One-handed kettlebell lifting. What muscle groups does the kettlebell develop?

The bench press is a common and popular exercise. You've probably tried it before - with dumbbells, a barbell or other equipment (from an expander to a sandbag). As the founder of kettlebell lifting Pavel Tsatsulin said in his book Enter the Kettlebell: “If you work hard on the bench press, you are unlikely to need another upper body exercise. "

Its fundamental difference from other exercises with kettlebells is the nature of the movement of the projectile. The bench press is a typical strength exercise, without jerking or sudden accelerations. I like the kettlebell version more than anyone else because it does not have a rigidly fixed trajectory. In this sense, he is "friendlier" than the same barbell for elbows and wrists. In the photographs from my new book "Kettlebells. The New Fitness" I will show you the key points to pay attention to.

Before you start pressing, think about this aspect: you should not rely on arm strength alone. This means that you need to strain your whole body, and not keep it relaxed like jelly, while your hands are trying to squeeze the weight up.

1. Perform a chest lift to take the starting position. The kettlebell rests comfortably on the forearm, the wrist does not overextend. The body weight is transferred to the heels, the back is straight. Feel the tension in your body from your heels to your chest and back.

2. As you exhale, squeeze the weight upward until your arms are fully extended. While moving, slightly unfold the brush so that the palm looks forward at the top point. Pay attention that the arm is vertical, without tilting forward or to the side. To check, trace its position relative to the ear: the biceps should be in line with it or further. And if, for example, he is in line with the cheek, it means that you did not complete the movement to the end and squeezed the weight not upward (as it should), but slightly forward.

3. Keeping tension in the body, lower the kettlebell to its original position towards the shoulder. In this phase, breathe in.

How to get stronger on the bench?

Most likely, the kettlebell bench press will be a daunting task for those with only one kettlebell. After all, the bottom of the body is stronger than the top, and what was a normal load in swing and squats will not be easy for the shoulder girdle. This is normal and not surprising at all.

There are several methods that can help you improve your bench press results. If necessary, use them as auxiliary in your workouts. What I love is that change can be felt instantly. Just a small detail in the technique changes, and the result is visible immediately. For illustration, I take photos of the famous kettlebell and crossfit trainer Jeff Marton.

Squeeze your free hand firmly or grasp a wrist expander. The extra tension in the second arm helps to strengthen the entire upper body.

    Considering the basic exercises that give the greatest benefit to CrossFit, do not forget about such a projectile as kettlebells. Unlike other shells, kettlebell lifting complexes affect not only muscle groups, but also ligaments, tendons and bones. The best option for beginners is the kettlebell jerk. How to do it correctly? What does he develop? And does a professional athlete need him?

    General information

    The kettlebell jerk is the general name for a group of basic impulse-type exercises. It is rarely used in modern fitness due to the lack of suitable equipment in most gyms. Unlike others, the push is used not as a basis, but as an auxiliary exercise that helps to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus. Another important feature is the powerful pumping of the heart. Since all complexes are multi-repetitive, it perfectly works out the heart muscle, without increasing the peak heart rate to a critical point.

    Despite its high efficiency, the push has its drawbacks:

  1. Impossibility of scaling. This is due to the fact that weights, unlike dumbbells, are always of a fixed size - 8, 16, 24, 32 kg.
  2. High risk of injury. It is associated with the impulsive nature of the load.
  3. Difficult exercise technique. Requires control not only of the hands, but also of the back.
  4. Therefore, at first, the size of the projectile is not limited by strength, but by the strength of the bones.

The benefits of pushing a kettlebell

What does kettlebell push develop? Contrary to the common misconception, this is not an isolating exercise (which is a standing dumbbell press or an army press), but a basic one. Consequently:

  1. It strengthens the ligamentous apparatus. This is due to the shifted center of gravity of the projectile.
  2. Influences the synthesis of testosterone in the body. In view of the fact that the load is divided not only into small muscle groups (triceps + deltas), but also the muscles of the legs and back are involved - the largest muscle groups in the body.
  3. Requires preheating. Like any basic exercise, it requires careful preparation, because, despite the apparent lightness, the lack of warming up is likely to lead to injury.
  4. Helps develop explosive strength. Due to the impulsive nature of the correct technique, it affects the strength of the legs and the lateral triceps bundle much more strongly than the deltas.
  5. Develops strength endurance. Due to the constant static load on the shoulder muscles and the repetitive pushing style.
  6. Helps to strengthen coordination stamina. Correct technique facilitates lifting by about 30-40%, therefore its maintenance is necessary to achieve high results, therefore, with constant training, the body begins to get used to the trajectory of the projectile.

Exercise variations

The kettlebell jerk is a general name for a different set of exercises:

  1. One-handed kettlebell push in a short cycle. Perfect for beginners, because possesses the simplest technique.
  2. Two-handed kettlebell push. A sports basic variation with a strict technique.
  3. Overhead kettlebell bench press. Not an impulse version of the classic exercise, it develops deltas better, there is no load on the legs and back.
  4. ... A combination between the classic jerk and the kettlebell press.
  5. ... Includes lifting and lowering kettlebells to the floor on each rep.

Each of these exercises has its own subtleties, is designed for athletes of different levels of training, and, most importantly, focuses on working on different muscle groups.

Exercise technique

How to do the classic kettlebell jerk, and how does it differ from the competitive one? Not only by a change in technique, but also by the muscles involved. So, during training, the emphasis is shifted to the deltas and triceps, but the correct competitive option primarily involves the legs. The jerk-style kettlebell lifting technique is quite simple, but requires utmost attention to detail. First you need to decide on the weight of the projectile. This can be determined in two main ways:

  1. Athlete's net muscle weight. Usually, the first kettlebells with a total weight should be at least a third of the athlete's weight and not more than half. Those. for a person weighing 70 kilograms, 16 and 24 kg weights are also suitable. And for an athlete weighing over 90, you can safely start working with 32 kg weights.
  2. Indicators in shvung and army bench press. The weight of the kettlebell should be 25-30% less than the working indicator. That is, if you are working in an army press with weights of about 50 kg, then kettlebells should be no more than 16 (i.e. the total weight of the shells should not exceed 35 kg).

How to jerk the kettlebell correctly so as not to injure your back and arms:

  • Pick up the shell, throwing it with a jerk on the shoulders.

Important: the projectile should lie on the shoulders, not on the chest, and not lean on the elbows from the side.

  • Prepare for the push motion. To do this, you need to slightly bend your legs.
  • Throw the kettlebell sharply upward, creating maximum impulsive movement due to the muscles of the back and legs.
  • At the top point, fix the kettlebell on a fully extended arm.
  • Lower the kettlebell, slightly cushioning it in the knee joint.

With breathing in the exercise, everything is simple: on the jerk, we exhale, we inhale between the jolts.

Precautionary measures

The jerk in a short cycle is considered a safe exercise, however, if the technique for the push of a kettlebell is violated, it is possible to easily injure the lower back. There are several points to pay attention to.

Do not take weights with a larger weight until you have been able to push in a short cycle with the current projectile at least 80 times. Why 80? All because of the inability to scale loads in small steps. The difference in the weights of the shells is half a pound (8 kg), and if you have not sufficiently prepared your body for an increase in the load, you can temporarily replace the weights with dumbbells of intermediate weights (18-20 kg, if you worked with pound weights).

The second danger is incorrect squatting technique. Very often, athletes round their backs, which creates additional stress on the spine and can lead to micro-dislocation of the lumbar spine. For the same reason, lifting the kettlebell to the starting position is carried out with an arched back.


In order to understand how to increase the number of kettlebell jerks, you need to remember that the results in any exercise are achieved by combining work with the program exercise and auxiliary exercises.

As a program for the development of strength endurance, the classic bundle is suitable:

  1. Jerk of a kettlebell in a full cycle with two hands.
  2. One-handed alternating kettlebell jerk.
  3. An attempt to lift a weight in a failure mode (the weight of the weight must be more than 1 PM).

If this does not help, you should use additional auxiliary exercises:

Most of the load is taken by the deltas, which receive a static load throughout the entire exercise. In second place are not triceps at all, but quadriceps, which help push the kettlebell out, creating an impulse push. The abdominal muscles stand separately, which stabilize the body throughout the entire exercise.

To summarize

The two-handed kettlebell jerk is a basic exercise that came to CrossFit from kettlebell lifting. It perfectly develops the whole body, without giving a separate load on the back muscles. With proper use and scaling of the load, it is possible to strengthen the ligamentous apparatus, increase the strength of the joints, and increase the strength of the lagging muscle groups, especially the deltas. You should not chase the weights in this exercise, because it is designed primarily to strengthen your ligaments and explosive performance, and a violation of the technique due to the impulsive nature can lead to serious injury.

Reading time: 23 minutes

Kettlebell is a sports equipment for strength and cardio training, made in the form of a sphere with a molded handle. Kettlebell exercises have their own characteristics and differ from those more familiar to us.

Here's a comprehensive guide to the advantages and disadvantages of kettlebell training, as well as a selection of effective kettlebell exercises to strengthen muscles and burn fat.

Kettlebell: what is efficiency for?

Kettlebell exercises are designed to train the whole body, develop functional strength, agility and endurance. Kettlebell training simultaneously gives strength and cardio load, so with the help of this equipment you can strengthen muscles, burn fat and improve body relief.

Kettlebell training develops strength, endurance, agility and balance, challenging both muscle and aerobic endurance. The birth of kettlebell lifting dates back to 1885, while the country of origin of this sports equipment is Russia. For example, in Spanish, the weight is called "pesa rusa" (literally - "Russian weight"). In English, a kettlebell is called a kettlebell because it resembles a kettle in shape.

Now kettlebell lifting has spread all over the world, but it is especially popular in the United States. Kettlebells are used by American athletes in both team and Olympic sports. Kettlebell lifting is often found in crossfit and other ultra-intense group programs. For example, Chris Hemsworth used weights in preparation for the film Thor.

Features of kettlebell lifting

Kettlebell training is equally suitable for both men and women. Exercises with kettlebells are especially often used in such areas as:

  • game sports

Do not confuse kettlebell lifting with classic strength training for muscle growth. During the kettlebell exercise, you will focus on the movement, not the muscles. Kettlebell training develops your functional strength, that is, it is more focused on to teach motor actions and to develop physical qualities: strength, endurance, flexibility, speed and coordination abilities. This sports equipment is perfect not only for training in the gym, but also for training at home.

Kettlebell exercises are generally not designed for bodybuilding and anabolic training. Kettlebell lifting helps to accelerate muscle growth and shift stagnation in strength training, but it practically does not affect muscle growth. Basic kettlebell exercises do not involve an insulating load, they are aimed at improving functional fitness and explosive strength. Therefore, weight training is more suitable for those who want to lose weight, get rid of excess fat, accelerate muscle growth, and shift the plateau in strength training.

What muscles work during kettlebell training?

During kettlebell exercises, the maximum large muscle groups are involved in the work: the back and legs. The muscles of the arms and shoulders, chest, buttocks, and the press also work. Kettlebell workouts are ideal for general fitness, basic kettlebell lifting helps to develop all major muscle groups at the same time. You can use the kettlebell in isolation exercises instead of dumbbells, but the kettlebell's true purpose is to work out the whole body.

Anyone who has worked with a kettlebell at least once could feel the peculiarity of the load during the exercises. The unusual shape of the kettlebell makes work stabilizing muscles, acting on them with a wide range of movements. For example, dumbbell and barbell exercises affect the stabilizing muscles to a much lesser extent. Weak stabilizing muscles cause poor posture as well as discomfort and pain in the neck, back and lower back. This is because the back muscles are not able to properly support the spine.

So, during training with a kettlebell, they work especially actively:

  • leg muscles (quadriceps and adductors)
  • muscles of the back of the body (back, lower back, buttocks, hamstrings)
  • core muscles (abs and stabilizer muscles)
  • muscles of the shoulder girdle

In order for kettlebell training to be effective, it is very important to learn how to evenly distribute the load between the muscles of the back and legs. Many people make a mistake during kettlebell lifting, working intensively with their backs and arms, not including the legs - the strongest muscle group. This will not only reduce the effectiveness of the exercise, but can also lead to back injury. It is the muscles of the thighs and buttocks that should give impetus to the implementation of swing and jerk movements, and not the muscles of the arms.

Are kettlebells effective for weight loss and muscle growth?

In one of the American studies on kettlebell training, an experiment was conducted in which they revealed the high energy consumption of exercises with a kettlebell. It was found that when doing exercises with a kettlebell, on average, about 20 kcal per minute or 1200 kcal per training hour is burned! The researchers explained this fact by the fact that during kettlebell training, a large number of muscles are involved, and the high pace at which kettlebell exercises are performed is also maintained.

Therefore, kettlebell training is very effective for losing weight and burning fat. If you want to reduce the percentage of fat and strengthen the muscles, then you can do kettlebell lifting 2-4 times a week for 20-45 minutes. Since kettlebell lifting already implies cardio and strength training, you do not need to add other activities to your plan.

But for muscle growth, kettlebell training is not the best option. Kettlebell exercises help develop functional fitness and explosive strength, but dumbbells and a barbell are best used for muscle growth. However, kettlebell exercises help avoid stagnation in strength training and accelerate muscle growth, so you can include kettlebell training in your plan every 7-10 days.

Benefits of kettlebell training:

  1. Kettlebell training combines cardio and strength training, which means you will train less, but more efficiently.
  2. The kettlebell allows you to work efficiently on all muscle groups without exception: shoulders, arms, chest, back, abs, buttocks, legs.
  3. Exercises with kettlebells perfectly train the heart muscle and develop endurance.
  4. This is a fairly durable and durable shell that will last you a very long time, unlike resistance bands, for example.
  5. Kettlebell workouts help build a lean, lean body with firm muscles and minimal body fat.
  6. Exercises with kettlebells involve a large number of muscles of the whole body at the same time, which means you can get in shape as quickly as possible.
  7. Kettlebell training helps to strengthen the muscle corset that stabilizes your spine.
  8. Exercises with kettlebells are aimed at developing dexterity, speed, coordination, which is why they are so popular in playing sports.
  9. Kettlebell exercises strengthen tendons and ligaments, making joints stronger and less susceptible to injury.
  10. The kettlebell helps to improve mobility and range of motion without static positions and prolonged stretching.

Disadvantages of kettlebell training:

  1. Kettlebell is not the most effective tool for working on muscle growth.
  2. High risk of injury, especially for those who are just starting to play sports.
  3. Kettlebell exercise puts stress on your back, which can lead to back problems.
  4. Quality weights made from durable materials are quite expensive.

Weight training is not recommended for those who have problems with the cardiovascular system, musculoskeletal system, trauma, or recent surgery. Before starting kettlebell training, be sure to familiarize yourself with the correct exercise technique, consult your doctor if necessary.

Top 30 kettlebell exercises

We offer you a unique selection of kettlebell exercises that will help you work all the muscles in your body, increase endurance, burn fat and improve body contour. After the exercises, there is a ready-made lesson plan that you can follow.

Read also:

14. Kettlebell forward lunge

25. Kettlebell push-up

29. Triceps kettlebell pullover

Thanks to youtube channels for gifs: shortcircuits with Marsha, Live Fit Girl, Max's Best Bootcamp, RdellaTraining, CardioHatersTraining.

Ready-made kettlebell lesson plan

We offer you a ready-made kettlebell lesson plan: for the upper body, for the lower body, for the abs and for the whole body ... If you want to work on muscle mass, then do no more than 15 repetitions with the highest possible weight. If you want to work on fat burning and body sculpting, then do 15-20 repetitions of medium weight exercises.

If you set aside one day for kettlebell classes and plan to train your whole body, then you can complete all the proposed exercises in one approach. If you train your upper and lower body separately, you can do each exercise in several sets, or repeat the exercises in succession in several circles.

Upper body kettlebell exercises:

    15-20 reps 10-15 reps (for each arm)10-15 reps (for each arm) 15-20 reps 10-20 reps (possible from the knees)
  • Triceps kettlebell pullover: 10-20 reps

Exercises with kettlebells on the press:

    10-15 reps 10-15 reps (each side)20-25 reps (each side)10-15 reps (each side) 10-15 reps 30 seconds (each side)

Lower body kettlebell exercises:

    10-20 reps 15-20 reps 10-20 reps 15-20 reps 10-15 reps

Exercises with kettlebells for the whole body:

    10-15 reps (for each arm)10-15 reps (for each arm) 10-20 reps 10-20 reps 10-15 reps (for each leg) 10-15 reps 5-7 reps

  1. Be sure to warm up before your workout and cool down after your kettlebell workout. When preparing to perform kettlebell exercises, the muscles and ligaments should be well warmed up.
  2. Choose the weight of the kettlebell based on your strength capabilities: the last repetition in the approach should be performed at maximum effort. You can start training with 4 kg (for girls) and 8 kg (for men) kettlebells, gradually increasing the weight of the projectile.
  3. If you already have sufficient training experience, then the average recommended kettlebell weight for men is 16-24 kg, for women: 8-16 kg.
  4. During the kettlebell exercise, keep your back straight, do not slouch. When squatting, pull your pelvis back to protect your lower back from injury.
  5. Try to keep your hands in a neutral position, there should be no bend in them. You can use special wrist restraints to help you support your joints.
  6. Do each exercise slowly while maintaining complete control. Do not swing the kettlebell and do the exercises quickly and at speed. The correct form of exercise is the most important thing in kettlebell training.
  7. If you are working on muscle growth, you should not do kettlebell exercises more than once a week. Kettlebell training allows you to develop endurance and explosive strength of the muscles, which will help to shift the plateau and provoke muscle growth. But for anabolic training, it is better to use dumbbells and a barbell.
  8. If you have two kettlebells available, you can exercise using both kettlebells at the same time. Note that in this case the kettlebells must be of the same size to avoid imbalances in muscle development. Examples of exercises:

How to choose weights

If earlier weights were sold in 4 kg, 16 kg, 24 kg and 32 kg weights, now you can find almost any weight of weights you want. The greater the weight of the kettlebell, the higher its cost. Depending on the material of manufacture, weights are divided into plastic, neoprene, cast iron and steel.

1. Plastic weights

Ideal for workouts at home, they do not make a lot of noise when hitting the surface, and furniture and floor will remain intact. The disadvantage of plastic weights is that their service life is shorter compared to, for example, cast iron or steel. Although if you buy plastic weights of proven brands, then they will last you a long time.

2. Cast iron weights

These weights should be chosen by those who value reliable quality. Cast iron weights have a high anti-corrosion property, they are time-tested and will serve you for a long time. But if used carelessly, cast iron weights can scratch the floor or even injure the practitioner.

3. Steel weights

The chrome-plated steel weights have a pleasant appearance and a robust construction. In addition, there are such weights with collapsible design, which is very convenient in terms of weight regulation. The price of steel weights is slightly higher.

4. Neoprene weights

The peculiarity of this type of kettlebell is its soft neoprene coating. Such weights are not so common on the market, but they are quite practical and safe. Especially suitable for beginners.

Plastic and neoprene weights are safer to use, better suited for home use and cheaper. Cast iron and steel weights generally have a longer service life and are more reliable over long periods of time.

If you are planning to purchase all-metal weights, it is better to use a shell covered with rubber or vinyl so as not to scratch the floor and not make a lot of noise. Weights are filled mainly with sand, cement and metal shavings.

Kettlebell Training Videos

Here's a selection of 15-40 minute home workouts with a kettlebell to help you strengthen your muscles and shed excess fat.

1. Workout with a whole body kettlebell (40 minutes)

2. Workout with a whole body kettlebell (30 minutes)

3. Workout with a whole body kettlebell (15 minutes)

4. Interval kettlebell workout for girls (35 minutes)

5. Interval kettlebell workout for girls (20 minutes)

Kettlebells are simple but very effective sports equipment for strengthening muscles, burning fat, increasing endurance, strengthening the cardiovascular system and musculoskeletal system. Kettlebell exercises are a great addition to your workouts, whether you're working to lose weight or build muscle.

The one-arm military kettlebell press is a basic strength exercise that develops strength and coordination, so it can be incorporated into strength training for the arms and shoulders.

Exercise rules

Starting position:

Before starting the exercise, the kettlebell is in front of you. Place the kettlebell on your chest. The elbow is pressed to the body. Make sure that your legs are straight at the knee joints. There is no squat, like in a kettlebell jerk, all the load goes to the deltoid muscles. The gaze is directed forward.

Position 1:

End position:

Place your hand on your shoulder. Make sure that the hand with the forearm is in a single line. In the lumbar region, a natural deflection is maintained.

Repeat the exercise as many times as necessary. Variations of the army bench press with weights can be the army press with a barbell or with weights standing and sitting. You can familiarize yourself with the detailed technique of performing the exercise in the following video with Ksenia Dedyukhina, the world champion in kettlebell push.

Exercise Description

The military one-arm kettlebell press is a basic strength exercise that develops strength and coordination, therefore it can be included in strength training of arms and shoulders, and this exercise is also often used in crossfit complexes. One of these complexes is shown below.

Muscles involved in the exercise

Let's take a look at the muscles involved in the exercise. The main muscles that work during the exercise are the deltoids - in this exercise, the front and middle bundles of deltas receive the greatest load. The biceps consists of two heads, differing in strength and size, so the main load is taken by the inner head, which is both larger and stronger.

The triceps are auxiliary muscles in the army press - the main load is taken by the medial bundle, the trapezium and the triceps muscle of the shoulder.

Stabilizing muscles in this exercise: leg muscles, core muscles (abs, lower back), gluteal muscles.

Features of the exercise

  • During the bench press, the body should be in tension, you should stand firmly on the floor / platform.
  • The hand should not bend or unbend during execution, it forms a single line with the forearm, so you will ensure your safety.
  • Avoid jerking, work only with the strength of the muscles of the arms and deltas.
  • Choose a kettlebell weight for your own strength indicators, it is better to take a kettlebell of less weight, but perform more repetitions than taking a heavy kettlebell and injuring your joints.

Alternative replacements to the army bench press with two hands

The kettlebell press is a basic exercise in which the deltoid muscles, as well as the muscles of the arms, receive the main load. The following are exercises that can replace the military bench press or alternate it on different training days.

The deltoid muscles are maximally involved, as well as the quadriceps and gluteal muscles. Exercise is versatile because it is aimed at developing a large number of muscle groups.

Squat Overhead Press

One-handed kettlebell push. This exercise is basic in kettlebell lifting and is similar to an army press, differs in the inclusion of leg muscles in the work. When pushing the kettlebell with our feet, we do a squat, thereby helping to push the kettlebell into the upper position.

One-handed kettlebell push

Army bench press standing. This exercise uses the same muscles as in the military kettlebell bench press, but it is simpler because it uses a projectile such as a barbell. Having an unusual and uncomfortable shape, the kettlebell complicates the exercise.

Bench press standing (army)

The perfect execution of a heavy kettlebell bench press is a puzzle that many strong people have a hard time coping with even with all their might. Here's your Steve Holiner's plan to do it right and get more overhead!

"How do I do the heavy dumbbell press?" This is one of the main questions I have been asked during my years as an instructor. And it is asked by people preparing for certification, where they will have to face a tough bench press standard. As with any kind of lift, there is a pure sense of accomplishment when you could master the perfect overhead press.

This joy can be seen in a photograph of past times, which shows strong men lifting such an uncomfortable ball of iron over their heads alone. Weights, as a rule, increase in weight by 4 or 8 kilograms. Let's say going from 32kg to 36kg or 40kg is a completely different matter than going from 23kg to 25kg.

Unfortunately, it's all too easy to get frustrated with your kettlebell bench press. Do not worry. Here are some proven ways to help you cope with your current exercise.

For this article, I am assuming you have a healthy shoulder and shoulder mobility. If you are unable to lock your arm vertically at the top of your abs, I strongly advise you to work on your shoulder and chest mobility before moving forward. This is a long haul game. Play to win.

Destroy to rebuild

When I help someone with a bench press, I begin to deconstruct that movement into its three main components, and then work on each separately. These three areas are:

Holding a heavy kettlebell safely overhead

Trajectory of movement

Throwing the weight into the working position

You can then work to improve the exercise or movement to strengthen those pressing components.

Strengthening the overhead position

If you are going to embark on a heavy bench press program to create your ideal exercise performance, it is important to maintain or improve your overall shoulder health.

Lifts are a great way to improve shoulder stability and support mobility. Heavy lifts can be the most affordable way to get used to and achieve the desired goal of the heavy overhead press. Time and practice will eliminate any fear of lifting a heavy kettlebell. On a neurological level, this allows you to release your brakes and limitations when pressing.

I would suggest doing heavy takeoff climbs once a week. Try alternating 5 reps on each side with 3 to 4 reps and your maximum kettlebell weight.

Strengthen your position while holding the weight

Setting the optimal weight hold is critical. Bad habits in this position will become a huge obstacle to your progress. Squeezing the weight forces you to find the right groove. Simply put, your weight will drop if you can't find the correct trajectory. The tension that will be generated here while holding the weight will strengthen your shoulder and improve your bench press.

The up and down press can be used as an exercise with other presses or on a separate bench day. However, it will take some amount of exercise to get stronger. Repetition patterns: 3x5, 5x5, or 5x3 on each side twice a week.

Double press

Doing kettlebell lifts in both hands will be a huge advantage for your one-handed press. Why? The simple reason is that your body will get used to a heavier weight than a single kettlebell. It's easy to forget that the kettlebell bench press isn't just about squeezing and returning it to position for the next lift. It is also a powerful movement, which in itself requires a firm swing and a lot of tension to get the weight back into position. Double lifts improve your bench technique like nothing else.


When I witnessed someone fail with a heavy kettlebell in one hand (and I have seen them many times), as a rule, they began to bend to the side with a kink immediately after throwing the kettlebell up. Just as double lifts can help correct a sloppy cast, they can help your single bench press.

How? When you press two kettlebells right away, you eliminate your ability to bend to the side. Using double casts will also help you generate tension throughout your body, which will strengthen your bench press.

Once you're comfortable with the double kettlebell bench press, try alternating kettlebell lifts, which is an amazing way to build push / deadlift strength and competence involved in the bench press. Alternating dumbbell presses will force your lats to work and fight.

For a high-quality double bench press, it is worth starting at 3x5 with the maximum weight and moving to 5x5 before switching to alternating kettlebell presses or a heavier pair of weights. I advise doing alternate bench presses in the 3-5 rep range on each side.

Leopard Reverse Walking

One exercise that was most surprising in its benefits on my bench was the leopard back walk.

After completing Tim Anderson's Intensive Walking Exercise Program, I couldn't believe how strong and stable my shoulders felt.

When you crawl backwards, your hips become your shoulders, and your legs become your arms. Everything should work together, but in particular, each shoulder becomes connected to the opposite hip (pattern X). I found that doing this exercise for a certain amount of time strengthened the weak links in my shoulder girdle, which I did not even know existed. Even simple hand-walking, as young children usually do, can offer restorative action to your shoulders, which can play a significant role in the transition to the big press.

Take up to 5 minutes of continuous reverse leopard walking and you will see your shoulders get stronger.

Ladder method for weight gain

Strengthening the various parts of your bench is part of the process, but another task is to increase some volume on one kettlebell. This is where you start putting all the other pieces together. Throwing a kettlebell, holding a handle, pressing along an ideal trajectory creates tension throughout the body.

For maximum effectiveness, use 5 reps with your maximum kettlebell weight, and also do the ladder reps:

Stage 1: 1 rep

Stage 2: 2 reps

Stage 3: 3 reps

After the third stage, start over with 1 repetition, and repeat the sequence a total of five times. Take as little rest as possible to get enough, but definitely lower the kettlebell down between each rung. This range will be 30 reps per side. When 3 reps are easy at the end, add 4 rungs of reps on the stairs. When the fourth step becomes easy, increase the weight of the kettlebell.

Try some or all of these tips and they will help you do the heavy kettlebell bench press!

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