202.

Ming started playing basketball as a teenager, first with the Shanghai Sharks. Already at the age of 10, he outgrew the 165 cm mark, and in 2002 a real giant came to the American team "Houston Rockets" - height 2.29 m, 48th foot! By the way, only two Chinese have previously played in this tournament.

So the "Chinese Gulliver" became the tallest athlete in the NBA, which, of course, could not go unnoticed.

“We sincerely wish Yao Ming every success. His performances on basketball courts in the United States for China are of broader importance than sports. This should improve mutual understanding between our countries "- commented on the transfer of the Chinese basketball player to the professional American club of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the People's Republic of China.

We will not underestimate Yao Ming's sporting achievements, but there have been ups and downs. The giant made his debut at the 2000 Sydney Olympics. In 2006, he became the undisputed leader of the Chinese national team at the World Cup, although the country managed to reach only the 1/16 finals. But then, due to a series of injuries, he completely missed the 2009-2010 season and was unable to take part in the World Championship, which was held in Turkey in 2010.

Quite frankly, the tallest player in the championship has become popular largely due to his memorable appearance. Twice he was chosen as the standard-bearer of the PRC national team at the opening of the Olympics: in 2004 (Athens) and in 2008 (Beijing). According to the basketball player, this is how his dream came true. Although the team as a whole did not perform very well again.

But what real fame is, this Chinese man learned on the day when the phrase "Yao Mang Face" flew around the Internet.

Awesome meme

It is easy to see that Yao has a radiant smile and incredible facial expressions. This feature took an unexpected turn after the 2009 press conference.

Min responded to a colleague's remark with an extremely funny grimace, they managed to take it off, and the photo immediately appeared in the newspaper. And then off we go ... The photo turned into a drawn meme.

The original image received a record number of votes on Facebook - almost 55 thousand! The meme began to "creep" all over the Internet at an incredible speed.

Already in 2010, Yao Ming's drawn facial expression appeared in various comics, for example, how a Chinese man with a famous smile sets fire to a house in order to destroy one spider. A picture tagged "fuckthatshit" has taken up residence in MemeBase, Tumblr and FunnyJunk.

"Fuck That Guy", "Yao Ming Face", "Dumb Bitch", "the face of a nigga" - Internet users did not remain indifferent, they were delighted! The meme began to be used in virtual discussions to express calm disdain. And the phrase "Bitch Please", which Yao Ming uttered during that very interview, for many became an excellent answer to a stupid request or ridiculous statement.

How to be famous

Today Yao Ming is one of the wealthiest and most recognizable (of course!) Athletes in the Middle Kingdom. He no longer plays basketball professionally, but reports and comments on matches.

A film was made about his career in the NBA, an autobiographical book was published. Several years ago, Yao bought out the Shanghai Sharks club, where he started his career at a young age, to help him rise in the tournament rankings.

The Chinese giant is married, his wife Ye Li is also an athlete in the past, played in the women's basketball team of the People's Republic of China. The couple already have a daughter and curious observers did not miss the opportunity to calculate how tall the children of the Chinese giant would be.

It can be said without unnecessary exaggeration that Yao Ming became a genuine reason for pride in the Celestial Empire. And his meme is the epicenter of all kinds of comics and fotojobs. The "Chinese Gulliver" himself is not at all upset by this. But his face is known all over the world!

Yao Ming is a former professional basketball player, the most famous basketball player in Asia. He was born on September 12, 1980 in Shanghai. Both of his parents also played basketball professionally, so Yao Ming did not really face the problem of choosing a profession. In addition, he not only inherited the tall height from his parents, but also significantly surpassed them.

Yao Ming has been playing basketball since childhood and at the age of 16 he played for the local team "Shanghai Sharks". In the fifth year of his performances, he won the national championship with the team.

In 2002, Yao Ming moved to the NBA at the Houston Rockets, becoming the No. 1 draft pick of that year. Asian athletes did not achieve such an achievement either before or after him. Yao Ming became only the third Chinese player in the overseas league.

His great physique and hard work quickly turned the athlete into one of the best centers in the NBA. With a height of 229 cm, he became the tallest basketball player in the entire league. At the end of his debut season, despite only the 9th final place of the team, Yao Ming was recognized by the Association as the best newcomer in the league.

Every season when he was healthy, Yao Ming showed the highest level of play, but nevertheless he never achieved any significant achievements with the team. However, no one had any complaints about the Chinese legionnaire himself. He regularly appeared on the court in the NBA All-Star Game and was named among the members of the symbolic team of the season in the NBA 5 times.

Unfortunately, the basketball player has been plagued by injuries, especially in his last few seasons in the league. So, due to injury, he never went to the site in the 2009-2010 season, did not go with the Chinese national team to the World Cup. The next season, after spending only a couple of games and still suffering from the effects of injury, Yao Ming decided to end his professional performances.

In total in the NBA, he played 486 matches, gaining 9247 points (almost 20 per game), gave 769 assists, made 189 steals and 920 block shots.

In the Chinese national team, Yao Ming began to play regularly since 2000, having played at the 2000 Olympics in Sydney. At the next two Olympics, Yao Ming was honored to be the standard bearer of his national team. But in general, despite the fact that Yao Ming was regularly included in the symbolic teams of various tournaments, the Chinese team performed unsuccessfully.

In his personal life, Yao Ming followed his father's example and chose a wife from among professional basketball players. His wife Ye Li played in the Chinese basketball championship and was even called up for the PRC national team many times.

Now Yao Ming lives in China and is one of the most famous and beloved athletes in China, a film was even made about him, and his autobiography is very popular with readers. At basketball championship games, he often acts as a sports commentator. He also bought his own team, the Shanghai Sharks, during the financial crisis.

All basketball players on the site: Chris Humphries, Steve Nash, Yao Ming, Dwyane Wade,

Yao Ming In this article, I would like to talk about such a well-known meme as Yao Ming... It is used quite often, both in simple jokes and complex comics. However, before continuing, read a few more informative articles, for example, memes about the Army, funny memes about Negroes, what Flacca is, how to understand the term Fagat, etc.
For the first time this memes appeared on the American Internet, and it is called either " Fuck that guy"either" Dumb Bitch", so if you find several different captions under the pictures, then you should not be surprised. These are the real names of jokes in English. In addition, often the caption" Pfft "appears in the picture with Yao Ming, what does it mean?

Meme Yao Ming- is used to express your indifference and disregard for other people's opinions, as well as to show your interlocutors retards that you are laughing at their stupidity

Often people post such ridiculous and stupid pictures and photos that in this case, you can't do without Yao Ming's meme. For some reason, modern schoolchildren are convinced that a black-and-white picture with a laughing face is an element of someone's fantasy and has no real background, but in fact this is fundamentally wrong.

Yao Ming's meme origin story

This joke was drawn by an American well-known in narrow circles, who once watched an interview with a professional basketball player named Yao Ming, this event took place in 2009 year. It was then that the situation arose when Yao could not help laughing. It was this moment that the artist chose to capture the image of a laughing Chinese man for centuries. After that, he began to draw comics with his participation, and they really came out quite funny, many frankly lolized over them.

V 2010 year, the artist decided to show the public his talented comics, and the drawing of Yao Ming accompanied the signature " Dumb Bitch"(stupid bitch). After that, this joke gained great fame, and hit the top of the best memes of all time. If the fate of a simple meme remains popular for just a couple of months, then meme Yao Ming for several years it has been pleasing its fans and is not going to give up positions. Moreover, users of social networks began to actively force this joke, which only added to its popularity. In fact, this drawing is universal, since it can fit almost any photo, comic strip or picture. The most important thing is to accurately position the drawing, otherwise the joke itself will simply not be understandable to people.

Who is Yao Ming

Yao Ming is a professional Chinese basketball player who previously played in NBA in the "Houston Rocket" team. This person at that time had the tallest height, namely 2 meters 29 centimeters... In addition, his parents were also zealous basketball players, as a result of which this guy by the age of 10 was about 165 centimeters tall. His parents made it clear that he should continue their family business, and he actively played in the "Shanghai Sharks" team as a teenager. It was then that he realized that he would become a great basketball player.

Somehow at Yao Ming was asked if he was offended by the people who made the meme out of his photo, to which he replied that this made him even more famous. After all, earlier he was recognizable only in China, and now, thanks to this joke, the whole world knows about him.

How to write correctly or Yao Ming's meme, in fact, the second option is correct. You can just look at his last name on Wikipedia or go to any group or site where people use this joke.

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